Re: [Vo]:JoNP

2014-11-01 Thread Terry Blanton
I hate it that if you get just one digit wrong in a phone number, you
get a totally different person.

On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 12:23 AM, Axil Axil  wrote:
> Google works better when you spell the search criteria correctly.
> On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 12:12 AM, Terry Blanton  wrote:
>> JCRenoir
>> November 1st, 2014 at 2:40 PM
>> Did you have contacts with Areva?
>> JCR
>> JCRenoir
>> November 1st, 2014 at 2:13 PM
>> Dr Rossi:
>> I have given to control the ITP report to a scientist that is working
>> with ITER project. He is a Ph.D. in nuclear physics, is a mainstream
>> science person and I was interested to hear from him what he thinks of
>> the report.
>> He told me is a well done work and that there was no better way to
>> make the measurements. He said he has forwarded the report to Areva,
>> with is where he works. I told you this, because I think you may be
>> glad to hear.
>> Congratulations,
>> JC Renoir
>> Andrea Rossi
>> November 1st, 2014 at 5:18 PM
>> JCRenoir:
>> Thank you, I am honoured of what you write and I forwarded to the
>> Professors of the ITP your comment.
>> Warm Regards,
>> A.R.
>> Andrea Rossi
>> November 1st, 2014 at 5:16 PM
>> JCRenoir:
>> No, we did not have direct contacts with Areva.
>> Warm Regards,
>> A.R.
>> <><><><><><><>
>> Anyone know who/what is "Arvena".
>> Terry

Re: [Vo]:JoNP

2014-11-01 Thread Axil Axil

Google works better when you spell the search criteria correctly.

On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 12:12 AM, Terry Blanton  wrote:

> JCRenoir
> November 1st, 2014 at 2:40 PM
> Did you have contacts with Areva?
> JCRenoir
> November 1st, 2014 at 2:13 PM
> Dr Rossi:
> I have given to control the ITP report to a scientist that is working
> with ITER project. He is a Ph.D. in nuclear physics, is a mainstream
> science person and I was interested to hear from him what he thinks of
> the report.
> He told me is a well done work and that there was no better way to
> make the measurements. He said he has forwarded the report to Areva,
> with is where he works. I told you this, because I think you may be
> glad to hear.
> Congratulations,
> JC Renoir
> Andrea Rossi
> November 1st, 2014 at 5:18 PM
> JCRenoir:
> Thank you, I am honoured of what you write and I forwarded to the
> Professors of the ITP your comment.
> Warm Regards,
> A.R.
> Andrea Rossi
> November 1st, 2014 at 5:16 PM
> JCRenoir:
> No, we did not have direct contacts with Areva.
> Warm Regards,
> A.R.
> <><><><><><><>
> Anyone know who/what is "Arvena".
> Terry


2014-11-01 Thread Terry Blanton
November 1st, 2014 at 2:40 PM

Did you have contacts with Areva?

November 1st, 2014 at 2:13 PM

Dr Rossi:
I have given to control the ITP report to a scientist that is working
with ITER project. He is a Ph.D. in nuclear physics, is a mainstream
science person and I was interested to hear from him what he thinks of
the report.
He told me is a well done work and that there was no better way to
make the measurements. He said he has forwarded the report to Areva,
with is where he works. I told you this, because I think you may be
glad to hear.
JC Renoir

Andrea Rossi
November 1st, 2014 at 5:18 PM

Thank you, I am honoured of what you write and I forwarded to the
Professors of the ITP your comment.
Warm Regards,

Andrea Rossi
November 1st, 2014 at 5:16 PM

No, we did not have direct contacts with Areva.
Warm Regards,


Anyone know who/what is "Arvena".


Re: [Vo]:Konstantin Meyl's "Potential Vortex" Departure

2014-11-01 Thread H Veeder
If the speed light in a vacuum c had a real and an imaginary components
too, then the components could vary with motion but
the measured value would appear constant and correspond to the magnitude

c = a + ib ,   |c| = sqrt( a^2 + b^2) = constant


On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 6:45 PM, James Bowery  wrote:

> A particularly intriguing notion of Konstantin Meyl's is that a "complex
> speed of light" is derivable from the conventional interpretation of the
> dielectric coefficient, rendering that conventional interpretation "an
> offense against the basic principles of physics":
> This seems to be his point of departure into "fringe" physics his
> replacement of the vector potential with his derivation of the "potential
> vortex".

Re: [Vo]:OT: Boyd Bushman discusses aliens and offers photographic proof

2014-11-01 Thread John Berry
I have spoken to Boyd on the phone and I have interest in a few of his
patents and I believe they are genuinely exposing the nature of hidden
physics (the Aether).

