Re: Slogan

2007-11-08 Thread Michael Warner


WebObjects:   Less Tar,  More Taste

On Nov 7, 2007, at 10:25 AM, Michael Kondratov wrote:


Easy things are easy and hard things are possible.

On Nov 7, 2007, at 5:49 AM, Pierre Bernard wrote:


On Nov 5, 2007, at 12:41 PM, Mitchel Roider wrote:

Imagine - WebObjects - Deploy

- - -
Houdah Software s. à r. l.

HoudahGeo: One-stop photo geocoding
HoudahSpot: Powerful Spotlight frontend

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Re: Thank you for your comments

2007-10-30 Thread Michael Warner
It is just my own experience of course,  but I have found that by  
getting my hands dirty
with raw html and css and trying to comply with web standards and  
approaches that make
my pages more accessible to those with disabilities (and others),   
the result has been very rewarding.  Once you have templates
for best practice,  together with some third-party software that  
let's you copy and paste snippets of proven
html,  there is actually very little loss in productivity.   Rather  
than thinking you are going to step on your
designers' toes,  think how pleased they will be (well, may not ;-) )  
that they can work more closely with you.

Mike Warner, novice at heart

p.s.  with respect to web accessibility / usability,  I highly  
recommend the work of Roger Hudson and Russ Weakley of MaxDesign

On Oct 30, 2007, at 7:10 AM, Daniele Corti wrote:

2007/10/30, Ken Foust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Yes it is the passing of the tools and the ease of getting everything
to work and coupled with the integration  that really hurts the
novice.  One thing I fail to understand is,  If Apple is going to kill
these tools why not just pass them on to the WO community here and let
you people make them better if you want.

Well, it's just my opinion, but I think it's a business rule to  
prefer projects death at give them for free. I think apple want to  
own these tools source and patents, also for reuse in future project.

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Daniele Corti

Computers are like air conditioners -- they stop working properly  
if you open


What about the four lusers of the apocalypse? I nominate:
"advertising", "can't log in", "power switch" and "what backup?"
--Alistair Young
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[OT] simple statistics

2007-07-16 Thread Michael Warner
I am looking for a light-weight package which will allow me to  
compute a Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient.
Send a matrix and return a value or values in the context of a larger  
WO app.  As part of  a larger stats package is fine.

Probably Java,  maybe open-source.   Any suggestions will be  

Mike W. 

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Re: [OT] Good Article on API Design

2007-07-09 Thread Michael Warner
I just read this article and found it to be very informative and  

Based on recent discussions about the need for documentation of  
Wonder, etc. , I found the following

quote to be provocative:

"The worst person to write documentation is the implementer [me: the  
author means the original creator of a method, framework or API],

and the worst time to write documentation is after implementation."

Mike Warner

On Jul 9, 2007, at 11:37 AM, Chuck Hill wrote:

This came out in the latest issue of ACM Queue.  It is a very good  
article on API design issues and mistakes.  It is a bit long but I  
think well worth reading:

You can also get a free subscription to Queue.  For a free computer  
magazine, this one is surprising worth reading.  There is usually  
at least one article worth reading and the interviews are interesting.



Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific  

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Re: WOBuilder Replacement

2007-07-06 Thread Michael Warner
... and if someone has not already mentioned it, it is important to  
understand web standards and accessibility guidelines and to do those  
extra things that make your site accessible to those with  
disabilities and others who would not otherwise be able to access  
your site.   So at least someone on your team should have a  
sophisticated understanding of html, css, and how to leverage the two  
so that your clients will be assured that the information on your  
site will reach the widest  possible audience.  And... it’s the right  
thing to do.

Mike W.

On Jul 6, 2007, at 2:57 PM, Steven Mark McCraw wrote:

I'm kicking my own ass for keeping this thread going, but I  
couldn't resist.  Until about a year ago, I was pretty dependent on  
WO Builder, just because I'd never put together templates any other  
way, so I know how a lot of the people who are complaining that  
there is no rendering previewish editor feel.  But in truth, WO  
Builder forced me into some pretty sloppy HTML and haphazard  
templating, and I never would have realized that if I hadn't  
switched to editing the HTML by hand.  It was a little bumpy for a  
while, but honestly now that I'm used to it, I wouldn't use a WO  
Builder like tool even if one were available.  I just feel like a  
better coder now, and things make more sense in a lot of places,  
and I'm really expanding in terms of my usage of HTML/CSS (Having a  
visual tool kept me stuck in the world of always using tables for  
layout, etc).

