[Vserver] ideal setup

2007-04-26 Thread Matthew Nuzum

Hello, I've been using linux-vserver for years and years. I'm getting
ready to put a couple servers into use and it seems things have
changed greatly since I last configured it. Namely, you can do lots of
cool stuff that couldn't be done before.

I'll admit, I'm using a budget colo facility. I want to keep my
bandwidth down. To achieve this, I've connected the servers via eth1
to each other to create a private lan. Ideally, all traffic between
the hosts would use this lan. I first started struggling with the idea
of setting up multihomed vhosts when I realized it was pure insanity
to do so. It would be so much better to create all the vservers on the
private lan segment and use the hosts as routers to the outside world.
By using SNAT rules, I can keep all my vhost traffic quiet and I can
even install different services on different vhosts. Smart, right? Am
I on the right track here, or should I just use multi-homed vservers?
Anyone here seen a scenario like this documented? I'd love to be able
to stand on the shoulders of giants.

Additionally, I would love to use both quota and have the benefits of
unification. I understand that to use quotas you need a separate
filesystem. Of course, this makes unification impossible. So I had a
bright idea.

Most of the user data, everything I think I need to count against
quotas as a matter of fact, will be in /home. So what if I create a
filesystem (loop for example) and somehow mount it so that it is /home
in the vserver. Would this allow me to enable quotas on the /home area
of the disk?

Lastly, what is the best way to share user accounts across several
vservers? (possibly spanning two physical hosts) Best being simple,
reliable, non resource intensive and secure.

Thanks for your suggestions and help.

Matthew Nuzum
newz2000 on freenode
Vserver mailing list

RE: [Vserver] Re: Nagios 2.x on a vserver. Anyone?

2005-11-11 Thread Matthew Nuzum
 on 2.x kernels, the raw_icmp capability replaces the
 insecure CAP_NET_RAW. raw_icmp is given by default
 on mainline util-vserver since (at least) 0.30.208
 (and we now have 0.30.209)
  What I did to get it to work was:
   * Add CAP_NET_RAW to the capabilities of the vserver (in /etc/vservers)
 again, are we talking about 1.2.x or 2.x kernels here?

This confused the heck out of me when I first read it... to clarify to
anyone else who didn't get it at first, and I may be the only one, 1.x
kernels means Linux 2.4.x kernels patched with the linux vserver 1.2.x
version patches (i.e. vserver 1.2.x). 2.x kernels means Linux 2.6.x
kernels patched with the linux vserver 2.x version patches (i.e. vserver

Kernel 1.x == Linux 2.4, vserver 1.2.x
Kernel 2.x == Linux 2.6, vserver 2.x

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RE: [Vserver] Fake packages for removing useless dependency packagesfrom RHEL/CentOS/Fedora vservers [scanned]

2005-11-09 Thread Matthew Nuzum
 Hi list!
 I have got created a bundle of RPM packages that allow one to remove
 packages that are absolutely useless inside vservers:
 vps-dev-3.999-1.cru contains the usual vserver /dev structure and
 provides dev, hence allowing one to remove the following packages:
 - udev
 - hwdata
 - usbutils
 - hotplug
 vps-fakekernel-2.6.999-1.cru is able to replace any real kernel
 vps-fakepackages-1.0-2.cru contains just a few fake compatibility files
 for initscripts and allows the dependency-aware removal/replacement of
 these packages:
 - module-init-tools
 - mkinitrd
 - lvm2
 - device-mapper
 - mingetty
 For a usual CentOS 4.2 minimum installation this results in saving 28%
 disk usage (before: 116MB, after: 84MB) and a much cleaner filesystem.
 Best regards,
 // Veit

I don't use CentOS and I'm phasing out my RPM based distros, so I don't need
the packages, but I want to say that this is an excellent thing you've done.

Brilliant, really.

Good idea and good work,
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RE: [Vserver] solaris zones vs. vserver

2005-11-07 Thread Matthew Nuzum
 Given news like http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/65815
 I'd be interested in an informal comparison of Solaris zones
 and VServer.

