Re: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?

2010-12-02 Thread David Jonsson
I was referring to the first post in the thread
Integral from -r0 to +r0 of (r0^2-r^2)/(R0-r)^2 dr
It was the result of approximation and full precision gives 1/r^2 as in
ordinary gravity.

But of course any non point mass will have tidal effects so the center of
mass issue remains. Are there any good sites on how this effect affects the
stability of orbits. Maybe some other effect is balancing this effect to
make orbits stable? Rotation of the elongation due to tidal effect also
complicates things. I can imagine that only certain combinations of tidal
elongation and rotation exists. Is the bulge of the elongation always
between 0 to pi/2 radians from the direction to the other body?


David Jonsson, Sweden, phone callto:+46703000370

On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 7:39 PM, Mauro Lacy wrote:

 I'm not sure I understand what you mean.
 Are you saying that gravity behaves in the traditional (Newtonian) way
 inside solid bodies? Do you have links or papers to experiments that
 support this? As I said, there are reported anomalies inside boreholes.
 How do you or others explain them?

 Take into account that although gravity can be related to mass and
 density, that is, it can have a dependency on mass and density, that
 does not mean mass and density are the causes of gravity. Indeed, it
 makes a lot of sense to think just the opposite: that which causes
 mass (or the effects of mass) has to be massless in itself, to avoid a
 circular argument. The cause of gravity must be immune to the effects of
 gravity, by the very definition of cause.

 On 11/27/2010 08:45 AM, David Jonsson wrote:
  Sorry, if the integration is done with higher precision it turns out
  to be the traditional one.
  But it is still useful for determining the gravity from other
  geometries. I think it is bad that bodies are approximated with point
  sources in their center of gravity.

Re: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?

2010-11-27 Thread David Jonsson
Sorry, if the integration is done with higher precision it turns out to be
the traditional one.

But it is still useful for determining the gravity from other geometries. I
think it is bad that bodies are approximated with point sources in their
center of gravity.


RE: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?

2010-11-27 Thread OrionWorks
From David Johnson


 Sorry, if the integration is done with higher precision

 it turns out to be the traditional one.


 But it is still useful for determining the gravity from other

 geometries. I think it is bad that bodies are approximated with

 point sources in their center of gravity.


To the best of my knowledge there is no practical way to map the positions
of celestial bodies other than by exploiting brute force differentiation.
It's a time-honored methodology, and it works. If you make the iterative
slices sufficiently small the results appear to approximate what Nature
seems to be doing. Besides, that's what computers are for! Granted, it is
conceivable that an integral formula may actually exist, particularly for
the simple one body elliptical model. However, to the best of my knowledge,
no one has discovered it, or at least published their findings. To be
honest, I can't conceive of how integrals could possibly be constructed to
predict the characteristics of complicated models, particularly models
consisting of two or more bodies. Differentiation alone has enough of a
problem dealing with multi-body simulations.


Meanwhile, I have been studying what one might consider the other end of
the spectrum, where I deliberately allow the coarseness of the iterative
feed-back loop to manifest in full bloom. I'm not attempting to suppress it.
I often welcome their insane effects. With goals of abandon and destruction
in mind I've been studying the interesting effects of various Celestial
Mechanical computational permutations based on massive iterations of simple
algorithms. Some of the results have astonished me. I've discovered the fact
that the same simple algorithm can end up producing an astonishing variety
of geometric shapes, all with just a simple infinitesimal tweak of a minor
constant. The results are often chaotic - and yet surprisingly ordered. One
quickly discovers an underlying order that seems to be mysteriously embedded
within the chaos. Ordered chaos is in fact a curious characteristic of
chaos that researchers are finally beginning to realize may hold practical
value in possibly help explaining all sorts of subjects such as physics,
health, sociology, macro economics - just to name a few.


So far, and to the best of my knowledge, no one that I'm aware of seems to
have shown much curiosity in analyzing the life spans along with the
unique characteristics of these algorithms that have been deliberately
infected with the virus of chaos. Because of what seems to have been as a
lack of interest I've come to suspect many researchers may have missed
valuable opportunities to analyze an astonishing number of shapes that can
be produced from simple iterations of algorithms based on simple k*r, k/r,
k/r^2, and k/r^3 - as well as various combinations.


Needless to say, over the years I've acquired a much greater respect for the
infinite shapes of CHAOS. IMHO, there is precious ore to be mined here.


* * *


PS: I've just completed a DVD course on Chaos theory. I also plan on taking
another DVD course on discrete mathematics, just to make sure I cover as
many bases as possible. The DVD courses I'm referring to are produced by an
educational company called THE TEACHING COMPANY. See:


You can find a rich variety of course material available for immediate
purchase. All the courses are taught by distinguished professors and
teachers. The company often has special sales promotions, where certain
courses are reduced from suggested prices of $250 - $300 price tag down to a
mere $70. That's how I snapped up several mathematics courses, such as:


CHAOS: ($254, marked down to $69)


DISCRETE MATHEMATICS: ($254, marked down to $69)


Bon appetite!



Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?

2010-11-27 Thread Mauro Lacy
I'm not sure I understand what you mean.
Are you saying that gravity behaves in the traditional (Newtonian) way
inside solid bodies? Do you have links or papers to experiments that
support this? As I said, there are reported anomalies inside boreholes.
How do you or others explain them?

Take into account that although gravity can be related to mass and
density, that is, it can have a dependency on mass and density, that
does not mean mass and density are the causes of gravity. Indeed, it
makes a lot of sense to think just the opposite: that which causes
mass (or the effects of mass) has to be massless in itself, to avoid a
circular argument. The cause of gravity must be immune to the effects of
gravity, by the very definition of cause.

On 11/27/2010 08:45 AM, David Jonsson wrote:
 Sorry, if the integration is done with higher precision it turns out
 to be the traditional one.

 But it is still useful for determining the gravity from other
 geometries. I think it is bad that bodies are approximated with point
 sources in their center of gravity.



Re: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?

2010-11-27 Thread mixent
In reply to  Mauro Lacy's message of Sat, 27 Nov 2010 15:39:30 -0300:
Take into account that although gravity can be related to mass and
density, that is, it can have a dependency on mass and density, that
does not mean mass and density are the causes of gravity. Indeed, it
makes a lot of sense to think just the opposite: that which causes
mass (or the effects of mass) has to be massless in itself, to avoid a
circular argument. The cause of gravity must be immune to the effects of
gravity, by the very definition of cause.
It's possible that cause and effect are indistinguishable, i.e. that the concept
of cause and effect is not applicable.

Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?

2010-11-27 Thread Mauro Lacy
On 11/27/2010 04:53 PM, wrote:
 In reply to  Mauro Lacy's message of Sat, 27 Nov 2010 15:39:30 -0300:
 Take into account that although gravity can be related to mass and
 density, that is, it can have a dependency on mass and density, that
 does not mean mass and density are the causes of gravity. Indeed, it
 makes a lot of sense to think just the opposite: that which causes
 mass (or the effects of mass) has to be massless in itself, to avoid a
 circular argument. The cause of gravity must be immune to the effects of
 gravity, by the very definition of cause.
 It's possible that cause and effect are indistinguishable, i.e. that the 
 of cause and effect is not applicable.

