Re: BOF Vim 8 - Suggestions

2007-01-26 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Marcus Aurelius wrote:

If the user wants to edit long lines, (s)he cannot write a quick mapping
on-the-fly, because he needs something like this:

map buffer silent up gk
imap buffer silent up C-ogk
map buffer silent down gj
imap buffer silent down C-ogj
map buffer silent home ghome
imap buffer silent home C-oghome
map buffer silent end gend
imap buffer silent end C-ogend

***May i suggest a new command (or a standard plugin that is easy to find) that
would do all of the above in one easy step?***

Optionally, the user could want this too:

setlocal linebreak
setlocal nolist  Necessary for linebreak
setlocal display+=lastline

I'm not sure if it's OK or if it's going too far :-)

The following (among others) are set once and for all in my vimrc:

set nojoinspaces
set selection=inclusive keymodel=startsel
set mousemodel=popup selectmode=mouse,key
set laststatus=2
set display=lastline
set list listchars=tab:\|_,eol:¶
silent! set listchars+=nbsp:~
 Up, Down  move up/down by screen lines
 j k   (default) move down/up by file lines
map Down  gj
imapDown  C-Ogj
map Upgk

No problem for me, and no need to change them from file to file.

Best regards,

Re: BOF Vim 8 - Suggestions

2007-01-26 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Georg Dahn wrote:


--- A.J.Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

map Down  gj
imapDown  C-Ogj
map Upgk

IMHO these mappings are a better choice:

noremap Down gj
noremap Up gk
inoremap expr Down pumvisible() ? \ltDown : \ltC-Ogj
inoremap expr Up pumvisible() ? \ltUp : \ltC-Ogk

These two are V7 only, so:

if exists(*pumvisible)
inoremap expr Down pumvisible() ? \ltDown : \ltC-Ogj
inoremap expr Up   pumvisible() ? \ltUp   : \ltC-Ogj
inoremap Down C-Ogj
inoremap Up   C-Ogk

With this the cursor keys still work with the popup menu.

In addition I define the following mappings:

noremap S-Down gj
noremap S-Up gk
inoremap S-Down C-OghC-Ogj
inoremap S-Up C-OghC-Ogk
nnoremap S-Down ghC-Ogj
nnoremap S-Up ghC-Ogk

With these mappings invoking the selection mode works more consistently with
above mappings.

No problem for me, and no need to change them from file to file.

I fully agree with this.

Best wishes,

Best regards,

Re: BOF Vim 8 - Suggestions

2007-01-26 Thread Marcus Aurelius

--- A.J.Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Georg Dahn wrote:
  --- A.J.Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 These two are V7 only, so:
 if exists(*pumvisible)
   inoremap expr Down pumvisible() ? \ltDown : \ltC-Ogj
   inoremap expr Up   pumvisible() ? \ltUp   : \ltC-Ogj
   inoremap Down C-Ogj
   inoremap Up   C-Ogk
  noremap S-Down gj
  noremap S-Up gk
  inoremap S-Down C-OghC-Ogj
  inoremap S-Up C-OghC-Ogk
  nnoremap S-Down ghC-Ogj
  nnoremap S-Up ghC-Ogk
  With these mappings invoking the selection mode works more consistently
  above mappings.

This is getting complicated... That's why i suggested a single command that
unified all of this, and would not conflict with pop-up menus or anything.

Fale com seus amigos  de graça com o novo Yahoo! Messenger 

7.0.188 - problem with directory browser?

2007-01-26 Thread Denis Perelyubskiy

in version 7.0.188 (I am on windows xp, us) nothing works when I select
'..' when browsing a directory. has anyone seen this? is this something
peculiar to my installation, a bug, or a feature?

// mailto: Denis Perelyubskiy lists at overwhelmTAKECAPITALSOUT dot net
// icq   : 12359698

Re: 7.0.188 - problem with directory browser?

2007-01-26 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Fri 26-Jan-07 10:46pm -0600, Denis Perelyubskiy wrote:

 in version 7.0.188 (I am on windows xp, us) nothing works when I select
 '..' when browsing a directory. has anyone seen this? is this something
 peculiar to my installation, a bug, or a feature?

I reported this problem to Chip on 1/9.  He responded with a
fixed version (108c) on 1/10.  It works fine here.

Do you have an older version?  You will need to go to Dr
Chip's Vim Page for the current one:

Best regards,

Re: 7.0.188 - problem with directory browser?

