Re: [Vo]:New video on

2011-10-10 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-10-11 02:53, Jed Rothwell wrote:

This link goes to Kleiner Perkins for some strange reason. Weird!

This is the correct URL:


Re: [Vo]:New video on

2011-10-10 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-10-11 02:45, Daniel Rocha wrote:

Some videos and interviews on the 6th October demo.

The video has been professionally done and contains original footage and 
interviews. So this domain must be something official. I didn't 
expect this.


[Vo]:More drama: open letter to Christos Stremmenos from Defkalion GT

2011-10-12 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

The subject of this email says it all. Have a read at this open letter 
to Christos Stremmenos written by Alexandros Xanthoulis, Defkalion GT CEO:

An English translation of Stremmenos' message to Defkalion GT appeared 
on JONP is supposed to be posted soon on NyTeknik.

This is his original message in Italian mixed with some English:


Re: [Vo]:More drama: open letter to Christos Stremmenos from Defkalion GT

2011-10-13 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-10-12 18:26, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

An English translation of Stremmenos' message to Defkalion GT appeared
on JONP is supposed to be posted soon on NyTeknik.

A translation has been posted today on 22passi instead:


Re: [Vo]:Pictures/Videos on

2011-10-14 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-10-14 23:00, Michele Comitini wrote:

this video would be interesting if it were in higher resolution

If you zoom the page with your browser's zoom controls (usually CTRL + 
+) you will see that the video has a larger resolution than it would seem.

Even better, you could inspect the HTML source and copy/paste the .swf 
video animation URL into your browser address bar :)
The same trick works for other videos too, just replace the filename 

Here are all other URLs for everybody's convenience:


[Vo]:New articles on the September 6th E-Cat test

2011-10-21 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

NyTeknik and today published several additional analyses on the 
September 6th E-Cat Test.

- NyTeknik (in English)
By Horace Heffner, David Roberson, Robert J. Higgins

- (in Italian)
By prof. Christos Stremmenos


[Vo]:Live Twitter feed by Passerini

2011-10-28 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

For everybody's interest, it looks like Daniele Passerini (22passi) is 
going to post regular updates to his Twitter account regarding the 1MW 
E-Cat test supposed to be held today in Bologna:!/22passi
Alternate URL:

Whether he will be able to post detailed information or not, however, 
it's not known yet.


Re: [Vo]:Live Twitter feed by Passerini

2011-10-28 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-10-28 15:27, Terry Blanton wrote:

and the Old Grey Lady.

With NyT, he meant NyTeknik.


Re: [Vo]:ideal client

2011-10-28 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-10-28 20:26, Peter Gluck wrote:

Stirling Allan reports:

*QA just finished; reading of results; 470 kW maintained continuously
during *
*self-sustain; customer satisfied; sale made; more later.*

I definitely like this client!

Interesting comment on 22passi blog by an unidentified user (who appears 
to be truthful), translated in English by me. I think he mistook kW and 
MW with kWh and MWh:

* * *

I'm back from Via dell'Elettricista [Rossi's factory location in 
Bologna]. What Sterling Allan says is what Rossi said during the press 
conference, so it's the truth, for what it's worth.

I can confirm that steam couldn't be seen as it was being condensed. 
Measurements should have been done by a certain engineer Fioravanti (I 
believe on behalf of the very important customer).

Not everything went well (the usual [leaking] gaskets, the 
self-sustaining reaction that was in danger of runaway, etc), but 470kWh 
(even if not 1 MWh) without input power (excluding that of water pumps) 
couldn't leave room for doubts.

Rossi will send a report (written by the customer's consultants) to the 
attendees, but he's already read it aloud entirely during the press 
conference in both Italian/English versions.

There were many Swedes.

Stremmenos, Levi, Ferrari were quite serene and attentive. Anyhow, 
either everybody made arrangements [to fake a succesful test] or it's 
all true.

* * *


Re: [Vo]:ideal client

2011-10-28 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-10-28 21:52, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

Interesting comment on 22passi blog by an unidentified user (who appears
to be truthful), translated in English by me. I think he mistook kW and
MW with kWh and MWh:

More interestingly, the same user is also reporting that during the 
press conference Rossi claimed to have obtained all necessary 
permissions in order to perform the 1MW E-Cat test.


Re: [Vo]:ideal client

2011-10-28 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-10-28 23:15, Peter Heckert wrote:

The problem is, the heat must be dissipated or stored somewhere. Even at
470kW this cannot been done easily.
How was this done? Has nobody seen something. Where there big
ventilators running?

Another 22passi user who was there mentions there were six large 
(1.5x1.5 meters) heat exchangers with approximately 1 meter wide cooling 


[Vo]:First video from the October 28th, 1 MW E-Cat test event

2011-10-28 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

This is from PESN. Great video quality:

Possibly more coming soon.


Re: [Vo]:ideal client

2011-10-28 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-10-28 23:56, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Ah! Finally some technical details. That sounds good. Six large heat
exchangers sounds like what you would need.

Where did you read that? URL please!

I read it in one of the latest comments of 22passi Blog user nemo here:

User sono solo un test added interesting tidbits as well (in Italian).
Anyway, we'll see much more information soon. Daniele Passerini said in 
his last comment in the URL above that (essentially) the news embargo 
has ended (literally, that the AP exclusive ended at midnight, Italian 


Re: [Vo]:Photos of test report and a spreadsheet

2011-10-28 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-10-29 00:23, Sean True wrote:

have been posted on Rossi's blog (JONP).

Download link in ZIP format:


Re: [Vo]:Photos of test report and a spreadsheet

2011-10-28 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-10-29 01:25, Michele Comitini wrote:

Take a close look at the dashed words at page 3.  You can find the 2
parties involved.  One the second one is readable and easy guessing :

Yes: Leonardo Corporation is the seller, as clearly stated on page 1. 
Now, as for the customer...


Re: [Vo]:First video from the October 28th, 1 MW E-Cat test event

2011-10-28 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-10-28 23:41, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

Possibly more coming soon.

Two more videos:


Re: [Vo]:Spreadsheet author is Manutencoop Facility Management

2011-10-28 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-10-29 02:25, Jed Rothwell wrote:

An Observant Person points out that the excel spreadsheet found here:

. . . has Properties is set to:

Manutencoop Facility Management

Could this be a hint?

This likely means that the Excel copy they have is pirated or that it is 
property of Manutencoop worker cooperative. It's common practice in 
Italy for small businesses to hire personnel for temporary employment 
from worker cooperatives.


Re: [Vo]:Spreadsheet author is Manutencoop Facility Management

2011-10-28 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-10-29 02:34, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

This likely means that the Excel copy they have is pirated or that it is
property of Manutencoop worker cooperative. It's common practice in
Italy for small businesses to hire personnel for temporary employment
from worker cooperatives.

By the way, this might probably not be the exact case for Rossi 
(Manutencoop does not appear to be a worker cooperative), but you should 
get what I mean.


