Re: CMS for web site

2005-09-06 Thread Paul & Caroline van der Mey
My only experience with CMS was with a site that needed updating  
because the provider of the initial CMS went out of business, the  
info was transferred to another server. Became a total nightmare and  
took months to resolve and required a total rewrite of the site.

In that time the ability to update the site was effectively lost,  
mainly due to the level of access / permissions available.

Also consider the ease of use if a number of people may be updating  
site information. Trying to update page text in a text box 50 mm wide  
and 100 mm high is not a pleasant experience.

Make a note in your risk assessment about the consequences of it  
falling over and plan for that eventuality.



On 05/09/2005, at 10:18 PM, Chris Burton wrote:

Hi muggers

I have a query regarding CMS (content management system) for a web  
site. I have only just heard about this from a web designer who  
says it is very necessary for my quite simple web site, as Im  
wanting to make my site more interesting and be able to update with  
more information over time.

My question is how will I know if I need to have this, as it is  
expensive and by the sounds of it ties me down to their hosting of  
my site so I can use the CMS to update the site. The hosting is  
quite expensive, relative to what I pay now. They are charging $360/ 
year just to host the site.

Could someone please give me some advice or online sites that I can  
check out to help me make a decision. I am a complete novice but  
eager to learn what I can.

I have dabbled in Golive 6, but at the moment have no spare time  
and realise there is a lot more to making a good site than at a  
first glance.

Many thanks to everyone


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Re: Updating for OS10.2

2005-05-22 Thread Paul & Caroline van der Mey


You can use Classic from OSX.0 right through to OSX.4.1


On 22/05/2005, at 5:43 PM, Mervyn & Giuliana Bond wrote:

Thank you for responding, Robert.  Is 10.2.8 compatible with  
Classic? I move between 10.2 and Classis quite frequently.


At 4:53 PM +0800 22/5/05, Robert Howells wrote:

On 22/05/2005, at 2:26 PM, Mervyn & Giuliana Bond wrote:

Currently I am running a table lamp iMac, 700MHz Power PC G4 with  
512MB ram on OS 10.2.  AppleWorks sometimes unexpectedly quits  
and does Ragtime but I mainly work with Classic for Ragtime so  
10.2 is fairly stable.  An update to 10.3 would apparently fix  
the Ragtime problem.
Looking at the downloads on the Mac website the first available  
update after 10.2 is 10.2.5.  I couldn't see updates for 10.2.3  
or 10.2.4.

Can I jump from 10.2 to 10.2.5?

You can Jump from 10.2 to 10.2.8 with a Combo update.
But you do need to find the answer to the Firmware needs.
Sorry , I cannot help you with that.

I found 10.2.8 to be a stable great OS.

Are there firmware updates that should be done first?
Advice appreciated.
"Science teaches that we must see in order to believe, but we  
must also believe in order to see."

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"Science teaches that we must see in order to believe, but we must  
also believe in order to see."

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Re: organised itunes over multiple drives?

2005-03-03 Thread Paul & Caroline van der Mey
It's not very high on current storage but I have a SCSI Hardware raid 
box (Rack mountable - about the size of an XServe Raid I'd expect) for 
sale at an agreeable price!

4 swappable drive carriers hold 68 pin SCSI drives (Seagate Barracuda's 
1x 18 GB = ST318436LW & 3x 9 GB = ST39173W). 4 empty bays still 
available without drive carriers.

You'll want a 68 pin SCSI card to get the most from it.

Alternatively, if you have a 68 pin PCI-SCSI card about to be thrown out 
I'll put it into use myself!


Paul van der Mey
0419 201 477

Rod wrote:

On 3/3/05 11:42 AM, "Onno Benschop" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Navid Mavaddat wrote:


I was wondering if anyone was aware of a way to create a 'virtual
folder' over multiple drives. My itunes folder is in excess of 170GB
(lossless compressed from my CD collection) and soon it will be larger
than the 200GB drive.

I am considering getting a 250GB drive, but I can see this will only
ultimately be an interim measure. If I could span over multiple drives
this would save much hassle. Currently I can't consolidate the
library. I tried relocating 50GB off the drive, but it still wouldn't
let me consolidate it.

Without actually having done this, you should be able to create a raid
array from multiple drives, then stick your iTunes folder on the new
raid volume. (And you get redundancy for free :-)

I'm not sure how much you know about how this works, but at a system
level you can combine multiple drives into one logical volume, that
shows up as one place to store stuff. This is what geeks with too much
time on their hands did when they created a raid array on floppy disks
and across several iPods.