When you have to look at the HTML, you suddenly discover a lot of  
ways to make things better.  So I encourage anyone writing in who  
can't bear the thought of not having WO Builder to bite the bullet  
and try using the WOLips component editor for a month and see what  
happens.  If you still hate it, go back to using WO Builder.   
There's no reason you can't use WO Builder and Eclipse together,  
although the integration isn't quite as good as it was with XCode  
(because when you make a change, you have to go back to Eclipse and  
refresh the component there before the change will show up in your  
running app).


On Jul 6, 2007, at 5:36 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Jul 6, 2007, at 2:07 PM, Louis Demers wrote:

On 6-Jul-07, at 16:33 , Andrew Lindesay wrote:

Hello Janine;

The only feature of WOBuilder that I consider important is the one
that helps you to visualize what your component will look like  
it's rendered.  WOBuilder always did a lousy job of this,  

It's interesting; we all have quite different ways of working  
with components which probably illustrates different ways of  
thinking.  I really do like Mike's component editor, but to  
augment it, I would also enjoy the visual modeller in WOB.  I  
really do not feel at all like I need a full render of the page  
with data or anything -- what WOB does is perfect for my use.   
It's really a logical view for making bindings.  I'd love to  
have the time for such an undertaking. :-/

You expressed exactly what I was trying to say. Indeed, I believe  
that the graphical presentation must not aim at the aesthetics of  
the page/component but rather it's structure along with a decent  
inspector for the available bindings. The aesthetics of the  
presentation should be done through CSS and could be handed off  
to other tools like CSSEdit and the like.

In a sense, couldn't it be structured like the eomodeler in  
eclipse ? A tree showing the structure and some inspector  
specific to the webobject tags being edited ?

Two thoughts:

1. If you have clean, well formatted HTML the structure is usually  
evident.  Even with larger forms and tables, the ability to  
collapse sections can still make it easy to see.   Or, like Mike  
posted, you can use the Outline view.  Yes, Eclipse is amazing.

2. There is already an inspector (of sorts) for the WO tag being  
edited.  Click on the tag in the HTML and the WOD portion  
automatically scrolls to the definition in the WOD.  Ctrl-space in  
the definition to see all bindings ( foo =).  Adding an inspector  
is probably not too much work, though perhaps of little benefit  
once you have gotten used to auto-complete.

So it is not really too far off what you want with no real need  
for a full blown WO Builder.



Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve  
specific problems.

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Re: WOBuilder Replacement

2007-07-05 Thread Michael Warner
I believe that Gino is on the right track here.   Having heard Mike  
Schrag speak at WOWODC,  I am sure that he and his associates
could create a wonderful (no pun intended) new WOBuilder.   But for  
reasons apart from the financing, such an effort seems ill-advised at  
this time.

The main problem is the lack of a WO developer organization and lack  
a formal relationship with Apple Inc.Through a combination of   
genius, expertise, generosity
and sweat equity, certain individuals, including Mike Schrag, have  
come into leadership roles on this list.  But at this point that is  
all there is, a list, an ad hoc network of
developers, and the ability to survey the opinions of this anarchic,  
amorphous group.   There is no clear idea  how many of us there  
are!   Without a formal, dues-paying,
voting-for-officers organization,   the group does not have the clout  
that it could have.

I am NOT advocating the creation of a formal organization here.
Just pointing out
the obvious -- there is not one.  And so, for example,   when  
creating a 'survey', you are never sure what the group is that your  
are surveying.   And if WO developers were more
formally organized then the organization as a whole could approach  
Apple with more coherence and clout.

At some point,  with organized WO developers having a collective voice
and funds to send their leadership to meet with Apple,  some type of  
written agreement might be drawn up between Apple and the developers,  
such that Apple itself would be
intimately involved in guiding (and not inadvertently undermining)  
the creation of  something like a new WOBuilder.  Would one really  
want to invest 50K-100K in a product
so intimately connected to WO, without some type of formal  
relationship with Apple?