I don't think that the concept of cause and effect is not applicable.
Why would it be so? It could be that what we call gravity is the end
result of a number of different factors, but in principle nothing
prevents us from identifying those factors, and from determining their
interaction, the resultant of which is what we ordinarily call gravity.
But yes, it's possible that we are actually not able to separate causes
from effects in the case of gravity. That seem to be the case at the moment.
That will change in the future, I'm completely sure about it. And that
change could even happen sooner than we expect. In a sense, it's
happening right now, although it's not fully taking the form of a
scientific or mathematical formulation.
Maybe that's the most important point in all this: to understand
gravity as what it really is, independently of attaining a
mathemathical description of its workings. That, correctly understood,
would produce a revolution far deeper than the frutis of a new
gravitational formalism. And that understanding is happening right now,
I can assure you.


Re: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?

2010-10-26 Thread Mauro Lacy
On 10/24/2010 10:33 PM, Mauro Lacy wrote:
 We'll probably never know for sure what forces are really exerted
 inside a solid mass, due to the simple fact that bodies don't move
 inside solids. Measurements of acceleration and velocity in the
 gaseous giants, or in Venus's atmosphere, can be very interesting to
 analyze. The problem would be drag, of course. Even if the density
 gradients can be adequately modeled, I assume drag would be very
 difficult to model.

I was thinking that instead of in the gas giants or in Venus,
experiments can also be done in Earth's oceans, in deep lakes, or even
in abandoned drilling holes.
If drag is difficult to model adequately, a static instead of kinematic
approach can be attempted. Putting a sensitive gravimeter inside a
containment chamber, and sinking it to the depths of the ocean,
registering the intensity of the gravitational field at different
depths, should yield very interesting results, which will probably be
unexpected and anomalous based in current theory.

Particularly, I predict that the intensity of the gravitational field
under the surface will continue to take the form of an inverse square
law; that is, will follow a non-linear variation, contrary to current
Take into account that, playing with different density models for the
Earth's core and mantle, current theory can model the actual increase in
gravity under  the surface. See
and particularly

What current theory will not be able to model, at least without
resorting to exotic density models, is the form of the curve. That is,
experiments should focus in the form of the curve more than in the
increase of the field in itself, because the increases can be easily
explained/modeled with adequate density gradient ratios for the core/mantle.
The next step would be to see how exotic the density models must be to
explain the results within standard theory, and particularly, if they
agree with known density data for the crust and outer mantle, if that is

I don't know much about gravimeters, by the way, but this seems to be an
experiment that is not completely out of reach for the determined and
resourceful amateur.


Re: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?

2010-10-25 Thread mixent
In reply to  Mauro Lacy's message of Sun, 24 Oct 2010 22:33:48 -0300:
On 10/24/2010 06:28 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:
 From Mauro:


 It is interesting to continue reading the explanation,
 for the force exerted on points inside the sphere.
 Indeed, I bet it does get interesting! In my own computer simulations, this
 is where I've had to play god, so-to-speak, and change the algorithm used
 when the orbiting body presumably passes underneath the planetary surface
 of the main attractor body. At that point one has to jigger a different set
 of rules since, technically speaking, a point source no longer exists. It's
 like diving into a swimming pool. The water (the source of gravity) is all
 around you.

AFAIK, that portion of the body that is at a greater radius than your own has no
effect on you. IOW you can base your calculations on a that of a body with a
radius equal to your own. It's effectively as though the planet shrinks with
you. By the time you reach the center, there is no planet left, and the net
effect is zero.

Calculations would be simplified by assuming a constant fixed density for the


Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?

2010-10-24 Thread David Jonsson

No problem with hijacking. Your subjects are related and I read some of it
but I realize it is too much to read for me right now. Maybe your programs
can be adjusted with the force formula for spherical distributions.

Actually I just typed the ACSII version of the integral into Wolfram Alpha,
a fantastic web resource, and after several seconds I got the answer^2-r^2)/(R0-r)^2+drincParTime=true

A bit down it lists the indefinite integral as (R0^2-r0^2)/(r-R0)-2 R0

But the result dimensions do not fit... Something is wrong.

For the spherical mass distribution I assume per particle

and for a mass differential dM in the star (see attached picture) it becomes

dF=G dM m / R² = G rho dV m / ( R0 + r ) ² = G rho pi (r0² - r²) dr m /(R0 -

Each dM is a vertical slice in the star. Each slice weighs dM = rho pi (r0²
- r^2) dr. So I don't calculate to the highest precision. I just assume that
the distance to all particles in the slice is R0-r

and if I integrate to get the total it would become

F = Integral from -r0 to r0 of G rho pi (r0² - r²) dr m /(R0 - r)^2

which is the integral I initially asked aboutand that Wolfram Alpha gave the
indefinite form of.

I can't see why using spherical distribution would make the computation much
more complex? Computers can handle almost anything.


David Jonsson, Sweden, phone callto:+46703000370

On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 8:03 PM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:

 From David

  12 replies to my question is not bad but the integral is actually about
  the gravity force is to a spherical mass distribution compared to a point
  mass. The so called center of gravity can not be used as a center of
  since matter closer to a body attracts more than what the remote parts
  How big can this effect be?
  Can anyone solve the integral? I haven't even tried, yet. Can Maxima


 I must apologize as well. Guess you could say I intentionally
 hijacked your thread. In your original question you brought up
 interesting concepts that were related to a branch of mathematical
 study that I've been exploring for years. I only hope the tangential
 aspects of what has been discussed in your hijacked thread has been be
 of some interest to the readers, including you.

 Following up on some of the tangential aspects, the physics text books
 state that the force known as Gravity is considered to be several
 orders of magnitude weaker than the strong and weak nuclear forces.
 This is basic high school physics.

 In the meantime, David brings up an interesting concept that I
 consider related to a similar discussion pertaining to whether it is
 (legally) appropriate to computer model the effects of gravity using a
 point mass, or whether one should model the effect as a spherical mass
 distribution.  From my own POV, and I'm speaking strictly from a
 computer programmer's POV, it is FAR more convenient in the heuristic
 sense to use a centralized point position in order model/generate
 orbital simulations based on the so-called laws of Celestial
 Mechanics. If one models one's algorithms using a point mass concept,
 it is important to play god and summarily change the rules
 so-to-speak where appropriate, particularly when the orbiting
 satellite approaches too close to the main orbital body. To do so
 introduces bizarre/chaotic orbital behavior. While it would probably
 be more accurate (or realistic) to employ a spherical mass
 distribution formula, to approach the problem as a computer
 programming exercise, would increase the complexity of the algorithms
 to the point that it would quickly become impossible to code.

