Apparently, there are claims of some potential abductees being rejected due to 
age or health.
I can't get a job interview and now, even ET's aren't hiring.  This 
interdimensional age discrimination is just wrong.  
More evidence of discrimination comes from Brazil in that famous Boas case in 
which a farmer got abducted and was compelled to engage in coitus with an 
attractive alien female. 
I guess I consider it a credible account since regardless of how strange or 
bizarre or miraculously scary a situation is, some of us guys still are moved 
by a Primal Urge above all else.  
The same hottie ( or her clone?) shows up in that book, "Hair of the Alien", 
along with a naked Asian woman.  The guy wakes up and finds a long white hair 
wrapped around his Johnson.  DNA sez it's human but very, very weird human.  
Read the book if you think I'm kidding.
Big difference from Greys poking you with long needles, I'd say.  If any of you 
get taken this way, I'd get loud about it and complain, "Hey, I want the old 
way!"  ( a Barbarella reference).
In summary, I'm willing to probe but not be probed.  Hope the wife will 
understand. I did it for my planet.


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