
2004-05-20 Thread Angus Russell

Having just upgraded to a Sony T610 can anyone give me some information and
prices on compatible bluetooth accessories? Including a USB dongle.

Many thanks


Panther and classic

2004-05-01 Thread Angus Russell

I just had to perform a clean install with Panther and have updated to
10.3.3, and now find that I have no classic system files.

Can someone tell me how to rectify this problem please? I tried my classic
install disk but said I could not install other than with a  clean install.

The main reason is that I need to run vpc to operate some proprietary
banking software, and since I have upgraded vpc 5 is incredibly slow, so I
though I would go back to running vpc 3 in classic.  Which is when I found
that I do not have the classic system files.

Any assistance greatly appreciated, many thanks


2.5" HDD

2004-01-06 Thread Angus Russell

I have been using a LaCie 6GB pocket drive that has died on me.

Can anyone give me prices on a new drive - the casing is fine.

Reckon I am looking at a minimum of 40GB for a 2.5" drive.

Many thanks


Re: Compatible Nokia bluetooth 'phones

2003-11-07 Thread Angus Russell
Great thanks Gordon

> -Original Message-
> From: Angus Russell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, 7 November 2003 10:36 AM
> To: WAMUG Mailing List
> Subject: Compatible Nokia bluetooth 'phones
> Hiya
> Does anyone have/is there a definitive list of which Nokia 'phones are
> bluetooth/isync compatible?
> Many thanks
> Angus
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Compatible Nokia bluetooth 'phones

2003-11-07 Thread Angus Russell

Does anyone have/is there a definitive list of which Nokia 'phones are
bluetooth/isync compatible?

Many thanks


PowerBook G3 Lombard

2003-10-22 Thread Angus Russell

Any sensible offers for the above - it requires new motherboard and/or
daughter card and battery. The CD drawer will only close with some tape
otherwise works fine :-)

Screen is A1, comes with 3 power adapters - original black block, yo-yo and

Also has FW to go PC card and software to go with.

333 processor and 4 GB HDD.

Leaving country Friday night, all or nothing.

Probably only worth it if you need a new screen :-)

E-mail or 0412 678907


Re: Entourage

2003-10-16 Thread Angus Russell
> I was just wondering if those people who are using MS Office v.X have
> completely removed AppleWorks? If so have you done away with the idea of
> having a database program etc which doesn't come with office, or are there
> appropriate substitutes so you can get rid of AppleWorks all together?

Hi Adam

FileMaker is an alternative. I find the AppleWorks Database a little
constrictive, however FM is the other side of that. So large, flexible and
powerful as to be scary - I'm sure there are people who will disagree :-)
However there are so many plug-ins for it in freeware & shareware that a lot
of the aggravation has been removed.

I seem to recall hearing that MS were ditching Access in favour of FM

Entourage - the thing to remember about Rules is that they are applied in
the order in which they are listed.

If you open a message and then open rules you will find that the e-addresses
are automatically in place.

There are quite a few variables but once you have had a bit of play it works
quite well. 

As for Spam then look at SpamSieve - works with Entourage and Mail and
PowerMail and MailSmith and Eudora.

Personally not fond of MS in principle but the Office Suite is excellent
software, and it does seem to work on Macs better with each new version.

IMHO Appleworks sucks, basically :-) Also not happy with Mail, iCal etc I
find them clumsy and inflexible. Have never been able to get iSync working
with my Nokia 6310i via Bluetooth, just think that there is a long way to go
with all of those Apple apps, except Safari which I find brilliant -
especially the tabbed browsing.

If you check the archives you will find loads of info on alternatives to

My 2 cents :-)

All the best


Re: Looking for a video to DVD service

2003-10-10 Thread Angus Russell
> On Thu, 2003-10-09 at 01:02, Brad Helden wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Someone I know is trying to get some VHS videos transferred onto
>> DVDs. Does anyone know a company or individual who offers this
>> service 

Hi Brad

You could also try a friend of mine, Tony LeMaistre, who runs his own
filming & editing business, based near Freo:





AquaTerra Ventures Pty Ltd
ABN 97 096 528 344

Tel (Aus): +61-8-94941616
Mobile (Aus): 0412-678907

Australian Travel Agents Licence 9TA1208

We guarantee the same prices as our operators - no mark-up, no agents fees.
We offer a secure on-line payment system sited on the bank's server.

All quotations are valid for a period of 7 days.

Re: 6310i Bluetooth

2003-09-12 Thread Angus Russell
> Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2003 11:33:19 +0800
> Subject: 6310i Bluetooth
> Hi all does anyone know if the Nokia's 6310i Bluetooth works with  isync
Hi Bart

Not as far as I know but then I have not yet downloaded the very latest
Bluetooth and iSync




AquaTerra Ventures Pty Ltd
ABN 97 096 528 344

Tel (Aus): +61-8-94941616
Mobile (Aus): 0412-678907

Australian Travel Agents Licence 9TA1208

We guarantee the same prices as our operators - no mark-up, no agents fees.
We offer a secure on-line payment system sited on the bank's server.

