RE: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:If Rossi could speak freely, what would he say.

2011-04-27 Thread Roarty, Francis X
Axil wrote "As an engineering imperative, I have a feeling that Rossi decided to
centralize control of the reactor in the control box where he can adjust or
shut off control power as required."

That is what Pulse Width Modulation [PWM] does - In fact zero "ON" time is a 
valid pulse width for a PWM cycle when the feedback indicates the need to 
greatly reduce the output.

Re: [Vo]:If Rossi could speak freely, what would he say.

2011-04-27 Thread Jed Rothwell
Stephen A. Lawrence  wrote:

> transparent operation. No expert can fool one. No expert could have
> > fooled one used in Edo Japan in the marketplace, or in ancient Egypt.
> Certainly they could.
> A balance is only as good as the weights you use with it.  Using false
> weights was, in fact, pretty common, IIRC.
> At some point you want to be sure that the weights used have been marked
> with the seal of the government inspector, who has confirmed their
> weight . . .

I meant you cannot conceal the fundamental operation. That is to say, if you
hand over the scale to an engineer or physics professor, she will quickly
determine that the weights are false (by using good ones) or that there is a
hidden weight in the arm, or the tick marks on the arm are not where they
should be.

If the crooked fish vendor is using it, he might be able to do a
sleight-of-hand trick that a physics professor would miss. This is analogous
to Rossi insisting that observers use only his watt meter.

Some devices are fully transparent in their principles and operation. Others
are not. Many are in between. A flow calorimeter is on the transparent end
of the scale. McKubre has often made this point.

Abd ul-Rahman Lomax  wrote:

> I bet experts could, and did. Some were caught and died, I'm also sure.
> Some were not caught.

They would never kill someone in Edo Japan for such a minor offense. Unless
he was weighing out government gold or something.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:If Rossi could speak freely, what would he say.

2011-04-27 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence
OK, nit time.

On 04/26/2011 06:29 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
> You can compare a flow calorimeter to a balance weight scale. Such
> scales have been in use since ancient times. They have utterly
> transparent operation. No expert can fool one. No expert could have
> fooled one used in Edo Japan in the marketplace, or in ancient Egypt.

Certainly they could.

A balance is only as good as the weights you use with it.  Using false
weights was, in fact, pretty common, IIRC.

At some point you want to be sure that the weights used have been marked
with the seal of the government inspector, who has confirmed their
weight; otherwise you'll be paying for a kilo of flour but only getting
two pounds, despite the "transparent" operation of the scale.

Of course depending on "certified" weights only works if the government
is honest and the clerk hasn't grossly violated the law by drilling out
the weights after the inspector's mark was put on them; to get around
that you really need to bring your own weights -- but then the clerk
could claim your weights were false, and were too heavy, and at that
point things could get ugly...

Re: [Vo]:If Rossi could speak freely, what would he say.

2011-04-26 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 06:29 PM 4/26/2011, you wrote:
If it turns out Levi is really, really stupid then I can imagine 
some ways Rossi could commit a fraud. For example, if Levi shows up 
and Rossi gives him the power meter, thermocouples and other 
equipment and insists he use that equipment only, not his own, it 
would be easy to fool him.

Sure. But once you realize that any human being might possibly be, 
for enough money, corrupted, it's very simple.

You can compare a flow calorimeter to a balance weight scale. Such 
scales have been in use since ancient times. They have utterly 
transparent operation. No expert can fool one. No expert could have 
fooled one used in Edo Japan in the marketplace, or in ancient Egypt.

I bet experts could, and did. Some were caught and died, I'm also 
sure. Some were not caught.

Jed, it's not the scale that would be fooled, but the customer, who 
is supposedly observing the weighing process. Perhaps an extra weight 
is palmed, can be added surreptitiously. The details would depend on 
the transaction. Magicians are highly skilled at this kind of thing, 
creating a false appearance, and con artists can use the same kinds of tricks.

Re: [Vo]:If Rossi could speak freely, what would he say.

2011-04-26 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 05:31 PM 4/26/2011, Jed Rothwell wrote:
McKubre is brilliant and he has 22 years of experience working with 
flow calorimetry, but he could not devise a method of faking a 
result with a flow calorimeter that I would not spot in the first 
five minutes. I mean that.

I know you mean it, but I also am quite sure that he could, if he 
wanted to. He doesn't, I'm sure. That's what protects you against 
being fooled by him, not your brilliant, incisive, and completely 
understanding of all possible frauds.

You've seen the digital oscilloscope displays showing all relevant 
parameters, right? That is a computer display, and it could show 
anything that a fraud wanted it to show. So could any kind of meter. 
If the fraud has reasonably close control of the environment and what 
is brought into a test, it could be done.

 The whole point of a calorimeter is to lay bare all energy inputs 
and output.

That's a real calorimeter, Jed. What if it isn't a real calorimeter, 
but something carefully constructed to resemble one?

It is to simplify the equation and narrow down the possibilities so 
that there can be no significant undetected source of heat. This is 
done to make the results accurate, but it also has the effect of 
making the machine very easy to check for legerdemain.

You say so. Proof? More to the point -- since flow calorimetry is 
indeed pretty simple -- that most imagined "legerdemain" could be 
easily seen, close up, this does not prove that all forms would be so.

A person could design a complex machine with many inputs and 
outputs, and wires and hoses running every which direction. This 
machine probably could fool me. It would take me a while to trace 
down inputs and outputs. I doubt such a thing could fool McKubre or 
E&K, but it could fool me. However, a flow calorimeter DOES NOT HAVE 
wires and hoses running everywhere. It has ONE input and ONE output 
and exactly 4 parameters. If there is another input, it stands out 
like a sore thumb.

Tube concealed within a tube. You would not see it. Wires within 
wires, carrying high voltage, that look like wires that could not 
carry high power, because you assume the voltage is line voltage. 
Etc. It may well be that any given fraud mechanism can be ruled out, 
but, Jed, there is no limit to the number of possible mechanisms.

A calorimeter is as simple as an energy system can be.

