Re: [web2py] Re: Demo/dev server

2020-12-04 Thread Monte Milanuk
By any chance would you know how that part is accomplished - starting the
web server (Rocket) from the gui control, then the framework? I understand
the answer ultimately is going to be "read the code", but right now I'm not
sure I'd know where to start looking.

On Fri, Dec 4, 2020, 15:44 黄祥  wrote:

> the default web server shipped with Rocket web server

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[web2py] General workflow questions... virtualenv, git, etc.

2015-12-11 Thread Monte Milanuk
So... attempting (again) to dabble in web2py.  I've been thru a few 
tutorials on other frameworks (bottle, Flask, Django), and now a few things 
(function decorators, etc.) in the web2py manual make more sense now.  Yay!

Anyway, on to the question(s) at hand.  I'm probably getting *way* ahead of 
myself here... but I am curious... most tutorials on other platforms focus 
almost as much on setting up and using virtualenvs and git as they do on 
using the framework in question.  Given the way web2py is laid out (to my 
admittedly limited understanding), is there really a point to having 
multiple virtualenvs with multiple installs of web2py, each for one project 
/ application, or would it make more sense to just have one main virtualenv 
containing a web2py install, and manage each individual application 
directory separately with git.  

In case it matters, I'm mainly referring to what you'd recommend for a 
newbie working on their own small projects.  If you use a different work 
flow or layout for larger scale or web2py development work, I'd still be 
interested in hearing how you do things!



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Re: [web2py] Re: web2py and python3

2015-12-08 Thread Monte Milanuk
So in case I missed it earlier in the discussion... *is there* a timetable 
(or even a beginning) for moving web2py to web3py, etc. or not?

I found it kind of interesting that on the web2py site it touts the 
educational origins of web2py, but in posts above python 3 was dismissed as 
being only used in schools (which I highly doubt, but whatever).

Backwards compatibility is great and all... but I think y'all might be 
taking it a bit too far.  An LTS version might be a better idea.



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Re: [web2py] Excluding the controller name from the url

2013-05-20 Thread Monte Milanuk

On Sunday, May 19, 2013 9:56:45 PM UTC-7, Jonathan Lundell wrote:

 You may need to restart web2py after making changes to 

Did that, several times.

 (changing it in web2py root is fine).

If I have a in both web2py_root and in the application folder, 
which one takes precedence? is a special case that will give you 
 default/index independent of a routes file.

 In this case, my app name is 'my_contacts', as in 




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Re: [web2py] Excluding the controller name from the url

2013-05-20 Thread Monte Milanuk

On Monday, May 20, 2013 8:18:14 AM UTC-7, Jonathan Lundell wrote:

 The critical test at this point is that the URL() function (it's used by 
 the menu) should be generating shortened URLs. If it's not, then web2py is 
 for some reason not seeing your, or it has perhaps a typo.

 As a test, you might try doing this in the base directory:


 ... removing any in your application's directory, restarting 
 web2py, and looking at what you get from your menu. If that works (it 
 should), then edit with your app name as the default. 

Okay... at this point I am getting *very* confused.  Sorry.

I deleted 'my' version of in both web2py-root and in 
application_name directories.  In web2py-root, I copied 
'' to '', copied the line that looked like:

default_application = 'init'# ordinarily set in base
to a new line, changed 'init' to 'my_contacts', and commented out the 
original line.  No other changes were made to the file.

Still doesn't any different than before; the urls always show the 
controller name (default).




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Re: [web2py] Excluding the controller name from the url

2013-05-20 Thread Monte Milanuk
Disregard... got '' confused with ''...

Looks like its working ATM.



On Monday, May 20, 2013 1:22:59 PM UTC-7, Monte Milanuk wrote:

 On Monday, May 20, 2013 8:18:14 AM UTC-7, Jonathan Lundell wrote:

 The critical test at this point is that the URL() function (it's used by 
 the menu) should be generating shortened URLs. If it's not, then web2py is 
 for some reason not seeing your, or it has perhaps a typo.

