Re: [Vo]:Swedish TV (SVT) show on Rossi Ecat

2012-12-21 Thread Hermetia Illucens
Andrea Rossi has developed a new "solid state" high temperature model 
that is stable at temperatures even higher than 600C.

The new model of E-Cat can remain stable at very high temperatures 
without the need for coolant. In fact, it could be considered a solid 
state E-Cat.

Each module has one reactor core producing approximately ten kilowatts 
of output. The units have been operated for more than two months.

Rossi can throttle down the nuclear reactions and when there is a load 
and he can throttle up the nuclear reactions precisely.



Dear Dr Joseph Fine:

They will go in parallel, because the temp. they reach is very high. 
When I say above 600 Celsius I mean exactly this: the temperature of 
the wall is well above, as you will see from the report we will publish 
soon (matter of weeks). The temperature is constant, within a 
reasonable variation integral.

Warm Regards,

High temperatures would make the E-Cat want to "run away" and get 
hotter, which could melt the nickel powder. It seems he has a totally 
stable system.


Dear Andrea,

Your goal for the high temperature E-Cat is to be able to produce a 
stable output of 1,000C steam.

Is there any truth to this?

All I can say is that you will be surprised from the report.

Warmest Regards,

PS: Why Fe?

DC electromagnets with controls throttle NiH fusions.

Saint is not stupid.

Hermetia Illucens

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-21 Thread orgasm wikipedia
As Jed always says, I AGREE!Wikipedia   Jojo Jaro Thu, 20 Dec 2012 21:52:43 -0800I am not going to respond to your spin anymore.  The reader only needs to  research this to confirm I am speaking the truth. It's funny how after knowing the history of wikipedia and its authorships,  you still cling to it as an authoritative source.  Something must be wrong  when you have to depend on wikipedia and claim it as an authoritative  source.  LOL  Everyone knows that wikipedia is a "politically correct" "agenda driven"  site.  You should know that by now and yet you appeal to its authority.  My  goodness, do some real research man.  Go to a real library.  Look at the  history books written by muslims.  Study real books, not blogs on the  Internet.  No wonder you can't graduate with a degree.  You don't know how  to research and do your own thinking.  Wikipeida ... here we come   LOL Spins and lies will not help your case. A simple and quick research effort  will definitely reveal allah to be the moon god of muhammed's tribe.  And  muhammed did have dozens of wives and concubines including a 9 year old  little girl. Spin it all you want.  I just hope people are wise enough to see thru your  lies. To my other friends reading this,One other thing is true; islam only spreads by 2 means:  By force and by  deception. By Force:  Anyone who reads the koran will see that it is commanded for a  muslim man to kill someone who will not convert to islam; and show that his  conversion is real by paying alms.  Yes, by force, by crashing 2 airliners  into the "heart of the Great Satan".  Yes, by force, by issuing fatwah to  kill all the enemies of muhammed. My friends, if you are reading this, let me tell you a true story that you  can research also.  There was a flight full of muslim men on board getting  ready to fly to mecca for the ramadan.  You know that annual thing muslims  do where they walk around that big black meteorite stone.   Before taking  off, the plane suffered engine trouble and had to be delayed.  The muslim  men on board were so incensed by the delay, that they would be late for this  "walking around the meteorite" thing, that they rose up in a mob and killed  the pilot and his co-pilot for conspiracy to prevent them from reaching  mecca.  Needless to say that the delay would not have made them late; and  furthermore, if I remembered correctly, the pilot and co-pilot were also  muslims.  This my friends is the violence of islam.   This my friends, is  one way islam spreads, by force of terror. No other religion go about their recruiting will so much violent gusto.  Heck they even go after each other to prove which of their prophets is  right.  No 2 groups go after each other's throats like sunnis and shiites.  Yes, this is the trademark of islam.  Conversion and expansion thru  violence. (BTW, this walking around the meteorite stone Kaaba, is a tradition dating  back to their worship of the moon god allah on the kaaba.) And by deception:  exactly Lomax is doing right now.  He spins the facts and  say "it's more complicated than that."  What's complicated about molesting a  9 year-old little girl barely out of diapers.  As far as I know, islam is  the only religion that condones and promotes this.  This is so repulsive to  the sensibilities of man, that we shriek back in horror of the thought of  molesting a 9 year-old girl.  Even in prison, child molesters are the second  class outcasts that have to be separated from the general prison population  for fear that other inmates would kill them.  Yes, even prison criminals  shriek back at the crime of child molestation.  But not islam.  They  celebrate it, justify it or lie about it. Our children are the most precious things in our lives and we do everything  to protect them.  But not in islam.  Women, especially little girls, are  just objects to satisfy the lusts of powerful men.  History is replete with  these examples.  And people like Lomax have to lie about it because he is so  embarrassed by this retrograde heritage.  Either that, or he condones and  practices this himself and has to spin it away and justify it.   I can show  you proof of many statements by islamic leaders about this, but people need  to do their own research to prove me wrong.  A simple research effort will  reveal the truth. JUST DO IT. Don't relay on Lomax's spin and lies, unless of course you want  to convert to islam by deception. And one more thing.  Do not rely on what I say also.  Find out for yourself.  That is the only way to convince you of these truths.  Not any posts or  blogs or lies from self-proclaimed experts who did not graduate. Jojo- Original Message -  From: "Abd ul-Rahman Lomax"

