[Vo]:Re: Ed/Jed-Mitchell dispute (was Re: Requesting comments to this comment)

2007-07-24 Thread Michel Jullian
- Original Message - 
From: Jed Rothwell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com; vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2007 8:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Re: Ed/Jed-Mitchell dispute (was Re: Requesting comments to 
this comment)

 In my opinion, changing the format to text Acrobat is not 
 tampering. This is analogous to a public library that demands a 
 hardback copy instead of paperback. Or, you might compare it to what 
 a library physically does with a book: they throw away the paper 
 slipcover, they glue on identification strips, and then they burn DDS 
 number into the spine of the book. This does not affect the content, 
 and neither does changing the format from image to text Acrobat.

But you do change the content's layout, as I was amazed to discover once. Also 
this scribe work introduces retranscription errors, I pointed one out to you 
recently. In the end it's a different paper with (almost) the same words, 
formulae, and graphs. A library is definitely _not_ supposed to do such 
alterations, which definitely bring support to Mitchell's position.

It makes me wonder, could the reformating routine be an attempt to avoid 
copyright issues, by deliberately not providing an exact copy? No copy, no copy 
rights? :-)

Yes but you are not a scientific publisher, that's my point, why act as one?
 Of course I am! What else would I be?

I asked you before, you said you weren't one, but a library. So now 
LENR-CANR.org is a scientific publisher is it? It explains many things, but 
shouldn't the website say so?

  If I agreed to upload his unreadable scans, he would
  immediately come up with some other excuse,

Then why don't you try him?
 Why don't YOU try him? He is a very trying person. Go ahead and ask 
 him why he does not upload these papers to his own web page, in the 
 scanned image format.

Ok, I'll try again. Mitchell, why don't you? This would show you're in good 
faith rather than trying to find excuses as Ed and Jed allege.


RE: [Vo]:Re: Ed/Jed-Mitchell dispute (was Re: Requesting comments to this comment)?

2007-07-24 Thread OrionWorks

From Dr. Mitchell. Swartz


Time again to get back to serious work.

That certainly makes sense to me.

Under the current circumstances does it not make sense to post
whatever papers that have not been posted out at lenr-canr.org at your
own web site?

Is there a problem preventing you from doing this? Do you need assistance?

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Re: Ed/Jed-Mitchell dispute (was Re: Requesting comments to this comment)

2007-07-24 Thread Jed Rothwell

Michel Jullian wrote:

But you do change the content's layout, as I was amazed to discover once.

Yes. It is impossible to preserve the layout from many papers.

Also this scribe work introduces retranscription errors, I pointed 
one out to you recently.

That is why I have the authors check the papers before I upload. 
Actually, I usually correct many more mistakes than I make. I mean 
spelling mistakes and the like.

 In the end it's a different paper with (almost) the same words, 
formulae, and graphs. A library is definitely _not_ supposed to do 
such alterations . . .

Says who? Why made that rule, and why? Why not fix mistakes? If 
fixing mistakes and making papers more readable puts LENR-CANR 
something halfway between a publisher and library, that seems like a 
good place to be. There is no point to to sticking rigidly to what 
you define as a library. No author has ever complained to me 
because I fixed a spelling error, or reformatted the paper to make it 
more readable on line. In fact, no author has ever complained to me 
about anything, except Swarz, and no author has accused me of 
censorship, except Swartz.

. . . which definitely bring support to Mitchell's position.

Mitchell does not have a position. He refuses to upload papers to his 
own site and he yells the I am censoring him. That's not a position 
-- it is childish nonsense. You keep claiming that he  I are somehow 
on an equal basis. Let me remind you of two things:

1. Hundreds of authors had sent me papers, and NOT A SINGLE ONE has 
complained, except Swartz.

2. It is my web page. I pay for it, and I do all the work now. (When 
we started several people were a tremendous help, especially Britz, 
Storms, and Blanton, but I do everything now.) I do not tell Swarz 
how to run his web page, and he has no business telling me how to run 
mine. I do not complain that he censors because he publishes some 
papers and not others. I did not even complain when he repeatedly 
published my papers without permission, or when he accused me of 
being late and withholding news because he published my paper without 
permission before Infinite Energy had a chance to publish it!

