RE: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC Palin probably reduced the Bradley effect

2008-09-24 Thread Jeff Fink

-Original Message-
From: Jed Rothwell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 11:11 AM
Subject: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC Palin probably reduced the Bradley effect

Jones Beene wrote:

The issue of closet racism skewing poll results is called the 
Bradley effect. (Look it up for details.) Anyway, there is evidence 
that the Bradley effect has been suppressed by the selection of Sarah 
Palin as vice president. To make a long story short, people who are 
biased against Obama now have an excuse to support McCain instead. 
They can say they are supporting a female candidate, which is as 
open-minded as supporting a black candidate.

I'm a white guy who is certainly not racist. Give me Alan Keyes, J C Watts,
or even Colin Powell, and I will vote for him any day over McCain.  Why are
we talking about racist whites when 90% of blacks are voting Obama!  

Palin's main appeal to appears to be toward fundamentalist Republican 
party regulars who would have voted Republican anyway. However, the 
selection was fruitful to the GOP because it motivated these people 
to get out and work for the ticket and vote.

Palin may well be the first real person to run for VP or higher in my
lifetime.  She wasn't raised rich, and she didn't have her mind corrupted by
an ivy league school!  We need leaders in this country who are not fans of
Frederich Nietzsche or Karl Marx.

I was registering new voters last weekend

The terrorists around the world are rooting for Obama.  Doesn't that tell
you something?  Obama calls himself a Christian, but Qadhafi of Libya in a
recent interview obviously considers him to be a Muslim in good standing.


P.S.  You can lay this mortgage scandal at the feet of Chris Dodd and Barney
Frank Who oversaw the decisions to lend money with no down payment to people
who didn't even have jobs.  There ought to be indictments against these two
along with Jamie Gerelick, Franklin Raines, and Daniel Mudd.

Re: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC Palin probably reduced the Bradley effect

2008-09-24 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

Jeff Fink wrote:
 I'm a white guy who is certainly not racist. Give me Alan Keyes, J C Watts,
 or even Colin Powell, and I will vote for him any day over McCain.  Why are
 we talking about racist whites when 90% of blacks are voting Obama!  


The  issue isn't racism, per se, rather it's a question of whether some
people dislike Obama because he's black, but *will* *not* *admit* *that*
when they're being polled.  Consequently, in an opinion poll they might
SAY they'd vote for him, but then when they're all alone in the voting
booth they'll vote the other way.  This can skew the opinion polls to
make Obama look more popular than he really is.  (AFAIK nobody knows how
large this effect is.)

This is actually a part of a larger problem with opinion polls, which is
they're not secret, and apparently not anonymous.   They're done in
face to face -- or voice to voice -- interviews with another human. 
Consequently, the people being polled may not behave the same way in
during polling that they will behave when they're in private, actually

If you are not ashamed to say you don't like Obama then you are not part
of the problem which is being addressed here, which is people who lie
about their feelings toward him.

RE: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC Palin probably reduced the Bradley effect

2008-09-24 Thread Jed Rothwell

Jeff Fink wrote:

I'm a white guy who is certainly not racist.

I did not say you were. I was talking about other people. Why should 
you protest? Ahh . . . Perhaps that means you ARE a closet racist . . .

(In the modern age people who protest they are NOT X are 
automatically suspected of being X, and vice versa. Fill in the 
blank! For example, Obama and I frequently say we are favor of 
nuclear power, so naturally we are both accused of being against it. 
Ditto free market capitalism, immigration control, education reform 
and anything else that other people would prefer we oppose, but -- 
inconveniently for them -- we support.)

 Give me Alan Keyes, J C Watts,
or even Colin Powell, and I will vote for him any day over McCain.

That would make you a conservative, not a closet racist. That is a 
completely different matter. A closet racist would be someone who 
opposes Obama, but who would support a candidate similar to Obama -- 
with the same views and personality -- if the candidate were white. 
And as Stephen A. Lawrence pointed out, the Bradley effect is about 
people who lie to pollsters to be politically correct.

Why are we talking about racist whites when 90% of blacks are voting Obama!

That is another form of racism, called identity politics. That's 
not closet racism. For one thing, it is overt -- out in the open.

Palin's main appeal to appears to be toward fundamentalist Republican
party regulars who would have voted Republican anyway. However, the
selection was fruitful to the GOP because it motivated these people
to get out and work for the ticket and vote.

Palin may well be the first real person to run for VP or higher in my

You sound motivated! You just demonstrated my point.

She wasn't raised rich, and she didn't have her mind corrupted by
an ivy league school!  We need leaders in this country who are not fans of
Frederich Nietzsche or Karl Marx.

