Re: [Vo]:OT: The Abduction Rejectee Paradigm

2009-08-10 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 10:02 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent wrote:

 Whitley Strieber has always described his encounters as encounters with
 visitors. I think it is an apt description. We don't really know who the
 visitors are, or where they come from. In my own opinion, (an opinion I
 fully admit has not been proven) what we do not know or really understand
 yet, is in what context the reality of Whitley's encounters are being
 played out in.

As you surely recall in his books, Strieber describes one particular
visitor that I find quite frightening.  It is the cloaked dwarfs
that make me think of medieval trolls.  Their hooded garments sound
like a monk's clothes.


RE: [Vo]:OT: The Abduction Rejectee Paradigm

2009-08-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Terry:

 Whitley Streiber's physical evidence:

Thank you for bringing Whitley's recent statement to my attention, Terry.

I recall quite well Parade Magazine's claim where they incorrectly linked
Strieber to someone who suffers from temporal lobe epilepsy. I recall
wondering who fed Parade Magazine such a load of Bull S__t. I waited for the
retraction, and sure enough a few weeks later, there it was, buried away, a
tiny inconsequential correction. It didn't matter. The damage had already
been done.

Regarding the bulk of Whitley's Aug 5th journal, it should be pointed out
that he actually describes the rape sequence in his first abduction book,
Communion, published back in 1987, approximately two years after the
incident is alleged to have occurred. Like many rape victims the experience
was described from a somewhat dethatched and intellectual POV, devoid of
much of the raw emotions associated with such trauma. It can often take many
years for the actual direct emotions associated with such an experience to
surface, where they must be dealt with.

Fortunately, Whitley had the sense to seek a medical examination to confirm
his intellectualized suspicions. According to Whitley, the exam indicated
the fact that his body had experienced physical trauma indicative of having
been raped.

The physical evidence collected in the form of a medical examination should
by all accounts be considered sufficient proof in most courts of law that
something physically happened to Whitley. Said different, what happened to
Whitley was real.

Whitley Strieber has always described his encounters as encounters with
visitors. I think it is an apt description. We don't really know who the
visitors are, or where they come from. In my own opinion, (an opinion I
fully admit has not been proven) what we do not know or really understand
yet, is in what context the reality of Whitley's encounters are being
played out in. 

Regardless of how one wishes to argue the finer points of what reality
really is, what is clear to me, and what should be clear to everyone, is the
fact that the medical examination has made one thing perfectly clear to
Whitley, and by proxy, to everyone else who is willing to listen.

This is a real experience. Pay attention to it.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:OT: The Abduction Rejectee Paradigm

2009-08-08 Thread Terry Blanton
Whitley Streiber's physical evidence:


On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 7:24 AM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent wrote:?

 COLLECTED – COUNTLESS TIMES! Please, let us move on from this issue!

RE: [Vo]:OT: The Abduction Rejectee Paradigm

2009-08-07 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Hi Ed,




 The physical evidence consists of parts of space crafts as 

 described by trusted observers, objects removed from abductees 

 as documented by doctors, changes in soil composition and 

 depressions at landing sites, and physical changes in the eye 

 as found by doctors. Identical descriptions of craft and devices

 by completely independent observers are also important.


 If we were talking about a normal crime scene, the law would 

 have no trouble coming to a conclusion about what had happened.


I was expecting you to be more specific. Nevertheless, I concur with the
generalities of your assessment. Has it been your contention that I DON'T
believe physical evidence has ever been collected? If so I'd like to squelch
that assumption right now. YES, I BELIEVE PHYSICAL EVIDNECE HAS BEEN
COLLECTED - COUNTLESS TIMES! Please, let us move on from this issue!


My Prior Words:


 the possibility

 that the genes themselves are primarily responsible for allowing 

 such experiences to manifest within certain individuals. IMO, such a 

 hypothesis is just as reasonable an explanation as compared to 

 conjecturing that the experiences are generated by encounters with 

 extraterrestrial aliens whom it is alleged are interested in 

 particular DNA lineages


Your response to my prior words:


 Your comment says to me that you separate the real event of an 

 actual encounter with an alien from an imagined encounter.  