 As a test, you might try doing this in the base directory:


 ... removing any in your application's directory, restarting 
 web2py, and looking at what you get from your menu. If that works (it 
 should), then edit with your app name as the default. 

 Okay... at this point I am getting *very* confused.  Sorry.

 I deleted 'my' version of in both web2py-root and in 
 application_name directories.  In web2py-root, I copied '' to '', copied the line that looked like:

 default_application = 'init'# ordinarily set in base
 to a new line, changed 'init' to 'my_contacts', and commented out the 
 original line.  No other changes were made to the file.

 Still doesn't any different than before; the urls always show the 
 controller name (default).




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[web2py] Excluding the controller name from the url

2013-05-19 Thread Monte Milanuk
So... if I want to do something really simple, like not have my url show 
the controller name (default)... which routes do I modifiy?  The one in 
web2py-root or the one in my_app?

From looking at the manual and the comments in and, I thought it looks as if I should put this in 

routers = dict(
  BASE  = dict(default_application='my_app'),

but I still get in the url.  If 
I specfically enter in the browser bar that 
works... but if I click on the 'Home' menu entry in the nav bar (which is 
supposed to map to the 'index' function in the 'default' controller') I end 
up with the controller name in the url again.

Not sure whether I'm supposed to be modifying the my_app/ 
instead, or if I need to specify other parameters in like 
'default_controller', etc.?


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[web2py] Tips on getting web2py working with (any) IDE...

2013-05-14 Thread Monte Milanuk that auto-complete/code-intelligence/whatever-you-call-it works 

I've looked at the bits from the Wing howto and I'll try those but I'm open 
to other suggestions (looking at working with Spyder, PyDev, maybe gvim (if 
I can ever get all the python-ide plugin stuff sorted out).




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[web2py] Re: URLs

2013-05-08 Thread Monte Milanuk
Dang... I'd looked at that section of the manual, and I'd compared my code 
with the example from the text I'm working out of and I would have sworn 
that it was identical and correct.  Heck, it took me a few passes to pick 
up what was missing even in your example.  Guess that happens when you keep 
staring at the same thing too long - you start seeing things that *aren't* 



On Tuesday, May 7, 2013 5:31:51 PM UTC-7, 黄祥 wrote:

 please check the book on : menu is a list of 3-tuples or 4-tuples. The three elements 
 are: the link name, a boolean representing whether the link is active (is 
 the current link), and the URL of the linked page. For example: = [('Google', False, '',[]),
  ('Index',  True,  URL('index'), [])]


 The fourth tuple element is an optional sub-menu. = [
 (T('Home'), False, URL('default', 'index'), []),
 (T('Add project'), URL('default', 'add'), []),
 (T('Add company'), URL('default', 'company'), []),
 (T('Employees'), URL('default', 'employee'), [])]

 should be = [
 (T('Home'), False, URL('default', 'index'), []),
 (T('Add project'), False, URL('default', 'add'), []),
 (T('Add company'), False, URL('default', 'company'), []),
 (T('Employees'),False,  URL('default', 'employee'), [])]

 best regards

 On Wednesday, May 8, 2013 7:04:15 AM UTC+7, Monte Milanuk wrote:

 So... I have a couple functions defined in

 def index():
 response.flash = T('Welcome!')
 grid = SQLFORM.grid(db.project, create=False,
 fields=[, db.project.employee_name,
 db.project.company_name, db.project.start_date,
 db.project.due_date, db.project.completed],
 deletable=False, maxtextlength=50)
 return locals()

 def company():
 company_form = SQLFORM(
 return dict(company_form=company_form)

 def add():
 project_form = SQLFORM(db.project).process()
 return dict(project_form=project_form)

 ...and corresponding views that work when I go to them directly by typing 
 the URL into the browser i.e. or  I've added some 
 code to define menu options in = [
 (T('Home'), False, URL('default', 'index'), []),
 (T('Add project'), URL('default', 'add'), []),
 (T('Add company'), URL('default', 'company'), []),
 (T('Employees'), URL('default', 'employee'), [])]


 The links appear in the nav bar region, but they don't work and the URLs 
 aren't what was defined.  If I'm on the main index page, all the URLs link 
 to ''.  If I'm on the 
 'Add Project' page, all the URLs other than 'Home' link to '', and so on for the 
 'Company' page, etc.

