Alumni Sighting

2008-01-07 Thread Dan Goodwin
Mrs. Sprague and Annabelle Silby both were in a Munsters episode today.


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Alumni Sighting

2008-01-11 Thread Dan Goodwin
Ran across an alumni tonight I had never seen in anything else before.
Watching "Rock Around the Clock," a 1956 movie about Bill Haley and the
Comets, all about the start of Rock and Roll.  And who should be playing
Corney, but Henry Slate, our own bandleader, Bobby Fleet.

The fact that I hadn't seen Henry in anything else meant I haven't been
paying attention.  His filmography is extensive running from the 40's up
through 1985.  Henry passed away in 1996.


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Alumni sighting

2008-01-21 Thread dewey lamb

Just watched Gunsmoke on TVLAND and spotted the fella that played as the eggman 
and the guy who sold his organ to the church.Someone please correct me if I'm 
Helping your favorite cause is as easy as instant messaging. You IM, we give.
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Alumni Sighting

2008-01-01 Thread Dan Goodwin
With the SciFi channel running a Twilight Zone marathon, it really wasn't
too hard to spot TAGS alumni, but I saw an episode with 3.

James Best (our Jim Lindsey)had the lead role.  Edgar Buchanan ("Goldbrick"
Wheeler) was the town doctor.  Dub Taylor (from the Post Office), was one of
the town loafers.

The role was very Lindsey-esque for James, I expected him to pick up a
guitar just any minute.  The episode was B&W so I suspect it was filmed
fairly close to the time he was playing guitar out in front of Orville's
funeral parlor.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2007-12-27 Thread Dan Goodwin
Caught about 5 seconds of The Brady Bunch today and guess who the preacher
was that married the Bradys?  None other than Dabs Greer (remember, he
almost bought Andy's house).


WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2007-12-17 Thread Dan Goodwin
Caught Sue Ane Langdon on Bonanza this morning.  You know she's still my
favorite girl for Andy.


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Alumni Sighting

2007-12-11 Thread Dan Goodwin
Saw Clarence Earp on The Munsters today.  He sure didn't display the bravery
we saw in Mayberry!  One look at Lilly Munster and he jumped off a moving


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Alumni Sighting

2007-11-26 Thread Dan Goodwin
Caught Parley Baer (Mayor Stoner) as a movie executive on I Love Lucy.
Character was very Stoner-like.


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Alumni Sighting

2007-11-04 Thread Dan Goodwin
Caught our Miss Ellie on Star Trek today.


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Alumni Sighting

2007-10-30 Thread Dan Goodwin
Saw Uncle Ollie working as a barkeep on Gunsmoke the other day.  


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alumni sighting

2007-09-15 Thread jlj9675
On an old movie this morning, there was Aunt Bee's baby sister serving as a 
Navy nurse to none other than Cary Grant!  No, he didn't say "Judy, Judy, 
Judy" to her either.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni sighting

2007-09-06 Thread jlj9675
I watched part of a delightful film this afternoon titled "Glory," about 
horse racing.  Howard McNear's predecessor appeared as an investor in the 
title horse and little Margaret O'Brien, all grown up, was the star.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2007-08-13 Thread Dan Goodwin
Saw Herb Vigran (The Bookie Barber) on Gunsmoke as a judge.  He must have 
served some time for bookmaking and got his law degree in prison.

See, Barney was right about trying to rehabilitate those prisoners ("I'll 
take the Mr. Potato Set").


WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni sighting

2007-08-05 Thread jlj9675
I believe I saw that nice karate teacher of Barney's tonight on MASH.  I 
recognized his voice before his smile.  Couldn't check the credits as they 
did that awful minimizing again but I do believe it was him.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2007-07-30 Thread Dan Goodwin
Over the weekend I happened to catch a bit of Ron Howard's 1999 movie, EDTv. 
Rob Reiner had a major part as a TV executive (guess he worked up from the 
print shop) but what I liked most was Clint Howard has a pretty good sized 
part (as he did in Apollo 13).  Just good to watch Clint work without a 
peanut butter & jelly sandwich.  I wonder what the dynamics on the set are 
when older brother the director is "directing" his younger brother the 


WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni sighting

2007-06-30 Thread jlj9675
Today I watched part of an old Jerry Lewis film called Ladies Man and one of 
the sound technicians was portrayed by Mayberry's mailman; I believe his 
name was Doodles Weaver? Let me wish everyone a wonderful 
Independence Day celebration next week; wouldn't it be great to be in 
Mayberry listening to the town band play patriotic music in the bandstand 
(spiders and all!)? And don't forget the fireworks in the town square!!!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2007-05-15 Thread Dan Goodwin
Watching an old Surfside Six last night and who should be playing 
"huggy-huggy" with Diane McBain but our own James Best.

