Re: [Vo]:ZPE-Casimir Inertial Drive UPDATE

2009-08-10 Thread Horace Heffner
Even at the fairly large element sizes chosen for performance  
estimating, this prospective performance is startling, though the  
example scale is too large to be maximallly effective.  Using nano- 
technology the performance could be improved by orders of magnitude.   
For example, Casimir cavities of width less than 1/10 micron, 100  
nanometers, would be necessary to achieve significant inertial mass  
reduction.  This can be achieved by making smaller beams, but also by  
extending into parallel slits of width less than 100 nm, rows of   
planar protrusions from the beam, protrusions which are of less than  
100 nm width extended from beams which are on the  order of a micron  
wide.  When this is done only a percentage of the pendulum mass is  
involved in actual inertial mass reduction, but, given the cubic  
power distribution of the zero point field, the effect should grow by  
at least the inverse square of the slit widths.  The limits to  
advancement of technology of this kind are probably features on the  
order of 10-20 nm.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:OT: The Abduction Rejectee Paradigm

2009-08-10 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 10:02 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent wrote:

 Whitley Strieber has always described his encounters as encounters with
 visitors. I think it is an apt description. We don't really know who the
 visitors are, or where they come from. In my own opinion, (an opinion I
 fully admit has not been proven) what we do not know or really understand
 yet, is in what context the reality of Whitley's encounters are being
 played out in.

As you surely recall in his books, Strieber describes one particular
visitor that I find quite frightening.  It is the cloaked dwarfs
that make me think of medieval trolls.  Their hooded garments sound
like a monk's clothes.


Re: [Vo]:ZPE-Casimir Inertial Drive UPDATE

2009-08-10 Thread Horace Heffner
The density of silicon is 2.33 g/cm^3, or 2.33 metric tons per cubic  
meter. A thrust of 8.3 metric tons per cubic meter then readily  
permits building a craft capable of sustained acceleration above 1 g,  
or 9.8 m/s^2.  Even without doppler shifting of the zero point field,  
this will result in exceeding light speed in c/g = 3x10^7 seconds,  
or  about 355 days, one year.  However, the zero point field will  
likely be blue shifted, thus increasing its energy density and thus  
the thruster performance.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

[Vo]:ZPE-Casimir Inertial Drive

2009-08-10 Thread Horace Heffner


ZPE-Casimir Inertial Drive

Horace HeffnerJuly 2003

There has long been a search for a self contained infinite ISP  
inertial space drive.  Such a drive is possible if inertia is indeed  
a zero point energy (ZPE), i.e. zero point field (ZPF) caused effect,  
as proposed by authors like Hal Puthoff.  I suggest that if the zero  
point field can be excluded in part from a cavity, then inertia of  
free-moving bodies in that cavity should be reduced.  The Casimir  
effect is produced by placing conductive surfaces close enough to  
exclude some of the longer of wavelengths of the ZPF, which is  
comprised of very short wavelengths.  Plate separations greater than  
atomic dimensions do produce measurable Casimir attraction between  
conductive plates.

If the assumed principles are true, then an inertial drive can be  
made by directing a jet in to a Casimir cavity that is bounded such  
that the jet direction is fluidly reversed.  A semicircular cavity  
shape should work nicely, using an inert gas, like helium or argon,  
as the propellant. Such cavities could be cut or etched into  
sandwiched layers of ultrathin dielectrics separating structurally  
strong metal layers.  Alternately, they might be machined by electron  

Fig 1. shows a cross section of a single ZPE thrust cell.  An array  
of roughly semicircular groves of width roughly on the order of to  
10^-6 meter are cut into a metallic surface.  These are represented  
in Fig. 1 as the Thin Cavity.  A matched array of thick groves is  
cut into a strong low density faceplate that is placed over the array  
of thin cavities such that a continuous gas path is formed from one  
side of the plate to the other in each row cells, and the entire gas  
flow (for a given row) is directed through the thin cavity of each  
cell in that given row.   The edge lateral walls of the thick  
cavities, noted as the Cross Cavity Flow Barrier in Fig. 1, are  
positioned so as to force the gas flow through the thin cavities.   
The two plates make a 2 dimensional array of thrust cells fed by gas  
at high pressure from the edges.  The plates can be stacked to create  
a 3 dimensional array of thrust cells.  The plates need to be made as  
light as possible, but the surface of the thin cell need to be  
conductive in order to exclude ZPF radiation of some frequencies from  
the cell.