You are assuming it's a calorimeter! Further, any temperature 
measurement can be fooled. You tried to make these arguments, when 
others advanced them, into an argument that thermometers did not 
work! No, they work, but, first of all, is it really a thermometer, 
and, second, what is it measuring. It might appear to be measuring 
the outlet water temperature, but be, in fact, measuring a confined 
stream, arranged to preferentially heat the thermometer.

Again, likely? No. My position rapidly become on this that this was 
either real or it was a *very* sophisticated fraud. Not an error. All 
the arguments you have given do, heavily, militate against "error."

That is the whole point of it. If they could make it even simpler, 
and eliminate other possible sources of error (or fraud -- it 
amounts to the same thing) they would make it simpler.

But nothing would be simpler than a fat payoff.

No one is so smart he knows a way to defeat industry standard 
machines and techniques used worldwide for a century.

You assume these machines run themselves, that they produce the 
results. Jed, that's naive.

You are probably right, in this case, i.e., this is very unlikely to 
be fraud. But that's like someone who believes he can't lose, and the 
proof is that he didn't lose in this or that case. You know, there is 
this scheme for making money with roulette. You double your bet each 
time, if you lose. People who believe this trick actually do make 
money. Most of the time. A little money. Then they lose their shirts. 
Maybe. It's unlikely enough that they might go on for a long time, 
making a small amount of money. Then the amount they need to bet 
turns out to be more than they can raise. Or if they raise it, they 
lose it. The odds don't change.

Fraudulent accounting techniques allowed it to be listed as the 
seventh largest company in the United States . . .

Accounting techniques and like cannot be compared to a machine such 
as a calorimeter.

Jed, you are completely missing the point. Machines don't set up 
measurements and report them, people do. Fool or corrupt the people, 
you can report anything. People believed that a fraud on the scale of 
Enron was impossible, surely it would be noticed, how could the 
numbers in accounting reports be wrong, surely someone would blow the whistle?

Machines must obey the laws of physics.

that's what they said about cold fusion.

An accounting system can have any value stuffed into memory by the 
programmer at any stage in the process. For this reason, a 
computerized voting system is permanently suspect

Re: [Vo]:If Rossi could speak freely, what would he say.

2011-04-26 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 04:46 PM 4/26/2011, Jed Rothwell wrote:
There is another way to rule out fraud. You can allow experts 
examine the machine closely and look for the physical equipment 
needed to commit fraud, such as hidden wires and pipes. Rossi has 
done this. There is only a vanishingly small chance that a fraud 
might somehow be concealed in the 1 liter cell, and the experts will 
soon look inside of that, as well. Once they have done that, fraud 
will be eliminated as decisively as it would be if this were 
independently replicated 200 times.

Depends. Jed. Look, fraud is *extremely unlikely,* my opinion. 
However, if any group of people should be suspicious of 
"impossibility" proofs for "unknown mechanism," it should be those 
familiar with cold fusion.

Impossibility proofs are all suspect. And that includes a proof that 
"fraud by unknown mechanism" is impossible.

How many experts does it take, doing an examination like that? 
Suppose that it's possible to walk off with a few hundred million 
euros with a sophisticated fraud? Would it be impossible to buy an 
expert who looks the other way, he can later say, "Gee, I didn't 
think of *that* possibility!"

Don't mistake this for an accusation of anyone. Like I said, I think 
fraud is extremely unlikely.

There are possible mechanisms. Each one is highly unlikely, but 
highly unlikely does not mean "impossible." *How many mechanisms are 
possible?* There isn't any particular limit, Jed.

But once there is serious and multiply-independent examination, and 
especially full internal examination, it does become very, very 
ridiculously impossible. Quite simply, it's not there yet, it's not 
beyond the point of some very sophisticated fraud, unknown mechanism, 
with or without some kind of collusion from apparently independent experts.

But what is really ludicrous at this point is the skeptics -- say, on 
Wikipedia -- quite ready to confidently pronounced that this is, 
indeed, bogus, that they expect, any day now, to hear that Rossi 
isn't going to meet his deadline. That, in fact, is quite possible 
even if Rossi is fully and completely legitimate. What strikes me is 
the *belief* behond this.

They believe in their old, very tired, and clearly bogus 
impossibility proof, cold fusion is, for them, simply impossible, 
*therefore no matter what you say or do, they are certain it's error 
or fraud.* Doesn't matter what evidence exists. Now, will they be 
convinced by a commercial product? Probably eventually, but certainly 
not immediately. They will hold on to whatever shred of 
pseudo-skeptical reserve they can muster.

It's not about science at all. It's about *belief*. Almost the 
opposite of science.

There is no limit to human ingenuity but there are sharp limits to 
the laws of physics and methods of adding energy to this system. It 
is simple, and the performance of it has been well understood for 
nearly 200 years.

Jed, you are making exactly the error the skeptics made in 1989. You 
just contradicted yourself. There are, indeed, limits to the laws of 
physics, but suppose this:

Suppose Rossi has discovered a way to create a short term appearance 
of lots of heat, perhaps a really extreme chemical reaction, not 
previously known. Perhaps he figures out how to conceal fuel, but 
suppose this is basically useless for some reason, say, it's not 
practical, it's too expansive, etc. But could he do something with 
it? Sure. Use it for a demonstration, capture investment money, and 
then disappear. Perhaps a combination of methods are used, each one 
contributing energy. Several suggestions have been made that might 
manage part of it. What would someone do for a few hundred million euros?

You've stated "no limit," but then you supposed that you could 
understand the "sharp limits to the laws of physics," and this is 
exactly the argument that was made against cold fusion. It was a 
failure of the imagination, a belief that we already understood what 
was possible, and therefore what was not; the belief was that if 
there was a nuclear reaction in palladium deuteride, it must be d-d 
fusion, and since that reaction was believed *for very good reasons* 
to produce neutrons and tritium, copiously, yet they were not 
observed, or not observed at anything like the necessary levels to 
explain the heat, and since the rare helium branch *for very good 
reasons* must produce a gamma, they thought they had it nailed. 
Impossible. And if it's impossible, then the obvious conclusion: 
there *must* be some error, even if we don't know what it is.