We actually discussed this several months ago at length. Check the archives
for the history of that conversation.

In a nutshell, here is my *opinion* [1] on the matter:
The Linux Vserver project and Solaris Containers serve a very similar role.
They both:
 * have little system overhead
 * serve as an excellent way to partition a server into logical servers
isolated from each other, especially with the goal of placing applications
meant for different servers onto the same box
 * is great when you want all of the logical servers to run the same
os/kernel [2].

Some people use Linux Vserver as a general purpose virtual server solution
allowing them to sell or give a virtual server to customers who want root
access. However, some of the traits needed to market this type of product
are new, immature, or in development, such as quotas, memory limits and cpu
limits. I think Solaris' containers may have a slight advantage if you need
these features. 

Some people use Linux Vserver as a way to mirror applications across
physical servers so that downtime can be minimized. I think the Linux
Vserver project has an advantage over Solaris here.

Neither tool will allow you to run completely different operating systems or
kernels. For example, with Solaris, your containers use Solaris. If you have
a box running Linux 2.6.12 then all of your linux vservers on that box use
Linux 2.6.12. The only solution to this is a different tool such as Xen,
UML, VMWare and the like. With those you basically run an entire OS on a
virtual computer, meaning resource utilization is much higher.

[1] I don't use Solaris containers, but I have evaluated them. I also don't
use the most modern release of the Linux Vserver project nor its tools, but
again, I have evaluated them. I do run several physical servers that make
use of the Linux Vserver project and it's tools to run several virtual
[2] You can run different Linux distributions on separate vservers, but they
will all use the same kernel. This can cause difficulty with some newer
linux distributions but largely these can be worked around. Running Fedora
Core 3 vservers on a Fedora Core 3 host, or running Debian vservers on a
Debian host (and etc) seems to work better than, for example, running Fedora
Core 3 vservers on a Debian host. Again, it can be done, it just seems to
take a little extra effort to get things going.

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RE: [Vserver] Re: VServer forum

2005-10-20 Thread Matthew Nuzum
 If people are not smart enough to check at the bottom of a thread for
 new/updated/corrected info, they should not be allowed near any
 electrical/electronic device...   8-)

  umm... yes, Mr. CEO? Yes sir, I've been told that I must confiscate
   all of your electronic devices, so can you please finish checking
   your e-mail because I have take your computer. Oh, is that your
   PDA? I need that too. And your cell-phone. No, you can keep the
   lamp. Thanks, we're sure this will be better for everyone in the 
   long run. I know you'll understand.

BTW, let's change the word smart to diligent. I know a lot of smart people
who are too busy to read the whole e-mail. Uh... actually, I might qualify
as one of those people. :-] It's actually kind of funny that I read this
particular message because it's only the second one in this thread I've
actually glanced at. Good thing you top-posted.
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RE: [Vserver] is DMZ on dummy[0-9] good practice

2005-08-13 Thread Matthew Nuzum
 I wanted to have a DMZ and installed an additional network card to bind
 all these vservers to. But then I discovered the dummy device and want
 to change eth1 against dummy0 (after installing the dummy module ;-)
 and remove the additional network card from the server if it can be done.
 But first I want to know, if this is common =good) practice. Or should I
 rather tinker with bridge and tun devices? The mailing list shows many
 things possible (vlan, bridge, dummy), but I can't see, what the best
 practices are.
 If I can gather all th information needed, the I am willing to write
 some doku in the wiki at linux-vserver.org :-)


If you feel capable and have the time, I suspect many would enjoy reading a
mini how to explaining the set up of a virtual LAN like you're doing.

It seems like the subject comes up often enough for it to be a useful

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RE: [Vserver] V_xxxx not running ?