If Swartz, or you, want to help with LENR-CANR then you can have a 
say in the matter. But as long as you are sitting out there in the 
peanut gallery benefiting from LENR-CANR without doing any work or 
contributing so much as $20, I do not see why I need to listen to 
either of you.

It makes me wonder, could the reformating routine be an attempt to 
avoid copyright issues, by deliberately not providing an exact copy?

No, of course not. I would never attempt to avoid any such thing. 
If the author or publisher tells me not to upload because of 
copyright, or for any other reason, I do not upload.

I asked you before, you said you weren't one, but a library. So now 
LENR-CANR.org is a scientific publisher is it?

You can call it whatever you like. I see no point to quibbling over 
semantics or definitions. It is what it is. It has a purpose, and I 
do what I can to advance that purpose, including fixing spelling 
mistakes and reformatting papers.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Re: Ed/Jed-Mitchell dispute (was Re: Requesting comments to this comment)

2007-07-24 Thread Harry Veeder

 - Original Message -
 From: Jed Rothwell
 have told him a million times that if he supplies the paper in text Acrobat
 format, I will upload it as is, without changing a single comma.

What about text as images in Acrobat?


Re: [Vo]:Re: Ed/Jed-Mitchell dispute (was Re: Requesting comments to this comment)

2007-07-24 Thread Jed Rothwell
Harry Veeder wrote:

 have told him a million times that if he supplies the paper in text Acrobat
 format, I will upload it as is, without changing a single comma.

What about text as images in Acrobat?

That is what I call image Acrobat. I am not sure of the correct terminology. 
Anyway, I discussed the problems with that at the beginning of this thread, 
such as the fact that Google cannot index this format, and people with 
disabilities (including me) cannot easily read it. Some disabled people cannot 
read it at all. For example, blind people who depend on text-to-voice or 
Braille readers. It is also a nuisance for people who speak English as a second 
language, which is roughly half of our readers.  

There are many technical reasons for selecting text Acrobat format, and I 
cannot think of a single good reason to use any other format. I cannot imagine 
why Swartz opposes the use of this format. I note that all of the papers on his 
website are in this format, so evidently he wants use the image format for his 
own papers only -- God only knowns why.

Many years ago a few people tried to use image text files to prevent people 
from easily copying and circulating their papers. Perhaps this is what is 
driving Swartz? An image file can be circulated as easily as any, and OCR 
programs are common, so it can easily be converted to text, so this is a futile 
waste of time. I once saw the ultimate expression of this: an image file of 
text posted by a physicist that vanished from sight as soon as you tried to 
copy or download it, and then gradually reappeared. The author could not decide 
whether he did or did not want others to read his paper. Many cold fusion 
researchers are like this: they are torn between the desire to keep their 
results secret and the hunger to cash in on the fame and money that they feel 
the world owes them for their great discovery. They dither for years, usually 
until they die and take whatever it is they discovered to the grave. This 
back-and-forth, can't make up your mind attitude reminds of a ditty my father 
use to repeat, redolent of the turn of the 20th century:

Mother, mother, may I go in for a swim?
Yes, my darling daughter.
Hang your clothes on the hickory bush,
But don't go near the water!

- Jed

[Vo]:Re: Ed/Jed-Mitchell dispute (was Re: Requesting comments to this comment)

2007-07-23 Thread Michel Jullian

- Original Message - 
From: Jed Rothwell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com; vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2007 12:47 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Re: Ed/Jed-Mitchell dispute (was Re: Requesting comments to 
this comment)

 Michel Jullian wrote:
Jed wrote:

 There are none in dispute. We will accept any or all.