Re: [Vo]:Spreadsheet author is Manutencoop Facility Management

2011-10-28 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-10-29 02:48, Jed Rothwell wrote:

This company does large facility HVAC as Alan Fletcher pointed out. They
are a prime customer for this machine.

It does not appear to be a large, well-known worldwide industrial 
group, however.


[Vo]:22passi report

2011-10-28 Thread Akira Shirakawa
Daniele Passerini (22passi) posted a brief non-technical report here (in 

He also added a semi-complete list of people present during the event.
Oddly, the engineers/consultants of the anonymous customer were all 


Re: [Vo]:First video from the October 28th, 1 MW E-Cat test event

2011-10-30 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-10-28 23:41, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

Hello group,

Two more videos by PESN:

Andrea Rossi Reports on 1 MW E-Cat Test October 28 2011
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3: [to be uploaded soon]
Part 4: [to be uploaded soon]


Re: [Vo]:Daily Mail reports on Rossi's Oct 28 demo.

2011-11-04 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-03 22:21, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote: reports on Rossi's Oct 28 demo. Hagelstein is
quoted. All in all, seems to be a fairly positive report. No blatant
misinformation or stupid misrepresentations that I could spot.

Here's an article on the same test, on Daily Mail. Can't get more 
mainstream than this!


Re: [Vo]:Wired UK / Nov 6 - Mills,Crude,Maryugo,Krivit chime in ...

2011-11-08 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-08 23:10, Alan J Fletcher wrote:

Hank Mills v Crude,Maryugo,Krivit in the comments

Krivit also posted a comment in today's article on Rossi here:


[Vo]:National Instruments signs to do E-Cat controls

2011-11-10 Thread Akira Shirakawa


Today, Leonardo Corporation, led by Andrea Rossi, inventor and 
developer of the one-megawatt cold fusion E-Cat plant, signed an 
agreement with National Instruments (NI), to have them make all the 
instrumentation for the E-Cat plants, which began commercial sales on 
October 28, following the successful test in Bologna, Italy of the first 
1 MW heat plant to the first customer.

More details on PESN:

Great news!

Re: [Vo]:National Instruments signs to do E-Cat controls

2011-11-11 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-11 00:53, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

Today, Leonardo Corporation, led by Andrea Rossi, inventor and
developer of the one-megawatt cold fusion E-Cat plant, signed an
agreement with National Instruments (NI)

By the way, Daniele Passerini (22passi) knew about this partnership 
since last April but he couldn't speak about it due to NDA. He did hint 
about it, though (I remember that).

Link to his latest related blogpost:


Re: [Vo]:National Instruments signs to do E-Cat controls

2011-11-11 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-11 10:59, Daniel Rocha wrote:

Do you know whether or Daniele knows who is the secret customer? In case
you don't know, can you ask him?

I think Daniele knows (quotes about a customer that cannot be fooled 
were from him) but he is definitely not going to reveal who it is before 
others do.


Re: [Vo]:Rossi E-Cat web site up

2011-11-11 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-12 00:39, Jouni Valkonen wrote:

For me this looks like a bad joke. It is not nice to do a fan page
that superficially looks like authentic page.

It turns out it's really an official website:

* * * Official Website Launched - Finally, Andrea Rossi has 
an official website to represent his breakthrough cold fusion E-Cat 
product, to introduce and orient new customers, businessmen, media 
representatives, and other curious parties; answering frequently asked 
questions. Brought to you in association with PES Network. 
(; 11.11.11)

* * *


Re: [Vo]:Rossi E-Cat web site up

2011-11-11 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-12 02:26, Jed Rothwell wrote:


You got a problem with retro-looking HTML? You got a problem with old
programs, and old programmers?

The problem is not only that it's retro-looking (it actually is, 
however, since this is definitely not an intentional thing), but mainly 
that it's a website made in static html pages which is a very poor 
solution when there's a large amount of sections possibly subject to 
frequent changes (not only in content, but also in layout).

By using a modern CMS (Wordpress would have done the job perfectly. It's 
free, by the way) not only the website would have most probably 
immediately looked better and been better structured, but it would also 
have freed the webmasters from tweaking pages individually with an HTML 
editor, offered better managing tools, more robustness and ease of 
maintenance, etc.

Putting technical matters and lack of awareness of modern web 
technologies aside anyway, there also are a lot of puzzling things in 
the actual content such as the repeated use of the cold fusion term 
which Rossi avoided all along, the Leonardo employees list that might 
warrant Rossi a phone call or two by the U of Bologna, links to Yahoo 
groups or external sites that look very unprofessional and amateurish 
(couldn't they add their own discussion board? Or better, allow 
commenting on each page - although that would probably need a modern CMS 
again), the most probably unauthorized use of copyrighted photos, lack 
of fact checking in several passages, etc.

Really, this is an embarassement of a website. Rossi will eaten alive by 
hardcore skeptics and the mainstream media tomorrow.


Re: [Vo] lunch new website in association with andrea rossi.

2011-11-16 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-16 21:49, David ledin wrote:

  look professional

This one does look like a proper corporate website. It's also 
surprisingly informative and it seems it will be regularly updated too 
on this aspect. Way to go!

I wonder if it's Rossi-approved, just to be sure.
Somebody should ask him on his JONP Blog.


Re: [Vo] lunch new website in association with andrea rossi.

2011-11-16 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-16 22:57, Peter Heckert wrote:


This is not a professional commercial site, regardless if Rossi approves
it or not.

I see there still are problems.

What I meant however is that this one not only looks better than 
Allan's, but shows the information I'd expect to see in the right way, 
even if not in an excessively sophisticated manner (flashy animations, 
cutting edge design, etc - the kind of marketing fluff and stuff that 
especially big corporations pay much attention to).

Could be a scam to collect high valued commercial email adresses,
but only naive persons will send their official company adress to them.
Such a scam was some weeks ago and it was disauthorized by Rossi himself

Could be, yes.
That's why somebody should ask Rossi if this website is really what it 
makes it appear to be:

From in Association with Andrea Rossi and Leonardo Corporation offers a 
platform for interested parties in the ECAT technology. is currently, as the first site in the World, accepting pre-orders of 
ECAT products through the ECAT inquiry form on the right. These are non binding 
pre-orders but guarantees new customers a position on the waiting list which 
will be subject to a first-come first-serve policy. is by its designation to the Andrea Rossi’s ECAT a promoter of green, 
clean and affordable energy production.

Keep in mind that this website until a few days ago showed on its home 
page professionally made videos of Rossi's E-Cat (or ECAT?) tests 
performed in Bologna. It looked as if they were building up hype for 
something... which in the end resulted in this website.

Rossi must at the very least know who made the videos, since he invited 
them to his tests and was interviewed by these people.


Re: [Vo] lunch new website in association with andrea rossi.