2005-07-25 Thread Matthew Nuzum
   Also, it is easy to check the existing services running on a given
   and to create the v_* scripts in order to make sure that no port
   conflict will occur between the vservers and the host. This is a
   solution to this kind of problem whereas fixing each application
   individually can be, IMHO, a pain...
  Then I would suggest that perhaps you are running too many services on
  the host?
  My philosophy is to keep the host as minimal as possible and run
  everything inside a guest (generally one guest per service). The only
  two services I run on my hosts are sshd and ntpd. Every other service
  that I might want to run on the host can be run inside a guest.
 good points and excellent suggestions!

Is this the official direction of the linux-vserver project? Regarding the
post from about a month ago relating linux-vserver and the Solaris
containers, it seems there is a huge potential for a tool that allows
running virtual machines on a workstation.

I ask if this is the official direction because if so, the tools will be
engineered with this in mind. However, if the official direction is to allow
running on stripped down hosts (ala Xen) and also general purpose
workstations (ala Solaris containers) the tools will be designed more

This is just my $0.02 and food for thought. About every 12 - 18 months I
switch from Windows to Linux on my desktop and this fall, when its due to
happen again I plan on experimenting with a Solaris containers type of setup
on my workstation.

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RE: [Vserver] How to build first vserver ?

2005-07-19 Thread Matthew Nuzum
  When WhiteBox Enterprise Linux is like RHEL, you should now
  be able to create new vservers with
  | # vserver ... build -m yum ... -- -d wbel4
  out-of-the-box (although it is strongly recommended to patch yum).
 Okay - I'll try to see if I can get something up and running ... Otherwise
 I'll be back for more info ;-) 

I may be wrong, but I think that WBEL uses Yum as the backend to up2date.
Up2date by default is hardwired to RH servers, so they changed it to work
the same but use yum instead.

I might be mixing this up with one of the other RHEL clones, so forgive me
if I'm off on this.
Ah, just confirmed: http://www.whiteboxlinux.org/faq.html
WBEL does use yum, which means I'm not crazy.
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RE: [Vserver] Limiting a vserver's ressources

2005-07-01 Thread Matthew Nuzum
 I tried to backup my system remotely using rsync and the system load did
 temporarly go up to 60 (and higher). Consequently my system was not
 for several hours. Therefore I would like to know how I can restrict the
 ressources a vserver is allowed to use (e.g. ram etc.).

I know this doesn't answer your question; I don't use that feature myself. I
do use rsync for my backups, and what I've noticed is that the first time I
do a backup it uses a lot of system resources, especially I/O, which causes
a high server load. After that, rsync doesn't take too long and there's not
much additional load.

You may not need the limiting features unless you will be doing a full
backup every day, and if you are, don't use rsync.

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[Vserver] v2 time frame

2005-06-28 Thread Matthew Nuzum

Bertl et all,

Would you be willing
to guess at a release date for v2?

Were planning a
server upgrade and it may be wise for us to consider this when setting our


Matthew Nuzum

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Vserver mailing list

[Vserver] solaris containers/zones

2005-06-23 Thread Matthew Nuzum
I just saw this article come through the big-admin newsletter. I don't
currently have any Solaris computers and I haven't used Solaris 10 (or 9 for
that matter), so all I can do is read about it. This seems kind of cool and
in-line with what my ideal linux-vserver usage would look like. I just use
vservers to logically separate applications so that as they grow they can
spin off to their own server w/out hassle. Of course, vserver is great for
that because it has so little resource overhead.


The feature that strikes me as so intriguing is the ability to allocate CPU
resources to zones.

Also, look how they create a zone for tomcat. That strikes me as a very easy
to use tool (no editing config files, just use set).

Not that I'm trying to critique any of the work being done on vserver; I
just thought you might like a glimpse of one other way someone is doing this
sort of thing.

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RE: [Vserver] solaris containers/zones

2005-06-23 Thread Matthew Nuzum
  I just thought you might like a glimpse of one other way someone is
  sort of thing.
 hmm, you sure you know what linux-vserver 2.6/vs2.0 can do?
 anyway, thanks for the input!