 After reading just a sprinkle of Miles Mathis's papers, a novel
 concept recently dawned on me pertaining to the fact that we could
 speculate on the premise that the force of gravity may not necessarily
 be as weak as the text books have always claimed the force to be. What
 if we looked at the manifestation of gravity as emanating from the
 center of each sub-atomic particle, what then? What if we were to
 move the ground rules for spherical mass distribution away from the
 surface of typical macro bodies, like stars, planets, or moons, and
 scale it all the way down to the surface radius of protons and
 neutrons... how strong would the point mass force of gravity
 manifest at quantum-like distances? Obviously at that scale of
 distance the effects of gravity would be several magnitudes stronger
 that what is experienced within the familiar macro world! After all,
 we are told neutron stars are held together by the crushing force of
 the star's own gravity! A neutron star is essentially a gazillion
 sub-atomic point mass neutron particles collectively behaving as if
 they were all just one massive spherical mass distribution set as
 perceived on the macro scale. I suspect that 

Re: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?

2010-10-24 Thread Mauro Lacy
Yesterday I was reading the wikipedia entry for Newton's law of
universal gravitation,
and under Bodies with spatial extent it says:

If the bodies of question have spatial extent (rather than being
theoretical point masses), then the gravitational force between them is
calculated by summing the contributions of the notional point masses
which constitute the bodies. In the limit, as the component point masses
become infinitely small, this entails integrating the force (in vector
form, see below) over the extents of the two bodies.

In this way it can be shown that an object with a spherically-symmetric
distribution of mass exerts the same gravitational attraction on
external bodies as if all the object's mass were concentrated at a point
at its centre.^[2]
(This is not generally true for non-spherically-symmetrical bodies.)

It is interesting to continue reading the explanation, for the force
exerted on points inside the sphere.


On 10/24/2010 03:38 PM, David Jonsson wrote:

 No problem with hijacking. Your subjects are related and I read some
 of it but I realize it is too much to read for me right now. Maybe
 your programs can be adjusted with the force formula for
 spherical distributions.

 Actually I just typed the ACSII version of the integral into Wolfram
 Alpha, a fantastic web resource, and after several seconds I got the

 A bit down it lists the indefinite integral as (R0^2-r0^2)/(r-R0)-2 R0

 But the result dimensions do not fit... Something is wrong.

 For the spherical mass distribution I assume per particle

 and for a mass differential dM in the star (see attached picture) it

 dF=G dM m / R² = G rho dV m / ( R0 + r ) ² = G rho pi (r0² - r²) dr m
 /(R0 - r)^2

 Each dM is a vertical slice in the star. Each slice weighs dM = rho pi
 (r0² - r^2) dr. So I don't calculate to the highest precision. I just
 assume that the distance to all particles in the slice is R0-r

 and if I integrate to get the total it would become

 F = Integral from -r0 to r0 of G rho pi (r0² - r²) dr m /(R0 - r)^2

 which is the integral I initially asked aboutand that Wolfram Alpha
 gave the indefinite form of.

 I can't see why using spherical distribution would make the
 computation much more complex? Computers can handle almost anything.


 David Jonsson, Sweden, phone callto:+46703000370

 On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 8:03 PM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:

 From David

  12 replies to my question is not bad but the integral is
 actually about what
  the gravity force is to a spherical mass distribution compared
 to a point
  mass. The so called center of gravity can not be used as a
 center of gravity
  since matter closer to a body attracts more than what the remote
 parts do.
  How big can this effect be?
  Can anyone solve the integral? I haven't even tried, yet. Can
 Maxima solve


 I must apologize as well. Guess you could say I intentionally
 hijacked your thread. In your original question you brought up
 interesting concepts that were related to a branch of mathematical
 study that I've been exploring for years. I only hope the tangential
 aspects of what has been discussed in your hijacked thread has been be
 of some interest to the readers, including you.

 Following up on some of the tangential aspects, the physics text books
 state that the force known as Gravity is considered to be several
 orders of magnitude weaker than the strong and weak nuclear forces.
 This is basic high school physics.

 In the meantime, David brings up an interesting concept that I
 consider related to a similar discussion pertaining to whether it is
 (legally) appropriate to computer model the effects of gravity using a
 point mass, or whether one should model the effect as a spherical mass
 distribution.  From my own POV, and I'm speaking strictly from a
 computer programmer's POV, it is FAR more convenient in the heuristic
 sense to use a centralized point position in order model/generate
 orbital simulations based on the so-called laws of Celestial
 Mechanics. If one models one's algorithms using a point mass concept,
 it is important to play god and summarily change the rules
 so-to-speak where appropriate, particularly when the orbiting
 satellite approaches too close to the main orbital body. To do so

RE: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?

2010-10-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Mauro:


 It is interesting to continue reading the explanation,
 for the force exerted on points inside the sphere.

Indeed, I bet it does get interesting! In my own computer simulations, this
is where I've had to play god, so-to-speak, and change the algorithm used
when the orbiting body presumably passes underneath the planetary surface
of the main attractor body. At that point one has to jigger a different set
of rules since, technically speaking, a point source no longer exists. It's
like diving into a swimming pool. The water (the source of gravity) is all
around you.

I would also imagine the point source formula works best for perfect
spherical bodies, and also where the volume of mass is assumed to be made
of the same material and evenly distributed throughout. Obviously, in nature
such uniformity never happens. Take the Earth for example. We have a
nickel-iron core. The aggregate mass of the core of our planet is
decidedly heaver than the collection of elements that make up the
surrounding crust. This would imply that if one had a magic elevator shaft
that could take a collection of geologists safely all the way to the center
of the earth in order to measure one's weight what would systematically be
recorded would not necessarily change in ways one might initially predict.
For one thing I suspect one's weight would NOT necessarily become gradually
less as one travelled through the Earth's crust. It is even conceivable to
me that the geologist's weight might even increase slightly as they
approached the boundary surface of where Earth's nickel-iron core begins.
A significant portion of the planet's aggregate planetary mass is located
there. Therefore, as the geologist approached this surface boundary the
inverse square of the distance (1/R^2) formula might still, more or less, be
in effect. I suspect only after our magic elevator has penetrated the
surface of the nickel-iron core will our geologists begin to notice that
their weight begins to gradually approach zero. Only when the elevator
reaches the center of the planet will they feel weightless due to the fact
that the collective mass of the entire planet is evenly distributed all
around them.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?

2010-10-24 Thread Mauro Lacy
On 10/24/2010 06:28 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:
 From Mauro:


 It is interesting to continue reading the explanation,
 for the force exerted on points inside the sphere.
 Indeed, I bet it does get interesting! In my own computer simulations, this
 is where I've had to play god, so-to-speak, and change the algorithm used
 when the orbiting body presumably passes underneath the planetary surface
 of the main attractor body. At that point one has to jigger a different set
 of rules since, technically speaking, a point source no longer exists. It's
 like diving into a swimming pool. The water (the source of gravity) is all
 around you.