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:Swedish TV (SVT) show on Rossi Ecat

2012-12-21 Thread Harry Veeder
Just when this magic penny technology surfaces the Canadian government
discontinues minting the penny.
Coincidence or conspiracy? ;-)


On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 7:44 PM, Jed Rothwell  wrote:
> Brad Lowe  wrote:
>> The sad part is we have the same proof for the magic penny as we do for
>> the e-cat and Hyperion.
> It is not quite as bad as that.
> - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Vortex Engine

2012-12-21 Thread James Bowery
On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 3:25 AM, Peter Gluck  wrote:

> Atmospheric Vortex Engine creates tornadoes to generate electricity
> Not to be classified as OT, Vortex was created illo tempora to
> discuss CF-related subjects including the Griggs and the Potapov
> machines. See also vortex tubes as kind of Maxwell machines,
> real but of low efficiency.


 James *Bowery* 
July 23rd, 2011 at 2:40

I should clarify that when I say the *Atmospheric* Vortext *Engine* is
“least capital intensive” I mean per installed power (ie: $/W). I’ll show
the calculation for two cases where the exhaust temperature is a more
conservative -30C and the capital cost is as currently estimated for the
ambient heat case of $300/kW (

1) Ambient temperature of 20C Carnot efficiency:

17% = (293.15Kelvin-243.15Kelvin)/293.15Kelvin

2) E-Cat temperature of 300C Carnot efficiency:

57% = (573.15Kelvin-243.15Kelvin)/573.15Kelvin

less than $100/kW = (17%/57%)*$300/kW

That’s less than 10 cents an installed Watt capitalization.

Nothing else comes close.
 James *Bowery* 
July 23rd, 2011 at 1:01

In areas with low peak annual winds, the least capital-intensive technology
to turn E-Cat heat into baseload electricity is likely to be the *
Atmospheric* *Vortex* *Engine* . With
an exhaust temperature of nearly -60C, the Carnot efficiency can be very
high with virtually no thermal pollution.

Re: [Vo]:Vortex Engine

2012-12-21 Thread James Bowery
This is the proposal I suggested to Michaud submit to Breakout Labs a year
ago almost to the day.  This really is a huge deal:

Atmospheric Vortex Engine


Develop sufficient understanding of vortices with high Reynolds numbers,
such as tornadoes and hurricanes to allow investment in construction of
full scale Atmospheric Vortex Engines.  This would be accomplished by
building a model AVE capable of generating an atmospheric vortex
approximately 100 meters high.  Measurements made on this vortex would then
refine existing CFD models of vortices -- models which are surprisingly
untested for high Reynolds numbers.

The CFD model, validated for high Reynolds number vortices, would then be
applied to the design of larger scale AVE’s to estimate their performance.
 The economics full scale AVEs would then be evaluated and, if found
profitable, provide start of a business plan.


10 Peta Watts renewable baseload electrical generation with no pollution.
 The global deployment of AVEs turns the Earth into a heat engine using
space for its heat sink.  The work of these heat engines is turned into
electrical power by compact, high power turbines.

Deploying AVEs in the tropical oceans would provide ocean settlements with
copious quantities of fresh water rain and electrical power while
controlling hurricanes.  These settlements would reduce population
pressures while developing new options for voluntary experiments in the
social sciences that may prove useful in existing polities as well as
potential new space settlements.