You are hereby sentenced to add in the form of his choice, because readers 
don't give a damn about the format in which they can access a previously 
unavailable resource . . .
 That is incorrect. Readers care a lot about format, and even more about 
 presentation quality. I know a lot more about this subject than you do. I 
 have distributed 800,000 previously unavailable papers about cold fusion, so 
 I know what readers want. Messy, low-quality papers at LENR-CANR attract very 
 few readers, whereas good papers are downloaded thousands of times a year. If 
 you upload fax-machine quality low-res scanned images of a paper, with 
 sideways, blacked-out overexposed figures and spelling mistakes, you will be 
 lucky if 5 people a week read it. Convert that same paper to a proper format 
 and if the content is any good, hundreds of people will download it every 
 I enumerated the reasons why I think this standard is best. If you see a 
 technical problem on that list of reasons, let's hear it. Otherwise, don't 
 tell me how to do my job. I have been publishing technical information for 
 decades, and I do not take kindly to amateur kvetching.

Jed, your standard is indeed best for online publishing, this kvetching amateur 
doesn't deny this. But please clarify: is LENR.org a publishing house or a 
library? If it is an online library as advertised, I respectfully submit that 
its role is not to edit/improve the original work, especially not against the 
will of its author. As a professional technical information publisher but, as 
you will certainly agree, an amateur librarian, you could take example on 
Google Books, or Amazon Look/Search Inside, who provide high quality scanned 
images of the original works, see e.g.

http://books.google.com/books?id=O5f3L2GfXBQChl=en (Relativity: the special 
and the general theory By Albert Einstein)

and try the search function, you'll see it is quite usable. Would you agree to 
a searchable image pdf format of this kind of quality? Would Mitchell? Of 
course you realize that apart from its technical merits 
(quality/fidelity/searchability), this format has the additional advantage of 
being a neutral ground where you and Mitchell could meet without any of you 
winning or losing this regrettable dispute.

Just my 2 cents


Re: [Vo]:Re: Ed/Jed-Mitchell dispute (was Re: Requesting comments to this comment)

2007-07-23 Thread Edmund Storms
Michel, you seem to miss the point to this discussion. The LENR website 
is whatever Jed wants it to be. We started the site and Jed operates it 
without pay for the benefit of the field. In addition, he applies the 
highest standards to this operation. Yet, when Swartz raise the issue of 
censorship based on his own inability to communicate, this is accepted 
as a plausible complaint. At any time Swartz could make his papers 
available either on LENR by meeting our standards or on his own site. 
This is not a two-sided issue. On the one side are two people who are 
working hard to advance knowledge about cold fusion and on the other 
side is someone who complains about an issue he could easily correct, 
all the while insulting Jed and I by his insinuation.


Michel Jullian wrote:

- Original Message - 
From: Jed Rothwell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: vortex-l@eskimo.com; vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2007 12:47 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Re: Ed/Jed-Mitchell dispute (was Re: Requesting comments to 
this comment)

Michel Jullian wrote:

Jed wrote:

There are none in dispute. We will accept any or all.

You are hereby sentenced to add in the form of his choice, because readers 
don't give a damn about the format in which they can access a previously unavailable 
resource . . .

That is incorrect. Readers care a lot about format, and even more about 
presentation quality. I know a lot more about this subject than you do. I have 
distributed 800,000 previously unavailable papers about cold fusion, so I know 
what readers want. Messy, low-quality papers at LENR-CANR attract very few 
readers, whereas good papers are downloaded thousands of times a year. If you 
upload fax-machine quality low-res scanned images of a paper, with sideways, 
blacked-out overexposed figures and spelling mistakes, you will be lucky if 5 
people a week read it. Convert that same paper to a proper format and if the 
content is any good, hundreds of people will download it every week.

I enumerated the reasons why I think this standard is best. If you see a 
technical problem on that list of reasons, let's hear it. Otherwise, don't tell 
me how to do my job. I have been publishing technical information for decades, 
and I do not take kindly to amateur kvetching.