Please don't take my specific wording of the above points too  
seriously -- I am only trying to sketch, in a general sense, the  
dilemma that we developers are in.

Mike W.

Can't Apple be persuaded to contribute a small development team  
that worked with other WO Community members on this...

That might bring costs down and offer a soft landing for those of  
us that like to use a GUI to components and interface design...

On 5 Jul 2007, at 14:03, Jeremy Matthews wrote:

Although I understand the speed and the ease of Eclipses' Editor,  
I must admit that sometimes I miss WOBuilder...

I'd gladly pay $500 for a full WOBuilder Replacement...with or  
without Entity Modeler bundled (Since Mike is working on that  
anyways...)...maybe 2 licenses.

I might be able to swing more next year

Now whether it integrates with Eclipse or not...well, I've seen  
some nice things in Eclipse...but I'm willing to hear it out.

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Re: Getting Started With WO site

2007-06-19 Thread Michael Warner
I would like to volunteer to provide support for authors  --  editing  
of content, not so much from the point of view of the correctness of  
the content, but from the point of view
of clear written communication -- what should be added, deleted, re- 
arranged, elaborated -- that sort of thing.   I can do this for  
contributions before they are posted
or afterwards.   I had quite of bit of experience with that sort of  
thing in a previous life and in a different technical arena.   Since  
I am not a WO expert,   I can sometimes  see things in the

writing that experts do not.

Mike Warner

On Jun 18, 2007, at 9:02 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

I am not sure that putting it in the WOCommunity site is the best  
idea.  I will propose that a top level split is of longer term  
value.  "spaces" in a Confluence website are somewhat isolated from  
each other, but it is still easy to make links between topics in  
each.  Rather than have the stuff from the WikiBook jammed into  
WOCOM, would it not be more useful to provide something along the  
lines of:

WOLips - for all things directly related to WOLips and Eclipse usage
WOCOOM - for community related things, news, plans, associations, etc.
Wonder -  for all things directly related to Project Wonder
WebObjects - for documentation on WebObjects
WOTutorials - maybe part of WebObjects, maybe  a separate space

I think that having a top level differentiation like that will make  
it easier to locate the information that you want and easier to  
decide where to place new material.


On Jun 18, 2007, at 6:00 PM, Q wrote:

++1 here. I really dislike trying to use the wiki book, I would  
much prefer to see content marshalled into the WOCommunity wiki,  
rather than into the wiki book.

If the WOCOM wiki was the official centre of these efforts I would  
be much more included to spend time on it.

On 19/06/2007, at 8:45 AM, Chuck Hill wrote:

I also am less than thrilled with the WikiBook:

- the process of adding images is painful
- I am not sure if anything else can be added
- searching just the WO content is either not possible or not clear
- the markup is limited
- no one has control over the backups etc.

I have used Confluence quite a bit and find that to be much  
better for documenting technical material.


On Jun 14, 2007, at 9:22 AM, Steven Mark McCraw wrote:

Agreed.  How do we (and I guess by we I mean everybody on this  
list) come to an agreement on the one place that should be the  
definitive posting grounds?  Honestly, I sometimes find  
navigating the wiki book less than ideal, but it's kind of a  
minor irritation that I can live with if it solves the problem  
of a central repository, and there's so much there already that  
it seems like the most logical place to me.  Whatever it is, it  
should be publicly editable, I think, and it has to be  
searchable and individual articles must be linkable.  Is anybody  
in disagreement that the wiki book is the best place ongoing to  
post information?  If so, can we start an effort to shuttle  
information posted elsewhere into the wiki book if it is  
missing?  If not, what are alternative suggestions for the  
central repository of information?


On Jun 14, 2007, at 12:10 PM, Dana Kashubeck wrote:

On 6/14/07 11:57 AM, Steven Mark McCraw wrote:
My understanding is that the webobjects wiki book (http:// is trying to  
become the central point of documentation for WebObjects that  
people post to.  There's already a ton of info there, but we  
all know it could use a ton more.  At WOWODC, when the experts  
panel was asked what could be done to help with project  
wonder, this is what they came back with immediately:  We need  
people writing documentation, and this is the place to put  
it.  Even if it's bad, there are so many people watching it  
that bad info will get edited out quickly.
I think there's a danger in having TOO many informational  
sites.  If everybody decides to wing it because they get on a  
high at a developer's conference regarding being able to  
document stuff to widen the movement, I think we will end up  
with dozens of blogs, half finished tutorials, etc.  There's a  
reason there isn't much documentation on Wonder and  
WebObjects:  writing good documentation is HARD and time  
consuming, and not a very glamorous task.  So if you have 10  
spare hours to write a decent article on a very specific  
issue, I think everybody would be better served if that went  
to the wikibook.  That way, everybody can always point to one  
resource as definitive.
I don't mean to be preachy about it or rain on anybody's  
parade that is putting up yet another site about WebObjects.   
What I just wrote might sound snappy or mean, but I don't mean  
it that way.  I'm just trying to advocate a central repository  
for everything so people don't have to go here and there to  
get various pieces of the overall puzzle.  

Re: Getting Started With WO site

2007-06-14 Thread Michael Warner
The amount of brain power in the WO community is staggering.   This  
was confirmed when I attended the WOWODC session last Sunday and  
listened to the presenters.   Yet, IMESHO, there is something bogus  
about asking others to write documentation for you (see post  
below).   I HATE writing documentation and I am as guilty as the next  
person of not doing it.   Nevertheless, the difficulties in one's  
initial approach to WO, Project Wonder, etc.,  and difficulties in  
understanding and learning how to apply its (their) most powerful  
features are its central weakness.   And this weakness is in turn  
based on a problem that is endemic to Apple and WO -- the lack of the  
kind of documentation that clearly lays out the why, when and how of  
the WO way.

Clearly written expository text can make practically all of WO and WO- 
related methods (including when and how to use them)  accessible to  
almost anyone.  The elegant design aspects of WO could similarly be  
revealed by way of thorough,  extensive text.  I argued a couple of  
years ago that a multiple volume non-virtual book would be the best  
way to go,  because in taking on such a project, the authors would  
have to develop a comprehensive sense of how all the specific bits of  
information fit together.   Moreover (perhaps I am too old school)  
there is a public-ness and permanence (of historical value) to a  
book,  a concrete thing that one can point others to, as a  
authoritative and centralized source.   Just imagine a 2-3 volume set  
sitting on the shelf of every Barnes and Noble.   Most responses to  
my suggestion at  that time were negative,  mostly based on the idea  
the such a project was impractical, which it probably is.

If I wanted to wax cynical,  I would say that making WO available to  
a wider audience is not a good idea -- people who were not smart  
enough to 'just get it'  (without documentation and examples) , or  
not stubborn  enough to approach things through extensive trial and  
error (my approach),  and who were unable to appreciate its  
brilliance and elegance,  might start using it -- the secrets of the  
inner sanctum would be revealed widely and soon all sorts of bad  
things might follow.

A more/less ? practical suggestion might be this -- require as part  
of professional practice/protocol, that anyone who is developing  
applications like WO or who is writing methods to enhance WO be  
required to pair with a professional technical writer who's job it is  
to writie documentation.   It may well be that the developers  
themselves may not be the best people to write the docs -- besides,  
they won't do it anyway, as history has shown.

Mike Warner,  curmudgeon at large

On Jun 14, 2007, at 8:57 AM, Steven Mark McCraw wrote:

My understanding is that the webobjects wiki book (http:// is trying to become  
the central point of documentation for WebObjects that people post  
to.  There's already a ton of info there, but we all know it could  
use a ton more.  At WOWODC, when the experts panel was asked what  
could be done to help with project wonder, this is what they came  
back with immediately:  We need people writing documentation, and  
this is the place to put it.  Even if it's bad, there are so many  
people watching it that bad info will get edited out quickly.

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2007-04-20 Thread Michael Warner
I would like advise on the best way (or just any way if you prefer)  
to set up the following functionality.

I have a page wrapper or template that contains a stateless , non- 
synchronizing component called ErrorMessage.

ErrorMessage has one instance String variable called 'message'.

I have a page called 'NewClient' that is a partial component   
contained in the page wrapper.
It too has a string var called 'message'.   When a user leaves a  
required field empty in NewClient, I set the message string in  
NewClient to something
like "this field is required".  Ideally,  upon returning context 
().page(), I would like the ErrorMessage component to display
the message field (i.e. "this  field is required") from the NewClient  

Is it possible to wire this up using valueForBinding, or am I missing  
something?  If yes,  how is this done, exactly?