Also in the cast was Elizabeth MacRae, Howard's romantic interest in the Big 
Brother episode.  But she's probably better known as Lou Ann Poovie, Gomer's 
girl on Gomer Pyle, USMC.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni sighting

2006-12-22 Thread jlj9675
I spotted our Miss Mayberry, Erma Bishop, in an old film this evening; it was 
In the Good Old Summertime, starring Judy Garland and Van Johnson.  Who knew 
this lovely lady had rubbed elbows with such famous stars?
Aunt Bee of Orlando
WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni sighting

2006-10-13 Thread jlj9675
I watched The High and Mighty this afternoon and believe I spotted that bum 
with the bad leg.  He was checking Henry Bennett (the jinx) onto an airplane 
flight and was barely recognizable. A couple other alumni were in this film 
Aunt Bee of Orlando
WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni sighting

2006-07-13 Thread jlj9675
What a treat to spot Miss Ellie in a ballet film this evening titled "The 
Unfinished Dance." She must've been about 6 and was adorable and a lovely 
dancer.  The story line was quite disturbing, wherein the other child ruined a 
prima ballerina's career but it ended well and had many lovely scenes of 
dancing, including our lady druggist.  She was billed as Mary Eleanor Donihue, 
I believe (the credits rolled past quickly).
Aunt Bee of Orlando
WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni sighting

2006-03-12 Thread jlj9675
Flipping thru the channels, I happened upon an old movie with Frank Sinatra and 
guess who was talking with him?  Our own Mary Grace!
Aunt Bee of Orlando
WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2008-02-01 Thread Dan Goodwin
Saw Roy Roberts (Mr. Jackson, the publisher)on Beverly Hillbillies today as
a bank exec.  Roy just had the executive look that got him those kinds of


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Alumni Sighting

2008-02-03 Thread jlj9675
Irene Fairchild was on the Beverly Hillbillies today; I believe she was 
wooing Jethro; only saw a few seconds.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2008-06-09 Thread Dan Goodwin
George Lindsey was on a Twilight Zone this week.  He was a sheriff's deputy!
They even gave him a badge.


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alumni sighting

2008-10-21 Thread jlj9675
Aunt Bee's butter and egg man/church organ donator is on the Walton's this 
morning with long white hair but the same great smile and voice!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2008-10-30 Thread Dan Goodwin
Clint Howard was on My Name is Earl this week or last. 


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Alumni Sighting

2009-01-01 Thread Dan Goodwin
Many TAGS alumni showing up on the Sci-Fi Twilight Zone marathon today, but
I just saw Burt Mustin (our Ol' Jud)playing a character named Burt.

Boy, those casting directors have a hard job.  


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alumni sighting

2009-01-26 Thread jlj9675
Last night while watching some Brady Bunch DVDs, I spotted the bully who 
picked on little Mike near the end of the series.  He was depicting a bully 
again, picking on little Cindy.  He got his come-uppance from Peter and 
began being a nice boy after that.  Hallelujah!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni sighting

2009-02-01 Thread jlj9675
In viewing a few minutes of the classic film Elmer Gantry this morning, 
guess who I spotted right there on the screen with Burt Lancaster?  Our own 
Cyrus Tankersley, head of the town council I believe as well as bank loan 
officer and president of the Fellowship lodge.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2009-04-05 Thread Dan Goodwin
Leo Gordon was playing another bad guy on Bonanza this morning.  You'll
remember Leo as Luke Comstock in "High Noon in Mayberry."  He limped because
Andy had shot him in the leg during a robbery.  I've also seen Pete Malloy
shoot Leo, in the leg again, on Adam-12.  This morning, Joe Cartright shot
poor ol' Leo again, but not in the leg.

Leo was known as one of the most fearsome of the character actors, playing a
heavy in most of his roles (I wonder how many times he got shot on camera).
But his fearsomeness was well deserved - he served time in San Quentin for
armed robbery.

Leo had an extraordinarily long and busy career that included a significant
number of TV and movie screenplays.  Check him out on, he must have
been an interesting man.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2009-04-13 Thread Dan Goodwin
I happened to catch a few minutes of that 1969 musical "Paint Your Wagon"
(Lee Marvin, Clint Eastwood) when I spotted a TAGS alumni.  Well actually, I
didn't spot him as much as I heard the distinctive voice of Robert Easton.