Disk Utility in OS X has the ability to make a software raid.  As for
hardware, either a card or an Xserve raid box ;-)



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Re: Running out of disk space

2005-02-25 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey


Don't move the documents folder, move what's 'inside' the documents 



Michael Schmidt wrote:

Thank you for the tips snip

Another weird one is when I try to move my documents folder I get a
message saying "Could not copy "icon
" and the copying process stops (yes, there's a gap).


Re: Lexmark printer query

2005-01-28 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey

My parents have one in use with iMac G5 OSX.3

Paid $88 at Hardly Normals so shop around, they are all over the place 
at a range of prices.

Done a couple of scans and prints with it. Photos at highest quality 
settings take some time to print, were full A4 size though and I've 
nothing to compare it with.

Most notable aspect was the quietness while printing, very impressive.

Must be fairly easy to use as Dad managed to do a scan (but cut off the 
edges of the photo) on his first attempt at scanning and totally 
unassisted. He's had very limited exposure to computer use. He's also 
exploring iMovie etc.

Cannot comment on the cost of cartridges as they are still on the first 
set with only a smallish amount of printing under their belts.



Bart Raffaeler wrote:

Hi all
Has anyone out there bought Lexmark printer model X1170 has a scanner and
copy function,
They have them for $94 at the post Office shops,
Has anyone use one on (of course) on a Mac and what are they like, I heard
that there cartridge refills may be expensive.



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Mac Mini as the basis of a home multi processor supercomputer?

2005-01-12 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey

Anyone thought of the possibilities?

How much computing power is available for say $5,000?
Less keyboard, mouse and screen of course!



SuperDrive enhanced for Mac Mini

2005-01-12 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey
It appears most of the locks have been removed from the BTO Super Drive 
option for the Mac Mini...

From the Tech Specs page

"Optional Super Drive (DVD±RW/CD-RW): writes DVD-R discs at up to 4x 
speed, writes DVD-RW discs at up to 2x speed, writes DVD+R discs at up 
to 4x speed, writes DVD+RW discs at up to 2.4x speed, reads DVDs at up 
to 8x speed, writes CD-R discs at up to 16x speed, writes CD-RW discs at 
up to 8x speed, reads CDs at up to 24x speed"

Actually quoting ±RW and providing speeds.



Re: iPhoto disaster

2004-12-09 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey


It's amazing what turns up in the post around Christmas!

Big W catalogue arrived this morning with a 'photo services' type page 
included (loose extra page).

"Ricoh Retrieve a Pic. The simple pre-paid image retrieval service. 
Ricoh uses targeted hardware and software solutions to retrieve 
incorrectly formatted, accidentally deleted or 'just plain lost' images 
from your memory card. Retrieved images are saved to CD and returned to 
you with your (in most cases) rejuvenated memory card. See in-store for 
details. Conditions apply. $79.94 everyday low price." Section includes 
outline drawings of smart media, secure digital, xD picture card, 
compact flash and memory stick.

Also on this list there has been the following message: -

Hi everyone,

Thank you Garry, we down loaded photorescue immediately.

A friend of mine had this happen here in Perth just last week.

230 professional portraits loading and iPhoto crashed (possibly over 
full HD or a dodgy memory card?).

Big panic. Urgent phone calls. Do we force quit or what?

We searched the HD with the finder and luckily they were there.

Whew! An anxious night while we checked and then the usual tut tut, 
you should always back up lecture.

But I'll bet it happens again, as everyone in the studio is usually in 
rush mode.


Greg Manzie
Glyde Gallery Conservation
Fine Art Conservators and Museum Consultants 

photorescue can be found via: -

copy & paste the url into one string if it gets split into two.

I've not tried these so cannot comment on their effectiveness or 
application to your situation.

Hope this helps

Paul van der Mey

David de la Hunty wrote:


Just hit a problem with iPhoto. I ran it and imported from my camera, 
with "delete after import" checked. I went away and came back, it 
appeared to have done the importing and said the camera had "no 
photos". I was a bit shocked when the import only showed the three 
oldest of the 22, and Last Import showed the same. I closed it and 
reopened - and even these photos had disappeared off iPhoto.

I found that the disc was pretty full and got an error to that effect 
when I tried to boot Preview as well. So I have now freed up half a 
gig and re-run iPhoto - still missing those imports. Searched using 
finder - managed to find the three which did show up initially on 
iPhoto, dragged them in and all's well there.