Please ask for clarification if I have left anything out.



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DBUnit configuration WOLips

2007-03-30 Thread Michael Warner
I have a small xml file representing a dataset for DBUnit.   During  
the build,
I believe that I should add this file to the /Content/Resources  
directory of the .woa

Can I add an ant task to the build.xml file that will do this in a  
handy way,  then

use code like the following (obtained from Chuck Hill) in my test class:

protected IDataSet getDataSet() throws Exception {
	InputStream dataSet = NSBundle.mainBundle 

if (dataSet == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Can't locate resource " +  
name + " in bundle " + NSBundle.mainBundle().name());

return new FlatXmlDataSet(dataSet);

What is a best-practice way to set all of this up?


Mike W.

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DBUnit in Eclipse config question

2007-03-09 Thread Michael Warner
I am trying for the first time to set up DBUnit in the context of  
WOLips / Eclipse.

I am using FrontBase as my database.
Under JRE System Library I have included frontbasejdbc.jar.
With a database, 'SampleDB', running, I am getting two errors on the  


protected  IDatabaseConnection getConnection() throws Exception {
Class driverClass = Class.forName("jdbc.FrontBase.FBJDriver");
Connection jdbcConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:FrontBase://localhost/SampleDB", "mmw", 
return new DatabaseConnection(jdbcConnection);

"Connection cannot be resolved to a type"
"DriverManager cannot be resolved"

my import statements include the following:

import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.dbunit.*;
import org.dbunit.database.DatabaseConnection;
import org.dbunit.database.IDatabaseConnection;

I assume this is a configuration problem of some kind.  Any specific  

on what I have left out?


Mike Warner

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2006-09-10 Thread Michael Warner
I am using WOBrowser on a page.  In cases where the number elements  
in a list equals or exceeds the 'size' of the list,
is it possible for a user to deselect all elements in the list?  The  
behavior I am getting is that at least one of the elements remains

selected and saved.

The specific behavior  I want is  for the user to be able to deselect  
ALL of the elements in the list  thus removing all

related objects.  Is it possible to accomplish this using WOBrowser?

If the 'size' binding is greater than the number of elements in the  
list, I am able to click below the list but inside WOBrowser and get  
the desired


 I have tried various combinations of bindings to no avail.

Is there a better general purpose solution, or hack?  I am   
specifically using WOBrowser because
my client did not accept the particular UI described by Malcolm  
Crawford in his excellent article on StepWise concerning a re-useable  
relationship inspector.


Mike Warner

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Re: WebObjects Foundation

2006-08-22 Thread Michael Warner
I found this post to be one of the most spot on.  Senior WO  
developers have stepped up on the list, post WWDC 2006.  That is both  
praiseworthy and
reassuring.  Yet the fact remains that apart from the important  
issues of lack of marketing and of built-in, up-to-date user- 
interface and other convenience tools,
the difficulty of learning adequate and best-practice ways of  
manipulating existing code, for the beginning or journeyman WO  
developer, remains a paramount


If I may wax old-school for a moment -- actual, physical books can  
make a huge difference in this situation.  Unlike some of the  
existing web-based
information-sharing tools, books are expected, except for errata, to  
be very accurate -- even authoritative!  I'm looking here at Addison- 
Wesley's "The Java Developer's Guide to Eclipse." 2nd
Edition.   The book (not chosen at random) including the extensive  
index, is over 1000 pages long.  And that is just for an IDE.

For a code-base as extensive as WebObjects, especially if Project  
Wonder is included,  several volumes would need  to be written.   
Imagine browsing your local Barnes and Noble shelf and running across  
the 5 volume series 'Developer's Guide to WebObjects' each volume as   
thick as the Eclipse Guide mentioned above.   Imagine each volume  
being something like the Joshua Marker book on steroids -- with  
clearly stated steps and helpful diagrams, even on advanced topics.

Is this do-able?  Very much so.  How about getting Apple and O'Reilly  
perhaps to sponsor such a project?  How about asking a handful of WO  
experts to assemble teams of writers, each with practical experience  
in a particular branch of the code base, to write a chapter or two?   
Start with a 'core' book and branch out from there.   Learn from the  
limitations of each of  the existing WO books.  To be a contributor  
to such an enterprise would (a) make a carefully thought out  
contribution to the WO community, (b) be a feather in one's cap if  
done well.

