Re: [Vo]:OT - formally just interesting- other FatCats in some trouble

2011-10-12 Thread peatbog
> Replied to in vortex-b.

I got a 550 failure from the attempt to send the reply to
vortex-b, so maybe Popfile can sort the political junk from the
juicy fringe-science stuff.

Re: [Vo]:OT - formally just interesting- other FatCats in some trouble

2011-10-12 Thread peatbog
Replied to in vortex-b.

Re: [Vo]:OT - formally just interesting- other FatCats in some trouble

2011-10-12 Thread peatbog
Kindly take this stuff to Vortex-b.

Re: [Vo]:Only one size E-Cat?

2011-05-08 Thread peatbog

> A person can believe anything, but you do not have a rational
> reason for believing this particular assertion. You cannot show
> how or why they are mired in confusion, or point to any likely
> error in their technique.

As I understand it, Rossi is claiming to do something that people
who know a lot about this sort of thing believe is not possible.

Until enough people have reverse-engineered his device and gotten
the same amazing performance that he claims, it seems more likely
that he and his colleagues have made a mistake than that they have
an amazing new invention.

Re: [Vo]:Only one size E-Cat?

2011-05-08 Thread peatbog

> It is clear now that both of these tests were juvenile efforts at
> calorimetry - below high school standards...

If Steorn, with a bunch of engineers working for it, could make a
measurement error and not spot it for a year or more, and have to
have it pointed out to them by an outside engineer, Philip , then I can believe Rossi and company are mired in
confusion as well.

[Vo]:Cold Fusion Replicated thousands of times?

2011-04-29 Thread peatbog

> Cold fusion
> has been replicated thousands of times in hundreds of labs

Straighten me out here, but I thought that the replications were
one-off things that could not be reliably repeated, or the
supposed OU from them was so small that it could be written off as

What was compelling to me about Rossi's demo was, to start
with, that it *was* a demo, and not a claim that so-and-so and a
lab assistant had seen OU on one occasion.

As well, the demo was done before a group of technical people, and
had the participation of Focardi, presumably a man of substance
when it comes to messing around with this sort of thing.

They even repeated it a few weeks later.

Re: [Vo]:Massive Rossi Claim: "97 E-Cats In Operation Right Now Accross 4 Countries"

2011-04-29 Thread peatbog
> The single most important
> development in recent history and in a time of crisis, but it's
> not worthy of mention.

Why should the media mention it? It hasn't been replicated, as far
as we know, by independent testing labs; nobody even knows how
it works or if it works reliably.

Right now, it is just another wild claim, down there with Steorn.

Re: [Vo]:Clear, odorless, water-based & combustible

2011-04-17 Thread peatbog
> Jones Beene  wrote:
>  Considerably less than the $100 million Euros that a Greek
> investor might
> > be willing to advance ….
> >
> Ha, ha. And how would this work now that they are testing it in
> Rossi's absence? I imagine they will notice. Surely the hidden
> tank will run out, or they will try another source of water.

Maybe Rossi is using ice-nine.

Re: [Vo]:Rossi addresses Ni enrichment issue

2011-04-12 Thread peatbog
> No, I was not here a few years ago.
> By the way, I'm not far right. I am a libertarian (no longer
> affiliated with the party since they nominated Bob Barr the
> biggest drug warrior in congress as their presidential
> candidate) and Ron Paul supporter.

You should send 'political' or any other OT postings to the
vortexb list, especially political postings, since they seem to
suck in people so easily. It must be some sick 'political' gene
that people have, and that makes them throw rules of courtesy and
common-sense overboard.

You have to be subscribed to vortexb to see the posts there, so
anyone who does not want to see OT stuff can refrain from

Here is the info on vortexb:





Re: [Vo]:Are you falling for it?

2011-04-08 Thread peatbog

> OTOH - If he is a total scam artist, and that is certainly not
> ruled out - then he has probably lined up one or two especially
> wealthy investors, whom he will fleece. 

Maybe he figures his scam is morally right since he will use the
money he makes to help the kids with cancer.

Re: [Vo]:PESN reports zirconium cold fusion in Poland

2011-03-31 Thread peatbog
> Could it be a hoax?

I don't know, but I am surprised that Mark Goldes hasn't had
anything to add.

Steorn is still in there, sort of, implying, on their
'steornofficial' twitter account, that they have a 3kw heater that
you can hold in your hand; and saying that they will release
'info' on a 15kw heater within 4 weeks.