 Reality is really a black and white issue in this case.  Humans 

 are very good at creating an image of reality in their minds. The 

 issue is always how close is this image to the real world.  In 

 the case of events, such as a claim for abduction, either it 

 happened or it was imagined. There is nothing in between as far 

 as I'm concerned.  Also, the issue having importance to me is 

 not how many claims are real and how many are imagined. If any 

 are real, this is hugely important




 What is trivial to me is an imagined abduction. I agree, if 

 imagined abductions were common, that fact would be interesting 

 but not as important as a real abduction.


It seems to me that you are determining that this issue HAS to be a black 
white issue, that either these UFO abductee/experiences are physically
happening, or it's all just a figment of the imagination of the experiencer.
Have I understood your perceptions on this matter accurately? If so, it
would appear that this is the crux of where our POVs diverge dramatically.


I can only offer you my perception on these matters, which obviously doesn't
make it the final word, not anymore than your perception should be taken as
the final word either. I can only state that my own journey through life, so
far, has suggested to me that what many assume reality to be may not
necessarily be so black  white after all. FWIW, it's been my experience
that many of my early-adult troubles, much of my prior angst producing
issues seemed to have revolved around desperate efforts on my part to make
my perception of reality conform to such black  white paradigms, because
that was what I was told reality must be. Didn't work for me.


But enough of me and my psychobabble. You certainly have given me the
impression that you are far less concerned about alleged UFO encounters of
the so-called imaginative kind. Personally, I think might be missing out
on a lot of interesting stuff. But to each his own.




 OK, if we are debating the number of real vs imagined abductions,

 this is a different discussion.  I have no way to judge the ratio. 

 However, I'm only claiming that a significant number are real and 

 the number is sufficient to be important.


Understood. Using my own words: It seems to me that one of the major cruxes
of our diverging POVs on this controversial UFO abduction matter revolve
around what percentage of these alleged events are happening in the
traditional physical sense versus how many might be happening in what I have
loosely described as an altered state-of-mind that, for me, suggests a
portal into an expanded realm of realities  perceptions. At present I doubt
neither you nor I have sufficient information to be able to report with
confidence on how many are happening the old-fashion physical way versus my
alternative explanation. I would conjecture that the recently mentioned
Antonia Boas case may very well be an authentic physical UFO abduction.
OTOH, I also have to state here that none of the alleged UFO abductees that
I have seen, listened to and personally conversed with have given me the
impression that their abductions are occurring in such a
traditional/physical way as the Antonio Boas case. As I have stated before,
some of the experiencers have even stated for the record that they don't
believe their abduction experiences are happening in the
traditional/physical sense either. They have instead stated that they
believe the aliens transport them into a 

RE: [Vo]:OT: The Abduction Rejectee Paradigm

2009-08-06 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From: Mr. Storms


 According to David Jacob's work, the abductees run in families. 

 I suppose some random catch and release might happen, but this 

 does not seem to be the prevailing method.  People who are abducted

 are also caught repeatedly and re-examined. The aliens seem to be 

 interested in following particular genetic lines from one generation 

 to the next.  This is exactly how our scientists carry out genetic

 research in our laboratories, so this approach is not surprising.


I suspect both Jacob and I Hopkins would concur with this hypothesis. It's a
plausible explanation within the context of our current scientific


Playing the devil's advocate, the fact that there does seem to be an obvious
cross-generation genetic component suggests the possibility that the genes
themselves are primarily responsible for allowing such experiences to
manifest within certain individuals. IMO, such a hypothesis is just as
reasonable an explanation as compared to conjecturing that the experiences
are generated by encounters with extraterrestrial aliens whom it is alleged
are interested in particular DNA lineages.