2011-11-16 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-17 00:09, Terry Blanton wrote:

I do not think this is AR's web site.

Well, it appears it is:

Dear Frank Acland:
Yes, it is the website of our North Europe commercial Branch.
Warm Regards,


Re: [Vo]:Stremmenos seems to be upset at U of Bologna

2011-11-16 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-17 01:32, Mary Yugo wrote:

Google translate is difficult -- maybe we have an Italian speaker here?

Stremmenos is perplexed at the matters regarding the contract signed 
between EFA and the University of Bologna, and the pressure the 
University is receiving from many to rescind from it.

He says that being at the University of Bologna since the '50s, he was 
taught that the main duty of the University should be to transmit 
current knowledge and to create new one.

He doesn't think that a lack of (little) funds should stop the 
University to do research on a matter of this scope and he is 
disappointed to find out that that bureaucracy and trivial economic 
matters prevail over its original duties (of transmitting knowledge and 
creating new one).

He then points to a 12 years old article written by him on the official 
journal of the Italian Chemical Society, describing early Ni-H 
experiments, hoping that the pressure and skepticism he and his group 
received from their peers (and supposedly slowed the research?) won't 
show again.

* * *

So yes, it appears to me he is upset at the U of Bologna.
By the way, Stremmenos writes in difficult Italian, even for native 


[Vo]:Interesting *English* article from - letter by Celani to Rossi and Rossi's answer

2011-11-17 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

I just received this from Google Alerts.
Have a read at the latest article from on Rossi's E-Cat, in 

Part 1: Where is the E-Cat?

Part 2: Dear Eng. Rossi...

Part 3: Dear Doc. Celani, dear Readers of Focus...


[Vo]:Ahern to announce LENR findings on December 7 in New York City

2011-11-17 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

The source for this information isn't very well known (Citi5 group?), 
but the story appears to be true (still, I'd like it to be confirmed by 
others as well). Brian Ahern of Ames National Laboratory is going to 
announce his findings and a new theory on LENR in December.

Some excerpts from the story/announcement:

“In 1995 we made a major and fundamental discovery regarding 
nano-material properties. This almost completely unknown to most 
technologists. All materials processed within certain tolerances 
experience very different vibrational modes than all other aggregations 

 “In the last 8 weeks I have been astounded by a superior 
nanotechnology that will capture the imagination of even the greatest 
foes of LENR. I believe all of LENR is just a new and unanticipated form 
of nanomagnetism.”



Re: [Vo]:Ahern to announce LENR findings on December 7 in New York City

2011-11-17 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-18 04:07, Terry Blanton wrote:

Keyword, 'oscillon'.

Jones Beene gets credit for the first posting.

For those not paying attention:

I see, sorry for the duplicate thread!

However, more descriptive thread titles (subjects) would be helpful. 
Lately there are so many new posts each day that I am not able to keep 
up with their volume, so I find myself skipping threads and messages 
often depending solely on their subject.


Re: [Vo]:Ahern to announce LENR findings on December 7 in New York City

2011-11-18 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-18 04:37, Terry Blanton wrote:

Check this link from their main site:
they are watching us!  LOL!

I'm quoting the message from the comment section below for the sake of 
clarity. They're indeed watching!

Citi5Fund Moderator 10 hours ago

Note to our friends at  Lets get the record 
straight here:

 1.  We may be opportunists, but our intentions are good. This isn't about 
Citi5 - it is about social and environmental justice. LENR is new to us, but it 
is clear the value is tremendous.

2. Brian has asked us to act as a liaison with the public, and continues to 
update us frequently.

3. E3Blue has NO AFFILIATION whatsoever with Citi5.

4. WE ARE CERTAINLY NOT OWNED BY ANYONE: non profits cannot be owned, they are 
their an entity unto themselves.

 Watch the ego guys. We are all on the same team here, and this is about 

So, I take that for further updates on Ahern's plans and announcements 
we'll have to watch that space (although I would have expected Krivit to 
cover them as well).


Re: [Vo]:Rossi meeted Piantelli, seeking his cooperation?

2011-11-20 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-20 12:25, Peter Heckert wrote:

They write:
*2007:* Rossi meets Piantelli and seek its cooperation. He *refuses,*
but Rossi associate itself with the Focardi.

This is a really important piece of information if confirmed, thanks for 


Re: [Vo]:Help in testing a E-Cat

2011-11-20 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-20 08:08, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

I have just emailed Rossi with my interest in purchasing a 100 kW E-Cat
plant. [...]

Just to be clearer: have you only asked Rossi that you're interested in 
purchasing an E-Cat plant, or has he already replied back and agreed for 
a meeting?


Re: [Vo]:Help in testing a E-Cat

2011-11-20 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-20 18:07, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

As I stated, I have sent an introductory and request to purchase a 100
kW plant email to with details of the existing
business structure and the proposed business model. I expect it will
take several days to get an initial reply and to start the NDA /
contract / agreed test conditions, etc negotiations. Oz just about
totally shuts down over Christmas and New Years for at least 2 weeks. It
is our summer break and no one is at work. So I expect I'm pushing it up
a steep hill to expect to get over to Bologna before Christmas. But I
may get lucky.

Ah, I see. Thanks for your reply.

It looked as if everybody assumed that you were surely going to Bologna 
as a customer testing an E-Cat module in a matter of days. But as you 
say, Rossi has yet to approve your purchase proposal. Please do keep us 
informed on the process.

In my opinion he really should accept, though. That a Vortex-l member 
tested and purchased a 100 kW E-Cat plant, sharing as many details as he 
could (to the extents of what NDAs allow) would boost up Rossi's 
credibility a lot and attract much interest around. Between me and you, 
please consider using this as a leverage for your proposal:)

Besides, hasn't he repeated all along that it's up to the market to 
judge whether it works or not?


Re: [Vo]:A new article mostly about Defkalion in Greek

2011-11-20 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-20 18:30, Jed Rothwell wrote:

That looks like one of Piantelli's experiments. Not sure, but I think
that's what it is.

I think that is a photograph of the very expensive equipment Piantelli 
uses to make his nickel powder. I remember seeing that somewhere else.


Re: [Vo]:A new article mostly about Defkalion in Greek

2011-11-20 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-20 18:44, Peter Gluck wrote:

The test chamber is indeed very similar to Piantelli's high vacuum
installation of Molecular Beam Epitaxy (see my 3rd paper abou Piantelli
in my Blog).

It looks like the very same one to me:


Also look here:

Same photo.


Re: [Vo]:A new article mostly about Defkalion in Greek

2011-11-20 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-20 19:15, Terry Blanton wrote:

Consider the possibility that, having failed in the deal with Rossi,
Defkalion made a deal with Piantelli.

Interesting speculation. We might know if it's really the case in about 
two weeks of time (Defkalion GT announcement). It would be a tragicomic 
turn of events for Rossi if it is.