2007-01-26 Thread Bill McCarthy

On Sat 27-Jan-07 1:26am -0600, Bill McCarthy wrote:

 On Fri 26-Jan-07 10:46pm -0600, Denis Perelyubskiy wrote:

 in version 7.0.188 (I am on windows xp, us) nothing works when I select
 '..' when browsing a directory. has anyone seen this? is this something
 peculiar to my installation, a bug, or a feature?

 I reported this problem to Chip on 1/9.  He responded with a
 fixed version (108c) on 1/10.  It works fine here.

 Do you have an older version?  You will need to go to Dr
 Chip's Vim Page for the current one:

That site contains an older version.  I've copied Chip on
this note.  Hopefully he will update his site (unless other
problems were discovered with that fix).

Best regards,

Re: A doubt with syntax region

2007-01-26 Thread DervishD
Hi Andy :)

 * Andy Wokula [EMAIL PROTECTED] dixit:
 DervishD schrieb:
 That is, the contained item is swallowing part of the start
 match!. I thought that when the match for start was performed, the
 matched test wasn't tried for any other match, including contained
 items. Obviously, I was wrong (or I misunderstood the entire issue), and
 I don't know if, just using regions, I can have a match like this:
 example{{weird} and some mor{}e text}
 that is, that the first opening brace is not swallowed by the
 contained syntax item. As you can see, the contained item must be
 allowed to start with {.
 :h :syn-matchgroup
 | In a start or end pattern that is highlighted with matchgroup the
 | contained items of the region are not used.  This can be used to avoid
 syntax region SomeRegion matchgroup=SomeRegion start=\I\i*{ ...

I thought that you cannot use matchgroup with the same group as
the region group. That is, that the only use of matchgroup was to
have a region highlighted the region color and the separators
highlighted in a *different* color. I didn't carry a test for this!

Moreover, I considered that if you used the same group both for the
region and for matchgroup, you will end up with the entire region
highlighted with the group color: the text withing the region because
you issued a syntax region Group and the separators because you did
the matchgroup thing. So, I didn't even consider that the *inside* of
the region won't be colored at all.

This is for sure my fault, I misunderstood this because I didn't
noticed this paragraph:

In a start or end pattern that is highlighted with matchgroup the
contained items of the region are not used.  This can be used to avoid
that a contained item matches in the start or end pattern match.  When
using transparent, this does not apply to a start or end pattern
match that is highlighted with matchgroup.
Sorry for the inconvenience, I really thought I had read all the
relevant help for this issue, I'm embarrased O:

Thanks a lot, Andy, for your kind answer with the solution :)

Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Linux Registered User 88736 |
It's my PC and I'll cry if I want to... RAmen!

Maintaining patterns

2007-01-26 Thread DervishD
Hi all :)

Another weird question O:)

Let's suppose that I search frequently for a very complex pattern.
This is easy to do using a keymap, for example. But let's assume that I
also search frequently using the same pattern preceded by an arbitrary
char *AND* followed by the same char. The char varies from search to

In Perl I would store the complex pattern in some scalar, but I
don't know how to do it in VimL. Probably it can be done with let and
eval, but it won't work for syntax highlighting, AFAIC.

Moreover, if I'm writing a syntax file and have a lot of syntax
items that contains the same complex pattern preceded and followed by a
character (this is only an example), that's difficult to maintain
because each time I have to change the complex pattern I have to change
it everywhere. Please note that this cannot be fixed modifying the
pattern adding an whatever\? atom at the front and end of it, because
the whatever MUST be present at BOTH ends.

For the syntax highlighting, using contains solves the issue, but
again, this doesn't work for searches.

In the end, the problem is to be able to reuse a pattern, no matter
if in a search, substitute, syntax highlighting, etc. And not, \z(\)
is not a solution because it only works in start= in syntax regions.
Is there a way of storing a pattern and reusing it in searchs,
substitutions, syntax highlighting, etc?

Thanks a lot in advance :)

Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Linux Registered User 88736 |
It's my PC and I'll cry if I want to... RAmen!

Re: Maintaining patterns

2007-01-26 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

DervishD wrote:

Hi all :)

Another weird question O:)

Let's suppose that I search frequently for a very complex pattern.
This is easy to do using a keymap, for example. But let's assume that I
also search frequently using the same pattern preceded by an arbitrary
char *AND* followed by the same char. The char varies from search to

In Perl I would store the complex pattern in some scalar, but I
don't know how to do it in VimL. Probably it can be done with let and
eval, but it won't work for syntax highlighting, AFAIC.