I would point out that President Bush and most important people on 
Wall Street graduated from Ivy League schools. Until this week they 
were not in favor of socialism. Not for the poor, anyway.

The terrorists around the world are rooting for Obama.

I doubt that.

Doesn't that tell you something?

It tells me that you have an over-active imagination.

Obama calls himself a Christian, but Qadhafi of Libya in a recent 
interview obviously considers him to be a Muslim in good standing.

Obama is the only one who can say what Obama's religion is. It makes 
no difference what other people say or think. A religion is all in 
one's mind. It is purely a matter of opinion, and the only person who 
can possibly know Obama's opinion is the man himself.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC Palin probably reduced the Bradley effect

2008-09-24 Thread Jed Rothwell

Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

Consequently, in an opinion poll they might SAY they'd vote for him, 
but then when they're all alone in the voting booth they'll vote the 
other way.  This can skew the opinion polls to make Obama look more 
popular than he really is.

Exactly right. That's the Bradley effect.

(AFAIK nobody knows how large this effect is.)

Well, it is possible to make crude estimates of it. These estimates 
show that it has probably diminished since the Palin nomination, 
probably for the reasons I described.

This is actually a part of a larger problem with opinion polls, 
which is they're not secret, and apparently not anonymous.

Some of them are. The answers come out quite differently depending on 
whether they are anonymous or not. You have to compare results from 
different methodologies to determine the extent of the bias, and you 
have to compare results to actual voting (or purchasing, or whatever 
you are polling for) where data from some other source is available. 
That way you resolve which method is more accurate in which situation.

I think most polling place exit polls are anonymous, although they 
usually ask you to check off a box for your sex, age and race. (It is 
anonymous because they do not look at the paper you fill in. They 
aren't supposed to, anyway.) Until this year, polling place exit 
polls were extremely reliable but there is so much advanced voting in 
many different states this year that the accuracy of exit polls will decline.

The choice of the interviewer can also have a profound effect on the 
responses, depending on whether its political content or not. For 
example if you ask a black man to interview black people you are 
likely to get very different set of answers than if have a white 
woman asking the questions. This is true even when the interview was 
conducted over the phone, because most people can tell the race of 
the person they are talking to. This was discovered in the 1940s by 
white and black statisticians (including my mother) in carefully 
controlled tests.

Even in an exit poll, some people are inclined to lie or misrepresent 
their vote, out of spite or confusion or because they forgot who they 
voted for. However, as my mother used to say, we know they lie and 
we take that into account. They calibrate for it. It is hard to fool 
a public opinion researcher. They were always well aware of the 
Bradley effect, even before it had that name, but that raises the 
question as to whether they should try to fiddle with the statistics 
to eliminate it. Some do, and some don't. That is one of the many 
reasons election polls vary all over the place, by as much as 10%.

My mother also said that in response to polls and census forms, 
people tend to say whatever pops into their head. Here is an example 
of her writing in J. American Association for Public Opinion 
Research. You can see that for some inexplicable reason she sounded a 
lot like me:

- Jed

RE: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC Palin probably reduced the Bradley effect

2008-09-24 Thread Jed Rothwell


My guess is that Jeff Fink shares family values and has a similar 
background with Palin. Or if not, the GOP is trying hard to make him 
THINK she does.

Voice input glitch? By the way, the newest version of Naturally 
Speaking voice input is astounding.

Sorry if I am talking too much about public opinion. It is a 
fascinating subject, especially in an election year.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC Palin probably reduced the Bradley effect

2008-09-24 Thread Jones Beene
BTW - although Palin was probably a positive choice for McCain, given all the 
demographics, it is turning out not to be anywhere near the brilliant strategy 
that it first seemed. He shoulda gone with Condi.

I have a distinguished older friend who has never voted for a Democrat, and 
will not this time either, but he dropped his support for McCain BECAUSE of 
Palin. Using his words, not mine, this can be called the trailer-trash 
effect. And it will end up diminishing her net positive effect among that small 
segment of the wealthiest voters, but this type of GOP voter will merely 
abstain from voting for President, and not switch sides. 

As Terry mentioned, Biden is turning out to be a terrible choice too, perhaps 
even more so than Palin - but in that case, Obama is less likely to die of 
natural causes in the near term, so the effect of a poor choice of VP is less 
problematic for the Dem-wits. Biden is consistently ranked as the least-wealthy 
member of the Senate, and at least that indicates that he is not milking the 
Lobbies and PACs as are most of the others - nor is he spending half of the 
previous full-year's earnings on a tanning bed, instead of all those kids. 
Others might opine that it reflects more on a general lack of business acumen 
than honesty.