All quotations are valid for a period of 7 days.

Re: Microsoft ENTOURAGE

2003-08-27 Thread Angus Russell
Hi Bob

As we all know by now almost no Mac users use Entourage - I think that makes
us a minority of two :-))

As far as I know there are only two methods of sorting - one is by clicking
on the column titles at the top to sort alphanumerically by the chosen
column or using the filter drop down menu top right, which allows filter by
name, company or category.

If you go to "View" and "Columns" you can choose the columns that you view -
an almost exhaustive list with various customisable columns on offer.

Other than that I can't help - sorry.



> Is there anybody who is using or has used Entourage ?
> In the Address Book there is supposed to be a Sort option.
> So it sorts ok on Nicknames, and on email addresses
> But it will not sort on Names.
> I cannot figure out what might affect the Sort process.
> Anybody with any clues please.

re: Dead Lombard Help

2003-08-08 Thread Angus Russell
HI Antony

My old g3/333 did the same - but not surge related - the backside cache was
gone and it lasted about 3 months before the whole motherboard went,
apparently the daughtercard was ok, so now looking for a new motherboard on
eBay to resurrect it :-)

> I have a Lombard 400 here. It looks like it copped a surge
> (lightning) a while back as the built-in ethernet died. To get around
> this I am using an WaveLAN card.

> Since then other things have gone bad.

> Problem one :

> I get an odd message at startup : "Startup built in memory test has
> detected a problem with cache memory. Please contact a service
> technical for assistance."

> The machine passes all cache / memory tests in TechTool 3.0.9




2003-07-29 Thread Angus Russell
Hi Richard

Thanks for the info - so if I re-load the additional apps package from my
10.2 cd then I should get iDVD loaded and can then up-date to 3.01?

Have played with VT to have a look see and found something called forty-two
which seems great - it tells me that is has transferred the DVD encoding
into avi or qt format, but it doesn't seem to save the file so am asking the
developers about this.

DVD back-up saves it as a DVD but it doesn't allow me to extract pieces.

What I am really looking for is something that will allow me to extract
clips (as iMovie does) and then save them to upload onto my website, which
presumably means also changing the encoding to qt to avi format.

Many thanks



AquaTerra Ventures Pty Ltd
ABN 97 096 528 344

Tel(Aus): +61-8-94941616
Mobile(Aus): 0412-678907

Australian Travel Agents Licence 9TA1208

We guarantee the same prices as our operators - no mark-up, no agents fees.
We offer a secure on-line payment system sited on the bank's server.

>> Hi Rod
>> Thanks for a quick reply.
>> So I wasn't incorrect in deleting it since I don't have a superdrive :-)
>> Do you know if I would be able to play it on the laptop and pick it
>> up/record it onto my DV camera and then play it back through iMovie?
>> Is there not legal software for extracting DVD clips?
>> Many thanks
>> Angus
> Apparently the very latest point release of IDVD 3 (?3.01) is allowing
> creation of iDVD projects on non-superdrive equipped Macs .
> From
> ...Apple confirms iDVD 3.0.1 runs on Systems without a Superdrive
> When the iDVD 3.0.1 update appeared on July 15th, I noted in the news page
> here I had run it on a PowerBook G4/800 without an internal superdrive (no
> burn support for external drives, but the app would run and I could
> edit/create projects, etc. - where the previous versions would not even
> launch if there was no internal Superdrive detected).
> I wondered back then if this was intentional, and according to this Apple
> kbase doc titled "DVD 3: Option to Burn Not Available" it is.
> " While iDVD 3.0.1 and later can be used on any PowerPC G4-or G5-based
> Macintosh model to create DVD content, the option to burn the finished DVD
> is only available on computers with a built-in SuperDrive."
> iDVD 3.0.1. also still works with retail drives as I've said before (tested
> here with a retail DVR-105 drive). There's a past article here with older
> reports on iDVD3 with retail superdrives 
> Richard


2003-07-28 Thread Angus Russell
Hi Rod

Thanks for a quick reply.

So I wasn't incorrect in deleting it since I don't have a superdrive :-)

Do you know if I would be able to play it on the laptop and pick it
up/record it onto my DV camera and then play it back through iMovie?

Is there not legal software for extracting DVD clips?

Many thanks



AquaTerra Ventures Pty Ltd
ABN 97 096 528 344

Tel(Aus): +61-8-94941616
Mobile(Aus): 0412-678907

Australian Travel Agents Licence 9TA1208

We guarantee the same prices as our operators - no mark-up, no agents fees.
We offer a secure on-line payment system sited on the bank's server.