I'll say it once again for the record, my conjecture does not mean that such
experiences should be considered any less valid, certainly not to the


I suspect our current understanding of what is considered valid reality is
likely to undergo radical changes within the next century or two.


Steven Vincent Johnson



Re: [Vo]:OT: The Abduction Rejectee Paradigm

2009-08-06 Thread Edmund Storms

On Aug 6, 2009, at 5:32 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:

From: Mr. Storms

 According to David Jacob's work, the abductees run in families.
 I suppose some random catch and release might happen, but this
 does not seem to be the prevailing method.  People who are abducted
 are also caught repeatedly and re-examined. The aliens seem to be
 interested in following particular genetic lines from one generation
 to the next.  This is exactly how our scientists carry out genetic
 research in our laboratories, so this approach is not surprising.

I suspect both Jacob and I Hopkins would concur with this  
hypothesis. It’s a plausible explanation within the context of our  
current scientific paradigms.

Playing the devil’s advocate, the fact that there does seem to be an  
obvious cross-generation genetic component suggests the possibility  
that the genes themselves are primarily responsible for allowing  
such experiences to manifest within certain individuals. IMO, such a  
hypothesis is just as reasonable an explanation as compared to  
conjecturing that the experiences are generated by encounters with  
extraterrestrial aliens whom it is alleged are interested in  
particular DNA lineages.

Come now, Steven, I don't know about your kids, but mine are not  
similar enough to have the same nonreal experiences. While similar  
vivid hallucinations run in families, the occasions are very rare.  
Besides, you ignore all the physical evidence that is consistent with  
the claimed events.

I’ll say it once again for the record, my conjecture does not mean  
that such experiences should be considered any less valid, certainly  
not to the experiencer.

Either the allies and their claimed behavior and supposed intentions  
are real, or the claims are only in the imagination, as you argue. To  
me, the former is important and the latter possibility is trivial.   
Granted, some people suffer from hallucinations, which are only  
important to the people who have the experience and to people who  
study brain function. On the other hand, the reality of alien  
visitation is important to everyone.

I suspect our current understanding of what is considered valid  
reality is likely to undergo radical changes within the next century  
or two.

I expect this is true.   Of course, the UFO issue is not the only one  
that is being debated these days and will result in significant  
changes in popular belief.  Popular belief is usually many years  
behind what is known by people who make an effort to understand  
reality.  Why not get a head start on this process?


Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:OT: The Abduction Rejectee Paradigm

2009-08-06 Thread Edmund Storms

On Aug 6, 2009, at 7:11 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:

From: Mr. Storms

According to David Jacob's work, the abductees run in families.
 I suppose some random catch and release might happen, but this
does not seem to be the prevailing method.  People who are abducted
are also caught repeatedly and re-examined. The aliens seem to be
interested in following particular genetic lines from one  

to the next.  This is exactly how our scientists carry out genetic
research in our laboratories, so this approach is not surprising.

I suspect both Jacob and I Hopkins would concur with this  

It’s a plausible explanation within the context of our current
scientific paradigms.

Playing the devil’s advocate, the fact that there does seem to be an
obvious cross-generation genetic component suggests the possibility
that the genes themselves are primarily responsible for allowing
such experiences to manifest within certain individuals. IMO, such
a hypothesis is just as reasonable an explanation as compared to
conjecturing that the experiences are generated by encounters with
extraterrestrial aliens whom it is alleged are interested in
particular DNA lineages.

Come now, Steven, I don't know about your kids, but mine are not
similar enough to have the same nonreal experiences. While similar
vivid hallucinations run in families, the occasions are very rare.
Besides, you ignore all the physical evidence that is consistent
with the claimed events.

I would appreciate a clarification on what you are referring to when  
it is
stated there is consistent physical evidence. I just want to be on  
the same
page with you should we continue to ponder this complex issue,  
since definitions of physical evidence can possibly differ in both  

and profound ways between individuals. Can you give some examples?