 I would also imagine the point source formula works best for perfect
 spherical bodies, and also where the volume of mass is assumed to be made
 of the same material and evenly distributed throughout. Obviously, in nature
 such uniformity never happens. Take the Earth for example. We have a
 nickel-iron core. The aggregate mass of the core of our planet is
 decidedly heaver than the collection of elements that make up the
 surrounding crust. This would imply that if one had a magic elevator shaft
 that could take a collection of geologists safely all the way to the center
 of the earth in order to measure one's weight what would systematically be
 recorded would not necessarily change in ways one might initially predict.
 For one thing I suspect one's weight would NOT necessarily become gradually
 less as one travelled through the Earth's crust. It is even conceivable to
 me that the geologist's weight might even increase slightly as they
 approached the boundary surface of where Earth's nickel-iron core begins.
 A significant portion of the planet's aggregate planetary mass is located
 there. Therefore, as the geologist approached this surface boundary the
 inverse square of the distance (1/R^2) formula might still, more or less, be
 in effect. I suspect only after our magic elevator has penetrated the
 surface of the nickel-iron core will our geologists begin to notice that
 their weight begins to gradually approach zero. Only when the elevator
 reaches the center of the planet will they feel weightless due to the fact
 that the collective mass of the entire planet is evenly distributed all
 around them.

And all this is highly speculative, of course. I must have said before:
It is interesting to continue reading the explanation, for the
*supposed* force exerted on points inside the sphere.

We'll probably never know for sure what forces are really exerted inside
a solid mass, due to the simple fact that bodies don't move inside
solids. Measurements of acceleration and velocity in the gaseous giants,
or in Venus's atmosphere, can be very interesting to analyze. The
problem would be drag, of course. Even if the density gradients can be
adequately modeled, I assume drag would be very difficult to model.

Besides, the force exerted inside a hole in a solid body does not
necessarily need to be the same force that is exerted inside the solid
body itself.
There are reported anomalies for the behavior of gravity inside bore
holes. See this paper by Reginald Cahill, by example:

If gravity is not caused by mass, but by an in-flow of space, as Cahill
suggests, the anomalies can be the result of channeling or tunneling of
the flow inside or outside of the bore hole, by example.

Gravity is such a curious mistress. A very curious mistress indeed,
which is everywhere but is nevertheless extremely discreet and secretive.

Re: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?

2010-10-18 Thread Mauro Lacy
I think that I must say a pair of additional things.

First, I'm very grateful to Miles Mathis for his many insights, and for
his clarity, freedom and generosity in openly sharing his ideas. He is a
great source of inspiration and original ideas.

Second, the only way to produce progress and novelty in a field, is by
being wrong a good number of times. We have that right. The right of
being wrong, if you excuse the pun. In the long term, we must only try
that our hits surpass our misses, in number and particularly in importance.

And talking about being wrong, it turns out that there is something
wrong in the formulas below. And that that is interesting in itself.
Let's see:
I've made the intensity of the gravitational field directly proportional
to the mass of the emitting body alone. This, one would presume, is
the logical thing to do. But with a field like that, lighter objects
fall faster than heavier objects. Due to inertia, and given the same
field intensity, it's easier to accelerate a less massive object than a
more massive one. Newton's second law.

But(and here I'm indebted again to Miles Mathis), the gravitational
field is a very particular field; a field so particular that the former
does not happen. The gravitational field, in the centripetal direction,
counteracts inertia, so to speak. It defies Newton's second law. That's
why the gravitational force, in Newton's universal gravitational
formula, is directly proportional to the *product* of the masses. If I
multiply the numerator by the mass of the second body, that will later
exactly cancel out the dividing mass in a=f/m, and we will have equal
centripetal accelerations independently of the masses of the second body.
The right formula for the magnitude of the force is then:

f=-star.mass*planet.mass/pow(r.length(), exponent);

But the problem is now that this formula defies mechanics. This product
in the numerator means that, if we stick to the idea of a force field,
the emitting body must emit different intensities depending on the mass
of the receiving body. And that does not make sense.
This is probably also why GR speaks of space curvature. That way, it is
dispensed with the need to explain this very particular behavior of the
gravitational field.

But there must be another explanation. An explanation that does not hide
in geometry, and which also makes physical sense.
The candidates I can come up are:
1) A given gravitational field is proportional to the mass of the
emitting body, but is processed or felt differently by a receiving
body, according to the body's mass, in a form that exactly cancels out
the inertia of the body. That is, the intensity of a gravitational field
felt by a body is directly proportional to its gravitational mass. So
a=f/m no longer holds for the gravitational field. We instead have a=f,
or better, a=f*mg/mi. mg in the numerator is the gravitational mass, and
mi, the inertial mass. Normally, mg=mi.
2) A gravitational field is the result of an interaction of bodies, not
an emission of any given body on its own. The intensity of this
interaction is proportional to the product of the gravitational masses
of the interacting bodies. The interaction itself works in ways that we
don't understand yet.

1) looks more mechanically tractable, whereas 2) looks more wave like,
or flow like. An approach like 2) can also probably explain dark
matter, and gravitational anomalies.
Notice also that 1) implies a kind of amplification effect.
Particularly in the case of a greater body being influenced by a smaller
one, the influence will depend on the mass of the second body. Which is
strange, to say the least.
Particularly in 1), to augment the gravitational interaction, we'll have
to increase the body's gravitational mass(without increasing its
inertial mass), to decrease its inertial mass(without decreasing its
gravitational mass), or both. How to do it is left as an exercise for
the reader at the moment :-)


On 10/16/2010 09:28 PM, Mauro Lacy wrote:
 On 10/14/2010 08:06 AM, Mauro Lacy wrote:
 On 10/11/2010 01:50 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:

 A question for you, Mauro:


 I would nevertheless love to computer simulate a so-called authentic
 elliptical orbit that is more accurately based on Miles' three-part
 gravity model, one that incorporates both the attractive 1/r^2 force
 and the repulsive E/M 1/r^4 forces. At present I'm at loss as to how
 I might do that -- that is without my computer simulations reverting
 back to nothing more than another mechanistic heuristic exercise.
 Maybe that's all one can really do in our so-called mechanistic world.

 You're right, and I'm doing exactly that at the moment. A celestial
 mechanics simulator based on first principles. I'll try to use the
 smallest number of principles. So far, I've identified four:
 - Newton's first law (uniform movement law, i.e. inertia)
 - Newton's second law (f=ma = a=f/m)
 - A spherically(circularly, in two dimensions) 

Re: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?

2010-10-18 Thread David Jonsson
12 replies to my question is not bad but the integral is actually about what
the gravity force is to a spherical mass distribution compared to a point
mass. The so called center of gravity can not be used as a center of gravity
since matter closer to a body attracts more than what the remote parts do.

How big can this effect be?

Can anyone solve the integral? I haven't even tried, yet. Can Maxima solve


Re: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?

2010-10-18 Thread Mauro Lacy
 12 replies to my question is not bad but the integral is actually about
 the gravity force is to a spherical mass distribution compared to a
 mass. The so called center of gravity can not be used as a center of
 since matter closer to a body attracts more than what the remote parts

Hi David,
I'm sorry that your thread was hijacked.
I suppose the answer to your initial question was No. :-)

 How big can this effect be?