> No, iDVD is creation software, rather than pulling clips from DVDs already
> created. If you are looking at saving clips from legal DVDs, then maybe you
> can hook up your DVD player to a DV camera that has analogue playthrough, or
> an analogue to DV converter box. Then you can capture the clips via iMovie.
> I'm sure there is software on the net that can extract footage from DVDs,
> but due to their dubious nature I can't tell you what they are :-)
> Seeya
> Rod!


2003-07-27 Thread Angus Russell

Would I be correct in assuming that iDVD was included as part of 10.2?

Or was it added in one of my upgrades to 10.2.6?

I seem to remember that I did have iDVD and that I have deleted it at some
stage (in my ignorance) since my laptop does not have a DVD burner - not
realising that iDVD offered other services as well.

However, I now desire to extract some clips from a DVD that I am playing so
that I can use them on my website - it is all legal :-), and I suspect that
I can do this with iDVD.

If so, can I reinstall it from the 10.2 install Disc 2 with the

It appears as though this will reinstall iMovie, iPhoto, iTunes, Acrobat
Reader, iCal, and iSync, so I will need to re-update these as a consequence.
(This could well be the last time I delete any apps.)

Would most appreciate if someone (with more knowledge & experience than I)
could confirm my deductions or otherwise put me right.

Many thanks



AquaTerra Ventures Pty Ltd
ABN 97 096 528 344

Tel(Aus): +61-8-94941616
Mobile(Aus): 0412-678907

Australian Travel Agents Licence 9TA1208

We guarantee the same prices as our operators - no mark-up, no agents fees.
We offer a secure on-line payment system sited on the bank's server.

Parts wanted, parts available - 2

2003-07-04 Thread Angus Russell
PS I also have a car adapter for the G3 Lombard that plugs into the ciggie
lighter, as well both the yo-yo and the brick adapters. Both work great,
never had a problem with the brick for 3 yrs, and the yo-yo for a year.



Parts wanted, parts available

2003-07-04 Thread Angus Russell

Looking for an external casing for a 2.5" HDD - any offers - doesn't have to
be new?

Also maybe looking for more RAM for TiBook 800 - currently have 2 x 256 in

On offer are the remnants of my old Lombard G3, with a burnt out CPU. Screen
is still good - not a single dead pixel as far as I recall, there is a 256 &
128 ram chip inside, keyboard is good, cd drive works but the cd drawer
doesn't lock in, batteries are dead, also there is a FireWire2Go pc card
plus manual & disc. I'm keeping the HDD - it is only 4GB anyway.

Previously offered but I am now back in Perth (yippee - but not the
weather!) so call me on 0412 678907 or e-mail off-site.



Was "re: Alternatives to entourage and mail" now "in english please :-)"

2003-06-24 Thread Angus Russell
If normal mortals would care to read the below, the reason some of us may
not use the list in the way others would like us to is readily apparent :-)

 What I'd be interested in knowing is - how'd you create that list?
>>> I am guessing a quick perl script run over a Eudora mailbox...
>> No need for perl:
>> grep "X-Mailer" mbox | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r
> No need for that, I have BBEdit (oh, ok, I did use uniq :)

I have no idea what it is all about. I use Mac OS since I prefer it to
Windows OS, (I like to be different) and I have a reasonable understanding
of them, but no more so than the average Mac user ... Or so I thought. I now
see that I am way down the evolutionary scale when it comes to understanding
them. I now what they do, and I know how to make them do what I want to do
once someone has done all the hard work and given me a nice piece of
software to use.

I also wondered how Shay sorted out who used what (in apparently record
time) and am still wondering how he did it. However the important thing is
that he did, and it maybe sheds light on numerous issues ( I for one will be
looking into Mozilla)



Re: Alternatives to entourage and mail

2003-06-23 Thread Angus Russell
Hi Ryan, Hi John, Hi Neil

Many thanks for your input - it was enough incentive to go back in and check
all my mail rules for about the fourth time - and yup it was a rogue mail

Can not understand how it got in there - still racking my brains on that one
- just thankful I eventually found it :-)

Many thanks.