Fraud cannot be accomplished except by some physical means, and all 
such means are easily defined and checked for with this system 
(although not with other systems).

There are many kinds of fraud, Jed, fraud can exist through very 
sophisticated ways of fooling observers, stuff that wouldn't be 
called "physical." Instruments can be substituted, and I've heard 
quite a number of such suggestions. Proposed as "i

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:If Rossi could speak freely, what would he say.

2011-04-26 Thread francis
On Tue, 26 Apr 2011 13:14 Axil wrote

Control of the Rossi reaction is a complicated thing.

The energy density pumping mechanism you site may be only one mechanism of

many that play into the complicated interplay of many factors in which the

Cat-E might be controlled.


Reply --Agreed and it may be only a small fraction but I am convinced it is
the INITIATING mechanism for otherwise improbable reactions.///


Rossi's revelation that the "secret catalyst" makes the Rossi reaction "go"

is an argument against your theory being the sole or even the primary

controlling factor. He states that without this secret element, nickel

powder does not produce a sustained reaction.


Reply --- It is complicated but the secret catalyst whether "spill over" or
an ultrafine "back fill" that simply divides the nano cavities into even
smaller more powerful geometries doesn't negate the need to control the
movement of the gas population above and below the disassociation threshold,
it just gives you more opportunity on a larger scale where fractional
molecules are spread over a larger "volume" or "loading" into ever smaller
relativistic fractional states down to 1/137 - my point is the covalent bond
can act like a rectifier when gas motion pushes the molecule too far from
the fractional value at which it formed in either direction like going from
1/60 h2 to a geometry that wants to reform the atoms of the molecule to a
1/70 th or a 1/50 th fractional state -if the atoms are cool enough to
reform a molecule they will do so at whatever fractional level the geometry
dictates with no stress on the new covalent bond until gas motion pushes it
to a different Casimir geometry.///



But he also says that the Reaction can continue without the application of

external stimulus being applied. This is where the mechanism you site might

come into play. I also think this is a mode that Rossi does not want the

Cat-E reaction to enter.


Reply --- OK if you wish to call lack of control a "mode" vs the PWM
"controlled" "mode" but it is the same initial process before we get into
any possible nuclear reactions. I think the danger is that the cooling loop
slowly builds an army of fractionalized molecules as the system is spun up
which are ready to run away and melt down the geometry in an instant like we
saw with Mills powder in the Rowan confirmations but the quantity of
fractionalized gas would be at a far more dangerous level.///



I think the "secret catalyst" is a spillover catalyst that turns H2 into H-

and forces this H-into the crystal lattice of the nickel powder. In the

beginning, this might have been only a "startup" mechanism.


Reply --- I think "loading" is always an ongoing requirement or the reaction
will die.




But the reactor melted down more than he would have liked where once is too





I believe that Rossi had to somehow disable energy density pumping to

positively control his reactor the way that he wants to.


REPLY --- I would disagree, He certainly has to throttle it but not
"disable" it.///



If energy density pumping is full blown, the reactor may sometimes enter an

uncontrolled mode where it takes off on its own nickel (pun intended) and

melts down.




As an engineering imperative, I have a feeling that Rossi decided to

centralize control of the reactor in the control box where he can adjust or

shut off control power as required.




He calls his Cat-E reactor an energy amplifier because the small amount of

energy used to control the Cat-E is amplified greatly in the power output of

the reactor.









Re: [Vo]:If Rossi could speak freely, what would he say.

2011-04-26 Thread Jed Rothwell
Here are some Edo-period hanging marketplace weight scales:

They are ingenious and perhaps more complicated than you might  think. I
have seen people use them in recent times.

Naturally there were ways to hide weights in these things to cheat
customers. My point is, if you handed one of these over to a modern
professor of physics, not only would she understand how it works, she would
quickly find it is loaded. The last sentence of this essay says that even
though there were strict weights and measures laws during the Edo period,
the reliability of the scales was poor.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:If Rossi could speak freely, what would he say.

2011-04-26 Thread Jed Rothwell
I wrote:

Levi, Essen et al. are convinced the machine is real because they understand
> that there are only a few limited ways to fake a reaction of this nature,
> and they are certain they have checked all such ways. I wasn't there, so
> that leaves me all-but-certain. I can't imagine a professional scientist so
> stupid he does not take elementary precautions such as feeling the hose or
> checking the performance of the thermocouples. Levi he said he spent weeks
> calibrating. . . .

If it turns out Levi is really, really stupid then I can imagine some ways
Rossi could commit a fraud. For example, if Levi shows up and Rossi gives
him the power meter, thermocouples and other equipment and insists he use
that equipment only, not his own, it would be easy to fool him.

Or, as I said, when the outlet temperature registers 40°C if Levi did not
have the sense to check the outlet hose to see if it is hot, he might be
fooled. It is even possible that an innocent thermocouple malfunction could
produce spurious data in that instance. An experienced person would know how
to spot this sort of thing and eliminate it. Thermocouples are very
reliable, in any case.

I will grant, I have met a few university professors who were as dumb as a
bag of hammers, and might have made mistakes on this scale.

I do not get the impression that Levi et al. are stupid. On the contrary,
based on their reports they seem to know exactly what they are doing --
better than I would know. But as I said, I wasn't there, I do not have a
video or a multipage detailed report describing every action they took. So I
cannot be as certain of the results as they themselves are.

This "stupid professor" hypothesis can only be ruled out by having dozens of
professors examine the machine or better yet replicate it from scratch. But
replication is not quite as essential as it is for small devices. This is
quite a lot like watching the Wright brothers fly in 1908. People who
understood the problems of aviation, such as Bleriot and Archdecon,
instantly saw that this was controlled fight, not a circus trick like a man
shot out of a cannon, or a machine hanging from hidden wires.