On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 11:48 AM, James Bowery  wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 3:25 AM, Peter Gluck wrote:
>> Atmospheric Vortex Engine creates tornadoes to generate electricity
>> Not to be classified as OT, Vortex was created illo tempora to
>> discuss CF-related subjects including the Griggs and the Potapov
>> machines. See also vortex tubes as kind of Maxwell machines,
>> real but of low efficiency.
> **/?p=501&cpage=5
>  James *Bowery* 
> July 23rd, 2011 at 2:40 
> PM
> I should clarify that when I say the *Atmospheric* Vortext *Engine* is
> “least capital intensive” I mean per installed power (ie: $/W). I’ll show
> the calculation for two cases where the exhaust temperature is a more
> conservative -30C and the capital cost is as currently estimated for the
> ambient heat case of $300/kW (
> 1) Ambient temperature of 20C Carnot efficiency:
> 17% = (293.15Kelvin-243.15Kelvin)/293.15Kelvin
> 2) E-Cat temperature of 300C Carnot efficiency:
> 57% = (573.15Kelvin-243.15Kelvin)/573.15Kelvin
> less than $100/kW = (17%/57%)*$300/kW
> That’s less than 10 cents an installed Watt capitalization.
> Nothing else comes close.
>  James *Bowery* 
> July 23rd, 2011 at 1:01 
> PM
> In areas with low peak annual winds, the least capital-intensive
> technology to turn E-Cat heat into baseload electricity is likely to be the
> *Atmospheric* *Vortex* *Engine* .
> With an exhaust temperature of nearly -60C, the Carnot efficiency can be
> very high with virtually no thermal pollution.

[Vo]:The easiest proof of LENR is possibly endotherm, not exotherm

2012-12-21 Thread Jones Beene
Professor Kervran performed many experiments with chickens deprived of
calcium - and these come up for discussion here, on occasion. These
experiments actually have validations and replications, but also a few
results that are contrary. Kervran also did a careful experiment on humans
in the Sahara Desert. This one is not as well-known.

He documented a strong anomalous bodily cooling effect, based on calorie and
water intake, the evaporation of sweat and so on - but importantly, found
much higher potassium in the urine of the test subjects than was possible,
based on their diet. Because the ambient temperature in that location - day
and night - was always above body temperature, Kervran was able to provide
accurate calorimetry simply on the assumption that calories consumed were
digested and utilized in the usual way for some kind of energy, even when
the energy was ostensibly unneeded to maintain body heat and instead
provided cooling. Perhaps that assumption needs a closer look, but anyway...
we can probably trust the finding of large excess potassium in urine. That
is rather astounding in itself.

The men should have died from the heat, if not from potassium depletion -
yet they were Bedouins adapted to these conditions, and the only thing they
consumed differently from most of us was extra sodium (salt containing known
levels of potassium) and lots of extra calories  (considering they did not
need the calories for body heat). The potassium content of the food and
water was monitored. Yes, dates have a lot of calories and K - but nothing
like what was being excreted. At the end of the study the subjects had
normal potassium levels despite having lost many excess grams of it in their

To make a long story shorter - the test subjects somehow shed excess energy
in the range of 1860 kilocalories per day, so where did this excess heat go?
Kervran "came to the conclusion that it was due to dietary sodium which was
being converted continuously to potassium in an endothermic reaction" (thus
causing internal body heat to be absorbed in the process of elemental
transmutation). He said that humans instinctively consume far more salt in
dry, hot conditions. He mentions the emphasis placed upon salt in the Bible,
and notes that salt was used as money in many desert climates. The
inevitable conclusion was that a population of humans had adapted to desert
heat due to natural selection of an ability to transmute Na -> K.

The one thing which Kervran did not do - this was in the early 1950's - was
an isotopic analysis of the potassium excretion in the urine. Had he done
so, and had this analysis showed the expected large increase in the isotope
41K, then he could have convinced almost everyone. As it stands - he is

The idea is that oxygen combines with sodium in a novel endothermic reaction
which uses food calories and possibly hemoglobin to provide endothermic CANR
- thus an internal cooling effect. When this happens the normal 6.7% of the
isotope 41K should be highly skewed - possibly as much as doubled in the
urine - if this was the transmutation route. That kind of discovery would
have been huge.