Jed, your standard is indeed best for online publishing, this kvetching amateur 
doesn't deny this. But please clarify: is LENR.org a publishing house or a 
library? If it is an online library as advertised, I respectfully submit that 
its role is not to edit/improve the original work, especially not against the 
will of its author. As a professional technical information publisher but, as 
you will certainly agree, an amateur librarian, you could take example on 
Google Books, or Amazon Look/Search Inside, who provide high quality scanned 
images of the original works, see e.g.

http://books.google.com/books?id=O5f3L2GfXBQChl=en (Relativity: the special and 
the general theory By Albert Einstein)

and try the search function, you'll see it is quite usable. Would you agree to a searchable image 
pdf format of this kind of quality? Would Mitchell? Of course you realize that apart from its 
technical merits (quality/fidelity/searchability), this format has the additional advantage of 
being a neutral ground where you and Mitchell could meet without any of you winning or 
losing this regrettable dispute.

Just my 2 cents


Re: [Vo]:Re: Ed/Jed-Mitchell dispute (was Re: Requesting comments to this comment)

2007-07-23 Thread Jed Rothwell

Michel Jullian wrote:

Jed, your standard is indeed best for online publishing, this 
kvetching amateur doesn't deny this. But please clarify: is LENR.org 
a publishing house or a library?

A library. We seldom publish original papers. (Except ahem my book 
. . . and a few review papers.) Everything comes from other published 
sources, so that makes it a library.

 If it is an online library as advertised, I respectfully submit 
that its role is not to edit/improve the original work, especially 
not against the will of its author.

Now look, Michel, I already told you this. I would NEVER, EVER, NOT 
NEVER. I would not edit a paper, or upload one, or remove one. Swartz 
claims that I do but -- to put it bluntly -- he is full of shit.

Please get this through your head once and for all: I DO NOT ACT 
AGAINST THE WILL OF THE AUTHOR. Except in 3 cases out of 600 when we 
decided not to upload papers. That's a 0.5% rejection rate, which is 
much lower than a public library. All libraries reject books.

 As a professional technical information publisher but, as you will 
certainly agree, an amateur librarian, you could take example on 
Google Books, or Amazon Look/Search Inside, who provide high 
quality scanned images of the original works, see e.g.

First of all, the images supplied by Swartz was not high quality. 
They were dreadful, like a fax machine copy. I do not think any 
self-respecting web master would upload them. Second, Google and 
Amazon books may upload images, but scientific publishers do not do 
this anymore, because text quality and precision is more important in 
scientific publication than ordinary publications. See: 

and try the search function, you'll see it is quite usable.

The search function works because the documents have been partially 
or fully OCRed, usually with lots of mistakes. In some sites they are 
OCRed on demand, which generates even more errors. As long as you are 
going to the trouble to OCR a document you might as well spend an 
extra hour or two and do it right.

 Would you agree to a searchable image pdf format of this kind of quality?

No. The quality of searchable PDF files is lousy, and they cannot be 
read by some PDF readers, especially ones in Japan, China and other 
non-European languages. There is no benefit to this format, other 
than the time it saves to prepare the document, and as I said, an 
author should be willing to spare an hour for an audience of 300,000 
people per year. I set these standards for good reasons. I have dealt 
with hundreds of authors and every one of them was pleased to take 
some time to proofread papers. Swartz is the only author who has ever 
complained or asked me to upload papers in some other format.

 Would Mitchell?

Of course not! He will not upload these papers in any format, at his 
site, my site or any other. His complaints about the format are bogus 
nonsense. If I agreed to upload his unreadable scans, he would 
immediately come up with some other excuse, and he would demand that 
I remove the papers or face a lawsuit. It is all an act -- it is 
nothing but bogus excuses and nonsense. If he had any intention of 
making these papers available he would have uploaded them to his own 
website years ago.