I guess I don't... I'm running out of hardware to experiment with, so I
haven't been playing with the new stuff too much.

You know, if a distro wanted to get some media attention, they could put
some effort behind the vserver project and roll it into their distro as an
optional module with a nice config tool.

Of course, I don't know if vserver can be built as an optional module, I've
only built it into a vanilla kernel, but still... they could raise a lot of
hype and woo some enterprise (aka paying customer) market share, I think.

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RE: [Vserver] Ubuntu Guest Image

2005-04-29 Thread Matthew Nuzum
 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:vserver-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Darryl Ross
 Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 8:10 PM
 To: vserver@list.linux-vserver.org

 Heyas All,
 Does anyone have a Ubuntu Hoary guest image built?
 Alternatively, is it possible to use the debian-newvserver.sh script to
 build a hoary vserver?

I started the process of documenting using Ubuntu guests. Here is what I've
done so far:

Part C steps 6-8 might be helpful,
Create the new ubuntu disk image. If you want to use debian, google for
debootstrap and you should see alternate syntax to use for the debootstrap
program. (i.e. to create a virtual server named vsa with the ip address and the host name vsa.mynetwork.com use this command:
vserver vsa build -m debootstrap --hostname vsa.mynetwork.com --netdev eth0
--interface -- -d warty -m

Yes, I realize this is for warty, but you should get by just fine by
changing the reference from warty to hoary.
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[Vserver] FW: Oracle 10g... any Production Environments on VServer?

2005-04-28 Thread Matthew Nuzum
 Sadly, Postgres is missing these important features;
   - bitmap indexes
   - OLAP query re-writing

I'm a big postgres fan and closely follow the performance mailing list.
These features sound intriguing so I'm going to enquire about their status.
Interestingly, I've heard recent discussions about both bitmap indexes and
materialized views and my belief was that many people on the list are using
materialized views now, though I'm not sure if that is provided by a
contributed module.

I'm not trying to convince you to switch to PG, I'm just curious if these
features are available to me. BTW, one interesting feature that Oracle has
is the ability to store hierarchical data in a flat db table and pull it out
in one query. For example:

It can take this data: And sort it *correctly* like this:
Id Parent Name Id Name
0 Home 0  Home
1   0 Documents1  Documents
2   0 Applications 4Work
3   0 Pictures 5Personal
4   1 Work 2  Applications
5   1 Personal 6Photoshop
6   2 Photoshop7OpenOffice.org
7   2 OpenOffice.org   3  Pictures
8   3 Family   8Family

This takes several queries in PostgreSQL.

[Pause (always Google before you post)]

Oh, I knew bitmaps were fresh in my memory:
... Victor Y. Yegorov's on-disk bitmap indexes, which are a new index type
intended to allow indexing low-cardinality attributes on large tables. The
two features together should greatly improve performance of descision
support / business intelligence workloads.

Materialized views are certainly possible in PostgreSQL. Because of
PostgreSQL's powerful PL/pgSQL language, and the functional trigger system,
materialized views are somewhat easy to implement.

Thanks for describing these features; they look like areas where I can
improve some aspects of my application.

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[Vserver] partial vserver 1.9.5 setup instructions

2005-04-05 Thread Matthew Nuzum
 for debootstrap and you should see alternate syntax to
 use for the debootstrap program. (i.e. to create a virtual server named
 vsa with the ip address and the host
 name vsa.mynetwork.com use this command: vserver vsa build -m debootstrap --hostname vsa.mynetwork.com
 --netdev eth0 --interface -- -d warty -m
 After much installing and configuring you will be
 prompted with a message similar to I: Base system installed
 successfully. which means your vserver is setup.
 Start the vserver named vsa by
 running the command vserver vsa start
 Enter the vserver named vsa by
 issuing the command vserver vsa enter


Matthew Nuzum

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Vserver mailing list

Re: [Vserver] Linux Vserver - Feature Question

2005-04-01 Thread Matthew Nuzum
 On Thu, Mar 31, 2005 at 09:22:10PM -0600, Matthew Nuzum wrote:
  I think I can create a test case for this. I have a server that is not
  currently running any vserver stuff that will be ok with a reboot now
 sounds good, please try to get working there,
 because it already contains some blkio accounting
 and it would be very interesting to monitor those
 values ... (maybe with rrdtools)

I'm still doing my month-end backup, but when that's done I'll start
installing the vserver 

Here is the test case that seems most logical to me, but advice on how to
actually do concrete tests would be useful.