Not very big for d  r, d being the distance between bodies and r the
radius of the more massive body.
It could be interesting to solve the integral, to precisely see the
magnitude of the effects at different distances, but at first sight, the
effects must follow an inverse square law also. So, for a given distance
d, they will have a 1/d^2 importance.
It may also be the case that the closer masses compensate the loss of the
farther masses, and then, for the spherical case, the
approximation to a point mass is perfectly valid; provided that the
distance is greater than the radius of the body, and that the density of
the body is homogeneous.

 Can anyone solve the integral? I haven't even tried, yet. Can Maxima


Re: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?

2010-10-16 Thread Mauro Lacy
On 10/14/2010 08:06 AM, Mauro Lacy wrote:
 On 10/11/2010 01:50 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:

 A question for you, Mauro:


 I would nevertheless love to computer simulate a so-called authentic
 elliptical orbit that is more accurately based on Miles' three-part
 gravity model, one that incorporates both the attractive 1/r^2 force
 and the repulsive E/M 1/r^4 forces. At present I'm at loss as to how
 I might do that -- that is without my computer simulations reverting
 back to nothing more than another mechanistic heuristic exercise.
 Maybe that's all one can really do in our so-called mechanistic world.

 You're right, and I'm doing exactly that at the moment. A celestial
 mechanics simulator based on first principles. I'll try to use the
 smallest number of principles. So far, I've identified four:
 - Newton's first law (uniform movement law, i.e. inertia)
 - Newton's second law (f=ma = a=f/m)
 - A spherically(circularly, in two dimensions) radiating force field,
 with one (or more than one) transform(i.e. propagation) terms (1/r^0,
 1/r^1, 1/r^2, ...)
 - Force fields act only in the centripetal direction, that is, they
 have no influence orthogonally.

 With that and a small enough interval, I think I can build an orbit
 simulator to test for laws using only first principles. More about
 this later, probably.

Well, I've built a two-body, two-dimensional orbit simulator based in
these four principles. It turns out it was very easy to program using
vectorial arithmetics, so here's the method. It uses vector
substraction, addition, invertion, normalization, and vector multiplying
by an scalar.
Let me know if you discover something that is incorrect.

// inverse square law
int exponent = 2;

// vectors planet.pos and star.pos have the actual positions of the
r=planet.pos-star.pos; // the radius vector is the vectorial
substraction of the position of the bodies

float f; // magnitude of the force

f=-(star.mass/pow(r.length(), exponent)); // minus means attractive
attractive force. r.length() gives us the

//  magnitude of the radius vector.*(f/planet.mass); // centripetal
acceleration acts in the radius vector direction. r.normalized() gives
us the unit vector.

planet.velocity=planet.velocity +; // vectorial addition
of velocity and centripetal acceleration

// now do the same for the star
f=-(planet.mass/pow(r.length(), exponent)); // force of the planet
on the star*(f/star.mass); // centripetal acceleration
produced on the star. In the opposite direction

star.velocity=star.velocity +;

// now calculate the new positions
planet.pos=planet.pos + planet.velocity;
star.pos=star.pos + star.velocity;

That's it. Except for a=f/m and the force field transform, there are no
other formulas.
Suffice it to say that it produces elliptical orbits, which depend on
the initial positions, velocities, masses and distance between the bodies.
I've used Qt4 QVector2D implementation, but any vector class or library
that implements basic vector operations will do.


Re: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?

2010-10-14 Thread Mauro Lacy
On 10/11/2010 01:50 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:

 Hi again,


 Today is a state-wide furlough day for most state of Wisconsin
 employees, like me. ... How nice to have an extra holiday to explore
 some of Mile's concepts. I'll rake the lawn later...


 Regarding the distinction between using particles or waves to explain
 how the universe works, including the nature of gravity, I place far
 more faith in the proclivity of wave theory than I do in individual
 particles. Putting my faith in particles, to me, would seem to be
 nothing more than worshipping a static snap shot in time of what is
 actually happening in the universe on an infinitely dynamic scale. It
 might seem contradictory for me to say this, particularly since my own
 computer simulations could easily be perceived primarily as examples
 of the nature of particle theory. Not true! What I find far more
 interesting is the gradual build up of millions and trillions of
 individual point/particles as they gradually construct computer
 generated graphic patterns. These graphic patterns end up looking more
 like the influences of dynamic wave theory in action. It just takes
 time, and a lot of particle build up! ;-)


 As of Sunday evening I've managed to plow through Mile's Explaining
 the Ellipse paper - twice. Rather mind-bending at times. I also
 ordered his book through Amazon.


 It is obvious to me that my own CM computer simulations are completely
 mechanistic  heuristic in nature. They don't necessarily explain how
 gravity truly works.


 While I'm willing to explore Miles' premise that tangential velocity
 shouldn't be confused with orbital velocity, the distinction Miles
 attempts to paint between the two concepts still eludes me to a large
 extent. Fortunately, Miles is aware of the fact that the distinction
 tends to baffle most of his readers. He attempts to compensate by
 giving additional examples. If I understand Mile's commentary, it
 seems obvious to me that my own CM computer simulations, which are
 obviously heuristic in nature, involve the feeding back of orbital
 velocities (not tangential) into the algorithm in order to get the
 next x,y coordinate position of the orbiting satellite. It's a simple
 algorithm to compute, and I've done this for years. Nevertheless, in
 my heuristic oriented computer programs there is no need to
 incorporate a third factor - a repulsive E/M (1/r^4) function. Granted
 I could easily incorporate the additional function of (1/r4) - and I
 HAVE incorporated similar exploratory repulsive functions in the past
 just to see what would happen, such as 1/r^3 in repulsive mode. As far
 as I can tell, however, there does not appear to be any
 practical/heuristic need to do so. Also the 1/r^4 force will QUICLY
 become negligible in most cases -- which I gather is precisely what
 Mathis is saying as well. It would only begin to possibly influence
 the position of an orbiting satellite as it approaches main attractor
 gravitational body. In fact, it would have to be VERY close indeed to
 the main attractor body for the repulsive forces to begin visibly


 Well... maybe I need to rethink that! (I'm thinking out loud here.) I
 must confess that my own CM computer simulations based strictly on
 using 1/r^2 (with no additional algorithmic enhancements) have
 indicated to me a strong suspicion that all computed orbital
 ellipses are inherently unstable -- given enough time to let the
 simulation run its course. Err... Well... this gets even messier! I
 think it would be more accurate to state the fact that my orbits
 become unstable when the feed-back values become too large (or too
 coarse) between iterative feed-back steps, particularly as one
 approaches the central orbiting body and the individual vector values
 increase geometrically. This is where I've noticed that chaos will be
 entered into my computer simulations. The introduction of what is
 presumed to be unwanted chaos is also precisely what has fascinated
 me for years, even if the introduction of such chaotic behavior has
 absolutely nothing to do with accurately predicting true CM orbital
 behavior. Incorporating a repulsive 1/r^4 function into the original
 equation might help ameliorate the chaotic blow a bit, but I don't
 tend to think of it as the real solution, particularly since my
 algorithms are strictly heuristic in nature anyway and probably don't
 really explain the actual effects of gravity.