2011-03-23 Thread peatbog
> 'reboot' aka it's a 'NEW BALL GAME' with 'not merely' a NEW
> SCORE CARD; oh no; it's NOW TIME for a completely NEW SCORE
> SYSTEM for WORLD PHYSICS as WE KNOW IT. . . (also, "Great news
> Spook, no gruel today!"--->"Ok Screw, "What are we having for
> lunch?"> "CRAMPS~;-)"
> ~IT IS TIME~HADRON over: proved cross-spectrum Plasmonic-Access
> & JAPAN obviates Nuclear Designs in favor of these Quasi-Hadron
> relatively compact transpectum Plasmonic-Gravion
> toroidal-torsion wave accessing reactors.

Your stuff is way over my head, but thanks for breaking it into

Re: [Vo]:Washington Times comments on Rossi

2011-03-18 Thread peatbog
> I don't wish to sound negative, but that is the Washington Times
> and not the Washington Post.
> It is owned by reverend Sun Myung Moon who heads the Unification
> Church.

You make it sound like the Washsington Times is the National
Enquirer. As far as I know, it is a respected newspaper.

Re: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC: A special public announcement: from Madison, Wisconsin

2011-03-14 Thread peatbog

> I have posted this particular OFF TOPIC commentary in vortex-l
> because I have perceived the fact that there are individuals on
> this list that have shown interest in what's been happening in
> Madison, Wisconsin. 

Then they should be reading your pearls on vortex-b. What is so
hard to figure out about that?

Re: [Vo]:Explosion at Fukushima nuclear power plant

2011-03-13 Thread peatbog
> On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 3:37 PM, Terry Blanton
>  wrote:
> > This site is reporting a core meltdown:
> >
> >
> >
> Have all six failed?  OMG.

Rossi is probably getting a lot of enquiries from Japan.

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:No Fusion dream

2011-03-12 Thread peatbog
> I normally don't remember my dreams but had a very disturbing
> one a couple nights ago that I haven't been able to shake. It
> was about large flocks of birds flying straight up Into space
> and merging into huge black mantled skeletons that swept back
> down to kill and destroy everything on the surface

You think that was bad? I dreamed the other night that I was at a
party where I met Amanda Tapping. Looking into her gorgeous eyes I
suggested we go back to my place, whereupon she sneered at me as
too old and decrepit.

I started to tell her that I had a hot-fusion Rossi
Electro-Catalyzer in my pocket when the alarm clock went off.

Talk about traumatic!

Re: [Vo]:Off Topic: Wisconsin Republican Senators create an unprecedented out...

2011-03-10 Thread peatbog
> Please, forward to the Liberally Unstable. > You,,, yes you!
> the so-called people of this country, who continually construe


This OT stuff is getting out of hand.

Re: [Vo]:Off Topic: Wisconsin Republican Senators create an unprecedented outrage, history being made

2011-03-10 Thread peatbog
> In the dark of the night, without notice to the public, without
> any debate, without even printing copies of the bill, 18
> Republicans used procedural trickery to strip hundreds of
> thousands of workers in Wisconsin of their collective bargaining
> rights.

The picture of the democrats abandoning their place in the
legislature and hiding out in another state makes them look
irresponsible it seems to me.

I am pleased the Republicans found a way to put the will of the
people into effect despite the worst efforts of the democrats.

Re: [Vo]:Latest Rossi news at PESN

2011-03-08 Thread peatbog
> That would be a huge win.
> If they confiscate it then they have to admit it produces
> radioactivity.
> Then he could go on every talk show in the entire USA.
> Cold Fusion would finally be vindicated.

I would rather have the 100 units operating than confiscated. That
would do more to vindicate cold fusion than the the enmity of
some government agency.

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Financial Warfare

2011-03-02 Thread peatbog

> Oops, I have wandered far from the subject. Please forgive me.

No problem: off-topic is the new on-topic. In any case, it was not
'entirely' OT.

Re: [Vo]:OT (But Not Entirely) - Wisconsin Public Employees Continue Protesting. State Senators AWOL

2011-02-19 Thread peatbog
> Most of us don't mind OT posting as long as it is so labeled.
> Some of us enjoy OT posts.  Virtually everyone is guilty on
> occasion.

Sure. Maybe I'll block the subject, but I want to wait a bit to
see if Bill Beatty weighs in: I enjoyed his hammering of the ot
posters the last time.

Re: [Vo]:OT (But Not Entirely) - Wisconsin Public Employees Continue Protesting. State Senators AWOL

2011-02-19 Thread peatbog
Your reasons for posting in vortex-b are clear, but I have to
disagree with what you are doing.