In Vim you can store the pattern in a variable or in a register. At the 
keyboard, you can recall a register in Command-line or Insert/Replace modes by 
hitting Ctrl-R followed by the register name (e.g. ^R/ to recall the latest 
search pattern, ^Rw to recall register w, ^R= followed by an expression then 
Enter to evaluate that expression, etc.)

When interacting with Vim at the keyboard, you can also recall the previously 
used pattern from search history (using Up and Down after hitting / or ? ) 
and modify it on the command-line before hitting Enter (or Esc to abord) 
on the modified pattern.

Or you can use :let to set @/ (the search register) and immediately do 
searches based on the new value. For instance, to repeat the latest search but 
as a self-standing word:

:let @/ = '\' . @/ . '\'

Moreover, if I'm writing a syntax file and have a lot of syntax
items that contains the same complex pattern preceded and followed by a
character (this is only an example), that's difficult to maintain
because each time I have to change the complex pattern I have to change
it everywhere. Please note that this cannot be fixed modifying the
pattern adding an whatever\? atom at the front and end of it, because
the whatever MUST be present at BOTH ends.

Any ex-command (including the :syntax command) can be constructed as a 
string expression, argument of the :exe command. Part of it can be the 
constant part of the pattern, use the . (concatenate) operator to cancatenate 
strings (any of these can be variables). In :exe as in :echo, if there are 
more than one operands, they are concatenated with intervening spaces. Here's 
a silly example:

let s:pattern = 'azertyuiopqsdfyghjklmwxcvbn'
fun DefineSynMatch(groupname, FirstPart, LastPart)
exe 'syn match'
\ a:groupname ''
\ . a:FirstPart
\ . s:pattern
\ . a:LastPart
\ . ''

For the syntax highlighting, using contains solves the issue, but
again, this doesn't work for searches.

In the end, the problem is to be able to reuse a pattern, no matter
if in a search, substitute, syntax highlighting, etc. And not, \z(\)
is not a solution because it only works in start= in syntax regions.
Is there a way of storing a pattern and reusing it in searchs,
substitutions, syntax highlighting, etc?

Thanks a lot in advance :)

Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Best regards,

Re: Maintaining patterns

2007-01-26 Thread DervishD
Hi Tony :)

Once more, Antoine came to the rescue :)) You're great, dude :)

 * A.J.Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED] dixit:
 DervishD wrote:
 In Perl I would store the complex pattern in some scalar, but I
 don't know how to do it in VimL. Probably it can be done with let
 and eval, but it won't work for syntax highlighting, AFAIC.
 In Vim you can store the pattern in a variable or in a register. At
 the keyboard, you can recall a register in Command-line or
 Insert/Replace modes by hitting Ctrl-R followed by the register name
 (e.g. ^R/ to recall the latest search pattern, ^Rw to recall register
 w, ^R= followed by an expression then Enter to evaluate that
 expression, etc.)

Yes, I knew this, but I thought that patterns were special in the
sense that they couldn't be stored in a register (well, really I thought
that only buffer text could be stored in a register).
 When interacting with Vim at the keyboard, you can also recall the
 previously used pattern from search history (using Up and Down
 after hitting / or ? ) and modify it on the command-line before
 hitting Enter (or Esc to abord) on the modified pattern.


 Or you can use :let to set @/ (the search register) and immediately
 do searches based on the new value. For instance, to repeat the latest
 search but as a self-standing word:
   :let @/ = '\' . @/ . '\'

And I just forgot completely about the search register. My fault :(

 Moreover, if I'm writing a syntax file and have a lot of syntax
 items that contains the same complex pattern preceded and followed by
 a character (this is only an example), that's difficult to maintain
 because each time I have to change the complex pattern I have to
 change it everywhere. Please note that this cannot be fixed modifying
 the pattern adding an whatever\? atom at the front and end of it,
 because the whatever MUST be present at BOTH ends.
 Any ex-command (including the :syntax command) can be constructed as
 a string expression, argument of the :exe command.

Again, I thought that syntax could be used in eval but not with
exe. I definitely must study the VimL syntax in the structural level
as shown in :help expression-syntax and think of any ex-command as an
ex-command and not as syntax command, text manipulation commands,
etc. Being vim an editor and not a programming language, I find
sometimes difficult not to categorize its capabilities. I just tend to
forget that VimL is a real programming language.

Tony, again you've not only solved my doubt, but gave me an
important lesson about VimL. I owe you yet another one. I just hope
someday I will be able to return at least part of your kindness with me.

Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Linux Registered User 88736 |
It's my PC and I'll cry if I want to... RAmen!