- Jed

[Vo]:Re: Ed/Jed-Mitchell dispute (was Re: Requesting comments to this comment)

2007-07-23 Thread Michel Jullian

- Original Message - 
From: Jed Rothwell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: vortex-L@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2007 5:37 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Re: Ed/Jed-Mitchell dispute (was Re: Requesting comments to 
this comment)

 Michel Jullian wrote:
Jed, your standard is indeed best for online publishing, this 
kvetching amateur doesn't deny this. But please clarify: is LENR.org 
a publishing house or a library?
 A library. We seldom publish original papers. (Except ahem my book 
 . . . and a few review papers.) Everything comes from other published 
 sources, so that makes it a library.
  If it is an online library as advertised, I respectfully submit 
 that its role is not to edit/improve the original work, especially 
 not against the will of its author.
 Now look, Michel, I already told you this. I would NEVER, EVER, NOT 
 NEVER. I would not edit a paper, or upload one, or remove one. Swartz 
 claims that I do but -- to put it bluntly -- he is full of shit.
 Please get this through your head once and for all: I DO NOT ACT 
 AGAINST THE WILL OF THE AUTHOR. Except in 3 cases out of 600 when we 
 decided not to upload papers. That's a 0.5% rejection rate, which is 
 much lower than a public library. All libraries reject books.

Please don't shout. Sorry I was unclear, what I meant was: if the author 
thinks, understandably, that it's not the business of a library to tamper with 
the original work, don't insist that it must be edited/improved to upload it, 
act as a library and upload it.

  As a professional technical information publisher but, as you will 
 certainly agree, an amateur librarian, you could take example on 
 Google Books, or Amazon Look/Search Inside, who provide high 
 quality scanned images of the original works, see e.g.
 First of all, the images supplied by Swartz was not high quality. 
 They were dreadful, like a fax machine copy. I do not think any 
 self-respecting web master would upload them.

Better images can be made from an original paper print, he says you have the 
papers in print.

 Second, Google and 
 Amazon books may upload images, but scientific publishers do not do 
 this anymore, because text quality and precision is more important in 
 scientific publication than ordinary publications. See: 

Yes but you are not a scientific publisher, that's my point, why act as one?

and try the search function, you'll see it is quite usable.
 The search function works because the documents have been partially 
 or fully OCRed, usually with lots of mistakes. In some sites they are 
 OCRed on demand, which generates even more errors. As long as you are 
 going to the trouble to OCR a document you might as well spend an 
 extra hour or two and do it right.
  Would you agree to a searchable image pdf format of this kind of quality?
 No. The quality of searchable PDF files is lousy, and they cannot be 
 read by some PDF readers, especially ones in Japan, China and other 
 non-European languages.

Then let them use Acrobat Reader. Also think of the time you would save, 
uploading images would allow you to have very rapidly a virtually complete 
collection, thousands rather than hundreds of CF papers.

 There is no benefit to this format, other 
 than the time it saves to prepare the document, and as I said, an 
 author should be willing to spare an hour for an audience of 300,000 
 people per year. I set these standards for good reasons. I have dealt 
 with hundreds of authors and every one of them was pleased to take 
 some time to proofread papers. Swartz is the only author who has ever 
 complained or asked me to upload papers in some other format.
  Would Mitchell?
 Of course not! He will not upload these papers in any format, at his 
 site, my site or any other. His complaints about the format are bogus 

 If I agreed to upload his unreadable scans, he would 
 immediately come up with some other excuse,

Then why don't you try him? Whether or not he comes up with another excuse will 
tell us who was in good faith and who wasn't, which is quite unclear at the 


 and he would demand that 
 I remove the papers or face a lawsuit. It is all an act -- it is 
 nothing but bogus excuses and nonsense. If he had any intention of 
 making these papers available he would have uploaded them to his own 
 website years ago.
 - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Re: Ed/Jed-Mitchell dispute (was Re: Requesting comments to this comment)

2007-07-23 Thread Jed Rothwell

Michel Jullian wrote:

 decided not to upload papers. That's a 0.5% rejection rate, which is
 much lower than a public library. All libraries reject books.

Please don't shout. Sorry I was unclear, what I meant was: if the 
author thinks, understandably, that it's not the business of a 
library to tamper with the original work, don't insist that it must 
be edited/improved to upload it, act as a library and upload it.