He was Pete Johnson (with the long eyelashes) in "Irresistible Andy."
Robert has an impressive filmography and, at 78, has 2 movies in production


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Alumni Sighting

2009-04-27 Thread John Worsham
I was watching an old movie last night which I recorded a couple of months ago 
on AMC, called "Take Her, She's Mine" starring Jimmy Stewart and Sandra Dee, 
filmed in 1963.  It also had our old friend, Bob Denver (a.k.a. Dud Wash) as a 
minor character.

The biggest surprise of all was that it featured Jim "Gomer Pyle" Nabors in an 
uncredited role.  Jim obviously was using his regular voice, which was much 
lower that Gomer's.  He had a beard and glasses, but the face matched.  I 
checked on and it was indeed him.  This must have been filmed after he 
first appeared on TAGS in the "Man in a Hurry" episode in January 1963.  It was 
really strange hearing him speak in a "non-Gomer" voice.  All this time I 
assumed that was the way he actually talked!  Shazam!!!

You should check this out the next time it roles around!

John Worsham
Hendersonville, TN
WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2009-06-23 Thread Dan Goodwin
Caught Edgar Buchanan on Leave It To Beaver today playing Uncle Billy, a
character not that unlike Henry Wheeler and very much like Uncle Joe at The
Junction.  But then, I guess that's why they call them character actors.


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Alumni Sighting

2009-08-21 Thread Dan Goodwin
Caught a bit of Bonnie and Clyde on Turner Classic Movies today and who
shows up as a Texas Ranger but good ol' Briscoe Darling, Denver Pyle.  Given
the way things were going for him in the scene, he could have used Aunt Bee
and her spoon.


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Alumni Sighting

2009-10-19 Thread Dan Goodwin
I heard "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" on the radio and thought I'd check 
out that great movie that I haven't seen in years.  Found 4 TAGS alumni:

Willis Bouchey - Mr. O'malley
Denver Pyle - Briscoe Darling
Lee Van Cleef - Stole Aunt Bee's pocketbook in the Jerry Van Dyke episode.
John Qualen - Henry Bennett

Speaking of John Qualen, he had a prodigious filmography going all the way back 
to 1931.

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alumni sighting

2009-11-19 Thread jlj9675
On an old episode of Patty Duke, guess who I spotted?  Nate Bracey, Nate 
Bracey, Nate Bracey! He was a jeweler. Up early battling this nasty swine 
flu but finally getting better just today; wouldn't wish this on anyone.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni sighting

2010-01-04 Thread dewey lamb

Last night I was watching an episode of Ozzie & Harriet.Well,lo and behold,our 
very own Mayor Stoner was a guest on the show.On TAGS,has anyone ever noticed 
how the Mayor seems to always clinch his right hand into a fist?He did the same 
thing on the show last night.


Dewey in NC
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WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni sighting

2010-01-06 Thread dewey lamb

Last night while watching Bonanza,I noticed two TAGS characters. One was Malcom 
Tucker and the other was Neil Bentley.They were a pair of traveling con artists.


Dewey in NC
Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection.
WBMUTBB mailing list

alumni sighting

2010-01-09 Thread jlj9675
Been watching Elvis movies on TV in honor of his birthday; Floyd is a banker 
in the one on today! He sure gets around!! Miss Peggy is there too.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2010-01-16 Thread dewey lamb

Last night,our very own John Masters played a character on Dragnet.


Dewey in NC
Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection.
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Alumni sighting

2010-01-16 Thread dewey lamb

I just got around to watching the movie,Tango and Cash.For those that have not 
seen it,our very own Leon and Cousin Virgil were actors in it.


Dewey in NC
Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni sighting

2010-01-25 Thread dewey lamb

I watched a whole bunch of old black & white westerns today.and lo and 
behold,where TAGS people guests!

On "The Virginian",Mr. Silby and the man who owned the drug store where Opie 
was a soda jerk were guests.

On "Wagon Train",Joanna Moore was a guest.

On "Daniel Boone",James Best was a guest.Could have been more,but I kept 
checking my eyelids for cracks.


Dewey in NC
Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2010-02-01 Thread PLV
Parley Baer, aka Mayor Stoner, in an “Outer Limits” episode last night playing 
the cynical brother of a scientist who had made contact with an alien life 
form. I recognized him from his body language before I ever saw his face, but 
he did seem to have more hair here.



WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2010-02-02 Thread Vern

Orville Sherman, who played one of the farmers (Matt) peddling without a
license in
"Lawman Barney" was in Gunsmoke as a sheriff in the episode "The Gallows".