> When I first saw Angus's email I tested this option using my Curtin email
> account, which isn't in my address book. It wasn't added, so I concluded
> that it doesn't cause unknown addresses to be added, just creates a Link
> between the message and a Contact.
> It still sounds a lot like the action of a rogue Mail Rule... Can't imagine
> what else could cause it in Entourage.
> -Ry
> On 2003-06-22 19:31, "John Winters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Angus,
>> In the general preferences of Entourage, there is an option to
>> "Automatically link contacts with the messages I receive from them"
>> I am no office guru, and the documentation is vague, but this implies to me
>> that the incoming email addresses will be automatically added so that the
>> link can be created (as distinct from manual addition using command =).
>> Perhaps you might (un)check this setting. Let us all know if that helps.
>> HTH
>> John
>> on 21/6/03 2:27 PM, Angus Russell at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> Hi Neil
>>> Somehow or other every e-mail I receive has it's senders address added to
>>> the Entourage address book.
>>> Due to this I have nearly 1500 e-addresses in the address book - which is
>>> insane.
>>> However since you have provided the only response to my dilemma I can only
>>> assume that no-one else takes me seriously :-(
>>> Thanks anyway :-)
>>> Angus
> Later,
> Ry

Recent post

2003-06-23 Thread Angus Russell
Hi Onno. Bob, Shay

First of all apologies to you and anyone else whom I unwittingly offended
with my post last Saturday. No excuses, only reasons - it was supposed to be
a flip, stress-relieving aside in a personal e-mail (hence the ":-)" at the
end), not one intended for the list.

I had tried other avenues to solve the problem myself including other
forums, searches on relevant sites, and looking/working through Entourage
myself to find the solution.

I wasn't expecting anyone to investigate it for me just wondering if anyone
had a similar experience and knew what had caused it, having looked down the
avenues known to me and found nothing that answered my query.

The fact that I sent in the query three times was a result of having failed
to solve it elsewhere was an indication of how much it was getting to me.
Getting 30-40 spam a day all with their e-addresses being added to my
address book was all getting a bit much. (Spam Sieve is a great filter but
you still end up with all the spam on your machine)

However it does throw up an interesting question as far as I am concerned -
what do all you Mac users on the list use for e-mail?

Other then Eudora or Entourage/Outlook I didnĀ¹t think there was much
available other than some of the others I asked about. Other sources seem to
think PowerMail , Mailsmith & Gyaz mail are all pretty good, when compared
to Mail or other mainstream clients.

Anyway the issue has been solved now - since other people also recommended
the possibility of a mail rule I went back through them all again - having
missed it the previous times, this time it was found.

Best regards

Angus Russell

Re: Alternatives to entourage and mail

2003-06-21 Thread Angus Russell
Hi Neil

Somehow or other every e-mail I receive has it's senders address added to
the Entourage address book.

Due to this I have nearly 1500 e-addresses in the address book - which is

However since you have provided the only response to my dilemma I can only
assume that no-one else takes me seriously :-(

Thanks anyway :-)


> On 20/6/03 8:55 PM, Angus Russell wrote:
>> As an afterthought I seem to recall that it is possible to choose whether or
>> not Entourage adds all new e-addresses to the address book, but damned if I
>> can find this option anywhere.
> Angus
> As far as I can establish it isn't possible to automatically add new
> addresses to the address book in Entourage. You can of course manually
> create a new address by using the new contact menu command, or by pointing
> at the 'from' header in any received message and doing a 'control + click'
> (which brings up an 'add to address book' option).
> What Entourage will allow you to do - which serves the same purpose that you
> want - is to show you a list of recently used addresses (from messages in
> your inbox and outbox) when you are addressing a new message. To turn this
> feature on you need to go to Mail and News Preferences > Compose> Recently
> Used Addresses and check the box if you want to turn this feature on.
> What this means is that if I wanted to send a message to you all I need to
> do is type 'a' or 'an' in the 'To' field and I immediately get a drop down
> list of everyone I have sent or received a message from who's name starts
> with 'a' or 'an', from which I can choose your name.
> Neil Blake & Associates
> Environmental and Community Consultants
> RMB 1050
> South Coast Highway
> Denmark
> Western Australia 6333
> Phone/Fax/Answering Machine: (08) 9840 9284
> Mobile 0428 761 466

Alternatives to entourage and mail

2003-06-20 Thread Angus Russell
Hi everyone

Does anyone have anything to say about any of the following?

Power Mail
Mail smith 

As an afterthought I seem to recall that it is possible to choose whether or
not Entourage adds all new e-addresses to the address book, but damned if I
can find this option anywhere. Can someone tell me if I am hallucinating, or
just being incompetent and suffering major memory failure please :-)

Thank you


Entourage address list; alternate e-mail clients; spam filters

2003-06-18 Thread Angus Russell

I seem to recall that it is possible to choose whether or not Entourage adds
all new e-addresses to the address book, but damned if I can find this
option anywhere. Can someone tell me if I am hallucinating, or just being
incompetent and suffering major memory failure please :_)

Can anyone assist please - my address book is loaded with spam addresses

Does anyone have any experience of the following e-mail clients:


Does anyone have any experience of the following spam filters:

PostArmor (formerly known as MailArmor)

Why do I do this (if anyone cares!) - well basically fed up with Entourage,
and if they are trashing IE then Entourage can follow as far as I care, and
yet Mail is nowhere up in terms of features.

