[Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-02 Thread Neil Kandalgaonkar
Hi there -- I don't post much here, but I was the programmer on the 
Multimedia Usability Project, which primarily focused on making uploads 
easier. The outside funding for that project just ended, so I think it's 
a good time to talk about what (if anything) we will do in the future 
along these lines.

Going forward, we ought not to think about usability as the 
responsibility a few people in San Francisco. I have been asking myself 
how we could end the need for usability projects, and instead make that 
part of everyone's practices.

What makes you a usability engineer? My personal belief is that it isn't 
(primarily) a matter of having special knowledge.

You become a usability software engineer when you see five average users 
utterly fail to accomplish the task you wanted them to be able to 

Programming is a hubristic enterprise, but for UI, these negative 
feelings are essential: watching ordinary users get angry and frustrated 
dealing with what you've created, even feeling a certain shame and 
embarassment that you got it so wrong. Only then do you see how large 
the conceptual gap is between you and the average user -- but you also 
usually come out of the experience with an immediate understanding of 
how to fix things.

So is there a way to have *everybody* who develops software for end 
users in our community have that experience? Maybe.

At the WMF, for these Usability Projects, we had to do formal studies 
with expert consultants, because these were grant-funded projects and we 
needed to present scientific data. Doing those studies is expensive and 

But as a developer, it was more valuable to do "hallway usability 
testing" in an informal way. There are lots of startups these days that 
try to deliver such lightweight user testing over the web; could we do 
the same? Or, possibly we don't even need software; maybe what we need 
is a tradition of doing this for everything we release.

So how about that? If there were an easy way to integrate usability 
testing into your process as a developer, would you be interested? And 
what should that look like?

Neil Kandalgaonkar (   

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-02 Thread Trevor Parscal

Cheap hallway testing is so incredibly useful that I dedicated my time 
in Berlin last year to giving a crash course in it. I am not sure it was 
effective in inspiring or educating people on how to do this, but 
everyone is welcome to revisit the slides here:


Yesterday we had our first "on our own" series of user tests, conducted 
by Parul Vora. While she is train in the kung-fu of user testing, she 
personally helped me put this set of slides together. I also pulled from 
my own experiences being involved in this kind of testing earlier in my 

My general pitch is, we should all be in the habit of doing whatever it 
takes to view users as they interact with our creations. I often use my 
wife, and now sometimes my 3-year old daughter to help me. Usually just 
showing someone a picture of a screen and asking "how would you do X?" 
is amazingly revealing. Higher-fidelity testing is great, but it's 
designed to squeeze the last bit of juice out of the lemon. In my 
experience the majority of it comes out quite easily in even the most 
causal of circumstances.

My secondary pitch, which is not captured in these slides but was 
verbalized in Berlin was my view that we should user-test APIs with 
developers. This would especially be useful for our public HTTP API, but 
even PHP and JavaScript APIs could benefit from this. This differs from 
posting to the list and saying "does anyone have any better ideas". 
Instead we would design APIs around use-cases, and then observe users in 
those use-cases succeeding or failing.

Bottom line - I know from experience that if we can even subtly 
introduce user testing as a factor in our decision making process, the 
impact will be amazing.

- Trevor

On 12/2/10 6:46 AM, Neil Kandalgaonkar wrote:
> Hi there -- I don't post much here, but I was the programmer on the
> Multimedia Usability Project, which primarily focused on making uploads
> easier. The outside funding for that project just ended, so I think it's
> a good time to talk about what (if anything) we will do in the future
> along these lines.
> Going forward, we ought not to think about usability as the
> responsibility a few people in San Francisco. I have been asking myself
> how we could end the need for usability projects, and instead make that
> part of everyone's practices.
> What makes you a usability engineer? My personal belief is that it isn't
> (primarily) a matter of having special knowledge.
> You become a usability software engineer when you see five average users
> utterly fail to accomplish the task you wanted them to be able to
> accomplish.
> Programming is a hubristic enterprise, but for UI, these negative
> feelings are essential: watching ordinary users get angry and frustrated
> dealing with what you've created, even feeling a certain shame and
> embarassment that you got it so wrong. Only then do you see how large
> the conceptual gap is between you and the average user -- but you also
> usually come out of the experience with an immediate understanding of
> how to fix things.
> So is there a way to have *everybody* who develops software for end
> users in our community have that experience? Maybe.
> At the WMF, for these Usability Projects, we had to do formal studies
> with expert consultants, because these were grant-funded projects and we
> needed to present scientific data. Doing those studies is expensive and
> time-consuming.
> But as a developer, it was more valuable to do "hallway usability
> testing" in an informal way. There are lots of startups these days that
> try to deliver such lightweight user testing over the web; could we do
> the same? Or, possibly we don't even need software; maybe what we need
> is a tradition of doing this for everything we release.
> So how about that? If there were an easy way to integrate usability
> testing into your process as a developer, would you be interested? And
> what should that look like?

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-02 Thread Arthur Richards
I'd like to +1 all of this, particularly Trevor's thoughts on 
developer-testing APIs - or software that is otherwise meant to be 
extended/used by other developers.

As a predominantly back-end developer, it's become clear to me over the 
last few years that usability is not just a front-end concern.  'Users' 
don't necessarily only interact with the 'front end'.  Particularly in 
an open-source paradigm, 'users' need to be thought of much more broadly 
than just the person who clicks links on your website.  If we ignore 
principles of usability at the back-end code level, we run the risk of 
writing software that is utterly useless to anyone other than 
ourselves.  This not only defeats some of the purpose of OSS, it makes 
OSS that much more inaccessible all users - developers included.