WBMUTBB mailing list

alumni sighting

2010-04-03 Thread jlj9675
Yesterday, Thelma Lou played a househunting newlywed on My Three Sons; don't 
know what year it was but probably after TAGS.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

alumni sighting

2010-04-19 Thread jlj9675
Been viewing DVDs of Family Affair and the first season has our Emmett 
appearing as a British horse and carriage operator; even with the "foreign" 
accent, I recognized his voice before seeing him! What fun!!
Aunt Bee of Mayberry 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2010-08-31 Thread Dan Goodwin
Watching News Radio yesterday where the station owner had bought a bunch of 
fake celebrity mementoes.  One of them was "the skull of George 'Goober' 
Lindsey."  The defense attorney said the George was not dead and the judge 
asked him if he could prove it.  So the attorney called called George to the 
stand to ask him it that was his skull.  He said "No."

Pretty good episode with George playing more Goober than George and it really 
added to the fun.  In the epilog, George bought his own "skull" for $10.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni sighting

2010-11-01 Thread dewey lamb

A lot of the old westerns feature our TAGS characters.This past weekend I 
spotted Hope Summers on Wagon Train
and Darby Hinton on Daniel Boone.
Dewey in NC
Aspire to inspire before you expire.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2011-02-24 Thread Dan Goodwin
Caught the last 30 minutes of the 1989 Tom Hanks, The Burbs, and had the 
pleasure of watching Rance Howard as one of the detectives.  But he didn't wear 
a hat like he did when he played the Treasury Agent with the news about the 
gold truck.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2011-03-09 Thread Dan Goodwin
Caught that old Roddy McDowell movie, Lord Love a Duck,  tonight and saw Max 
Showalter.  He was in The Horse Trader as the fellow who bought the cannon.  
Oddly enough, up through 1961, he was billed as Casey Adams so his name in the 
TAGS credit is Casey Adams.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2011-03-14 Thread Dan Goodwin
Saw the bookie barber (Herb Vigran) in a 1950 Burt Lancaster movie called 
"Mister 880."  He was playing a weight guesser on Coney Island.  Only charged a 
quarter.  Probably did make enough money guessing weight, that's when he turned 
to a life of bookmaking.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni sighting

2011-03-20 Thread dewey lamb

I just watched an episode of "Daniel Boone",which featured our very own Jack 
Albertson & Darby Hinton.I think
the latter is a semi-regular as I have seen him on several episodes of this 
particular show.
Dewey in NC
Takes a sorry frog not to croak about his own pond. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2011-03-21 Thread PLV
Saw Cheerio Meredith (aka Emma Watson) in a small role that she made very funny 
on "Father Knows Best". She played one of son Bud's paper route customers, 
dressed in a Victorian skirt to the ground and speaking in a rather odd 
almost-but-not-quite English accent.



WBMUTBB mailing list

alumni sighting

2011-03-26 Thread jlj9675
Last night TCM showed a Lucy movie, "Miss Grant Takes Richmond." There was 
our Ben Weaver being his usual ornery self, buying up all the building 
materials to prevent her housing project!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2011-06-20 Thread Dan Goodwin
Watching Peter Gunn today, Peter tracks down a Mr. Barnaby played by Howard 
McNear.  Character had a bit of Floyd in him.  First time I'd seen Howard play 
a bad guy.  Turns out he was sort of a vigilante who had killed 15 hoodlums 
using bombs he made in his basement.  Felt it was his civic duty to rid the 
community of these bad influences, all without having to go through the expense 
and time of a trial.  Funny thing, though, upstairs, he had a picture titled 
"Our President".it was a picture of Calvin Cooledge.  

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2011-06-26 Thread Dan Goodwin
Watching Bell, Book and Candle this afternoon.  Howard McNear as a very dapper 
publisher.  I guess there was some truth in Floyd Lawson Enterprises.

WBMUTBB mailing list

alumni sighting

2011-07-08 Thread jlj9675
I saw Pat, the movie studio secretary for Sheriff Without a Gun, on an old 
movie yesterday. It was Hellfighters with John Wayne. Who knew Miss Bunny got 
around in such high places?
Aunt Bee of Orlando

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2011-07-12 Thread Dan Goodwin
Caught a little of the movie, "Rock Around the Clock" this afternoon.  Saw
Henry Slate as Corny LaSalle.  We'll remember Henry as the first Bobby Fleet
(the joke-cracker) who first hires Jim Lindsey.  Henry must have liked those
musical roles.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni sighting

2011-07-19 Thread dewey lamb

Tonight while watching "The Waltons",I spotted our very own Ron Howard(Opie).He 
played the part of a teenage
boy dying from leukemia.He looked like Richie Cunningham wearing bib 
overalls...same toothy grin and mop of red
hair.I kept waiting for him to break out with "Blueberry Hill".Just another 
side of his character portrayal.
Dewey in NC
My wife has an electric blender,electric toaster,and an electric breadmaker.She 
said "There are too many gadgets
and no place to sit down"! So I bought her an electric chair...the woman has no 
sense of humor.   
WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2011-07-22 Thread Dan Goodwin
Saw "How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying," a 1967 movie adaptation 
of the play.  I figured there had to be a TAGS alum somewhere in the cast.  
Sure enough, there's Paul Hartman (Emmett).  Ever read his bio?  Quite the 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni sighting