 A question for you, Mauro:


 I would nevertheless love to computer simulate a so-called authentic
 elliptical orbit that is more accurately based on Miles' three-part
 gravity model, one that incorporates both the attractive 1/r^2 force
 and the repulsive E/M 1/r^4 forces. At present I'm at loss as to how I
 might do that -- that is without my computer simulations reverting
 back to nothing more than another mechanistic heuristic exercise.
 Maybe that's all one can really do in our 

RE: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?

2010-10-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
The core of my heuristic-based CM simulations can be represented by the
following algorithm. The code has been simplified for your viewing pleasure.


The code/algorithm is represented in Visual Basic .NET (2008). I've also
performed MC simulations using C#. But VisualBasic, in many ways is an
easier language to use particularly since it automatically takes care of a
lot of clerical details that can end up consuming much of a programmer's
time. Using VB helps me focus on the primary task at hand. Using Microsoft's
.NET architecture to generate graphics has also turned out to be a
powerfully useful tool.







'Perform Basic Orbit Calculations: A FEED-BACK LOOP!


For i = 1 To itterationCount Step 1


   'Move current coordinates into previous vector settings

   'in preparation to generate next itterative step in loop.


prevXPos = currXPos

prevYPos = currYPos

prevXVec =.currXVec

prevYVec = currYVec


'Determine current radius length/distance... based on distance starting
at (0,0) origin.

currAttractRadius  = util.length(0.0, 0.0, currXPos, currYPos) 


'Determine current attractive force, based on current determined
distance, i.e. F = 1/r^2 etc... 

currAttractForce   = util.force(currForceConstant, currAttractRadius,


'Generate current vector coordinates

currXVec += (-1) * currAttractForce * (CurrXPos / currAttractRadius)

currYVec += (-1) * currAttractForce * (CurrYPos / currAttractRadius)


'Feed current vectors back into x,y coordinates

currXPos += CurrXVec

currYPos += CurrYVec


'DO OTHER STUFF plot the coordinate on an (x,y) graphic,
generate statistics, etc...








Again, the above code has been stripped to its core  simplified. For
example I don't explicitly show how I determine distance or the current
Attractive Force. I placed the inner workings of that code in a utility
class. Nevertheless, this is an accurate representation of what much of my
research has been based on. I've been playing around with stuff like this
for years. I've also experimented with oodles of interesting permutations
and hybrid formulas, just to see what pops up. Occasionally I have been
surprised, if not totally baffled.




Steven Vincent Johnson 





From: Mauro Lacy [] 
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 6:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?


On 10/11/2010 01:50 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote: 

Hi again,


Today is a state-wide furlough day for most state of Wisconsin employees,
like me. ... How nice to have an extra holiday to explore some of Mile's
concepts. I'll rake the lawn later...


Regarding the distinction between using particles or waves to explain how
the universe works, including the nature of gravity, I place far more faith
in the proclivity of wave theory than I do in individual particles. Putting
my faith in particles, to me, would seem to be nothing more than
worshipping a static snap shot in time of what is actually happening in the
universe on an infinitely dynamic scale. It might seem contradictory for me
to say this, particularly since my own computer simulations could easily be
perceived primarily as examples of the nature of particle theory. Not true!
What I find far more interesting is the gradual build up of millions and
trillions of individual point/particles as they gradually construct
computer generated graphic patterns. These graphic patterns end up looking
more like the influences of dynamic wave theory in action. It just takes
time, and a lot of particle build up! ;-)


As of Sunday evening I've managed to plow through Mile's Explaining the
Ellipse paper - twice. Rather mind-bending at times. I also ordered his
book through Amazon.


It is obvious to me that my own CM computer simulations are completely
mechanistic  heuristic in nature. They don't necessarily explain how
gravity truly works.


While I'm willing to explore Miles' premise that tangential velocity
shouldn't be confused with orbital velocity, the distinction Miles
attempts to paint between the two concepts still eludes me to a large
extent. Fortunately, Miles is aware of the fact that the distinction tends
to baffle most of his readers. He

RE: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?

2010-10-12 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Thanks Harry,

Unfortunately, I get no sound that accompanies the you tube demonstration.

Regarding Celestial Mechanics and the orbital pattern that makes up the
classic ellipse shape - the two foci, especially the ghost/empty foci has
been a mystery and enigma that has haunted many prominent individuals for
hundreds of years. Years ago I started investigating the problem as well,
initially thinking I was breaking new ground. Silly me! Nevertheless, my
probing continues, on and off.


Steven Vincent Johnson 

 -Original Message-
 From: Harry Veeder []
 Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 6:41 PM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?
 Steven and Mauro,
 I think you'd like how Ellipitical orbits are explained in these links.
 They are based on Feynman's so called lost lectures, where he showed
 how to use geometry without calculus to derive elliptic orbits.
 video tutorial in several parts:

RE: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?

2010-10-11 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
 planet solar systems and
the orbital perturbations that were generated. I gather you're an old hand
at performing these kinds of computer simulations. No?



Steven Vincent Johnson




From: Mauro Lacy [] 
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2010 9:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?


It's in fact thanks to you that I discovered Mathis's work, when researching
your precession question. So I thank you, too.

He seems to be a kind of contemporary Newton, yes. I suppose he'll perdure.
Time will tell. I don't like his mechanistic ideas, although I agree that
it's convenient to have a mechanistic approach first, and only when that
shows its limitations move on to other models and ideas. Always make things
as simple as possible, but not simpler. I agree also with Physics being a
fundamentally mechanical science, not mathematical delusions, diversions, or

I don't like his expansion model for gravity, at all. I understand that his
model can probably be made to work if you add a repulsive electromagnetic
component, which keeps bodies apart against the gravitational apparent
attraction, but I find expansion ideas an unnecessary (and unbelievable,
frankly) burden.

Gravitation can probably be understood in terms of wave interactions. I
think than we can imagine a normally repulsive (due to emission) field, that
when encountering another similar field, manifests attraction(coalescence
and accretion, actually) due to the appearance of a kind of interference
pattern between the fields. That interference pattern would model a force
field, and that force field will cause gravitational acceleration.

In my theory, gravity is then always the result of an interaction, never the
result of a single field. But of course you need something like waves, not
particles, to make it work. My model explain the repulsive-attractive (i.e.
elastic) nature of the field at solar system levels as deviations in the
interference pattern, which in one direction cause attraction, and in the
other, repulsion.
To see what I mean, take by example a function like the square root, and
apply it to a distance between bodies, normalized in the form that 1 is the
equilibrium distance. The square root of 1 is 1, and you'll have stable
equilibrium. The square root of any number greater than 1 tends to 1, that
is, to equilibrium. And the same happens with any number smaller than 1. So
you have an effect that(and between a certain range, of course),
independently of the initial distance being greater or smaller than the
equilibrium distance, tends to the equilibrium distance. Temporary
divergences from equilibrium will be due to the inertia of the bodies, and
to perturbations. That means that, given enough time, and provided that the
interacting fields are mantained, all orbits would decay into circular
orbits. That is gravity working at the celestial level. At the planetary
levels, bodies fall to the center of the planet because they are completely
overwhelmed by the local field on the Planet, which is again the result of
the interacting fields at the celestial level. That means that Earth's
gravity, by example, is not a consequence of the mass of the Earth, but
conversely, the (accreted) mass of the Earth is a consequence of Earth's
gravity. The field was first, and the accretion came later, provided that
the field entered or directly formed in a zone with matter to accrete. By
the way, so called dark matter is no more that a consequence of insufficient
accretion, that is, fields that are devoid of matter at the moment.