The thrust cell widths might be on the order of 10^-5 m, and a layer  
of cells on the order of 10^-4 m.  This gives a cell density of about  
10^5 x 10^5 x 10^4 cells/meter^3 = 10^14 cells/m^3.  The cavity depth  
might be about 10^-5 meter.

On each transition from thick cavity to thin cavity, the gas flow  
transfers momentum to the walls due to the angular acceleration.  The  
gas snakes through the thrust cells.  The momentum transferred in  
the thin cavities is upward in Fig. 1.  The momentum transferred in  
the thick cavities is downward in Fig. 1. Since the same gas flows  
through all cavities in a row, the mass flow for the cells is  
identical.  If there is no change of inertial mass in the thin  
cavities, then no net thrust results.  However, if the inertial mass  
of the gas molecules/atoms is less in the thin cavities, then less  
momentum is transferred toward the top of Fig. 1 by the gas when in  
the thin cavities, and a net thrust develops downward in Fig. 1.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   | --   ...  
Repeated -

   |/  \
   |   / Thin Cavity\
   |  /  \
   | /----  \
   ||  |   |
   ||  -- v   | Thrust
   ||   --   \|   |
   --^ \   --  |
/   v  v
 Gas --   /  ^   |  |  --
  |   |  Cross-  |
  |  Cavity  |
 Thick Cavity |  Flow|  Thick Cavity
  |  Barrier |
  |  |   --
 Gas --  |  |   --
  |  |
Repeated --


  Entire Thrust Cell Layer Repeated
v   Thrust cell layers can be

Re: [Vo]:ZPE-Casimir Inertial Drive UPDATE

2009-08-10 Thread Horace Heffner
A thruster can be used to drive the armature of a generator.  Suppose  
a thruster can only withstand 10 g's, or about 9 m/s^2  
acceleration.   Given velocity v,  and radius r, we have acceleration a:

   a = v^2/r


   v = (a * r)^0.5

and power  P is given by:

   P = f * distance/time = f * v = f * (a * r)^0.5

For a specific thruster we have f and a as given, so power is limited  
only by the length of the radius at which the power is applied.  If  
we have an arm radius of 10 m, and f = 8000 kgf, and a = 10 g, we have:

   P = (8000 kgf) * ((10 g) * (10 m))^-2 = 2.46 MW

With 10 arms per level, and 10 levels per armature that is 246 MW per  
armature. If thrust can be bumped up to 80,000 kgf per thruster, then  
the power output per armature is bumped up to 2.46 GW.   
Alternatively, the g force and radius can be made larger. A  
significant unknown here is the power required to drive the pendula,  
but given they are driven in mechanical resonance, the power  
requirement should be small.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner


2009-08-10 Thread Harbach Jak

PROBLEM: ?How do you measure the SUPER Speed-Dense TACHYON CARRIER WAVE of the 
infinity of ALL WAVE LENGTHS is the vast spectrum array of the SUPER COSMOS?
?HOW DO WE 'MEASURE' the 'wave-length' of a DarkEnergy SUPER WAVE that 
propagates at a rate EXPONENTIALLY FASTER than the Speed of Light?
EVERY OTHER POSSIBLE lesser-speed-dense 'wave-length' that can or every will 
THIS TACHYON speed-density DarkEnergy WAVE SHEET thusly is ubiquitously 
infinite and moves SO-FAR/SO-FAST that its VERY WAVE CREST TO WAVE CREST spans 
'distances' VIRTUALLY INFINITE relative to our ability NOT to be able to 
measure; and barely even 'guestimate.'
itself whose SUPER-SPEED-DENSE-WAVE-LENGTH we percieve on our devices as a MERE 
UNI-SHEET OF BACK-GROUND NOISE.  And thusly to-date/so far been missing the 
Since this DarkEnergy TACHYON SUPER SPACE MEDIUM is the source and sustaining 
CARRIER-WAVE MEDIUM of the virtually infinite-in-number  champagne LOW 
WAVE-LENGTH SPEED-DENSITY bubble-universes such as our own;  IF in an 
'imaginary scenario' the DARK-ENERGY TACHYON-SUPER-CARRIER-WAVE Super M-Brane 
evaporate.  But so much for Sci-Fi.
TACHYONS in 'fiction' as meandering herds of 'PARTICLES' is a NON-STARTER.
But  within our discoveries of  ubiqui tous DARK-ENERGY as the TACHYON 
SPEED-DENSITY SUPER M-BRANE CARRIER WAVE; such will will provide the answers we 
have long sought to such as ZPEnergy  the technologies of the future we as 
humanity SO LONG FOR. . . .  Jack Harbach O'Sullivan