Re: Maintaining patterns

2007-01-26 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

DervishD wrote:

Tony, again you've not only solved my doubt, but gave me an
important lesson about VimL. I owe you yet another one. I just hope
someday I will be able to return at least part of your kindness with me.

Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

I used to be a teacher, and I don't believe that the best teacher is the one 
who gives the most students a failing note. To me, the greatest reward for a 
teacher lies in watching his students' successes. :-)

Best regards,

Re: Regular Expression Question

2007-01-26 Thread Sean Hubbell

print(This is 1.\n);print(This is 2.);
print(This is 3.\n);

I would like the above to be formated like (which is just adding in 
the newline a print that may not have it, but only if it does not 
have it):

print(This is 1.\n);print(This is 2.);
print(This is 3.\n);

I presume you mean that second section to read

print(This is 1.\n);print(This is 2.\n);
print(This is 3.\n);

adding in that \n after 2.

On the assumption that you don't have quotation-marks escaped in your 
strings such as

print (She said \hello\ to me);

you should be able to do something like


which should catch most of the non-pathological cases.  If quotes can 
span lines, such as

print (this is a
really long string)

then you can change




I just noticed that I also need to support the following as well:

print (small string);
print (
 This is a very long string);

and I need to format it as so:

print (small string\n);
print (
 This is a very long string\n);

Ideally, I would like to do this in one command and I would also like to 
understand the regex itself. So, given the above, here is what I 
understand of the regex pattern:

% - globally

s  - substitute
/  - delimeter
print\s*(\s*   - my phrase to match including zero or more matching 
spaces at the end print, then a literal paren then zero or more spaces 
up until the quote

[^]*   - then everything that is not a quote (zero or more)
( - The beginning of the group ???
\\n  - literal \n
) - End group 
\@!  - Nothing, requires no match behind ???
 - my ending quote to match in the pattern print ()
/  - ???
\\n  - literal \n
/ - delimeter
g- each occurrence on the line

Then we have the spanning multiple lines option:

\_ [^]*


\_ -  match text over multiple lines (Is this like another regex 
engine, like the one sed uses?)

[^]*- everything but a quote (zero or more)

Does this make since? The area I am having difficulty with is / and how 
the grouping is working.

Thanks in advance,


Strange behavior when auto-indenting C++ code

2007-01-26 Thread James Kanze

I'm getting different formatting results when auto-indenting
than when I use the = command.  Basically:

In order to be sure that there isn't some side effect from some
of my other configuration stuff, I invoke vim with:
   vim -N -u NONE -U NONE

Following that, I enter the following commands:
   :set sw=4
   :set cinoptions=(0U0
   :set cindent

I then enter input mode, and enter:

   Foo::Foo( int i, double d )
   :   i( i )
   ,   d( ::func( d

What appears on the screen (and in the file) is what I want:

   Foo::Foo( int i, double d )
   :   i( i )
   ,   d( ::func( d

Now, however, I select the entire code (using V), and enter =,
to reformat the function.  I then get:

   Foo::Foo( int i, double d )
   :   i( i )
   ,   d( ::func( d

For some reason, the first line is indented, and the second
isn't.  Where as I would expect that both forms of indenting
would give the same results.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

(FWIW: I'm using vim 6.4, compiled with just about all of the
available options, on a Sun Sparc under Solaris 2.8.  I've
compiled it with the X11-Motif GUI, but the above behavior is
observable even in non-GUI mode.)

James Kanze (GABI Software) email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Conseils en informatique orientée objet/
  Beratung in objektorientierter Datenverarbeitung
9 place Sémard, 78210 St.-Cyr-l'École, France, +33 (0)1 30 23 00 34

Re: Regular Expression Question

2007-01-26 Thread Tim Chase

print (small string);
print (
  This is a very long string);

and I need to format it as so:

print (small string\n);
print (
  This is a very long string\n);

Ideally, I would like to do this in one command and I would also like to 
understand the regex itself. So, given the above, here is what I 
understand of the regex pattern:


% - globally

s  - substitute
/  - delimeter
print\s*(\s*   - my phrase to match including zero or more matching 
spaces at the end print, then a literal paren then zero or more spaces 
up until the quote

[^]*   - then everything that is not a quote (zero or more)

Doing well up through here...

( - The beginning of the group ???
\\n  - literal \n
) - End group 
\@!  - Nothing, requires no match behind ???

