What was Goober drinking?

2007-08-31 Thread Fgfrankling
Hi ya'all,
I have a question. I was watching "A warning from Warren" this morning and  
noticed something I hadn't noticed before. ( I could be wrong, as usual :)  ) 
When Goober & Warren are in the diner, Goober orders, besides a peanut  
butter&tuna sammich, a chocolate shake. When Warren suddenly decides they  need 
leave, Goober grabs up his sammich & shake and follows Warren out  the door. 
When they arrive at Andy's door, Goober still has his Sammich&  a glass but the 
contents of the glass seems to have changed  from a chocolate shake to what 
looks like iced tea or coke. Do any of  you with a trained eye have any imput 
It always seemed odd to me too, that there  were so many customers eating 
in the diner at that time, and when Warren  & Goober show up at Andy's house, 
he is already in bed and asleep.
One of those mysteries I'll never get solved, I  suppose. LOL
Ya'all Have A Mayberry Day
Danna In Indiana

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Unseen characters

2007-08-23 Thread Fgfrankling
Have any of you trained noticers mentioned Aunt Bee's Butter & Egg  Man's 
wife as an unseen character?
Have A Mayberry Day
Danna In Indiana

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Mashed Pennies

2007-05-21 Thread Fgfrankling
Hey To All,
While on a trip to Chicago last fall, I  visited the American Girl Place 
with the ladies in our group, and Frank toured  the Museum Of Science & 
Industry with the guys. He got a mashed penny from  there. I also have one from 
Alamo in San Antonio Texas. I guess these aren't  "LUCKY"  though, since they 
weren't hit by lightning. I'll have to ask  Johnny Paul Jason about that. 
Since those selfish Giraffe's often get  hit by lightning, are they 
lucky? H, getting hit by lightning wouldn't make  a body feel too lucky, 
You All Have A Mayberry Day,
Danna In Indiana

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Tale Of Jack

2007-05-02 Thread Fgfrankling
Hey Guys,
Thanks to everyone who set me right about Andy's  story to Opie. I had 
been listening to it while I was walking on  my treadmill. I guess there was 
much noise from it and I wasn't hearing it  correctly. Frank listened to it 
as well and he also thought it said "to eat  my bones" I've never heard of the 
"pone thing" either. I've heard  of corn pone, I guess I have a big gap in my 
education, not growing up  in the south. LOL 
Thanks all, for clearing that up for me.
Have a Mayberry Day
Danna In Indiana

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"Entertaining Opie"

2007-04-30 Thread Fgfrankling
Hi All,
This may have been mentioned many times, but I just  saw it again this 
morning and thought I'd mention it anyway. In the episode  "Andy And The 
Gentleman Crook", When Andy was telling Opie the story of "Jack  The Giant 
he was quoting the Giant when he said, "Fee fie foe fum, I  smell the blood of 
an Englishman. Be he 'live, or be he dead, I'll grind his  bones to eat my 
bones!" Of course, that should have been, "I'll grind his bones  to make my 
bread." I don't know if he intended to  misquote there to  be funny, or if Andy 
a slip of the tongue? What do you think?
Have A Mayberry Day,
Danna In Indiana

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2007-04-12 Thread Fgfrankling
Hi all,
I'm starting at the beginning, with season #1 of my Mayberry DVD's, and  
working through. I've a little med. problem so I've had Dr.'s orders to  spend 
time each day on my treadmill. I walk for 30 min. So as not to make  it so 
boring, my darling person has mounted a 10 inch portable DVD player on top  of 
Nordic Track control panel. I now start all my days off in  Mayberry. Today I 
watched "Ellie Comes To Town." I recently noticed a  couple of things I hadn't 
noticed before. Maybe these have been previously  mentioned & it could be I'm 
wrong but I'll pass them by you trained noticers  any way. First, in "The 
Guitar Player" when Barney brings Jim Lindsey into the  courthouse when Bobby 
Fleet and his band are incarcerated, I thought I  noticed, at first one of 
sleeves rolled up and the other  one wasn't, and then in the same scene the one 
that wasn't rolled  had been rolled up one turn. ??? ( Too much time on my 
hands? =) 
Then in the episode "Ellie Comes To Town"   Ellie runs out of the Drugs 
Store calling for help when she finds Andy &  Aunt Bee have "broken into the 
store." Barney is in the squad car  parked next to a metal mail box. As he is 
scrambling out of the car, his  door is up against the mail box. As he is 
to squeeze through the narrow  opening, the mail box wobbles. Wouldn't a 
heavy mail box have been secured  tightly into the pavement? ( Again, too much 
time on my hands? )
You All Have A Mayberry Day
Danna In Indiana 

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Party Time

2007-04-02 Thread Fgfrankling
In thinking of Old Man Perkins and those slumped over teen-aged boys, I'm  
pretty certain I wouldn't be interested in having any of those boys as an EE,  
but what does Old Man Perkins look like? Might he be 
EE Party Material? Just wondering???
Yuall Have A Mayberry Day
Danna In Indiana

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2007-03-31 Thread Fgfrankling
Hey to Goobers,
I like this one, "You fall down a well, you're  wet!"
Also, I always get a giggle out of it when  watching Gomer and Barney 
when they are in charge of repairing the bandstand.  After reassuring Gomer, 
there are no spiders under the bandstand, Barney yells,  "Gomer, get down there 
with them spiders and get to work!" I also love watching  Barn as he then 
You All Have A Mayberry Day
Danna In Indiana

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Curious, Curious!

2007-02-17 Thread Fgfrankling
This is to trained noticers:
We were watching the episode, "Goober Goes To An  Auto Show" (I think is 
the title?) anyway, in the scene where Aunt Bee, Andy and  Opie are in the 
hotel, and Aunt Bee is standing behind a sofa, she is brushing a  coat or 
possibly a dress and an empty garment bag is draped over the  back of the sofa. 
Goober comes to their door and the camera turns to the  door. Only a moment 
when the camera refocuses on Aunt Bee, the  garment is no longer visible and 
she has the empty garment bag draped over  her arm. There doesn't seem to have 
been enough time for the garment to have  been put away in the nearby closet. 
Have any of you ever noticed this?
Also, "Weenie Man" We already knew you were  "tensed" we noticed your jaw 
muscles were popping out!
Well, You All Have A Mayberry Day,
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

A thousand appologies

2007-01-20 Thread Fgfrankling
Boy!  Did I say the wrong word?
Sorry Laura Lee if I didn't clearly state what I  meant. No harm meant. 
Gang, when I used the word "brutal" I wasn't  meaning to imply anyone said our 
favorite Dad was such. I meant to  say I didn't think him to be overly harsh, 
which is the word I  should have used. I didn't feel him to be acting 
unusually stern for a Dad and  head of the house. But, I do see where the 
writers were 
at times portraying  Andy's character a little more strongly than in most 
earlier episodes. You all  have apparently analyzed these episodes a little 
carefully than I.  After I read one or more of your opinions on a particular 
subject, I then see  things I have missed. 
"Go out there and act like somebody!"
Have A Mayberry Day
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

I'm So Sorry I broke Your Heart Mother

2007-01-19 Thread Fgfrankling
Hey Gang,
I stand corrected. The song in question was NOT the one sang in "Meet Me In  
St. Louis" as I thought. So keep on searching, to see if it is an actual song. 
 Margaret O'Brien didn't break her mother's heart, she was singing an apology 
to  her mother for "getting drunk!" (she didn't really get drunk, only in the 
 song.LOL) I guess there is a connection of some sort to Mayberry though  
You All Have A Mayberry Day
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy Angry?

2007-01-18 Thread Fgfrankling
I'll "just jump in where I can on this one, and hang on!"
I may be just standing up for one of my favorite Dads, but I didn't notice  
Andy was that much out of line where his patients with family and friends were  
concerned. As little Opie got older he was needing correction and general  
"reeling-in" on many occasions. I never felt he was being brutal.  In those  
days as head of the house, a man tended to exert a little more authority than 
today's world. He took his leadership role more seriously, and if that meant  
raising his voice a little, then so be it . He felt it was his duty. Just 
my  take on it.
On another subject, Didn't young Margaret O'Brien  sing "I'm Sorry I 
Broke Your Heart Mother" In the classic film, "Meet Me In St.  Louis"? I'm 
sure she did, but I can't recall much of the lyrics to it.  Boy! she was a 
little "spook in that film!" I always get a kick out of  watching her in it. We 
have the old VHS of it and it is in black&white. I  don't know if it's been 
You All Have A Mayberry Day!
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

"Front Porches"......Outstanding!

2007-01-08 Thread Fgfrankling
Hey To Goobers!
Well, when I was a kid, my family didn't  have a front porch. I did 
however have a good friend who had a quite nice  front porch. Since I spent 
all my waking hours at her house, I was able  to take full advantage of their 
front porch. That porch had two  large swings on it. I was the kind of kid who 
got motion sickness just  turning around to answer the door, so I had to have 
loved being there even  though I'd have to endure the inevitable nausea I'd 
likely be  experiencing. (I did) =) 
We girls each took one of those big swings and  whiled away a lot of time 
there, swapping stories and at times just singing  our hearts out. I can 
still see us, in my mind's eye, lounging in those swings  with one foot hung 
on to the porch to propel our motion. We didn't have a  care in the world at 
those times, or at least we didn't invite those cares to  our "Front Porch 
It was on that porch, we planned our day's  activities, discussed who was 
sweet on whom, who we'd like to date... (if we  could get him to notice us), 
what we wanted to be when we grew up, how mean our  siblings were to us, 
wondered out loud if our Moms would allow us to go here or  there and such 
as which kids or teachers at school were currently  giving us grief. 
We covered a lot of ground while lying on our backs  on those swings, 
across from one another, both of us giving friendly, emotional  support to the 
other. It gives me "Smiles & Goose Bumps" just by  recalling those happy 
carefree days, lounging on that front porch across  from my bosom friend we 
kindred spirits. In those days, time  seemed to stand still while we just 
enjoyed each other's company!
Would I trade those days for anything else you  could conger up? You be 
the judge =)
You'all Have A Mayberry Day!
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

What Charlene Said

2006-11-27 Thread Fgfrankling
Hey Val,
It's been a while since I've watched that particular episode but if memory  
serves me correctly, she said something to the effect, "you sure been well  
preserved!"  I am no doubt paraphrasing, but it went something like that. I  
loved it when little Charlene chased after and flirted with Andy. Who else 
have pulled those scenes off like "our little Maggie?"
Ya'll Have A Mayberry Day,
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Monopoly Property

2006-11-08 Thread Fgfrankling
Hi all,
In regard to Mayberry, monopoly property names. I can think of one that  most 
certainly should be used. How about landing on "The Duck Pond" ? 
You'all Have A Mayberry Day!
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Church Hymns

2006-11-04 Thread Fgfrankling
Hi To All !
The talk about "Bringing In The Cheese" brought up a memory of mine along  
the same line.
When I was a young girl, there was a boy in our church, a couple of years  
younger than I, who usually sat in the pew ahead of me. He was always "cutting  
up," and every time we sang" I Have Decided To Follow Jesus" this boy would 
sing  out in an extra loud voice, "I've apple cidered to follow Jesus." He'd 
always  look back at me and get me to laughing. To this day I can't sing that 
song  without laughing. When our song director announces for us to turn in our  
hymnbooks to that song, my husband usually grins at me and I'll start  laughing 
before the music begins. Isn't it odd how after fifty some odd years  
something like this can still tickle one's funny-bone? "Wonder what causes  
You All Have A Mayberry Day,
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy's address

2006-10-07 Thread Fgfrankling
Hey to you'all
If''n I weren't so lazy I'd look it up, but on the  subject of the 
Taylor's address, What was the number little Opie was burning  onto the front 
their house??? If you burn it on, then nobody can steal your  house number!!! 
You'all Have a Mayberry Day!
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-10-01 Thread Fgfrankling
Hey Joe !
Good idea about keeping Mr. Swamp's identity a  secret. when 
someone finds out who he is. mums the word.  tic-a-lock "we ain't 
gonna tell you" LOL
You'all Have A Mayberry Day !
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Fun week-end

2006-09-20 Thread Fgfrankling
Hey all you'uns,
I'm more than a little envious of the ones of you who will soon be heading  
to Mayberry Days!
We haven't been able to go for a few years now and this year, sadly, we  will 
miss it as well.
Enjoy the festivities and safe motoring to all who get to go. Hope we can  
make it ourselves next year. Eat a pork chop "samich" for us!
 "Carbolic Acid" ( "that's goodbye in any language" ) Only till you  return.
You'all Have A Mayberry Day,
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Hunting For The Mayberry Cafe

2006-09-08 Thread Fgfrankling
Hey Joshua,
I assume you are speaking of the Mayberry Cafe in Danville Indiana. It is  on 
the North side of the square, right on the corner. There is almost always a  
Mayberry squad car parked directly in front of the cafe. In my mind it is THE  
FOCAL point of the downtown area! LOL
If you go, don't forget to leave that little waitress a quarter tip,  "Bless 
her heart she can use the money!"
You'all Have A Mayberry Day
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

School Days

2006-09-07 Thread Fgfrankling
Ditto Ken,
I too walked to and from school most all of my  school days. Third 
through fifth grade I just walked down an alleyway and  crossed one street. We 
moved a couple of streets over so it was a little  farther but still a rather 
pleasant short walk.. except in freezing  weather when I hastened my pace 
a little. 
A few years later we moved to the big city of Indianapolis and I had  to be 
driven to school. My world was almost turned upside down by the shock of  all 
that went with that move.
Times change and as you said, not always for the better. I'll forever hold  
those days of my small home town in my memory as "the best of times!"
I enjoyed your posting, it took me back to the sweet and simple  days!
You'all Have A Mayberry Day
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Where we dined

2006-09-06 Thread Fgfrankling
Brenda Jo,
Boy I wish it had been the Mayberry Cafe where we "partook" of our  vittles. 
It would have been fun to whistle that tune there! We ate in Brownsburg  this 
Then too, if we'd gone to that place out on the highway, we could have  done 
a little dancing. 
Course we're no good at "doing the dip" but then "the old salt and pepper"  
was away at the cleaners any how. LOL
Have A Mayberry Day
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Family Pictures

2006-09-04 Thread Fgfrankling
I thought I'd pass this little happening along. I thought it was kinda'  
We have relatives visiting here in Indiana from New Mexico.
About thirty of us got together in a restaurant for vittles and  visiting. We 
had a nice room all to ourselves and when we'd finished our meal,  my darling 
person scrunched us all together for "family photos." We stood  together 
waiting with goofy grins frozen on our faces while the appointed camera  person 
snapped two shots each with maybe eight or ten different  cameras. That being 
finally done, someone said, "hold it a minute, we've  got a video camera too."
Sooo, we stood still while that camera was aimed at us as well. 
The camera person said, "don't just stand there,  this is a movie camera; 
do something or say something!" Still, nobody moved and  you could have heard 
a pin drop as the movie camera scanned our silent group.  Finally I could 
stand it no more, I puckered up and whistled the Mayberry  tune!
That broke the ice!
You'all have a Mayberry Day!
Danna In  Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Sittin' Pretty

2006-09-02 Thread Fgfrankling
I'm not Glen Fordin' it all over town but I'm feelin' about as spry.. I  
got my TAGS season 
# 7 yesterday and I'm about to sit back and enjoy! GOD !
You'all Have A Mayberry Day,
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Birthday

2006-08-30 Thread Fgfrankling
Hey Jessica,
It don't get no better than thatunless... uh.. you didn't say but did  
you guys happen to locate "The Duck Pond" too? Anyway, what a god birthday  
celebration. You had better hang on to that guy, he knows how to treat a  girl!
Have A Mayberry Day,
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Moment

2006-08-24 Thread Fgfrankling
Hello Friends,
In our hometown paper today, there was an article about a couple fleeing  the 
law. It was a man and wife who had been involved in some kind of  
"malfeasance."  The write-up stated, "They were being pursued by  police and 
were going 
over 90 mph on a gravel road.That's fast on  gravel!"  
 It brought to mind when Gomer told  about that "souped-up boat" and how fast 
it could go. He  said,"That's fast on water!"
You'all Have A Mayberry Day!
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Sighting

2006-08-09 Thread Fgfrankling
Hey to you and yer's
I recently had another Mayberry sighting. We just purchased the first  season 
of the old "Hazel" sitcom. It has three disk and on the very first one  Hazel 
was in the bowling alley. Who do you think was in charge of the  announcing? 
"OTIS!" He was clean shaven and sober as a judge! 
You'all Have A Mayberry Day!
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Ellie sighting

2006-08-03 Thread Fgfrankling
Hey To You & Your's
I was watching, I think, TCM channel the other day.  I can't think of the 
name of the movie, but it was staring, child actress,  Margaret O' Brian. Lo 
and behold, in one of the scenes was "our Miss Ellie!" I  hadn't thought of 
her as being of the same age as Margaret O' Brian but they  both looked to be 
about eight years old. Eleanor  was a beautiful  child too. 
 An adult Angela Langsberry was also in it. It was a treat to see Miss  Ellie 
at such a young age.
You All Have A Mayberry Day
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Why'd He Do It?

2006-07-18 Thread Fgfrankling
Well. I just discussed Opie's job situation with my darling person and  
he had a different slant on it. He thinks the writers were working on the issue 
 of Andy being too puffed up about his boy. He called it "Andy's Pride"! I 
can  see that. The writers did make Andy out to be a little too prideful there 
for  just a little while. The way they wrote it later on put things to  right. 
Now on that subject It never hurts to take pride in your youngun...  just 
don't be "prideful" Does that make sense? It'd be hard not to be prideful  
with a boy like Opie!!!
Y'all Have A Mayberry Day!
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-07-18 Thread Fgfrankling
It's my thinking Opie decided to get fired from the job both to make the  
other boy feel like he had earned it and also because Opie had been picked over 
the other boy. If Opie did something to put himself in a lesser light, then 
the  other boy could shine, so to speak. He was being "A Prince Of A Fellow!"
Y'all Have A Mayberry Day!
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Doors and walls

2006-07-12 Thread Fgfrankling
Through this discussion of doors and such, I was reminded of the time  Barney 
was locked in the bank vault. I think in freeing himself he broke  through 
the bank's wall and into the beauty shop... right?  And  without an appointment 
mind you !
You'all Have A Mayberry Day !
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

(no subject)

2006-06-28 Thread Fgfrankling
Hey You'all,
Before I get into my main post, I do want to say "I'm just as  sorry as I can 
be" for straying and breaking rule #2. My point, I suppose, was  despite 
personal disappointments ( which no one on the digest needs to know of)  I 
still see what a really great guy Otis was and how good a job Hal did of  
playing the part! He was one of the best!!! 
  That said,  I'm a big AGS fan but I do think my  brother surpasses me in 
that though he is 58 years young he still fanaticizes  Andy is his Dad.His wife 
has asked him, "well then, are you Opie"?
To that he looks at her as if she isn't terribly  bright and says  "No!" So 
she ask's, "Then is Opie your brother"? He says "Of course  not, Opie doesn't 
have a brother!" HMMM I can't figure that one out, can  any of you? LOL
As to the subject of  real life not being like  Mayberry. It's true, it 
isn't but it really should be and it is  possible for life to be more like 
Mayberry than it is. It's our own  fault we've strayed... sort of taken on 
many characteristics of  Giraffe's!! "Walking around, just lookin' out for 
number one, gettin' hit by  lightning"! 
You'all Have A Mayberry Day !
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Good Old Icream

2006-06-26 Thread Fgfrankling
Well Dan!
I can't believe it, You are possibly the only other person I've heard of  who 
doesn't care for home made ice cream. I was beginning to think I'm  
Un-American or something. Everyone just raves about their's and when I'm  
offered a 
dish of that slushy stuff I try to be polite and say "No thank you but  I'm 
accosted from every direction and "forced" to say "I don't like  homemade ice 
cream." This always brings on the same reaction. Someone always  makes the 
claim, theirs is nothing like the ones I've tried, theirs is as good  and 
than "store bought"... They look at me as if I were "A Bird In  This World"
"No coffee, tea or home made ice cream thank you" !
You'All Have A Mayberry Day,
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Dito !!!

2006-06-26 Thread Fgfrankling
Hey Guys, not to be critical at all, but folks who have been through it  
albeit survived, know first hand, drunkenness isn't funny! I too lived through 
sad life with a father with that problem. I'm not sure if I will ever get over 
 it's effect. That being said, I absolutely adored Otis for who he was 
inside.  Otis had a great since of humor and a kind heart that did show through 
most  every scene he was in. It is so sad that in real life as well as  the 
AGS, people allow themselves to succumb to these types things and in so  doing, 
so many lives are effected. I know it is a fact, every town does have at  least 
one individual who could qualify as "The Town Drunk" that made Mayberry  seem 
even more real to us too bad it was written  to be considered  funny. 
Having said all that I will always love Otis!
You All Have A Mayberry Day!
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Moment

2006-06-22 Thread Fgfrankling
Hi You'all
I just want to share another Mayberry moment. Frank  and I went in to 
town today to visit his Uncle and Aunt. Their daughter from  Texas is visiting 
here in Indiana and we wanted to get in some  visiting time with her. While we 
were en rout to their place the sky got really  dark and it started to rain, 
buckets full ! I mean it was a gully washer ! I  told Frank I wasn't getting 
of the car and walking in to his Uncle's house  in that downpour. I said we'd 
have to find something else to do till the rain  slacked up. In a little 
while I noticed we weren't on the right street, in  fact I didn't even 
the area we were driving in. I asked Frank, "Where  are you going"? His answer? 
"I'm looking for the Duck Pond !"  We never  did find it. I'm not 
sure there is one in that "One Horse Town"! LOL
You'all Have A Mayberry Day
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Going Home

2006-06-21 Thread Fgfrankling
Hi You'all,
Hey Ken, don't stop sending these kind of post. It's wonderful to hear  
things of this nature. Just about the time I get to thinking, there's no one  
who is led by there heart, I'm pleasantly proven wrong. What a truly sweet  
thing to do, "mixing up" the soil as you did. You may have mentioned but I 
 recall, is your mother still living? If so, I'm sure she would've said 
"You're a  good son Ken!"
I'd like to go home again too. My little  home town is still a small 
Mayberryish town. I know, in reality, one  can rarely go home again but it is 
to think about it. I've often said, I'd  like to go back home, buy the 
property our old rented house sat on,  build a nice modern house there and just 
out my retirement years being  comfortable but able to for the rest of my life 
to roam my much loved streets.  I've written a poem about those streets and 
how I loved them.
I agree with Aunt Bee of Orlando about Randy Davis'  post about his teens 
watching TAGS!
"More Power To Ya" kids!!! Keep on lovin' Mayberry!
Hey Doug, I was thinking about what you said about the color in the season  
#6 disks. I do recall remarking that the colors seemed brighter too. As to the  
color green, several years back the the folks were painting  almost 
everything green. (well, maybe not their kids LOL) Green was a  favorite back 
then. I 
don't know if that's the reason for using more green  in those episodes or if 
it is because green tends to be a soothing  color. If the intention was to 
sooth us while watching TAGS, "I Appreciate it"  but I'm already soothed just 
watching TAGS whether color or  black&whites! 
You 'all Have A Mayberry Day!
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

"Hound Sound" ?

2006-06-12 Thread Fgfrankling
I have noticed that some of the younger folk tend to relate our older songs  
with cartoon shows. That's no doubt still another sign they are younger than 
I.  I'm no doubt old enough to have possibly shaken hands with the authors of 
said  melodies. LOL
TAGS incorporated many of the oldies into the various episodes and that  
tends to make them even more special to me.
We've watched all of our season # 6 episodes and I now feel sorta like I  did 
when I was a kid and I had eaten all of my candy too quickly. I would then  
wish I had eaten it more slowly so I'd still have some to enjoy. (of course we  
can run those TAGS episodes again&again)
Can't wait till season # 7 comes out!
You'all Have A Mayberry Day
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-06-09 Thread Fgfrankling
Thanks for the reminder. Sometimes we get caught up  in the "trivial 
trivialities" of it all and tend to go off on our own  selfish paths (as if we 
giraffes or something)LOL
"It may take a while, but you'll learn us!" TEE  HEE
Have A Mayberry Day
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry moment

2006-05-23 Thread Fgfrankling
Hey fellow Mayberrians,
We took our granddaughter to lunch this past Sunday. She is a sophomore in  
high school. 
She told us in one of her classes they had a quiz and at the end of it  there 
were several questions tacked on for extra credit. They were all related  to 
"The Andy Griffith Show"
She was the only one in the class to get all of the AGS questions correct!  I 
was so proud of her I felt like crying! LOL 
I also felt an immediate respect for this teacher whom I had never  met! 
You-all Have A Mayberry Day !
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 138

2006-05-06 Thread Fgfrankling
Hey fellow Maybarrians,
   I was watching TV Land last night and they were airing the  episode 
"Good-Bye Dolly"
I'm not necessarily a trained noticer as are some of the rest of you but I  
did notice when the milkman brought in the Taylor's milk, he put two  bottles 
of milk in the fridge and left without taking any empty bottles  with him. We 
were even able to view the outdoor scene and he didn't pick up any  empty 
bottles out there either. When we had milk delivery back in the fifties  our 
milkman took our empty bottles after leaving the full ones. Course, we  didn't 
our milk put in the fridge by our milkman. I guess that was a perk  one could 
only expect if one lived in Mayberry!
You all Have A Mayberry Day!
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-04-03 Thread Fgfrankling
In regard to Barney's quickly turning to another girl after learning of  
Thelma Lou's marriage, I really feel that after showing how excited he would  
to see her again and then seeming so disappointed when he thought she  wouldn't 
be there, he had shown how much he still cared for her. It was  embarrassing 
to him that she had not only married someone else but was  apparently happy. 
It was a shock and it hurt... so when Nettie gave him  attention, it was his 
chance to save face and more or less tell anyone  watching... "hey, Ole Barn is 
doing just fine, he's still attractive to  women!"  "The Tears Of A clown" 
fits the occasion very well!
That is my take on it anyway.
Yuall Have A Mayberry Day!
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 104

2006-04-02 Thread Fgfrankling
Hey Ken,
When you say for us to go back to inhaling in front of an electric fan to  
cure the hiccups... do you mean right up close to the fan or should we back  
a ways  I mean if our instruction was to stand up real close we might  
get our hair or possibly our nose or tongue caught... I know you wouldn't  
want that to happen... LOL  
(Sorry, I couldn't resist that! Don't you just hate it when we are  
Have A Mayberry Day,
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

More News About Barney

2006-03-27 Thread Fgfrankling
Hi You'all'
In a recent post, I mentioned "The Indianapolis Star" running a political  
cartoon of "Barney" Don Knotts. Our local paper, "The Lebanon Reporter" ran a  
cute one today. It is a cartoon strip called, "The Grizwalds"  The main  
character is a huge bear. He is shown watching TV and laughing hysterically and 
then saying to his friend who is ,I think a porcupine, "That Barney Fife still  
cracks me up." The porcupine says, "Every Time!"
 Don't you just love seeing our Mayberry family popping up in  unexpected 
You All Have A Mayberry Day!
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 95

2006-03-24 Thread Fgfrankling
Well I guess I'll jump in here and "hang on!"'The subject of Barney's  
cavorting is too irresistible not to comment on. LOL Though we actually  don't 
I choose to think, Thelma Lou didn't know of Juanita and Barney's  
interludes. Putting myself in Thelma Lou's place, I certainly wouldn't wink at  
sort of behavior out of "My Guy" whether I had a ring, bracelet,  promise, or 
whatever. Thelma Lou and Barney had been "a couple" for quite some  time. Gomer 
said "Thelmer Lou & Barney, Barney & Thelmer Lou"!  I for one think he was 
cheating. but as for the reasoning We  do know Barney was very 
in so many areas and he sometimes called  Juanita to get even with Thelma Lou 
after the two of them had had a spat.  Other times he called her very possibly 
when he and Thelma Lou  weren't seeing each other as often. He did have that 
right since they  had no commitment. No doubt about it though  He was 
playing  a LITTLE STINKER GAME and Barney lost that little  game!!  There is a 
lesson thereNo?
All in all, you had to love Barney and we all do. As for the writers trying  
to make it seem humorous when Barney acted in such a way, though it really  
wasn't humorous, we laughed as we sometimes laugh, out of our children's 
 ,when they do some of the dumb things children do. We knew Barney was 
heading up  a fool's hill and we just sat and watched for his fall. YA GOTTA 
HIM  !
Yu'all Have A Mayberry Day!
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 92

2006-03-21 Thread Fgfrankling
Hi Yu'all,
In reading a recent post regarding Barney's being "fickle"... As Barn once  
said himself, (Paraphrased)  his and Andy's main fault was that they were  so 
attractive to women.LOL
About Gomer's knowledge about cars.. As Floyd might have said... you don't  
work there for that long without learning something about cars!
Someone recently mentioned seeing an artist's portrayal of our Barney  saying 
for Iran to "Nip It"... My daughter recently gave me a similar one. It is  a 
political cartoon. A caricature of Barney in full uniform, thumbs in his belt, 
 looking bug-eyed and saying, "I Want Iran To Nip It In The Bud. It looks as 
if  Barn got a promotion, on his hat and badge are the letters UN. This  was 
in The Indianapolis Star newspaper. The artist is a teacher at one of our  
local Christian Schools. His cartoons are used on a regular basis in this  
You'all Have A Mayberry Day,
Danna IN Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 87

2006-03-17 Thread Fgfrankling
To the family of Jeff Krents,
Frank & I would like to join others on "The Digest"  in sending  our prayers 
and deep sympathy to Jeff's family. He will be missed so much by all  of us. 
We don't recall meeting him but did enjoy his postings to the Digest. In  your 
sadness know that others care and pray that you will be comforted.
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 81

2006-03-11 Thread Fgfrankling
Just wondering, in regard to Barney's middle name. Someone mentioned it  
being Bernard P. Fife and Barney referring to his middle name as being  
Could it be the "P" is silent ??? Ptibbs ??? (just kidding! As  if we didn't 
have enough confusion on the subject!)
You All Have A Mayberry Day!
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 67

2006-02-28 Thread Fgfrankling
Hi, fellow "Barney Fans"
I have been reading the many notes written to the Digest as well as other  
places on the net, in remembrance of Don Knotts. They have all been  extremely 
complementary and so true. What a legacy for any one man to  leave behind 
as he departs this earth! 
I had one thing to add. (I did mention this when signing the guest book)  
When Frank& I were bringing our son and his fiance back from Bob Jones  
university several years ago, we decided to visit the Biltmore House. While on  
lower level of the house (in the pantry I believe) I looked out the window  and 
on to a sort of patio. There, to my surprise, was Don Knotts and Tim Conway.  
They were filming the movie, "The Private Eyes" We were all so thrilled to have 
 gotten that close to two of our favorite actors even though there was NO WAY 
any  one was going to get close enough to them to meet or speak to them. 
The thing that puzzles me at this time is, in all that I've been reading in  
the last few days, I haven't seen any mention of this movie in regard to Don. 
I  have heard some say it didn't do well at the box office but still it was 
one of  his credits. My family, by the way, loved it !
Our little granddaughter does cover her eyes when the "Wukalar" (not sure  of 
that spelling) comes on the scene. LOL Just wondering?
Also I was remembering, around the time "The Ghost And Mr. Chicken" came  
out, our daughter was about to marry Gary, an up to that time confirmed  
bachelor. Truly, no one ever expected Gary would ever get married. You may have 
gotten ahead of me here, at the time when the groom kisses the bride, someone  
yelled "Atta Boy Gary!" (As in "Atta Boy Luther!")
This was all being filmed. The bride and groom have always gotten a kick  out 
of watching it over again. 
What a lot of really good works Don Knotts left us to enjoy !!!
You All Have A Mayberry Day!
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Hearts&Flowers To Don!

2006-02-27 Thread Fgfrankling
We morn the loss but cherish the memory of our dear "Barney Fife"
How thankful we are to have so many episodes of The Andy Griffith 
Show to help keep him alive in our hearts and minds.
You all have a Mayberry Day!
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 56

2006-02-21 Thread Fgfrankling
In recalling "Nicks" can we count "Bernie" as in "Oh Bernie, you're a  
We haven't finished "devouring" season #5 and already we're anxious for #6  
to hit the stores! What a treasure these are! Thanks Jim and whomever  else, 
for helping to make this all possible!   
Have A Mayberry Day!
Danna In Indiana 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 47

2006-02-12 Thread Fgfrankling
I think one of my most favorite lines in any of the TAGS episodes would  have 
to be when Barney and Gomer were in charge of "Fixing Up" the bandstand.  
Every time I hear Barney say, "Gomer! Get down there with them spiders and get  
to work!" I crack up laughing! He had just told Gomer, there were no spiders  
down there. LOL
I also love the lines, Giraffes are selfish and CALL THE MAN !
There are so many it's hard to name them all. I use one or the other of  them 
on a regular basis and do often times get some blank and questioning looks  
from Non- Maberryists. 
You All Have A Mayberry Day,
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 41

2006-02-06 Thread Fgfrankling
This talk about people slitting their shoes brought back a memory to me. My  
Dad had  crippling arthritis. His hands were both permanently curled into  
fists and his toes were twisted and curled too. He always went to a health shoe 
store to buy his shoes. After he got his new shoes home he'd go to work 
cutting  slits in them. This always amused me for two reasonsONE... he 
ill afford the prices that store charged.and "B"... why didn't he  go 
"somewheres else" where the shoes were cheaper if he was just going to  cut 
them up 
anyway He always did it and then took the answer to the puzzle  to his 
grave with him"Bless His Heart" I know he cut the shoes so they  wouldn't 
his feet wrong but the part about buying expensive shoes to cut up  was and 
is still a mystery to me.
 I'm going to leave the whys and wherefores of a few things  I do, unanswered 
too and take the answer to my grave, just so my  grown kids will have a few 
mysteries to solve about me too. I do think  I leave them puzzled on a fairly 
regular basis. If I told them I was  thinking of signing up for a trip into 
outer space, they'd most likely say  "you're already there!" LOL
Yuall Have A Mayberry Day
Danna IN Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 33

2006-01-30 Thread Fgfrankling
Hey to Goobers!
Hope you don't mind a lengthy post this time I wrote this and thought  
I'd pass it along.
"I'd Choose Mayberry"
If I could choose who'd stand by me
As sheriff, Paw or friend,
Andy'd be my pick of all,
"Blood Brothers" to the end!
You'd seldom see sheriff Taylor
With a gun, for I suspect,
Instead of filling you with fear,
He as soon have your respect!
Now if I chose another one
To help protect my life,
This other one could only be
Our own dear "Fearless Fife!"
Barney and his trusty gun
Would never be apart.
The bullet in his pocket,
Is right next to his heart!
If I could choose a playmate
Who'd be closer than a brother,
I'd want him to be Opie
Could I choose any other?
The two of us might skip some stones
At "the old fishing hole"
Or some such thing like kids might do,
To just enrich their souls!
But if I were to try to choose
An Aunt who'd care for me,
One who'd hug and hold me close,
It'd have to be Aunt Bee!
Oh, what delicious meals we'd have.
For milk she'd give me nickels;
But I'd be searching where to hide,
In case she might make pickles!
And if a town must have a "drunk"
Yes one whom all would notice,
The fellow I would likely choose 
Is former lawman Otis!
I'd also vote him singing star,
"Dipsy Doodle" or "Sweet Adeline"
But if I caught him riding a cow,
For that, he'd be slapped with a fine!
If I were to choose a barber
Who can cut sideburns just right,
Floyd is your man, if any one can,
His magazines are quite out of sight!
If I were to choose my Ideal Town,
A "Friendly One," if you please,
It'd be I know, where the livin' is slow
Where I'd live and grow with ease!
In my chosen town, with folk so dear
It'd be such a sanctuary,
Where else could it be, it's so plain to see,
I'd be livin' in sweet Mayberry!
   By Danna Gordon
You All Have A Mayberry Day!
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 21

2006-01-18 Thread Fgfrankling
I have already submitted my funniest episodes (well, actually my two  
funniest) but if we were to submit our funniest scene, I always vote for the 
where Barney & Gomer are to repair the band stand to get it ready for a band  
concert. I can't watch thatun without cracking up!
Barney tends to be a better delegator than a nose- to- the- grindstone  
worker. But then, why would he want to "get down there with them spiders and 
to work" when he could order Gomer to do it? I love it when he delivers that  
line and then turns to swagger off toward the squad car! 
Yuall Have A Mayberry Day
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 18

2006-01-17 Thread Fgfrankling
Hey To Fellow Mayberrians,
I would have trouble selecting one episode as "The Funniest" but if you  
asked me which episode first came to mind, It was "Dogs, Dogs, Dogs"! Their are 
soo many funny ones though. I suppose "Convicts At Large" might come in a  
close second for me. Floyd was a scream in that one! "If those hamburgers are  
burned, don't blame me!"
Yuall have a Mayberry Day!
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 16

2006-01-15 Thread Fgfrankling
To: Aunt Bee Of Orlando!
Good luck on your up coming surgery. Praying that you have a successful and  
speedy recovery!
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

"My Hometown"

2006-01-12 Thread Fgfrankling
I would like to make a comment on Kenneth Anderson's moving account of  his 
life in still another "Mayberry USA" I very much enjoyed not only the tale  
itself but the style of the telling! We most surely are "Kindred Spirits" 
I'm not a guy, and haven't many personal experiences in barber shops ( But 
have  in fact had a couple), I would parallel my life to Kenneth's up to and 
including  the "Dad" part.  But I too had the good fortune of living at least a 
portion of my childhood in such a small town. I've mentioned it before on the  
Digest but wanted to applaud Kenneth's note** I've lived in  
Mayberry(Danville Indiana) as well as other cities, Mayberry is THE  BEST!!!
Yu'all Have A Mayberry Day!
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list