By the way, I have said repeatedly that I could spot a fake in 5 minutes. I
am not boasting at how wonderfully skilled I am at spotting fakes. That is
not the point. Anyone reading these messages could probably spot a fake as
easily as I could. As I said, this ability in inherent to what a flow
calorimeter is, and what it does, and what its purpose is. It is a machine
designed to be easily understood. The function is designed to be
transparent. It resembles a middle-school laboratory demonstration of a
machine such as a lever, balance weight scale, a worm-gear, or
a bimetallic strip that bends in response to heat.

To be exact, it is designed to eliminate all inputs and outputs but one, and
the way it accomplishes this is to make it supremely simple.

There are calorimeter types such as the Seebeck which accomplish this goal
of isolating inputs and outputs not with inherent simplicity, but with high
performance, high tech electronic components. It would easy for Rossi to set
up a fake demonstration with a Seebeck calorimeter, as long as it was his
calorimeter, and not one that belongs to U. Bologna and remains under Levi's

You can compare a flow calorimeter to a balance weight scale. Such scales
have been in use since ancient times. They have utterly transparent
operation. No expert can fool one. No expert could have fooled one used in
Edo Japan in the marketplace, or in ancient Egypt. A Seebeck is comparable
to an electronic weight scale, with hidden, black-box components and
programming. An expert could fool one of these by replacing parts or

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:If Rossi could speak freely, what would he say.

2011-04-26 Thread Terry Blanton
On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 5:06 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:
> The engineering game is a difficult place to set up a successful fraud;
> having said that, con-men are most often the smartest men in the room.

Enron  "The Smartest Guys in the Room"

was chump change compared to the mortgage swindle  "Inside Job"

which could take down the world economy still.


Re: [Vo]:If Rossi could speak freely, what would he say.

2011-04-26 Thread Jed Rothwell
Axil Axil  wrote:

The engineering game is a difficult place to set up a successful fraud;
> having said that, con-men are most often the smartest men in the room.

McKubre is brilliant and he has 22 years of experience working with flow
calorimetry, but he could not devise a method of faking a result with a flow
calorimeter that I would not spot in the first five minutes. I mean that.
The whole point of a calorimeter is to lay bare all energy inputs and
output. It is to simplify the equation and narrow down the possibilities so
that there can be no significant undetected source of heat. This is done to
make the results accurate, but it also has the effect of making the machine
very easy to check for legerdemain.

A person could design a complex machine with many inputs and outputs, and
wires and hoses running every which direction. This machine probably could
fool me. It would take me a while to trace down inputs and outputs. I doubt
such a thing could fool McKubre or E&K, but it could fool me. However, a
flow calorimeter DOES NOT HAVE wires and hoses running everywhere. It has
ONE input and ONE output and exactly 4 parameters. If there is another
input, it stands out like a sore thumb. A calorimeter is as simple as an
energy system can be. That is the whole point of it. If they could make it
even simpler, and eliminate other possible sources of error (or fraud -- it
amounts to the same thing) they would make it simpler.

No one is so smart he knows a way to defeat industry standard machines and
techniques used worldwide for a century.

Do you remember the Enron affair? Lest we forget, Enron Corporation is an
> energy trading, natural gas, and electric utilities company based in
> Houston, Texas con game that employed around 21,000 people by mid-2001,
> before it went bankrupt.
> Fraudulent accounting techniques allowed it to be listed as the seventh
> largest company in the United States . . .

Accounting techniques and like cannot be compared to a machine such as a
calorimeter. Machines must obey the laws of physics. An accounting system
can have any value stuffed into memory by the programmer at any stage in the
process. For this reason, a computerized voting system is permanently
suspect. There is no such thing, even in principle, as a computerized voting
system that cannot be corrupted.

(Granted, some are a lot easier to corrupt than others. They used to make
voting systems with Data General Nova computers, which I used to program.
They had zero security. Any programmer who read the manual would know how to
sign on via modem, find, and change any number or ASCII value in the 64 KB
memory without leaving a trace. They now make them with Microsoft Win-CE,
a.k.a. "wince," which is like constructing a maximum security prison with
nothing more than three feet of chickenwire fencing around the perimeter.)

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:If Rossi could speak freely, what would he say.

2011-04-26 Thread Axil Axil
The engineering game is a difficult place to set up a successful fraud;
having said that, con-men are most often the smartest men in the room. They
enter banking, the board room, the stock market, hedge funds, the money
management industry, The SEC regulators, or even the Federal Reserve. As Bernie
purred to his billionaire con-men pals, “and the great whore will
suckle us... until we are fat and happy and can suckle no more.”

If you want to steal lots of money, you go were the money is. Unrelentingly,
with the full throated collusion of government, Big Money remorselessly
extracts the meager savings of the common working man, and these poor
oblivious marks never even know it or even suspect it.  So why fear fraud;
it is everywhere, and of all times; it is like an ever-present all
encompassing swarm of mosquitoes on the scent for blood. It is simply the
cost of doing business in today’s world.

Do you remember the Enron affair? Lest we forget, Enron Corporation is an
energy trading, natural gas, and electric utilities company based in
Houston, Texas con game that employed around 21,000 people by mid-2001,
before it went bankrupt.

Fraudulent accounting techniques allowed it to be listed as the seventh
largest company in the United States, and it was expected to dominate the
trading it had virtually invented in communications, power, and weather

Instead, it became the largest corporate scandal in history, and became
emblematic of institutionalized and well-planned corporate fraud.

Enron cynically and knowingly created the phony California electricity
crisis of 2000 and 2001.

There was never a shortage of power in California. Using tape recordings of
Enron traders on the phone with California power plants, the film chillingly
overhears them asking plant managers to "get a little creative" in shutting
down plants for "repairs."

Between 30 percent and 50 percent of California's energy industry was shut
down by Enron a great deal of the time, and up to 76 percent at one point,
as the company drove the price of electricity higher by nine times.

Energy merchants regularly tape trader conversations to keep a record of

In one transcript a trader asks about "all the money you guys stole from
those poor grandmothers of California."