Two years from now books on the shelf could be a reality.  The mere  
existence of such books would make a statement, even a marketing  
statement, that WO is excellent, reliable, hugely scalable,  time- 
saving and here to stay.

So, to the senior wo developers out there I make this hip-hop  
enhanced plea -- show current and future WO developers, and even  
their bosses, 'how to get down' .  Do it in clear, concise, detailed  
and carefully considered text.

Mike Warner

On Aug 22, 2006, at 7:52 AM, Johan Henselmans wrote:

I am a bit surprised about all this discussion of using non- 
WebObjects solutions for a WebObjects site. As far as I know there is

-a WebObjects wiki ( 

-a Webobjects CMS (
-a Webobjects BugTracker (See Example Applications in Wonder in

three opensource attempts at replicating WebObjects functionality  
and API's:


a site that collects WO code snippets  (

some site that propagate using WebObjects

with movies of how to use webobjects:

and books
(See some of the sites for links)

So it seems that all the elements that are needed for making a nice  
WebObjects presence, make it as open source as possible and  
organize a proper foundation are already in place. It is all a bit  
scattered, and I think that it would be better to focus on getting  
these things nicely organized, and working properly and make sure  
that they are kept up to date.

What I miss:
-proper examples (no more 'the rest of the implementation is simple  
and is left as an exercise to the reader').

-a real nice and complete implementation of all the possible ways  
one can use web objects:  HTML, WebServices, AJAX, JavaClient,  
DirectToWeb, DirectToJava, with forms, mailings, print reports  
etc,  preferably for one problem-space.
The thinkmovies example of Apple seems a bit too far off from the  
common work-environment for that purpose. I think of something the  
northwind database that came as an example with MS-Access (is it  
still?), or the Filemaker templates, that are mostly sufficient for  
most of the information needs for small organisations, and can be  
used right away. Of course, it would be expandable in an easy way  
with examples of how to expand it (localizations, custom components  
etc). Preferably the example would link up to most of the popular  
databases (mysql, postgresql, openbase, frontbase, filemaker,  
oracle, ms-sqlserver,  db2, etc).
This example (or examples) should be the reason that people start  
using WebObjects. A re-implementation of some opensource solution  
developed in PHP, J2EE or .NET  to prove the ef

Re: - WWDC followup [and URLs]

2006-08-16 Thread Michael Warner
Then there is the ever-popular WOMF.mmwOn Aug 16, 2006, at 5:25 PM, Jeremy Rosenberg wrote:No umlauts!  They are a nightmare to parse.On 16-Aug-06, at 2:16 PM, Timo Hoepfner wrote:Am 16.08.2006 um 23:08 schrieb Chuck Hill:WebObjectsüberAlles? WebObjectsÜberAllesCamelCase :)Timo ___Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored.Webobjects-dev mailing list      ( your Subscription: email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ===Jeremy Rosenberg		Systems ConsultantAcademic Computing ServicesSimon Fraser UniversityBurnaby, BC, Canada V5A 1S6Phone: 	(604) 291-5504Fax:		(604) 291-4242Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]"AMAINT, provisioning good times since 1994!"  ___Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored.Webobjects-dev mailing list      ( your Subscription: email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ___
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Re: How about a WWWODC?

2006-08-09 Thread Michael Warner

how about a WODC?

Wanton Weary Whimsical Whorled Waffling Well-Worn Whiggish Wistful  
Wire-Haired Witty Woozy Wonderfully Wizened Web Objects Developer's  


On Aug 9, 2006, at 7:43 PM, Joe Little wrote:

On 8/9/06, James Cicenia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You know that sounds nice actually. However, I do wonder how many
actual WebObjects developers there are?
Is it measured in the 10s? 100s? 1000s?!! 10,000s??!! nah

Apparently, about 120 and not all can drink that much :)

- James Cicenia

On Aug 9, 2006, at 5:08 PM, George Domurot wrote:

> Yes, a conference specifically geared towards WO, i.e. World Wide
> WebObjects Developer Conference (WWWODC) or other *WO* acronym.
> On Aug 9, 2006, at 3:01 PM, Karl wrote:
>> World Wide WebObjects Developer Conference?
>> Karl
>> On Aug 9, 2006, at 2:58 PM, Pascal Robert wrote:
>>> I don't want to sound stupid, but what is a WWWODC ?
 Has anyone ever thought about putting together a WWWODC?