Get your vacation photos on your phone!

[Vo]:Shocking !

2009-08-10 Thread Jones Beene
Forget getting Zapped by EEStor, etc. This one is more shocking in a number
of ways -

yes - it is a hybrid BUT it does NOT use advanced batteries. Instead it uses
hydraulics for energy storage. And it is a double hybrid since the small
diesel is to be fueled by biodiesel. Carbon neutral.

And especially notable, it excels in energy-recovery from braking - where
even the Prius and every other hybrid is weak- like 30% or so. This gets
back almost triple that. Also the mileage is double the Prius, and the
carbon footprint is lower than any PHEV (without the shenanigans of battery
packs that require lots of carbon to recharge,  on average due to battery
and line losses). Shocking indeed - they don't call it 'lightning' for
nutin' ;-)

Also, here is the aesthetic flash - its beauty, low drag, light weight and
drivetrain logic almost strike one down, so to speak, once you get over the
novelty of the different approach they are taking. How could Detroit have
missed this? That was rhetorical. Detroit misses everything, almost. But how
could California have missed it? Forget the Tesla with its sticker shock -
this one has both beauty and brains without the big-bucks. . saving $30,000
on the lack of a battery pack alone.

.  nearly 100 mpg is available without batteries - making one  wonder if all
the emphasis by DoE on battery hybrids is not totally misplaced.

Re: [Vo]:Shocking !

2009-08-10 Thread Ron Wormus
These guys have had a lot of press in the northern CO area. The CEO used to run a local robot 
company that he sold.


--On Monday, August 10, 2009 2:39 PM -0700 Jones Beene 

Forget getting Zapped by EEStor, etc. This one is more shocking in a number of 
ways –

yes - it is a hybrid BUT it does NOT use advanced batteries. Instead it uses 
hydraulics for
energy storage. And it is a double hybrid since the small diesel is to be 
fueled by biodiesel.
Carbon neutral.

And especially notable, it excels in energy-recovery from braking - where even 
the Prius and
every other hybrid is weak- like 30% or so. This gets back almost triple that. 
Also the mileage
is double the Prius, and the carbon footprint is lower than any PHEV (without 
the shenanigans of
battery packs that require lots of carbon to recharge,  on average due to 
battery and line
losses). Shocking indeed - they don't call it 'lightning' for nutin' ;-)

Also, here is the aesthetic flash - its beauty, low drag, light weight and 
drivetrain logic
almost strike one down, so to speak, once you get over the novelty of the 
different approach they
are taking. How could Detroit have missed this? That was rhetorical. Detroit 
misses everything,
almost. But how could California have missed it? Forget the Tesla with its 
sticker shock - this
one has both beauty and brains without the big-bucks. … saving $30,000 on the 
lack of a battery
pack alone.

…  nearly 100 mpg is available without batteries - making one  wonder if all 
the emphasis by
DoE on battery hybrids is not totally misplaced.

Re: [Vo]:

2009-08-10 Thread mixent
In reply to  Horace Heffner's message of Sun, 9 Aug 2009 21:00:22 -0800:
Hi Horace,
The following update has been appended to:

If the assumption is made that all mass is due to the ZPE, then the change in
mass can be calculated as the change in energy density in the cavity. This
should follow directly from the dimensions of the cavity, and the excluded

I think Hal already did this calculation in one of his papers, though I'm afraid
I have no reference.

There may however be another problem. The whole theory is based upon the
exclusion of the ZPE in small cavities. However I suspect that this assumes that
the walls of the cavity contain enough matter to effectively shield the cavity.
If many minute cavities are placed close together, then this may no longer be


Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:Shocking !