 What do I need to do to get my nav bar menu working correctly?




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Re: [web2py] rad2py

2013-05-07 Thread Monte Milanuk
Hello Mariano,

Thanks for the update.  I fully understand the life priority thing!  I was 
just curious what the status is/was.  Sounds like it's probably a little 
ways beyond my level just yet; I'll keep an eye out for it anyways.



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[web2py] URLs

2013-05-07 Thread Monte Milanuk
So... I have a couple functions defined in

def index():
response.flash = T('Welcome!')
grid = SQLFORM.grid(db.project, create=False,
fields=[, db.project.employee_name,
db.project.company_name, db.project.start_date,
db.project.due_date, db.project.completed],
deletable=False, maxtextlength=50)
return locals()

def company():
company_form = SQLFORM(
return dict(company_form=company_form)

def add():
project_form = SQLFORM(db.project).process()
return dict(project_form=project_form)

...and corresponding views that work when I go to them directly by typing 
the URL into the browser i.e. or  I've added some code 
to define menu options in = [
(T('Home'), False, URL('default', 'index'), []),
(T('Add project'), URL('default', 'add'), []),
(T('Add company'), URL('default', 'company'), []),
(T('Employees'), URL('default', 'employee'), [])]


The links appear in the nav bar region, but they don't work and the URLs 
aren't what was defined.  If I'm on the main index page, all the URLs link 
to ''.  If I'm on the 
'Add Project' page, all the URLs other than 'Home' link to 
'', and so on for the 
'Company' page, etc.

What do I need to do to get my nav bar menu working correctly?




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[web2py] trouble ticket shows files as being in mdipiero's home directory?

2013-05-06 Thread Monte Milanuk
web2py™ Version 2.4.6-stable+timestamp.2013.  Python Python 
2.7: E:\web2py\web2py.exe (prefix: E:\web2py)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /home/mdipierro/make_web2py/web2py/gluon/, line 212, in 
  File E:/web2py/applications/web2blog/controllers/, 
line 77, in module
  File /home/mdipierro/make_web2py/web2py/gluon/, line 194, in 
TypeError: decorator() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)

I know what generated the ticket (typo when I inserted a requires_login 
decorator) but the file names listed in the trace back look a little off...


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[web2py] Re: trouble ticket shows files as being in mdipiero's home directory?

2013-05-06 Thread Monte Milanuk
On Monday, May 6, 2013 9:13:32 AM UTC-7, Anthony wrote:

 I think that's because you're using the Windows binary.

So the binary isn't able to look at or reference its actual path? 


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[web2py] rad2py

2013-05-06 Thread Monte Milanuk
Is this project still alive?  Is there a better place to discuss it than 


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Re: [web2py] Re: web2py 2.4.2 is OUT

2013-03-10 Thread Monte Milanuk
Not working here, in either Win7 / Chrome or Ubuntu 12.10 / Chromium.

On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 7:31 AM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 This should now be fixed. Can you check?

 On Tuesday, 5 March 2013 17:21:03 UTC-6, Ralo Tannahill wrote:

 +1 for web2py!!

 In the admin interface I can see:

 Version 2.4.2 stable (2013-03-04 03:26:21)

 Unable to check for upgrades

 Running on *%s*

 %s should be information about the server type, version..., right? I'm
 using Centos 6, nginx+uwsgi. Maybe web2py expects some wsgi variables and
 nginx+wsgi locks them? were can I look for more info?


 On Monday, 4 March 2013 04:38:19 UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 The book will be out shortly describing this version.
 I am sure there are some corners to iron but I could not wait any longer.