2011-07-25 Thread dewey lamb

Just saw Hal Smith(Otis) on an episode of "Little House On The Prairre".Yep,he 
the part of a drunk,a drunk sheriff.Seems as though he were typecast for the 
roll of a
drunk,as he has been one in numerous shows.
Dewey in NC
Opportunity may only knock once,but temptation will pound on your front door 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni sighting

2011-07-29 Thread dewey lamb

Today I saw Arthur Honeycutt(Mr. Wakefield) on "Bonanza".His character name 
was,of all things,Opie.Yep,you read right.
He had a mutt dog named Walter.but I would swear on a stack of Goober's comic 
books that it was Barney's dog "Blue".
Also saw Joyce Jameson(fun girl Skippy) on "The Waltons).I kept waiting to hear 
"Bernie" come from her mouth,but alas,
never did.She still had that one-of-a-kind laugh,though.
Dewey in NC
I take my wife everywhere
But she keeps finding her way back.   
WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni sighting

2011-08-05 Thread dewey lamb

Yesterday I saw TAGS very own mortician,Orville Monroe on an episode of Bonanza.
True to character,he was once again a mortician.
Dewey in NC
I married Miss Right.I didn't realize until later that
her first name was ALWAYS.
WBMUTBB mailing list

alumni sighting

2011-09-11 Thread jlj9675
Early this morning on Dennis the Menace, there was Parnell Rigsby manning 
the pet shop!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2011-09-13 Thread Dan Goodwin
James Best, Strother Martin, Lee Marvin, Lee Van Cleefall in a Western 
Twilight Zone episode.  Some strong acting in that half hour.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2011-09-13 Thread Dan Goodwin
James Best, Strother Martin, Lee Marvin, Lee Van Cleefall in a Western 
Twilight Zone episode.  Some strong acting in that half hour.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2011-09-14 Thread Dan Goodwin
Still watching The Twilight Zone episode called "Grave."  Enjoyed seeing Lee 
Marvin and James Best in a tense scene.  But more fun seeing 2 TAGS alum share 
the screen, James and Lee Van Cleef.

Even more interesting is watching James Best pick up a guitar and actually play 
several chords.  Freddy Fleet woulda been proud.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2011-10-04 Thread Dan Goodwin
Herb Vigran, our bookie barber, was on I Love Lucy this morning.  Funny, he
was wearing a bow tie in this role, too.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2011-10-06 Thread Dan Goodwin
This is one alumni I've never spotted before.  George Ives showed up on 
Bewitched as a psychiatrist.  We know him better as Mr. Harvey, the producer 
who wanted to do the TV show in Mayberry in TV or Not TV.  Everybody remembers 
Gavin McLeod was the director and Pat Stuart was Miss Blake, but nobody 
remembers George.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2011-10-11 Thread Dan Goodwin
Got a double sighting on a Dick Van Dyke episode.  Our beloved Allen Melvin
played one of Rob's Army buddies while Peter Leeds played another cop.  He
was the sergeant who took Andy on a tour of the police HQ while Barney
stayed at the hotel to nab the jewel thief.



WBMUTBB mailing list

alumni sighting

2011-10-13 Thread ROBERT MUNDY
Last night we were watching "Wagon Train" on the Encore Western channel and 
pleasantly surprised to see Aunt Bee as a "nun".  Frances Bavaier was a 
wonderful  actress in this dramatic role.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2011-11-15 Thread Dan Goodwin
Saw Mr. Hendricks, the butter and egg man, on Bat Masterson today.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2011-11-22 Thread DAVID QUINN

Watching The Dick Van Dyke Show on TVLand this morning.   Rob Petrie is put 
into jail for shooting craps backstage at some burlesque house.   Well who 
should be one of the burlesque dancers but Ernest T's beloved Romeena?If 
Dick Van Dyke had told his brother that, Jerry could have gotten Romeena a job 
dancing at the fair as "The Sultan's Favorite."   Floyd says you can never get 
too much culture.
Orville Hendricks - Peddling Butter and Eggs in Mt. Pilot.  My dancing looks 
like someone under the shower when the toilet is flushed.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2011-12-03 Thread Dan Goodwin
Howard McNear and Dabbs Greer supporting Andy Devine in a Twilight Zone