On 12/02/2010 10:35 AM, Trevor Parscal wrote:
> +1
> Cheap hallway testing is so incredibly useful that I dedicated my time
> in Berlin last year to giving a crash course in it. I am not sure it was
> effective in inspiring or educating people on how to do this, but
> everyone is welcome to revisit the slides here:
> http://wikitech.wikimedia.org/index.php?title=File:Trevor_Parscal_-_Wikimedia_Developers_Workshop_-_Berlin_2010.pdf
> Yesterday we had our first "on our own" series of user tests, conducted
> by Parul Vora. While she is train in the kung-fu of user testing, she
> personally helped me put this set of slides together. I also pulled from
> my own experiences being involved in this kind of testing earlier in my
> career.
> My general pitch is, we should all be in the habit of doing whatever it
> takes to view users as they interact with our creations. I often use my
> wife, and now sometimes my 3-year old daughter to help me. Usually just
> showing someone a picture of a screen and asking "how would you do X?"
> is amazingly revealing. Higher-fidelity testing is great, but it's
> designed to squeeze the last bit of juice out of the lemon. In my
> experience the majority of it comes out quite easily in even the most
> causal of circumstances.
> My secondary pitch, which is not captured in these slides but was
> verbalized in Berlin was my view that we should user-test APIs with
> developers. This would especially be useful for our public HTTP API, but
> even PHP and JavaScript APIs could benefit from this. This differs from
> posting to the list and saying "does anyone have any better ideas".
> Instead we would design APIs around use-cases, and then observe users in
> those use-cases succeeding or failing.
> Bottom line - I know from experience that if we can even subtly
> introduce user testing as a factor in our decision making process, the
> impact will be amazing.
> - Trevor
> On 12/2/10 6:46 AM, Neil Kandalgaonkar wrote:
>> Hi there -- I don't post much here, but I was the programmer on the
>> Multimedia Usability Project, which primarily focused on making uploads
>> easier. The outside funding for that project just ended, so I think it's
>> a good time to talk about what (if anything) we will do in the future
>> along these lines.
>> Going forward, we ought not to think about usability as the
>> responsibility a few people in San Francisco. I have been asking myself
>> how we could end the need for usability projects, and instead make that
>> part of everyone's practices.
>> What makes you a usability engineer? My personal belief is that it isn't
>> (primarily) a matter of having special knowledge.
>> You become a usability software engineer when you see five average users
>> utterly fail to accomplish the task you wanted them to be able to
>> accomplish.
>> Programming is a hubristic enterprise, but for UI, these negative
>> feelings are essential: watching ordinary users get angry and frustrated
>> dealing with what you've created, even feeling a certain shame and
>> embarassment that you got it so wrong. Only then do you see how large
>> the conceptual gap is between you and the average user -- but you also
>> usually come out of the experience with an immediate understanding of
>> how to fix things.
>> So is there a way to have *everybody* who develops software for end
>> users in our community have that experience? Maybe.
>> At the WMF, for these Usability Projects, we had to do formal studies
>> with expert consultants, because these were grant-funded projects and we
>> needed to present scientific data. Doing those studies is expensive and
>> time-consuming.
>> But as a developer, it was more valuable to do "hallway usability
>> testing" in an informal way. There are lots of startups these days that
>> try to deliver such lightweight user testing over the web; could we do
>> the same? Or, possibly we don't even need software; maybe what we need
>> is a tradition of doing this for everything we release.
>> So how about that? If there were an easy way to integrate usability
>> testing into your process as a developer, would you be interested? And
>> what should

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-02 Thread Neil Kandalgaonkar
On 12/2/10 11:05 AM, Arthur Richards wrote:

> As a predominantly back-end developer, it's become clear to me over the
> last few years that usability is not just a front-end concern.  'Users'
> don't necessarily only interact with the 'front end'.  Particularly in
> an open-source paradigm, 'users' need to be thought of much more broadly
> than just the person who clicks links on your website.

This is especially true of our projects.

Like, there's a thread over on Commons Village Pump right now about how 
to change certain strings that are hardcoded into the upload process. 
Apparently this kind of bug lasts for years rather than five minutes, 
just because the people who are most exercised about it don't have PHP 
skills or don't have commit access.

We have all kinds of contributors who know how to hack one layer of the 
system but not others.

That said, I think the deeper we go into the code, it becomes more about 
good documentation. At the outer layers things have to be more discoverable.

Neil Kandalgaonkar (   

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-02 Thread Paul Houle
  On 12/2/2010 2:48 PM, Neil Kandalgaonkar wrote:
> Like, there's a thread over on Commons Village Pump right now about how
> to change certain strings that are hardcoded into the upload process.
> Apparently this kind of bug lasts for years rather than five minutes,
> just because the people who are most exercised about it don't have PHP
> skills or don't have commit access.
 I've done my time in maintainance programming hell.  I've hacked on 
code by McArthur "geniuses" and some of the greatest computer scientists 
of our time.  I've also had to clean up the messes left behind by people 
who should never be allowed anywhere near a computer.

 Of all the code I've seen,  the Mediawiki code seems to be one of 
the most difficult code bases to make simple changes in.  When I had to 
change the template of a mediawiki once,  the easiest answer I found was 
to put a proxy server in front of it,  drop out the original template 
and spit the body text into a new template.  (That said,  this was a 
system I already had on the shelf that worked wonders for all sorts of 
commercial crapware)

 That said,  I spent a good deal of time this summer building an IX 
system that parses mediawiki markup and if I had to do it all again I 
would have braved the guantlet and embeded Mediawiki in it,  because you 
can get closer to 100% correct processing of templates that way than you 
can by writing a recursive descent parsers and thousands of rules...