If you want to post ot stuff, and you want to play by the vortex
rules, I suggest that you announce in vortex-l that you have a
bunch of stuff that is dear to your heart that you want to post,
but that it is ot so you are going to post it in vortex-b. You
might add a little teaser to make it sound exciting.

Remind the vortex-l readers that they can subscribe to vortex-b by
sending an email to, with a subject
of: subscribe.

Then mention that vortex-b is not being used to speak of and that
if they subscribe they will not be bombarded with anything except
the really interesting stuff that you are going to post there.

Reading that, it sounds like a poor way to convince anybody to read
your stuff, but what can you do if you are going to follow the
vortex rules?

Re: [Vo]:OT (But Not Entirely) - Wisconsin Public Employees Continue Protesting. State Senators AWOL

2011-02-19 Thread peatbog
> PeatBog,
> The subject thread of my posts clearly state "OT" Off Topic. You
> are free to view "OT" posts or not.

I skimmed a few but have largely skipped them. The point is,
though, that vortex-b was created for ot posts. Why not use it?

Re: [Vo]:OT (But Not Entirely) - Wisconsin Public Employees Continue Protesting. State Senators AWOL

2011-02-19 Thread peatbog
Why don't you send this stuff to vortex-b which is the forum for
OT subjects?

Re: [Vo]:The Big Picture

2011-01-29 Thread peatbog
> Most of us here on the forum agree that if the Rossi device is
> not faked, it is the most important energy invention since the
> Manhattan project. This is what Mills had claimed for his work
> about 6 months ago, but all of a sudden BLP is 'eating dust' and
> stalled at the gate in the metaphorical race. and it could be a
> race for the ages, with nothing less than totally world energy
> dominance as the grand prize.

I don't follow the talk about energy dominance. How to make the
device is pretty well known, except for the catalyst. Once Rossi
comes across with a convincing demo or the mw power plant, or
even does a long run of the 12kw device, it won't be long before
people figure out what the catalyst is and build the devices for

To whatever degree it is necessary for a theoretical understanding
before the device can be fully exploited, once the yellow guys and
the other white guys get interested (and the brown people in
India are no slouches these days either), they can figure it out
just as well as the guys at Cern.

Patents will be a joke. No country is going to sit around waiting
for Rossi's permission. Countries will break every agreement
they have in regard to patents rather than not build the device.

Re: [Vo]: The tides have changed... The genie is out of the bottle.

2011-01-23 Thread peatbog, a widely-read website, has a
non-sneering article about the Rossi claims.

Re: [Vo]:The dawn of a new era?

2011-01-18 Thread peatbog
> On 01/17/2011 09:55 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
> > Stephen A. Lawrence>>
> > wrote: 
> One of the major photography rags of the era (Pop Photo or Modern
> Photography, I forget which) ran an article on him, partly due
> to his claim to be able to "think" things onto film, which claim
> they didn't care for.   Apparently the folks at SRI weren't as
> careful as the photography magazine's reporter, who found Randi
> unconvincing.
When the reporter was out of the room, Geller lifted the lens cap
an inch or so off the reporter's camera and snapped a picture,
presumably thinking it would result in a blur and he could then
claim to have been thinking at it or something.

He didn't realize that the camera was fitted with a 'fisheye'
lens, and the resulting picture was a clear shot of Geller's
fingers holding the lens cap and Geller peering at the lens.

Re: [Vo]:The dawn of a new era?

2011-01-17 Thread peatbog
> This is a quote from peatbog, who is not here. 

Huh? I'm right here!

> I would answer
> his "skeptical" assertions as follows. 

I was quoting someone who was quoting someone who is familiar with
the workings of the University of Bologna.

> So why don't you
> give us a thumbnail description of how this scam might work.

I don't know much about scams and nothing about this, but...if
nobody but Rossi knows what the catalyst is, could it be something
that would put out that kind of energy?

Does anyone but Rossi know that he is using nickel in the tube
rather than something that would burn conventionally and put out
the supposed energy that was seen?

> Here is a detail you do not know, but I know for a fact. The
> experiment has been conducted several times over the last month,
> and many times before that in front of other witnesses, often
> for very long periods, which precludes the possibility that
> there is a hidden source of

That sounds good.

Something I do not understand is why Rossi does not have a testing
lab or two sign non-disclosure agreements and replicate the

He says he wants to commercialize it. Wouldn't awestruck reports
from testing labs be a useful way to get capital?

> SO . . . how do you explain it? How can anyone conduct a "scam"
> of this nature? Where do you think the energy is coming from?
> I think these professors do understand the laws of physics, and
> I am sure they understand how much energy it takes to vaporize
> water.
> - Jed

Re: [Vo]:The dawn of a new era?

