Jeff Fink wrote:
> I'm a white guy who is certainly not racist. Give me Alan Keyes, J C Watts,
> or even Colin Powell, and I will vote for him any day over McCain.  Why are
> we talking about racist whites when 90% of blacks are voting Obama!  

The  issue isn't racism, per se, rather it's a question of whether some
people dislike Obama because he's black, but *will* *not* *admit* *that*
when they're being polled.  Consequently, in an opinion poll they might
SAY they'd vote for him, but then when they're all alone in the voting
booth they'll vote the other way.  This can skew the opinion polls to
make Obama look more popular than he really is.  (AFAIK nobody knows how
large this effect is.)

This is actually a part of a larger problem with opinion polls, which is
they're not "secret", and apparently not anonymous.   They're done in
face to face -- or voice to voice -- interviews with another human. 
Consequently, the people being polled may not behave the same way in
during polling that they will behave when they're in private, actually

If you are not ashamed to say you don't like Obama then you are not part
of the problem which is being addressed here, which is people who lie
about their feelings toward him.

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