Palm is way better than either iCal or Entourage calendar function.

I think Apple has a way to go on some of these apps. At least Safari is good
- although I think they could learn a bit from iCab in terms of
functionality, especially what is possible from a mouse click held.

Many thanks



AquaTerra Ventures Pty Ltd
ABN 97 096 528 344

Tel(Aus): +61-8-94941616
Mobile(Aus): 0412-678907

Australian Travel Agents Licence 9TA1208

We guarantee the same prices as our operators - no mark-up, no agents fees.
We offer a secure on-line payment system sited on the bank's server.

Entourage address list; alternate e-mail clients; spam filters

2003-06-17 Thread Angus Russell

I seem to recall that it is possible to choose whether or not Entourage adds
all new e-addresses to the address book, but damned if I can find this
option anywhere. Can someone tell me if I am hallucinating, or just being
incompetent and suffering major memory failure please :_)

Can anyone assist please - my address book is loaded with spam addresses

Does anyone have any experience of the following e-mail clients:


Does anyone have any experience of the following spam filters:

PostArmor (formerly known as MailArmor)

Why do I do this (if anyone cares!) - well basically fed up with Entourage,
and if they are trashing IE then Entourage can follow as far as I care, and
yet Mail is nowhere up in terms of features.

Palm is way better than either iCal or Entourage calendar function.

I think Apple has a way to go on some of these apps. At least Safari is good
- although I think they could learn a bit from iCab in terms of
functionality, especially what is possible from a mouse click held.

Many thanks



AquaTerra Ventures Pty Ltd
ABN 97 096 528 344

Tel(Aus): +61-8-94941616
Mobile(Aus): 0412-678907

Australian Travel Agents Licence 9TA1208

We guarantee the same prices as our operators - no mark-up, no agents fees.
We offer a secure on-line payment system sited on the bank's server.

Re: Digest Number 1316

2003-06-16 Thread Angus Russell
> Please has anyone got a modem script that works with a Nokia 6385 CDMA phone
> and OSX?

Hi Rod 

Try this place for help:

Ross Barkman's Home page
This guy has huge numbers of scripts - all pintware - if you like it buy him
a pint :-)

Or Nova Nedia who also have a great selection of
scripts that are claimed to work with TDMA & CDMA 'phones. What you are
looking for is the "Mobile High Speed for Mac OS"

All the best


AquaTerra Ventures Pty Ltd
ABN 97 096 528 344

Tel(Aus): +61-8-94941616
Mobile(Aus): 0412-678907

Australian Travel Agents Licence 9TA1208

We guarantee the same prices as our operators - no mark-up, no agents fees.
We offer a secure on-line payment system sited on the bank's server.

Re: Digital video camera as web cam

2003-06-13 Thread Angus Russell
Thanks for all the ideas guys.

Since one of the applications I have in mind is as a videophone I think the
iVisit maybe the way to go - if it works with OSX that is :-)

Any other suggestions for videophone software, just in case

Many thanks



AquaTerra Ventures Pty Ltd
ABN 97 096 528 344

Tel(Aus): +61-8-94941616
Mobile(Aus): 0412-678907

Australian Travel Agents Licence 9TA1208

We guarantee the same prices as our operators - no mark-up, no agents fees.
We offer a secure on-line payment system sited on the bank's server.

Digital video camera as web cam

2003-06-13 Thread Angus Russell

Well the title says it all - is it possible to connect my Sony DV via FW and
use it as webcam?

If so what do I need - purely some software?

Any knowledge gratefully received :-)

Many thanks


One for the gadget people

2003-06-05 Thread Angus Russell
Hi Everyone

Just getting into using GSM remote - great way of keeping my Nokia's
updated, since Nokia & Apple do not seem to get on with each other, but I do
prefer Nokia to those tiddly little Ericsson with the flappy bits :-)

Unfortunately my P G4/800 has neither Bluetooth or IrDA built-in. I have the
Bluetooth USB dongle - is there an IrDA one as well?

Additionally is there there a Nokia USB cable for the 6210 and 6310i
available? The former only does IrDA and the latter does both, but I believe
both can USB cable as well.

Which brings me on to my next point can any recommend a USB hub? Is there
such a thing as FW hub, since I only have one FW port and my DV doesn't
allow daisy-chaining.

Many thanks



AquaTerra Ventures Pty Ltd
ABN 97 096 528 344

Tel(Aus): +61-8-94941616
Mobile(Aus): 0412-678907

Australian Travel Agents Licence 9TA1208

Apps are "unexpectedly quitting"

2003-05-21 Thread Angus Russell

I have 2 apps that I use regularly that "unexpectedly quit" when I quit them
- SIM Express and Entourage.