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-02 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 5:17 PM, Paul Houle  wrote:
>     Of all the code I've seen,  the Mediawiki code seems to be one of
> the most difficult code bases to make simple changes in.  When I had to
> change the template of a mediawiki once,  the easiest answer I found was
> to put a proxy server in front of it,  drop out the original template
> and spit the body text into a new template.  (That said,  this was a
> system I already had on the shelf that worked wonders for all sorts of
> commercial crapware)

What do you mean by "change the template of a mediawiki"?  Do you mean
templates in the MediaWiki sense, as in pages that can be transcluded
into other pages?  Or do you mean the skin?  Skin HTML can usually be
changed by just grepping a relevant class or id and editing some raw
HTML, or a pretty simple wrapper layer.  It can't be changed without
hacking the code, so it's certainly a lot harder than in most popular
web apps, but I'm pretty sure you can do it more easily in almost all
cases than by postprocessing the HTML output.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-02 Thread Platonides
Neil Kandalgaonkar wrote:
> Like, there's a thread over on Commons Village Pump right now about how 
> to change certain strings that are hardcoded into the upload process. 
> Apparently this kind of bug lasts for years rather than five minutes, 
> just because the people who are most exercised about it don't have PHP 
> skills or don't have commit access.

Not really. I had thought about it before without reaching to a Right
Way to fix it. However, today I was inspired.


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-02 Thread Platonides
Aryeh Gregor wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 5:17 PM, Paul Houle  wrote:
>> Of all the code I've seen,  the Mediawiki code seems to be one of
>> the most difficult code bases to make simple changes in.  When I had to
>> change the template of a mediawiki once,  the easiest answer I found was
>> to put a proxy server in front of it,  drop out the original template
>> and spit the body text into a new template.  (That said,  this was a
>> system I already had on the shelf that worked wonders for all sorts of
>> commercial crapware)
> What do you mean by "change the template of a mediawiki"?  Do you mean
> templates in the MediaWiki sense, as in pages that can be transcluded
> into other pages?  Or do you mean the skin?  Skin HTML can usually be
> changed by just grepping a relevant class or id and editing some raw
> HTML, or a pretty simple wrapper layer.  It can't be changed without
> hacking the code, so it's certainly a lot harder than in most popular
> web apps, but I'm pretty sure you can do it more easily in almost all
> cases than by postprocessing the HTML output.

Seems a Usability failure at developer users level.
The proxying solution is completely wrong, yet WMF did it, too.
And looking at http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Skinning it isn't
friendly unless you already know what's it about.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-02 Thread Neil Kandalgaonkar
On 12/2/10 10:35 AM, Trevor Parscal wrote:
> +1
> Cheap hallway testing is so incredibly useful that I dedicated my time
> in Berlin last year to giving a crash course in it. I am not sure it was
> effective in inspiring or educating people on how to do this, but
> everyone is welcome to revisit the slides here:
> http://wikitech.wikimedia.org/index.php?title=File:Trevor_Parscal_-_Wikimedia_Developers_Workshop_-_Berlin_2010.pdf

Heh, I attended that talk but completely forgot about it. ;)

I was playing Portal again for kicks and looking at the developer 
commentary tracks. Portal spends a lot of time training users in a 
radically new gameplay concept. It's fascinating to hear all the tricks 
they used to get the player to learn things, as they played the game, 
almost without effort.


Neil Kandalgaonkar (   

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-02 Thread Daniel Friesen
On 10-12-02 04:52 PM, Platonides wrote:
> Aryeh Gregor wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 5:17 PM, Paul Houle  wrote:
>>>  Of all the code I've seen,  the Mediawiki code seems to be one of
>>> the most difficult code bases to make simple changes in.  When I had to
>>> change the template of a mediawiki once,  the easiest answer I found was
>>> to put a proxy server in front of it,  drop out the original template
>>> and spit the body text into a new template.  (That said,  this was a
>>> system I already had on the shelf that worked wonders for all sorts of
>>> commercial crapware)
>> What do you mean by "change the template of a mediawiki"?  Do you mean
>> templates in the MediaWiki sense, as in pages that can be transcluded
>> into other pages?  Or do you mean the skin?  Skin HTML can usually be
>> changed by just grepping a relevant class or id and editing some raw
>> HTML, or a pretty simple wrapper layer.  It can't be changed without
>> hacking the code, so it's certainly a lot harder than in most popular
>> web apps, but I'm pretty sure you can do it more easily in almost all
>> cases than by postprocessing the HTML output.
> Seems a Usability failure at developer users level.
> The proxying solution is completely wrong, yet WMF did it, too.
> And looking at http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Skinning it isn't
> friendly unless you already know what's it about.

I was experimenting with an extension to make creating php-less skins 
possible myself.
http://pastie.org/1343349 <- here's Monobook ported to a template

The biggest thing I see different from WordPress etc... is that there's 
a minimal amount of boilerplate in them. You don't have to copy the 
bottom boilerplate, there's no [dataAfterContent], you don't have things 
like our personal_urls where you have to code the whole tag manually 
calling to things to make tooltips, etc... and embedding code. The way 
the TOOLBOX has a bunch of stuff hardcoded into the skin isn't good. And 
IMHO those footerlinks should be part of MediaWiki instead of hardcoded 
into the skin. I wanted to make them part of the code, using an array in 
vector's style, making monobook use it, but fold it onto one line. 
Unfortunately I was stopped when I noticed that Vector moved tagline 
from the end, to the end of the first array, after copyright meaning 
they couldn't use the same array to get the same result.

~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) [http://daniel.friesen.name]

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-03 Thread Alex Brollo
2010/12/2 Paul Houle 

> Of all the code I've seen,  the Mediawiki code seems to be one of
> the most difficult code bases to make simple changes in.

I'm absolutely not a programmer  (probably my profile is much more similar
to someone
"who should never be allowed anywhere near a computer") but sometimes I
write some code to parse wiki markup.


I came to conclusion that most troubles come out from the fact that wiki
markup is intrisecally "badly formed", just the opposite of a "well formed"
code. The price of some tricks to build a "user-friendly" language (think
only to the use of apostrophes to obtain italic and bold) is extremely high
in terms of parsing complexity... another mess comes from mixing contents
 and attributes inside templates. But I have no hope that this can be

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-03 Thread Trevor Parscal
This is a really awesome project, I'm sure we can figure out a way for 
Vector and Monobook to be able to use the same arrays.

Let me know if you want some help.