 - 2D GEO API: geoPoint, getLine, geoPolygon
 - support for 'json' field type in DAL
 - schema export with db.as_json/as_xml, thanks Alan
 - graph representation of models
 - admin based on bootstrap, thanks Paolo
 - support for semantic versioning
 - new bootstrap based admin, thanks Paolo
 - improved scheduler (and change in scheduler field names), thanks
 - graphiz support added to adm, thanks Jose
 - on_failure in grid
 - db.table.field.abs()
 - better wiki
 - geoPoint, getLine, geoPolygon
 - better reporting of 500 ajax errors
 - better grid
 - improved/fixed mongodb support
 - improved parse_as_rest(patterns=...), thanks Denes
 - improved IMAP DAL support, thanks Alan
 - improved security when cookies in sessions
 - Row.as_xml, as_json, as_dict, as_yaml thanks Alan
 - smarted custom_import
 - setup-ubuntu-12-04-redmine-**
 - added support for motor and pulsar servers, thanks Niphlod
 - added json-rpc2 support
 - added driver
 - allow auth.settings.ondelete='**CASCADE'
 - new syntax IS_EXPR(lambda value: ...
 - using google for QR codes (although Graph API will be deprecated in
 - upgraded fpdf to 1.7.1
 - bug fixes (including issues with calendar.js and archive tables)


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[web2py] Re: web2py 2.4.2 is OUT

2013-03-04 Thread Monte Milanuk
Well, I get the same thing as the other poster:

Version 2.3.2 (2012-12-17 15:03:30) stable

Unable to check for upgrades

only I don't have 2.4.2.  Same laptop, dual-booting Windows 7 Pro and 
Ubuntu 12.10 desktop, python 2.7.3 on both... running web2py from a folder 
in the user's home directory via the built-in web server (rocket 1.2.6) on 
the localhost ( interface.  Not sure what else would be common 
between the two besides my router/firewall and ISP... never been a problem 

On Sunday, March 3, 2013 10:58:19 PM UTC-8, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 That is not the expected behavior.
 I will check what is going on but the more info you can provide the better.

 On Sunday, 3 March 2013 23:09:22 UTC-6, Monte Milanuk wrote:

 So... running 2.3.2 on Windows 7 and Ubuntu 12.10... on both when I click 
 the 'Check for Upgrades' button in the admin dashboard, I get a message 
 'Unable to check for upgrades' that replaces the button, and is a link to

 Is that the expected behavior?


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Re: [web2py] Re: web2py is moving

2013-03-03 Thread Monte Milanuk
Thanks, got it going per Niphlod's instructions from the zip file I had 
downloaded earlier.

Anybody have any insight on the gitpython problem I was having?

On 03/03/2013 01:48 PM, wwwgong wrote:
packaged my local copy 

in case you want to import it

On Sunday, March 3, 2013 8:57:17 AM UTC-5, Niphlod wrote:

download the zip,
decompress in applications/, choose an application name without -
in it (so, web2py_book vs web2py-book).

On Sunday, March 3, 2013 7:02:58 AM UTC+1, Monte Milanuk wrote:

So... this is supposed to be installable as an app within
web2py, right?

It's not a w2p file, so I can't install it directly as a
package file.  I tried renaming the original zip file I
downloaded to a .w2p extension, nada.  Tried extracting and
then repackaging as a .tar.gz file... nada.  Tried renaming
*that* as a .w2p file... which finally installed, but as soon
as I tried opening the application from web2py, I got a page
saying invalid controller (default/index)

Trying to install directly from git appears to require
'gitpython', which I installed (via git), but web2py still
complains about it being 'not available or incompatible
version' (running python 2.7.3, git 1.7.10, web2py 2.3.2, on
Ubuntu 12.10).

Any other suggestions?


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[web2py] Re: web2py 2.4.2 is OUT

2013-03-03 Thread Monte Milanuk
So... running 2.3.2 on Windows 7 and Ubuntu 12.10... on both when I click 
the 'Check for Upgrades' button in the admin dashboard, I get a message 
'Unable to check for upgrades' that replaces the button, and is a link to

Is that the expected behavior?