I'm a bit shocked at this point and desperately want to retrieve the 
other pictures if they exist. Any hints as to where I could look? Any 
way of revealing hidden files on the memory card? Would iPhoto really 
have deleted them off the camera if it had run out of disc space, 
before writing to disc?

Thanks for any advice. Panicking,


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OK Who's responsible for this :)

2004-07-04 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey

Page 27 of the Sunday Times TV Guide... Full page "Computer Expo" advert...

How long has IE for the Mac been running on Wintel boxes?

We don't regularly buy the Sunday Times so my apologies if this is old news!


Re: slightly OT: digital camera recommendations

2004-04-21 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey

Shay Telfer wrote:

snip. The S400 has 400 megapixels in the same form factor. 

Have fun,


Re: setting up office network - modem sharing

2004-04-06 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey
OSX.1.3 does not have the 'share internet' button that I believe is 
available on later releases.

I'm running OSX.1.5 and have installed Brickhouse (V1.1b6) to set-up the 
internet sharing and firewall with a graphical interface. Dial up 
internet is shared between the G4 and a PowerBook connected by ethernet.


Hope it helps

Paul van der Mey

gary dorn wrote:

I have setup a network between two computers- a G4 with Ox 1.3
and bondi A iMac with 10.2.8
I have set up
location>automatic> tcp>manual
for both computers and they are talking to each other ie i have moved 

now I understand that I can share the modem connection

I can dial up in the G4 and authenticate a connection
what do I do now to be able to
check email
on both machines

I've borrowed
Mac OS X dummies book

is there a page in this I could look up.

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Re: nice bonus: OSX calculator currency /metric conversion

2004-03-18 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey
The disclaimer at the bottom of the page says their source is the 
central bank


These representative exchange rates, which are reported to the Fund by 
the issuing central bank, are expressed in terms of currency units per 
U.S. dollar, except for those indicated by
(1) 	which are in terms of U.S. dollars per currency unit, and those 
indicated by

(2) which are expressed in terms of currency units per SDR.

Disclaimer: The International Monetary Fund makes no warranties, express 
or implied, regarding these tables or the performance of this site. The 
Fund shall not be liable for any losses or damages incurred in 
connection with this site.

As always your mileage will vary based on fees charged by foreign 
exchange service providers etc.



Ryan Schotte wrote:

Well, a little poking around with tcpdump shows that Calculator gets its
conversion rates from this page on the International Monetary Fund web

The IMF is, I gather, the agency through which floating exchange rates
are determined/monitored, and while I Am Not An Economist, that is
trustworthy enough for me.

Of course, it's only as current as you hit 'Update...' ;)



Opened Calculator & Update Currency Exchange Rates & yippeee it 
worked, no quitting 
So now I know how much I'm paying again for 'stuff' I buy from the US 
of A.

Please tell me if I've missed something in this discussion. How up to 
date is the Calculator exchange rate? what is the Calculator exchange 
source? Can it be trusted?

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[For sale] PowerMac G4 500 (AGP)

2004-03-01 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey

Purchased this unit at the Apple Centre Cannington closing down sale!

Was the top of the line G4 at its time of release

G4 500 (AGP)
DVD RAM drive (Cartridge type)
10 Gig HDD
256 MB RAM
Zip 100
DVI & VGA video output ports
Original OS9 system disks
Original keyboard & puck mouse
Original packaging

Has been a tremendous computer, runs OSX capably

Extras include: -
SCSI HDD 68 pin Ultra Wide (3 x 9GB 1 x 18GB) plus enclosure
Adaptec 2903 SCSI card 50 pin type (adapter to 68 pin included, 
currently working in this configuration)

External Teac SCSI 4 x CD-R
Netcomm Roadster external USB modem
Samtron 13" view able monitor (with PC video card if you want it, video 
card did not work in the G4)

Looking to upgrade to a G5...
$1,450 the lot.

Yes, I know about the trade-in offer and will go that way if there are 
no takers.
My preferred option is to sell privately and buy at education pricing I 
have access to. This is good value compared to the trade-ins because of 
the extras and stable history of this G4.

Call soon to view and buy!

Paul van der Mey
0419 201 477

I admit looking at the Hardly Normal catalogue and what I found was very interesting!

2004-02-15 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey
Must confess to being on the lookout for Mac products in the press, on 
TV etc. all the time. Even been known to rewind to confirm the identity 
of a computer in a show.