2011-01-17 Thread peatbog
FWIW. I found this at:

I asked a contact from Italy check the videos and documentation
last night (the contact knows the Bologna university very well).

Summary: Rossi just has a black box where the university
scientists are not allowed to look into (hey, patent pending, you
know). Only measurements from outside are allowed. For example: to
check the gamma-radiation Rossi has provided a special hole on one
spot of his machine, and only there the radiation may be measured.

The university scientists are 'used' by Rossi to provide
acceptance for his in invention. Maybe one scientist is involved
in the scam.

During the first of the three videos the camera also turns to the
invited professors and university board, naming them specifically.
My contact was laughing, telling me that in Bologna the higher
level management has only their positions because of family or
politics, and that those 'professors' have no clue about the
physics involved. But they really like publicity.

Conclusion: this looks very much like the demonstration of the
magnetic machine in Delft University (Netherlands) last year,
where scam artists are using the naive openness of scientific
University staff to create credibility. While they are not willing
to show what's inside the black box (patent issues), not even to
the people doing the experiments.

Re: [Vo]:More on Ni-H LENR

2011-01-10 Thread peatbog
> Thanks. Brrr... Not much heat in the Lamb shift.
> ... guess that's why lambs-eat-oats ...
Don't lambs eat ivy (kids eat it too)? I believe it is mares and
does who eat oats.

> -Original Message-
> From: Terry Blanton 
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:More on Ni-H LENR
> LS = 4.372 x 10^-6 eV => x 1.602 x 10^-19 J/eV = 7.00 x 10^-25 J

Re: [Vo]:OT: Virtual Currency - The future of currency in the 21st century and beyond.

2010-12-24 Thread peatbog

> I need to correct a misconception. Under the VC system the
> average and well-off DO pay for essential services.

Sorry, I badly mis-read that. So, it is food stamps without limit
for those who need them, applied automatically by cc.

I kind of like it but still wonder about:

1. A horrendously large cc bureaucracy.

2. Thieves/lawyers/entrepreneurs (the categories greatly
overlapping, probably) finding ways to milk the system for their
own gain.

For example, organizing poor people to buy more food than they
need with virtual credits, and buying the extra food from them with
real credits, if that is possible under the system, or by providing
them with luxuries.

The food thus bought is then sold at a price lower than its
original price, but still making a profit for the thieves.

The profit came from the government-supplied food, ie the
taxpayer-supplied food, and went into luxuries for the poor, and
more luxuries for the thieves. It does not encourage the poor to
work harder, since that particular job is so easy to do.

That is a half-baked example and might not be workable for the
thieves, or might be easily foiled by the system, though at the
price of snooping into the lives of the poor that are involved.

>Practically speaking such a system might help ensure the over-all
>quality of "food stamps". Keep in mind the fact that if rich and
>powerful receive the exact same food stamps that the less
>advantage receive they are more likely to make sure that the food
>stamps they receive AVAIL themselves to the best quality for which
>society can supply everyone with. IOW, while the rich might
>benefit, so would the less advantaged.

Maybe I am missing something, but I don't see that happening: the
rich will buy the best health care, not the basic care available
to the less-rich - same as now; the rich will buy the best
housing, not the basic version, etc. - They will be just as
disconnected from the hoi polloi as they are today.

I read somewhere a suggestion that people be allowed to have an
income no more than x times that of the average income. Maybe that
could be worked into your VC system to occur automatically and
would keep the rich a bit more connected to the rest of us.

One thing that strikes me about the chiropractic example is that
it seems more people would become chiropractors (or doctors or
perform any service) because their possible base of patients would
expand to people who nowadays can not afford such services.

But somebody has to pay for the services of the chiropractor, and
the necessities that are bought. If it isn't the poor person, it
must be the taxpayers.

If the economy is efficient - if products are made at a low cost,
then they can be virtually bought by the poorer people and impose
a lower burden on the taxpayers than they would if the products
were more expensive to make.

Re: [Vo]:OT: Virtual Currency - The future of currency in the 21st century and beyond.

2010-12-24 Thread peatbog
It sounds like computerized food stamps that never run out and are
available to the entire population, regardless of income.

One thing that I don't like about it is that it sounds like cc
would be a large bureaucracy. For example, they might declare that
plasma tvs with screens less than 21 inches are necessities of life
(a citizen must be kept up to date with what is going on, etc), but
that larger ones are luxuries.