2009-08-10 Thread mixent
In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Mon, 10 Aug 2009 14:39:36 -0700:
Forget getting Zapped by EEStor, etc. This one is more shocking in a number
of ways -

.  nearly 100 mpg is available without batteries - making one  wonder if all
the emphasis by DoE on battery hybrids is not totally misplaced.

While a 100 mpg is not to be sneezed at, don't forget that in some cases a PHEV
will not use any gas at all.


Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:Shocking !

2009-08-10 Thread Terry Blanton
I have seen a few of these running around Atlanta, home of UPS:


On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 4:39 PM, Jones wrote:

 yes - it is a hybrid BUT it does NOT use advanced batteries.

RE: [Vo]:Shocking !

2009-08-10 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-

 While a 100 mpg is not to be sneezed at, don't forget that in some cases a
will not use any gas at all.

Well that is what I meant by shenanigans ... it is not credible to suggest
that the PHEV is a good alternative to biodiesel - when the dirty coal plant
that recharges the batteries is belching toxic pollutants out, megatons per
year with line losses and battery losses and core losses and transformer
losses and everything else... 

 and that small diesel, in contrast, is very efficient and carbon neutral
and far lower in pollutants. Never mind that solar or wind could in theory
supply that energy necessary for recharging the PHEV - you have to go with
the percentages, and it is not a pretty picture because of coal.

The small diesel, fueled with biodiesel, and running at constant speed with
an energy storage hybridized accumulator (batteries or hydraulics or
whatever) makes much more sense for transportation than anything else - at
least from where we stand in 2009 in terms of what is actually possible now.

Of course, we all want the breakthrough (LENR, ZPE magnetics, fractional
hydrogen) that ushers in a new paradigm, and which will probably utilize the
same hybridized energy accumulator of the Lightning - but that
breakthrough is not here yet.

The bottom line is that a hydraulic hybrid (as Terry has noticed) offers a
50 percent increase in fuel economy and a 30 percent decrease in emissions,
yet still leaves us wondering why the technology is less popular than
bacon-flavored vodka.


[Vo]:The Hum Explained! BY SCIENCE! (attn BillB)

2009-08-10 Thread Alexander Hollins

In an upshot, theres a constant roughly 10 millihertz hum worldwide,
detectable by seisometers, that goes up and down.  its created by...
WAVE ACTION.  that is, waves in the ocean.  And its rise and fall and
appearance in different areas inland is caused by storms and such
moving main masses around. Thought some here might find that
interesting, in comparison to THE HUM.

Re: [Vo]:The Hum Explained! BY SCIENCE! (attn BillB)

2009-08-10 Thread Harvey Norris

Pioneering the Applications of Interphasal Resonances

--- On Mon, 8/10/09, Alexander Hollins wrote:

 From: Alexander Hollins
 Subject: [Vo]:The Hum Explained! BY SCIENCE! (attn BillB)
 To: vortex-l
 Date: Monday, August 10, 2009, 8:40 PM
 In an upshot, theres a constant roughly 10 millihertz hum
 detectable by seisometers, that goes up and down.  its
 created by...
 WAVE ACTION.  that is, waves in the ocean.  And
 its rise and fall and
 appearance in different areas inland is caused by storms
 and such
 moving main masses around. Thought some here might find
 interesting, in comparison to THE HUM.
Hum.. at first I was going to scoff in misbelief, but I see the Url 
corroborates this claim. Talk about low frequency this is very low indeed. A 
cycle of a millihz has a period of 1000 seconds, meaning if two opposite 
polarities as peaks were recorded as in AC, the detecting mechanism would see 
peaks every 500 seconds, or 8.3 minutes. I hate to think how long a radio 
antennae would need to be at quarter wavelength to receive such a broadcast, we 
might be talking planetary distances here.
On a more serious note here over the years I have experimented with higher 
ferromagnetic frequencies above 400 hz and resonated large air core coils using 
a common AC car alternator driven at a constant rpm from household voltage to a 
driven AC motor to supply constant rpm to the alternator as that input 
frequency supply. In my earlier years all of my notes indicate that the input 
frequency was 480 hz. This frequency again is only dictated by pulley ratios 
diameters and the driving motor rpm. At that time I was using 80 lb rewound 
coils of 23 gauge wire, an astounding wire length over 9 miles I suppose, and 
over 60 Henry. At 480 hz the capacity to resonate was very small, near 2 nf 
which was simply made as a home made capacitor by using aluminum foil and 
plexiglass sandwiched between the foils. Many pictures and jpegs exist of these 
early days. But the thing about these large coil resonances was that when in 
operation at thousands of volts, the
 plates themselves I presume emitted a very loud HUM, which I figured to be a 
high pitched A notewise. Probably a doubled harmonic of the input freq of 480 
hz? I also noted that when a transformer instead was employed for the voltage 
rise, it too seemed to emit this loud high pitched whine, and some old timers 
on the tesla list also noted that this happens in the early days of radio, and 
that EM  bleeds into the sound spectrum ect. In those days I could even make a 
pitchure as water fashioned as the needed capacity to resonate and it would 
also hum, but not as loud, it was a muffled hum from puckered water.
 Now as the years rolled by all my assets were stolen during incarceration 
ect,, but I replenished my assets upon release by land sale, and in the 
reproduction of the principles I am now using 465 hz and 70 lb coils, but now 
absolutely no hum effects are occuring? I wonder if these devices are very 
frequency dependent for them to bleed out into the sound spectrum.
 In other work involving periodic repeating devices I have scoped out my 
woodpecker antennae device from the magnetic field of its sending coil and 
found that the neon atop the 25 ft tower blinks every three 60 hz AC cycles on 
positive peak for a frequency near 10.6 hz. The increase of voltage on these 
three AC cycles leading up to a neon ignition near 5ms duration can be seen on 
scopings with a 10 ms/div sweep rate, again a slow sweep rate barely able to 
capture both high frequency ringdowns within a single sweep. The frequency of 
the standing wave during the neon ignition is very low, in the 3600 hz range. 
Presumably this occurs because of the extraordinary long length of 8.6 miles of 
wound 23 gauge wire on the sending coil.
Sincerely HDN

Re: [Vo]:The Hum Explained! BY SCIENCE! (attn BillB)

2009-08-10 Thread Alexander Hollins
we ARE talking about geologic noise here.  But i could easily see
certain types of land features causing a changeover , increasing the
frequency into something hearable.

On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 7:17 PM, Harvey wrote:

 Pioneering the Applications of Interphasal Resonances

 --- On Mon, 8/10/09, Alexander Hollins wrote:

 From: Alexander Hollins
 Subject: [Vo]:The Hum Explained! BY SCIENCE! (attn BillB)
 To: vortex-l
 Date: Monday, August 10, 2009, 8:40 PM