To which the Enron trader responds, "Yeah, Grandma Millie, man. But she's
the one who couldn't figure out how to (expletive) vote on the butterfly

"Yeah, now she wants her (expletive) money back for all the power you've
charged right up — jammed right up her (expletive) for (expletive) 250
dollars a megawatt hour," the first trader says.

In another, a trader said, "The magical word of the day is 'burn, baby,
burn,"' in reference to a fire in California under a power line that caused
a transmission outage, letting Enron take advantage of an increased demand
for electricity.

Do you pay your taxes; do you put money in the bank; do you have a mortgage,
do you give to charity; do you pay your electric bills, do you contribute to
church; do you have any money in your wallet? I bet you are being defrauded
this very minute; don’t know about it; and are not concerned about it in the

The only protection we have against fraud is the unceasing application of
clear thinking against all the information we can get our hands on. So far
from my perspective Rossi is holding up amazingly well to all analytic
cynicism out there. But we must never let our guard down; where the strong
must always protect the weak; for fraud walks eternal among us.

On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 3:52 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

> As to the question in the subject header, we don't know, without knowing
> the secrets he's keeping, whether his real reasons are legitimate or not.
> As I wrote from the beginning on this, there is no limit to human
> ingenuity, so "fraud" cannot be ruled out except by the normal process:
> truly independent examination and probably replication. If Rossi were
> selling E-Cats, that worked, it would be all over. But he's not, not yet.
> It is not unlawful for Rossi to lie about what he's doing, as long as he
> doesn't lie to investors. So it is possible for some provided information to
> be misleading. At this point, if he's for real, he has strong motives to
> distract those who *are* trying like crazy to figure out the secret. And
> there is no particular value to full disclosure.
> And, of course, if he's not for real, if this is fraud, he has even more
> reason to present confusing information.
> What we can rule out, from all the evidence, is experimental artifact,
> accidental error, mere misinterpretation of results. This is either for real
> or it is fraud, because all the reasonable error modes are ruled out, it
> would take seriously active d

Re: [Vo]:If Rossi could speak freely, what would he say.

2011-04-26 Thread Jed Rothwell
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax  wrote:

As I wrote from the beginning on this, there is no limit to human ingenuity,
> so "fraud" cannot be ruled out except by the normal process: truly
> independent examination and probably replication.

There is another way to rule out fraud. You can allow experts examine the
machine closely and look for the physical equipment needed to commit fraud,
such as hidden wires and pipes. Rossi has done this. There is only a
vanishingly small chance that a fraud might somehow be concealed in the 1
liter cell, and the experts will soon look inside of that, as well. Once
they have done that, fraud will be eliminated as decisively as it would be
if this were independently replicated 200 times.

There is no limit to human ingenuity but there are sharp limits to the laws
of physics and methods of adding energy to this system. It is simple, and
the performance of it has been well understood for nearly 200 years.

Fraud cannot be accomplished except by some physical means, and all such
means are easily defined and checked for with this system (although not with
other systems).

You talk as if fraud is something magical that Rossi could accomplished by
some means not known to science. The whole point of fraud is that it is
something an experienced scientist or engineer will spot instantly the
moment he sees the physical mechanism (the wires or hidden fuel). If Rossi
can make this machine produce massive amounts of energy by some mechanism
not known to science, that means it is not fraud -- by definition. Or, if he
has only managed to make the machine fool conventional flow calorimetry,
that is almost as miraculous. No one can do that.

Levi, Essen et al. are convinced the machine is real because they understand
that there are only a few limited ways to fake a reaction of this nature,
and they are certain they have checked all such ways. I wasn't there, so
that leaves me all-but-certain. I can't imagine a professional scientist so
stupid he does not take elementary precautions such as feeling the hose or
checking the performance of the thermocouples. Levi he said he spent weeks
calibrating. I have spent weeks calibrating various experiments myself, and
I am certain I would have discovered every proposed fraud I have seen
discussed, here and elsewhere. I would have discovered these things in the
first 5 minutes.

Despite assertions here about how easily a scientist or a thermocouple might
be fooled by sleight-of-hand techniques, no such techniques exist and there
are no examples in the history of science when this was done. the examples
that have been given were of tests or demonstrations actually performed by
hand, not by machines.

If Abd thinks that fraud is a serious possibility, I believe he has made a
positive assertion and it requires that he propose a method of committing
fraud and a means of falsifying his proposed method as well. In other words,
a way of proving that his proposed method could not have happened, such as
looking for wires or computing how much energy 1 L of fuel can produce.

Arguments without any supporting evidence or a plausible real-world
explanation or mechanism are not scientific. Declaring out of the blue that
there must be a factor of 1000 error or a factor of 5 error in flow
calorimetry, without showing which of the parameters it applies to and how
it might apply to them is not a scientific assertion. It is meaningless. It
is like saying "I am sure that all experimental proof of special relativity
must be wrong by a factor of 1000 and just because I say so that proves it's

- Jed

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:If Rossi could speak freely, what would he say.

2011-04-26 Thread Axil Axil
Control of the Rossi reaction is a complicated thing.

The energy density pumping mechanism you site may be only one mechanism of
many that play into the complicated interplay of many factors in which the
Cat-E might be controlled.

Rossi’s revelation that the “secret catalyst” makes the Rossi reaction “go”
is an argument against your theory being the sole or even the primary
controlling factor. He states that without this secret element, nickel
powder does not produce a sustained reaction.

But he also says that the Reaction can continue without the application of
external stimulus being applied. This is where the mechanism you site might
come into play. I also think this is a mode that Rossi does not want the
Cat-E reaction to enter.

I think the “secret catalyst” is a spillover catalyst that turns H2 into H-
and forces this H-into the crystal lattice of the nickel powder. In the
beginning, this might have been only a “startup” mechanism.

But the reactor melted down more than he would have liked where once is too

I believe that Rossi had to somehow disable energy density pumping to
positively control his reactor the way that he wants to.

If energy density pumping is full blown, the reactor may sometimes enter an
uncontrolled mode where it takes off on its own nickel (pun intended) and
melts down.