1. Create two vservers (vsa and vsb), start both.
2. In vsa start some heavily i/o intensive operation
3. In vsb try to do some tasks and notice how much i/o bandwidth I have

Alternative plan:
1. Create 1 vserver and start it
2. In the vserver, start some heavily i/o intensive operation
3. In the host server try to do some tasks and notice how much i/o bandwidth
I have available
4. After step 2 completes, in host server start a heavily i/o intensive
5. In vserver, try to do some tasks and notice how much i/o bandwidth I have

I have two ideas on heavily i/o intensive operation
1. I have a database with 35 million records. Doing any aggregate function
such as max() requires several sequential scans and takes a significant
amount of time.
2. Preparing my month end backup requires copying 13 GB of data.

Any other suggestions?

I have only subjectively noticed a dramatic decrease in server performance
when a vserver is performing i/o intensive tasks. How can I objectively
measure and produce concrete numbers?

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RE: [Vserver] Linux Vserver - Feature Question

2005-04-01 Thread Matthew Nuzum
 I would also keep measurements of CPU ticks used. Since IO requires CPU
 cycles - is it possible that a CPU sched_hard indirectly limits IO just as

How do you do that?
P.S. I'm still compiling the vanilla kernel (I haven't even applied the
vserver patch yet). At this rate I'll probably get back to you on Sunday.
FYI Pii 350 MHz, 128 MB RAM, Ubuntu 4.1, 120 GB UDMA 133 hard drive.

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RE: [RE:] Re: [Vserver] Linux Vserver - Feature Question

2005-03-31 Thread Matthew Nuzum
  I do think that this would be an interesting feature.
 (seems to have updated patches regarding this stuff)
 will look into it .. anybody volunteering to test
 such stuff?

I think I can create a test case for this. I have a server that is not
currently running any vserver stuff that will be ok with a reboot now and

I don't monitor this list that closely these days, so jog me when there's
something ready for me to test.

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Re: [Vserver] cpu limits clone vservers

2004-11-23 Thread Matthew Nuzum

On Tue, 2004-11-23 at 12:47 -0500, Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy wrote:

On Tue, 23 Nov 2004, [iso-8859-1] J?rn Engel wrote:

 What most people want in plain English:
 o Every user gets some guaranteed lower bound.
 o Sum of lower bounds doesn't exceed total resources.
 o Most of the time, not all resources get consumed.  Add them to the
  'leftover' pool.
 o Users that demand more resources than their lower bound get serviced
  from the leftover pool.
 o Users that, on average, use less resources get a higher priority
  when accessing the leftover pool.

...and the big challenge is - how do you apply this to memory usage?


This would be a cool thing. We could squabble over the details, but if it did what you said above and left some room for tweaking I'll bet people would be [even more] pleased [though we are already ecstatic now] with the vserver project. Of course, I'm still using CTX 17, so I'm pretty easy to please I guess.

I'd be curious to know what happens when there is contention for that pool of RAM. I've got a nightly batch job that lasts 15 minutes but uses most of the server's ram during the process. Right now, everything works OK, but I suspect under this vserver panacea edition I would have problems because idle vservers will be allocated their minimum ram even though they don't need it.

I guess I could just allocate 4MB of RAM as the minimum or some other small number to get the effect of what I do now... still, a bit thought provoking.

Keep up the interesting conversation and work,

Matthew Nuzum | Makers of Elite Content Management System
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RE: [Vserver] Mailing List Future ...