In my opinion, changing the format to text Acrobat is not 
tampering. This is analogous to a public library that demands a 
hardback copy instead of paperback. Or, you might compare it to what 
a library physically does with a book: they throw away the paper 
slipcover, they glue on identification strips, and then they burn DDS 
number into the spine of the book. This does not affect the content, 
and neither does changing the format from image to text Acrobat.

Better images can be made from an original paper print, he says you 
have the papers in print.

He is wrong. I do not have the papers in print. I offered to make 
better scans if he mails them. Any scanner could make a better copy 
than the one he sent me.

. . . but scientific publishers do not do
 this anymore, because text quality and precision is more important in
 scientific publication than ordinary publications. See:

Yes but you are not a scientific publisher, that's my point, why act as one?

Of course I am! What else would I be? Every paper on LENR-CANR is 
about science.

 No. The quality of searchable PDF files is lousy, and they cannot be
 read by some PDF readers, especially ones in Japan, China and other
 non-European languages.

Then let them use Acrobat Reader.

That is what they use. It does not work with some of these searchable 
PDF files, and files converted with strange parameters. I have dealt 
with hundreds of PDF files in every format. They have many problems. 
Text Acrobat has the least number of problems.

Also think of the time you would save, uploading images would allow 
you to have very rapidly a virtually complete collection, thousands 
rather than hundreds of CF papers.

The format is not holding me back. I cannot upload additional papers 
because the authors have not given me permission. (Most of them do 
not respond.) Dieter Britz sent me a scanned collection of  1,283 
papers, plus I have several hundred more on paper.

Also, there is no point to saving time if you upload unreadable glop.

 If I agreed to upload his unreadable scans, he would
 immediately come up with some other excuse,

Then why don't you try him?

Why don't YOU try him? He is a very trying person. Go ahead and ask 
him why he does not upload these papers to his own web page, in the 
scanned image format.

You deal with him, and leave me out of it.

- Jed

[Vo]:Re: Ed/Jed-Mitchell dispute (was Re: Requesting comments to this comment)

2007-07-22 Thread Michel Jullian
I concur with Judge Steven V. Johnson's conclusions.

Jed wrote:

 There are none in dispute. We will accept any or all.

You are hereby sentenced to add in the form of his choice, because readers 
don't give a damn about the format in which they can access a previously 
unavailable resource, and the ball will be in Mitchell's court, he might even 
decide to provide them in the format you like most if he is not forced to.


- Original Message - 
From: Jed Rothwell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com; vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2007 11:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Ed/Jed-Mitchell dispute (was Re: Requesting comments to this 

 OrionWorks wrote:
If an individual for whatever reason feels they cannot trust the
integrity of another individual who appears to be in the position of
editing [tampering with] their personal material (their CHILD,
 That is what Swartz claims, but is it 100% pure, unadulterated garbage. I 
 have told him a million times that if he supplies the paper in text Acrobat 
 format, I will upload it as is, without changing a single comma. Heck, even 
 if it has a few spelling errors I won't ask for a revision. I have told that 
 to every author and I have repeated it here many times. I would never change 
 the contents of his paper and upload a version that he does not approve! 
 That's absurd.
I gather few have been able to access the contents of Dr. Swartz's
papers, specifically the ones in dispute . . .
 There are none in dispute. We will accept any or all.
 . . . because as I understand it
they aren't on-line ANYWHERE. Is this correct assumption, or have I
 You got it.
Under the circumstances it seems to me that if Dr. Schwartz
would be so kind as to upload the disputed papers to his own web site
(as-is?) that this would go a long way in resolving the controversy.
 That, he will never do.
Is there a problem with this approach? Is there insufficient web space
available at Dr. Swartz web site?
 That can't be the reason. Nowadays web space is cheap as dirt.
 - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Re: Ed/Jed-Mitchell dispute (was Re: Requesting comments to this comment)

2007-07-22 Thread OrionWorks

Judge Johnson sez:

Under the circumstances it seems to me that if
Dr. Schwartz would be so kind as to upload the disputed
papers to his own web site (as-is?) that this would go
a long way in resolving the controversy.