Re: [Vo]:A new article mostly about Defkalion in Greek

2011-11-20 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-20 19:26, Mary Yugo wrote:

Anyone know when the countdown to this event started?   Just curious
when to look for it.

On November 14th DGT announced: We will release a complete outline of 
our developments within the next two weeks.


Re: [Vo]:its been great

2011-11-20 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-21 00:33, Daniel Rocha wrote:

Jed, that is NOT possible. He would still see people answering the same
things over and over again. What makes MY annoying is not the arguments,
but the repetition. But the repetition is not only hers, it is also from
whoever answer. So, it won't work just blocking.

With Mozilla Thunderbird (an external email client) it's possible. It 
can kill completely threads and thread *branches* created by filtered 
users, if desired. You would however still see messages from the many 
users on vortex-l who appear to reply in a non-standard manner, 
splitting threads in multiple pieces.

(that's very annoying in my opinion, together with HTML emails. The use 
of properly configured email clients should be among group rules)


Re: [Vo]:its been great

2011-11-20 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-21 00:56, Charles Hope wrote:

Agreed. Also, new threads should not be renamed replies to other threads, 
because some smart email clients are not fooled by subject changes, and the new 
thread is hidden in the original.

I often do this when there's a more or less slight change of topic 
within the same thread. That, of course, doesn't create a new thread 
(and that isn't even my intention in those cases), but email clients 
that make it look otherwise are probably too old or not sophisticated 
enough for use with mailing lists.

Incidentally, I find the list much more valuable with the contrasting 
contributions from Yugo, Cude, and Lomax, than when it becomes an echo chamber 
of agreement.

I'd agree, but the volume of posting especially from Mary Yugo of the 
same arguments over and over again is unsustainable. It makes the group 
hard to follow (especially when those long threads get split multiple 
times by users with faulty email clients).


Re: [Vo]:Rossi replies to my email

2011-11-21 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-21 02:35, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

Dear Sirs,
We are selling only 1 MW thermal plants, so far.
Warm Regards,

That's too bad.

While I do understand what a full order book can do, it is disappointing
to say the least. So much for his 100 kW min size offer. May still be
doable but not until Feb 2012.

Do mean you might be able to order 1 MW plant, but not before Feb 2012?


Re: [Vo]:Defkalion did not deny to use Piantelli technology!

2011-11-21 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-21 12:41, wrote:

Ok, its time to spread some new rumours, to avoid boredness:

Also add, from this article, the information that Rossi sought 
collaboration with Piantelli in 2007, but in the end turned instead to 
Focardi. I haven't read this anywhere else. This is either a complete 
journalistic invention (or at the very least severe misunderstanding) or 
information that Defkalion GT provided.

DGT moderators' behavior doesn't help. They say that they never answer 
to comments based on speculations, but they somewhat did here. A simple 
no comment would have been clearer.


Re: [Vo]:Defkalion did not deny to use Piantelli technology!

2011-11-21 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-21 12:41, wrote:

Ok, its time to spread some new rumours, to avoid boredness:

By the way, it appears that Christos Stremmenos wrote a comment in the 
Tovima article linked, which he translated in Italian on JONP:

I'll attempt a translation of his convoluted Italian to English below:

I feel responsible for the transfer and the fate of Rossi's invention (Cold 
Fusion) in Greece, and also guardian of the moral values it contains. With 
scientific and idealistic motives, involving my friends, colleagues and 
long-term partners eng. A.Rossi and prof. S.Focardi, protagonists of this 
epoch-making invention, we attempted together to transmit to Greece the science 
and technological possibilities for a promising future in this country, 
birthplace of Democritus and Leucippus, and with this symbolism, to promote the 
new energetic era for the sake of the entire humanity.

As for what matters the Greek company Defkalion Green Technologies SA, 
unfortunately and much to my regret, I find myself with mixed feelings for the frivolous 
and incoherent, to say the least, general behavior and documented financial breach of 
contract with A.Rossi that lasted almost a year.

I'll conclude with a wise popular saying from my birthplace Ervytania: The poor's 
lamb can't become a ram.

Prof.Ch. Stremmenos


Re: [Vo]:Defkalion did not deny to use Piantelli technology!

2011-11-21 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-21 13:54, Daniel Rocha wrote:

What did he mean by that? I don't know how should a view that message.

In very few words, that he is not happy with what Defkalion GT is doing 
and has been doing so far. Sorry, this is not really related with the OP 
regarding a possible Piantelli involvement. I should have posted this as 
a new thread.


Re: [Vo]:Defkalion did not deny to use Piantelli technology!

2011-11-21 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-21 14:10, Daniel Rocha wrote:

What I don't really understand is if he is implying that Defkalion
stole Rossi's invention or if they are just making a scam using
Rossi's invention, which means bad publicity.

I don't know myself.
That's not clear from what he's written in his latest comment.


[Vo]:Open letter from Brian Josephson to Andrea Rossi (

2011-11-21 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

Have a read at the latest English article from on the E-Cat. 
This time it's Brian Josephson who's written an open letter to Andrea Rossi:

(credits to 22passi for the news: )


Re: [Vo]:Open letter from Brian Josephson to Andrea Rossi (

2011-11-21 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-21 18:26, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

Hello group,


Well, given this answer he just gave a reader on JONP, I doubt he will 
accept Josephson's suggestion:

Andrea Rossi
November 21st, 2011 at 4:58 PM

Dear Ivan:
We are no more in the mode of public tests, the times of public tests are over. 
We are manufacturing plants for our Customers, and our Customers will test the 
plants they have bought.
The proposal of Celani is just a provocation, and an insult to all the people 
that already made tests.
We are working for our Customers, not for the curiosity of our competitors.
By the way: Celani is using since decades the money of the taxpayer to make his 
apparatuses: he should employ his time to make worth the public money he is 
using, instead of going to try to “test” the work of others.
Warm Regards,


Re: [Vo]:Stremmenos comments on Rossi and Deflakion

2011-11-22 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-22 03:13, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

I posted a clearer version here:


Re: [Vo]:Stremmenos comments on Rossi and Deflakion

2011-11-22 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-22 18:43, Mary Yugo wrote:

The poor's lamb can't become a ram.

What could that mean?  (Sorry if I'm especially dense this morning)

Probably that, according to Stremmenos, Defkalion GT don't have the 
resources (not necessarily economic) to develop an idea into something 
big and workable as Rossi is supposedly doing.


[Vo]:Rossi to come to the Massachusetts State House tomorrow

2011-11-22 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

This is again via 22passi:

According to Sen. Bruce Tarr, Andrea Rossi, the Italian scientist who claims to have 
developed the world's first nuclear cold fusion reactor is coming to the State House tomorrow to 
explore the prospects of developing the device and producing it in Massachusetts. Tarr's 
office says Rossi plans to visit Tuesday morning for two days of meeting with government officials 
and representatives of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Massachusetts 
and Northeastern University. Mr. Rossi's reactor, if successfully proven and developed, has 
the potential to change the way the world deals with energy, Tarr said in a statement.



