Re: [Wikidata-l] Number of planets in the solar system

2015-04-30 Thread Paul Houle
@Thomas is close to the right answer.

Nothing about Pluto changed,  it was the definition of Planet that is
changed so you need two different definitions of Planets,  but note that
the definitions of themselves are somewhat timeless,  so you are really
pointing to some specific definition of a planet in either case.

There is no reason why this is not practical.  It is just a matter of
putting in another type,  and maintenance is not a tough problem since
there are fewer than 10 of them.  There could be some need for vocabulary
to describe the attributes of the definitions,  but simply a link to a
defining document is good enough from the viewpoint of grounding.

On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 12:20 PM, Thomas Douillard wrote:

 It may not be practical, but it is still possible ;) classes like
 ''astronomic corp that was thought to be a planet in 1850'' are an option

 2015-04-30 13:51 GMT+02:00 Andrew Gray

 On 30 April 2015 at 12:37, Thomas Douillard
  Infovarius even complicated the problem, he put the number of known
  planets at some time with a qualifier for validity :)

 Just to throw a real spanner in the works: for a lot of the nineteenth
 century the number varied widely. The eighth planet was discovered
 in 1801, and is what we'd now think of as the asteroid or dwarf planet
 Ceres; the real eighth planet, Neptune, wasn't discovered until

 Newly discovered asteroids were thought of as 'planets' for some time
 (I have an 1843 schoolbook somewhere that confidently tells children
 there were eleven planets...) until by about 1850, it became clear
 that having twenty or so very small planets with more discovered every
 year was confusing, and the meaning of the word shifted. There was no
 formal agreement (as was the case in 2006) so no specific end date.

 The moral of this story is probably that trying to express complex
 things in Wikidata is not always practical :-)

 - Andrew Gray

 Wikidata-l mailing list

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Paul Houle

*Applying Schemas for Natural Language Processing, Distributed Systems,
Classification and Text Mining and Data Lakes*

(607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype
Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Preliminary SPARQL endpoint for Wikidata

2015-04-09 Thread Paul Houle
This is a great development!

I managed to run some simple queries,  but I am having trouble with
profiling-type queries such as

   ?p (count(*) as ?cnt)
   { ?s ?p ?o}
   group by ?p
   order by desc(?cnt)

You can generally run those O.K. on the DBpedia SPARQL endpoint.  It would
be nice to see a few more horsepower put behind this.

On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 7:11 PM, Nicola Vitucci

 Il 08/04/2015 23:43, Markus Krötzsch ha scritto:
  On 08.04.2015 17:24, Nicola Vitucci wrote:
  Il 08/04/2015 16:36, Markus Krötzsch ha scritto:
  On 08.04.2015 15:07, Nicola Vitucci wrote:
  Hi Markus,
  would you recommend to add some sort of patch until the new dumps
  out, either in the data (by adding some triples to a temporary
  graph) or
  just in the Web interface for the external links?
  If you need it ASAP, you could actually just implement it in our Java
  code and make a pull request. It should not be too much effort. You can
  use the issue to ask about details if you are not sure what to do.
  Otherwise the ETA would be end of April/beginning of May (several other
  RDF extensions are currently being worked on and will happen first,
  e.g., ranks in RDF).
  I don't need it right now, so given the short ETA I'd wait. Anyway, in
  order to let people use external links more easily, I could just
  manually drop the last letter (or apply any other rule) only in the
  href links for now, while leaving the URIs intact. Do you see any harm
  in this?
  Ah, you mean for dispayling links in HTML? No, there is no harm in this
  at all. Most likely, the final life exports will also redirect to the
  property entity exports (which would make most sense for LOD crawlers).

 Indeed. I made this temporary change on WikiSPARQL, so that links like
 in Jean-Baptiste's examples may work properly. If you try this:

 and then click on the external link on any property, now you should be
 redirected to the right wiki page.


 Wikidata-l mailing list

Paul Houle

*Applying Schemas for Natural Language Processing, Distributed Systems,
Classification and Text Mining and Data Lakes*

(607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype
Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Call for development openness

2015-02-20 Thread Paul Houle
,  quality is in the eye of the end user,  so it
only happens if you have a closed feedback loop where the end user has a
major influence on the behavior of the producer and certainly the
possibility of making more money if you do a better job and (even more so)
going out of business if you fail to do so is a powerful way to do it.

The trouble is that most people interested in open data seem to think their
time is worth nothing and other people's time is worth nothing and aren't
interested in paying even a small amount for services so the producers
throw stuff that almost works over the wall.  I don't think it would be all
that difficult for me to do for Wikidata what I did for Freebase but I am
not doing it because you aren't going to pay for it.


On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 8:09 AM, Gerard Meijssen

 I have waited for some time to reply. FIrst of all. Wikidata is not your
 average data repository. It would not be as relevant as it is if it were
 not for the fact that it links Wikipedia articles of any language to
 statements on items.

 This is the essence of Wikidata. After that we can all complain about the
 fallacies of Wikidata.. I have my pet pieves and it is not your RDF SPARQL
 and stuff. That is mostly stuff for academics and it its use is largely
 academic and not useful on the level where I want progress. Exposing this
 information to PEOPLE is what I am after and by and large they do not live
 in the ivory towers where RDF and SPARQL live.

 I am delighted to learn that a production grade replacement of WDQ is
 being worked on. I am delighted that a front-end (javascript) ? developers
 is being sought. That is what it takes to bring the sum of al knowledge to
 all people. It is in enriching the data in Wikidata not in yet another pet
 project where we can make a difference because that is what the people will
 see. When SPARQL is available with Wikidata data.. do wonder how you would
 serve all the readers of Wikipedia.. Does SPARQL sparkle enough when it is
 challenged in this way ?

 On 18 February 2015 at 21:25, Paul Houle wrote:

 What bugs me about it is that Wikidata has gone down the same road as
 Freebase and Neo4J in the sense of developing something ad-hoc that is not
 well understood.

 I understand the motivations that lead there,  because there are
 requirements to meet that standards don't necessarily satisfy,  plus
 Wikidata really is doing ambitious things in the sense of capturing
 provenance information.

 Perhaps it has come a little too late to help with Wikidata but it seems
 to me that RDF* and SPARQL* have a lot to offer for data wikis in that
 you can view data as plain ordinary RDF and query with SPARQL but you can
 also attach provenance and other metadata in a sane way with sweet syntax
 for writing it in Turtle or querying it in other ways.

 Another way of thinking about it is that RDF* is formalizing the property
 graph model which has always been ad hoc in products like Neo4J.  I can say
 that knowing what the algebra is you are implementing helps a lot in
 getting the tools to work right.  So you not only have SPARQL queries as a
 possibility but also languages like Gremlin and Cypher and this is all
 pretty exciting.  It is also exciting that vendors are getting on board
 with this and we are going to seeing some stuff that is crazy scalable (way
 past 10^12 facts on commodity hardware) very soon.

 On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 12:20 PM, Jeroen De Dauw


 As Lydia mentioned, we obviously do not actively discourage outside
 contributions, and will gladly listen to suggestions on how we can do
 better. That being said, we are actively taking steps to make it easier for
 developers not already part of the community to start contributing.

 For instance, we created a website about our software itself [0], which
 lists the MediaWiki extensions and the different libraries [1] we created.
 For most of our libraries, you can just clone the code and run composer
 install. And then you're all set. You can make changes, run the tests and
 submit them back. Different workflow than what you as MediaWiki developer
 are used to perhaps, though quite a bit simpler. Furthermore, we've been
 quite progressive in adopting practices and tools from the wider PHP

 I definitely do not disagree with you that some things could, and
 should, be improved. Like you I'd like to see the Wikibase git repository
 and naming of the extensions be aligned more, since it indeed is confusing.
 Increased API stability, especially the JavaScript one, is something else
 on my wish-list, amongst a lot of other things. There are always reasons of
 why things are the way they are now and why they did not improve yet. So I
 suggest to look at specific pain points and see how things can be improved

Re: [Wikidata-l] Call for development openness

2015-02-18 Thread Paul Houle
What bugs me about it is that Wikidata has gone down the same road as
Freebase and Neo4J in the sense of developing something ad-hoc that is not
well understood.

I understand the motivations that lead there,  because there are
requirements to meet that standards don't necessarily satisfy,  plus
Wikidata really is doing ambitious things in the sense of capturing
provenance information.

Perhaps it has come a little too late to help with Wikidata but it seems to
me that RDF* and SPARQL* have a lot to offer for data wikis in that you
can view data as plain ordinary RDF and query with SPARQL but you can also
attach provenance and other metadata in a sane way with sweet syntax for
writing it in Turtle or querying it in other ways.

Another way of thinking about it is that RDF* is formalizing the property
graph model which has always been ad hoc in products like Neo4J.  I can say
that knowing what the algebra is you are implementing helps a lot in
getting the tools to work right.  So you not only have SPARQL queries as a
possibility but also languages like Gremlin and Cypher and this is all
pretty exciting.  It is also exciting that vendors are getting on board
with this and we are going to seeing some stuff that is crazy scalable (way
past 10^12 facts on commodity hardware) very soon.

On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 12:20 PM, Jeroen De Dauw


 As Lydia mentioned, we obviously do not actively discourage outside
 contributions, and will gladly listen to suggestions on how we can do
 better. That being said, we are actively taking steps to make it easier for
 developers not already part of the community to start contributing.

 For instance, we created a website about our software itself [0], which
 lists the MediaWiki extensions and the different libraries [1] we created.
 For most of our libraries, you can just clone the code and run composer
 install. And then you're all set. You can make changes, run the tests and
 submit them back. Different workflow than what you as MediaWiki developer
 are used to perhaps, though quite a bit simpler. Furthermore, we've been
 quite progressive in adopting practices and tools from the wider PHP

 I definitely do not disagree with you that some things could, and should,
 be improved. Like you I'd like to see the Wikibase git repository and
 naming of the extensions be aligned more, since it indeed is confusing.
 Increased API stability, especially the JavaScript one, is something else
 on my wish-list, amongst a lot of other things. There are always reasons of
 why things are the way they are now and why they did not improve yet. So I
 suggest to look at specific pain points and see how things can be improved
 there. This will get us much further than looking at the general state,
 concluding people do not want third party contributions, and then
 protesting against that.



 Jeroen De Dauw -
 Software craftsmanship advocate
 Evil software architect at Wikimedia Germany

 Wikidata-l mailing list

Paul Houle
Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
(607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype
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Re: [Wikidata-l] Tools for Wikidata users

2015-01-16 Thread Paul Houle
I like this stuff and I'd like to imagine what the cycle of improving these
looks like.

I played around with the admin interface a little,  but it wasn't clear how
I could add a property that is defined in Wikidata,  such as the
electronegativity or the oxidization states.  There is also the issue that
other properties that I don't see populated for Wikidata here such as
boiling point,  melting point,  etc.

Right now I think the 3d display modes are flashy but don't deliver real
value.  With more data,  however,  you could do some interesting things.

Also I am curious about the data model,  it looks like a property here is
something like a relational table row,  is it?
Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Precision of globe coordinates

2015-01-13 Thread Paul Houle
Big picture it is important to recognize the importance of geodetic datums.

The market leading datum is WGS84 or GPS because it is (1) good enough for
military work,  and (2) GPS hardware is everywhere.

Before the space age,  geodetic datums were determined by optical
observations forming a network across a region.  Islands far from the coast
would get their own datum because the position of the island itself
relative to the mainland is uncertain.

In today's globalized world we have more reasons for datums.

I often see road crews using specialized GPS equipment with large
antennas.  These systems establish a datum around base station(s) which can
be precise to the centimetric range in the most advanced systems.

Measurements made with that kind of system will be NOT be precisely
comparable with measurements made in other places,  but you could dumb down
the claim to WGS84 because it would still be that good.

Then there is quality in the sense of conformance to requirements;  we
might muck with some coordinates to make data useful.

For instance,  if you use a quality hand GPS to survey stars on the
Hollywood Walk of Fame and then plot the points on Google maps,  you
discover two MUST requirements are missing

(i) the stars are all in the correct order,  and
(ii) on the correct side of the street

which from the viewpoint of a pedestrian is a lot more important than the
fact that my images of Hollywood and Vine are rotated a bit relative to the
Big G's.

Thus, an augmented reality mobile app for the Hall of Fame would require
its own geodetic datum.

I spend more time walking in the woods than I do in L.A.,  and in the woods
there are similar but different concerns.  If you walk on a path that
closely follows a creek,  for instance,  a GPS trace may not agree with the
actual sequence of creek crossings -- something that would drive me nuts if
I was using a map while hiking in the woods.  You're supposed to fix
topological problems like that when you upload to Open Street Maps,  so
that is another sense of a privileged datum.

On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 10:15 AM, Serge Wroclawski

 For places where precision is required, has anyone given thought to
 using Geohash keys rather than lat/lon?

 The benefits of geohashing here is that you get both the location and
 also the precision values in a single object.

 As a secondary benefit, it can be used to index on a database with
 more ease than a standard lat/lon coordinate pair.

 - Serge

 Wikidata-l mailing list

Paul Houle
Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
(607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype
Wikidata-l mailing list

[Wikidata-l] A look at Wikidata

2015-01-11 Thread Paul Houle
I fed the Wikidata dump into a JSON profiling tool; in the first stage it
identified unique paths one could follow through the JSON data structures.
The table below shows a count of the literal data items that can be found
behind a path -- we're not counting how many claims of P31[] have been
made,  we are also counting all of the literals inside the node, so the
more information that is qualifying the claim the bigger this number gets.

/claims/P31[]144350720 instance of/claims/P625[]35948377  geographic
coordinates/claims/P17[]35165614  country: sovereign
 freebase identifier/claims/P569[]30881885  date of birth/claims/P21[]30466476
 sex or gender/claims/P105[] 29234406  taxon rank/claims/P225[]27808194
 taxon name/claims/P131[]27806448  located in administrative div
/claims/P171[]25159278  parent taxon

None of those are a surprise at all:  the two great hierarchies (spatial
and biological) are represented and there are properties about people,
 oddly though the most documented property connected with creative works is
P161,  which ranks in at #20.

Anyhow,  it is not all claims,  if you look at the highest level you see


Everything above the /claims is part of what I have been calling the
taxonomic core.There are quite a few reasons to treat this data
specially,  and I'd guess this solved a chicken-vs-egg problem for WD.

In Freebase the taxonomic core is roughly half the mass of the whole
thing.  The claims are certainly bulked up in Wikidata because of the
qualifying information.

If anything is weak about the fundamental data model it is that aliases and
labels are not reified the way the claims are.  This is a big deal if you
want a usable lexical database.  For instance,  labels should be taggable
as to

* being potentially offensive (i.e. insults that start with N)
* generic name for drug/brand names for drug
* Japanese labels should be available in kanji,  hiragana, and romanized
form and should be identifiable that way
* in English we have it easy and you can generate Mad Lib style texts
correctly if you can (1) know which article to use and (2) how to make both
the plural and singular forms.  (1) is easy to guess if you have semantic
data and you can get away with being imperfect at (2).
* for German however you need to tag by grammatical gender and the choice
of the article is a function of said gender and the relationship between
the concept and the predicate as well as the verb tense
* similar things exist for most of the other languages...
* various organizations have defined viewpoints on terminology;  for
instance firefighters want you to say 'flammable' because people might get
the morphology wrong on 'inflammable';  in the army you could be sexually
harassed if you call your Rifle your Gun

Paul Houle
(607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype
Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] WikiData for Research Project Idea: Structured History

2014-12-29 Thread Paul Houle
Gerard,  tell me about it.

It's hard to find anyone who has even seen ISO 8601 so there is not
general compatibility between tools that accept ISO 8601 (date)?(times?);
 the xsd:datetime (defined mainly as a restriction of ISO 8601) is closer
to an open standard,  but people aren't so sure about extra digits in the
date fields,  but maybe we will need them to deal with the year 1

IEEE 744 is a similar scandal since it hasn't been read by most developers,
 particularly systems developers,  so it is unlikely that FP operations in
your favorite language are completely conformant.

Now IEEE does have the Get802 program which lets you get slightly aged
documents for networking standards and ISO does release the occasional
standard for free such as ISO 20222 but there is a big difference between
those two and the other organizations like the OMG,  W3C,  IETF,  and FIPS
that publish standards for free and manage to somehow pay the bills.

On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 6:31 AM, Gerard Meijssen

 The fact that ISO has its standards behind a paywall is its shame.
 However, it does not necessarily imply anything about the use of the

 NB a paywall seriously hampers acceptance of standards

 On 29 December 2014 at 12:20, Jeff Thompson wrote:

  The ISO standard for CIDOC CRM is behind a pay wall with a patent
 notice. Can it be used in an open knowledge system?

 On 2014-12-29 9:49, Dov Winer wrote:

  Hi Sam,

  CIDOC/CRM is the ontology of choice for Structured History
 as it is anchored on modelling events.

  An excellent project based on it is the ResearchSpace from
 the British Museum.


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Paul Houle
Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
(607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype
Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Public datasets available via Amazon

2014-11-30 Thread Paul Houle
I have a copy of the Wikipedia Traffic statics with data in AWS up to Feb
2014 and I have scripts that could fill in the rest to produce a useful
monthly product.

I spent a month or two doing vendor management with AWS and eventually
talked to the people in charge of the data sets and they didn't seem all
that excited about the various dead data sets that haven't been updated
such as old Freebase quad dumps or that old slice of Wikipedia stats,

It wasn't clear to him,  however,  that anybody would be interested in the
data I proposed to publish and it didn't go any further.

If you want this data, go ask the public data sets people for it.  In the
mean time if you want to get your AWS account authorized for it, please
write me personally.

On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 1:02 PM, Federico Leva (Nemo)

 Cristian Consonni, 28/11/2014 18:00:

 several public datasets are available (including Wikipedia's traffic

 (Years old, and Amazon doesn't answer when offered updates. Cf. )


 Wikidata-l mailing list

Paul Houle
Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
(607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype
Wikidata-l mailing list

[Wikidata-l] Infovore 3.1 and :BaseKB Gold 2

2014-11-12 Thread Paul Houle
I'm bringing this up as my proof-by-construction answer to a
knock-down-drag-out thread earlier where people complained about the
difficulty of running queries against DBpedia and Wikidata.

I think some people will find the product described below to be a faster
road to where they are heading in the short term.  In the longer term I am
thinking a v4 or v5 infovore may be able to evaluate the contexts of facts
in Wikidata and thus create a world view which can be quality controlled
for particular outcomes.


Well,  Infovore 3.1 happened quickly after Infovore because I made a quick
attempt to get my Jena up to date and found it was easy to update,  so I
did.  The importance here is that there is a lot of cool stuff going on
with Jena,  such as the RDFThrift serialization format,  and also some
Hadoop I/O tools written by Rob Vesse,  and tracking the latest version
helps us connect with that.  Release page here:

Infovore 3.1 was used to process the Freebase RDF Dump to create a
quality-controlled RDF  data set called :BaseKB;  generally queries look
the same on Freebase and :BaseKB,  but :BaseKB gives the right answers,
 faster,  and with less memory consumption.  This week's release is in the
AWS cloud:


something very close to this is going to become :BaseKB Gold 2.  This is
 simpler and better product that the last Gold release from Spring 2014.
Here are a few reasons:

* Unicode escape sequences in Freebase are now converted to Unicode
characters in RDF
* The rejection rate of triples has dramatically dropped,  because of both
changes to Infovore and improvements in Freebase content
* The product is now packaged as a set of files partitioned and sorted on
subject;  this means you can download one file and get a sample of facts
about a given topic;  there is no longer the horizontal division

Between duplicate fact filtering and compression,  :BaseKB Now is nearly
half the size of the Freebase RDF Dump.

If you're interested please join the mailing list at!forum/infovore-basekb
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Re: [Wikidata-l] Wikidata RDF

2014-10-30 Thread Paul Houle
 xhv:related ;
 is foaf:primaryTopic of,

 ## Nanotation End ##


 [1] -- Nanotation
 -- URL pattern that will show the effects (refied statements/claims amongst
 other things) of the nanotations above .


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 Wikidata-l mailing list

Paul Houle
Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
(607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype
Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Commons Wikibase

2014-08-20 Thread Paul Houle
I'd be particularly wary of inferring anything from the EXIF data,
 especially the time.

I have a cheap digital camera which is pretty good except that the clock
periodically resets to a default time.  I've got a somewhat more expensive
digital camera which has the same problem.  I have an android tablet that I
assume gets the time from the net and/or GPS,  but when I took it ought of
my gym bag the other day I noticed the time display had been switched to
24hrs and the time zone was switched to central.

When I am in the photography habit,  I keep the clock set on my cameras.
 Sometimes I fall out of the habit but something interesting happens and
you'd better believe I am not going to waste time setting the clock if I
get a chance to photograph a burning car!

Similarly when travelling I might be bothered to set the timezone or not,
 more likely not if I have a layover in some place like Frankfurt or
Schiphol airport.

If somebody decided just to set the clock to Zulu I wouldn't blame them.

Also,  efforts to infer stuff from the EXIF data such as did the flash go
off? rarely produce interesting results.  For instance,  it's a good habit
to use the flash when you take photos of people outdoors on a bright day
because it softens the shadows.  Some people do it all the time and the
auto mode on some cameras does it by default too.  Thus,  the flash is not
an indicator that a photo was taken at night,  indoors,  in the dark,  etc.

If you filter on things like that,  or the ISO level,  or the exposure,  or
aperture,  you're unlikely to get categories that are useful.

On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 7:52 AM, Markus Krötzsch wrote:

 On 20.08.2014 10:46, Gerard Meijssen wrote:

 When I add statements with is a list of, the item I refer to works as
 a base. It and all subsequent statements are required to be the result
 of the result that is generated by WDQ in the background. The results
 are shown automatically from within Reasonator.

 The hack is in having Reasonator interpret the limited expressions
 available. Then again, calling Reasonator a hack is a disservice to the
 real application it provides.

 Not sure what you refer to, but there might be a misunderstanding here. I
 was using the word hack in my email to refer to the proposal of using
 additional qualifiers to express queries in Wikidata. That was a new
 proposal in the email I replied to and had nothing to do with Reasonator or
 your annotations.


 Wikidata-l mailing list

Paul Houle
Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
(607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype
Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Items without any label

2014-08-14 Thread Paul Houle
Some of these come up to a page that says this record has been deleted,
 other ones have no english label but have labels in other languages

On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 7:55 AM, Andrew Gray

 Looks like a lot of these may be failed or simply not-yet-deleted merges,


 On 14 August 2014 09:06, Lukas Benedix wrote:
  I found ~16.000 Items without any label. I have no idea how it's
  possible to create those and how to fix this problem, so here is the
  list for whoever can:
  Wikidata-l mailing list

 - Andrew Gray

 Wikidata-l mailing list

Paul Houle
Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
(607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype
Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Wikidata: CSV, Shapefile, etc.

2014-08-05 Thread Paul Houle
I'm intensely interested in links to shapefiles from databases such as
Wikidata,  DBpedia and Freebase.  In particular I'd like to get Natural
Earth hooked up

It's definitely a weakness of current generic databases that they use the
'point GIS' model that is so popular in the social media world.

On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 10:14 AM, Magnus Manske

 We don't have shapefiles yet, but a lot of property types such as
 geographic coordinates (as in, one per item, ideally...), external
 identifiers (e.g. VIAF), dates, etc.

 A (reasonably) simple way to mass-add statements to Wikidata is this tool:

 A combination of spreadsheet apps, shell commands, and/or a good text
 editor should allow you to convert many CSVs into the tool's input format.


 On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 3:01 PM, Brylie Christopher Oxley wrote:

 I would like to contribute data to Wikidata that is in the form of CSV
 geospatial shapefiles, etc.

 Is there currently, or planned, functionality to store general structured
 on Wikidata?
 Brylie Christopher Oxley

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Paul Houle
Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
(607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype
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Re: [Wikidata-l] Reasonator ignores of qualifier

2014-06-17 Thread Paul Houle
So far as data types go I'd look at the structure here

Something parallel to this satisfies the major requirements for
describing who was the Mayor of Where When;  perhaps the Mayor of New
York is particularly notable,  but sum total of significance of all
mayors surely is greater and enough to be notable.

Of course an uncountable number of composite concepts that people
might want to reference that can be derived from a generic instance.
For instance,  Economy of Japan might be a good LCSH heading,  but
even the LCSH creates headings like that in a faceted organization
that recognizes that there is an Economy of [place] for any [place].
If all of the useful composite concepts were materialized,  you could
puff Wikidata up by orders of magnitudes.

On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 11:06 AM, Tom Morris wrote:
 Sad to see the Deletionists taking hold on Wikidata too.


 On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 4:31 PM, Thomas Douillard wrote:

 Yeah, there seem to be some cognitive dissonance going on here, it's

 2014-06-16 22:08 GMT+02:00 Derric Atzrott

  That's certainly what the policy says. It's not what some admins
  accept, though.
  A direct quote from one, from as recently as March this year:
*   The general spirit of the notability policy is that Wikipedia
  finds [the subject] notable

 This was also the general vibe that I had gotten that informed my
 understanding of
 notability on Wikidata before someone pointed out that policy actually

 Thank you,
 Derric Atzrott

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Paul Houle
Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
(607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype

Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] What is the point of labels?

2014-06-06 Thread Paul Houle
There's another road to ontology of labels which is connected with the
kind of roles that labels play in systems.

One need is that a system wants to mention something or draw something
and otherwise refer to something and it needs to know what to call it.
 Another need is that you have a phrase and you want to find things
with a matching label.  Then there's the more general problem that the
user has something in his head and you want to specify it.

In terms of acceptance of labels you want the system to accept a wide
range of possible names people would use for something (I think in
Wikidata scope) but to make the most of that you need a good estimator
of the probability that a particular surface form used in a particular
context refers to this or that and that is probably out of scope.

You want to accept labels you wouldn't want to generate.  A tendency
to generate ethnic, racial and other kinds of slurs is a showstopper
for any public commercial application.  A.I.'s are like people;  some
of them are more prone to potty mouth than others,  you can't count on
good behavior unless you train your animals.  Thus,  offensive labels
should be tagged.

Similar choices appear in different contexts.  I live in New York and
if you look at legal documents they always say New York State or
New York City but if you drive onto the Thruway from Pennsylvania
you will see Welcome to New York and then a distance sign that says
New York is 490 miles away.  Sometimes you want the latin name of an
organism and sometimes you want the common name.  You might want to
speak of pharmaceuticals always using the generic name (Omeprazole)
rather than a brand (Prilosec).  Sometimes you want to use
abbreviations (RDF) and other times you want to spell things out
(Resource Description Framework).  If you want to make something
visually tight you need to control label length

A superhuman system would certainly contain statistical models,  but a
lot of the knowledge needed to do the above could be encoded as
properties of the labels.


On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 1:57 PM, Gerard Meijssen wrote:
 In a different conversation it was put like this: Wikipedia is what it is
 and Wikidata is what it is. This was in the context of assumptions.

 On 6 June 2014 16:59, Daniel Kinzler wrote:

 Am 06.06.2014 15:44, schrieb Gerard Meijssen:
  That is exactly the point. Once you assume that they are the same you
  ignore the
  extend to which they are not. Many, many items have articles pointing to
  resulting in labels that are not exactly the same subject.

 And these are mistakes that should be fixed. So?

 Daniel Kinzler
 Senior Software Developer

 Wikimedia Deutschland

 Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e.V.

 Wikidata-l mailing list

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Paul Houle
Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
(607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype

Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] Classification of properties?

2014-05-05 Thread Paul Houle
 I think the best scheme I've seen like this yet is at

 In the RDF model it is easy to make statements about predicates

?p a :SocialRelation .

 the key is that it is multi-dimensional so probably a given predicate
will be a member of a few different categories scattered across the

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 8:18 AM, Fredo Erxleben wrote:
 Hello all,

 I am playing around with properties at the moment, especially filtering out
 a certain kind of properties.

 So I wondered if it wouldn't be a nice thing, if properties were classified
 in some way.

 Example: (Numbering is just for readability and does not hold any semantics)
 P… is the placeholder for the actual property-Id, did not want to look them
 all up

 1) Relations
 1a) Mathematical relations
 1b) Relations in human interaction
 1b1) Social relation
 1b1a) P… (is employee of)
 1b1b) P… (is heir to)
 1b2) Biological relation
 1b2a) P… (brother of)
 1b2a) P… (sister of)
 2) External IDs

 and so on, I think you get the idea.

 Has something like this bees discussed before?


 Wikidata-l mailing list

Paul Houle
Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
(607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype

Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] qLabel

2014-04-02 Thread Paul Houle
I've been thinking about this kind of problem in my own systems.  Name
and link generation from entities is a cross-cutting concern that's
best separated from other queries in your application.  With SPARQL
and multiple languages each with multiple rdf:label it is awkward to
write queries that bring labels back with identifiers,  particularly
if you want to apply rules that amount if an ?lang label doesn't
exist for a topic,  show a label from a language that uses that uses
the same alphabet as ?lang in preference to any others.  Another
issue too is that the design and business people might have some
desire for certain kinds of labels and it's good to be able to change
that without changing your queries.

Anyway,  a lot of people live on the other end of internet connections
with 50ms, 2000ms or more latency to the network core,  plus sometimes
the network has a really bad day or even a bad few seconds.  For every
hundred or so TCP packets you send across the modern internet,  you
lose one.  The fewer packets you send per interaction the less likely
the user is going to experience this.

If 20 names are looked up sequentially and somebody is on 3G cellular
with 300ms latency,  the user needs to wait six seconds for this data
to load on top of the actual time moving the data and waiting for the
server to get out of it's own way.  This is using jQuery so it's very
likely the page has other Javascript geegaws in that work OK for the
developer who lives in Kansas City but ordinary folks in Peoria might
not have the patience to wait until your page is fully loaded.

Batch queries give users performance they can feel,  even if they
demand more of your server.  In my system I am looking at having a
name lookup server that is stupidly simple and looks up precomputed
names in a key value store,  everything really stripped down and
efficient with no factors of two left on the floor.  I'm looking at
putting a pretty ordinary servlet that writes HTML in front of it,
but a key thing is that the front of the back end runs queries in
parallel to fight latency,  which is the scourge of our times.  (It's
the difference between Github and Altassian)

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 4:36 AM, Daniel Kinzler wrote:
 Hey Denny! Awesome tool!

 It's so awesome, we are already wondering about how to handle the load this 

 As far as I can see, qlabel uses the wbgetentities API module. This has the
 advantage of allowing the labels for all relevant entities to be fetched with 
 single query, but it has the disadvantage of not being cacheable.

 If qlabel used the .../entity/Q12345.json URLs to get entity data, that would 
 covered by the web caches (squid/varnish). But it would mean one request per
 entity, and would also return the full entity data, not just the  labels in 
 language. So, a lot more traffic.

 If this becomes big, we should probably offer a dedicated web interface for
 fetching labels of many entities in a given language, using nice, cacheable
 URLs. This would mean a new cache entry per language per combination of 
 - potentially, a large number. However, the combination of entities requested 
 determiend by the page being localized - that is, all visitors of a given page
 in a given language would hit the same cache entry. That seems workable.

 Anyway, we are not there quite yet, just something to ponder :)

 -- daniel

 Am 01.04.2014 20:14, schrieb Denny Vrandečić:
 I just published qLabel, an Open Source jQuery plugin that allows to annotate
 HTML elements with Wikidata Q-IDs (or Freebase IDs, or, technically, with any
 other Semantic Web / Linked Data URI), and then grabs the labels and displays
 them in the selected language of the user.

 Put differently, it allows for the easy creation of multilingual structured
 websites. And it is one more way in which Wikidata data can be used, by 

 Contributors and users are more than welcome!

 Wikidata-l mailing list

 Daniel Kinzler
 Senior Software Developer

 Wikimedia Deutschland
 Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e.V.

 Wikidata-l mailing list

Paul Houle
Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
(607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype

Wikidata-l mailing list

Re: [Wikidata-l] qLabel

2014-04-02 Thread Paul Houle
Of course.  You can cache the individual entities somewhere inside the
server-system where they can be stuck together very quickly,  or you
can cache them on the client.

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 12:04 PM, Magnus Manske wrote:
 Could one of the front-ends (squid?) perform a simple batch service, by just
 concatenating the /entity/ JSON for requested items? That could effectively
 run on the cache and still deliver batches.

 On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 4:44 PM, Paul Houle wrote:

 I've been thinking about this kind of problem in my own systems.  Name
 and link generation from entities is a cross-cutting concern that's
 best separated from other queries in your application.  With SPARQL
 and multiple languages each with multiple rdf:label it is awkward to
 write queries that bring labels back with identifiers,  particularly
 if you want to apply rules that amount if an ?lang label doesn't
 exist for a topic,  show a label from a language that uses that uses
 the same alphabet as ?lang in preference to any others.  Another
 issue too is that the design and business people might have some
 desire for certain kinds of labels and it's good to be able to change
 that without changing your queries.

 Anyway,  a lot of people live on the other end of internet connections
 with 50ms, 2000ms or more latency to the network core,  plus sometimes
 the network has a really bad day or even a bad few seconds.  For every
 hundred or so TCP packets you send across the modern internet,  you
 lose one.  The fewer packets you send per interaction the less likely
 the user is going to experience this.

 If 20 names are looked up sequentially and somebody is on 3G cellular
 with 300ms latency,  the user needs to wait six seconds for this data
 to load on top of the actual time moving the data and waiting for the
 server to get out of it's own way.  This is using jQuery so it's very
 likely the page has other Javascript geegaws in that work OK for the
 developer who lives in Kansas City but ordinary folks in Peoria might
 not have the patience to wait until your page is fully loaded.

 Batch queries give users performance they can feel,  even if they
 demand more of your server.  In my system I am looking at having a
 name lookup server that is stupidly simple and looks up precomputed
 names in a key value store,  everything really stripped down and
 efficient with no factors of two left on the floor.  I'm looking at
 putting a pretty ordinary servlet that writes HTML in front of it,
 but a key thing is that the front of the back end runs queries in
 parallel to fight latency,  which is the scourge of our times.  (It's
 the difference between Github and Altassian)

 On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 4:36 AM, Daniel Kinzler wrote:
  Hey Denny! Awesome tool!
  It's so awesome, we are already wondering about how to handle the load
  this may
  As far as I can see, qlabel uses the wbgetentities API module. This has
  advantage of allowing the labels for all relevant entities to be fetched
  with a
  single query, but it has the disadvantage of not being cacheable.
  If qlabel used the .../entity/Q12345.json URLs to get entity data, that
  would be
  covered by the web caches (squid/varnish). But it would mean one request
  entity, and would also return the full entity data, not just the  labels
  in one
  language. So, a lot more traffic.
  If this becomes big, we should probably offer a dedicated web interface
  fetching labels of many entities in a given language, using nice,
  URLs. This would mean a new cache entry per language per combination of
  - potentially, a large number. However, the combination of entities
  requested is
  determiend by the page being localized - that is, all visitors of a
  given page
  in a given language would hit the same cache entry. That seems workable.
  Anyway, we are not there quite yet, just something to ponder :)
  -- daniel
  Am 01.04.2014 20:14, schrieb Denny Vrandečić:
  I just published qLabel, an Open Source jQuery plugin that allows to
  HTML elements with Wikidata Q-IDs (or Freebase IDs, or, technically,
  with any
  other Semantic Web / Linked Data URI), and then grabs the labels and
  them in the selected language of the user.
  Put differently, it allows for the easy creation of multilingual
  websites. And it is one more way in which Wikidata data can be used, by
  Contributors and users are more than welcome!
  Wikidata-l mailing list
  Daniel Kinzler
  Senior Software Developer
  Wikimedia Deutschland
  Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e.V