Re: [Vo]:superluminal mind

2020-12-13 Thread ROGER ANDERTON


Boscovich force keeps flipping on different size scales between 
attractive and repulsive. There was an article I read where person tried 
to apply it to nucleus to explain cold fusion.

I have put a lot of videos up about Boscovich. Various people working on 
unified field theories combine it with their ideas. It was part of 
Victorian theory of Everything - the vortex atom - Karl Pearson tried to 
combine it with vortex idea- Pearson was what Einstein was working from.

Vortex atom - Victorian theory of Everything

-- Original Message --
From: "H LV" 
Sent: Sunday, 13 Dec, 20 At 18:23
Subject: Re: [Vo]:superluminal mind

Thanks for the talk about Boscovich.
Here the presenter quotes Heisenberg as saying that Boscovich's force is 
repulsive at short distances but becomes attractive at larger distances. 

Such a force is sufficient to account for the formation of stable solids 
(condensed matter) from atoms, but the formation of a stable nucleus 
would seem to be precluded. Boscovich theory of force could be 
considered comprehensive for its time when nothing was known about the 
nucleus. However, the formation of a stable nucleus would need to be 
supplemented by a complementary force which is attractive at small 
distances but repulsive at larger distances.


On Sun, Dec 13, 2020 at 10:39 AM ROGER ANDERTON> > 

development of Boscovich theory led to quantum physics, Dragoslav from 
Serbia talk on Boscovich-> 

Re: [Vo]:superluminal mind

2020-12-13 Thread William Beaty

On Thu, 10 Dec 2020, Don Mitchell wrote:

If every neuron is synchopated with the aether, then every neuron is
simultaneously aware of the same signal of 0-D mind in the aether.

In a nonlocal world, there is only one object, since every place is the 
same place.  Should we suspect that the vast population of objects (and 
of minds) is illusory? Every mind is actually one mind?  (A very popular 
concept in nonwestern religion eh?)

While I was recovering from a kick-ass dream, and before opening my eyes, 
I was thinking very clearly, and couldn't escape a single question:  HOW 
DOES THE FREAKIN' ADDRESSING SYSTEM WORK?  No answer presented itself.  I 
think the question alone was the important thing.  If we can FIGURE OUT 
HOW the nonlocal world can support "space" or "extension" or "multiple 
apparent minds," then I suspect that we'll have lept forward in 
understanding everything, basically all of physics.  In the underlying 
nonlocal plenum, where everything experiences instantaneous communication, 
because everything occupies the same location, how can there ever be more 
than one electron, one photon in the universe?

I suspect that the nonlocal world is nonlinear.  If so, then any sort of 
oscillation will not occupy a spot on the frequency spectrum, because two 
oscillations will couple together, producing a complicated dynamic "shape" 
in the spectrum.  I think this would lead to a frequency spectrum with 
multiple dimensions?  Where every oscillation frequency adds a new axis to 
the graph?  This is like a radio with many tuning knobs, and each 
"station" has a separate nunber-code in the knob-settings.  If so, I think 
that would provide sufficient "space" for a universe of apparent bosons 
and leptons (and minds.)

In that case, similar objects would be strongly coupled together, while 
vastly different objects would have weak coupling, and the same rule 
should apply across all scales.  "Telepathy" would be common among each 
particle class (and each animal species, but weaker between disparete 
species.  Among humans we might expect strong telepathy between identical 
twins?  And if instantaneous telepathy is common, we might predict that, 
while individual amoebae, mice, etc., aren't too intelligent, the entire 
species might exhibit an emergent "common mind" with godlike processing 
power, higher power when the population is larger.  Be kind to 
cockroaches, and the cockroach-goddess will become your friend.

In any case, this would be an "Everything Is Just Frequency" theory, 
beloved of Nikola Tesla.

Tesla was EXTREMELY involved in nonlinear arrays of coupled oscillators, 
calling it "method of individualization," and using the trick for secure 
military comms, for a sort of FM-radio he called "the static-eliminator," 
as well as being the secret addressing system for his power-broadcast 

How could we engineer such a physics?

It suggests that "sympathetic magic" is the fundamental physics behind 
known physics.  To produce physical forces, or to establish communication 
between two distant objects, make them be similar.

Suggestion: in silicon, construct two vast micro-patterns: make some 3D 
pseudo-crystals having precise random (or fractal) checkerboard-like 
patterns.  Then, make sudden small changes to one, while looking for 
identical signals in the other.  Or, monitor the noise of each one, 
looking for a coincidence-signal.  Or perhaps do something similar by 
using these linked crystals to build "brains," i.e. noisy RAM storage 
having hysterisis, where writing a pattern to one, causes the same pattern 
to appear in the other. (Imagine a world where, the more Iphone-37s sold, 
the closer to consciousness becomes the "goddess of Iphone-37.)

Thoughts, please?
Might there be some hint of simultaneity that may be sensorized within our
gray matter?