As an engineering imperative, I have a feeling that Rossi decided to
centralize control of the reactor in the control box where he can adjust or
shut off control power as required.

He calls his Cat-E reactor an energy amplifier because the small amount of
energy used to control the Cat-E is amplified greatly in the power output of
the reactor.

* *

On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 9:46 AM, Roarty, Francis X <> wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 05:25, Axil Axil  wrote:
> *“With temperature above the set the reactor is automatically stopped”*
> Axil,
> We see the Mill’s powder in the Rowan confirmations totally
> run-away but yet we get mixed messages about the Rossi reactor which IMHO
> may reflect the bond state of the gas population. It seems
> counter-intuitive but instead of just throttling back this Rossi type of
> reaction we MUST remove heat, not only to store the energy gain but it seems
> we have to cool the disassociated atoms enough that nature takes over and
> they reform molecules allowing us to repeat the cycle over and over again. I
> am not saying the reaction stops without cooling but only that it slows
> itself down proportional to the population that is in molecular form. The
> random motion of gas relative  to Casimir geometry changes the energy
> density being experienced by the gas molecules. Atoms are simply reoriented
> by this change in energy density  but those atoms sharing covalent
> bonds (molecules)  are held by the covalent bond in the same
> orientation they possessed when the molecule formed. This "pressure" the
> covalent bond feels when energy density changes discounts the energy needed
> to disassociate the molecule such that it can occur at a much lower
> temperature - when these atoms later re-form a new molecule they release the
> full energy associated with hydrogen atoms dropping to the lower molecular
> energy state including even the energy contributed in the previous
> cycle from the combination of gas motion and change in energy density. We
> are getting a full refund for a purchase discounted by the constant motion
> of gas.
> Fran
> *From:* [] *On Behalf Of *
> .:.gotjosh
> *Sent:* Monday, April 25, 2011 6:58 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:If Rossi could speak freely, what would he
> say.
> Thanks for this post Axil, i have some comments and questions below...
> On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 05:25, Axil Axil  wrote:
> *“With temperature above the set the reactor is automatically stopped”*
> *It the temperature continues to rise above another set point, the control
> box releases the hydrogen gas into the water loop piping though the
> controlled opening of an electrically controlled valve. This action vents
> excess heat to the outside environment and serves to depress the reaction.
> *
> in my design i will prefer bimetal valves for solid state non-electronic
> control if possible.
> eg:
> * *
> *“How much would the temperature of the metal rise?”*
> * *
> *The nickel oxide powder will have a substantial amount of hydrogen stored
> in the lattice interstices at the surface of the nickel oxide powder where
> the oxygen has been depleted by the erosive action of h

Re: [Vo]:If Rossi could speak freely, what would he say.

2011-04-26 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
As to the question in the subject header, we don't know, without 
knowing the secrets he's keeping, whether his real reasons are 
legitimate or not.

As I wrote from the beginning on this, there is no limit to human 
ingenuity, so "fraud" cannot be ruled out except by the normal 
process: truly independent examination and probably replication. If 
Rossi were selling E-Cats, that worked, it would be all over. But 
he's not, not yet.

It is not unlawful for Rossi to lie about what he's doing, as long as 
he doesn't lie to investors. So it is possible for some provided 
information to be misleading. At this point, if he's for real, he has 
strong motives to distract those who *are* trying like crazy to 
figure out the secret. And there is no particular value to full disclosure.

And, of course, if he's not for real, if this is fraud, he has even 
more reason to present confusing information.

What we can rule out, from all the evidence, is experimental 
artifact, accidental error, mere misinterpretation of results. This 
is either for real or it is fraud, because all the reasonable error 
modes are ruled out, it would take seriously active deception. That's 
about as far as I can go, and I find, from what those I trust have 
been saying, deception has become pretty unlikely, as to the heat 
being produced.

"Unlikely" is not "impossible."

But as to any details, deception is still on the table. He has very 
good reasons to not disclose, even to mislead or distract.

If nothing else, this has smoked out some POV-pushers on Wikipedia, 
editors who have clearly betrayed their fixed POV, as they push for 
content that reflects it, on the Energy Catalyzer article. 

Re: [Vo]:If Rossi could speak freely, what would he say.

2011-04-26 Thread Axil Axil
*“How confident are you about the tungsten vs nichrome question for element
material? is SiC another reasonable possibility? Or is it too dangerous to
have any C around?”*

* *

I have no confidence at all. The construction of the internal heater/cathode
is the most intricate and problematic part of the Rossi Cat-E design.

It is true that tungsten has been used in designs similar to the Rossi
reactor, but the engineering priority is long service life of the internal

Very high hydrogen gas pressure complicates the question. The material
heating element will deteriorate through erosion in a gas atmosphere so
clever design of the internal heater is required to maximize service life.

Nichrome serves very well operating in the open air as heating elements in
our toasters and ovens, so in an amateur operation like Rossi’s reactor
development he may well use Nichrome.

An expert cathode developer might well use tungsten, since it is usually
found in commercial gas filled tube products.

It is my opinion, the six month service life replacement period is not
caused by the need to replace the catalyst. It is needed to renew the
internal heater. This heater will suffer a high level of erosion because of
the high pressure hydrogen atmosphere. In addition, strain placed on the
cathode imposed by power on/off cycling will take a toll on the internal

A SiC heating element is a possibility. There are a large number of possible
heating element materials that can be used.

To make reactor control easy, the key design point is to come up with a
cathode design that has a linear production characteristic of electron
emissions as the driving current is increased.

*“Can you further explain the potential benefit of Thorium?”*

* *

It is critical to keep the surface of the nickel powder scrupulously clean.
If the cold fusion reactions are caused by nanometer sized holes in the
catalyst, it is important to keep those holes as free of gaseous poisons as
possible so that few are clogged up by garbage floating around in the
hydrogen atmosphere.

When Thorium oxide is coated with a thin layer of carbon, its evaporation
rate is low which will help keep the Cold Fusion reaction efficient over the
service life of the catalyst.