Re: [Vo]:Re: Randi Video

2011-11-22 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-22 21:49, Jed Rothwell wrote:

[...] because he and
others refuse to let me upload photos of his heater that ran for years,

Would the photos you mention by any chance be those that can be seen in 
this video:

At minute 2:11, 3:16, 4:03 ?

If yes, as they are already public, it wouldn't harm asking their owners 
to release higher quality versions of them.


Re: [Vo]:Rossi to come to the Massachusetts State House tomorrow

2011-11-22 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-22 20:18, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

According to Sen. Bruce Tarr [...]

This is Sen. Bruce Tarr's blog where probably the story originated:

According to him, Rossi's already arrived in Boston this morning.
It might be worth keeping an eye on this site for a couple of days in 
case new information on this matter arises.


Re: [Vo]:Rossi to come to the Massachusetts State House tomorrow

2011-11-23 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-22 20:18, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

Hello group,

By the way, I wonder if he's met with prof. Hagelstein. A few months ago 
he wrote this on JONP:

I thank anyway Prof. Peter Hagelstein for his attention. If the MIT is 
interested to our
product, they can buy a plant, and make all the validations they want, for 
themselves, and get
from it good heating too, during the hard Bostonian winters ( I lived there for 
some year, mamma mia, che freddo!)

Warm regards,


Re: [Vo]:Defkalion did not deny to use Piantelli technology!

2011-11-23 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-21 12:41, wrote:

Ok, its time to spread some new rumours, to avoid boredness:

I just found this on the Facebook Rossi Cold Fusion fan page:

Giuliano Bettini
On the Defkalion - Piantelli connection.
23 novembre 2011 13:17
Daniele 22passi ha detto...
Roy Virgilio categorically denied to me any connection between Defkalion  
Piantelli and, in fact it is quite angry: they used a picture (one of the 
Piantelli’s device to prepare the nickel powder) without asking permission ... 
stuff to police report!

So, no connection between Piantelli and Defkalion GT.


[Vo]:Andrea Rossi replies to Nobel prize winner Brian Josephson (

2011-11-23 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

Here is Rossi's answer to Brian Josephson on an English article from

(Brian Josephson joins Francesco Celani's call for further scientific 
tests of Andrea Rossi's E-Cat, but Rossi has different plans)


Re: [Vo]:Andrea Rossi replies to Nobel prize winner Brian Josephson (

2011-11-23 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-23 19:51, Mary Yugo wrote:

Does anyone still believe that after all the equivocations Rossi is
going to produce an E-cat for independent testing anywhere?  If so,
when?  To whom?  Anyone think he's going to produce a credible
customer with some results?  Same question: when?

Regarding the UoB, this might partially answer your question:

An excerpt translated in English for you:

Our interest is very strong - states Paolo Capiluppi, director of the [Physics Department 
of the University of Bologna] - We are very curious but to us it's truth only what we can 
measure. To make the contract active, the payment of the first instalment of the 
50 euro Rossi committed to fund to sustain all costs, is needed. We should 
start briefly, within a few weeks - confides Enrico Campari, professor of experimental 
physics and scientific person in charge of the research with Giuseppe Levi -, by [next] 
summer we could have the first scientific reports of the obtained results, which we will 
disclose in scientific journals.

So, in a few weeks of time, it seems.


Re: [Vo]:Andrea Rossi replies to Nobel prize winner Brian Josephson (

2011-11-23 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-23 20:06, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint wrote:


Just want to thank you for taking time to monitor what's being said at various 
websites and then taking time to update the Vort Collective... it is much 

It's not hard work at all - If you know where to look!


Re: [Vo]:Andrea Rossi replies to Nobel prize winner Brian Josephson (

2011-11-23 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-23 21:15, Alan J Fletcher wrote:

Details that do not interest to researchers. With our equipment we will
go in the shed that Rossi makes available to make the measurements -
Campari says - will be free and independent measurements to verify
whether the system produces a large amount of energy.

Google already does a good job here.

[...] [But these are] details [1] that don't matter to researchers. With our 
equipment we'll go in the shed [2] Rossi will make available for us to take measurements 
- Campari explains - these will be free [for us to do], independent measurements to 
verify whether the system produces a large a mount of energy.

[1] regarding Rossi's past
[2] Rossi's factory seen on videos of tests in October.


[Vo]:Short report on Kullander's cold fusion lecture

2011-11-23 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

Few know that Sven Kullander of the University of Uppsala today held a 
lecture on cold fusion in Örebro, Sweden. A person named Hampus Ericsson 
has made a short, informal report of what happened on the unofficial 
Andrea Rossi Facebook group page:

I couldn't stay for all of it because I have a train to catch. The lecture was 
good. He started by going I've all different types of nuclear power. And then 
he talked about hot fusion and when that might be functional.

Then the good par came, he talked about all the different test that have been 
made of Rossi's ecat( basically read the Ny Teknik reports.

Then he talked about his own test, he said that it proved that heat was made 
but he couldn't say how, and he dont believe it's cold fusion because that 
impossible by today's science. But it could only be explained by cold fusion 
happening. He was very confused :).

He also said that Rossi is definitely not a fraud and that his friend Focardi 
and Levi is absolutely not frauds. They are his friends and he trust them.
Rossi on the other had he said to be a black box.


He said that NASA had contacted him and asked about rossis ecat. So NASA was 
the first American customer that bailed. Apparently they wanted to know how it 
worked and Rossi wanted to keep the secret for himself.

Sven kullander did not know who the final costumer is.

He also said that Rossi can be a little bit angry at people who don't trust 
him. That's why Sven have kept on Rossi god side and never told him that it 
don't work.

Sven said that he have asked Rossi if Uppsala university can independently test 
the device, with the demand that all information will be reveled to the public. 
If Rossi says no to this Uppsala will not test the device.

One of the most interesting thins was that Sven kullander sad that Focardi and 
Levi are both excellent professor that he believe a 100% in, Rossi on the other 
hand is a little bit of a black box. He said that there are two black boxes in 
this history, Rossi and he ecat.

He also said that his colleague Roland Peterson (think that was his name) is 
very positive on the ecat.

Sven also showed the test of the nickel fuel and the copper nickel that is left 
after the reaction. They will come out with a full article on this when all the 
testing is done. But the first test show copper in the waste.

If Hampus Ericsson is reading, it would be nice and useful if he or 
anybody else who were there, have a Facebook account (I won't dare 
creating one) and are in contact with him, put together in a single 
coherent post their comments and impressions on the event.


Re: [Vo]:Report on Rossi's visit to Boston

2011-11-23 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-23 22:31, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Someone from Boston just called me to say that Rossi met with Peter
Hagelstein at the state capital, and Rossi said exactly what he's been
saying all along:

I actually had some hope for this meeting. It looks like I'll have to 
lower my expectations next time. But surely this isn't the whole story, 
is it? I doubt Rossi went there just to say hello.