 In an upshot, theres a constant roughly 10 millihertz hum
 detectable by seisometers, that goes up and down.  its
 created by...
 WAVE ACTION.  that is, waves in the ocean.  And
 its rise and fall and
 appearance in different areas inland is caused by storms
 and such
 moving main masses around. Thought some here might find
 interesting, in comparison to THE HUM.
 Hum.. at first I was going to scoff in misbelief, but I see the Url 
 corroborates this claim. Talk about low frequency this is very low indeed. A 
 cycle of a millihz has a period of 1000 seconds, meaning if two opposite 
 polarities as peaks were recorded as in AC, the detecting mechanism would see 
 peaks every 500 seconds, or 8.3 minutes. I hate to think how long a radio 
 antennae would need to be at quarter wavelength to receive such a broadcast, 
 we might be talking planetary distances here.
On a more serious note here over the years I have experimented with higher 
 ferromagnetic frequencies above 400 hz and resonated large air core coils 
 using a common AC car alternator driven at a constant rpm from household 
 voltage to a driven AC motor to supply constant rpm to the alternator as that 
 input frequency supply. In my earlier years all of my notes indicate that the 
 input frequency was 480 hz. This frequency again is only dictated by pulley 
 ratios diameters and the driving motor rpm. At that time I was using 80 lb 
 rewound coils of 23 gauge wire, an astounding wire length over 9 miles I 
 suppose, and over 60 Henry. At 480 hz the capacity to resonate was very 
 small, near 2 nf which was simply made as a home made capacitor by using 
 aluminum foil and plexiglass sandwiched between the foils. Many pictures and 
 jpegs exist of these early days. But the thing about these large coil 
 resonances was that when in operation at thousands of volts, the
  plates themselves I presume emitted a very loud HUM, which I figured to be a 
 high pitched A notewise. Probably a doubled harmonic of the input freq of 480 
 hz? I also noted that when a transformer instead was employed for the voltage 
 rise, it too seemed to emit this loud high pitched whine, and some old timers 
 on the tesla list also noted that this happens in the early days of radio, 
 and that EM  bleeds into the sound spectrum ect. In those days I could even 
 make a pitchure as water fashioned as the needed capacity to resonate and it 
 would also hum, but not as loud, it was a muffled hum from puckered water.
 Now as the years rolled by all my assets were stolen during incarceration 
 ect,, but I replenished my assets upon release by land sale, and in the 
 reproduction of the principles I am now using 465 hz and 70 lb coils, but now 
 absolutely no hum effects are occuring? I wonder if these devices are very 
 frequency dependent for them to bleed out into the sound spectrum.
 In other work involving periodic repeating devices I have scoped out my 
 woodpecker antennae device from the magnetic field of its sending coil and 
 found that the neon atop the 25 ft tower blinks every three 60 hz AC cycles 
 on positive peak for a frequency near 10.6 hz. The increase of voltage on 
 these three AC cycles leading up to a neon ignition near 5ms duration can be 
 seen on scopings with a 10 ms/div sweep rate, again a slow sweep rate barely 
 able to capture both high frequency ringdowns within a single sweep. The 
 frequency of the standing wave during the neon ignition is very low, in the 
 3600 hz range. Presumably this occurs because of the extraordinary long 
 length of 8.6 miles of wound 23 gauge wire on the sending coil.
 Sincerely HDN

Re: [Vo]:The Hum Explained! BY SCIENCE! (attn BillB)

2009-08-10 Thread Horace Heffner

On Aug 10, 2009, at 4:40 PM, Alexander Hollins wrote:

In an upshot, theres a constant roughly 10 millihertz hum worldwide,
detectable by seisometers, that goes up and down.  its created by...
WAVE ACTION.  that is, waves in the ocean.  And its rise and fall and
appearance in different areas inland is caused by storms and such
moving main masses around. Thought some here might find that
interesting, in comparison to THE HUM.

I've often wondered if the Taos hum is due to synchronization of  
electric transmission lines throughout the western US. If you put  
water in a pan and tap the handle you see the waves converge  
amplified in the middle.  If every electric motor, and every  
transformer around for hundreds of miles is synchronized, then the  
cumulative effect in producing sound could be large, especially if  
there is a large radius comparatively devoid of devices surrounding  
the hearing point and then a large circumference of active electrical  

This makes me wonder what the Kepler might see on some distant planet  

If a well developed planet is using an electric grid, its  
distribution frequency will likely be in the 50-60 Hz range, the best  
trade-off frequency as calculated by Steinmetz for GE I think.  If it  
uses an AC lighting system, perhaps the night side will show this low  
frequency amplitude modulation of its night lighting. I don't know if  
Kepler could detect this kind of thing, or the flashes of huge  
lasers, whether intentionally aimed here, or involved in laser wars...

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Shocking !

2009-08-10 Thread mixent
In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Mon, 10 Aug 2009 16:54:41 -0700:
-Original Message-

 While a 100 mpg is not to be sneezed at, don't forget that in some cases a
will not use any gas at all.

Well that is what I meant by shenanigans ... it is not credible to suggest
that the PHEV is a good alternative to biodiesel - when the dirty coal plant
that recharges the batteries is belching toxic pollutants out, megatons per
year with line losses and battery losses and core losses and transformer
losses and everything else... 

 and that small diesel, in contrast, is very efficient and carbon neutral
and far lower in pollutants. Never mind that solar or wind could in theory
supply that energy necessary for recharging the PHEV - you have to go with
the percentages, and it is not a pretty picture because of coal.

The small diesel, fueled with biodiesel, and running at constant speed with
an energy storage hybridized accumulator (batteries or hydraulics or
whatever) makes much more sense for transportation than anything else - at
least from where we stand in 2009 in terms of what is actually possible now.