- Trevor

On 12/2/10 6:30 PM, Daniel Friesen wrote:
> On 10-12-02 04:52 PM, Platonides wrote:
>> Aryeh Gregor wrote:
>>> On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 5:17 PM, Paul Houle   wrote:
   Of all the code I've seen,  the Mediawiki code seems to be one of
 the most difficult code bases to make simple changes in.  When I had to
 change the template of a mediawiki once,  the easiest answer I found was
 to put a proxy server in front of it,  drop out the original template
 and spit the body text into a new template.  (That said,  this was a
 system I already had on the shelf that worked wonders for all sorts of
 commercial crapware)

>>> What do you mean by "change the template of a mediawiki"?  Do you mean
>>> templates in the MediaWiki sense, as in pages that can be transcluded
>>> into other pages?  Or do you mean the skin?  Skin HTML can usually be
>>> changed by just grepping a relevant class or id and editing some raw
>>> HTML, or a pretty simple wrapper layer.  It can't be changed without
>>> hacking the code, so it's certainly a lot harder than in most popular
>>> web apps, but I'm pretty sure you can do it more easily in almost all
>>> cases than by postprocessing the HTML output.
>> Seems a Usability failure at developer users level.
>> The proxying solution is completely wrong, yet WMF did it, too.
>> And looking at http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Skinning it isn't
>> friendly unless you already know what's it about.
> I was experimenting with an extension to make creating php-less skins
> possible myself.
> http://pastie.org/1343349<- here's Monobook ported to a template
> The biggest thing I see different from WordPress etc... is that there's
> a minimal amount of boilerplate in them. You don't have to copy the
> bottom boilerplate, there's no [dataAfterContent], you don't have things
> like our personal_urls where you have to code the whole tag manually
> calling to things to make tooltips, etc... and embedding code. The way
> the TOOLBOX has a bunch of stuff hardcoded into the skin isn't good. And
> IMHO those footerlinks should be part of MediaWiki instead of hardcoded
> into the skin. I wanted to make them part of the code, using an array in
> vector's style, making monobook use it, but fold it onto one line.
> Unfortunately I was stopped when I noticed that Vector moved tagline
> from the end, to the end of the first array, after copyright meaning
> they couldn't use the same array to get the same result.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-03 Thread Daniel Friesen
Perhaps I should commit what I have so far even though it's not quite 
ready for use yet.

It's enough to do this so far:
((this runs off that ported monobook template I put in the pastie))

Right now I'm using smarty's eval: which I don't want to use because it 
re-compiles the template each time you run it.
I really wanted to make use of MediaWiki's caching system because MW 
already has such a good caching system it's built in, and having to 
require extra permissions just to make smarty happy felt messed up.

I have a bad habit of starting projects for fun and experimenting them, 
then abandoning them later. The ones I finish are usually the ones with 
company backing, the really really simple ones, or ones with some other 
sort of backing or other people working on it to. So having someone else 
working on it too would probably be motivating.
This came after experimenting with porting Wikia's Monaco skin (got 1/3 
the way through), and after it I even started experimenting with writing 
an entire language embedded in php that could be used in MW. And there's 
my long lived vm based wiki farm experiment.

One possibility I suppose, would be to use the vector array as the 
standard, but hardcode monobook to flatten it and relocate the tagline.

Some ideas for the templates besides fixing caching... We should 
consider a method of doing personal_urls and whatnot using some blocks 
or functions that can aide in the generation of the links and make them 
simpler to build with tooltips and whatnot. Perhaps also some sort of 
block for content to automatically place the dataAfterContent. The 
sidebar block could be made better potentially.
Besides footer_links we could also consider moving most of the toolbox 
out of monobook and whatnot. Converting it mostly into something you can 
loop through.

Btw, the new powered by icon, using a little more rounded and fancy 
Anyone else think it feels slightly out of place in monobook? 
I debated tweaking the poweredby, etc... buttons to instead use 
something a little more component style, where the content of the button 
is an image, but the bg is provided by the skin. Giving you the same 
style as before in monobook, but that nice new fancy style in vector.

~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) [http://daniel.friesen.name]

On 10-12-03 11:10 AM, Trevor Parscal wrote:
> This is a really awesome project, I'm sure we can figure out a way for
> Vector and Monobook to be able to use the same arrays.
> Let me know if you want some help.
> - Trevor
> On 12/2/10 6:30 PM, Daniel Friesen wrote:
>> On 10-12-02 04:52 PM, Platonides wrote:
>>> Aryeh Gregor wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 5:17 PM, Paul Houlewrote:

>Of all the code I've seen,  the Mediawiki code seems to be one of
> the most difficult code bases to make simple changes in.  When I had to
> change the template of a mediawiki once,  the easiest answer I found was
> to put a proxy server in front of it,  drop out the original template
> and spit the body text into a new template.  (That said,  this was a
> system I already had on the shelf that worked wonders for all sorts of
> commercial crapware)
 What do you mean by "change the template of a mediawiki"?  Do you mean
 templates in the MediaWiki sense, as in pages that can be transcluded
 into other pages?  Or do you mean the skin?  Skin HTML can usually be
 changed by just grepping a relevant class or id and editing some raw
 HTML, or a pretty simple wrapper layer.  It can't be changed without
 hacking the code, so it's certainly a lot harder than in most popular
 web apps, but I'm pretty sure you can do it more easily in almost all
 cases than by postprocessing the HTML output.

>>> Seems a Usability failure at developer users level.
>>> The proxying solution is completely wrong, yet WMF did it, too.
>>> And looking at http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Skinning it isn't
>>> friendly unless you already know what's it about.
>> I was experimenting with an extension to make creating php-less skins
>> possible myself.
>> http://pastie.org/1343349<- here's Monobook ported to a template
>> The biggest thing I see different from WordPress etc... is that there's
>> a minimal amount of boilerplate in them. You don't have to copy the
>> bottom boilerplate, there's no [dataAfterContent], you don't have things
>> like our personal_urls where you have to code the whole tag manually
>> calling to things to make tooltips, etc... and embedding code. The way
>> the TOOLBOX has a bunch of stuff hardcoded into the

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-06 Thread Trevor Parscal
Have you considered using something like say XSL? If a skin was a 
combination of a set of CSS/JS/image files plus an XSL file which took 
XML data (which would be the page content and various user interface 
elements) then you could avoid using a whole new template system. PHP 5 
has an XSL 1.0 library compiled by default, and since it's implemented 
in C, I would bet it's far more performant than any PHP implementation 
of a template system aside from using PHP itself as a template system.