Re: [Vo]:New Youtube videos from SRI features a lecture by McKubre

2011-11-24 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-24 23:47, Mary Yugo wrote:

don't know.  If someone has time, I'd like to know where the Rossi
coverage is.  I watched the first video and he promises to give some
time to that issue:

I've seen these videos a few days ago. They're quite interesting as a 
whole. I've also found out that McKubre has attempted successfully 
gas-loaded Ni-H experiments.

This is the segment where he speaks about Rossi:


Re: [Vo]:Andrea Rossi Working with Domenico Fioravanti on Electrical Power from E-Cat

2011-11-25 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-25 14:50, vorl bek wrote:

Since lead melts at 327 Celsius, is there some lead alloy that
would keep it solid at 450?

I think that, more simply, the reactor core could be surrounded by a 
jacket made of a metal/alloy of a higher melting temperature, containing 
lead which would safely melt inside of it during reactor operation.

Isn't something like this described in Rossi's patent anyway?


Re: [Vo]:Official 1 MW E-Cat brochure is released

2011-11-25 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-25 18:00, Jones Beene wrote:

I'm 99% certain that Bushnell has not authorized that his name be used for

I was thinking the same. That phrase has also been taken out of context. 
This brochure lacks substance by the way. There are no complete real 
photos of the 1MW power plant, very little technical info on it and 
almost nothing on the underlying processes other that it essentially 
runs on cold fusion.

And who is Andrea Rossi? What exactly is an E-Cat? Why there's no 
mention of Focardi? What about patents? Certifications? Validations? 
Practical comparisons with competing energy sources? Wasn't cold fusion 
a scam ? And so on.

This brochure needs much work.


Re: [Vo]

2011-11-27 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-27 21:52, Peter Gluck wrote:

As regarding Transition Metals-H LENR (not only Ni works)...

It's interesting to know that not only Ni (in addition to Pd) works.
I assume that Fe-H LENRs could be possible, at least in theory; I wonder 
at what efficiency, compared to Nickel.


[Vo]:Defkalion: “We have Rossi’s formula”

2011-11-29 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

Have a read at this article posted today on NyTeknik. It's about the 
backstage of tomorrow's Defkalion Announcement:

A short excerpt:

“Let’s say I have the formula of Rossi, but I’m not saying it officially. My 
scientists found a way to make it. They need three months.”

That is what Alexandros Xanthoulis, representative of Defkalion’s owners, told 
Ny Teknik in a telephone conversation on August 5, 2011.

“I know what he’s got in the reactor, I know everything. It was a spectroscopy 
made by the University of Siena. (...) They tried his reactor without him 
understanding what they did,” he continued.

It's quite interesting, to say the least, that the University of Siena 
was involved in this, assuming what Xanthoulis said is true.


Re: [Vo]:Defkalion: “We have Rossi’s formula”

2011-11-29 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-29 12:14, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

Hello group,

For what it's worth, Daniele Passerini on a recent comment in his Blog 
[1] is saying that when Roy Virgilio denied any relationship between 
Piantelli and DGT, he answered him privately that according to his 
sources both do have an agreement, but he (Daniele) wouldn't comment 
publicly about it before this matter got clearer. Today's NyTeknik 
article according to him gives credit to the information he was given.



Re: [Vo]:Defkalion: ?We have Rossi?s formula?

2011-11-29 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-29 13:01, wrote:

If this is true they are gangsters and Rossi has my full support.
And also at University of Siena they have gangsters, if this is true.

I guess if this turns out to be true, Rossi was not wrong about snakes 
and competitors lurking everywhere, trying to steal his secrets whenever 


Re: [Vo]:Uploaded McKubre slides and YouTube links

2011-11-29 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-29 16:43, Jed Rothwell wrote:

A copy of the slides in Acrobat format and a convenient list of the
YouTube links are here:

Thanks for the slides, I was wondering if they were available somewhere.


Re: [Vo]:Defkalion: “We have Rossi’s formula”

2011-11-29 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-29 16:46, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

Exactly how do we square this with Rossi's claim that he ran a reactor
for *two years*, heating a  factory?

Perhaps they meant that in self-sustaining mode?
Just guessing.


Re: [Vo]:Piantelli's amazing claims

2011-11-29 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-29 20:38, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Original source in Italian:

Hopefully we will have additional news on Piantelli by Roy Virgilio 
soon. There were supposed to be some by the second half of November but 
it looks like this got delayed a bit.


Re: [Vo]:Defkalion: “We have Rossi’s formula”

2011-11-30 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-29 13:32, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

On 2011-11-29 12:14, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

Hello group,

Roy Virgilio states again and confirms that there are no agreements 
between the Piantelli group and Defkalion, although he can't say whether 
Defkalion is in contact with the Univesity of Siena or not.

This information however is conflicting with Passerini's and some I had 
the chance to obtain lately. I guess we will know soon what turns out to 
be true, anyway.


Re: [Vo]:translation

2011-12-04 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-12-04 16:19, Peter Gluck wrote:

Translated in English this is: you will not see soon working E-cats
Reason- they cannot stop the ... webcam when making confidential
operations as mixing pixie dust and aqua Tofana to nickel.
Should we believe this?

That he doesn't want the general public to know when/where/how he (and 
his associates) works on his devices is understandable in my opinion, 
given the shroud of secrecy he's put on this particular aspect so far. 
Also, switching off periodically a webcam supposed to be online 24/7 
would raise many unwanted questions.

Wouldn't it be better if a *real* customer made a live video feed 
available rather than Rossi, anyway?


Re: [Vo]:LENR Presentation by Joseph Zawodny, NASA Langley Research Center Edit

2011-12-04 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-12-05 01:44, ecat builder wrote:

I just posted a slideshow from Dr. Joseph M. Zawodny of NASA Langley
Research Center from the September 22 LENR Workshop.

Its a 35 page PowerPoint presentation that covers history, theory,
ramifications, and more.

This version is better than Krivit's edited .pdf one.


Re: [Vo]:Nasa LENR slides

2011-12-04 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-12-05 01:48, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

I wonder why these can't be downloaded off the NASA GRC website. This is 
a honest question.


[Vo]:Nichenergy-sponsored workshop on LENR?

2011-12-05 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

It has come to my attention that the 10th International Workshop on 
Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals on April 2012 will be organized by 
Piantelli and sponsored by Nichenergy srl, a newly founded company 
representing his investors and which will supposedly manufacture Ni-H 
devices based on the work of his research group:

Since this is as far as I know the first time that Nichenergy srl is 
officially mentioned as a sponsor, I guess this means we will have soon 
news on their part and more details on who they are and their mission 
(plans, future projects, etc).

I hope for concrete news as soon as possible, before the Rossi/Defkalion 
GT bubble (which overall has been in my opinion beneficial to the LENR 
field so far) bursts.


