Re: [websec] Call for adoption: draft-ietf-websec-session-continue-prob-00

2013-07-12 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker
On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 5:39 PM, Nico Williams n...@cryptonector.comwrote:

  Also:  despite mentioning a few proposals, there's no mention of
 ChannelID /
  Channel-bound cookies [3].
  ChannelID seems to solve these problems, seems more polished than other
  proposals, and apparently is being experimentally deployed (see Chrome |
  Preferences | Cookies and site data | or

 There's definitely mention of channel binding.  Channel bound cookies
 used over HTTPS would meet the requirements of this spec, except for
 the CRIME/BEAST resistance part.

 I'm not sure that we should mandate CRIME/BEAST resistance -- TLS
 should arguably be able to resist such attacks.  But it will take a
 long time to deploy TLS that does, and that's what makes it appealing
 to have CRIME/BEAST resistance in the session continuation protocol.

We should not be mandating resistance to particular attacks already solved.
But we should be mandating a change in the authentication design.

The point is that the security of the authentication tokens should not be
compromised even if the confidentiality scheme fails. Confidentiality
should be built on authentication, not the other way round as using bearer
tokens forces us to do.

CRIME/BEAST would be a serious problem in any case and I find it amazing
that we still have people pushing header compression schemes even now. And
thats not the end of the problems either. The 'make it unsafe, we want
speed' crowd is currently looking at using HTTP over UDP for bulk transport
(not CoAP, web browsing) so expect DoS problems to get much worse.

The lesson we should be drawing from CRIME/BEAST is that the web browser
developers don't actually give a damn about security. There are security
people working for them but don't be fooled, the people who manage those
products don't consider security a priority or else we would have
revocation checking in SSL clients that is meaningful and many other things.

The KGB and the NSA both have doctrines that say that a system must be
robust in the case of failure of a cryptographic protocol. We have to adopt
the same sort of approach because modern Web browsers are ridiculously
complex and getting more so. There is nobody who can claim to understand
and be able to vouch for the security of the interactions between all the
components. CRIME is a consequence of two design decisions taken without
care for security: header compression and active code. Those two decisions
are not going to be the last.

Since we can't understand the consequences of those interactions our only
viable design approach is to design the session continuation scheme so that
the security of the authentication secrets ONLY depends on things we can
count on.

   - Will you be willing to review the problem statement?
   - Will you be willing to read multiple solution proposals to help the
  working group choose?
   - Will you be willing to review the solution document?
  I'd be more interested in websec taking this on if someone could argue
  ChannelID is *not* the right solution, and had some ideas how to do

 See above.

 websec mailing list

websec mailing list

Re: [websec] Call for adoption: draft-ietf-websec-session-continue-prob-00

2013-07-11 Thread Yoav Nir

On Jul 11, 2013, at 12:32 AM, Trevor Perrin wrote:

ChannelID seems to solve these problems, seems more polished than other 
proposals, and apparently is being experimentally deployed (see Chrome | 
Preferences | Cookies and site data | google.com or 

 - Will you be willing to review the problem statement?
 - Will you be willing to read multiple solution proposals to help the working 
group choose?
 - Will you be willing to review the solution document?

I'd be more interested in websec taking this on if someone could argue why 
ChannelID is *not* the right solution, and had some ideas how to do better.

Hi Trevor

[wearing no hats]

ChannelID is a TLS-layer extension. As such, it does nothing for HTTP. OTOH a 
proposal that hashes some header fields with a secret value works with or 
without TLS.

But even if we restrict our solution to HTTPS, I don't see how ChannelID helps 
a problem like the BEAST and CRIME attacks. In both cases, the issue is the 
scoping of cookie use. An attacker's web page or script can cause the UA to 
send requests of the attacker's choosing to a server. This has nothing to do 
with TLS - this in an HTTP behavior.

As it is, if I visit a website that has img 
src=; my UA is going to send a request to for gaah, and that request is 
going to have my cookie. I don't see what ChannelID adds here. With 
channel-bound cookies (section 7.1) my UA will send the same request to, but with a channel-bound cookie. But 
since it's my valid channel, the server will accept it just the same.