Found the current Hardly Normal catalogue very interesting ('The 
Technology Specialist' has 22611_v11 printed on the bottom right of page 16)

Page 8 is the Sony Vaio page. At the bottom of the page is a section 
called Sony Sophistication with the guy at his computer and the clips 
read: -

"I've got to finish this presentation"
"It's all so easy"
"Yeah, I've just finished" (talking on the phone)
"Here comes that promotion"

- Be on the cutting edge of technology with the stylish Sony Vaio, now 
even more portable and convenient.


"I've got to finish this presentation" = iBook
"It's all so easy" = Cinema Display with Harman Kardon's SoundSticks 
(Apple speakers)
"Yeah, I've just finished" (talking on the phone) = Cinema Display with 
Harman Kardon's SoundSticks (Apple speakers)

"Here comes that promotion" = iBook!

No wonder it was so easy! :)

Am I correct?


Re: ilife 04 upgrade - bah humbug

2004-02-01 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey

This date is starting to become commonplace, must be something behind it...

Interesting post on

'Here's a tip - don't expect new G5's before 3/26/2004. snip 
The program starts today and ends 3/26/2004 so I'm guessing the new 
G5's are released 3/27/2004 or soon thereafter.'


Greg Colgan wrote:

In case you bought later than I did, offer closes March 26. See


Re: odd battery behaviour -- is it dead Jim?

2004-01-23 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey
Did the slow discharge also on our 2 yo TiPB 550, had showed ~0.5Ah and 
now shows ~1Ah.
Definitely ran longer probably close to double the time after the slow 


Greg Pennefather wrote:

Just for some feedback ...

I tried the slow discharge last night and improved my battery calibrated
capacity from 1.5 Ah to just over 2 Ah on my 2 yo TiPB 550.  Not bad - a 33%
improvement.  I don't know if it translates to a real world improvement in
battery life but it we'll see.



Re: Microsoft: The Great Innovator

2003-10-29 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey

Peter Hinchliffe wrote:

Just to show that Micro$oft doesn't have an original bone it's 
corporate body, take a gander at the Longhorn screenshots at

They must be REALLY impressed with Apple. Fancy coming up with an idea 
like brushed metal...

It looks like the pot of paint ran dry - only Windows 95 style dull / 
flat colours on a XP/Panther layout.

Now I know why we all need wide screens - the clock takes up the left or 
right 10% of the screen!


Re: new Macs

2003-10-26 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey

Running two computers here with 10.1.5
G4 500 (AGP) with 256 MB - minimal Classic use
G4 550 TiBook with 256 MB - starts up with & runs Classic

Both are usable systems with occasional spinning balls that are 
typically not an issue.

I'd like a G5 (only because it's new) if anyone is looking to by a G4 
500 (AGP):)

Was the top line unit at the time of release, complete with RAM drive.



Andy Dent wrote:

Am I missing something or are Apple shipping almost unusable

Does the increased processor power in current Macs make THAT much
difference to make up for the shockingly low amount of RAM?

I didn't think OS/X was usable with less than 512MB.

Andy Dent BSc  MACS  AACM
OOFILE - Database, Reports, Graphs, GUI for c++ on Mac, Unix & Windows
PP2MFC - PowerPlant->MFC portability

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Re: Entourage

2003-10-16 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey

I'm no database expert by any stretch of the imagination.

I'm specifying two databases at work and Access is the tool we have.
The person helping me out has programming and large database support 
experience and pointed out there are better tools out there, especially 
for when the data base grows fairly large. Something to do with the 
encapsulation of the data within the (one?) file.

I think Access may be one of those things Mac people want because it is 
not available rather than for what it specifically does, and of course 
having to deal with data stored in that format at times.

We have used a database report writing tool called Crystal Reports 
(Windows , not sure if there is a Mac 
equivalent) that is more intuitive and flexible than the Access interface.

I have a copy of 4D at home on my Mac and have got as far as the 
tutorial, long way to go for me yet, but I have things in this area I'd 
like to achieve.



Kelly Duffy wrote:


. Its a pity they don't make Access
for the Mac. ...snip...

Kind regards,
Kelly Duffy

Re: Macs vs PCs

2003-10-14 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey
I'll have to look for the cleartype option on a colleagues' beige box at 

It has a LCD screen and at either 800 x 600 or 1024 x 768 it was 
effectively unreadable for a period of time. Not sure what the native 
resolution is though.

Blurry, very blurry at 800 x 600 but because of the larger text size 
easier to read!

Every Mac LCD I've seen has been so far ahead of this.



Shay Telfer wrote:

Perhaps the latest on an old theme.