Then Word does the same when I try an print from the file menu - if I use
the icon in the toolbar it sends to the printer (BJC-85) but then doesn't
print. On inspecting the print monitor it "informs that jobs are stopped"

Re-starting the jobs has no effect.

Have tried re-starts with printer on & off, plugged in before and after

Still have issue with a number of apps not holding their preferences either
IE is the main culprit here.

Other than the obvious MS cracks..

os10.2.6, word 10.0.0, tibook g4/800, 512 ram, 40gb hdd

Any bright ideas welcomed - it is becoming annoying :-)

Regularly run drive 10 - do not have access to new DW yet - is it as good as
the old one for 0s9?

Many thanks



AquaTerra Ventures Pty Ltd
ABN 97 096 528 344

Tel(Aus): +61-8-94941616
Mobile(Aus): 0412-678907

Australian Travel Agents Licence 9TA1208

RE: Sony memory sticks and software

2003-05-19 Thread Angus Russell
Hi Paul

Have had a Sony DV for about 4 yrs now, which also came with a memory stick.
Back then this was a huge pain as they only had a serial reader available
for it so was not much use with a PB, or any Mac!

However now you can buy a PC card that will read any and all of these media
- memory stick, flash, smart et. Al, also USB devices I believe.

Data can be transferred in any direction and and type of data can be stored
on them - I think they are a great idea, only now superseded by the little
USB memory pods, if you use everything Sony then you are laughing as they
work with (almost) every product - including certain 'phones I suspect.

Check out the web site.

All the best


AquaTerra Ventures Pty Ltd
ABN 97 096 528 344

Tel(Aus): +61-8-94941616
Mobile(Aus): 0412-678907

Australian Travel Agents Licence 9TA1208

Apple Mail freezing

2003-05-09 Thread Angus Russell

I finally decided to transfer my e-mails to Apple Mail - not impressed.

First time it froze mid-import, force quit, and every time since the same.

Now that I have actually imported everything, from nothing I now have two
sets of every mailbox and apparently every single message is unread - that
makes over 22,000 messages since everything is doubled up.

Any recommendations on anti-freeze?

Any recommendations, other than going through every single message manually,
on how to persuade the app that I really have read all these messages, and
only actually require 1 set of mailboxes.

Finally, has anyone else experienced these issues?

extremely exasperated


Palm Desktop

2003-05-07 Thread Angus Russell

Does anyone know how to get Palm Desktop to use a 24 hr clock rather than am
& pm?

Can not seem to find anything in preferences and my system clocks, and all
others are set to 24 hrs.

Much obliged


Re: mobile data speeds

2003-05-01 Thread Angus Russell
> What is the fastest mobile phone to transfer data?
>I am sitting here on Rottnest working for a client with my TiBook and a
>Nokia 6210

Hi David

Try this website as well:




AquaTerra Ventures Pty Ltd
ABN 97 096 528 344

Tel(Aus): +61-8-94941616
Mobile(Aus): 0412-678907

Australian Travel Agents Licence 9TA1208

Re: mobile data speeds

2003-04-26 Thread Angus Russell
> What is the fastest mobile phone to transfer data?
>I am sitting here on Rottnest working for a client with my TiBook and a
>Nokia 6210 

Hi David

Try looking at this site for some answers - I am not sure what all of it
means but it should enable you to get the best out of the 6210 and your
TiBook - how are they connected? Infrared? -then you are also limited by
this transfer rate.

This guy Ross Barker has a load of scripts - some of them work very well to
avoid disconnects as well when using a landline.

I went back to them to look at ways of connecting my 6310i via Bluetooth and
am playing with the scripts etc there to see what works well.

Certain issues are GPRS and HCSCD, this later apparently helps speed things
up as well.

It may also be worth checking this site out
although I have not yet utilised this.

Anyway, the main issue, as Phil pointed out, is that you need to upgrade to
the 6310i which is GPRS/HSCSD compatible as well as infrared and Bluetooth.
I seem to recall that my 6210 only offered infrared. The only Nokia CDMA is
the 6385 which looks identical other than colour scheme and a little
external aerial - which incidentally is a dummy one - some law or other

Both the sites above purport to support CDMA, TDMA, and all those other
acronyms - at least people are moving away from TLA's (three letter
abbreviations) - maybe they've run out which is why they are now all 4 or 5
letter abbreviations - anyway, meandering off-topic there :-)

I am still playing with Ross's scripts to work everything out, however you
will also need to talk to both your mobile line provider (Optus seem to be
pretty up on all this) and your ISP (Highway 1 should be up to speed as
well) to make sure that they support the relevant types.