The potential importance of Kervran's experiment (if it is valid) to the
confusion which is currently happening in LENR, is to introduce the
possibility that certain elements, particularly those in columns one in the
periodic table are subject to easy or anomalous transmutation... either
slight exotherm or slight endotherm by chemical means. And also there is a
more controversial expectation - that when alkalis are present in any
experiment, there can be a mix of endotherm and exotherm CANR.

When an LENR experiment shows net exotherm, it could easily be a situation
where there is both endotherm and exotherm at the same time - but more of
the later than the former. The follow-on suggestion is that "nature" wants a
balanced situation, and if humans want an imbalance - they will have to
engineer it, or else stumble on it serendipitously - such as is happening

How do you engineer for alkali asymmetry ? That is the $64 question. The
history of sodium in Randell Mills' experiments provides a hint.

My hypothesis for one possible way to "engineer endotherm to accomplish
exotherm in alkali metals" awaits future testing. 



Re: [Vo]:The easiest proof of LENR is possibly endotherm, not exotherm

2012-12-21 Thread ChemE Stewart

I agree 100%.  I believe the world will find that the dark matter/vacuum
energy particles at the heart of LENR are entropic.  The occasional heat is
the nuclear sparks he shoots out his tail due to reactions at his surface,
just like his big brother the comet or the orbital entropic snowballs the
sun expells at the Earth routinely to create our clouds and trigger beta
decay of the Earth we call seismic activity.


On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 2:11 PM, Jones Beene  wrote:

> Professor Kervran performed many experiments with chickens deprived of
> calcium - and these come up for discussion here, on occasion. These
> experiments actually have validations and replications, but also a few
> results that are contrary. Kervran also did a careful experiment on humans
> in the Sahara Desert. This one is not as well-known.
> He documented a strong anomalous bodily cooling effect, based on calorie
> and
> water intake, the evaporation of sweat and so on - but importantly, found
> much higher potassium in the urine of the test subjects than was possible,
> based on their diet. Because the ambient temperature in that location - day
> and night - was always above body temperature, Kervran was able to provide
> accurate calorimetry simply on the assumption that calories consumed were
> digested and utilized in the usual way for some kind of energy, even when
> the energy was ostensibly unneeded to maintain body heat and instead
> provided cooling. Perhaps that assumption needs a closer look, but
> anyway...
> we can probably trust the finding of large excess potassium in urine. That
> is rather astounding in itself.
> The men should have died from the heat, if not from potassium depletion -
> yet they were Bedouins adapted to these conditions, and the only thing they
> consumed differently from most of us was extra sodium (salt containing
> known
> levels of potassium) and lots of extra calories  (considering they did not
> need the calories for body heat). The potassium content of the food and
> water was monitored. Yes, dates have a lot of calories and K - but nothing
> like what was being excreted. At the end of the study the subjects had
> normal potassium levels despite having lost many excess grams of it in
> their
> urine.
> To make a long story shorter - the test subjects somehow shed excess energy
> in the range of 1860 kilocalories per day, so where did this excess heat
> go?
> Kervran "came to the conclusion that it was due to dietary sodium which was
> being converted continuously to potassium in an endothermic reaction" (thus
> causing internal body heat to be absorbed in the process of elemental
> transmutation). He said that humans instinctively consume far more salt in
> dry, hot conditions. He mentions the emphasis placed upon salt in the
> Bible,
> and notes that salt was used as money in many desert climates. The
> inevitable conclusion was that a population of humans had adapted to desert
> heat due to natural selection of an ability to transmute Na -> K.
> The one thing which Kervran did not do - this was in the early 1950's - was
> an isotopic analysis of the potassium excretion in the urine. Had he done
> so, and had this analysis showed the expected large increase in the isotope
> 41K, then he could have convinced almost everyone. As it stands - he is
> ignored.
> The idea is that oxygen combines with sodium in a novel endothermic
> reaction
> which uses food calories and possibly hemoglobin to provide endothermic
> - thus an internal cooling effect. When this happens the normal 6.7% of the
> isotope 41K should be highly skewed - possibly as much as doubled in the
> urine - if this was the transmutation route. That kind of discovery would
> have been huge.
> The potential importance of Kervran's experiment (if it is valid) to the
> confusion which is currently happening in LENR, is to introduce the
> possibility that certain elements, particularly those in columns one in the
> periodic table are subject to easy or anomalous transmutation... either
> slight exotherm or slight endotherm by chemical means. And also there is a
> more controversial expectation - that when alkalis are present in any
> experiment, there can be a mix of endotherm and exotherm CANR.
> When an LENR experiment shows net exotherm, it could easily be a situation
> where there is both endotherm and exotherm at the same time - but more of
> the later than the former. The follow-on suggestion is that "nature" wants
> a
> balanced situation, and if humans want an imbalance - they will have to
> engineer it, or else stumble on it serendipitously - such as is happening
> now.
> How do you engineer for alkali asymmetry ? That is the $64 question. The
> history of sodium in Randell Mills' experiments provides a hint.
> My hypothesis for one possible way to "engineer endotherm to accomplish
> exotherm in alkali metals" awaits future testing.
> Jones