The lack of “secret catalyst” elements found in the Cat-E ash initially
confused me. This lack of contamination leads me now to the conclusion that
the “secret element” acts at a distance from the surface of the nickel
powder and is not found within it or not  even very  near this surface. This
is why Rossi feels safe in giving the ash to outsiders for spectroscopic

The place where the secret catalyst lives is in the heating element of the
internal heater.

*“Finally, I have a question about the radiation shielding layers... if the
reactor is operating between 400 and 600C optimally, how can the lead
shielding remain solid? or if the borated water solution is used, won't that

* *

The lead shielding must be insolated from the water loop by a layer of air
or fiberglass. Doing a lack of coolant accident where the water coolant
boils off, when the copper pipes get hot, the lead shielding will be
protected from melting by this insulation layer.**

To stay operational through an overheat excursion, the copper pipes can get
no hotter than the melting point of the solder that fills their connections.

* *

* *

* *

* *

On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 6:57 AM, .:.gotjosh  wrote:

> Thanks for this post Axil, i have some comments and questions below...
> On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 05:25, Axil Axil  wrote:
>> *
>> *
>> *“With temperature above the set the reactor is automatically stopped”*
>> *
>> *
>> *It the temperature continues to rise above another set point, the
>> control box releases the hydrogen gas into the water loop piping though the
>> controlled opening of an electrically controlled valve. This action vents
>> excess heat to the outside environment and serves to depress the reaction.
>> *
>> **
> in my design i will prefer bimetal valves for solid state non-electronic
> control if possible.
> eg:
>> * *
>> *“How much would the temperature of the metal rise?”*
>> * *
>> *The nickel oxide powder will have a substantial amount of hydrogen
>> stored in the lattice interstices at the surface of the nickel oxide powder
>> where the oxygen has been depleted by the erosive action of hydrogen
>> impingement at the surface or into the surface to some depth of the powder.
>> *
> What do you say the previous question(s) about H2O production between H2
> and the O from NiO ?
>> * *
>> * *
>> *When the heat sink of the water coolant is removed, this nuclear
>> reaction in the lattice interstices will continue until the temperature of
>> at the surface of the powder reaches the melting point of nickel. The
>> lattice interstices will begin to close as nickel migrat

RE: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:If Rossi could speak freely, what would he say.

2011-04-25 Thread Roarty, Francis X
On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 05:25, Axil Axil>> wrote:

“With temperature above the set the reactor is automatically stopped”

We see the Mill’s powder in the Rowan confirmations totally 
run-away but yet we get mixed messages about the Rossi reactor which IMHO may 
reflect the bond state of the gas population. It seems counter-intuitive but 
instead of just throttling back this Rossi type of reaction we MUST remove 
heat, not only to store the energy gain but it seems we have to cool the 
disassociated atoms enough that nature takes over and they reform molecules 
allowing us to repeat the cycle over and over again. I am not saying the 
reaction stops without cooling but only that it slows itself down proportional 
to the population that is in molecular form. The random motion of gas relative  
to Casimir geometry changes the energy density being experienced by the gas 
molecules. Atoms are simply reoriented by this change in energy density  but 
those atoms sharing covalent bonds (molecules)  are held by the covalent bond 
in the same orientation they possessed when the molecule formed. This 
"pressure" the covalent bond feels when energy density changes discounts the 
energy needed to disassociate the molecule such that it can occur at a much 
lower temperature - when these atoms later re-form a new molecule they release 
the full energy associated with hydrogen atoms dropping to the lower molecular 
energy state including even the energy contributed in the previous cycle from 
the combination of gas motion and change in energy density. We are getting a 
full refund for a purchase discounted by the constant motion of gas.

From: [] On Behalf Of .:.gotjosh
Sent: Monday, April 25, 2011 6:58 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:If Rossi could speak freely, what would he say.

Thanks for this post Axil, i have some comments and questions below...
On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 05:25, Axil Axil>> wrote:

“With temperature above the set the reactor is automatically stopped”

It the temperature continues to rise above another set point, the control box 
releases the hydrogen gas into the water loop piping though the controlled 
opening of an electrically controlled valve. This action vents excess heat to 
the outside environment and serves to depress the reaction.

in my design i will prefer bimetal valves for solid state non-electronic 
control if possible.

“How much would the temperature of the metal rise?”

The nickel oxide powder will have a substantial amount of hydrogen stored in 
the lattice interstices at the surface of the nickel oxide powder where the 
oxygen has been depleted by the erosive action of hydrogen impingement at the 
surface or into the surface to some depth of the powder.
What do you say the previous question(s) about H2O production between H2 and 
the O from NiO ?

When the heat sink of the water coolant is removed, this nuclear reaction in 
the lattice interstices will continue until the temperature of at the surface 
of the powder reaches the melting point of nickel. The lattice interstices will 
begin to close as nickel migrate to these lattice interstices sites displacing 
the absorbed hydrogen gas.

“Will the nuclear reaction stop due to high temperatures or will it be 

With some number of these heat producing sites disabled, the temperature at the 
surface of the reaction vessel will stabilize and slowly begin to fall.
So you think it is totally self regulating in a melt down situation? and the 
electronically controlled valves are only to prevent the meltdown?

This leaves open the possibility for the use of thorium in the internal heater. 
Thorium has been used in vacuum tubes for many years with no radiation danger.

How confident are you about the tungsten vs nichrome question for element 
material? is SiC another reasonable possibility? Or is it too dangerous to have 
any C around?

Can you further explain the potential benefit of Thorium?

Finally, I have a question about the radiation shielding layers... if the 
reactor is operating between 400 and 600C optimally, how can the lead shielding 
remain solid? or if the borated water solution is used, won't that vaporize?

thanks to you all for your insightful contributions and engagement.

Re: [Vo]:If Rossi could speak freely, what would he say.

2011-04-25 Thread .:.gotjosh
Thanks for this post Axil, i have some comments and questions below...