And I believe in aliens visiting earth...

But the resemblance is too spot on unless the toy was based on that exact

Unless of course every alien of the species is an identical clone and the
toy is a remarkably perfect detailed recreation in every minute detail of
this identical clone race right down to the colouring, look on the face,
degree the eyes are open.

My suspension of belief doesn't stretch THAT far, and I give it regular


On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 10:53 AM, Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson <> wrote:

>  > That toy is most definitively the thing in that photo.
> >
> wdpgkk.jpg
> Yup. Looks like a pretty good match to me too.
> But then, there's always the counter argument. You know... the argument
> where the toy manufacturer was influenced to create this particular alien
> model in order to generate disinformation. It's been done before. Agents
> seed a secret aircraft crash location with bogus scraps of other known
> aircraft parts in order to throw investigators off the track.
> So again, who knows.
> As for me. I'm not betting on this being authentic. But then, perhaps the
> disinformation campaign was successful.
> Regards,
> Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:OT: Boyd Bushman discusses aliens and offers photographic proof

2014-11-01 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
> That toy is most definitively the thing in that photo.





Yup. Looks like a pretty good match to me too.


But then, there's always the counter argument. You know... the argument where 
the toy manufacturer was influenced to create this particular alien model in 
order to generate disinformation. It's been done before. Agents seed a secret 
aircraft crash location with bogus scraps of other known aircraft parts in 
order to throw investigators off the track.


So again, who knows.


As for me. I'm not betting on this being authentic. But then, perhaps the 
disinformation campaign was successful.



Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:OT: Boyd Bushman discusses aliens and offers photographic proof

2014-11-01 Thread John Berry
That toy is most definitively the thing in that photo.

On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 7:23 AM, Jones Beene  wrote:

> Wow! Aren't we all impressed ... 
> wdpgkk.jpg
> I do find some of Bushman's patents rather amazing -perhaps way ahead of
> his
> time.
> shman%22#q=ininventor%3A%22Boyd+B.+Bushman%22&hl=en&tbm=pts&start=10
> OTOH, there are far fewer distinct patents than he claims, but most
> problematic is the alien which he apparently has been led to believe is
> real...
> wdpgkk.jpg
> K-Mart sold these as toys as far back as 1997. The resemblance to Bushman's
> alien is striking.
> Maybe Boyd or someone else designed the toy which was sold at K-Mart ... or
> maybe a few of the younger guys that he worked with at LM, for a laugh ...
> were feeding the gullible old fart this kind of crapola all along- and he
> fell for it bigtime.
> There is no fool like and old fool ... (spoken by an oldster who tries to
> keep an open mind about all the alien bogosity that is floating around
> cyberspace...
> ... but who believes that if there is anything "real" to it - and there is
> -
> that what we are talking about is a non-physical meme reality, which could
> be transmitted from elsewhere in space-time, but has no concrete reality in
> our 3-space)...
> Nothing is more "real" than a closely held belief, even one which is
> objectively false... how else can you explain the phenomenon of the suicide
> bomber and the 72 virgins (or was it 42)?
> Jones

RE: [Vo]:OT: Boyd Bushman discusses aliens and offers photographic proof

2014-11-01 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Robert:


> Another YouTube link to the same 

> video,


Thanks, Robert.


I watched the video. Indeed, fascinating.


I know of no way how to authenticate Boyd's story. It seems plausible as
stories go, but it's all here-say. As always: Photoshop is your friend.


I can only conjecture the following personally eccentric opinions. They are
based on watching a You Tube video, with no other evidence in my possession.


Assuming Boyd is telling the truth, as he understands the truth...


I am struck not by the physical dissimilarities we appear have with these
aliens that Boyd shows us in his private collection of photos. I'm struck by
the remarkable similarities. They possess two eyes, a nose and a mouth in
the same locations as ours. They possess five fingers and a thumb on each
arm and in the same positions as ours. They also possess five toes each on
two legs in remarkably the same locations as ours. What are the odds that
this would happen in Nature, assuming these aliens had independently evolved
on another planet more than 60 light years distant from ours? Again, let me
repeat: FIVE DIGITS on a hand where of them is obviously a THUMB in pretty
close the same position as the physiological architecture of our own hand.
Shoot! These "alien" hands are no more alien looking that if we were to
compare our own hand to that of a monkey or chimpanzee. If Boyd's photos are
authentic, and that is obviously a stretch one has to make here, I can only
conjecture that we are being visited by distant relatives. If that is the
case, I could certainly understand why some "visitors" might possess some
anthropological interest in visiting our primitive planet. 