Amusingly, ClearType was very similar to a technology invented for the 
Apple ][ by Steve Wozniak and friends

Have fun,

Re: Handy or Harmful?

2003-07-19 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey


The collected e-mails are kept in a standard address book.

The system for collecting them has some controls in
preferences -> mail & newsgroups -> addressing
including wether or not to actually collect and the number to max out at.

It can be a very handy feature.

As far as malicious programmers go there are some scenarios I can think 
of but would expect the damage to be limited by/to the max number of 
addresses collected.


On Thursday, July 17, 2003, at 09:42 PM, Paul wrote:


Is anyone else using netscape7 for email, particularly it's
addressbook, weirded out by it *collecting* everyone's addresses?
Wouldnt that be a tempting target for malicious programmers?

Bye now

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Paul van der Mey

Interactive Knowledge
Fast and Easy web sites for your Company, Event or Organization.

Proscope - try out

2003-07-03 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey
Hi all

My wife is a Naturopath and Iridologist.

She wants to see a proscope in action to determine if it's suitable for 
use in Iridology, i.e. Iris diagnosis.

Does anyone have one we could see in action?
It will be used on a TiBook 550 in OSX.1.5 at this point.

Thank you


Paul and Caroline van der Mey

Caroline :

Flower Sense Spritzers
Flower Essence Therapy
Natural Fertility Management

Paul :

Rally Co-driver
Web site developer

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Quote from the book "Webmaster Career Starter"

2003-05-27 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey

From the book "Webmaster Career Starter" ISBN 0-576-85206-7

Chapter 3 "Directory of Training Programs"

Page 55 under the heading "Authorized Academic Training Program" (Part 
of the Microsoft Official Curriculum)

"These instructors guide you through intricate problem-solving exercises 
that mimic the toughest technical challenges of the real world - the 
kind that you will face on the job every day."

I laughed!

The wording sounded much like a Microsoft person could have written the 
couple of paragraphs. They also had a page at the end of the section 
from a person that was the Marketing Manager of the Microsoft Certified 
Professional Program at the time of writing.


Paul van der Mey

P.S. does not know how to spell Microsoft...

Interactive Knowledge
Fast and Easy web sites for your Company, Event or Organization.

Re: Newbie queries

2003-05-27 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey

Options for training on MacOSX. WAMUG do not run specific training 
1. Nearby WAMUGians. From time to time the call goes out for assistance 
with learning about the MacOS, if people know your area it's possible 
someone nearby may be able to assist you.
2. ITQ, Digilife, AppleCentre Mt Hawthorn have invested heavily in a 
state of the art training centre. I've attached their April newsletter 
containing some details. A quick phone call will likely get the response 
your after.
3. Attending WAMUG meetings with your questions
4. Buy a book. At the last WAMUG meeting members shared their thoughts 
on OSX books they found useful, does anyone want to contribute their 


Business Cards in AppleWorks 6
The wizard creates a database which is an appropriate way to achieve 
this goal. I use a database to print labels for products as it allows 
quite a lot of flexibility in presentation styles by selecting different 
Layouts and variety of labels on a page by choosing Records to be 
printed. Basic process:-

1. Set up a printer if not done already. Applications -> Utilities -> 
Print Centre and add a printer.

2. Open AppleWorks and create a database...
2a. Add appropriate fields eg, name, company, phone, address etc. 
This is a 'follow the prompts' system using Type the field name click 
Create repeat till all fields required are in place
2b. If you don't get it how you want first time go to Layout -> 
Define Fields and make changes. Best to make changes before you enter 
too much data if possible
2c. You can delete all but one card (or one card for each person), 
correct and duplicate as many as required. If you need to make changes 
to the field setup after entering data.

3. Go to File -> Page Setup and choose the options that match your 
paper / orientation etc.

4. Go to Format -> Rulers -> Ruler Settings... and set your units of 
measure. I occasionally swap between text and graphic rulers but mostly 
use text rulers. You'll see the difference when in Layout Mode.

5. Go to Format -> Document and set page margins to match your paper.

6. Go to Layout -> New Label Layout and follow the prompts to match your 
paper & business card size.

7. Go to Layout -> Layout. From here you can arrange the fields, fonts, 
styles placement, pictures, colours etc for the card.