On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 05:25, Axil Axil  wrote:

> *
> *
> *“With temperature above the set the reactor is automatically stopped”*
> *
> *
> *It the temperature continues to rise above another set point, the control
> box releases the hydrogen gas into the water loop piping though the
> controlled opening of an electrically controlled valve. This action vents
> excess heat to the outside environment and serves to depress the reaction.
> *
> **

in my design i will prefer bimetal valves for solid state non-electronic
control if possible.

> * *
> *“How much would the temperature of the metal rise?”*
> * *
> *The nickel oxide powder will have a substantial amount of hydrogen stored
> in the lattice interstices at the surface of the nickel oxide powder where
> the oxygen has been depleted by the erosive action of hydrogen impingement
> at the surface or into the surface to some depth of the powder.*
What do you say the previous question(s) about H2O production between H2 and
the O from NiO ?

> * *
> * *
> *When the heat sink of the water coolant is removed, this nuclear reaction
> in the lattice interstices will continue until the temperature of at the
> surface of the powder reaches the melting point of nickel. The lattice
> interstices will begin to close as nickel migrate to these lattice
> interstices sites displacing the absorbed hydrogen gas. *
> * *
> *“Will the nuclear reaction stop due to high temperatures or will it be
> enhanced?”***
> * *
> *With some number of these heat producing sites disabled, the temperature
> at the surface of the reaction vessel will stabilize and slowly begin to
> fall.*
So you think it is totally self regulating in a melt down situation? and the
electronically controlled valves are only to prevent the meltdown?

> * *
> *This leaves open the possibility for the use of thorium in the internal
> heater. Thorium has been used in vacuum tubes for many years with no
> radiation danger.*

How confident are you about the tungsten vs nichrome question for element
material? is SiC another reasonable possibility? Or is it too dangerous to
have any C around?

Can you further explain the potential benefit of Thorium?

Finally, I have a question about the radiation shielding layers... if the
reactor is operating between 400 and 600C optimally, how can the lead
shielding remain solid? or if the borated water solution is used, won't that

thanks to you all for your insightful contributions and engagement.

> * *

[Vo]:If Rossi could speak freely, what would he say.

2011-04-23 Thread Axil Axil
*From Rossi Q&A April 21, 2011*

* *

*[quote]Q: What happens if by some defect the E-Cat during operation is not
longer cooled by the water sourrounding it? How much would the temperature
of the metal rise? Will the nuclear reaction stop due to high temperatures
or will it be enhanced? In this case the E-Cat could melt. Is there a
potential danger?*

*A:1- we have a secondary emergency cooling system*

*2- Confidential*

*3- With temperature above the set the reactor is automatically stopped*

*4- We melt many times , for testing reasons, the E-Cats. No danger at all,
we do not use radioactive materials and we do not leave radioactive waste.
During the melting hydrogen intrinsecally burns, without hydrogen no
reaction occurs.[/quote]*

* *

* *

*We have been told as follows:*

* *

*The reaction rate is a function of the heater input, and scales to that
input temperature.*

* *

*There are two sources of heat in the Cat-E*

* *

*1 – The heat produced by the reaction. The production of this heat
increases with temperature so a meltdown is possible. This heat must be kept
below a threshold temperature to avoid a meltdown.*

* *

*2 – Heat from the internal heater. This heat is derived from a resistive
electric element in the center of the reaction chamber. This resistive
element injects heat into the hydrogen gas that lies between the resistive
element and the walls of the reaction chamber which is coated with a layer
of depleted nickel oxide powder. Since the hydrogen envelop is pressurized
and thick, all heat transfer from the resistive element to the reactor walls
are carried by the hydrogen envelope by heat conduction by the hydrogen gas.
Heat transfer by infrared radiation does not occur. *

* *

* *

*“With temperature above the set the reactor is automatically stopped”*

* *

*The temperature at the surface of the reaction vessel is monitored by a
thermal sensor connected to the control box. When this surface temperature
detects a rise above a set limit, the electric power that drives the
internal resistive heater is first reduced as the temperature rises and then
it is completely shut off as the temperature continues to rise.*

* *

*It the temperature continues to rise above another set point, the control
box releases the hydrogen gas into the water loop piping though the
controlled opening of an electrically controlled valve. This action vents
excess heat to the outside environment and serves to depress the reaction. *

* *

*“How much would the temperature of the metal rise?”*

* *

*The nickel oxide powder will have a substantial amount of hydrogen stored
in the lattice interstices at the surface of the nickel oxide powder where
the oxygen has been depleted by the erosive action of hydrogen impingement
at the surface or into the surface to some depth of the powder. *

* *

*When the heat sink of the water coolant is removed, this nuclear reaction
in the lattice interstices will continue until the temperature of at the
surface of the powder reaches the melting point of nickel. The lattice
interstices will begin to close as nickel migrate to these lattice
interstices sites displacing the absorbed hydrogen gas. *

* *

*“Will the nuclear reaction stop due to high temperatures or will it be

* *

*With some number of these heat producing sites disabled, the temperature at
the surface of the reaction vessel will stabilize and slowly begin to fall.

* *

*After shutdown, the nickel oxide powder may still be operable since new
lattice interstices may replace the ones that had been destroyed by the
overheating. Clearly, too many of overheating episodes will destroy the
activity of the nickel oxide powder. *

* *

*“In this case the E-Cat could melt. Is there a potential danger?”*

* *

* *

*“We melt many times, for testing reasons, the E-Cats. No danger at all, we
do not use radioactive materials and we do not leave radioactive waste.
During the melting hydrogen intrinsecally burns, without hydrogen no
reaction occurs.”*

* *

* *

* *

*Rossi has tested multiple occurrences of reaction vessel overheating to
determine the robustness of the failsafe reaction shutdown process. The
structure of the reactor does not exceed overheating tolerances.*

* *

*Unlike a standard nuclear reactor, no radioactive isotopes are included in
the catalytic powder.*

* *

*This leaves open the possibility for the use of thorium in the internal
heater. Thorium has been used in vacuum tubes for many years with no
radiation danger.*

* *