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[web2py] Re: web2py is moving

2013-03-02 Thread Monte Milanuk
Could you provide a link?  I would very much like to work offline at times, 
and the PDF is falling further and further behind.

Actually, I wish the current version of the online html book would just be 
included in the download as a webapp by default.

On Friday, March 1, 2013 5:34:50 PM UTC-8, rh wrote:

 On Fri, 1 Mar 2013 15:10:54 -0800 (PST) 
 John Ho javascript: wrote: 

  The link to the online engish book is broken (Invalid request). 

 I don't know if you're reporting it down because you need it now 
 or just to report it's down. FWIW you can download the book and it 
 is a web2py app and you can view it locally. Good for planes, trains and 
 automobiles too. 

 The book is on github. 


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Re: [web2py] Re: web2py is moving

2013-03-02 Thread Monte Milanuk

On 03/02/2013 08:01 PM, LightDot wrote:
The book is too big to be included in every download, IMHO, it's about 
120 MB or so.

Holy moly... didn't realize it was that portly!  I'd be curious as to 
where all the MB are coming from?  Guess I'll download it and find out ;)

The link... well, github - search - web2py book ;)

Thanks... I was looking in the main web2py github and not finding 
anything about it so I wasn't sure where to look next.


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[web2py] Re: web2py is moving

2013-03-02 Thread Monte Milanuk
So... this is supposed to be installable as an app within web2py, right?

It's not a w2p file, so I can't install it directly as a package file.  I 
tried renaming the original zip file I downloaded to a .w2p extension, 
nada.  Tried extracting and then repackaging as a .tar.gz file... nada. 
 Tried renaming *that* as a .w2p file... which finally installed, but as 
soon as I tried opening the application from web2py, I got a page saying 
controller (default/index)

Trying to install directly from git appears to require 'gitpython', which I 
installed (via git), but web2py still complains about it being 'not 
available or incompatible version' (running python 2.7.3, git 1.7.10, 
web2py 2.3.2, on Ubuntu 12.10).

Any other suggestions?


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[web2py] Re: Real Python for Web Development, featuring web2py

2013-02-06 Thread Monte Milanuk
I'm in... but I do agree that 'Yet Another Blog' example is a bit tired.  
Yes, its considered almost standard to do a blog or wiki as an example, and 
perhaps serves a purpose as a point of comparison between competing 
products/projects.  Personally, since the existing web2py docs do cover a 
basic blog/wiki, I'd rather see them start with a contacts database, and 
'grow' it into a library database, complete with all the tagging, rating, 
reviews, etc. that one might want.

On Tuesday, February 5, 2013 9:28:50 AM UTC-8, rochacbruno wrote:

 Take a look:

 Why Web2py? 

 web2py is an open-source web framework for rapid development. You can get 
 up in running in less than 10 minutes and build a full-featured application 
 in under an hour. Much like the Python language itself, web2py is designed 
 for beginners to quickly get up to speed as well as advanced users. 


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[web2py] Re: web2py book now free in PDF

2013-01-29 Thread Monte Milanuk
Is the PDF version going to get updated occasionally?  HTML version 
currently @ 4.9, PDF is still @ 4.1...


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[web2py] web2py manual vs. screen size/res?

2013-01-24 Thread Monte Milanuk
What size/res screen is the web2py manual supposed to display on, without 
having to scroll side-to-side to see everything?

I'm using FF 18.01, and IE 8 (no choice on the latter), and whether @ 
1024x768 or 1152x864, regular fonts, large fonts, etc. the web2py manual 
still takes up *everything* plus some, requiring a couple inches worth of 
scrolling side to side even with the browser window maximized.  Looks like 
the center section is fixed width... is that really necessary?


[web2py] Re: web2py manual vs. screen size/res?

2013-01-24 Thread Monte Milanuk
Well, I'm pretty fuzzy on a lot of this stuff... is there something I can 
check to provide feedback, etc. for you?