The classification would change as technology advanced, so that
when flat-screen tvs took over, any size plasma tv would be seen
as a necessity. This sort of thing would occur all the time, it
seems to me, needing an army of bureaucrats to keep track of it

Under this plan, the credits for necessities would be available to
everybody, not just poor people. So a family with an average
income, large enough to live in reasonable comfort, who, under
today's system, would pay for their basic food, would no longer pay
for it, meaning the government would. When you add in the other
things you mention: 'health, basic health services, basic public
transportation, basic shelter', it sounds like much, most? of the
economy would be socialistic.

Socialistic economies seem to work, unless they get too 'social';
not sure how social this plan would end up being.

[Vo]:WW2 Re-enactment

2010-10-23 Thread peatbog
> Good point, but what would you say about me if I wanted to
> reenact satanic rituals or the killing of JFK?  Would this be
> ok?  Don't you wonder why Lott chose to be German rather than
> pretend to be British. The Nazis were so abhorrent and insane
> that any connection must be avoided at all costs.  Lott
> obviously does not share this opinion even though he may not
> agree with the Nazi goals.
> Ed

Replied to on

Re: [Vo]:No one would DARE try to replicate Vyosotski

2010-10-23 Thread peatbog
Jed Rothwell wrote:
> For a scientist to discuss it would be like a U.S.
> politician going out on weekends on WWII reenactments dressed as
> a member of the Waffen-SS, like this nitwit did:
> - Jed

I don't want to hijack the thread, but if Rich Lott is a
[political] nitwit, that says more about the pathetically cringing
state of our society than it does about him.

Quote from the article:

Iott…said his interest in Nazi Germany was historical and he does
not subscribe to the tenets of Nazism. “No, absolutely not,” he
said. “In fact, there’s a disclaimer on the [Wiking] website. And
you’ll find that on almost any reenactment website. It’s purely
historical interest in World War II.”

Iott, who originally joined Wiking in an effort to bond with his
son, gave up his membership in the group in 2007. Wiking lists
itself as a “living history and World War Two reenactment
society,” and defended itself in a recent story posted on its site:

“Any person or political group who believes there is some bizarre
hidden Nazi agenda by reenactors is not only ignorant of the facts
but using false representation to foster their own political
ambition and beneath contempt. Would these same accusers point a
finger at Civil War Confederate reenactors and say they are all
racially prejudiced?”

Re: [Vo]:any thoughts on this new steorn video where 2 engineers and a physicist are baffled at their 308% overunity results?

2010-10-01 Thread peatbog
> You are assuming that the labs would openly receive and report,
> in fact they do claim to have given it to testing labs and they
> got positive results but didn't want to be named.

They claimed to have shown it to several academics who agreed
there was an 'anomaly' but would not allow their names to be
associated with it.
> That makes sense, since a lab would be rubbished for reporting
> such.

It makes sense if all they saw was an ambiguous excess of energy.
Why would they go out on a limb for something that might have a
dozen conventional explanations?

But if I ran a testing lab and came across 300 percent OU, not
some rinky-dink ambiguous excess, and tested the bejesus out of
it, and finally came to believe that it really was 300 percent OU,
I would shout it to the skies; it would be a bonanza of publicity
for my lab. I would want to be closely associated with it.

> And what president would collapse the oil industry like that,
> certainly not Americas previous president, probably very few of
> them at all.

If the president or prime minister didn't want to collapse it,
then the inventors would be happy to, if only because it would
make them multi-billionaires and ensure that they would be
remembered for centuries.

> Secondly I think it has to do with them not have got it to
> produce truly convincing amounts of energy even if the ratio of
> input-output is OU.

That's not what the engineers said. They claim that there is 300
percent OU. How can you construe that to mean that it is not
producing 'truly convincing amounts of energy'? 300 percent OU is
not convincing?

But aside from the amazing claims of the three engineers,
everything points to a scam or monumental self-delusion: People
with 300 percent OU don't muck around with some half-baked

You notice the engineers didn't claim to have closed the loop,
even with 300 percent OU. None of these amazing schemes are ever
able to do that.

> Now I am still skeptical of this crowd, but your scenario is
> innocent and child like.

Re: [Vo]:any thoughts on this new steorn video where 2 engineers and a physicist are baffled at their 308% overunity results?

2010-10-01 Thread peatbog
> "In this video, two engineers and a physicist give their
> reactions to the Orbo Evaluation and Development Unit."
> here's a screencapture of the scopeshot:

When I see the engineer saying the device is 300 percent OU, and
then think how there are a bunch of people paying 419 euro to work
on the devices - develop them or whatever it is exactly that they
are doing in the skdb, it feels like there is a giant discrepancy
between what I think are the implications of 300 percent OU, and
what is actually being done with it.