What we need, IMO, is a new cookie with new rules, such as that cookies will be 
indexed by origin and refer(r)er so that my UA would use different cookies for 
requests stemming from pages from google and requests initiated by pages and 
scripts from other origins. This kind of rule change is more important than 
either the crypto binding or the request hashing.


websec mailing list

Re: [websec] Call for adoption: draft-ietf-websec-session-continue-prob-00

2013-07-11 Thread Trevor Perrin
On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 5:50 AM, Yoav Nir wrote:

  On Jul 11, 2013, at 12:32 AM, Trevor Perrin wrote:

  ChannelID seems to solve these problems, seems more polished than other
 proposals, and apparently is being experimentally deployed (see Chrome |
 Preferences | Cookies and site data | or

   - Will you be willing to review the problem statement?
  - Will you be willing to read multiple solution proposals to help the
 working group choose?
  - Will you be willing to review the solution document?

  I'd be more interested in websec taking this on if someone could argue
 why ChannelID is *not* the right solution, and had some ideas how to do

  Hi Trevor

  [wearing no hats]

  ChannelID is a TLS-layer extension. As such, it does nothing for HTTP.

That's true, but is it important?

If a site can't be bothered to deploy TLS, is it going to deploy a new
session management mechanism?

The security gain of improving cookies without deploying TLS seems small -
it might protect cookies at; from someone who hacks;, but that's about it.

But even if we restrict our solution to HTTPS, I don't see how ChannelID
 helps a problem like the BEAST and CRIME attacks. In both cases, the issue
 is the scoping of cookie use. An attacker's web page or script can cause
 the UA to send requests of the attacker's choosing to a server. This has
 nothing to do with TLS - this in an HTTP behavior.

ChannelID solves this problem.

The goal of BEAST, CRIME, or other forms of cookie theft is to steal a
*usable* cookie.  With ChannelID, the channel-bound cookie that an attacker
might steal is unusable.

What we need, IMO, is a new cookie with new rules, such as that cookies
 will be indexed by origin and refer(r)er so that my UA would use different
 cookies for requests stemming from pages from google and requests initiated
 by pages and scripts from other origins. This kind of rule change is more
 important than either the crypto binding or the request hashing.

Deriving new cookie values based on where the cookie originated and where
it is being sent is one approach.

But making cookies sent to a particular client untransferable to other
clients seems equally valid, and is simpler if you can rely on something
(eg ChannelID) to securely differentiate clients.

websec mailing list

Re: [websec] Call for adoption: draft-ietf-websec-session-continue-prob-00

2013-07-11 Thread Yoav Nir

On Jul 11, 2013, at 7:51 PM, Trevor Perrin wrote:

But even if we restrict our solution to HTTPS, I don't see how ChannelID helps 
a problem like the BEAST and CRIME attacks. In both cases, the issue is the 
scoping of cookie use. An attacker's web page or script can cause the UA to 
send requests of the attacker's choosing to a server. This has nothing to do 
with TLS - this in an HTTP behavior.

ChannelID solves this problem.

The goal of BEAST, CRIME, or other forms of cookie theft is to steal a *usable* 
cookie.  With ChannelID, the channel-bound cookie that an attacker might steal 
is unusable.

True, but I believe that the fact that attackers are able to get the UA to send 
arbitrary requests to a server and have them bless this request with their 
cookie is bad enough. I can demonstrate this with a real world example. This is 
from a real firewall appliance. I won't mention names, except to say that it is 
not from my company (otherwise I would be too embarrassed to post this to a 
public mailing list.

This firewall had a web-based management interface protected with HTTPS. The 
pages would have all kinds of buttons, each button had a name pretty similar to 
the text on the button, and clicking the buttons would cause a GET request like 

GET /mainpage.html?button=something,field1=, field2=.

So I recorded some traffic (it was HTTPS, so I had to use a browser add-on to 
record it), and got this:

  *   GET /maingage.html?button=shutdown   caused the firewall to power-off.
  *   GET /mainpage.html?button=unload   caused the firewall to unload 
policy, so that it didn't enforce policy or do IPsec or anything a router 
wouldn't do.

So I tried opening another browser tab, and loading an HTML document that said 
img src=https://myfw/mainpage.html?button=shutdown;

Yes, the firewall powered down, and if I had used unload instead of 
shutdown that would be the end of enforcing a security policy.

Now, granted, this is epic levels of cluelessness. But Channel-bound cookies 
don't save the administrator of this firewall. Only changing the rules around 
blessing requests with cookies can help.

I'm all in favor of binding to TLS or MAC-ing the requests, but I think we need 
those in addition to making cookie behavior secure, not instead of.