Re: [Vo]:Vortex Engine

2012-12-21 Thread ChemE Stewart
Smart man.

I believe we already have the vortex engine available, it is just hiding
from plain sight...


On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 1:46 PM, James Bowery  wrote:

> it to Breakout Labs a year ago almost to the day.  This really is a huge

Re: [Vo]:Vortex Engine

2012-12-21 Thread Jed Rothwell
This is a good idea. The cooling towers at large power generator produce
tremendous clouds of steam. All that heat, going to waste. If they can
recover some of it with this technique, more power to them. (ha, ha.)

There are similar ways to reduce waste heat in other systems that have been
neglected. Such as: thermoelectric chips attached to the outside of truck
exhaust systems. See:

One of early and most elegant demonstrations of thermodynamics was the
triple expansion marine steam engine, which extracts power from steam three
times, from progressively larger, lower-pressure cylinders. Also called "a
compound steam engine." It must have seemed like getting something for

When steam engines began rapidly improving in the early 19th century,
engineering journals published records for the most work done per ton of
coal for competing models. Kind of like today's "top 500 supercomputer"
list. ( It was race to build the most efficient
engines, using empirical methods. Before the development of modern
thermodynamic theory, some people wondered if there was a upper limit to
efficiency, or if would continue to improve asymptotically forever.

They finally perfected piston steam engines in the late 19th century, with
a "thermodynamically perfect" version. I don't recall who made it, but
there is a model of the engine in the Smithsonian. Ironically, just at this
time internal combustion engines and steam turbines were being
developed. Technology often reaches its acme and final flowering just as it
becomes obsolete.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Vortex Engine

2012-12-21 Thread James Bowery
By the way, the pesn article on AVE is utterly brain-dead.  I tried to
correct it last year but, of course, anyone with actual knowledge of the
subject is banned.

The vortex's structure is maintained by the source of vorticity which is in
the engine itself.  Outside of the engine, the lack of vorticity destroy's
the structure and it quickly becomes little more than an updraft.

Vorticity is simple to understand:

If you have a big circular pool of water that is still, there is no
vorticity.  If you rotate the pool of water about the center of the circle
the body of water has vorticity.  If you open a hole in the bottom center
of the circle and let water drain out, the inward flowing water acts the
way a skater that is spinning around does when drawing their arms inward --
the rotation rate increases.  This is why you get a funnel shape and the
vorticity becomes helicity.  Tornadoes form when you have two bodies of air
flowing past each other in opposite directions resulting in places where
there is vorticity.  If these form over places where there is a lot of heat
content in the air close to the ground, the effect is the same as pulling
the plug in the bottom of the pool, except its upward instead of downward
force -- and you get the angular momentum forming a tornado that sucks the
angular momentum in toward the center maintaining the structure.  In an AVE
there is no ambient vorticity -- it all comes from the AVE structure
itself.  Although only a few percent of the total  tornado energy is
required to be put into vorticity in order to maintain the chimney
structure for the updraft, if you cut off the vorticity energy, the rest of
the structure dissipates.