Then again, there's a lot of people out there that dislike XSL for all 
sorts of reasons - which to me have always carried the ring of 
prejudice. I personally think XSL is awesome, and would defend it with 

In any case, I'm excited about the work you are doing.

- Trevor

On 12/3/10 5:49 PM, Daniel Friesen wrote:
> Perhaps I should commit what I have so far even though it's not quite
> ready for use yet.
> It's enough to do this so far:
> http://testwiki.new.wiki-tools.com/index.php?title=Main_Page&useskin=testskin
> ((this runs off that ported monobook template I put in the pastie))
> Right now I'm using smarty's eval: which I don't want to use because it
> re-compiles the template each time you run it.
> I really wanted to make use of MediaWiki's caching system because MW
> already has such a good caching system it's built in, and having to
> require extra permissions just to make smarty happy felt messed up.
> I have a bad habit of starting projects for fun and experimenting them,
> then abandoning them later. The ones I finish are usually the ones with
> company backing, the really really simple ones, or ones with some other
> sort of backing or other people working on it to. So having someone else
> working on it too would probably be motivating.
> This came after experimenting with porting Wikia's Monaco skin (got 1/3
> the way through), and after it I even started experimenting with writing
> an entire language embedded in php that could be used in MW. And there's
> my long lived vm based wiki farm experiment.
> One possibility I suppose, would be to use the vector array as the
> standard, but hardcode monobook to flatten it and relocate the tagline.
> Some ideas for the templates besides fixing caching... We should
> consider a method of doing personal_urls and whatnot using some blocks
> or functions that can aide in the generation of the links and make them
> simpler to build with tooltips and whatnot. Perhaps also some sort of
> block for content to automatically place the dataAfterContent. The
> sidebar block could be made better potentially.
> Besides footer_links we could also consider moving most of the toolbox
> out of monobook and whatnot. Converting it mostly into something you can
> loop through.
> Btw, the new powered by icon, using a little more rounded and fancy
> background:
> http://svn.wikimedia.org/viewvc/mediawiki/trunk/phase3/skins/common/images/poweredby_mediawiki_88x31.png?revision=76120&view=markup
> Anyone else think it feels slightly out of place in monobook?
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/?useskin=monobook
> I debated tweaking the poweredby, etc... buttons to instead use
> something a little more component style, where the content of the button
> is an image, but the bg is provided by the skin. Giving you the same
> style as before in monobook, but that nice new fancy style in vector.
> ~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) [http://daniel.friesen.name]
> On 10-12-03 11:10 AM, Trevor Parscal wrote:
>> This is a really awesome project, I'm sure we can figure out a way for
>> Vector and Monobook to be able to use the same arrays.
>> Let me know if you want some help.
>> - Trevor
>> On 12/2/10 6:30 PM, Daniel Friesen wrote:
>>> On 10-12-02 04:52 PM, Platonides wrote:
 Aryeh Gregor wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 5:17 PM, Paul Houle wrote:
>> Of all the code I've seen,  the Mediawiki code seems to be one of
>> the most difficult code bases to make simple changes in.  When I had to
>> change the template of a mediawiki once,  the easiest answer I found was
>> to put a proxy server in front of it,  drop out the original template
>> and spit the body text into a new template.  (That said,  this was a
>> system I already had on the shelf that worked wonders for all sorts of
>> commercial crapware)
> What do you mean by "change the template of a mediawiki"?  Do you mean
> templates in the MediaWiki sense, as in pages that can be transcluded
> into other pages?  Or do you mean the skin?  Skin HTML can usually be
> changed by just grepping a relevant class or id and editing some raw
> HTML, or a pretty simple wrapper layer.  It can't be changed without
> hacking the code, so it's certainly a lot harder than in most popular
> web apps, but I'm pretty sure you can do it more easily in almost all
> cases than by postprocessing the H

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-06 Thread Daniel Friesen
PHP -> XSL doesn't quite feel like much of an improvement in terms of 
cutting down on the verbose redundant code boilerplate required to 
insert something.
ie:  doesn't look much better than text("title") ?>, as opposed to {$title|escape:html}.
And I'm not sure how XSL handles html vs. text, we have stuff you want 
to htmlescape and stuff you want to output raw.
Using an XSL lib also doesn't play nicely with things like calling a 
function to generate tooltips or fetch something from the i18n system.

Unfortunately I think any designer we can convince to build a MediaWiki 
skin will probably dislike using XSL as a template language more than 
using PHP as a template language.

~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) [http://daniel.friesen.name]