You've got the understanding right (though those parens are \( 
and \) with backslashes).  Those four lines in concert assert 
that a literal \n doesn't come before the current point. 
Without the grouping, it would only assure that the previous atom 
(in this case, the n) didn't appear here, so you'd have 
problems with things like

print(terminal n)

because it sees the terminal n so it doesn't do the 
substitution.  By grouping them, you assert and when you get to 
this point [before the closing quote] and there isn't a literal 
backslash-en here, then we match

In here, you're missing the \ze which means when doing the 
replacement, treat it as though the thing we're substituting 
ended here, even though there's more stuff we're looking for 
(namely, the double-quote that's next)

 - my ending quote to match in the pattern print ()


/  - ???

This is standard substitution...the slash is the break between 
the search and its replacement.  The ampersand is the whole 
previous match.  In this case, it's slightly tweaked because of 
the \ze that we used...the thing we replace goes up through 
(but not including) the second double-quote.  So it drops in 
everything from print through the end of the internal string 

\\n  - literal \n

correct...appending the literal \n you want.

/ - delimeter
g- each occurrence on the line

Then we have the spanning multiple lines option:

\_ [^]*




\_ [

\_ -  match text over multiple lines (Is this like another regex 
engine, like the one sed uses?)

It's a vim thing:

:help /\_

should drop you in the fray.  It prefixes (infixes?)a number of 
atoms that could include whitespace, so for your change, you'd 
likely want to do something like change the \s atoms to \_s to 
include newlines.

Does this make since? The area I am having difficulty with is / and how 
the grouping is working.

Hopefully this sheds some light on matters and helps you tweak 
your own regexps in the future.  If you have any questions, feel 
free to ask.


Re: Regular Expression Question

2007-01-26 Thread Sean Hubbell

Tim Chase wrote:

print (small string);
print (
  This is a very long string);

and I need to format it as so:

print (small string\n);
print (
  This is a very long string\n);

Ideally, I would like to do this in one command and I would also like 
to understand the regex itself. So, given the above, here is what I 
understand of the regex pattern:

% - globally
s  - substitute
/  - delimeter
print\s*(\s*   - my phrase to match including zero or more matching 
spaces at the end print, then a literal paren then zero or more 
spaces up until the quote

[^]*   - then everything that is not a quote (zero or more)

Doing well up through here...

( - The beginning of the group ???
\\n  - literal \n
) - End group 
\@!  - Nothing, requires no match behind ???

You've got the understanding right (though those parens are \( and 
\) with backslashes).  Those four lines in concert assert that a 
literal \n doesn't come before the current point. Without the 
grouping, it would only assure that the previous atom (in this case, 
the n) didn't appear here, so you'd have problems with things like

print(terminal n)

because it sees the terminal n so it doesn't do the substitution.  
By grouping them, you assert and when you get to this point [before 
the closing quote] and there isn't a literal backslash-en here, then 
we match

In here, you're missing the \ze which means when doing the 
replacement, treat it as though the thing we're substituting ended 
here, even though there's more stuff we're looking for (namely, the 
double-quote that's next)

 - my ending quote to match in the pattern print ()


/  - ???

This is standard substitution...the slash is the break between the 
search and its replacement.  The ampersand is the whole previous 
match.  In this case, it's slightly tweaked because of the \ze that 
we used...the thing we replace goes up through (but not including) the 
second double-quote.  So it drops in everything from print through 
the end of the internal string (sans-closing-quote)

\\n  - literal \n

correct...appending the literal \n you want.

/ - delimeter
g- each occurrence on the line

Then we have the spanning multiple lines option:

\_ [^]*




\_ [

\_ -  match text over multiple lines (Is this like another 
regex engine, like the one sed uses?)

It's a vim thing:

:help /\_

should drop you in the fray.  It prefixes (infixes?)a number of atoms 
that could include whitespace, so for your change, you'd likely want 
to do something like change the \s atoms to \_s to include newlines.

Does this make since? The area I am having difficulty with is / and 
how the grouping is working.

Hopefully this sheds some light on matters and helps you tweak your 
own regexps in the future.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


Yes, this helps greatly. Thanks again Tim.


Trying to compile Vim under SUSE 10.1

2007-01-26 Thread Jeff Lanzarotta

I am getting the following error when I try to compile under SUSE 10.1:


make: *** No rule to make target `../runtime/vim32x32.xpm', needed by
`objects/gui_x11.o'.  Stop.


Any idea?