If Steorn have OU beyond any measurement error, and 300 percent
fits that requirement, they should have sent it long ago to
testing labs, and should have had a press conference long ago,
probably standing beside the Prime Minister, and should have been
inundated with more money than George Soros has, and the world
should be in a ferment with people replacing furnace oil burners,
car engines, you name it, with Orbos. 

At least that is the only way I can imagine OU being made public.

Instead, we have Steorn inviting people to pay them 419 euros for
the privilege of learning about the technology.

I am confused.

Re: [Vo]:?CENSORSHIP? re: NASA's BPP Russian version

2010-09-23 Thread peatbog
That is nothing. I heard that Iran has a fleet of satellites, each
one containing 50 multi-megaton hydrogen bombs with advanced
late-nazi guidance systems ready to be dropped on the various
Great Satans and waiting only for the head mullah to give the
word as soon as he gets permission from the Israeli Knesset.

Re: [Vo]:FW: RELIGION CALLS IT GOD: Deep-Thought Lives!SENTIENT-COMPRESSED DATA WAVE/AexoTCW(HyperSpace-Tachyon(speed)CarrierWave/TESLA-Tulku-Team

2010-07-31 Thread peatbog
Hash: SHA1

> *Tachyon(speed) hyper Compressed-Data-fractal coded M-BRANE is
> Deep-Thoughts: ALL ENERGY is a FRACTAL-CODED hyper-compressed &
> VIRTUALLY INFINITE. 'sentient-self-propogating/self aware'
> TACHYON-speed CARRIER WAVE. IN SHORT:  Russian Aethyr Physicist
> call it AETHYR; I call 'Hyperspace-AexoDarkEnergy SUPERPLASMA'


> & religion calls it GOD.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [Vo]:Solar EMP: the biggest threat to our way of life?

2010-07-15 Thread peatbog
Hash: SHA1

Sounds like an opportunity for another WPA to help lift us out of
the depression: build scads of spare transformers and whatever
other electric machinery is needed to 'harden' the grid system.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [Vo]:steorn addendum video posted on youtube

2010-01-21 Thread peatbog
On Thu, 21 Jan 2010 13:11:03 -0600
OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson  wrote:

> I've noticed that neither have you offered any information in regards
> to Steorn's "flat fee" structure. I assume you don't know the answer
> either. So, how can you tell? We're both speculating! ;-)

The cost is 419 euros per year. Here are the terms:

Re: [Vo]:steorn addendum video posted on youtube

2010-01-21 Thread peatbog
> I think on the contrary that the entirety of their licensing revenue
> will be from individuals. If I understand correctly their licensing
> model, enterprises will only pay a percentage of their sales of
> products implementing the technology. So if the technology doesn't
> work they won't pay a cent. Individuals on the contrary pay a flat
> fee!

It would take a lot of individual fees to equal the royalties from
a company like GE. In any case, my guess is that whatever
information they give to people buying a license will soon be all
over the internet.

Their only chance of making money will be from companies who
respect their patents.

Re: [Vo]:Back EMF: Sean may be right

2010-01-19 Thread peatbog
> if they have 
> 2:1 excess:input, it would be a conclusive demonstration, and they 
> could actually raise huge sums as investments.

Apparently, they don't need any more investment. They want people
to buy licenses from them.

Re: [Vo]:Back EMF: Sean may be right

2010-01-17 Thread peatbog
On Sat, 16 Jan 2010 19:01:22 -0800 (PST)
> Or has Steorn now released all info on Orbo so everyone can build exact 
> copies?   Part numbers of toroid cores, number of turns of which gauge of 
> wire etc?
As I understand it, they will do that starting Feb 1, if you pay
them 419 euros. 

According to the remarks by a member, the people already in the
steorn development group will also get the final pieces of the
info needed to make an orbo, but I don't know if that will happen
on Feb 1 (no charge to those people).

Re: [Vo]:steorn talk#2 today at 5pm irish time + closeup shots of steorn talk#2 demo-rig

2010-01-14 Thread peatbog
On Tue, 12 Jan 2010 14:57:17 -0600
OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson  wrote:
> Unfortunately for the rest of us who are
> languishing in the peanut gallery, I fear we will have to wait very
> VERY long time before anything of substance is revealed.

McCarthy says that calorimetry results will be published at the
end of this month. This is work being done by an independent firm.
One of the 'skud' members says he has been told third-party
testing will also be done.

I hope the calorimetry results are unambiguous one way or the

So we may know soon that they have something amazing or not. If
they do, I hope enough hotshot engineers at large companies will
work on it so that real products will show up within a year.