The physical evidence consists of parts of space crafts as described  
by trusted observers,

objects removed from abductees as documented by doctors,
changes in soil composition and depressions at landing sites, and
physical changes in the eye as found by doctors.
Identical descriptions of craft and devices by completely independent  
observers are also important.

If we were talking about a normal crime scene, the law would have no  
trouble coming to a conclusion about what had happened.

I’ll say it once again for the record, my conjecture does not mean
that such experiences should be considered any less valid, certainly
not to the experiencer.

Either the allies and their claimed behavior and supposed intentions
are real, or the claims are only in the imagination, as you argue.
To me, the former is important and the latter possibility is trivial.
Granted, some people suffer from hallucinations, which are only
important to the people who have the experience and to people who
study brain function. On the other hand, the reality of alien
visitation is important to everyone.

I am surprised to see you seemingly position your conjecture on this  
within such a narrow spectrum, a black  white scenario of an  
either /

or position.

I don't want to put words in your mouth, but quoting you-

the possibility
that the genes themselves are primarily responsible for allowing
such experiences to manifest within certain individuals. IMO, such
a hypothesis is just as reasonable an explanation as compared to
conjecturing that the experiences are generated by encounters with
extraterrestrial aliens whom it is alleged are interested in
particular DNA lineages.

Your comment says to me that you separate the real event of an actual  
encounter with an alien from an imagined encounter.  Reality is really  
a black and white issue in this case.  Humans are very good at  
creating an image of reality in their minds. The issue is always how  
close is this image to the real world.  In the case of events, such as  
a claim for abduction, either it happened or it was imagined. There is  
nothing in between as far as I'm concerned.  Also, the issue having  
importance to me is not how many claims are real and how many are  
imagined. If any are real, this is hugely important.

I am also under the impression that you perceive my evolving UFO  
Paradigm as being trivial because it seems to suggest that UFO  
are simply suffering from something akin to vivid imaginations. If  
that is
the case, and please correct me if I've misinterpreted your  
perceptions on
this matter, I would have to say that you have either misunderstood  
or you

are deliberately ignoring the underlying ramifications behind the
hypothesis. Personally, I would hardly consider the experiencer  

trivial by any stretch of the imagination.

What is trivial to me is an imagined abduction. I agree, if imagined  
abductions were common, that fact would be interesting but not as  
important as a real abduction.

FWIW, I have also never, never, EVER, argued that 

RE: RE: [Vo]:OT: The Abduction Rejectee Paradigm

2009-08-05 Thread Chris Zell
Apparently, there are claims of some potential abductees being rejected due to 
age or health.
I can't get a job interview and now, even ET's aren't hiring.  This 
interdimensional age discrimination is just wrong.  
More evidence of discrimination comes from Brazil in that famous Boas case in 
which a farmer got abducted and was compelled to engage in coitus with an 
attractive alien female. 
I guess I consider it a credible account since regardless of how strange or 
bizarre or miraculously scary a situation is, some of us guys still are moved 
by a Primal Urge above all else.  
The same hottie ( or her clone?) shows up in that book, Hair of the Alien, 
along with a naked Asian woman.  The guy wakes up and finds a long white hair 
wrapped around his Johnson.  DNA sez it's human but very, very weird human.  
Read the book if you think I'm kidding.
Big difference from Greys poking you with long needles, I'd say.  If any of you 
get taken this way, I'd get loud about it and complain, Hey, I want the old 
way!  ( a Barbarella reference).
In summary, I'm willing to probe but not be probed.  Hope the wife will 
understand. I did it for my planet.


RE: RE: [Vo]:OT: The Abduction Rejectee Paradigm

2009-08-05 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Mr. Zell:


 Apparently, there are claims of some potential abductees being 

 rejected due to age or health.


 I can't get a job interview and now, even ET's aren't hiring.  

 This interdimensional age discrimination is just wrong.  


 More evidence of discrimination comes from Brazil in that 

 famous Boas case in which a farmer got abducted and was compelled 

 to engage in coitus with an attractive alien female. 