All very nice, but what is missing are the fields themselves! what are those
fields? from where they originate? are they internal to the solar system or
external? are they the result of space pressure? are they a result or
manifestation of the turbulence of a dark fluid? what is then that dark
fluid? and how exactly it interacts with normal matter? what are the
formulas to describe those interactions? etc etc.

On 10/09/2010 10:51 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote: 






Steven Vincent Johnson



Re: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?

2010-10-11 Thread Harry Veeder

From: OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Sent: Mon, October 11, 2010 12:50:28 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?

While I'm willing to explore Miles' premise that tangential velocity 

be confused with orbital velocity, the distinction Miles attempts to paint 
between the two concepts still eludes me to a large extent. Fortunately, Miles 
is aware of the fact that the distinction tends to baffle most of his readers. 
He attempts to compensate by giving additional examples. If I understand 

commentary, it seems obvious to me that my own CM computer simulations, which 
are obviously heuristic in nature, involve the feeding back of orbital 
velocities (not tangential) into the algorithm in order to get the next x,y 
coordinate position of the orbiting satellite.

Maybe he means speed (a scalar quantity) when he says orbital velocity, and he 
means velocity (a vector quantity) when he says tangential velocity.


Re: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?

2010-10-11 Thread Harry Veeder
Steven and Mauro,

I think you'd like how Ellipitical orbits are explained in these links.
They are based on Feynman's so called lost lectures, where he showed
how to use geometry without calculus to derive elliptic orbits.


video tutorial in several parts:


Re: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?

2010-10-10 Thread Mauro Lacy
It's in fact thanks to you that I discovered Mathis's work, when
researching your precession question. So I thank you, too.

He seems to be a kind of contemporary Newton, yes. I suppose he'll
perdure. Time will tell. I don't like his mechanistic ideas, although I
agree that it's convenient to have a mechanistic approach first, and
only when that shows its limitations move on to other models and ideas.
Always make things /as simple as possible/, /but not simpler/. I agree
also with Physics being a fundamentally mechanical science, not
mathematical delusions, diversions, or perversions.

I don't like his expansion model for gravity, at all. I understand that
his model can probably be made to work if you add a repulsive
electromagnetic component, which keeps bodies apart against the
gravitational apparent attraction, but I find expansion ideas an
unnecessary (and unbelievable, frankly) burden.

Gravitation can probably be understood in terms of wave interactions. I
think than we can imagine a normally repulsive (due to emission) field,
that when encountering another similar field, manifests
attraction(coalescence and accretion, actually) due to the appearance of
a kind of interference pattern between the fields. That interference
pattern would model a force field, and that force field will cause
gravitational acceleration.

In my theory, gravity is then always the result of an interaction, never
the result of a single field. But of course you need something like
waves, not particles, to make it work. My model explain the
repulsive-attractive (i.e. elastic) nature of the field at solar system
levels as deviations in the interference pattern, which in one direction
cause attraction, and in the other, repulsion.
To see what I mean, take by example a function like the square root, and
apply it to a distance between bodies, normalized in the form that 1 is
the equilibrium distance. The square root of 1 is 1, and you'll have
stable equilibrium. The square root of any number greater than 1 tends
to 1, that is, to equilibrium. And the same happens with any number
smaller than 1. So you have an effect that(and between a certain range,
of course), independently of the initial distance being greater or
smaller than the equilibrium distance, tends to the equilibrium
distance. Temporary divergences from equilibrium will be due to the
inertia of the bodies, and to perturbations. That means that, given
enough time, and provided that the interacting fields are mantained, all
orbits would decay into circular orbits. That is gravity working at the
celestial level. At the planetary levels, bodies fall to the center of
the planet because they are completely overwhelmed by the local field on
the Planet, which is again the result of the interacting fields at the
celestial level. That means that Earth's gravity, by example, is not a
consequence of the mass of the Earth, but conversely, the (accreted)
mass of the Earth is a consequence of Earth's gravity. The field was
first, and the accretion came later, provided that the field entered or
directly formed in a zone with matter to accrete. By the way, so called
dark matter is no more that a consequence of insufficient accretion,
that is, fields that are devoid of matter at the moment.

All very nice, but what is missing are the fields themselves! what are
those fields? from where they originate? are they internal to the solar
system or external? are they the result of space pressure? are they a
result or manifestation of the turbulence of a dark fluid? what is then
that dark fluid? and how exactly it interacts with normal matter? what
are the formulas to describe those interactions? etc etc.

On 10/09/2010 10:51 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:



 I have to thank you again for bringing Mathis's work to my attention.
 I'm pretty sure I need to purchase his book. It's the least I can do
 to support Mathis's continuing research. I want to do more than fork
 over a tiny PayPal donation. Actually, I just want his book! ;-)


 I'm currently plowing through EXPLAINING the ELLIPSE. It's
 conceivable the article might end up helping me out in my own CM
 computer simulation research. Hopefully I'll enjoy the challenge of
 trying to comprehend Miles's perception on these matters, particularly
 the mathematical aspects. His mathematical prowess is far more
 developed than my own mathematical abilities. Hopefully, I'll still be
 able to make some headway.



 OK... and now for the weird part. I fully confess the fact that the
 following two comments are totally unscientific in nature. They are in
 fact totally subjective in nature, and quite personal. But what the
 hey! I'll blurt them out anyway!





 Several years ago while disengaging my mind in the midst of jogging I
 found myself speculating about the link between gravity, acceleration,
 and the curvature of space. It was during one of these jogging
 sessions when I suddenly 

Re: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?

2010-10-09 Thread Mauro Lacy
On 10/08/2010 03:00 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:

 BTW, Mauro Lacy suggest googling Miles Mathis, for an entertaining
 read on certain formulas used in regards to Celestial Mechanics. I've
 waded through Mathis' article on Mercury's Precision. Lots of
 interesting stuff there.

You probably meant precession. Or precessional precision, properly.
I have been reading Mathis's physics papers during these weeks.

You can start from any point, but I recommend reading his analysis of
Celestial Mechanics and the Nebular Hypothesis, and from then into his
own theories. He sheds light into many issues, from relativity to
quantum mechanics.

He's very good at deconstructing and criticizing (demolishing in some
cases), and also at correcting or extending existing physical dogma,
with a  depth, clarity and simplicity that's amazing, and much welcomed.
A refreshing back to the basics approach, which reveals big holes in
current physical theories.