I have conjectured this before, but I'll say it again: I suspect there has
likely been cross-pollination going on since this planet first became
habitable to carbon based life forms. Before that, when the environment was
a little hotter, perhaps silicon based life forms as well.


Changing the subject, I wonder if some of our distant relatives have tasted
Kobe beef. I hear it's out of this world.



Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:OT: Boyd Bushman discusses aliens and offers photographic proof

2014-11-01 Thread Kevin O'Malley
I do not consider this to be an area of deductive reasoning because we
cannot expect the guvmint to just open up their hangar 18 or whatever and
show us what they got so we can deduce for ourselves. Therefore, that makes
this an area of INductive reasoning rather than DEductive reasoning.  The
difference is similar to the difference between criminal and civil law--the
burden of proof for a criminal case is "beyond a reasonable doubt" whereas
the burden in a civil case is "preponderance of the evidence"

In the case of UFOs, the preponderance of the evidence is very strongly on
the side of flying saucers being secret weapons from the tail end of WWII.
The very best book on UFOs is this one (and I've read dozens of books on

I have noticed that the vast majority of people who believe in the
ExtraTerrestrial hypothesis will not lift a finger to check out opposing
evidence such as Renato Vesco's book.  Such philosophical intransigence
turns this inductive area of inquiry into something more like a religious

On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 8:59 AM, Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson <> wrote:

>  From Kevin,
> > ***I'm in the first category.
> > A place to start
> >
> Looks like my hard drive restoration onto a brand new 2TB Segate hard
> drive was successful. It was, however, a bumpy ride. Lots of colorful
> swearing on my part. I suspect at one point during the restoration
> procedure I did not properly ground myself when I inadvertently touched the
> motherboard. It caused a 3.5 hour restoration procedure to fail with only 6
> minutes left to complete. I had to start from scratch again. Wasn't too
> happy about that. >:-0
> Daniken does give me the impression that he is a skilled bullshit artist
> who knows how to sell books. Perhaps some of his ideas are interesting if
> not taken to extremes.
> On the other side of the fence there are debunkers like the late Philip
> Klass and James Randi. When it comes to the matter of UFO investigation
> these two individuals seem inept at actually following the principals of
> the deductive reasoning. On a related matter, I recall Randi, after
> attending what I believe was an APS conference held in Baltimore where Pons
> and Fleishman were interviewed, Randi gave a nudge, nudge, wink, wink to
> Carl Sagan who was also in attendance. Apparently Randy walked away
> convinced that the whole cold fusion matter was bullshit, just after
> listening to a few questions that had been directed at P&F from the
> audience. Randi didn't like the way P&F occasionally prefaced some of their
> replies with: "Well. that's a very good question." From Randi's POV that
> obviously meant these two chemists had to be incompetent because from
> Randi's POV they were incapable of answering the skeptic's questions. From
> Randi POV if they were constantly being reduced to prefacing their
> responses in such a manner it meant they didn't know what they were doing.
> From my POV, it's a classic case of how a magician perceives how most
> people act: from slight-of-hand, deflection & deceit. Case closed!
> Apparently, it didn't take Randi very much deductive reasoning to make up
> his mind on the CF matter. As purveyors who claim to follow the process of
> deductive reasoning, I think they give the process a black eye.
> Fascinating.
> Live long and prosper.  ... \\V/
> Regards,
> Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:questions on McKubre cells and AC component

2014-11-01 Thread Bob Higgins
BTW, David Roberson and I have corresponded with Barry Kort about the claim
that McKubre's measurements were as much as 3% in error due to presumption
of constant current and average voltage between samples for calculation of
average power.  The claimed mis-measurement is attributed to the changing
voltage due to the bubbles in the cell rapidly changing the cell resistance
and hence cell voltage.  Complicit in the argument is the inability of the
power supply in constant current mode to adequately slew to keep up with
the changes in resistance.  Barry claims that reflections setup in the the
connecting wires as transmission lines causes dissipation of the time
varying component.

David and I both did simulations of this setup using SPICE analysis in
transient simulation mode, which analyzes the circuit from first
principles.  In my simulation I used a model for a voltage source in a
feedback configuration with a sense resistor to comprise a current source
similar to how real power supply current sources are made.  Finite slew
rate of the voltage was introduced. A lossy transmission line was used
between the source and a load resistor, that was modeled as having a
sinusoidally varying resistance (+ a constant).  The simulated results were
compared to that of an ideal current source driving the same load.  The
instantaneous power waveform was computed in the simulation and its average
was taken to get average power delivered by the source to the load.