8. Swap between Layout -> Layout and Layout -> Browse to see the results 
of your work.

9. When satisfied with the result duplicate your card(s) as required.

10. To see what will be printed choose Window -> Page View if it's not 
ticked already.

On Sunday, May 25, 2003, at 08:38 PM, John & Susan wrote:

> Just got an iMac G4 and trying to get my head around the OS & Apple
> Works having migrated from Windows 95.
> Two queries; 1. Does WAMUG have any courses for newbies?
> 2. How can I make business cards in Works 6
> without following the wizard, i.e change the font and print say 10 on a
> page?
> John Daniels
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Paul van der Mey

Interactive Knowledge
Fast and Easy web sites for your Company, Event or Organization.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[WTD] SCSI Ultrawide 68 pin internal connector for use with hard drives

2003-03-02 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey
I'm expanding my G4/500/AGPGraphics/OSX.1.5 on a budget.

I've picked up some Ultra Wide SCSI drives with 68 pin connections and I 
want to connect them internally.

Two options are:-

1. connect to my existing Adaptec 2930 SCSI card using a 50 -> 68 pin 
adapter (if this is possible).

2. picking up an acceptably priced PCI SCSI card and cable with 68 pin 

I'll also need some jumpers to set drive ID's.

Does anyone have items or advice I could use to achieve my goal?

Thank you




Check out the new Flower Sense  web site at

We have an A4 Colour Laser Printer, we can do your small print jobs at 
reasonable prices.

Paul and Caroline van der Mey

Caroline :

Flower Sense Spritzers
Flower Essence Therapy
Natural Fertility Management

Paul :

Rally Co-driver courses
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) selection consultant

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: iMovie to VCR

2002-10-09 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey
iMovie also has:-

Preferences->advanced->Video play through to camera

Hope it helps.


Paul Doyle wrote:

>Hi Adrian,
>If it is possible to change that dip to PAL your problem may disappear.
>Good luck
>Adrian Skehan wrote:
>>Its got me beat! I have been trying to upload an iMovie (v 2.1.2) to a
>>VCR using a Canopus ADVC-100.
>>I am unable to play the iMovie on the Computer and monitor it on the TV
>>when not recording
>>I will appreciate any suggestions.
>>Adrian Skehan



Check out the new Flower Sense  web site 

We have an A4 Colour Laser Printer, we can do your small print jobs at 
reasonable prices.

Paul and Caroline van der Mey

Caroline :

Flower Sense Spritzers
Flower Essence Therapy
Natural Fertility Management

Paul :

Rally Co-driver courses
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) selection consultant

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

For Sale - PC Card Ethernet adaptor - Quadra 605 (Free)

2002-10-06 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey
10Mbps Ethernet PCMCIA Card
Macsense MPC-10
As new with disks for Mac and PC

Purchased new in Feb 2001 for $190.

Offers up to $100 considered.
Quadra 605
Pizza box only (no keyboard or mouse)

By e-mail or Mob 0419 201 477


P.S. Also have binoculars or an SLR camera c/with extra telephoto lens 
available for sale.



Check out the new Flower Sense  web site 

We have an A4 Colour Laser Printer, we can do your small print jobs at 
reasonable prices.

Paul and Caroline van der Mey

Caroline :

Flower Sense Spritzers
Flower Essence Therapy
Natural Fertility Management

Paul :

Rally Co-driver courses
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) selection consultant

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

For Sale - Pinnacle Systems miroMOTION DC30

2002-09-16 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey
The miroMOTION DC30 is a system of hardware and software used to 
digitize, compress, process, and play back video clips in motion JPEG 
format for PowerMacs with a PCI bus.


a PCI board with:-
. composite input and output
. s-video input and output
. audio input and output

2 CD's with:-
. Adobe Premiere 4.2LE
. Adobe Premiere presets
. Kai's Power Goo
. Adobe Photoshop^(TM) LE 3.0.5
. DC30 1.1 drivers

Requires systems from 7.5.3 to 9 (not Classic in OSX)

Reasonable offers up to $600 considered.

Can demonstrate operation, currently installed in a G4/500(AGP)

Mob 0419 201 477



Check out the new Flower Sense  web site 

We have an A4 Colour Laser Printer, we can do your small print jobs at 
reasonable prices.

Paul and Caroline van der Mey

Caroline :

Flower Sense Spritzers
Flower Essence Therapy
Natural Fertility Management

Paul :

Rally Co-driver courses
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) selection consultant

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: Netscape 7.0

2002-09-08 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey

My copy of Netscape 7.0 asks if I want to open with Acrobat or save to 
disk when clicking a link to a .pdf file.

I notice under
Preferences > Navigator > Helper Applications
there is an option to reset the Helper Applications list so you will be 
asked what to do when downloading any file (i.e. save or download).