FWIW, one of the engineers at waterways told a visitor he thought
the first application would be to power portable generators.

[Vo]:Is OU Here At Last?

2008-02-18 Thread peatbog
Flying Dutchman page:

ClaNZer video No. 1

ClaNZer video No. 2

ClaNZer video No. 3 

Re: [Vo]:(OT) The Earth to Stand Still, again

2008-02-16 Thread peatbog
On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 09:25:28 -0600
OrionWorks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Before I clarify the meaning behind the subject title (as if most
> haven't already figured it out!) here's interesting VIDEO footage
> (and reported analysis) of yet another apparent solid body UFO.
> This one was spotted below the moonlit skies over Istanbul /
> Kumburgaz. Pretty amazing detail.
> See:

It looks like the upper part of a circular neon sign, mostly
hidden by the ridge of a hill. Maybe a gas-station sign?

The dimmer versions are probably when it is turned off and
reflecting the lights in the parking lot.

Or maybe it is part of the roof of a circular building.

Of course, if all the witnesses mentioned are real and truthful and
those wacky Turks aren't having fun with us, then it's probably not
a sign or a building. But it probably is.

Re: [peatbog] Re: [Vo]:Richard Boyland UFO newsletter

2008-01-30 Thread peatbog
On Wed, 30 Jan 2008 09:26:29 -0600
OrionWorks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I gather the object was very large, black for the most part,
> triangular shaped, and opaque in the sense that it blocked out
> starlight as it flew over the gazing eyes of astonished witnesses,
> including the eyes of Governor Symington. It would appear that no
> one got a decent photograph of the object. This is understandable
> since the object was opaque, and it was in the evening.

I still vote for a projection test, since any projection gizmo
worth its salt would be able to occlude stars.

If it accelerated as fast as people thought, it could not be
material or it would have made a huge blast.

The 600 foot diameter was probably a gross exaggeration, but if
true, sounds like a projection.

Any alien worth _his_ salt (or whatever they use) could, of course,
do those things with a material spaceship.

Re: [Vo]:OT: Bigfoot on Mars??

2008-01-28 Thread peatbog
On Mon, 28 Jan 2008 09:18:13 -0600
OrionWorks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The UFO was witnessed hovering stationary
> for approximately five minutes before it began to move - slowly
> at fist. But then suddenly, within a blink of an eye, it zipped
> towards the horizon and appeared to disappear (as if its lights
> went out?) before it passed across the horizon. The acceleration
> and unbelievable speed appeared to have been instantaneous.

Interesting report. If it accelerated so rapidly, and was so large,
wouldn't there have been an enormous blast of wind? Maybe a
humongous sonic boom?

Maybe the Air Force was testing some sort of projection technology.
Sounds like it could be useful on a battlefield to confuse the

Re: [Vo]:Cold Electricity

2007-11-21 Thread peatbog
On Wed, 21 Nov 2007 13:46:01 -0200

>   What is the difference of not having access to the web
> site because it was taken down OR under a DOS attack?
>   Mark Jordan
You need to see these things in a wider perspective: It's nothing
to the viewer of the site, but a lot to the owner.

The owner of the site ends up with a large bill for the bandwidth
used before the site crashes. Or, the dos attack uses up his
allocated bandwidth and he has to buy extra to get the site back up.

The dos attack might also affect the isp in general, which might
jeopardize the victim's account.

I'd have thought Stiffler could put up a simple notice as the index
page, saying that the site was temporarily down. That would not
chew up much bandwidth (I think), but you can't blame him for being
extra careful.

[Vo]:Cold Electricity

2007-11-21 Thread peatbog
Saw this on another list:

Remember cold electricity? Just hours ago, all the videos for Dr.
Ronald Stiffler's "Cold Electricity" demonstrations were removed
from YouTube. His web site is now taken down as well

Re: [Vo]:Message from the Inventor, was: Cold reception to cold electricity

2007-11-01 Thread peatbog
Is the circuit considered complicated to those who know about such
things? Has DrS given out enough information for it to be
replicated? Has anyone tried? Apologies if I am asking questions
that have been answered.

Re: [Vo]: Mars Melt

2007-03-02 Thread peatbog
thomas malloy wrote:
> Jones Beene wrote:
>> Terry
>> In fact according to another scientist's controversial theory, we may
>> be headed in the direction of a "Maunder Minimum",
>> ... which... to Meander into cold cynicism, is another solution to the
>> global warming problem.
> I have previously mentioned Avery and Singer's book, Unstopable Global
> Warming Every 1500 Years. They make the point that the Vikings it called
> Greenland for a reason, and their colony was subsequently frozen out.
> The Romans grew wine grapes in England.