RE: Regular Expression Question

2007-01-26 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
I hope you don't mind a non-vim solution, but I used to run into this
problem all the time when I wanted to match tabbing for debugging/status
messages that would come to the screen.  I just got so sick and tired of
hopping through the code to add a tab here, remove a tab there, etc.,
that I'd just bunch together all the string constants in one place, at
the top.  Eg:

const char
*msg_help[] = {
usage:  %s [-options] [infile [outfile]]\n,
\t\t-l\tlong (detailed) output\n,
(const char *)0

const char
dbg_rdferr[] = %s:  cannot open \%s\ for reading\n,
dbg_wrferr[] = %s:  cannot open \%s\ for writing\n,

and have everything even visually aligned in one place.  Would also let
me reuse the same strings as needed (eg, %d as an input to sscanf(),
%02X as a 2-digit output to fprintf(), etc.) without having to wonder
if I mistyped something that would only break when some rarely-used
piece of code would run.

Then, once all your strings are in a row, just look for


and every string with the necessary newline at the end should be
highlighted.  Any string that's *not* highlighted (ie, would be missing
the trailing newline) would, umm, would *not*, stand out.

Granted, that's not a vimmy solution to your problem, but it's a little
habit I got myself into, and for me at least, it made life a little

Any help?

Re: Regular Expression Question

2007-01-26 Thread Sean Hubbell

Gene Kwiecinski wrote:

I hope you don't mind a non-vim solution, but I used to run into this
problem all the time when I wanted to match tabbing for debugging/status
messages that would come to the screen.  I just got so sick and tired of
hopping through the code to add a tab here, remove a tab there, etc.,
that I'd just bunch together all the string constants in one place, at
the top.  Eg:

const char
*msg_help[] = {
usage:  %s [-options] [infile [outfile]]\n,
\t\t-l\tlong (detailed) output\n,
(const char *)0

const char
dbg_rdferr[] = %s:  cannot open \%s\ for reading\n,
dbg_wrferr[] = %s:  cannot open \%s\ for writing\n,

and have everything even visually aligned in one place.  Would also let
me reuse the same strings as needed (eg, %d as an input to sscanf(),
%02X as a 2-digit output to fprintf(), etc.) without having to wonder
if I mistyped something that would only break when some rarely-used
piece of code would run.

Then, once all your strings are in a row, just look for


and every string with the necessary newline at the end should be
highlighted.  Any string that's *not* highlighted (ie, would be missing
the trailing newline) would, umm, would *not*, stand out.

Granted, that's not a vimmy solution to your problem, but it's a little
habit I got myself into, and for me at least, it made life a little

Any help?


Yes, I'l try it.



Re: Maintaining patterns

2007-01-26 Thread DervishD
Hi Tony :)

 * A.J.Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED] dixit:
 DervishD wrote:
 Tony, again you've not only solved my doubt, but gave me an
 important lesson about VimL. I owe you yet another one. I just hope
 someday I will be able to return at least part of your kindness with me.
 I used to be a teacher, and I don't believe that the best teacher is the 
 one who gives the most students a failing note. To me, the greatest reward 
 for a teacher lies in watching his students' successes. :-)

I think exactly the same :) In fact, the thing I regret the most
regarding vim is that I'm not proficient enough in VimL to help people
in the list, and since vim is an editor and not a programming language,
and so it has commands to deal with text etc. ,learning VimL won't be as
easy as learning the other languages I already know. It took a month to
really master Perl, studying and practicing intensively, which, in
hours, was much more than the time I took to master C, for example. VimL
will take much longer, I'm afraid, but I'll try my best to do it, in
return for all the help I'm receiving from you and the other people in
the list (Tim Chase comes to mind, but I won't give more names because
I'm going to forget someone).

Again, thanks a lot :)

Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Linux Registered User 88736 |
It's my PC and I'll cry if I want to... RAmen!

:g/regex/m0 possible move to buffer

2007-01-26 Thread Kev
I frequently use the :g command with m0 or m$  to move the matching text 
to the beginning or end of the current buffer.

How can I move the matching lines to a new buffer/tab?


Re: :g/regex/m0 possible move to buffer

2007-01-26 Thread Tim Chase
I frequently use the :g command with m0 or m$  to move the matching text 
to the beginning or end of the current buffer.

How can I move the matching lines to a new buffer/tab?

I don't know of a one-pass way to do this easily, but you can 
either of the following which I've used in the past to do this:

1) do the above, and then delete the gathered lines and paste 
them elsewhere or


:let @a='' | g/pattern/d A

go to the other buffer/tab/window and


to dump the contents that have been deleted to the a register.