WBMUTBB mailing list

alumni sighting

2011-12-04 Thread jlj9675
Late last night flipping thru the channels and guess who was conversing with 
Bob Hope? Our own Mr. Weaver, the grouchy one at Christmas time. Who knew he 
had spent time with one of the all-time greats! Then this morning, Mr. 
Darlin' was the head of a Scottish clan on a TV rerun and he had a most 
impressive accent from across the pond! Mayberry, it's everywhere PTL!!!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2011-12-28 Thread DAVID QUINN


 I was watching "The Virginian" this afternoon on the Westerns Channel, when 
whom did I happen to see but Bing Russell.Bing Russell played Mr. Burton 
the blasting engineer on TAGS in the episode about the loaded goat.
Anyway, on The Virginian, Bing was a bad man who kidnapped a small boy and held 
him for ransom.   But the ironic part is the young boy he kidnapped was played 
by his own son, Kurt Russell.   Isn't that interesting.   Wonder why Kurt 
Russell was never on TAGS?   Probably because he was 4 years older than Ron 
Howard and would not have fit in.
By the way, Peggy was in the show as well.
Orville Hendricks - The Butter and Egg Man.   If any bad man ever kidnapped 
Evan, it would be like O Henry's short story "The Ransom of Red Chief".   They 
would wind up paying me to take Evan back. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2012-01-06 Thread DAVID QUINN

Besides watching a lot of TAGS and old westerns, one of my hobbies is listening 
to old radio shows from the golden age of radio.Anyways, last night I was 
listening to a Gunsmoke radio show from 14 November 1953.   Here is the premise 
of the show:   While Matt Dillon is out of town for a few days, a snake oil 
salesman comes to town and starts selling all of the town his elixer.Kitty 
and Chester get hooked on the elixer.   Then when Matt comes back to town he 
has Doc analyze the elixer and it turns out to contain opium.   So Matt runs 
the seller, whose name was Professor Lute Bone, out of town.  Does that script 
sound the least bit familiar?
Now here is the kicker, Professor Lute Bone was played by none other than John 
Doehner, who you might remember also played Colonel Harvey, the elixer salesman 
on TAGS.   Wonder if Doehner told the story to the writers of TAGS?
As an additional note, as many of you probably know, on the Gunsmoke radio 
show, Floyd was Doc and Mayor Stoner was Chester.   They are really good shows.
Orville Hendricks - Selling Butter and Eggs.   You know if it were not for the 
old television shows, I would probably sell my TV.   Well not exactly, I would 
have to keep one TV to watch the OU Football team.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2012-02-17 Thread Dan Goodwin
Saw Joe Hamilton on The Twilight Zone this morning.  At least now we know
that, before he took up playing checkers on the hotel porch, he worked at
the bus station.



WBMUTBB mailing list

alumni sighting

2012-03-05 Thread Albert A

Saw our own Lydia Crosswaithe (Josie Lloyd) in an episode of the Twilight Zone 
the other day.  She played a character named Evie, in the year 1974, ten years 
after nuclear apocalypse destroyed much of the United States. The episode, "The 
Old Man in the Cave",  had the townsfolk barely hanging on year in, year out. 
Outsiders showed up and convinced them it was okay to eat the "pre-bomb" canned 
goods they had stocked away.  Evie, all the townsfolk, the outsiders, all died 
after eating the canned goods and bottled liquids due to them being thoroughly 
contaminated with strontium 90.  The only person surviving was the man who 
truly knew about 'the old man in the cave' and this one person warned everyone 
about the danger of radioactive contamination in the packaged goods.
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Alumni Sighting

2012-03-11 Thread DAVID QUINN


 While I was watching TCM this weekend, I spotted a prominent TAGS alumni.   
They showed the 1948 movie "Sitting Pretty" starring Clifton Webb.   At the 
beginning of the movie the family had to get a baby sitter.   The baby sitter 
they got was supposedly 16 years old.   After the family left, this 16 year old 
baby sitter organized a big party with several of her teen friends.   The 
father of the family (Robert Young) threw her out of the house and she was 
never seen again the rest of the movie.
Why don't we play trivia?   Try to guess who this TAGS alumni babysitter was.   
 Here is a hint, she played a 16 year old girl, but she was actually 21 years 
old at this time.Here is another hint, 2 years later she again played in a 
movie with Clifton Webb.   Remember I said she was a "prominent" TAGS alumni.
No fair cheating by going to IMDB and looking up the movie.Try to guess it 
on your own.
Orville Hendricks - Butter and Eggs In Mt. Pilot.   I remember when Evan was 
16, he did not look 21 or act 21.   Shucks, Evan doesn't act 21 even today. 
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Alumni sighting

2012-03-12 Thread Randy Davis
Was the dear Miss Ellie?