On 10-12-06 07:57 AM, Trevor Parscal wrote:
> Have you considered using something like say XSL? If a skin was a
> combination of a set of CSS/JS/image files plus an XSL file which took
> XML data (which would be the page content and various user interface
> elements) then you could avoid using a whole new template system. PHP 5
> has an XSL 1.0 library compiled by default, and since it's implemented
> in C, I would bet it's far more performant than any PHP implementation
> of a template system aside from using PHP itself as a template system.
> Then again, there's a lot of people out there that dislike XSL for all
> sorts of reasons - which to me have always carried the ring of
> prejudice. I personally think XSL is awesome, and would defend it with
> vigor.
> In any case, I'm excited about the work you are doing.
> - Trevor
> On 12/3/10 5:49 PM, Daniel Friesen wrote:
>> Perhaps I should commit what I have so far even though it's not quite
>> ready for use yet.
>> It's enough to do this so far:
>> http://testwiki.new.wiki-tools.com/index.php?title=Main_Page&useskin=testskin
>> ((this runs off that ported monobook template I put in the pastie))
>> Right now I'm using smarty's eval: which I don't want to use because it
>> re-compiles the template each time you run it.
>> I really wanted to make use of MediaWiki's caching system because MW
>> already has such a good caching system it's built in, and having to
>> require extra permissions just to make smarty happy felt messed up.
>> I have a bad habit of starting projects for fun and experimenting them,
>> then abandoning them later. The ones I finish are usually the ones with
>> company backing, the really really simple ones, or ones with some other
>> sort of backing or other people working on it to. So having someone else
>> working on it too would probably be motivating.
>> This came after experimenting with porting Wikia's Monaco skin (got 1/3
>> the way through), and after it I even started experimenting with writing
>> an entire language embedded in php that could be used in MW. And there's
>> my long lived vm based wiki farm experiment.
>> One possibility I suppose, would be to use the vector array as the
>> standard, but hardcode monobook to flatten it and relocate the tagline.
>> Some ideas for the templates besides fixing caching... We should
>> consider a method of doing personal_urls and whatnot using some blocks
>> or functions that can aide in the generation of the links and make them
>> simpler to build with tooltips and whatnot. Perhaps also some sort of
>> block for content to automatically place the dataAfterContent. The
>> sidebar block could be made better potentially.
>> Besides footer_links we could also consider moving most of the toolbox
>> out of monobook and whatnot. Converting it mostly into something you can
>> loop through.
>> Btw, the new powered by icon, using a little more rounded and fancy
>> background:
>> http://svn.wikimedia.org/viewvc/mediawiki/trunk/phase3/skins/common/images/poweredby_mediawiki_88x31.png?revision=76120&view=markup
>> Anyone else think it feels slightly out of place in monobook?
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/?useskin=monobook
>> I debated tweaking the poweredby, etc... buttons to instead use
>> something a little more component style, where the content of the button
>> is an image, but the bg is provided by the skin. Giving you the same
>> style as before in monobook, but that nice new fancy style in vector.
>> ~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) [http://daniel.friesen.name]
>> On 10-12-03 11:10 AM, Trevor Parscal wrote:
>>> This is a really awesome project, I'm sure we can figure out a way for
>>> Vector and Monobook to be able to use the same arrays.
>>> Let me know if you want some help.
>>> - Trevor
>>> On 12/2/10 6:30 PM, Daniel Friesen wrote:
 On 10-12-02 04:52 PM, Platonides wrote:

> Aryeh Gregor wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 5:17 PM, Paul Houle  
>> wrote:
>>>  Of all the code I've seen,  the Mediawiki code seems to be one 
>>> of

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-06 Thread Trevor Parscal
Fair enough, but when I've pushed for using PHP as a template language, 
even with a clever wrapper that would make injected data escaped by 
default (so unescaping was obvious and could be more easily scrutinized 
for XSS) I have been met with about equal resistance.

The state of things is that unless you are generating HTML 100% 
procedurally (such as by using the Xml and Html classes) then you are 
seen as doing something wrong. Adding something like smarty to the 
system seems silly when we have two completely reasonable alternatives 
at our disposal already.

XSL allows data to be injected without escaping:

This is good because it's escaped by default, and any use of this 
attribute would be obvious and could thus be scrutinized for XSS.

As for hooking in an i18n system, I'm not so sure skins should really be 
arbitrarily injecting messages anyways. What's the use case here? 
Generating tooltips? I'm a bit lost there.

- Trevor

On 12/6/10 8:13 AM, Daniel Friesen wrote:
> PHP ->  XSL doesn't quite feel like much of an improvement in terms of
> cutting down on the verbose redundant code boilerplate required to
> insert something.
> ie:  doesn't look much better than $this->text("title") ?>, as opposed to {$title|escape:html}.
> And I'm not sure how XSL handles html vs. text, we have stuff you want
> to htmlescape and stuff you want to output raw.
> Using an XSL lib also doesn't play nicely with things like calling a
> function to generate tooltips or fetch something from the i18n system.
> Unfortunately I think any designer we can convince to build a MediaWiki
> skin will probably dislike using XSL as a template language more than
> using PHP as a template language.
> ~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) [http://daniel.friesen.name]
> On 10-12-06 07:57 AM, Trevor Parscal wrote:
>> Have you considered using something like say XSL? If a skin was a
>> combination of a set of CSS/JS/image files plus an XSL file which took
>> XML data (which would be the page content and various user interface
>> elements) then you could avoid using a whole new template system. PHP 5
>> has an XSL 1.0 library compiled by default, and since it's implemented
>> in C, I would bet it's far more performant than any PHP implementation
>> of a template system aside from using PHP itself as a template system.
>> Then again, there's a lot of people out there that dislike XSL for all
>> sorts of reasons - which to me have always carried the ring of
>> prejudice. I personally think XSL is awesome, and would defend it with
>> vigor.
>> In any case, I'm excited about the work you are doing.
>> - Trevor
>> On 12/3/10 5:49 PM, Daniel Friesen wrote:
>>> Perhaps I should commit what I have so far even though it's not quite
>>> ready for use yet.
>>> It's enough to do this so far:
>>> http://testwiki.new.wiki-tools.com/index.php?title=Main_Page&useskin=testskin
>>> ((this runs off that ported monobook template I put in the pastie))
>>> Right now I'm using smarty's eval: which I don't want to use because it
>>> re-compiles the template each time you run it.
>>> I really wanted to make use of MediaWiki's caching system because MW
>>> already has such a good caching system it's built in, and having to
>>> require extra permissions just to make smarty happy felt messed up.
>>> I have a bad habit of starting projects for fun and experimenting them,
>>> then abandoning them later. The ones I finish are usually the ones with
>>> company backing, the really really simple ones, or ones with some other
>>> sort of backing or other people working on it to. So having someone else
>>> working on it too would probably be motivating.
>>> This came after experimenting with porting Wikia's Monaco skin (got 1/3
>>> the way through), and after it I even started experimenting with writing
>>> an entire language embedded in php that could be used in MW. And there's
>>> my long lived vm based wiki farm experiment.
>>> One possibility I suppose, would be to use the vector array as the
>>> standard, but hardcode monobook to flatten it and relocate the tagline.
>>> Some ideas for the templates besides fixing caching... We should
>>> consider a method of doing personal_urls and whatnot using some blocks
>>> or functions that can aide in the generation of the links and make them
>>> simpler to build with tooltips and whatnot. Perhaps also some sort of
>>> block for content to automatically place the dataAfterContent. The
>>> sidebar block could be made better potentially.
>>> Besides footer_links we could also consider moving most of the toolbox
>>> out of monobook and whatnot. Converting it mostly into something you can
>>> loop through.
>>> Btw, the new powered by icon, using a little more rounded and fancy
>>> background:
>>> http://svn.wikimedia.org/viewvc/mediawiki/trunk/phase3/skins/common/images/poweredby_mediawiki_88x31.png?revision=76120&view=markup
>>> Anyone else think it feels slight