I don't know if it would choke vim to do something like

:g/regex/d| wincmd p | put | wincmd p

(which might need to have the wincmd p changed to

exec wincmd p

if there are problems with the pipe)

Just a few ideas.


gvim and Unicode

2007-01-26 Thread Jon Noring

I've been a long-time user of vi editors on Windows (lemmy and an older
version of vim) and now am looking for a vi editor for Windows that supports
the Unicode encodings (such as UTF-8, UTF-16, etc.)

So I installed the latest gvim, version 7, but am disappointed that on my
system at least (Windows XP), it doesn't recognize UTF-8 documents, so
characters outside of the ASCII range are not being rendered properly (it
appears gvim assumes the documents are ISO-8859 encoded.) In addition, in
the documentation and menus, I see nothing mentioned about Unicode, UTF-8
encoding, etc.

So what's going on? I was under the impression that in gvim I'd have a UTF-8
capable editor.


Jon Noring 
View this message in context:
Sent from the Vim - General mailing list archive at

RE: Returning perl hashes

2007-01-26 Thread Suresh Govindachar
   David.Fishburn asked 
   Vim 7
   WinXP SP2
   Is it possible to return a Perl hash as a Vim List or
  I can say that Vim's support for scripting in perl is such that
  whatever you are trying to do can be done.  However, ...
   I am pretty new to Perl but need it's features for my extension.

  I have no clue what you mean by:

   I need to return rows and columns of data which is perfect for a
   Vim List or Dictionary.
  So if you want to see an indication of how it can be done,
  please indicate how you want some simple hash such as {a=1, b=2,
  c=3} to end up inside vim script.


Re: gvim and Unicode

2007-01-26 Thread Mikolaj Machowski
On sobota 27 styczeń 2007, wrote:
 (it appears gvim assumes the documents are ISO-8859 encoded.) In
 addition, in the documentation and menus, I see nothing mentioned about
 Unicode, UTF-8 encoding, etc.

:help utf-8
:help unicode


Re: gvim and Unicode

2007-01-26 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Jon Noring wrote:

I've been a long-time user of vi editors on Windows (lemmy and an older
version of vim) and now am looking for a vi editor for Windows that supports
the Unicode encodings (such as UTF-8, UTF-16, etc.)

So I installed the latest gvim, version 7, but am disappointed that on my
system at least (Windows XP), it doesn't recognize UTF-8 documents, so
characters outside of the ASCII range are not being rendered properly (it
appears gvim assumes the documents are ISO-8859 encoded.) In addition, in
the documentation and menus, I see nothing mentioned about Unicode, UTF-8
encoding, etc.

So what's going on? I was under the impression that in gvim I'd have a UTF-8
capable editor.


Jon Noring 

gvim does support Unicode, but it may be easier or harder depending on your OS 
and its settings. The easiest is of course if you start gvim in a Unicode 
locale, or, on Unix, if you run a version compiled for the GTK2 toolkit (which 
uses Unicode by default). Here is a code snippet which you can paste into your 
vimrc to enable support for Unicode in all versions which have Unicode support 

if has(multi_byte) if not, we need to recompile
  if enc !~? '^u'   if the locale 'encoding' starts with u or U
 then Unicode is already set
if tenc == ''
  let tenc = enc   save the keyboard charset
set enc=utf-8to support Unicode fully, we need to be able
 to represent all Unicode codepoints in memory
  set fencs=ucs-bom,utf-8,latin1
  setg bomb  default for new Unicode files
  setg fenc=latin1   default for files created from scratch
  echomsg 'Warning: Multibyte support is not compiled-in.'

You must also set a 'guifont' which includes the glyphs you will need, but 
most fonts don't cover the whole range of assigned Unicode codepoints from 
U+ (well, U+0020 since 0-1F are not printable) to U+10 (well, 
U+10FFFD since anything ending in FFFE or  is invalid). If you are like 
me, you will have to set different fonts at different times depending on what 
languages you're editing at any particular moment. Courier New has (in my 
experience) a wide coverage for alphabetic languages (Latin, Greek, 
Cyrillic, Hebrew, Arabic); for Far Eastern scripts you will need some other 
font such as FZ FangSong or MingLiU.

With the above settings, Unicode files will be recognised when possible:
- Any file starting with a BOM will be properly recognised as the appropriate 
Unicode encoding (out of, IIUC, UTF-8, UTF-16be, UTF-16le, UTF-32be and UTF-32le).
- Files with no BOM will still be recognised as UTF-8 if they include nothing 
that is invalid in UTF-8.