Hope some of this helps in one way or another, either you or somebody else

All the best


AquaTerra Ventures Pty Ltd
ABN 97 096 528 344

Tel(Aus): +61-8-94941616
Mobile(Aus): 0412-678907

Australian Travel Agents Licence 9TA1208

RIP - Bronze PowerBook

2003-04-23 Thread Angus Russell

PB G3/333 bronze - CPU has finally packed it in, after soldiering valiantly
with no backside cache, no battery and a dodgy CD-ROM drawer.

Luckily I had already purchased my TiBook :-)

Anyway, what salvage or cannibalisation options are there?

The screen is in perfect condition - not a single dead pixel that I am aware
off - any offers?

RAM available - 128 & 256, plus the original 64?

Have a Newer Technology Fire2Go PC card plus software if anyone is

Any bright ideas for replacing the CPU on the cheap? Would be great to keep
as a back-up.

Can anyone give me information on (portable) HDD cases so that I can use the
old 4GB drive as a back-up.

Many thanks



AquaTerra Ventures Pty Ltd
ABN 97 096 528 344

Tel(Aus): +61-8-94941616
Mobile(Aus): 0412-678907

Australian Travel Agents Licence 9TA1208

Re: iMovie:Resources:Plugins

2003-04-21 Thread Angus Russell
Hi Eugene

The folders have not been created for some reason so I created them as
suggested but so far no difference except that that seems to be an error
with the following plug-in "localized.rsrc" of which there appear to be
several hundred.

Any further ideas? Have tried putting the plug-ins into an imovie folder in
plug-ins but that did not work either.

Many thanks



AquaTerra Ventures Pty Ltd
ABN 97 096 528 344

Tel(Aus): +61-8-94941616
Mobile(Aus): 0412-678907

Australian Travel Agents Licence 9TA1208

> Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2003 22:07:26 +0800
> From: Eugene de Gouw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: iMovie:Resources:Plugins
> Ronni is right with her location. If an iMovie plug-in installs
> itself it creates the folder inside your home
> folder/library/iMovie/Plug-ins. If you just want to drag a plug-in
> manually into the correct place you will have to first create the
> folders unless it was done earlier by another plug-in.
> Eugene

Re: iMovie:Resources:Plugins

2003-04-18 Thread Angus Russell
Hi Ronda

No imovie folder in home > library :-)

Next one please :-)

Thank you



AquaTerra Ventures Pty Ltd
ABN 97 096 528 344

Tel(Aus): +61-8-94941616
Mobile(Aus): 0412-678907

Australian Travel Agents Licence 9TA1208

> On Friday, April 18, 2003, at 09:13 AM, Angus Russell wrote:
>> Hiya
>> Still working my around osx and trying to get to grips with the
>> differences.
>> I am looking for the above file so that I can add some toast titanium
>> plug-ins in order to burn an imovie straight to VCD
>> However a search through both "resources" and "imovie" files yields no
>> such
>> file.
>> Can anyone offer enlightenment please? :-)
>> Many thanks
>> Angus
> Hi Angus,
> Home Folder > Library > iMovie > Plug-ins
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> Car'n The Pies


2003-04-18 Thread Angus Russell

Still working my around osx and trying to get to grips with the differences.

I am looking for the above file so that I can add some toast titanium
plug-ins in order to burn an imovie straight to VCD

However a search through both "resources" and "imovie" files yields no such

Can anyone offer enlightenment please? :-)

Many thanks



AquaTerra Ventures Pty Ltd
ABN 97 096 528 344

Tel(Aus): +61-8-94941616
Mobile(Aus): 0412-678907

Australian Travel Agents Licence 9TA1208


2003-04-16 Thread Angus Russell
Hi Everyone

Thank you for all the suggestions.

> You could also try Choosing 'Open Video_TS' from the file menu in
> Apple's DVD Player software.

My apologies should have told you I had tried this - this doesn't even show
that there is a DVD in the machine. Reason I didn't mention it was that I
assumed that 1) it was rather obvious, and 2) that there actually was no
file to open :-)) - as Nick Crane pointed out.

I also tried dragging it to the DVD player icon

This is where it gets interesting.

Capacity is 2.87GB and there is 0 GB available - so agree with there Nick.

If I try and change ownership and permissions I get a error code 30.

"Owner" is "unknown", "no access" is greyed out, "group" is "nogroup", "no
access" greyed out, "others" has "no access"

Preview recognises DVD-R, DVD is called "DVD_VIDEO_RECORDER"

So, any other ideas - haven't tried this yet Shay -
 but not so sure it will work since the system
doesn't seem to recognise it.

Many thanks



AquaTerra Ventures Pty Ltd
ABN 97 096 528 344

Tel(Aus): +61-8-94941616
Mobile(Aus): 0412-678907

Australian Travel Agents Licence 9TA1208


2003-04-15 Thread Angus Russell

My TiBook G4/800 10.2.4 doesn't recognise a DVD.

Recognises that there is a disc, produces the icon on screen, but apparently
there is nothing in it.

