-----Original Message-----
From: Jed Rothwell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 11:11 AM
To: vortex-L@eskimo.com
Subject: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC Palin probably reduced the Bradley effect

Jones Beene wrote:

The issue of "closet racism" skewing poll results is called the 
Bradley effect. (Look it up for details.) Anyway, there is evidence 
that the Bradley effect has been suppressed by the selection of Sarah 
Palin as vice president. To make a long story short, people who are 
biased against Obama now have an "excuse" to support McCain instead. 
They can say they are supporting a female candidate, which is as 
open-minded as supporting a black candidate.

I'm a white guy who is certainly not racist. Give me Alan Keyes, J C Watts,
or even Colin Powell, and I will vote for him any day over McCain.  Why are
we talking about racist whites when 90% of blacks are voting Obama!  

Palin's main appeal to appears to be toward fundamentalist Republican 
party regulars who would have voted Republican anyway. However, the 
selection was fruitful to the GOP because it motivated these people 
to get out and work for the ticket and vote.

Palin may well be the first real person to run for VP or higher in my
lifetime.  She wasn't raised rich, and she didn't have her mind corrupted by
an ivy league school!  We need leaders in this country who are not fans of
Frederich Nietzsche or Karl Marx.

I was registering new voters last weekend....

The terrorists around the world are rooting for Obama.  Doesn't that tell
you something?  Obama calls himself a Christian, but Qadhafi of Libya in a
recent interview obviously considers him to be a Muslim in good standing.


P.S.  You can lay this mortgage scandal at the feet of Chris Dodd and Barney
Frank Who oversaw the decisions to lend money with no down payment to people
who didn't even have jobs.  There ought to be indictments against these two
along with Jamie Gerelick, Franklin Raines, and Daniel Mudd.

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