Alternatively you could select the .pdf file type from the list and set 
that to 'save to disk'.



Dr Jim Cummins wrote:

>Superficially it seems to be better and a bit faster than 6.2. 
>However, I find I'm still often reverting to 4.9 as it allows actual 
>download of .pdf files instead of just displaying them on screen 
>(maybe I just haven't figured out a way round that yet!)



Check out the new Flower Sense  web site 

We have an A4 Colour Laser Printer, we can do your small print jobs at 
reasonable prices.

Paul and Caroline van der Mey

Caroline :

Flower Sense Spritzers
Flower Essence Therapy
Natural Fertility Management

Paul :

Rally Co-driver courses
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) selection consultant

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: Apple Ads on radio...

2002-06-17 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey
I've heard comments from some of the announcers about their Macs at home 
- was when the Melissa virus etc were 'announced'. Generally they were 
thankful of owning a Mac at that time.



>On Wednesday, June 12, 2002, at 09:47 AM, Shay Telfer wrote:
>>Through the bleariness of sleep this morning I heard an Apple Ad
>>("You don't have to use a Windows PC...") on Mix 94.5 FM.
>>Have fun,
>>Shay (Really, I listen to jjj)
>Well, there you go...
>Actually, 94.5 have been airing Apple ads on a daily basis for at least 
>2 weeks now. Most of them are read by one of the announcers, but every 
>so often they play a more fully-produced recorded ad. The ads generally 
>extol the abilities of the Mac to work in a business environment, 
>emphasising the compatibility of MS Office and MYOB with their Wintel 


Check out the new Flower Sense  web site 

We have an A4 Colour Laser Printer, we can do your small print jobs at 
reasonable prices.

*Paul and Caroline van der Mey*

*Caroline :*

Flower Sense Spritzers
Flower Essence Therapy
Natural Fertility Management

*Paul :*

Rally Co-driver courses
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) selection consultant

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: Jaguar preview

2002-05-08 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey

Rod Lavington wrote:

On 7/5/02 12:07 PM, "Shay Telfer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

* Handwriting recognition (unless it brings back Newton like functionality)as 
major improvements.


I just think there could be many possibilities with Ink (as long as it



So who will be bundling :-

* OSX.2
* New Systems preloaded with OSX.2

with tablets?

And more importantly - Who wants one?



Check out the new Flower Sense  web site 

We have an A4 Colour Laser Printer, we can do your small print jobs at 
reasonable prices.

*Paul and Caroline van der Mey*

*Caroline :*

Flower Sense Spritzers
Flower Essence Therapy
Natural Fertility Management

*Paul :*

Rally Co-driver courses
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) selection consultant

Re: Palm 4

2002-03-30 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey

Angus & Sue & Jordan Russell (Phuket) wrote:


Following discussion about Palm 4 I went and downloaded it. I only use it as
a desktop app, since I don't use a Palm handheld

Having really liked the previous incarnation I will probably return to it
for one reason - P4 doesn't have the banner event option, or I have I missed
it somewhere. 

I use the program in the same way you do, ie nothing to sync with. The 
specific banner option has gone missing but the capability is still 
there. When creating an event I chose "no time" and "repeat every day" 
till the end of the desired banner length. Knew it must be able to do it 
because my old banners were showing, so I had a look at how they were 
set up. If you set a time in the day it will created the item repeated 
at that time each day - very unbanner like.

Also having put an alias in the start-up menu, all it does is
open Palm, not my actual files, again unlike the the previous edition. Again
maybe I am missing something?

It is different, maybe more usefull/usable because of the different 
memory management system maybe?

So far, I can't see that they have improved anything, all they have done is
renamed parts of it, and changed some icons.

Anyone else feel the same - or is there now going to be an inundation of e's
telling me all the finer points I have missed :-)

I wondered what had changed apart from the icons even used the same 
display theme!
What I'd like to see is the ability to allocate a picture to the printed 
calendar pages so I can have a personalised hard copy calendar that's 
interesting to look at!

Yes I checked it is Palm 4.0 & not the beta version.

As an aside, (I checked this in system profiler) is 431 applications, 253
extensions, and 57 control panels representative of an average system

Applications = 415
Extensions = 163
With OS10.1.3 and OS9.2.1


Share a second hard drive with OSX

2002-03-13 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey
Using a G4/500(AGP Graphics) with one internal IDE and one internal SCSI
hard drive connected via an Adaptec 2930 SCSI card, a local ethernet
connection via a hub to a TiBook G4/550.

The TiBook cannot see the SCSI drive over the network, can connect to
the IDE drive in the G4/500(AGP Graphics).

How can I fileshare the SCSI drive?

Both are running OSX 10.1.2 and OS9.2.1

Have attempted to connect from TiBook to SCSI drive using both OS's,
neither have been successful.

SCSI drive is
- formatted as Mac OS Standard (HFS)
- does not have a system folder (only 250MB, being used as a test)
- it does have a desktop folder left over from the old system it had
- has not been formatted in it's present location

Other drives are formatted as Mac OS Extended (HFS+).

The SCSI drive is available and mounted on the desktop of the G4/500(AGP
Graphics) as expected. Both Macs share a printer and can swap files and
share an internet connection all via ethernet, it's just the SCSI drive
that is out in the cold.

Any guidance appreciated, prefer to have it shared via OSX.

Had a look around the Apple site but have not yet seen anything to



NEW - Check out the new Flower Sense web site at

We have an A4 Colour Laser Printer, we can do your small print jobs at
reasonable prices.

Paul and Caroline van der Mey

Caroline :

Flower Sense Spritzers


Flower Essence Therapy

Natural Fertility Management


Paul :

Rally Co-driver courses

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) selection

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: Modem Dialling...

2002-03-13 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey

Ken Woods wrote:

> Hi guys and gals,
> I don't know if this has come up before, but on Saturday my iMac suddenly
> decided it has to have an internet connection before it will boot up!
> I have a special edition (700mhz) iMac running system 10.1.3 (9.2.2), and
> when I turn it on I get to the blue screen and then it wants to dial up,
> where I don't know.
> If I disconnect the telephone line it refuses to start.
> Once started if I tell it to disconnect, is does, but immediately
> reconnects.
> I have looked in all the places I can think to check setting but to no
> avail!
> Can anyone help, all suggestions welcome.
> Ken...

Have you by chance been attempting to share an internet connection using OSX
as the NAT server (Like with Brickhouse or IPNetShareX). I found when turning
on the 'Enable at start-up' feature and booting into OSX that the connection
wanted to be made during start-up and NO did not compute. I've turned the
'Enable at start-up' off and do it manually when required.

These programs are only a GUI for what can be done via the terminal - but the
terminal's out of my depth!




NEW - Check out the new Flower Sense web site at

We have an A4 Colour Laser Printer, we can do your small print jobs at
reasonable prices.

Paul and Caroline van der Mey

Caroline :

Flower Sense Spritzers


Flower Essence Therapy

Natural Fertility Management


Paul :

Rally Co-driver courses

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) selection consultant

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: rename utility?

2002-02-24 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey
Greg Hosking wrote:

> On 23/2/02 11:41 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote:
> > I know you've already expressed disinterest in using File Buddy, but
> > really, it does this job on its head.
> ya, looks like this is the go. Oh well, I'm sure if there *was* an
> alternative it would have been suggested... Thanks for the advice, wamuggers
> Greg

Utility Dog is an alternative for Classic/OS9 use.



NEW - Check out the new Flower Sense web site at

We have an A4 Colour Laser Printer, we can do your small print jobs at
reasonable prices.

Paul and Caroline van der Mey

Caroline :

Flower Sense Spritzers


Flower Essence Therapy

Natural Fertility Management


Paul :

Rally Co-driver courses

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) selection consultant

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[For Sale] PowerBook

2002-02-18 Thread Paul &amp; Caroline van der Mey
The following PowerBook is for sale and ready for immediate delivery.

This has been a very reliable unit, reason for sale is the replacement
TiBook has arrived.

PowerBook 1400cs/166MHz/56MB/1.3Gig/CD/Floppy - the last of the 1400
Includes :-
NetComm PC Card Modem
PC Card 10BaseT Ethernet adapter
SCSI Adapter - allows for SCSI Disk Mode
Carry Bag - as new, little use

Is in very good condition and comes with original packaging and
software, battery requires refurbishment or replacement and this is
factored into the asking price.

Genuine one owner and can view receipts if required.

Asking $1050.00 ono

Contact :-
Paul van der Mey
Mob 0419 201 477
Hm 9472 5885


NEW - Check out the new Flower Sense web site at

We have an A4 Colour Laser Printer, we can do your small print jobs at
reasonable prices.

Paul and Caroline van der Mey

Caroline :

Flower Sense Spritzers


Flower Essence Therapy

Natural Fertility Management


Paul :

Rally Co-driver courses

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) selection

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]