 I guess I consider it a credible account since regardless of 

 how strange or bizarre or miraculously scary a situation is, 

 some of us guys still are moved by a Primal Urge above all else.  


 The same hottie ( or her clone?) shows up in that book, 

 Hair of the Alien, along with a naked Asian woman.  The guy 

 wakes up and finds a long white hair wrapped around his 

 Johnson.  DNA sez it's human but very, very weird human.  

 Read the book if you think I'm kidding.


 Big difference from Greys poking you with long needles, 

 I'd say.  If any of you get taken this way, I'd get loud 

 about it and complain, Hey, I want the old way!  

 ( a Barbarella reference).


 In summary, I'm willing to probe but not be probed.  

 Hope the wife will understand. I did it for my planet.


It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it. They will name high schools
after you!  ;-)


I hope Mr. Storms is lurking close by because I suspect he might be amused
to know that I would concur with Mr. Zell in the sense that the famous
Antonio Boas abduction case does strike me as an authentic catch and
release program. I also would conjecture that Mr. Boas was probably not the
only subject who was picked up for milking during that time period. The Wiki
entry on the Boas incident indirectly hints of the fact that there may very
well had been prior incident(s). But of course, alleged prior events were
subsequently used by skeptics to suggest that that's where Antonio Boas got
the idea for his crazy tale in the first place. So, there ya go. Damned if
you do! Damned if you don't!


FWIW there seems to exist several compelling aspects to this incident that,
at least for me, suggest the Boas incident may have been an actual physical
occurrence - as compared to my alternative and much more complicated UFO
Abduction Paradigm hypothesis which I would classify as being
just-as-legitimate of an experience but of a very different kind.


Boas did not appear to lose consciousness during the entire abduction
scenario. He did not appear to experience any paranormal incidents. For
example, he was not floated up into the sky, or made to literally pass
through solid walls, as is occasionally described by UFO Abductee /
experiencers. Antonia Boas was not subject to any manner of psychic tests
such as where an alien gets very close to one's face and stares into one's
eyes. Such close encounters subsequently cause the experiencer to feel as
if an overpowering mind-meld is in progress, where their own identity and
that of the alien are essentially becoming one and the same.


Mr. Boas appears to have been abducted - once. All the occupants did during
his single abduction was take blood samples, and his seed - collected the
old [fashion] way with the assistance of an exotic looking lass sporting
bright red pubic hair. For his services the occupants gave Mr. Boas a
quick tour of the ship before releasing him back into the wild.


Since this was a one-shot deal, so to speak, there were no follow-up
consultations where Mr. Boas gets to meet sickly hybrids, where he is told
to extend his love to them as if they were one of his own children.
Neither was Mr. Boas shown any emotionally devastating scenes of our planet
experiencing catastrophic disasters.


There are other curious factors that seem to lend potential authenticity.
Mr. Boas claims he was led in to a room where a gas was pumped into it,
making him temporarily ill. It seems plausible to speculate that during this
time Mr. Boas' physiology was being acclimated, possibly to the same
atmospheric pressure and elemental components that the occupants are more
acclimated to. I would speculate that the occupants came from a planet whose
atmosphere may have been of a much higher pressure than what we are use to.
For example, their atmosphere likely contained different mixtures of oxygen
and nitrogen. Such a change in atmospheric density might also help explain
why the occupants didn't vocalize or sound the same as we, possibly because
the atmospheric density caused them to evolve their audio communication
needs (vocal chords?) to better match their own atmospheric conditions.


Perhaps some of the most profound revelations that the Antonio Boas incident
suggests is the possibility that humanoids, specifically humanoids
possessing a majority of homo sapien-like genes may be more prevalent within
our corner 

Re: [Vo]:OT: The Abduction Rejectee Paradigm

2009-08-05 Thread Edmund Storms
According to David Jacob's work, the abductees run in families.  I  
suppose some random catch and release might happen, but this does not  
seem to be the prevailing method.  People who are abducted are also  
caught repeatedly and re-examined. The aliens seem to be interested in  
following particular genetic lines from one generation to the next.   
This is exactly how our scientists carry out genetic research in our  
laboratories, so this approach is not surprising.