2004-06-21 Thread Matthew Nuzum

 so, now the questions I'd like to get answered:
  1) do we want an open mailing list (like lkml)
 instead of a closed (subscription only) list

I subscribe and so does everyone who got this message (since you sent it to
the list) so I suspect this will not have much impact on us who are using
the list now.  All of the big lists I participate in require subscription.
The vserver list is relatively low traffic so why not subscribe? If people
are concerned, a wiki page can be created that explains how to subscribe in
digest mode if they prefer it (and if it's available)

My vote is to go ahead and make it a closed subscription

  2) do we want martin to maintain and further
 improve the existing solution

Martin is doing a fine job.  Martin, just so you know, being a mailing list
administrator is apparently like being the sound guy in a performance...
no one even knows you're there unless there's a problem.  Keep up the good

 3) are we able to tolerate/ignore the unavoidable
 spam every day/week/month

The SPAM level is low and certainly tolerable.  Please, folks, if we decide
to keep the list open, just ignore the spam and don't reply to it.

 4) do we want the mailing list to become a medium
 of communication and cooperation for linux

Yes, of course.  It is archived and readily accessible using Google.  There
is no better medium than this for finding help.

Matthew Nuzum   | ISPs: Make $200 - $5,000 per referral by
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RE: [Vserver] [Release] vs1.00, vs1.22 and vs1.3.3 for 2.4.24

2004-01-06 Thread Matthew Nuzum
Time outs like that often mean dns related problems.

Have you added the proper dns settings to /etc/resolv.conf in the vserver?
If so, does your mailserver run in a chroot jail?  (like postfix)  If so,
you need to copy the resolv.conf settings to the jail or your mailserver
will not know about them.  If you're using postfix, it might be:

That problem can be very frustrating and hard to track down.  

BTW, if it's not dns related, the next most likely problem is routing, but
I've never seen that happen in a vserver.


Matthew Nuzum   | ISPs: Make $200 - $5,000 per referral by
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-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alexander Goeres
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Vserver] [Release] vs1.00, vs1.22 and vs1.3.3 for 2.4.24

Hi Christian!
Could you describe how this problem looked like? I have a mail-sending
too and have absolutely no idea anymore, how to solve it: 
A mailserver running on a vserver on a 2.4.23-vs1.21-host can't contact one 
single remote mailserver (only 1 :-\). Connection always times out... and 
that's it. works well with all other mailservers. A telnet to port 25 from 
the host itself to this single mailserver times out equally..
could this be a vserver-related problem?   I'd never thought of that..


Am Dienstag, 6. Januar 2004 14:22 schrieb Christian Mayrhuber:

 The IPV4 bug is in vserver 1.00, but fixed in vserver 1.22, right?
 Recently, I had problems to send mail to a machine behind a netfilter
 firewall from a machine with a vserver 1.00 kernel.
 The firewall did not complain about corrupted packets, but the smtp
 server behind the firewall did. This happened with a ctx17 kernel, too.
 Things worked fine with a standard kernel.

agoeres _at_ lieblinx.net
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Vserver mailing list

RE: [Vserver] Vserver + OpenMosix...

2003-11-09 Thread Matthew Nuzum
Be careful.  You're only comparing the upfront sticker price.  If you can double or 
triple the capacity of your mailserver (I'll bet you can) and minimize the complexity 
of the solution (openmosix + vserver integration + multiple boxes (multiple points of 
failure) sounds very complex to me), I'll bet you find the TCO of the solution flip 
flop with SCSI being much lower than IDE.

A parallel example: I recently consulted with a fellow who was trying to run a 25,000 
box mailserver on a series of aggregated DSL lines.  It was easy work to show him that 
the TCO for a burstable T3 line was much lower than that of multiple DSL lines, even 
though the sticker price indicated the opposite.