Not so good, in my opinion, developing his own theories. He seems to be
in a rush to do that, and that's not good. He's also probably very wrong
in some main ideas. His idea of gravitation based on expansion is
untenable, to say the least. But I feel that he adopted it because it's
relatively economical, and simple.
In my opinion, gravity is not separated from electromagnetics(by example
by the adoption of a expansion model for gravity) but gravitational
attraction and electromagnetic repulsion are both aspects of a unique
form of interaction, mediated by an extended form of electromagnetism.
Thinking that gravity and electromagnetism are completely different
physical effects, which have completely different physical causes, is
probably Mathis's biggest blunder.

A kind of late mechanistic, a 18th or 19th century genius in the 21th
century. He thinks, by example, that by fixing Celestial Mechanics,
the indeterminacies will disappear; i.e. he thinks that the
indeterminacies are the result of wrong math and models, not essential
limitations of mathematics itself.

He noticed that time is a derived(not intrinsic) quantity in physics. By
the way, his article a revaluation of time is a good starting point also.
Probably the best I've read at the moment is:
- His article on Celestial Mechanics, where he shows that a 1/r²
spherically varying force alone cannot produce elliptical orbits(it will
produce spirally decaying orbits in the capture scenario). He also shows
that Newton's derivation of the universal gravitational law from
Kepler's equations is physically unsound, and that CM is then an
heuristic science, due to Newton's use of the centripetal acceleration
equation (a=v/r²) without physical justification.
- His analysis and subsequent demonstration of charge being
dimensionally equivalent to mass.
- The article where he shows that Newton's equation already contains the
electromagnetic part of the interaction.

He modifies the Calculus. I'm not convinced yet of his reformulation of
the a=v²/r equation. But I find very plausible that that equation(or a
similar one) is hiding the attractive-repulsive (i.e. elastic) character
of the compound gravitational-electromagnetic interaction.

In short: it's very interesting and stimulating to read the work of a
real genius on the internet, for a change.


RE: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?

2010-10-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson


I have to thank you again for bringing Mathis's work to my attention. I'm
pretty sure I need to purchase his book. It's the least I can do to support
Mathis's continuing research. I want to do more than fork over a tiny PayPal
donation. Actually, I just want his book! ;-)


I'm currently plowing through EXPLAINING the ELLIPSE. It's conceivable the
article might end up helping me out in my own CM computer simulation
research. Hopefully I'll enjoy the challenge of trying to comprehend Miles's
perception on these matters, particularly the mathematical aspects. His
mathematical prowess is far more developed than my own mathematical
abilities. Hopefully, I'll still be able to make some headway.



OK... and now for the weird part. I fully confess the fact that the
following two comments are totally unscientific in nature. They are in fact
totally subjective in nature, and quite personal. But what the hey! I'll
blurt them out anyway!





Several years ago while disengaging my mind in the midst of jogging I found
myself speculating about the link between gravity, acceleration, and the
curvature of space. It was during one of these jogging sessions when I
suddenly found myself free floating or speculating about a version of an
expansion model (aka curved space), where I wondered: What if all matter
is expanding/accelerating outwards. I then realized: If all matter is
expanding/accelerating relative to each other, would the observer (who is
also made of the same accelerated matter) notice anything different,
except for the manifestation of gravity. I was truly astonished to find that
some of Mile's mathematical articles, such as the one about the precession
of Mercury's orbit, where he touched on the expansion model mathematically
explored the very concepts I had tried to visualize geometrically in my head
while in the midst of jogging.


I hasten to add that I don't mean to imply that I fully understand a
significant portion of Mile's mathematical analysis concerning his
interpretation of the expansion model. I'm still totally baffled by Miles's
use of the trig function, the tangent (tan0) formula. I realize the function
is used to calculate the curvature (angle) of space at specified distances
in relation to accelerating bodies, but I don't know why we use the TAN trig
function. Still doesn't make any sense to me. Nevertheless, I'm still
plugging away, trying to comprehend as much as my brain can absorb.



COMMENT 2: (Warning: the following commentary is totally metaphysical in


Earlier today something within me moved me to make a visual comparison of
Miles Mathis and that of Isaac Newton. When I made side-by-side comparisons
the two individuals feel strikingly similar to me. Even more striking to me
is the fact that Miles appears to be continuing the work of Newton (and
Kepler), including fixing mathematical errors Isaac might have made in his
most famous previous life. Miles also appears to be clarifying a slew of
mathematical mistakes and/or misconceptions that he claims contemporary
professionals in the sciences continue to make in regards to Newton's
original math. 


I've found myself wondering if Miles might possibly be a new revised edition
of Newton. If so, it would appear that the revised Newton is rounding out
his already well developed mathematical prowess with enthusiastic academic
pursuits in the arts and humanities. Looks to me as if the revised Newton
is having a hoot of a time, too. I bet the ladies like him! ;-)  He's
probably a little bit relieved that he's NOT the old Newton this time
around! Probably doesn't even want to speculate on such a bizarre
possibility either! Why have such an albatross hanging around one's neck -
specifically being metaphysically linked to a world renown mathematical
genius, a glory from some past century, particularly when there's so much
stuff to explore in today's world! I could see how such a distinction
could constantly get in the way of one's current life's pursuits. Perhaps
Mile's is also pursuing alchemical interests as well, though perhaps
somewhat revised.


For additional info on Miles Mathis' check out his web site:


Miles recently published a book on his mathematical research, See Amazon out

Titled: The UN-DEFINED FIELD and other problems

. the greatest standing errors in physics and mathematics





Final comment. Regardless of my blatantly metaphysical mumbo-jumbo rant, it
is obvious to me that Miles has some interesting things to say. As Mauro has
already pointed out, I also suspect Miles will make significant
contributions, even if his most noted contributions may not immediately be
recognized for the significance that they truly are within our lifetime. We
should also keep in mind that Miles is still a very young lad, probably
still in his 30s. Give him some time and space to 

RE: [Vo]:Anyone recognizes this astronomy integral?

2010-10-08 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From: David Jonsson 


 Integral from -r0 to +r0 of (r0^2-r^2)/(R0-r)^2 dr


 r0 is radius of star. R0 is distance to star center from a

 satellite of the star.


 The integral is most often approxiamted with something proportional to

 1/R0² which is the case when r0 - 0. I think the approximation is too

 course for modern precision demands.




I’m still wading through a week’s worth of email, having been on vacation.
So I don’t yet know if someone has already responded to this query.


But yes, I do recognize 1/r^2. I’ve been using this simple formula in my own
Celestial Mechanics research for several years now. I’ve also been
experimenting with hybrid formulas as well. I’ve been researching not so
much what might be called the Macro Celestial Mechanics aspects but more the
theoretical/mathematical chaotic aspects, particularly when one’s feed-back
approximations are too coarse. I’m fascinated with what I’m uncovering.


BTW, Mauro Lacy suggest googling Miles Mathis, for an entertaining read on
certain formulas used in regards to Celestial Mechanics. I’ve waded through
Mathis’ article on Mercury’s Precision. Lots of interesting stuff there. 


Hope this is  helpful.




Steven Vincent Johnson