Randy Davis

Sent from my iPad

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Alumni Sighting

2012-03-13 Thread Dan Goodwin
Saw Malcombe Merriwether this morning as a hotel clerk in a Robert Goulet
movie named Honeymoon Hotel.  So, apparently, Malcombe did have some
marketable skills when he came through Mayberry, over and above Falconer,
but I guess Jason wasn't about to give up his job at the hotel.



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Alumni Sighting

2012-03-13 Thread Debbie Whisenant
I gave it a good think under my bucket and believe it was Betty Lynn (our
own Thel) who played Clifton Webb's daughter in Cheaper By the Dozen (an
oldie but goodie). And as a double Mayberry connection, the movie
co-starred Myrna Loy, whose picture was found in Wayne Deveraux's suit to
be cleaned by Fred Goss, the finding of which became the subject of dinner
chit-chat (I hate chit-chat) when he was dating Aunt Bee. Of course,
nothing came of the romance because "the rule around here has GOT to be: no
marryin' off unless it's of the absolutely overwhelming nature" (one of my
favorite scenes in the whole series--the affection between Andy and Aunt
Bee is never sweeter).
Debbie Whisenant

Join me for "Life Lessons From Mayberry: It's All There in Black and
White," a celebration of The Andy Griffith Show and the biblical truths and
life applications found in the beloved TV classic. Dates are September
25-27, 2012. More information at
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Alumni Sighting

2012-03-14 Thread DAVID QUINN


 Another TAGS alumni sighting.  Yesterday, while watching "Adam 12", Old Judd 
was arrested for running around a bar without a stich of clothing on.   My oh 
my.   Whatever would all of the gossips in Mayberry think of that?
Orville Hendricks - Butter and Egg Man.One of my very favorite songs is the 
one by Ray Stevens called "The Streak".Ray used to sing that in Branson 
Missouri for years.   In my mind I can still hear him say "Ethel, you shameless 
hussy, get some clothes on".  
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Alumni Sighting

2012-04-20 Thread DAVID QUINN

   I was watching Adam 12 today when I made an alumni sighting.   Malloy was 
driving to work in his POV with his girlfriend Judy.   Well you will never 
guess who was playing Judy.I will give you a hint, she had a lot of 
experience playing a lawman's girlfriend.   Yes it was our own Helen Crump 
(Aneta Corsaut).  She had her hair cut really short.I checked on IMDB and 
it turns out Helen played Malloy's girlfriend one other time, in the last 
episode of the seriesOrville Hendricks - Peddling Butter and Eggs in Mt. 
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Alumni Sighting

2012-04-23 Thread Dan Goodwin
Spotted our beloved Romeena (Jackie Joseph) on The Dick Van Dyke Show this 

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Alumni Sighting

2012-05-11 Thread DAVID QUINN

Here in Oklahoma, we have a channel called "Antenna TV".They play all the 
old TV shows from the 50's, 60's, and 70's.Any hoo, yesterday I was 
watching "Adam 12".Reed and Malloy pulled over an elderly man in a 
convertable driving drunk.The driver was so drunk that he could barely 
stand.  As a final insult, he did not even have a driver's license.I bet 
everyone on this site can guess who played the drunk.   You got it, Otis 
Campbell.   Still driving convertables after all these years.   But I wonder 
what happened to his license, because I know he had one at one time. Orville 
Hendricks - The Butter and Egg Man.   I hate to admit it, but in my younger 
days, I was once stopped for driving while happy.   When the officer asked me 
to walk the line, I fell down.I looked up at him and said "Does that count 
anything off"?   
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Alumni Sighting

2012-05-12 Thread linjanecam
Dave, I recently discovered I also have Antenna TV here  in CT and have 
been enjoying immensely the great shows of the 50s and  60s. It's a shame Burns 
and Allen and The Jack Benny Show are slotted  for 1 and 2 am tho'. I 
haven't seen Good Old Mr. Wilson in many months of  Sundays, and what a truly 
delightful find that one was. In fact, I  believe Howard McNear made an 
Now if only TV Land would harken back to its  original intent: bringing the 
old shows back to life. I'm wondering if the  programming director(s) are 
too young to understand what many of us consider to  be older shows ( 
perhaps he/she is along the same thinking lines as the  commentator on Fox News 
who felt Don Knotts will be remembered for his TC role).  Older is not 
Everybody Loves Raymond!
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Alumni Sighting