On Thursday, January 24, 2013 10:49:39 AM UTC-8, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 Can you help us fix the css? The online book is supposed to be using 
 twitter bootstrap and resize itself.

 On Thursday, 24 January 2013 12:29:06 UTC-6, Monte Milanuk wrote:

 What size/res screen is the web2py manual supposed to display on, without 
 having to scroll side-to-side to see everything?

 I'm using FF 18.01, and IE 8 (no choice on the latter), and whether @ 
 1024x768 or 1152x864, regular fonts, large fonts, etc. the web2py manual 
 still takes up *everything* plus some, requiring a couple inches worth of 
 scrolling side to side even with the browser window maximized.  Looks like 
 the center section is fixed width... is that really necessary?


[web2py] Re: web2py manual vs. screen size/res?

2013-01-24 Thread Monte Milanuk
So you're saying that it is normal and correct for the page to need to be 
scrolled left and right to see everything even with the window maximized?  
Or should some portion of the page resize itself according to the available 

On Thursday, January 24, 2013 11:30:46 AM UTC-8, Niphlod wrote:

 the horizontal scrolling  is only due to bookmarks, not the body of 
 the content. 1024 looks just fine.


[web2py] 'Killer Web Development' tutorial site

2012-11-04 Thread Monte Milanuk
Is there anyone actively maintaining this site?  

Just wondering, as there is no easily located contact information or link, 
and the comments for various pages are obviously not screened or reviewed 
in any manner - lots of spam  gibberish, etc.  

After noticing the comments were mostly fluff, I didn't really read them... 
but given the 'content' and links in some of them I could see them getting 
a person in trouble at the work place.  

Normally I'm not the type to be called 'overly sensitive'... but if the 
main web2py  site is going to like to this 'Killer Web Development' as a 
tutorial, maybe it should be cleaned up a bit?  No real need for random 
comments scattered around on pages of a tutorial.

Just my $0.02 worth...



[web2py] Re: trouble with @auth.requires_login() in wiki app from manual

2012-03-19 Thread Monte Milanuk
Ack.  Well that would explain why it only caused a problem in the one 

Thanks for the assistance!


On Sunday, March 18, 2012 4:10:49 PM UTC-7, Anthony wrote:

 As Alan suggests, you slightly mis-copied the code from the book -- it 
 should be:

 def documents():

 Note the parentheses.


 On Sunday, March 18, 2012 6:21:54 PM UTC-4, Monte Milanuk wrote:


 Working my way thru the wiki app demo in the online manual... I kept 
 getting a weird error like this:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File gluon/, line 205, in restricted
   File E:\web2py\applications\mywiki\controllers/, line 31, in 
 TypeError: requires_login() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)

 whenever I attempted to access any of the views for this app.  Only on 
 line 31 of the controller '', right before 'def documents():'.

 Here is the code listing from the 'trouble ticket':

 edit an existing wiki page
 this_page = or redirect(URL('index'))
 form = crud.update(, this_page, next = URL('show', 
 return dict(form=form)


 def documents():
 browse  edit all documents attached to a given page
 page = or redirect(URL('index'))
 db.document.page_id.default =

 I went back thru the code several times, and I couldn't seem to find 
 anything specifically wrong that jumped out at me...

 ...but when I commented out line 31 entirely - everything began working.  

 Could someone explain to me why that one line, right there, would cause 
 things to break when the decorator is used elsewhere in the same controller 
 '' several times with no problems?

 There are any number of things I don't fully understand yet, but most of 
 them 'just work' so I've kept moving on, learning as I go.  This one has me 
 kinda stumped - I don't *think* its a typo on my part, though thats 
 certainly the most likely cause.  If it is, I'm not seeing it though, at 
 least not right there in the section of code the trouble ticket 



[web2py] trouble with @auth.requires_login() in wiki app from manual

2012-03-18 Thread Monte Milanuk

Working my way thru the wiki app demo in the online manual... I kept 
getting a weird error like this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File gluon/, line 205, in restricted
   File E:\web2py\applications\mywiki\controllers/, line 31, in 
 TypeError: requires_login() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)

whenever I attempted to access any of the views for this app.  Only on line 
31 of the controller '', right before 'def documents():'.