>>> ___
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thumbnail of .gif

2006-05-29 Thread Michael Warner
I  need to be able to create thumbnail files of images in various  
formats in a WO application.
I am using a call to sips to create thumbnails.  ( http://
This seems to be working well except for gif input files (no write  
out to gif).

 I can use a class provided by Sun to convert gif images to jpegs  

but my WOApp crashes, presumably due to issues with awt


1.  What is your best suggestion for creating thumbnails,  
particularly of gif files, inside of WO?
2.  Has anyone had recent success (in development and deployment)  
utilizing PJA Toolkit, as suggested in the wiki segment mentioned above?


Mike Warner

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Re: double confirm delete

2006-03-05 Thread Michael Warner
Boris,  someone will answer your question directly.   I am writing to  
suggest that you propose an alternative to your client.
My suggestion may not be appropriate in your specific case,  and if  
not,  just ignore it.

There are at least 2 reasons why you might not want users (be they  
administrative users or just plain old users) to delete records from  
a database:
(1) once the data is deleted, you cannot get it back without some  
difficulty (i.e.  restoring by hand some previous backed-up version  
of the database or part of the database).
(2) if there are relationships in the database, and the delete rules  
are not set exactly right,  related data can be inadvertently deleted  
OR, in some cases, related data might
not be deleted when it should have been deleted.   This can of course  
damage the referential integrity of your database.

An alternative which I sometimes suggest to clients is that no data  
will ever be deleted from the database.  Instead, for the most  
important tables, I add a 'status' attribute.   It can take values
of Active / Inactive (1 / 0 ) or sometimes, "Active / Inactive /  
Obsolete" -- with the obsolete option being an indication by the user  
that the record is now bogus in some way, or, for example that it  
points to

a user record where the user is known to be deceased.

Then I provide a search option in which the user can search just on  
active records  or just on inactive records.

The advantage of this approach is that the user never can  
inadvertently delete information, later regret it, and have no option  
but to turn to you or the database administrator in desperation.
The user, especially the administrative user,  remains in complete  
control of her or his data.Every so often,  if it is necessary to  
keep a table from getting too large,  the super user (e.g. the  
database administrator) can purge records that have been tagged as  
obsolete, or records that have been inactive for a certain period of  

Mike Warner

On Mar 5, 2006, at 3:48 PM, Boris Herman wrote:


I have a delete action of an object bound to JSConfirm which  
prompts the user to confirm the deletion. However, the client wants  
the delete action to double confirmed - i.e. "are you sure?" and  
then "are you really sure?". Does anyone have an idea on how to  
achieve that? Help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Sophisticated relationship help