Re: [Vo]:a long paper about and mainly against the E-cat

2011-12-06 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-12-06 14:44, Peter Gluck wrote:

This is yet another skeptical paper which assumes that what takes place 
in cold fusion processes is as conventional nuclear fusion occurring 
in vacuum and naturally in stars, and therefore cannot be possible in 
tabletop devices due to several reasons.

I feel this is becoming a typical straw man argument for skeptics.


Re: [Vo]:LENR-CANR Theory Papers

2011-12-06 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-12-06 20:15, Alan J Fletcher wrote:

I've just finished a marathon multi-day session of skimming through the
excellent library.

Good job, but I'll play the devil's advocate by saying that many of them 
are not peer reviewed papers and because of this hard skeptics would 
reject them at once.

By the way, have you checked if this archive contains things not 
included in ?

For Jed Rothwell: a quick suggestion. I think it would be useful a more 
detailed indexing/search system for, for example:

- Sorting the archive by the original document date (not publication 
date on
- Options for filtering document type (peer reviewed papers, news 
articles, books, presentations, patents, other, etc)
- Broad scope tags for narrowing for filtering the document content 
(theory research paper, research paper, etc)

- A tag denoting when documents have been edited
- Using more than one of the above filters at the same time
- etc.

This would probably need a website revamp (it's completely all in static 
html right now), access to more advanced server-side features (database, 
php) and a complete cataloguing work on the existing documents.


[Vo]:Brian Ahern Will Not Be Presenting on December 7, 2011

2011-12-06 Thread Akira Shirakawa

From NextBigFuture:

This is unexpected. Does anybody know why Dr. Brian Ahern won't be 
presenting his findings on LENR tomorrow as originally planned?


Re: [Vo]:Brian Ahern Will Not Be Presenting on December 7, 2011

2011-12-07 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-12-07 01:43, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

 From NextBigFuture:

This is unexpected. Does anybody know why Dr. Brian Ahern won't be
presenting his findings on LENR tomorrow as originally planned?

The organizer appears to confirm. He's posted the presentation Ahern was 
supposed to show as a compensation on this page:


Re: [Vo]:Brian Ahern presentation with comments

2011-12-08 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-12-08 05:53, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

It appears you can see the notes only if you DON'T view the slides in 
presentation mode. This might not be possible on all programs that can 
read this file. For clarity, I'm copy/pasting them here from each slide:

01) Nature has evolved in a narrow size regime below 12 nanometers to take 
maximal advantage of an energy exchange mechanism that is not available at 
larger dimensions.

02) The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics invariably leads to an increase in entropy 
and order moves towards disorder.  That is not true for biological systems. Why 

03) The mass of the nuclei are thousands of times more massive than the 
electrons, so their motions can be treated separately in most cases. As heat is 
added the vibrational amplitude increases slightly. The amplitude of vibration 
increases only a little.

04) As you can see these potential wells are very broad and shallow. They are 
no longer simple parabolas .  As a result the nuclei move over much larger 
distances. These kinds of potential wells define all superconductors including 
PdD, PdH, NiH etc.  The hydrogen nuclei undergo massive nonlinear oscillations 
while the metal lattice undergoes small amplitude, high frequency oscillations.

05) The white puck at the bottom is a high temperature superconductor. This 
photo was taken in 1987. The nuclei in superconductors do not vibrate like most 
solids  They undergo very large amplitude oscillations. Levitating a magnet 
above the materials is simply the easiest method for verifying the 
superconducting state. These materials were highly touted in 1987, but I do not 
know of a single commercial product that uses them.

06) In 1953 Enrico Fermi was simply testing out the operation of one of the 
country’s first computers called MAINIC I. They gave it a simple 
mathematical-Physics problem of finding the average energy of a one-dimensional 
array of harmonic oscillators. With their simple linear assumptions each of the 
masses acquired roughly the same amount of vibrational energy.  This was the 
anticipated result and it verified one of Thermodynamics basic tenets, The 
Equipartition of Energy.

07) Fermi’s colleague, Stanislau Ulam, decided to change the problem from 
simple harmonic motion by adding another term to the force equation. This made 
the problem nonlinear and the outcome was quite different. After thousands of 
periods of oscillation, they found that the vibrational energy was not equally 
shared.  On the contrary, it was localized  and focused to a small number of 
elements. The red arrow denotes locatios where the masses are ‘vibrationally 
cold’. These regions extract heat from the environment and ‘up-pump it’ to feed 
the large amplitude regions. This is a local reversal of the 2cd Law, not a 
global reversal.

08) hese two conditions are both necessary and sufficient. The elements can be 
atoms, BBs or hockey pucks  The number of elements cannot be too large or too 
small. This is an ‘Intermediate Size Effect’. It is actually just a feedback 
effect that is not obvious beforehand.

09) Here is the cover story for Nature in August 1996.  A Petrie dish full of 
BBs was electrostatically charged and the vibrational modes amplified in 
specific and repeatable locations.  There was a countable number of BBs and the 
electrostatic charge provided some weak nonlinear coupling.  There was no 
localization without the electrostatic charging.  These large vibrational modes 
act like very hot spots and catalyze chemical reactions when the BBs are atoms.

10) All nanoparticles in this size regime will display energy localized 
vibrational modes. They will be able to catalyze energy transfers as if they 
were very hot, localized energy reservoirs. All enzymes have at least one of 
their dimensions in this size regime so they can efficiently carry out the 
building of ordered structures out of random chemical environments.

11) Enzymes for example  are known as Nature’s catalysts. They accomplish their 
tasks with high efficiency and high specificity through this little known 
mechanism, Energy Llocalization.

12) Fireflies are an excellent example of highly efficient energy transfer at 
the nanoscale. The Luciferase enzyme converts ATP into visible light with 
nearly 100% efficiency.  Similarly, Nature’s solar cell is Photosynthesis where 
visible light is converted into ordered structures and stored chemical energy. 
All the important processes happen at the magic size regime.

13) In conclusion, perhaps the most important use for Energy Localization will 
be in the field of Lattice Assisted Nuclear Energy. We have already noted that 
superconductors have enormous anharmonic vibrational modes.  Palladium hydride 
is a superconducting system that already has enormous vibrational modes for the 
hydrogen isotopes. By processing palladium powders  in the 4-10 nm size 

Re: [Vo]:Brian Ahern Will Not Be Presenting on December 7, 2011

2011-12-08 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-12-08 04:49, Joshua Cude wrote:

Looking at the slides, it's not surprising he bailed. The talk doesn't
look finished. Like he never got past the introduction.

If you check out presenter slide notes with PowerPoint (not PowerPoint 
reader) or OpenOffice/LibreOffice, you can get access to more detailed 
and complete descriptions for each slide. Read my reply to Aussie Guy here:


Re: [Vo]:LENR-CANR Theory Papers

2011-12-08 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-12-06 20:15, Alan J Fletcher wrote:

I've just finished a marathon multi-day session of skimming through the
excellent library.