Here is the code listing from the 'trouble ticket':

edit an existing wiki page
 this_page = or redirect(URL('index'))
 form = crud.update(, this_page, next = URL('show', 
 return dict(form=form)


 def documents():
 browse  edit all documents attached to a given page
 page = or redirect(URL('index'))
 db.document.page_id.default =

I went back thru the code several times, and I couldn't seem to find 
anything specifically wrong that jumped out at me...

...but when I commented out line 31 entirely - everything began working.  

Could someone explain to me why that one line, right there, would cause 
things to break when the decorator is used elsewhere in the same controller 
'' several times with no problems?

There are any number of things I don't fully understand yet, but most of 
them 'just work' so I've kept moving on, learning as I go.  This one has me 
kinda stumped - I don't *think* its a typo on my part, though thats 
certainly the most likely cause.  If it is, I'm not seeing it though, at 
least not right there in the section of code the trouble ticket 



[web2py] Re: Cookbook - No indentation ??

2012-03-15 Thread Monte Milanuk
On Thu, 15 Mar 2012 12:32:14 -0700, Marcello wrote:

 I bought mine from Amazon... don't know if I have access to that
 But my interest in the moment is not run code. I want to read the
 And read the code without indentation is almost impossible...
 If my book is correct, it is almost useless.

Packt Publishing has an on-going issue in this regard... I'd purchased a 
couple books from them directly - fairly readable in PDF format, but 
pretty much useless in Kindle format.  I noticed a number of folks over 
on Amazon who had purchased thru them, where you only get the .mobi 
format - and are effectively screwed - had the same problem.  Having 
purchased mine directly thru Packt, I could at least read it in PDF 

If you look at any of their books for Python related subjects in 
Kindle/.mobi format, they are all screwed up.  I hounded the CS people 
about it - took them a long dang time to even respond.  They finally 
offered two other ebooks of my choice as compensation.  One of the ones I 
chose was this web2py cookbook - even with the release date slipping a 
couple months, and knowing full well it would probably be unusable on a 

Oh, and if you look... I don't think I've ever seen any of their books 
showing *any* errata listed...

To be honest, I was rather surprised to see the Web2Py project working 
with these folks... I'd hoped maybe a change had occurred and things 
would be better, but opening the pdf and finding two typos in the first 
couple pages of the intro cured that idea.


[web2py] Stalling out early on... blank page in 'MyApp'

2012-01-24 Thread Monte Milanuk
Hello all,

Getting started with the tutorial in the docs... edited as directed
and things worked as expected.  Edited default/index.html to include the bare
html tags as shown in the tutorial... and nothing.  On reloading I get just a
blank browser window for a view.

After spending some time fussing with it, I deleted the web2py directory (on
Windows XP Professional, running from a folder on a USB stick) and unpacked the
downloaded zip file again.  Started over from scratch, but hit the same problem
again at the same point, looks the same whether using IE7 or FF9.

What am I missing here?



[web2py] Re: Stalling out early on... blank page in 'MyApp'

2012-01-24 Thread Monte Milanuk
Ack... missed the '='... whoops.  Sorry for the noise.

[web2py] New to web2py

2010-12-23 Thread Monte Milanuk

Hello all,

New guy here... I've been looking all over the web for something that
meets all the needs of a couple projects I want to do, and it looks like
web2py will just about cover them!

I'm getting my feet wet with the examples, and got sidetracked ;) by the
gae sql designer - holy cow that thing is sweet, not too complicated,
just right!  I was noticing that it seems to use the old DAL language of
'SQLField' instead of 'Field' for the table definitions... is there an
update or change in the works for that?

Also... maybe my understanding of foreign keys as used in web2py (or at 
least the gae sql designer) is not up to snuff... it seems like this:


should be just:


since I'm just wanting to tie those two fields together, not the one 
field to the whole other table... yes/no/maybe?