Any suggestions for software other then iDVD that may play it?

Many thanks



AquaTerra Ventures Pty Ltd
ABN 97 096 528 344

Tel(Aus): +61-8-94941616
Mobile(Aus): 0412-678907

Australian Travel Agents Licence 9TA1208

re: Nokia 6310i - Mac experience

2003-04-08 Thread Angus Russell
Hi Mike

Yup - I use PB G4/800 with a Bluetooth USB adaptor and 10.2.4 with a 6310i -
what do you want to know?

Exactly what I am doing now in fact :-)

Haven't sync'd in terms of address books however, other than to upload from
my old 6210.




AquaTerra Ventures Pty Ltd
ABN 97 096 528 344

Tel(Aus): +61-8-94941616
Mobile(Aus): 0412-678907

Australian Travel Agents Licence 9TA1208

> Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2003 21:37:58 +0800
> From: Michael & Sue Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Nokia 6310i - Mac experience
> Has anyone had experience with a Nokia 6310i syncing with OSX?
> Mike A

OSX questions

2003-03-28 Thread Angus Russell

I'm new to OSX, two questions.

Preferences, especially in IE don't seem to hold - how can I correct this?

Second, how can I increase the memory allocation to a particular

Many thanks


10.2.4 + preferences + passwords

2003-03-17 Thread Angus Russell

Seem to be having a problem with the above.

Every time I open IE or any other browser I always have to reload the
user/login names and passwords despite checking the remember password box.
This is really annoying me :-)

Any ideas please?

Many thanks



AquaTerra Ventures Pty Ltd
ABN 97 096 528 344

Tel(Aus): +61-8-94941616
Mobile(Aus): 0412-678907

Australian Travel Agents Licence 9TA1208

Re: Disk Warrior and OSX

2003-03-17 Thread Angus Russell
Hi Severin/Larry

Funny that - the same issue crossed my mind yesterday. However Larry from
what you say you'd only use DW if the (/classic environment wouldn't work.

I have been using something called Drive10 since I moved to my new tibook
with 10.2.4 - anyone have any knowledge on that one. It doesn't seem as
effective as DW used to be with 9.x.

Is there anything else out there as good? Tech Tool for example?

Any thoughts, or even better concrete knowledge gladly accepted :-)

Thank you



AquaTerra Ventures Pty Ltd
ABN 97 096 528 344

Tel(Aus): +61-8-94941616
Mobile(Aus): 0412-678907

Australian Travel Agents Licence 9TA1208

> Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 16:12:39 +0800
> From: Larry Pohl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Disk Warrior and OSX
> I've been using it on every version of OS X up to 10.2.4 with no problems
> whatsoever. Quite the opposite - it still performs its old magic. I also run
> it about monthly for maintenance.
> I'd only consider Disk Warrior for OS X if/when I ever get a Mac that won't
> boot into OS 9.x.
> Larry
> On 16/3/03 at 4:05 PM, Severin Crisp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Has anyone any comments or experience of using Disk Warrior (2.1)
>> with OSX 10.2.4 disks.
>> My disk is showing all the symptoms of the need for a directory
>> cleanup and Disk Utility does not seem to really do the job.
>> I am wary of trying Disk Warrior 2.1 which runs from OS9
>> Any advice welcomed
>> Severin Crisp
>> -- 

VPC 6 not communicating with modem

2003-03-04 Thread Angus Russell

Running 10.2.4 and VPC 6.

Need to run proprietary software from HSBC, but the modem is not responding
to query from VPC - any suggestions please.

When request for "more info" in the diagnostics window of modem properties
I get the following message
"modem failed to respond"

Modem chosen is standard 56k V90, and the v90 is chosen in osx - I get the
same problem even if I choose v92. COM2 port is chosen - in fact everything
is identical to the set up as on my old G3 running vpc3 but it doesn't work.

Have trashed preferences, reconfigured everything in sight - no change.

Desperately need to sort this out.

Many thanks



AquaTerra Ventures Pty Ltd
ABN 97 096 528 344

Tel(Aus): +61-8-94941616
Mobile(Aus): 0412-678907

Australian Travel Agents Licence 9TA1208

looking for laptop rental/lease/purchase

2003-01-29 Thread Angus Russell
Hello Everyone

Does anyone know if it is possible to hire/lease a laptop long-term?

I know it can be done with desktops, but my laptop has died (financially at
least) after nearly 4 years, and am not really in a position to splash on a
new one, but I do require a laptop.

Bright ideas anyone?

Alternatively I may be in the market to purchase one - new or s/h depends on
what is available?

Thank you



AquaTerra Ventures Pty Ltd
ABN 97 096 528 344

Tel(Aus): +61-8-94941616
Mobile(Aus): 0412-678907

Australian Travel Agents Licence 9TA1208