Re: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC Palin probably reduced the Bradley effect

2008-09-24 Thread Jed Rothwell
Jones Beene wrote:

. . . although Palin was probably a positive choice for McCain, given all
 the demographics, it is turning out not to be anywhere near the brilliant
 strategy that it first seemed. He shoulda gone with Condi.

 I have a distinguished older friend who has never voted for a Democrat,
 will not this time either, but he dropped his support for McCain BECAUSE

Well, no political strategy is perfect. No matter who McCain chose, he was
bound to alienate someone. I think, all in all, it was an effective choice.
I suppose it brought him more support than it lost. (But you can never be
sure of such hypothetical assertions. You can't run history over again!)  He
needed the enthusiastic support of the religious right-wing GOP, and he got
it in spades.

It is easier to second-guess a political campaign than it is to run one.

I think Palin is a lot smarter than she comes across as. She and some other
modern politicians have developed the art of looking like aw-shucks,
awkward, common folk. You wouldn't think to look at them that the Bush
family are members of America's old-money, Ivy League WASP elite -- but they
are. It is funny to me that people like Jeff Fink, who despite Ivy League
elites, are so fond of the Bush and McCain types. Who do you think they are?
Salt of the earth proletariat? Believe me, you don't get any more blue-blood
than these people. By an act of skillful legerdemain, the GOP has spent the
last generation passing off such people as down-home common folk. I liked
the GOP better in the old days when they were honest snobs and they thought
people should respect them *because* they were old money movers and shakers,
not despite the fact. Elite people used to take pride in their class. They
expected to be put in charge of corporations and Wall Street and be elected
Senators because they were Ivy League snoots. Obama is something of a
throwback in that respect. I cannot image anyone in 1960 or 1940 arguing
that the man is too well educated!

It is a strange world, and this political season is the strangest since 1968
-- which was a dreadful year, by the way.

- Jed

RE: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC Palin probably reduced the Bradley effect

2008-09-24 Thread Jeff Fink



From: Jones Beene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 7:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC Palin probably reduced the Bradley effect


BTW - although Palin was probably a positive choice for McCain, given all
the demographics, it is turning out not to be anywhere near the brilliant
strategy that it first seemed. He shoulda gone with Condi.


The liberal media destroyed Condi way in advance to make sure she could
never become a VP.  In contrast, Palin has only been a target of the press
for a few weeks.  Do you realize that Palin has more executive experience
than Obama and Biden combined?  In her brief career she has gone after
corrupt politicians and won amazing victories.  Who else has ever done
anything like that?  You can bet that some of the Washington insiders are


Obama is run by the Chicago political machine.  There may be a few turf
battles if Obama wins, but beyond that in Washington, it will be business as
usual or worse.




Re: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC Palin probably reduced the Bradley effect

2008-09-24 Thread Edmund Storms
Please Jeff, spare us the political propaganda. We get a belly full of  
this from the candidates.  The point you make is trivial and  
irrelevant to the problem.  The press is doing the job they are paid  
to do. They provide information that we use to make a rational  
decision if we are intelligent.  On the other hand, if you intend to  
vote for a ticket no matter what is known just because it is  
Republican, then the press is not useful to you. In addition, any  
argument that I or anyone else can make will not change your mind.  
Therefore, a discussion of your point  is a waste of time.


On Sep 24, 2008, at 8:34 PM, Jeff Fink wrote:

From: Jones Beene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 7:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC Palin probably reduced the Bradley effect

BTW - although Palin was probably a positive choice for McCain,  
given all the demographics, it is turning out not to be anywhere  
near the brilliant strategy that it first seemed. He shoulda gone  
with Condi.

The liberal media destroyed Condi way in advance to make sure she  
could never become a VP.  In contrast, Palin has only been a target  
of the press for a few weeks.  Do you realize that Palin has more  
executive experience than Obama and Biden combined?  In her brief  
career she has gone after corrupt politicians and won amazing  
victories.  Who else has ever done anything like that?  You can bet  
that some of the Washington insiders are scared.

Obama is run by the Chicago political machine.  There may be a few  
turf battles if Obama wins, but beyond that in Washington, it will  
be business as usual or worse.


Re: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC Palin probably reduced the Bradley effect

2008-09-24 Thread Robin van Spaandonk
In reply to  Jeff Fink's message of Wed, 24 Sep 2008 16:19:42 -0400:
The terrorists around the world are rooting for Obama.  Doesn't that tell
you something?  Obama calls himself a Christian, but Qadhafi of Libya in a
recent interview obviously considers him to be a Muslim in good standing.

...then if he gets elected, perhaps they will feel less inclined to bomb US
targets. ;)


Robin van Spaandonk [EMAIL PROTECTED]