2012-05-13 Thread DAVID QUINN

This morning I was watching the movie "Three Darling Daughters" on TMC.   
The movie was made in 1948.   It dawned on me that the youngest daughter looked 
a little familiar, and when I looked closer, who was it but our very own 
Pharmacy Gal, Ellie.   Yes there was 11 year old Elinor Donahue playing in the 
movie.Orville Hendricks - Butter and Egg Man.   I got things in my 
refrigarator that are older than 11 years.  
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Alumni Sighting

2012-05-19 Thread Dan Goodwin
A really good old movie from '63 called "Soldier in the Rain" has Emmet showing 
up as a Police Chief.
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Alumni Sighting

2012-05-21 Thread Gary Muskat
I watched Hawaii Five-0 this morning on MeTV and who should be in there but
Hope (Clara Edwards) Summers. She played her part very well of a feisty
little old lady from Wisconsin of all places. Also a comment about phones in
Mayberry. I can't believe technology was that far behind in the 60's, even
for small southern towns. Lassie during the same time period was even
further behind.

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Alumni Sighting

2012-06-13 Thread m white
TAGS fans,

Was watching "The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles" and saw Leo Gordon (the 
fellow Andy once shot in the leg during a gasoline station robbery) as Wyatt 
Earp in the episode "Hollywood Follies".  Voice was still just as distinctive 
and he actually looked much better than he had on some episodes of stuff I had 
seen him on in the 70s and 80s.

5 star fiction for Kindle & Nook
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alumni sighting

2012-06-13 Thread jlj9675
Late last night I recognized a voice and realized it was the Stranger in 
Town appearing as a book collector on Cheers. He looked good considering the 
time frame (more than 20 years since TAGS).
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

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Alumni Sighting

2012-06-20 Thread DAVID QUINN

 This morning I was watching "The Dick Van Dyke" show on TVLand.   Anyway, Rob 
and Laura were invited to some fancy smancy literary party.   There were lots 
and lots of the right kind of people milling around in the hostess' living 
room.   And you will never guess who the hostess was.   Mrs. Wiley.   That's 
right, she was giving another party.   I looked real closely at all the guests, 
but there was no Mr. Schwump, Romeena, or Cousin Oliver present.Must not 
have been invited. Orville Hendricks - The Mt. Pilot Butter and Egg Man.

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Alumni Sighting

2012-06-28 Thread DAVID QUINN

Our cable provider has just picked up the Hallmark Movie Channel.My wife 
likes the movies, but during the day I am always watching the old Perry Mason 
episodes, not the movies.They show 2 episodes per day.Today I was 
watching the episodes, and in the first one Uncle Ollie was the sheriff of a 
town that Perry Mason was vacationing in.In the second Perry Mason episode, 
who do you think I say playing the part of the defendant's aunt?   That's 
right, Aunt Bee.   Talk about type casting.   But her name in this show was 
Aunt Louise, not Aunt Bee. Orville Hendricks - The Mt. Pilot Butter and Egg 
Man.If you are a big fan of the Perry Mason shows, and you watch them 
closely, I appear in 2 episodes, both in 1958.
WBMUTBB mailing list

alumni sighting

2012-07-16 Thread jlj9675
Recently I spotted a child actor that appeared in Mayberry; he was the boy 
who wanted his father put in jail in lieu of himself for riding his bike on 
the sidewalk. This boy played the son of the first woman president in Kisses 
for my President, starring Fred MacMurray and Polly Bergen. Who knew this 
kid had kept such illustrious company besides our beloved Ange?!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

alumni sighting

2012-07-16 Thread jlj9675

Recently I spotted a child actor that appeared in Mayberry; he was the boy
who wanted his father put in jail in lieu of himself for riding his bike on
the sidewalk. This boy played the son of the first woman president in 

for my President, starring Fred MacMurray and Polly Bergen. Who knew this
kid had kept such illustrious company besides our beloved Ange?!
Aunt Bee of Orlando

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alumni sighting

2012-09-02 Thread jlj9675
Got to watching Splash early this morning and didn't remember Ernest T being 
in it. It was fun watching it again after all these years, despite the bad 
language. Spotted all of Opie's family in there too!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

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Alumni Sighting

2012-09-14 Thread Gary Muskat
I am watching Emergency on MeTV and a drunk was brought into Rampart. The
unusual thing about this drunk was that he wasn't played by Hal Smith. This
drunk was played by Jack Dodson, Mayberry's shy County Clerk.

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Alumni Sighting

2012-09-18 Thread m white
TAGS fans,

My sons got me "Maverick - Season 1" for Father's Day and one TAGS alumni we've 
spotted is Will Wright (the first Ben Weaver).  He's shown up twice in this 
season.  Once as a defense attorney in an episode that had the other two Ben 
Weavers as well!  And also in an episode called "Black Fire" in which he starts 
out very Ben Weaverish and grumpy but then decides he likes Maverick.

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