On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 12:46 PM, James Bowery  wrote:

> This is the proposal I suggested to Michaud submit to Breakout Labs a year
> ago almost to the day.  This really is a huge deal:
> Atmospheric Vortex Engine
> Develop sufficient understanding of vortices with high Reynolds numbers,
> such as tornadoes and hurricanes to allow investment in construction of
> full scale Atmospheric Vortex Engines.  This would be accomplished by
> building a model AVE capable of generating an atmospheric vortex
> approximately 100 meters high.  Measurements made on this vortex would then
> refine existing CFD models of vortices -- models which are surprisingly
> untested for high Reynolds numbers.
> The CFD model, validated for high Reynolds number vortices, would then be
> applied to the design of larger scale AVE’s to estimate their performance.
>  The economics full scale AVEs would then be evaluated and, if found
> profitable, provide start of a business plan.
> 10 Peta Watts renewable baseload electrical generation with no pollution.
>  The global deployment of AVEs turns the Earth into a heat engine using
> space for its heat sink.  The work of these heat engines is turned into
> electrical power by compact, high power turbines.
> Deploying AVEs in the tropical oceans would provide ocean settlements with
> copious quantities of fresh water rain and electrical power while
> controlling hurricanes.  These settlements would reduce population
> pressures while developing new options for voluntary experiments in the
> social sciences that may prove useful in existing polities as well as
> potential new space settlements.
> On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 11:48 AM, James Bowery  wrote:
>> On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 3:25 AM, Peter Gluck wrote:
>>> Atmospheric Vortex Engine creates tornadoes to generate electricity
>>> Not to be classified as OT, Vortex was created illo tempora to
>>> discuss CF-related subjects including the Griggs and the Potapov
>>> machines. See also vortex tubes as kind of Maxwell machines,
>>> real but of low efficiency.
>> **/?p=501&cpage=5
>>  James *Bowery* 
>> July 23rd, 2011 at 2:40 
>> PM
>> I should clarify that when I say the *Atmospheric* Vortext *Engine* is
>> “least capital intensive” I mean per installed power (ie: $/W). I’ll show
>> the calculation for two cases where the exhaust temperature is a more
>> conservative -30C and the capital cost is as currently estimated for the
>> ambient heat case of $300/kW (
>> 1) Ambient temperature of 20C Carnot efficiency:
>> 17% = (293.15Kelvin-243.15Kelvin)/293.15Kelvin
>> 2) E-Cat temperature of 300C Carnot efficiency:
>> 57% = (573.15Kelvin-243.15Kelvin)/573.15Kelvin
>> less than $100/kW = (17%/57%)*$300/kW
>> That’s less than 10 cents an installed Watt capitalization.
>> Nothing else comes close.
>>  James *Bowery* 
>> July 23rd, 2011 at 1:01 
>> PM

[Vo]:A New Kind of Magnetism

2012-12-21 Thread Terry Blanton

"We're showing that there is a third fundamental state for magnetism,"
says MIT professor of physics Young Lee. The experimental work showing
the existence of this new state, called a quantum spin liquid (QSL),
is reported this week in the journal Nature, with Lee as the senior
author and Tianheng Han, who earned his PhD in physics at MIT earlier
this year, as lead author.

The QSL is a solid crystal, but its magnetic state is described as
liquid: Unlike the other two kinds of magnetism, the magnetic
orientations of the individual particles within it fluctuate
constantly, resembling the constant motion of molecules within a true

Re: [Vo]:New Energy Paradigm Shift 2012 Art Show

2012-12-21 Thread Ruby

Thank you for your thoughts Jones.  We got little response on this 
project, and I am grateful you took the time.

I have gotten a few other responses from a range of people, scientists, 
artists, and our Cold Fusion Now crew, all privately.

Next year, I will do an Art Show with much more promotion, and hopefully 
generate more interest.  I guess I was doing too many projects to really 
promote it.

No matter. The artists who submitted did a great job, and I am grateful 
to each of them for taking the time.   It was a wide range of style 
indeed.  I may just give everybody a prize!


On 12/11/12 11:11 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

Hi Ruby,

Thank You for this.

The range of contributions, depending on one's point of view, goes 
from the sublime to the almost ridiculous - but one work clearly 
stands out for me (but an art critic I am not). It stands out the 
sense of actively adding surprising insight through art.

//Vortices in Plasmonic Waves//
Owen Geiger
Digital Animation

Adding art to science as real insight, how so -- you ask...?

Geiger's animation helps to explain the Manelas device (which is a 
derivative of the Floyd Sweet device) in a way that is difficult to 
describe verbally.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, an animation could be worth 

Unfortunately, Arthur has suffered a severe health problem, with the 
result that it is almost as if "fate" does not want this technology to 
appear yet. A similar health malady befell Floyd Sweet. Coincidence?



Enjoy the ten artists who responded to the call for new energy 
inspired work.