- Fallback is to Latin1.
- The above means that 7-bit US-ASCII will be diagnosed as UTF-8; this is not 
a problem as long as you don't add to them any characters with the high bit 
set, since the codepoints U+ to U+007F have both the same meaning and the 
same representation in ASCII and UTF-8. The first time you add a character 
above 0x7F to such a file, you will have to save it with, for instance,

:setlocal fenc=latin1

if you want it to be encoded in Latin1. From then on, the file (containing one 
or more bytes with high bit set in combinations invalid in UTF-8) will be 
recognised as Latin1 by the 'fileencodings' heuristics set above.
- It also means that for non-UTF-8 Unicode files with no BOM, or in general 
for anything not autodetected (such as 8-bit files other than Latin1), you 
will have to specify the encoding yourself (e.g. :e ++enc=utf-16le 

Also with the above settings, new files will be created in Latin1. To create a 
new file in UTF-8, use for instance

:setlocal fenc=utf-8

:help Unicode
:help 'encoding'
:help 'termencoding'
:help 'fileencodings'
:help 'fileencoding'
:help 'bomb'
:help ++opt


viminfo - bad craziness

2007-01-26 Thread J
On Slackware with vim 7.0.109 and a test config that results in 'verbose
set viminfo?' putting out

Last set from /usr/share/vim/vimrc

my .viminfo file is not limited to 20 command line entries.

On W2K with vim 7.0 and a developing config I get the reverse: no
explicit setting of :100 in 'viminfo' (or a thousand desperately
attempted variants) works and no combo of history and viminfo works
unless history is set and comes *after* 'viminfo'. Then, finally,
mercifully, I get a decent sized command history.

Incidental questions are why the defaults are so ridiculously low and
why the syntax is so sadistic, but that's trivial - point is, something
seems broke.

What I get for playing around with an old Windows box. I never noticed
anything amiss in Slack because it just happened to do what I wanted.
There, I happen to have

set viminfo='100,50,s10,h,n~/.vim/viminfo
set history=100

on successive lines in my ~/.vimrc.

Anyway - probably missing something obvious. But I re-read the help a
few times and only saw one patch regarding viminfo (and it wasn't this
issue) and don't recall it coming up on the list, so thought I'd mention

Re: Perl debugger

2007-01-26 Thread Marc Bernstein

I thought I could confiure vim so that the perl plugin works such that
I can run perl -wc from the plugin menu and have vim show the code
with errors for example.

Or rather simply run the perl script in the debugger where presumably
vim acts as a window into perl executon and stepping through the code.

On 1/26/07, Suresh Govindachar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Marc Bernstein asked:

   Please send some pointers about how to point vim to one of my
   perl installations (activeperl and cygwin ).

  What does the preceding mean?  What are you trying to do?

   Any vimrc setup required (or viminfo)?


Re: viminfo - bad craziness

2007-01-26 Thread J
On 2007-01-26 (Fri) 19:39:21 [-0500], J wrote:
 On Slackware with vim 7.0.109 and a test config that results in 'verbose
 set viminfo?' putting out
   Last set from /usr/share/vim/vimrc
 my .viminfo file is not limited to 20 command line entries.

Disregard this garbage - talking about history and yet forgot to also
check the value of history in a default config - here, history is set to
50 in the global vimrc, so that's where that's coming from. Point is,
Windows is borked.

Re: gvim and Unicode

2007-01-26 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Fri 26-Jan-07 4:17pm -0600, Jon Noring wrote:

 In addition, in the documentation and menus, I see nothing
 mentioned about Unicode, UTF-8 encoding, etc.

Hmm, if I simply type (in 7.0.188):

:helpg \utf\|unicode\c

I get 407 hits.  You can move from one to the next with :cn
or view them all in a quickfix window with :cw.

Best regards,

Re: Perl debugger

2007-01-26 Thread Roy Fulbright
An easier way to step through Perl code during execution is the Perl TK 
debugger. Run your Perl program as follows: perl -d:ptkdb

From: Marc Bernstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Suresh Govindachar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Perl debugger
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 16:37:26 -0800

I thought I could confiure vim so that the perl plugin works such that
I can run perl -wc from the plugin menu and have vim show the code
with errors for example.

Or rather simply run the perl script in the debugger where presumably
vim acts as a window into perl executon and stepping through the code.

On 1/26/07, Suresh Govindachar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Marc Bernstein asked:

   Please send some pointers about how to point vim to one of my
   perl installations (activeperl and cygwin ).

  What does the preceding mean?  What are you trying to do?

   Any vimrc setup required (or viminfo)?


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