2006-02-26 Thread Michael Warner
An obvious situation in which flattened relationships are not appropriate is the one in which you have attributes that belong directly in the linking table (in this case, the OPPORTUNITY_COMPANY table).Sometimes you don't anticipate these attributes right away.   With experience you will learn to recognize situations in which it is obvious to you that the only attributes in the  join table will be the two primary keys from the other tables, in which case, flattening can be very convenient. Mike WarnerOn Feb 26, 2006, at 12:08 PM, Mark Morris wrote:Hello Jim,You'll be safest if you stick to using flattened relationships for many-to-many's, and for nothing else.I haven't used Art's method, but he says it'll create the flattened relationship for you, so just leave it at that.  Make sure the non-flattened relationships (the ones directly to and from OPPORTUNITY_CUSTOMER) are not exposed to the class (uncheck the diamond column in EOModeler, and make sure any java classes don't have methods calling those relationships directly).Finally, you can modify the code I sent earlier like this (and again, I haven't run or debugged this):	public boolean opportunityHasCompany() {	   return anOpportunity.companies().containsObject( currentCompany );	}	public void setOpportunityHasCompany( boolean value ) {	   if( value && !opportunityHasCompany() ) {	      anOpportunity.addObjectToBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey( currentCompany, "companies" );	   }	   if( !value && opportunityHasCompany() ) {	      companyArray.removeObjectFromBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey( currentCompany, "companies" );	   }	}Where "companies" is the flattened many-to-many from Opportunity to Company, anOpportunity is the Opportunity being modified, and currentCompany is the "item" in the WORepetition.Regards,MarkOn Feb 26, 2006, at 2:21 AM, Jim Wong wrote:thanks art. what's flattened relationships? i can't catch wat the WO tutorial is talking abt. when do i use flattened and when do i not use? any pros and cons? Warmest Regards,Jim Wong[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 26 Feb 2006, at 4:10 PM, Art Isbell wrote:On Feb 25, 2006, at 9:10 PM, Jim Wong wrote:I have 3 entities: COMPANY, OPPORTUNITY, OPPORTUNITY_COMPANY. COMPANY- companyID (attribute)OPPORTUNITY- oppID (attribute)- customer (relationship between OPPORTUNITY(oppID) and OPPORTUNITY_COMPANY (oppID))OPPORTUNITY_CUSTOMER- oppID (attribute)- customerID (attribute)- company (relationship between OPPORTUNITY_CUSTOMER (customerID) and COMPANY (companyID))- opportunity (relationship between OPPORTUNITY_CUSTOMER (oppID) and OPPORTUNITY (oppID))The requirements of a form are:- In a form which displays all companies in COMPANY, user can select by WOCheckBOX the company(s) which will be customer of an opportunity. - Upon submission, the selected companies needs to be added to the OPPORTUNITY_CUSTOMER as customers of a related OPPORTUNITY. how can i get the above done? how's the coding requirement be like? 	EOModeler can build a valid many-to-many relationship between Company and Opportunity.  This is preferable to building these relationships manually because it's easy to make a mistake.  Click the Tools > Table Mode EOModeler menu.  Select the model name (the top node along the left edge of the EOModeler window).  In the right section of the window, select the Company and Opportunity entities.  Click the Property > Join in Many to Many menu item.  This will create Company.opportunities and Opportunity.companies to-many relationships that are flattened across the Opportunity_Company join entity.  Inspect the Opportunity_Company entity to make sure that it has the correct table name.  You may rename the Opportunity_Company entity to Opportunity_Customer and the Opportunity.companies relationship to Opportunity.customers if you prefer.	Then when the form is submitted, iterate through the selected companies adding each company to the Opportunity.customers relationship:	opportunity.addObjectToBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey(selectedCompany, "customers");Then send a saveChanges() message to the editing context.  Your eomodel will guide EOF to automatically manage the Opportunity_Customer entity which you don't need to refer to in your code or even to generate a custom Java class for; just leave it an EOGenericRecord. Aloha, Art   ___Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored.Webobjects-dev mailing list      ( your Subscription: email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ___Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored.Webobjects-dev mailing list      ( your Subscription: email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ___D

Re: (no subject)

2006-02-06 Thread Michael Warner
be sure to study this: WarnerOn Feb 6, 2006, at 6:15 PM, Scott Winn wrote:Hello WO Gurus, I need a good example of how to search my EOModeled database using relationships.  Both of the books I have purchased have remarkably little to say on the subject.  Here are the entities and their relevant attributes. . . Company	(PK) company_id	Relationship: Sellers (to Many)Seller	(PK) seller_id	(FK) seller_company_id	seller_code	Relationship: Company (to One)My code successfully gets a Company object from the database (referred to as import_Company below). It also retrieves a String called source_code to compare with the Seller object's seller_code to help narrow the search.  What I want is essentially an object from Seller where (seller_company_id == import_Company.company_id) and (seller_code == source_code)I have looked high and low for an example of the "WebObjects Way" to do this.  Most all of the specific EOQualifier and FetchSpec examples are about following a relationship to some value etc.  I was good and did NOT include Primary or Foreign Keys accessors in my Java Class files.I could do NSArray SellerArray = (NSArray)import_Company.Sellers();  and then search each array element for the source_code == seller_code match I'm looking for, but there must be a better way.  I have tried to adapt some of the examples I managed to find, but naming conventions were not good enough to help me figure out if they were passing relationships or something else.  I have tried filteredArrayWithQualifier and objectMatchingValues with no success.  Thanks for bailing out the newbie, Scott ___Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored.Webobjects-dev mailing list      ( your Subscription: email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ___
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