Your feedback will help determine the show prizes given on Dec 22.


Ruby Carat 
United States 1-707-616-4894
Skype ruby-carat 

Re: [Vo]:Vortex Engine

2012-12-21 Thread James Bowery
Here's the peswiki article:

On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 4:41 PM, James Bowery  wrote:

> By the way, the pesn article on AVE is utterly brain-dead.  I tried to
> correct it last year but, of course, anyone with actual knowledge of the
> subject is banned.
> The vortex's structure is maintained by the source of vorticity which is
> in the engine itself.  Outside of the engine, the lack of vorticity
> destroy's the structure and it quickly becomes little more than an updraft.
> Vorticity is simple to understand:
> If you have a big circular pool of water that is still, there is no
> vorticity.  If you rotate the pool of water about the center of the circle
> the body of water has vorticity.  If you open a hole in the bottom center
> of the circle and let water drain out, the inward flowing water acts the
> way a skater that is spinning around does when drawing their arms inward --
> the rotation rate increases.  This is why you get a funnel shape and the
> vorticity becomes helicity.  Tornadoes form when you have two bodies of air
> flowing past each other in opposite directions resulting in places where
> there is vorticity.  If these form over places where there is a lot of heat
> content in the air close to the ground, the effect is the same as pulling
> the plug in the bottom of the pool, except its upward instead of downward
> force -- and you get the angular momentum forming a tornado that sucks the
> angular momentum in toward the center maintaining the structure.  In an AVE
> there is no ambient vorticity -- it all comes from the AVE structure
> itself.  Although only a few percent of the total  tornado energy is
> required to be put into vorticity in order to maintain the chimney
> structure for the updraft, if you cut off the vorticity energy, the rest of
> the structure dissipates.
> On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 12:46 PM, James Bowery  wrote:
>> This is the proposal I suggested to Michaud submit to Breakout Labs a
>> year ago almost to the day.  This really is a huge deal:
>> Atmospheric Vortex Engine
>> Develop sufficient understanding of vortices with high Reynolds numbers,
>> such as tornadoes and hurricanes to allow investment in construction of
>> full scale Atmospheric Vortex Engines.  This would be accomplished by
>> building a model AVE capable of generating an atmospheric vortex
>> approximately 100 meters high.  Measurements made on this vortex would then
>> refine existing CFD models of vortices -- models which are surprisingly
>> untested for high Reynolds numbers.
>> The CFD model, validated for high Reynolds number vortices, would then be
>> applied to the design of larger scale AVE’s to estimate their performance.
>>  The economics full scale AVEs would then be evaluated and, if found
>> profitable, provide start of a business plan.
>> 10 Peta Watts renewable baseload electrical generation with no pollution.
>>  The global deployment of AVEs turns the Earth into a heat engine using
>> space for its heat sink.  The work of these heat engines is turned into
>> electrical power by compact, high power turbines.
>> Deploying AVEs in the tropical oceans would provide ocean settlements
>> with copious quantities of fresh water rain and electrical power while
>> controlling hurricanes.  These settlements would reduce population
>> pressures while developing new options for voluntary experiments in the
>> social sciences that may prove useful in existing polities as well as
>> potential new space settlements.
>> On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 11:48 AM, James Bowery wrote:
>>> On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 3:25 AM, Peter Gluck wrote:
 Atmospheric Vortex Engine creates tornadoes to generate electricity

 Not to be classified as OT, Vortex was created illo tempora to
 discuss CF-related subjects including the Griggs and the Potapov
 machines. See also vortex tubes as kind of Maxwell machines,
 real but of low efficiency.

>>> **/?p=501&cpage=5
>>>  James *Bowery* 
>>> July 23rd, 2011 at 2:40 
>>> PM
>>> I should clarify that when I say the *Atmospheric* Vortext *Engine* is
>>> “least capital intensive” I mean per installed power (ie: $/W). I’ll show
>>> the calculation for two cases where the exhaust temperature is a more
>>> conservative -30C and the capital cost is as currently estimated for the
>>> ambient heat case of $300/kW (
>>> 1) Ambient temperature of 20C Carnot efficiency:
>>> 17% = (293.15Kelvin-243.15Kelvin)/293.15Kelvin
>>> 2) E-Cat temperature of 300C Carnot efficiency:
>>> 57% = (573.15Kelvin-243.15Kelvin

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-21 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 12:51 AM 12/21/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

I am not going to respond to your spin anymore.