Another link for you. It contains documents not included in :


Re: [Vo]:Rossi plans to muzzle the university project for at least a year

2011-12-11 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-12-11 18:46, Harry Veeder wrote:

Rossi did not even answer the question. lol

I think we should now expect Rossi to not activate (i.e. pay) his 
contract with the University of Bologna in January, and see him come out 
at some point with a [mostly] undisclosed report of an undisclosed 1MW 
plant test made in an undisclosed location by undisclosed scientists of 
a famous (very important) undisclosed entity somewhere. This 
obviously won't have any credibility at all.

It's time to move on, methinks.

Let's hope that Defkalion GT or other scientists (supposedly close to 
reaching commercially viable results) won't back off from reputable, 
independent, thorough testing at the last minute or postpone it forever. 
People in contact with them should urge such testing to begin as soon as 
possible, and to make results public.


Re: [Vo]:Rossi plans to muzzle the university project for at least a year

2011-12-11 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-12-11 19:28, Mary Yugo wrote:

Is there any reason to believe anything Defkalion claims at this point?

Basing on recently disclosed information, independent testing should 
occur within the first months of next year. Confidential information at 
my disposal also leads me to believe they might have something. In any 
case, we'll know much sooner than in Rossi's case (not before a year 
from now), it seems.

I didn't intend to put too much emphasis on DGT in my previous message, 
by the way.


Re: [Vo]:Crowd-funded test? List of pro-LENR scientists

2011-12-15 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-12-15 19:08, Jed Rothwell wrote:

If you have $1 million burning a hole in your pocket, give it to me that
I will have this thing replicated in no time. People such as Miley could
replicate most of it in a short time if they had ~$50,000 in funding. Or

Would he really be able to replicate sustained kW-level excess heat (of 
course, with watt-level input) with just $50,000 in funding or so? 
Serious question.


Re: [Vo]:LENR and Cold Fusion from a critical logical point of view.

2011-12-16 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-12-16 14:49, Peter Heckert wrote:

LENR - Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, is this possible?

What about LENR - Lattice Enabled Nuclear Reactions? Personally I Like 
it more than Low Energy.


Re: [Vo]:e-cat replication by Celani

2011-12-16 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-12-16 16:43, David ledin wrote:

some of his reactions has exceeded 1400 watts per gram of nickel,
which is higher than that of uranium fission in the “cladding”
Zirconium. Although Celani you hear talk about “technological
reality”, as it has exceeded 200% yield for two weeks.

Well, this alone would be great news, if independently verified and 
replicated (particularly by scientists skeptic of LENR/cold fusion), 
and bring immediate great benefits to the entire field.

By applying radio frequency (microwave) to dust (I did not know
whether that of Smith or his), he had a massive production of gamma
rays, which does not want Celani and does not consider useful.

I disagree: they would be EXTREMELY useful as they would *clearly* 
indicate that nuclear reactions are occurring! Why is Celani dismissing 
them as some kind of annoyance? I don't get this. Aren't scientists and 
researchers like him struggling for acceptance on their results in the 
mainstream science community!?

I'm astonished.


Re: [Vo]:Royal Dutch Shell will invest in lenr research

2011-12-17 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-12-17 05:10, David ledin wrote:

In the comments:

Steven B. Krivit says:
December 17, 2011 at 00:21

Received via e–mail:

I ask you take down the blog about Shell. That was privileged information for 
the CMNS group, and it’s disclosure is highly inappropriate.

Thank you,
Ed Beardsworth.
PS… I am not a venture capitalist.

While it's nice that now the general public knows, unwanted actions like 
this might prevent in the future disclosure of important LENR-related 
information to small groups like the CMNS mailing list. I hope Krivit 
realizes this.


Re: [Vo]:Royal Dutch Shell will invest in lenr research

2011-12-17 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-12-17 17:38, Terry Blanton wrote:

[...] Me, I wouldn't want to be a part of a group who would have me as a 
member.  :-)

Personally I think I would find very interesting to even just read (I 
don't think I'd even dare trying to post, to be honest!) what's going on 
there, even if I wouldn't be allowed to repost that information publicly 


Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-12-18 17:18, Terry Blanton wrote:

It wouldn't hurt to fill out this form:

This might actually be a good idea.
By the way, until Krivit leaked that email from the ISCMNS mailing list, 
I've never heard of this GameChanger program by Shell.


Re: [Vo]:A competent observer's assessment of Defkalion

2011-12-20 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-12-20 21:09, Jed Rothwell wrote:

The expert has examined the machines and discussed their business plans.
He has made an independent in-depth evaluation lasting several days. He

Do you mean that this person actually went there an examined the 
machines in person? Sorry if I'm being picky here. Just want to be 100% 


[Vo]:US Senate candidate Randy Hekman puts LENR first

2011-12-21 Thread Akira Shirakawa

Hello group,

It looks that Tarr and Romney aren't the only US politicians seemingly 
open on LENR. From now, you can add to the list Randy Hekman, US Senate 
candate from Michigan.

Have a read at this article from Cold Fusion Now blog. It contains an 
original interview to Hekman. He appears to be a fan of WidomLarsen and 
skeptic of Rossi (I think I've already read something like this 
somewhere else? Hmm...). While it's true that politicians most of the 
time say what people want to hear, I find interesting that apparently 
there appears to be growing interest on this area not only among a small 
group of Internet fans, but also in the real world:


Re: [Vo]:Celani's Coherence 2011 PowerPoint slides (in Italian)

2011-12-21 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-12-21 20:48, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Thanks. This has also been posted on 22passi blog some time ago, but 
it's good to see it on as well. By the way, in the last page:

Ahern e Rossi lavorano insieme in USA, DoD, progetto FT, dal 2008

[Brian] Ahern and Rossi work together in the USA, DoD, project FT, 
since 2008

Leaving aside that Rossi denied having worked together with Ahern, what 
is this FT project ?


Re: [Vo]:Krivit goes Berserk against Cold Fusion research to promote WL theory.

2011-12-22 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-12-22 12:08, Daniel Rocha wrote:

McKubre's M4 bogus experiment index:

In the above link it appears to me that Krivit is not just attacking 
McKubre, but also accusing him of scientific fraud, or at the very least 
strongly implying that he is involved in it. This is stuff for lawyers 
that won't benefit at all the entire LENR field, and I mean including 
WL as well.


Re: [Vo]:Celani replication boosts Rossi patent

2011-12-22 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-12-22 14:09, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

Dear Sterling Allan:
The work of Celani (congratulations) shows that in my patent
application I gave enough information to allow to an expert to
reproduce the effect.

What Rossi is implying here is that the information disclosed in his 
patent application has allowed professor Celani to replicate his 
results. I seriously doubt this is the case.


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