The simulation results confirmed that the use of the constant current value
times the average voltage between samples accurately computes the average
delivered power.  The differences between the feedback power supply model
and the ideal constant current source (the presumption) was on the order of
ppm, possibly due to the slew effects of the source or just imperfect value
for the constant current the power supply sets (due to offset).  This ppm
difference was far below other errors in any real measurement by McKubre.
The "3%" figure for the error in the McKubre's measurements being
attributed to use of constant current and average voltage to compute
average power in the face of variations in cell resistance appears to be
completely unfounded.

Barry calculated his solution mathematically including the delta functions
that arise from step changes in resistance.  He did not go on to simulate
his circuit as a check of his math; and  I suspect there is an error in his
math or in how he has setup his model.

Bob Higgins

RE: [Vo]:OT: Boyd Bushman discusses aliens and offers photographic proof

2014-11-01 Thread Jones Beene
Wow! Aren't we all impressed ...

I do find some of Bushman's patents rather amazing -perhaps way ahead of his

OTOH, there are far fewer distinct patents than he claims, but most
problematic is the alien which he apparently has been led to believe is

K-Mart sold these as toys as far back as 1997. The resemblance to Bushman's
alien is striking.

Maybe Boyd or someone else designed the toy which was sold at K-Mart ... or
maybe a few of the younger guys that he worked with at LM, for a laugh ...
were feeding the gullible old fart this kind of crapola all along- and he
fell for it bigtime.

There is no fool like and old fool ... (spoken by an oldster who tries to
keep an open mind about all the alien bogosity that is floating around

... but who believes that if there is anything "real" to it - and there is -
that what we are talking about is a non-physical meme reality, which could
be transmitted from elsewhere in space-time, but has no concrete reality in
our 3-space)... 

Nothing is more "real" than a closely held belief, even one which is
objectively false... how else can you explain the phenomenon of the suicide
bomber and the 72 virgins (or was it 42)?


RE: [Vo]:OT: Boyd Bushman discusses aliens and offers photographic proof

2014-11-01 Thread Robert Dorr

At 07:34 PM 10/31/2014, you wrote:

Another YouTube link to the same 

If that's missing just to a search on YouTube for Boyd Bushman 
Deathbed Confession.

Kind of interesting.

The You Tube link doesn't work for me. Looks like there has been a 
copyright violation and YT took it off-line. Bummer.

No virus found in this message.
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RE: [Vo]:OT: Boyd Bushman discusses aliens and offers photographic proof

2014-11-01 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Kevin,


> ***I'm in the first category.

> A place to start

> &source=hp&q=%22chariots+of+the+gods%22+debunked&oq=%22chariots+of+the+gods%22+debunked&gs_l=hp.3..0.2626.11049.0.11245.


Looks like my hard drive restoration onto a brand new 2TB Segate hard drive was 
successful. It was, however, a bumpy ride. Lots of colorful swearing on my 
part. I suspect at one point during the restoration procedure I did not 
properly ground myself when I inadvertently touched the motherboard. It caused 
a 3.5 hour restoration procedure to fail with only 6 minutes left to complete. 
I had to start from scratch again. Wasn't too happy about that. >:-0


Daniken does give me the impression that he is a skilled bullshit artist who 
knows how to sell books. Perhaps some of his ideas are interesting if not taken 
to extremes. 


On the other side of the fence there are debunkers like the late Philip Klass 
and James Randi. When it comes to the matter of UFO investigation these two 
individuals seem inept at actually following the principals of the deductive 
reasoning. On a related matter, I recall Randi, after attending what I believe 
was an APS conference held in Baltimore where Pons and Fleishman were 
interviewed, Randi gave a nudge, nudge, wink, wink to Carl Sagan who was also 
in attendance. Apparently Randy walked away convinced that the whole cold 
fusion matter was bullshit, just after listening to a few questions that had 
been directed at P&F from the audience. Randi didn't like the way P&F 
occasionally prefaced some of their replies with: "Well. that's a very good 
question." From Randi's POV that obviously meant these two chemists had to be 
incompetent because from Randi's POV they were incapable of answering the 
skeptic's questions. From Randi POV if they were constantly being reduced to 
prefacing their responses in such a manner it meant they didn't know what they 
were doing. From my POV, it's a classic case of how a magician perceives how 
most people act: from slight-of-hand, deflection & deceit. Case closed! 
Apparently, it didn't take Randi very much deductive reasoning to make up his 
mind on the CF matter. As purveyors who claim to follow the process of 
deductive reasoning, I think they give the process a black eye.




Live long and prosper.  ... \\V/



Steven Vincent Johnson