Once upon a time, I'd be hopeful reading this. But again and again, 
my hopes were dashed. Jojo lies, it's that simple.

The reader only needs to research this to confirm I am speaking the truth.

Again he lies.

It's funny how after knowing the history of wikipedia and its 
authorships, you still cling to it as an authoritative 
source.  Something must be wrong when you have to depend on 
wikipedia and claim it as an authoritative source.  LOL 

This isn't necessarily a lie, it's merely stupid. Wikipedia is 
*never* an authoritative source. But it's a very convenient source, 
and a stable Wikipedia article usually isn't far off from neutral. 
Spin in Wikipedia articles can be detected, usually. There are some 
editors who misprepresent sources, and sometimes these editors are 
detected and tossed, but generally a claim in a Wikipedia article as 
to what is in sources is roughly true.

The cold fusion article is a good example of where Wikipedia process 
can result in a point of view incorporating itself into the article, 
contrary to policy. The cold fusion article is not to be trusted as 
to overall impressions being conveyed, but if you go to Wikipedia 
knowing how Wikipedia works, and you read sources, you can get quite 
a good beginning. It's where the sources are *interpreted* that 
Wikipedia can go astray.

Jojo does not tell us anything that was specifically wrong with what 
I wrote. He does not show any particular bias in the Wikipedia 
article. If there are authoritative sources that point to what he 
claims, he doesn't cite them.

The fact is that *basis* for the "Moon god" claim can be found in the 
Wikipedia article. Sources are given. However, *other* facts are also 
pointed to, other sources. This is what a fanatic like Jojo does, and 
I've written this before about him -- and many others over the years. 
It doesn't matter what their religion is. It's a personality type, 
and I knew, personally, a very famous Muslim afflicted with the same 
disorder. The person comes to some opinion, the process can vary. 
Essentially, things looked like that to him. He then believes his own 
opinion, and from then on, he accepts, and considers as proof, all 
evidence that appears to support the opinion, and either doesn't even 
see or discards as biased, or even lies, any contrary evidence.

He believes that the evidence *clearly* proves he's right. Yet others 
without the preset conclusion examine the evidence and don't see it 
that way, unless they start with the same preconceptions as this person.

It's easy to see how someone, especially an Evangelical Christian, 
might find reason to think that "Allah is a Moon god." That's because 
such a person might only be reading Evangelical Christian sources, 
and those sources might even point to one of the very few scholars 
who speculated on Hubal, for example, as being a Moon god. But it is 
a far cry from a speculation that Hubal was a Moon god, by isolated 
scholars, and that al-ilah might have been used as a name for that 
god (I've shown, and it turns out that many others have pointed out, 
that "al-ilah" could be used for *any* god, it's simply "god" with 
the definite article, "the god"), to a claim that Allah -- the 
probable contraction that came to be used, pre-Islam, for a kind of 
overarching or supreme god -- *is* a Moon god. That implies a 
continued usage, and that would be a usage *explicitly denied* by the 
Qur'an and all Muslims. It might be like saying that Christians 
support torturing heretics on crosses. Or that "their tribe" 
supported it, and that Christianity is therefore about torturing 
heretics on crosses. And then applying this to *today's Christians" 
and claiming that *this is what they actually believe.*

That would be highly offensive. I could make a claim closer to home, 
I could claim that Christians believe in Three Gods, not one. Again 
this would be highly offensive, even if I could claim that *some* 
Christian theology is like this. (And even there it would be unfair; 
I had a friend once who was an Orthodox Christian (i.e., Eastern 
Orthodox). And he also accepted Islam. He did not deny his 
Christianity. I asked him how he reconciled the Trinity thing. He 
said that the orthodox view (and I think Catholics officially agree) 
is that the Trinity is a mystery, and that *any explanation of it is 
heretical,* and that therefore it could not be used to deny supposed 
alternative views, such as the Unity of God. His argument was 
actually airtight. The Qur'an requests (commands?) believers to not 
say, "Three." Obviously, that doesn't create a forbidden count. I 
read this as heuristic, as indicating a more effective approach, 
that's all. All roads lead to the One. If you follow them, of course, 
and keep your eyes wide.

Everyone knows that wikipedia is a "politically correct" "agenda driven" site.

That's actually