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-06 Thread Dmitriy Sintsov
* Daniel Friesen  [Mon, 06 Dec 2010 08:13:04 
> PHP -> XSL doesn't quite feel like much of an improvement in terms of
> cutting down on the verbose redundant code boilerplate required to
> insert something.
> ie:  doesn't look much better than  $this->text("title") ?>, as opposed to {$title|escape:html}.
XQuery code looks much less bloated, much like your last example {} :
however I am not sure it is equally as powerful and probably is not well 
supported in PHP :-(

> And I'm not sure how XSL handles html vs. text, we have stuff you want
> to htmlescape and stuff you want to output raw.
> Using an XSL lib also doesn't play nicely with things like calling a
> function to generate tooltips or fetch something from the i18n system.
Also XSL wants tags to be properly closed, while in HTML5 they have 
decided a "human-friendly" way of tag soup.

> Unfortunately I think any designer we can convince to build a 
> skin will probably dislike using XSL as a template language more than
> using PHP as a template language.
I wonder whether XQuery is a good alternative but it seems it does not 
catch up :-( The same was for XSL (XSL exists for ages, yet it didn't 
gain a huge popularity - perhaps, because it's tiresome to type 
statements in tags).

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-06 Thread Daniel Friesen

skin->tooltipAndAccesskey( 'search-go' ); ?> />

One thing our skin system "does" have is an extensive linker and system 
for building tooltips and accesskeys for things using our i18n system. 
And calls to the message system from skins are all over the place: 
tagline, jumpto, and basically every header that's part of a skin itself 
is all generated by calls to the i18n system, they are not hardcoded in 

~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) [http://daniel.friesen.name]

On 10-12-06 08:20 AM, Trevor Parscal wrote:
> Fair enough, but when I've pushed for using PHP as a template language,
> even with a clever wrapper that would make injected data escaped by
> default (so unescaping was obvious and could be more easily scrutinized
> for XSS) I have been met with about equal resistance.
> The state of things is that unless you are generating HTML 100%
> procedurally (such as by using the Xml and Html classes) then you are
> seen as doing something wrong. Adding something like smarty to the
> system seems silly when we have two completely reasonable alternatives
> at our disposal already.
> XSL allows data to be injected without escaping:
> This is good because it's escaped by default, and any use of this
> attribute would be obvious and could thus be scrutinized for XSS.
> As for hooking in an i18n system, I'm not so sure skins should really be
> arbitrarily injecting messages anyways. What's the use case here?
> Generating tooltips? I'm a bit lost there.
> - Trevor
> On 12/6/10 8:13 AM, Daniel Friesen wrote:
>> PHP ->   XSL doesn't quite feel like much of an improvement in terms of
>> cutting down on the verbose redundant code boilerplate required to
>> insert something.
>> ie:   doesn't look much better than> $this->text("title") ?>, as opposed to {$title|escape:html}.
>> And I'm not sure how XSL handles html vs. text, we have stuff you want
>> to htmlescape and stuff you want to output raw.
>> Using an XSL lib also doesn't play nicely with things like calling a
>> function to generate tooltips or fetch something from the i18n system.
>> Unfortunately I think any designer we can convince to build a MediaWiki
>> skin will probably dislike using XSL as a template language more than
>> using PHP as a template language.
>> ~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) [http://daniel.friesen.name]
>> On 10-12-06 07:57 AM, Trevor Parscal wrote:
>>> Have you considered using something like say XSL? If a skin was a
>>> combination of a set of CSS/JS/image files plus an XSL file which took
>>> XML data (which would be the page content and various user interface
>>> elements) then you could avoid using a whole new template system. PHP 5
>>> has an XSL 1.0 library compiled by default, and since it's implemented
>>> in C, I would bet it's far more performant than any PHP implementation
>>> of a template system aside from using PHP itself as a template system.
>>> Then again, there's a lot of people out there that dislike XSL for all
>>> sorts of reasons - which to me have always carried the ring of
>>> prejudice. I personally think XSL is awesome, and would defend it with
>>> vigor.
>>> In any case, I'm excited about the work you are doing.
>>> - Trevor
>>> On 12/3/10 5:49 PM, Daniel Friesen wrote:
 Perhaps I should commit what I have so far even though it's not quite
 ready for use yet.

 It's enough to do this so far:
 ((this runs off that ported monobook template I put in the pastie))

 Right now I'm using smarty's eval: which I don't want to use because it
 re-compiles the template each time you run it.
 I really wanted to make use of MediaWiki's caching system because MW
 already has such a good caching system it's built in, and having to
 require extra permissions just to make smarty happy felt messed up.