How about a ring of dead brains kept artifically alive, where we you zap 
them all at the same time, it stuns nearby people?  Or feed them audio 
suggestions, to produce mind-control of any person?  I think there was a 
bad 1950s movie about that.  (Just don't accidentally trigger an aether- 
tornado in the center of your ring of corpses.)

The kick-ass dream, it was the third one listed below, the artificial 
Burning-Man tulpa-goddess:

  Hyper-realistic dreams

 ( (  (   ((O))   )  ) ) 
William J. Beaty
beat...@gmail.comCTO, Inventor, Research Engineer 
206-762-3818 vm5459 Wilkinson Rd, Langley, WA 98260-8700

Re: [Vo]:superluminal mind

2020-12-13 Thread H LV
Thanks for the talk about Boscovich.
Here the presenter quotes Heisenberg as saying that Boscovich's force is
repulsive at short distances but becomes attractive at larger distances.
Such a force is sufficient to account for the formation of stable solids
(condensed matter) from atoms, but the formation of a stable nucleus would
seem to be precluded. Boscovich theory of force could be considered
comprehensive for its time when nothing was known about the nucleus.
However, the formation of a stable nucleus would need to be supplemented by
a complementary force which is attractive at small distances but repulsive
at larger distances.


On Sun, Dec 13, 2020 at 10:39 AM ROGER ANDERTON 

> development of Boscovich theory led to quantum physics, Dragoslav from
> Serbia talk on Boscovich->

Re: [Vo]:superluminal mind

2020-12-13 Thread Jürg Wyttenbach

This seems to be the original paper!


On 13.12.2020 16:39, ROGER ANDERTON wrote:

>>Slobodan Nedic<<

also deals with Boscovich theory. People like Tesla and Boscovich get 
missed out of Western Science education

Boscovich 18 th century and used to be part of physics education 
before WWII then gets missed out.

Boscovich statute->

Ruggiero Boscovich - Jesuits Ireland

development of Boscovich theory led to quantum physics, Dragoslav from 
Serbia talk on Boscovich->

-- Original Message -- From: "JonesBeene"
 To: ""
 Sent: Sunday, 13 Dec, 20 At 14:13 Subject:
RE: [Vo]:superluminal mind

*From: *Sean Logan 

  * Tell me more about this "Longitudinal Wave"? Can you show me
equations, or point me to papers? Last night, out of the blue,
an engineer started telling me about this same thing. He
showed me a pair of equations from his paper, but asked me not
to publish them because they are export restricted.

There are dozens of papers out there due to Tesla worship. Many
are bogus. Some are brilliant but speculative - I cannot say I
understand the concept very well. Try:

“Longitudinal Waves in Electromagnetism - Toward a Consistent Theory”

Slobodan Nedic

This group has amended Maxwell’s equations and seems fairly
believable. There are decent references at the end.

There are also papers behind paywalls. And /in Infinite Energy/.

Jürg Wyttenbach
Bifangstr. 22
8910 Affoltern am Albis

+41 44 760 14 18
+41 79 246 36 06

RE: [Vo]:superluminal mind

2020-12-13 Thread ROGER ANDERTON

Slobodan Nedic<<

also deals with Boscovich theory. People like Tesla and Boscovich get 
missed out of Western Science education

Boscovich 18 th century and used to be part of physics education before 
WWII then gets missed out.

Boscovich statute->

Ruggiero Boscovich - Jesuits Ireland

development of Boscovich theory led to quantum physics, Dragoslav from 
Serbia talk on Boscovich->

-- Original Message --
From: "JonesBeene" 
To: "" 
Sent: Sunday, 13 Dec, 20 At 14:13
Subject: RE: [Vo]:superluminal mind

From: Sean Logan 

   * Tell me more about this "Longitudinal Wave"?  Can you show me 
equations, or point me to papers?   Last night, out of the blue, an 
engineer started telling me about this same thing.  He showed me a pair 
of equations from his paper, but asked me not to publish them because 
they are export restricted.

There are dozens of papers out there due to Tesla worship. Many are 
bogus. Some are brilliant but speculative -  I cannot say I understand 
the concept very well. Try:

“Longitudinal Waves in Electromagnetism - Toward a Consistent Theory”
Slobodan Nedic 

This group has amended Maxwell’s equations and seems fairly believable. 
There are decent references at the end.

There are also papers behind paywalls. And in Infinite Energy.

RE: [Vo]:superluminal mind

2020-12-13 Thread JonesBeene

From: Sean Logan

➢ Tell me more about this "Longitudinal Wave"?  Can you show me equations, or 
point me to papers?   Last night, out of the blue, an engineer started telling 
me about this same thing.  He showed me a pair of equations from his paper, but 
asked me not to publish them because they are export restricted.

There are dozens of papers out there due to Tesla worship. Many are bogus. Some 
are brilliant but speculative -  I cannot say I understand the concept very 
well. Try:

“Longitudinal Waves in Electromagnetism - Toward a Consistent Theory”
Slobodan Nedic

This group has amended Maxwell’s equations and seems fairly believable. There 
are decent references at the end.

There are also papers behind paywalls. And in Infinite Energy.