With all that warm weather, were sea levels higher? Was half of
present-day London under water?

> --- http://USFamily.Net/dialup.html - $8.25/mo! --
> - $19.99/mo! ---

Re: [Vo]: Steorn Photos

2007-02-16 Thread peatbog
Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:
> I've looked at the information on the Steorn website and have never seen
> anything that actually /said/ they have anything which self-runs.  

You're way off on that. the CEO has said several times that it is
self-running. I can't point you to the references, but I know I've
seen them. Ask on the forum if you want to pin it down.

Wesley Bruce wrote:
>> The bit that moves the escapement up and down with no
>> external input of energy: i.e. fingers or tweezers. 1600th century
>> clockwork.
>> If it is that simple the worlds scientific community will have a
>> complete and total fit. With wood, brass and twine Leanado Davinchi
>> could have built the thing.

>From what the ceo has said, it's simple, but I have the feeling it's
simple once you know how. The resin block holds a set of magnets in
a configuration that allows for the OU. Whatever the configuration
is, it's 3-dimensional. He's also said that nothing he has talked
about or shown, is anywhere near giving away what the magic
configuration is.

In case you're interested, the most interesting speculation I've
seen on the forum as to how the device works, is this thread:

It's neat the way he makes use of the 'lag' or 'viscosity' of
magnets in his speculation.

Re: [Vo]:

2006-12-26 Thread peatbog

Terry Blanton wrote:

On 12/26/06, Hoyt A. Stearns Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It's as if Steorn wants to get the information out, but in such a way 

it doesn't invalidate any patents they are seeking.

They might already have patent problems.  ;-)

Please give us the details.

These are constant torque motors, so, ironically, in their simplest
embodiment, they would
self destruct without a load. The highest power to weight ratio would
therefore be a high
RPM version. Steorn claims to have a 550 hp motor running.

Yes, hence the advantage of the Sprain approach.  We can control the
torque by controlling the RPM.  The real problem is that most real
loads vary immensely.  Your typical home has a peak demand of 10 kW
with an average demand of roughly  2 kW.

Regarding a 550 motor, this means little without knowing their COP.
With their stated COP of 2.3, one might assume that almost half of the
power is consumed internally.


Re: [Vo]: How Steorn Works

2006-08-29 Thread peatbog

Terry Blanton wrote:

From Steve's interview and close examination of the test rig image, I

believe I know how the Steorn machine works.

Note the large aluminum disk has what appears to be four threaded
holes around it's perimeter.  Also note that to the left of the disk
are threaded holes in the supporting mechanism.  I believe four NeFeBo
magnets are attached to the disk in 90 degree increments and one Neo
is attached to the supporting mechanism.

A mumetal shield is arranged with a camming device such that when the
disk is rotated by hand, the attractive force of the magnets adds
momentum to the disk.  When the rotor magnet is nearest the stator
magnet, the cam drops the shield between the magnets sending the disk
over the "sticky point".  The cam then lifts the shield and the next
magnet approaches.

They had to convince themselves that they could generate energy so a
worm gear is added to the drive shaft.  This drives a large pulley
which is belted to a small pulley.  The mechanical energy drives a
generator which subsequently drives a motor.  In a similar gear/pully
arrangement they drive another shaft.  If you look in the foreground
of that shaft you will see a mechanical brake which can add a load to
the driven shaft using the brass screw.  Speed sensors are on the ends
of each shaft.

Just my opinion, I could be wrong.


I thought that anything that blocked a magnet's attraction was also 
attracted to it, so that there is extra work needed to insert or 
remove the shield from between the magnets.

Re: [Vo]: Put a [Vo] tag in the message Subject line

2006-06-12 Thread peatbog

John Steck wrote:

Will all due respect Bill, this is a silly thing to waste time on just
because someone is too lazy to set up a simple filter on the address.  As
soon as you reply a RE: or FW: gets put in front of it... doh!

Just my 2 cents.  8^(

When I first started reading vortex, I put a filter on the To: 
header to whitelist anything addressed to vortex-l, and added one to 
move the message into the Vortex folder.

I'm using mozilla thunderbird, but thought even the simplest mail 
readers could do that.

-Original Message-
From: William Beaty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2006 5:17 PM
Subject: [Vo]: Put a [Vo] tag in the message Subject line

Test.   Does this work?

(( ( (  (   ((O))   )  ) ) )))
William J. Beaty
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Research Engineer
[EMAIL PROTECTED]UW Chem Dept,  Bagley Hall RM74
206-543-6195Box 351700, Seattle, WA 98195-1700