On Aug 5, 2009, at 7:53 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:

From Mr. Zell:

 Apparently, there are claims of some potential abductees being
 rejected due to age or health.

 I can't get a job interview and now, even ET's aren't hiring.
 This interdimensional age discrimination is just wrong.

 More evidence of discrimination comes from Brazil in that
 famous Boas case in which a farmer got abducted and was compelled
 to engage in coitus with an attractive alien female.
 I guess I consider it a credible account since regardless of
 how strange or bizarre or miraculously scary a situation is,
 some of us guys still are moved by a Primal Urge above all else.

 The same hottie ( or her clone?) shows up in that book,
 Hair of the Alien, along with a naked Asian woman.  The guy
 wakes up and finds a long white hair wrapped around his
 Johnson.  DNA sez it's human but very, very weird human.
 Read the book if you think I'm kidding.

 Big difference from Greys poking you with long needles,
 I'd say.  If any of you get taken this way, I'd get loud
 about it and complain, Hey, I want the old way!
 ( a Barbarella reference).

 In summary, I'm willing to probe but not be probed.
 Hope the wife will understand. I did it for my planet.

It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it. They will name high  
schools after you!  ;-)

I hope Mr. Storms is lurking close by because I suspect he might be  
amused to know that I would concur with Mr. Zell in the sense that  
the famous Antonio Boas abduction case does strike me as an  
authentic catch and release program. I also would conjecture that  
Mr. Boas was probably not the only subject who was picked up for  
milking during that time period. The Wiki entry on the Boas incident  
indirectly hints of the fact that there may very well had been prior  
incident(s). But of course, alleged prior events were subsequently  
used by skeptics to suggest that that’s where Antonio Boas got the  
idea for his crazy tale in the first place. So, there ya go. Damned  
if you do! Damned if you don't!

FWIW there seems to exist several compelling aspects to this  
incident that, at least for me, suggest the Boas incident may have  
been an actual physical occurrence - as compared to my alternative  
and much more complicated UFO Abduction Paradigm hypothesis which  
I would classify as being just-as-legitimate of an experience but of  
a very different kind.

Boas did not appear to lose consciousness during the entire  
abduction scenario. He did not appear to experience any paranormal  
incidents. For example, he was not floated up into the sky, or made  
to literally pass through solid walls, as is occasionally described  
by UFO Abductee / experiencers. Antonia Boas was not subject to any  
manner of psychic tests such as where an alien gets very close to  
one's face and stares into one's eyes. Such “close encounters”  
subsequently cause the experiencer to feel as if an overpowering  
mind-meld is in progress, where their own identity and that of the  
alien are essentially becoming one and the same.

Mr. Boas appears to have been abducted - once. All the occupants did  
during his single abduction was take blood samples, and his seed –  
collected the old [fashion] way with the assistance of an exotic  
looking lass sporting bright red pubic hair. For his services the  
occupants gave Mr. Boas a quick tour of the ship before releasing  
him back into the wild.

Since this was a one-shot deal, so to speak, there were no follow-up  
consultations where Mr. Boas gets to meet sickly hybrids, where he  
is told to extend his love to them as if they were one of his own  
children. Neither was Mr. Boas shown any emotionally devastating  
scenes of our planet experiencing catastrophic disasters.

There are other curious factors that seem to lend potential  
authenticity. Mr. Boas claims he was led in to a room where a gas  
was pumped into it, making him temporarily ill. It seems plausible  
to speculate that during this time Mr. Boas’ physiology was being  
acclimated, possibly to the same atmospheric pressure and elemental  
components that the occupants are more acclimated to. I would  
speculate that the occupants came from a planet whose atmosphere may  
have been of a much higher pressure than what we are use to. For  
example, their atmosphere likely