...but if you are talking about what is available now, then you also need to
consider that biodiesel is not yet available in large quantities either.

I'm also a little leery of their claim to 85% energy reclamation during
regenerative braking. When a fluid is compressed, it gets hot, and unless the
stored energy is reused straight away (or almost), it cools off and loses that
energy to the environment. Although I suppose that in stop start driving, the
starting usually follows the stopping fairly closely.
I agree that this is an interesting concept, however I don't think it should be
adopted to the exclusion of everything else. I think all these new technologies
should be encouraged.

Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:PARALLEL(parent)DarkSpace~IS~TachyonCarrierWaveDARKENERGY

2009-08-10 Thread Horace Heffner

On Aug 10, 2009, at 11:22 AM, Harbach Jak wrote:


PROBLEM: ?How do you measure the SUPER Speed-Dense TACHYON CARRIER  
WAVE of the infinity of ALL WAVE LENGTHS is the vast spectrum array  

?HOW DO WE 'MEASURE' the 'wave-length' of a DarkEnergy SUPER WAVE  
that propagates at a rate EXPONENTIALLY FASTER than the Speed of  

DENSITY MEDIUM of EVERY OTHER POSSIBLE lesser-speed-dense 'wave- 
length' that can or every will exist.

THIS TACHYON speed-density DarkEnergy WAVE SHEET thusly is  
ubiquitously infinite and moves SO-FAR/SO-FAST that its VERY WAVE  
CREST TO WAVE CREST spans 'distances' VIRTUALLY INFINITE relative  
to our ability NOT to be able to measure; and barely even  

DARKSPACE itself whose SUPER-SPEED-DENSE-WAVE-LENGTH we percieve on  
our devices as a MERE UNI-SHEET OF BACK-GROUND NOISE.  And thusly  
to-date/so far been missing the trees for the INCREDIBLY DENSE   

Since this DarkEnergy TACHYON SUPER SPACE MEDIUM is the source and  
sustaining CARRIER-WAVE MEDIUM of the virtually infinite-in-number   
champagne LOW WAVE-LENGTH SPEED-DENSITY bubble-universes such as  
our own;  IF in an 'imaginary scenario' the DARK-ENERGY TACHYON- 
SUPER-CARRIER-WAVE Super M-Brane of infinity were to CEASE, then  
ALL OTHER ENERGY FIELDS WOULD LIKEWISE evaporate.  But so much for  

TACHYONS in 'fiction' as meandering herds of 'PARTICLES' is a NON- 

But  within our discoveries of  ubiqui tous DARK-ENERGY as the  
provide the answers we have long sought to such as ZPEnergy  the  
technologies of the future we as humanity SO LONG FOR. . . .  Jack  
Harbach O'Sullivan

Poetry to my ears.

Still, I think your physics may be a bit off.  For what it is worth,  
here is what I think. Dark matter is principally mirror matter, which  
couples with real matter only very weakly, except it couples normally  
gravitationally.  Dark energy is matter having negative gravitational  
charge, be it real matter or mirror matter.

Gravitational charge is of the form +- i m, where i is the imaginary  
number which squared equals 1, and m is the mass.  This then permits  
the gravitational law:

   F = G m1 m2 / r^2

instead of the traditional:

   F = -G m1 m2 / r^2

and this then is the basis for a beautiful isomorphism between the  
laws of gravity and electromagnetics which carries throughout physics.

Negative gravitational charge carrying particles are created from the  
vacuum by black holes carrying positive gravitational charge, and  
vice versa.  Particles having the opposite gravitational charge from  
the black hole's gravitational charge are expelled from black holes  
energetically.  Particles are created from the vacuum in groups of 4,  
two mirror particles and two real particles.  The mirror particles  
carry negative gravitational mass charges with respect to the black  
hole, the real particles carry ordinary positive mass charge with  
respect to the black hole.   The real and mirror particle pairs each  
consist of matter and anti-matter within their respectively visible  
worlds.   The negative mass charge mirror matter creates a  
spherical halo about its galaxy of origin.   This neatly accounts for  
the anomalous rotation of galaxy arms and precisely for the success  
of the MOND equation, as well as many other phenomena.  See:

My contribution to the universe as Touring conceived it.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner