Re: Alumni Sighting

2019-12-20 Thread pdking77
"I know I posted about Perry Mason just yesterday, but this was too good to let 
go by.  On this morning's (Thursday) MeTV Perry Mason, the title was "The Case 
of The Shoplifter's Shoe".    It was about an elderly woman who was a 
shoplifter.    I'll give to one guess who played the shoplifter.    You are 
correct, it was Lurene Tuttle, the same woman who was a shoplifter on TAGS just 
a year after this Perry Mason episode.    Talk about typecasting."

Did she clank?  Little old ladies ought never to clank.

A li'l bit o'Mayberrry in Jane Lew, WV

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Emotional Episodes

2019-10-16 Thread pdking77
"But you do believe in Mr. McBeevee?""No, no, no. I DO believe in Opie."
If that doesn't leave a lump in your throat, you've never been a parent!
A li'l bit o' Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV
WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: My top 5 TAGS moments that get to me

2019-10-12 Thread pdking77
Matthew,I agree with your list, but I'd add a 1a: From "The Cow Thief" when 
Barney brings up another crazy idea that another Mayberry mayor had, Andy 
hiring him as his deputy.  Somehow, that just brings home the deep friendship 
and loyalty between the two. I always get a catch in my throat when I watch 
that scene!
A li'l bit o' Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV
WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting - Quadruple Play

2019-04-20 Thread pdking77
I was watching the 'Maverick' episode "The Maverick Line" on MeTV and, lo and 
behold, four folks from Mayberrry.Will Wright ("Ben Weaver"), Peggy McCay 
("Sharon DeSpain"), Chubby Johnson ("Mr. Carter") and Buddy Ebsen (the hobo 
"David Brown").  
Seeing that many at one time is a new high score for me.

PaulA li'l bit o' Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV

Because they're Wakefields!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Gomer and Sgt Carter

2019-02-10 Thread pdking77
Sgt Carter probably couldn't give Gomer 16 weeks of KP.  That wouldn't give 
much time for training!  I believe boot camp was 8 weeks and specialized 
training for another 8 weeks.

PaulA little bit of "Mayberry" in Jane Lew, WV

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: The Ghost and Mr Chicken

2018-07-10 Thread pdking77

They showed it about a year ago, but it also proves that the best are worth 
repeating, because Svengoolie very, very rarely repeats movies.

Attaboy, Luther!


A li'l bit o' Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV

Subject: The Ghost and Mr Chicken

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

For those who will never get enough of Don Knotts  Svengoolie will air The 
Ghost and Mr. Chicken on MeTV. Tune in Saturday, July 14, at 8PM | 7C

Harriet, the chicken thief

WBMUTBB mailing list

The Ghost and Mr. Chicken

2017-10-15 Thread pdking77
I had the joy of watching 'The Ghost and Mr. Chicken' last night on MeTV.  I 
hadn't seen that movie in ages and had forgotten that joy and laughs that it 
had given me!  It was one of my favorite movies when I was a kid and I could 
write paragraphs on the alumni sightings.  Don was able to seamlessly 
incorporate many of Barney's best trademark characteristics, and I swear he was 
wearing the famous "ol 'salt and pepper"!  Hours later and I'm still laughing 
at the scenes.  Of all his movies, this one has to be my favorite.


A li'l bit o' Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: The Sabbath

2017-05-07 Thread pdking77
I put on my thinking bucket and the best I can think of is that in a lot of 
areas the closure of businesses were generally in accordance with the local 
blue laws.  Certain stores and shops had to be closed or if they were open, 
couldn't sell particular items.  When I moved to Ft Worth in the late 70s, 
although many stores were open, people couldn't buy diapers, baby food, 
formula, or anything baby-related for that matter.  Automotive parts like oil, 
oil filters, spark plugs, etc were on the list as well.  The local 
Skaggs-Albertsons would have entire aisles roped off.  Perhaps the Mayberry 
drugstore was open so folks could have access to critical items - and sell a 
few non-regulated items (like ice cream) in the process.  I'm going to put my 
thinking bucket back on now.  It really is easy to think under there!

A li'l bit o'Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Camera Use in Mayberry

2017-04-19 Thread pdking77

I know a LOT of folks are going to jump on this one, so I'll join in:  "The 
Ball Game" (Ron Howard's favorite episode)
A li'l bit o' Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: TAGS connection to space

2017-03-16 Thread pdking77

"Able" and "baker" were the old military phonetics for the letters 'A' and 'B'. 
  During a period of the late 60s, some agencies used "adam" for the letter 'A' 
(as in "Adam-12").   The phonetic alphabet has changed over the decades and 'A' 
and 'B' are now "alpha" and "bravo"; "charlie" remains as the phonetic 'C'.

A li'l bit o' Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV
WBMUTBB mailing list

Finally got MeTV

2016-12-08 Thread pdking77

My area finally got MeTV, so now I was get my daily does of TAGS!   I'd pretty 
much given up on finding anything on television that I really wanted to watch.  

I can even enjoy a whole quart of Aunt Bee's pickles as long as Andy, Barney 
and our friends are on.

A Li'l Bit o' Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV
WBMUTBB mailing list

Don Knotts Statue

2016-07-25 Thread pdking77

Unfortunately, due to a prior commitment, I wasn't able to attend and report 
first hand, but from what I've read, the unveiling of the Don Knotts statue in 
Morgantown, WV on Saturday went extremely well.  His daughter, Karen, was on 
hand and plenty of "before he was Barney" stories went around.

Has there been any other program that had so many good, quality people in every 
aspect of it?  From the actors, the staff, writers, directors, family members 
and fans.  They all make me proud to be a virtual citizen of Mayberry.  Makes 
me want to put on  "Never Hit Your Grandmaw With A Great Big Stick".

A li'l bit o'Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV
WBMUTBB mailing list

Don Knotts Celebration

2016-07-22 Thread pdking77

Don Knott's is going to be celebrated in his hometown of Morgantown, WV on 
Saturday, July 23

It's nice to know they're going to remember him for the whole body of his work. 


A Li'l Bit o'Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Alumni Sighting (Bert Miller)

2016-06-05 Thread pdking77

>Subject: Alumni Sighting
 >This afternoon on MeTV I was watching an episode of Superman.  Mayberry's 
 >most famous merchant Bert Miller (Sterling Holloway) was on the show playing 
 >a scientist with a talking bird.The bird >kept trying to give away 
 >Superman's secret identity.
>Orville Hendricks - Mount Pilot Butter and Egg Man

Wow...that's one pushy bird!  Bert's not pushy, he may be middlin', but he's 
not pushy.


A li'l bit o' Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV

WBMUTBB mailing list

Another Kind of "Old TV Shows"

2016-04-25 Thread pdking77

I'm not much of a trained notice. (I'm happy to notice whether or not my shoes 
aren't tied together!)  But I'm curious about the TV shows mentioned on TAGS, 
whether real or imagined.  Off the top of my head I can recall "The Keevy 
Hazelton Show".  (I wonder where that name came fromcurrious.)

A Li'l Bit O' Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Jack Nicholson

2016-04-14 Thread pdking77


Jack Nicholson was in two TAGS episodes, "Opie Finds a Baby" and "Aunt Bee the 
One of my favorite pastimes is spotting future stars in old TV shows and movies 
and Our Favorite Show is a rich hunting ground!
I was floored to see George Kennedy (one of my most favorite actors of all 
time) in an episode, "The Big House".  Lee Van Cleef, Jackie Coogan, Sterling 
Holloway and Ellen Corby are some more of my favorite guess stars.  

A Li'l Bit o' Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Keepin' It Positive

2016-04-12 Thread pdking77

I think the whole moulage started because a lot of folks may have 
misinterpreted "least favorite" meant it was a bad episode.  I know we can all 
heartily agree there were no bad episodes.  Certainly there were those that we 
preferred over the others.  I'd stated earlier that my least favorite were 
those with Howard's mother, but I still enjoyed them very much (even if she did 
remind me of my ex-mother in law) and wouldn't miss them for the world.  And 
I'd still give her a peck on the cheek (Howard's mother, not my ex-mother in 

A Li'l bit o' Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Rimshaw House

2016-04-07 Thread pdking77

I've watched "Gone With the Wind" so many times that I much of it committed to 
memory, but I guess because it was in color and TAGS was b/w for the first few 
years I didn't get the connection to Pitty Pat's house.  And I suppose because 
it looked so forlorn I didn't recognize it in other contexts.  Amazing what 
they can do with camera angles!  

Many thanks to you and yours!

A Li'l Bit O'Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV

WBMUTBB mailing list

Rimshaw House

2016-04-05 Thread pdking77

 I've always been fascinated by the Rimshaw House and love the episode.  Why 
would such a stately house would be allowed to go into such disrepair?  How 
long had it been vacant and what ever happened to it?  Beyond the episode 
itself, I wonder if the set had been used again, either on TAGS or other TV 
shows.  I don't recall seeing it again. 


A li'l bit of Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Least favorite episode

2016-04-04 Thread pdking77

I, personally, was never terribly fond of the episodes with Howard's mother.  
She just seemed overbearing, in my opinion.  (Plus, she reminds me way TOO much 
of my ex-mother-in-law.)  I'm like Bert Miller, I don't care for pushy people.
A li'l bit o'Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV
-Original Message-
From: wbmutbb-request 
To: wbmutbb 
Sent: Mon, Apr 4, 2016 1:01 pm
Subject: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 17, Issue 40

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WBMUTBB Digest Archives:

Today's Topics:

   1. Least favorite episode (Janine)
   2. least favorite episodes (gloria bruce)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2016 13:53:43 -0400
From: Janine 
Subject: Least favorite episode
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

My least favorite and in truth, downright disliked episode is the one in 
which Fred and Jenny Boone are always fighting. I hate the whole concept 
that a married couple would be so ornery with one another and actually 
like it. I think the writers were scratching the bottom of the barrel 
and stretching it.
Aunt Bee of Orlando


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2016 23:03:38 + (UTC)
From: gloria bruce 
To: "" 
Subject: least favorite episodes
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

 I may be stepping on a few toes or break some rules but there are two episodes 
that I do not like.? The one where Andy and Barney are practicing self defense 
against someone with a knife.? The other one is when Barney gets frustrated 
when he recites something, I don't know what it is, and he messes up his hair.? 
These two incidents took way too much to time to do in my opinion.? Some people 
like it and some people don't.? Count me in as someone who doesn't.?


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End of WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 17, Issue 40

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Re: Favorite Scene

2016-02-28 Thread pdking77
My favorite scene is one that I think represents the best of what "TAGS" is all 
about.  In "The Cow Thief" when Barney leaves with the mayor and the 
investigator after Andy explains his theory of how the cows are disappearing, 
he returns.  When Barney starts to say "I remember when another mayor said you 
had a harebrained idea and that was making me your deputy"  (or something along 
those lines).  That scene gets me every time!


A li'l bit o' Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: "Andy & Don"

2016-01-13 Thread pdking77

To begin with, I haven't had the chance to read the book yet but am very 
anxious to and will making the time.  With that said, while I may be in the 
minority, I'd prefer to know about my favorite actors, warts and all.  We've 
got to be very careful and not make them out to be what they aren't and putting 
them on a pedestal - I seriously doubt either Andy or Don would want that.  
They were people and they'd be the first to admit they had their flaws - just 
like the rest of us.  We saw the imperfections in the characters they portrayed 
and that make them feel more like us and that's why we love them and identify 
with them so much.  Why can we not so the same for the actors that portray 
them?  I'm not suggesting to indulge in any voyeuristic tendencies, but knowing 
that Andy Griffith and Don Knotts had their weakness and flaws just like the 
rest of us brings them.And we know Aunt Bee and Clara wasn't above a LITTLE 
gossip now and then - and even Andy indulged, too.

A Li'l Bit o' Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Colorized Episodes

2016-01-01 Thread pdking77
I was looking at some old family photographs from about the time the episode 
was made, including some old Christmas picture, and it made my head-scratching 
finger busy.  Since the original episode and my snapshots were black and white, 
I thought everything was until Walt Disney invented "The Wonderful World of 

A li'l bit o' Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV
WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Passing

2014-11-09 Thread pdking77


How many of the named characters on TAGS left the show due to their death?
I can think of at least 3, and Howard McNear (Floyd) is not one of the answers. 
 Mr. McNear did not die until 1969, almost a year after TAGS had left the 
air. And Augusta Finch and Tom Silby also do not count.I am speaking of 
real people, not characters.

The quickest the comes to mind in Cheerio Meredith (Emma Brand/ Emma Watson).  
Bless her heart!

Paul In Jane Lew, WV

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Barney was right

2014-04-27 Thread pdking77
At least you didn't hesitate to 'call the man'!


Message: 4Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 10:14:50 -0400
From: Ben Sandifer
To: Andy On Line
Subject: Barney was right 
We've been having some problems with our cable and internet service.  
Atechnician from the cable company came out and fixed the problem 
by,seriously,  putting in bigger wires.  Barney was way ahead of his time.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Ron Howard

2014-03-09 Thread pdking77
I tend to agree with you, but to be fair you're comparing child actors from 
completely different eras.  Ron was a young actor where venues small and 
exposure was limited.  Between Ron's time and that of the Olsen twins the 
internet and cable/satellite options exploded, talent pools, as a result were 
thinned.  Fifty or sixty years ago the cream truly rose to the top.  The likes 
of Macaulay Culkin and the Olsen twins, et al, would have remained unknowns 
when Ron was Opie.  Let's bring Our Gang into the conversation.  What made 
them different was that they were 'natural' children, at least during the Hal 
Roach days (the abominable MGM days were different).  They didn't act, they 
were themselves, even using their own real names.  Shirley Temple auditioned to 
be in Our Gang, but was turned away because of her acting skills, not in 
spite of it.  The most endearing scene, and short, (in my opinion) for the Our 
Gang comedies was Bobby 'Wheezer' Hutchins in Dogs is Dogs.  Could Shirle
 y Temple, either Olsen, or Macaulay have made that short work?  Absolutely 
not.  A young Ron Howard?  Very likely, but honestly, probably not quite as 
well.  But the days of child actors like Ron are gone, never likely to be seen 


WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Re: Allan Melville

2014-02-08 Thread pdking77

 Allan Melville must be the Ward Bond of our generation.  It's hard to find a 
movie pre-1960 that Ward wasn't in.  Same for Alan Hale, Sr (father of our own 
Jeff Pruitt) 



WBMUTBB mailing list

So That's Where It Began

2013-12-01 Thread pdking77

 I was watching 'There's Always Tomorrow' on TCM Sunday afternoon and who do 
you supposed was a bartender, of all things, at a posh resort?  Our own Otis 

A li'l big o' Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV


WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Francis Bavier

2013-11-20 Thread pdking77
I saw where Francs Bavier was in a movie Man In the Attic about 
Jack the Ripper airing on TCM.Also, did she play the piano? I 
wonder if she was jealous that Hope Summers (Clara) took over the 
piano playing on TAGS.Marie 

Did you notice that Ms Bavier played a character named Helen?  Only the Count 
can explain that coincidence!

A Li'l Bit O'Mayberry in Jane Lew, West Virginia

WBMUTBB mailing list

Fish For Breakfast

2013-06-09 Thread pdking77


 My first mother-in-law was very much a country gal and looked forward to 
having 'salt fish' for breakfast.  The fish would come packed in large plastic 
tubs and were - yup - packed in salt.  She said it was only available in months 
with an 'r' in it (January, February, March, April, September, etc).  It was 
fried with eggs and no matter how much you rinsed the fish, they were salty 
enough to curl your toes!  I could take it only in small amounts and 
occasionally, but she and her husband eagerly looked forward to this morning 

A li'l bit o' Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Carnival

2013-02-27 Thread pdking77

In the episode Opie and the Carnival,Opie,Andy,and Goober all take turns 
shooting theguns with the bent sights,unbeknowest to them.Goober has this 
quirky little thing he doesbefore shooting the gun...he dabs his thumb against 
his tongue and then rubs his thumbagainst the sight.Anyone know why he would do 
this?Is this a trait known to a certain partof the USA or just something the 
writers came up with? Dewey in NC Ketchup is excellent for cleaning 
brass,especially tarnished or corroded brassmight even work removing the 
mold from Asa's bullets.
It's takes the glare off of the site.  If you've ever seen the movie Sergeant 
York with Gary Cooper as the lead, he does the same thing.  Except Goober 
doesn't go gobble gobble before squeezing the trigger.

A li'l bit o'Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV

WBMUTBB mailing list


2012-12-17 Thread pdking77

The best alphabet ever is:

Andy, Barney, Clara, Doug, Elie, Floyd, Gomer, Helen, (I),Johnny Paul, 
klepterminerack, Leon, Malcolm, Nice Dress Nellie, Otis (or Opie),Pa, (Q), 
Rafe, Skippy, Thelma Lou, (U), (V), Wally, (X), (Y), (Z)

Feel free to fill in the missing letters.  I'll need them for my sentence.

A li'l bit of Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV

WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney at Mayberry Days?

2012-09-21 Thread pdking77
Is David Browning going to be at Mayberry Days?   He's always been one of my 
favorite all-around people, and along with the folks scheduled to be there, I'd 
get a kick meeting him as well.  I missed him when he was in my area.

I want to read my sentence!

Paul in Jane Lew, WV
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Sad Month

2012-05-25 Thread pdking77
Think of it this way:  Doug, Goob, as well as Floyd, Howard, Bee, Barney and 
the others just went ahead of us.  They'll be waiting for us at the Eternal 
Mayberry Court House when we arrive later on.   Doug will be pickin' while 
Goober puts that car back together!


A Li'l Bit o' Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: RE: Don Knotts

2012-05-13 Thread pdking77

 To those of us that are lucky enough to be from West Virginia, Don was more 
than Mr. Furley or Deputy Fife.  He was a kind, gentle, humble and much beloved 
as a native son who never ignored his roots.  At the time of his passing, there 
were numerous stories of how he never forgot home and friends, how he would 
still attend his high school class reunions and simply enjoyed the company of 
old friends.  

A Li'l bit o' Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV

WBMUTBB mailing list

Goober with a heart of gold

2012-05-08 Thread pdking77

 What was true of every character on TAGS, regardless of their outside, was 
true of Goober:  Their innards was pure gold.  Remember when Andy and Goob go 
to the auto show?  Talk about a heart-tugger!  One of my VERY favorite 
episodes, black and white or color, because it shows just what the citizens of 
Mayberry are all about.  

A little bit o' Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Not Andy Related but time wise related

2012-04-20 Thread pdking77
?Lot of us that watched The Andy Griffith Show also watched Dark Shadows. 
Jonathon Frid (Barnabas) on Dark Shadows passed away. I spent many a day in 
front of the TV watching Dark Shadows as a kid. And I still love the show 
You will be missed. RIP

Funny you should mention that.  When I was growing up, I'd run from the bus 
stop to the house so I could catch Dark Shadows, which was followed by our 
own Andy Griffith Show.   I remember wondering how funny it would be if 
Barney or Otis bumped into Barnabas Collins!

Paul in Jane Lew, WV


WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Calvin Coolidge

2012-03-13 Thread pdking77
Well, Thel, it sounds like Mr. Schwump had presidential qualities!  Makes you 
kinda want to put on your bucket and think about President Schwump.

Paul in Jane Lew, WV

Paul, ol' Cal said more than most people think.  He may not have talked a lot, 
but when he did, it was worth hearing.  
The quotes of his I have read reveal a man of intelligence and practical 

Thelma Lou


WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Calvin Coolidge

2012-03-11 Thread pdking77
Aunt Bee,
I wonder what Calvin said to RR that inspired him, since Mark Twain is taking 
credit for the weather quote.

Paul in Jane Lew, WV

Rule number two: no writing on the walls.

Just started reading a book on Ronald Reagan and found that he modeled his 
presidency after that of Floyd's hero, Calvin Coolidge. Who knew?

Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

The Digest is Awfully Quiet

2012-02-28 Thread pdking77

 Been reading the Digest loyally but someone needs to start a moulage.  Even if 
it's chit chat.  Maybe we could fix up the old bandstand and have a concert.  
That should take too much work to to.

Starting a Moulage in Jane Lew, WV




-Original Message-
From: wbmutbb-request
To: wbmutbb
Sent: Sun, Feb 26, 2012 12:03 pm
Subject: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 13, Issue 57

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than Re: Contents of WBMUTBB digest...

Please do not quote the entire WBMUTBB Digest when you reply.
To Send to the Digest, address message to:

WBMUTBB Digest Archives:

Today's Topics:

   1. Broken Hearts in Mayberry (Ken Anderson)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2012 11:44:48 -0600
From: Ken Anderson
Subject: Broken Hearts in Mayberry
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

I don't know much about broken/fractured ankles or such, but I know a lot
about broken hearts from both personal experiences and from watching TAGS.
 Some of the more well know broken hearts in Mayberry were:

Andy's broken heart when he broke up with Sharon Despaine.

Andy's broken heart when Ellie Walker went away.

Andy's broken heart when both Nurse Mary's went away.

Andy's broken heart when Peggy Macmillan went away.

Barney's broken heart when he found out at the class reunion that Thelma
Lou was married.

Barney's broken heart when he found out Tina Andrews/Irene Flogg was

Aunt Bee's broken heart when Mr. Wheeler left in such a hurry.

Opie's broken heart when Sharon Porter didn't want anything to do with him.

Opie's broken heart when Mary Alice Carter broke her date with him to
Arnold's party.

Opie's broken heart when he released Wynken, Bynken, and Nod.

Floyd's broken heart when Madaline Grayson left.

Professor St. John's broken heart when he found out Aunt Bee was a swinger.

Ernest T's broken heart when he found out Helen was Andy's girl and he
would have to settle for her being his mother figure.

Annabelle Silby's broken heart when Tom left her.

Those are some of the broken hearts that I can think of.  I bet if you
folks but that bucket over your head and give yourself a good think you may
come up with even more broken hearts in Mayberry.

Pa, just what can you do with a grown woman.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701


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End of WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 13, Issue 57

WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-10-19 Thread pdking77
Let them recite their sentence!  Every student should recite their sentence.  

A li'l bit o'Mayberry in Jane Lew, West Virginia
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re:Things I miss

2011-10-05 Thread pdking77
I miss biting the tip off of sno-cones and sucking the juice out...

A Li'l bit o' Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Name calling

2011-09-22 Thread pdking77

 I don't know if anyone else mentioned it, but Barney called Halcyon Loretta 
Winslow Beasto maristo.  That always cracked me up!

A li'l bit of Mayberry in Jane Lew, West Virginia


WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Scene Moved Me

2011-06-08 Thread pdking77

I know this may be out of the blue, but I rewatched The Cow Thief recently 
and there's one scene in there that absolutely gives me warm, happy goosebumps!
When Andy is picking up the cow impressions on the floor, Barney comes back in 
and explains why he returned: because another mayor of the town thought Sheriff 
Taylor had another hairbrained idea - that of hiring Barney as his deputy.   In 
my opinion, that's evidence (no pun intended) of what the show is all about 
loyalty and believing in your friends.


A little bit of Mayberry in a little bit of Jane Lew, WV

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Miracle Salve

2011-06-02 Thread pdking77

Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2011 09:59:26 -0400
rom: Harriet Browder
ubject: Miracle Salve
essage-ID: bay165-w176907aab090f4ec92dcf383...@phx.gbl
ontent-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

I also bought a large tin of Miracle Salve to give to my aunt next month for 
er birthday. 

ood idea, Albert. I hear tell it cures the mange.
Harriet, the chicken thief in Kelsey's Woods, USA
..Johnny Paul Jason says chewing tar is good for your teeth...That's an 
ld wives taleJohnny Paul ain't married

A septic tank would be a thoughtful gift, too!

A little bit of Mayberry in a little bit of Jane Lew, WV

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Ken and Paul

2011-03-07 Thread pdking77

Janet, that's an outstandin' idea!  
Ken, let's go down to the old folks home and wax the steps!  Then we can each 
get a job on an excursion boat or get a rubber nose and join the circus !


A Li'l Bit o' Mayberry in Jane Lew, West Virginia

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Star Trek in Mayberry

2011-01-21 Thread pdking77

Good morning all

I'm sure most of you already know this, but I just found an episode of Star 
that took place on the TAGS set. Episode called 'City on the Edge of Forever', 
think it said it was in 1968,  Cap Kirk and Joan Collins walk right past 
Barbershop...sign is still in the window...pretty funny.

Have a great dayGO BEARS

Nancy 'HIK' Hinson
Opie:  He called you a Hick Troublemaker,  so I kicked him
There's also a great aerial shot of Mayberry in the 'Star Trek' episode, 
Miri, which also had our very own Virgil, Michael J. Pollard.

But it looks like Barney could write out more than a few tickets for littering 
that day!  Downtown looks a sight!
Paul in Jane Lew, WV

WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Rafe Hollister

2010-10-24 Thread pdking77

 Is the name Rafe short for anything?

It could be short for Rafferty or Raphael, although I like to think of it as a 
nick for Raphael.  But doesn't he sing like an angel?

Paul in Jane Lew

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Elinor Donahue

2010-09-10 Thread pdking77

Elinor Donahue, our own beloved Miss Ellie, was on the Young and the Restless 
Judge Anderson Thursday, Sept. 8.? She looked wonderful.

Was it Judge Betty Princess Anderson, by chance?


Jane Lew, WV's biggest TAGS fan!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Glen Cripes

2010-07-28 Thread pdking77

Must be my hearing and where I grew up (Weston, WV), but I swore the man's name 
was Glen Crites.  In my hometown there were many families by that last name, 
so when I was a kid I naturally assumed Glen's last name was Crites.  

Must be the actor in the man.


Jane Lew, WV's biggest TAGS fan!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Spin Offs

2010-06-28 Thread pdking77


TAGS was a spin off from The Danny Thomas Show.


The biggest TAGS fan in Jane Lew, WV
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: The Andersons of Maple Street

2010-05-20 Thread pdking77

Also, when Father Knows Best was on the radio, it was known as Father Knows 
Best? with a question mark.  I guess it was in tune with the idea of the 
bumbling dad character which, thankfully, went away with My Three Sons, the 
televised Father Knows Best, and, of course, The Andy Griffith Show.


The biggest TAGS fan in Jane Lew, WV
WBMUTBB mailing list

Not Our Jim Lindsey

2010-04-12 Thread pdking77

I was watching Firecreek on Turner Classics Saturday evening - hard to beat a 
movie with Henry Fonda AND Jimmy Stewart.  But our own Jim Lindsey (James Best) 
was a bad guy - definitely earned himself a rude!  It just seemed strange 
seeing him playing a rotten scoundrel.  
I guess it's the actor in the man.

Paul in WV

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Howard McNear

2010-02-09 Thread pdking77
HistoryBuff, you are so right!  
I always loved Floyd as a character - especially in the Gay Deceiver episode. 
 But as Howard McNear, I admire and love the man who had such professionalism 
and courage to continue to contribute so much to our favorite show.  


Tending Otis' still in West Virginia
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Barney's Words

2009-12-31 Thread pdking77

For all of Barn's mispronounciations, his quality of mercy speech made up for 
it!  As well as explaining to Andy why he believed in his (Andy's) hairbrained 
idea in the Cow Thief story.  (That one brings a tear to my eye!)
Afterall, you're not dealin' with a jerk, you know!

BTW - I'd give a coin mashed on a train track if someone would tell me where I 
could find some salt-risin' bread!  I haven't seen it in years and I miss the 
smell of it toasted with a smear of fresh butter on it.


Mindin' Otis' still in WV
WBMUTBB mailing list

re: TAGS' biggest guest star

2009-09-17 Thread pdking77
Y'all can't overlook Lee Angel Eyes Van Cleef.? Even though he was in an 
episode that Barney wasn't in Banjo-Playing Deputy, it would have been 
interesting to see ol'Barn and Mr. Van Cleef give each other their respective 




WBMUTBB mailing list

Oh, that David Browning!

2009-06-19 Thread pdking77
This may be a smidge off topic but I have to mention a friend of all of ours.? 
That wonderful fellow that happily reminds us of our favorite deputy was up 
here in our neck of the woods at Jane Lew, WV, and I missed him!? From the 
folks I heard from he was in fine form and made a lot of new fans for himself 
and the show.? Elenora Poultice would be proud!?? There was a great picture of 
him in the 'Weston Democrat' as well as a very positive review by the editor. 
Mr. Browning, you would be more than welcome here anytime and maybe we can get 
the bandstand in shape and get a concert together.? Consider yourself family.? 
Thank you so much for visiting and God bless you!? You're a treasure.

Formerly from down the street from the Y in Raleigh.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Whistle Softly Now, Good Bye Earle Hagen

2008-05-28 Thread pdking77
What a sad day it is on the front porch now that our favorite whistler and 
theme song writer has passed!? Earle Hagen gave us all a reason to whistle and 
we're all oh so greatful that he made our favorite show even more memorable 
with such a distinctive theme song.? 
I know we share the grief of his children and grand-children.

No longer just down the road from the 'Y' in Raleigh;? just down the road from 
Morgantown now? 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Alumni Sighting

2008-01-12 Thread pdking77
I wondered if anyone else had seen that.  Apparently you and I were watching 
the same movie at the same time!  
Later that evening on AMC The Day the Earth Stood Still was on (fantastic 
movie!) and our own Aunt Bee and, in an uncredited roll as Mr. Krull, was our 
own choirmaster, John Masters (Olan Soule).  Mr Soule had one of those great 
voices that really turned my head.  Even when he loaned his voice on the 
animated series Superfriends back in the 70s I still see John Masters 
commenting on Gomer's voice.

Just down the street from the 'Y' in Raleigh

 Message: 4 
 Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2008 22:23:08 -0500 
 From: Dan Goodwin 
 Subject: Alumni Sighting 
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii 
 Ran across an alumni tonight I had never seen in anything else before. 
 Watching Rock Around the Clock, a 1956 movie about Bill Haley and the 
 Comets, all about the start of Rock and Roll. And who should be playing 
 Corney, but Henry Slate, our own bandleader, Bobby Fleet. 
 The fact that I hadn't seen Henry in anything else meant I haven't been 
 paying attention. His filmography is extensive running from the 40's up 
 through 1985. Henry passed away in 1996. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Cousin Virgil

2007-07-25 Thread pdking77
I'm sure there'll be a ton of replies to this one, but Cousin Virgil was played 
by Michael J. Pollard.  He was a pretty busy actor back in the late 60s - early 
70s, not only did he do TAGS and Star Trek (the episode Miri as the 
charachter Jahn), but he was in the movie 'Bonnie and Clyde' with Warren Beatty 
and Faye Dunaway.  He was also in the Bill Murray Christmas movie 'Scrooged'.   
He hasn't been very busy lately, I don't believe, since he'd made quite a 
career playing shy, likeable, awkward characters.  

Just down the street from the 'Y' in Raleigh

WBMUTBB mailing list

Salt risin' bread in NC

2007-02-15 Thread pdking77
I've lived in North Carolina almost ten years now and have yet to meet a person 
that has ever heard of salt risin' bread, much less eaten it.  (Maybe it's 
because I live in Raleigh, and ol' Barn can tell you about the hectic night 
life here!  I'll bet my head doesn't hit the pillow until 9:30 at night!)
But I was born and raised in West Virginia, and toasted salt risin' bread with 
a smear of butter on it was a real treat.  Up there, we could find it in just 
about any store.  
Maybe it's like ramps - a regional delicacy.

Paul in Raleigh,
Just down the street from the 'Y'

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Maybery on Mission Impossible

2006-12-19 Thread pdking77
Mission: Impossible was made by the same folks that made Star Trek, who we 
know made good use of the Mayberry sets in the episodes 'Miri' and 'City on the 
Edge of Forever.'   (And Leonard Mr Spock Nimoy made the jump from ST to M:I 
as the character Paris.)  
I'd read the M:I office and ST offices were, literally, across the hall from 
each other.
Wouldn't be surpised at all if our Mr Schump was a spy and a Vulcan, too!  
That'd be the actor in the man.

From just down the street from the 'Y' in Raleigh.

WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Ellie sings

2006-12-06 Thread pdking77
It's a shame Ms Donahue was so nervous singing because she had (and very likely 
still has) a beautiful voice.  I'd like to have an entire CD, Christmas or 
otherwise, of her singing. Imagine Ellie, Rafe, and Gomer accompanied by Andy 
performing the light classics!  Nce!

Just down the street from the YMCA in Raleigh.

WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Cotton Pickin' lawyers lookin out for Don's family

2006-06-27 Thread pdking77
Now there's an outstandin' idea -- let's put up a statue honoring David 
Browning as The Mayberry Deputy in Mt Airy.  The physical resemblence is 
close enough 

Just up the street from the 'Y' in Raleigh

Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2006 12:36:48 -0500
From: Martin Simmons [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Cotton Pickin' lawyers lookin out for Don's family
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

As much as we love TAGS  the character of Ole Barn, the owner of that 
copyrighted image AND his estate should make decisions about his 
likeness. Just as David Browning must call himself The Mayberry 
Deputy and not Barney Fife, copyrights are for the protection of the 
creators. Let some time pass before you buy the slipcovers for the 
couch! Then maybe, the family will be ready for the tribute that the 
statue will be. We sometimes feel that we are actually part of the 
TAGS family. If you have ever met one of the actors in person, a bit 
of the mystery is lost to see them older, out of character, not quoting 
the lines we know, and not in black  white! Makes ya think!

Opie's dad

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