To which Jed replies:

That, he will never do.


In another recent post Michel Jullian suggests:

, and the ball will be in Mitchell's court,
he might even decide to provide them in the format
you like most if he is not forced to.

To which Jed replies:

The ball is already in his court. He can upload his
papers to his own web site anytime he wants, in any
format he likes. No one is forcing him to provide
anything to me, in any format.


As the librarian for lenr-canr.org I can appreciate your desire that
the website's content maintains a professional appearance and
credibility, that all papers are presented in a clear precise and
readable format. I can understand Dr. Storms as well as your desire
that all papers conform whenever possible to NIST standards – whatever
this official NIST term really stands for cuz I really don't know! I
also have no desire to dispute your claim that Readers care a lot
about format, and even more about presentation quality. I know from
personal experience that no one has EVER bought a smudgy fuzzy piece
of artwork from me.

It is also true that not all brilliant researchers and scientists
possess the capacity to format, to present their findings in the most
logical visual manner, in a so-called professional manner. It's
really not anyone's fault as we all possess unique assets as well as
deficits when we came into this world. That is what professional
EDITORS are for, including scientific editors.

Professional editors often perform a thankless job as the requirements
force them to EDIT [...to occasionally tamper with the most intimate
details of another person's precious hard work]. This inevitably leads
to potential disagreements as to intent and content of particular
phrases and terminology used. If a writer, for whatever reason, does
not trust the ability of the editor to edit his work faithfully, to
accurately maintain the original content of what he/she is trying to
say, explain or reveal, the WRITER/EDITOR relationship should be
terminated ASAP to save everyone untold reams of grief.

The interesting part as I see it in this recent dialogue is a
reoccurring statement that Mr. Rothwell would upload Dr. Schwartz's
papers as is, without changing a single comma, –IF- the ...paper
[could be supplied to him] in text Acrobat format. Since Dr. Schwartz
has to the best of my knowledge not yet clarified his reasons as to
why the papers have not been supplied to Mr. Rothwell in a text
Acrobat format, I am forced to speculate. Speculating on the
motivations of another individual in the third person and with no
feed-back is ALWAYS a dubious and dangerous position to get mired in.
With that said, I will stick my vulnerable neck out and speculate that
Dr. Schwartz simply might not be able to (for undisclosed reasons)
fulfill Mr. Rothwell's seemingly simple request. I will not speculate
as to what those reasons might be since this is, after all, sheer
speculation on my part.

The only suggestion I could offer Mr. Rothwell and Dr. Storms, which I
want to make it clear neither has asked of me nor from anyone for that
matter, might be to place a great big disclaimer next to the links to
the disputed papers. Make it clear to anyone who might be considering
retrieving the entirety of Dr. Schwarz's disputed papers that what
they are about to retrieve might suffer from a collection of
formatting issues, that it may be difficult to read portions of the
text as well as make sense out of certain charts. Make it clear that
lenr-canr.org cannot be held responsible for the readability, the
content of the information. It seems to me that Lenr-canr.org would
have at that point faithfully fulfilled its obligations and
responsibilities to its readership in giving them fair warning.
Nevertheless, due to what I assume must be strong interest in Dr.
Schwartz's research the web site will cautiously go ahead and make the
entire body of work available anyway, as-is – assuming Dr. Schwartz
authorizes you to upload the original papers.

The short answer: From what I can tell Dr. Schwartz does not appear to
want ANYONE messing with his work in any form, shape or manner. He
appears to want the entire body of his work presented in exactly the
manner that he sent it in, such as to lenr-canr.org. It is up to
lenr-canr.org to decide if they can accept those ground rules.

In my own experience there appear to be few organizations, and far too
few EDITORS who could tolerate such rigid ground rules, where there is
no room for give-and-take. In fact, it might be impossible to fulfill,
literally. Under the circumstances, and as I perceive it, most editors
would simply suggest that the author upload the entirety of their
research at their own web site as-is...and good luck.