Matthew Nuzum   | Makers of Elite Content Management System
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 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:vserver-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lus Miguel Silva
 Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2003 3:26 PM
 Subject: RE: [Vserver] Vserver + OpenMosix...
 Hello Mat,
 I know that SCSI has better performance then IDE...but...analizing the
 price it just doenst compensate!
 I can only get about 60gb SCSI disk for the price i can get a 200gb IDE
 disk (more or less).
 We used to use SCSI disks but with the hdd inovations on the last years we
 realised that its a waste of money
 (in our case) to buy scsi!
 -Mensagem original-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] nome de Matthew Nuzum
 Enviada: domingo, 9 de Novembro de 2003 20:12
 Assunto: RE: [Vserver] Vserver + OpenMosix...
 We have been working on an OpenMosix cluster in the computer club at the
 school where I'm taking classes now.  I've found that the server
 applications that I typically use do not benefit from openmosix.  The
 applications commonly fall into either of two categories:
 a) I/O bound applications that only slow down when migrated to a different
 node on the cluster, or
 b) Applications that are incompatible with Mosix for various reasons
 (threaded, shmem, device dependent etc.) such as Database software, Apache
 and other server processes.
 I think the audience of people who can legitimately benefit from a
 combined vserver/mosix installation is rather small.
 For those that have heavily loaded servers, why not just put fewer
 vservers on a server?  If 6 is too many, just do 4 or 5.  If you have
 extra boxes with spare cpu cycles, put the vserver there.
 Honestly, if your mailserver setup is too slow, I'm certain you can get
 better performance by switching from IDE disks to SCSI.  In my recent
 tests, I/O tasks on IDE drives kept the CPU at about 53% utilization.
 Same tests on SCSI disks used only 14% utilization with the I/O processes
 taking significantly less time to complete on the SCSI.  That was a system
 with a single IDE drive compared to the same system with a single SCSI
 This is common knowledge among hardware people as the IDE subsystem uses
 system resources for the bulk of I/O where SCSI cards were designed to
 handle the I/O work much the same way a video card handles graphics work.
 Matthew Nuzum | ISPs: Make $200 - $5,000 per referral by
 www.followers.net | recommending Elite CMS to your customers!
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.followers.net/isp
  -Original Message-
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:vserver-
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lus Miguel Silva
  Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2003 12:18 PM
  Subject: RE: [Vserver] Vserver + OpenMosix...
  Yes, my server is heavily loaded.
  I have 2 IDE disks at 7200rpm, doing raid1.
  The big load comes (mainly) from the mail server (when users use imapd
  thru the webmail).
  I use kernel 2.4.21 + ctx17.
  I really dont believe in SMP solutions.
  It is far more expensive then setting up a cluster.
  In the past we (at my university) invested in dual processor boards but
  now we are convinced that it is not a $good$ $solution$ (heheh).
  According to the funcionality of how the openmosix kernel works (imho)
  would be the best solution to load balance vservers.
  The vserver project is great for low'cost production servers
  I think that if you would be able to get us vserver'users a
  solution...it would be the BEST system administration project *ever*!
  | Lus Miguel Silva
  | Network Administrator@ ISPGaya.pt
  | Rua Antnio Rodrigues da Rocha, 291/341
  | Sto. Ovdio  4400-025 V. N. de Gaia
  | Portugal
  | T: +351 22 3745730/3/5  F: +351 22 3745738
  | G: +351 93 6371253  E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | H: http://lms.ispgaya.pt/
  -Mensagem original-

RE: [Vserver] 1.0 release - I agree!

2003-11-03 Thread Matthew Nuzum

how could i create a vserver by using link instead of copy so that i
could share the disk space?


Charles, forgive me if I misunderstood your question, I am by no means an
expert at setting up vservers.  However, regarding this issue, if you do
cp -al file1 file2 (that's lower case A L ) it simply makes a hardlink from
file1 to the other.  That way, you can make links from the comfort of your
copy command.

Matthew Nuzum   | ISPs: Make $200 - $5,000 per referral by
www.followers.net   | recomending Elite CMS to your customers!
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | http://www.followers.net/isp

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