Having re-read draft-balfanz, that draft only has a TLS extension. Section 7.1 
is only an example of how that extension can be used. If we really wanted a 
channel-bound cookie, we'd need a different document that specified 
channel-bound cookies. So we'd need someone two write such a draft.


websec mailing list

Re: [websec] Call for adoption: draft-ietf-websec-session-continue-prob-00

2013-07-11 Thread Daniel Kahn Gillmor
On 07/11/2013 02:41 PM, Yoav Nir wrote:
   *   GET /maingage.html?button=shutdown   caused the firewall to power-off.
   *   GET /mainpage.html?button=unload   caused the firewall to unload 
 policy, so that it didn't enforce policy or do IPsec or anything a router 
 wouldn't do.
 So I tried opening another browser tab, and loading an HTML document that 
 said img src=https://myfw/mainpage.html?button=shutdown;
 Yes, the firewall powered down, and if I had used unload instead of 
 shutdown that would be the end of enforcing a security policy.
 Now, granted, this is epic levels of cluelessness.

these are indeed epic levels of cluelessness.  at the very least the
authors of such an appliance need to learn the distinction between POST
and GET, which would prevent your attack.  If the authors aren't
capable of making this distinction (which has been around for nearly 20
years), and they don't use widely-known measures for CSRF protection
(itself coming up on 10 years old, i think) when they have users who
enable javascript, i strongly doubt they'll deploy any sort of fancy
session continuation even if we specify it perfectly.

I'm not sure this sort of example is a reasonable argument for
developing any new standard technical measures, since by definition the
culprits here are not making use of standard technical measures.



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websec mailing list

Re: [websec] Call for adoption: draft-ietf-websec-session-continue-prob-00

2013-07-11 Thread Trevor Perrin
On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 1:58 PM, Nico Williams n...@cryptonector.comwrote:

 At any rate, I don't think we should do anything to exclude channel
 bound cookies (at least not yet, not without much more discussion as
 to why) as a candidate session continuation protocol.  I have given
 reasons why I think it shouldn't be the only candidate at this time,

That's fair, but I do think ChannelID sets a high standard.  It's clear,
simple and can strongly protect cookies.  The proposals from this WG seem
much more complicated [1,2], and it's hard to tell whether they resist
attacks such as:

- Session forcing, where a MITM attacker transfer a session to the victim
client, thus logging the victim into the attacker's account.

 - Session stealing, where an attacker observes or receives a victim
client's request, and then makes the same request himself (perhaps just
replaying it, perhaps modifying it).


websec mailing list

Re: [websec] Call for adoption: draft-ietf-websec-session-continue-prob-00

2013-07-10 Thread Trevor Perrin
On Sun, Jul 7, 2013 at 10:37 PM, Yoav Nir wrote:

 Hi all

 This has been submitted with a websec filename, but note that this is not
 (yet) on our charter.

 At the Orlando meeting, we discussed some of the security issues with
 keeping HTTP sessions using cookies. There was consensus in the room that
 this is a problem that needs solving. Nicolas Williams, Phillip
 Hallam-Baker, and Yaron Sheffer volunteered to write a problem statement,
 and this is it. The message we got from our AD is that first we should show
 that the working group has the time and energy to work on solving this
 problem, and then we can add this to our charter.

 So please have a look and this document, and answer the following:
  - Is this a good starting point for the problem statement?

Hmm, it's surprising there's no discussion of cookie scoping problems like:
 - cookie stealing via MITM-created subdomains [1], or
 - cookie forcing via attacker-controlled sibling or cousin domains [2]

These attacks seems particularly relevant to this WG, since they can
subvert hostname-specified security like HSTS or HPKP.

Also:  despite mentioning a few proposals, there's no mention of ChannelID
/ Channel-bound cookies [3].

ChannelID seems to solve these problems, seems more polished than other
proposals, and apparently is being experimentally deployed (see Chrome |
Preferences | Cookies and site data | or

 - Will you be willing to review the problem statement?
  - Will you be willing to read multiple solution proposals to help the
 working group choose?
  - Will you be willing to review the solution document?

I'd be more interested in websec taking this on if someone could argue why
ChannelID is *not* the right solution, and had some ideas how to do better.


[1]  Section WARNING
Scope  Section 14.4

[2]  Sections and 8.6
Overwriting cookies

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