 I have a bad habit of starting projects for fun and experimenting them,
 then abandoning them later. The ones I finish are usually the ones with
 company backing, the really really simple ones, or ones with some other
 sort of backing or other people working on it to. So having someone else
 working on it too would probably be motivating.
 This came after experimenting with porting Wikia's Monaco skin (got 1/3
 the way through), and after it I even started experimenting with writing
 an entire language embedded in php that could be used in MW. And there's
 my long lived vm based wiki farm experiment.

 One possibility I suppose, would be to use the vector array as the
 standard, but hardcode monobook to flatten it and relocate the tagline.

 Some ideas for the templates besides fixing caching... We should
 consider a method of doing personal_urls and whatnot using some blocks
 or functions that can aide in the generation of the 

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-07 Thread Paul Houle
  On 12/7/2010 2:23 AM, Daniel Friesen wrote:
> One thing our skin system "does" have is an extensive linker and system
> for building tooltips and accesskeys for things using our i18n system.
> And calls to the message system from skins are all over the place:
> tagline, jumpto, and basically every header that's part of a skin itself
> is all generated by calls to the i18n system, they are not hardcoded in
> SkinTemplate.
 And that's the rub.

 I18N is essential if you need to cover multiple linguistic zones.  
If you don't,  I18N can increase the cost of making simple changes by a 
factor of 3 to 5.

 I was working on a product aimed at the Brazillian market (pt-br) 
years ago,  and the first iteration of the product was I18N'ed to the 
sky because we wanted to get investment from the en, es and pt-br 
zones.  Well,  that investment didn't come,  we bootstrapped,  and the 
first version to really hit the web was built exclusively for the pt-br 
zone.  Instead of requiring a committee to meet and wasting hours just 
to move a button from one place to another,  we could just do it.  If 
your resources aren't infinite, I18N can have a definitely harmful 
effect on UI quality because it tries to break your hands every time you 
want to make a tweak.

 As for XSLT,  it's one of those languages that can't decide if it 
wants to be Turing complete or not.  XSLT,  as an output templating 
language,  is the kind of thing that takes a task an intern can do in 
five minutes and makes it a job that you have to bring a consultant in 
for three weeks.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-07 Thread Platonides
Daniel Friesen wrote:
> PHP -> XSL doesn't quite feel like much of an improvement in terms of 
> cutting down on the verbose redundant code boilerplate required to 
> insert something.
> ie:  doesn't look much better than  $this->text("title") ?>, as opposed to {$title|escape:html}.

This seems an argument for using the preprocessor for the skin system,
in order to include the variables into the raw html.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-07 Thread Bryan Tong Minh
On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 4:26 PM, Platonides  wrote:
> Daniel Friesen wrote:
>> PHP -> XSL doesn't quite feel like much of an improvement in terms of
>> cutting down on the verbose redundant code boilerplate required to
>> insert something.
>> ie:  doesn't look much better than > $this->text("title") ?>, as opposed to {$title|escape:html}.
> This seems an argument for using the preprocessor for the skin system,
> in order to include the variables into the raw html.
Skin sytem in wikitext?

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-07 Thread Platonides
Bryan Tong Minh wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 4:26 PM, Platonides  wrote:
>> Daniel Friesen wrote:
>>> PHP -> XSL doesn't quite feel like much of an improvement in terms of
>>> cutting down on the verbose redundant code boilerplate required to
>>> insert something.
>>> ie:  doesn't look much better than >> $this->text("title") ?>, as opposed to {$title|escape:html}.
>> This seems an argument for using the preprocessor for the skin system,
>> in order to include the variables into the raw html.
> Skin sytem in wikitext?

Only the preprocessing.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-07 Thread Trevor Parscal
Oh please no!

- Trevor

On 12/7/10 7:26 AM, Platonides wrote:
> Daniel Friesen wrote:
>> PHP ->  XSL doesn't quite feel like much of an improvement in terms of
>> cutting down on the verbose redundant code boilerplate required to
>> insert something.
>> ie:  doesn't look much better than> $this->text("title") ?>, as opposed to {$title|escape:html}.
> This seems an argument for using the preprocessor for the skin system,
> in order to include the variables into the raw html.
> ___
> Wikitech-l mailing list
> Wikitech-l@lists.wikimedia.org
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikitech-l

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-07 Thread Bryan Tong Minh
On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 5:12 PM, Trevor Parscal  wrote:
> Oh please no!
> - Trevor
> On 12/7/10 7:26 AM, Platonides wrote:
>> Daniel Friesen wrote:
>>> PHP ->  XSL doesn't quite feel like much of an improvement in terms of
>>> cutting down on the verbose redundant code boilerplate required to
>>> insert something.
>>> ie:  doesn't look much better than>> $this->text("title") ?>, as opposed to {$title|escape:html}.
>> This seems an argument for using the preprocessor for the skin system,
>> in order to include the variables into the raw html.

I was first like wtf as well, but on the other hand this way skin
building would be much more accesibles for non-programmer mediawiki
users. Regular wiki users do know wikitext, as opposed to PHP. I'm not
entirely sure though that this would be good for your sanity. I
wouldn't discard the idea immediately, insane as it may seem.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-07 Thread Daniel Friesen
On 10-12-07 08:18 AM, Bryan Tong Minh wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 5:12 PM, Trevor Parscal  wrote:
>> Oh please no!
>> - Trevor
>> On 12/7/10 7:26 AM, Platonides wrote:
>>> Daniel Friesen wrote:
 PHP ->XSL doesn't quite feel like much of an improvement in terms of
 cutting down on the verbose redundant code boilerplate required to
 insert something.
 ie:doesn't look much better than>>> $this->text("title") ?>, as opposed to {$title|escape:html}.
>>> This seems an argument for using the preprocessor for the skin system,
>>> in order to include the variables into the raw html.
> I was first like wtf as well, but on the other hand this way skin
> building would be much more accesibles for non-programmer mediawiki
> users. Regular wiki users do know wikitext, as opposed to PHP. I'm not
> entirely sure though that this would be good for your sanity. I
> wouldn't discard the idea immediately, insane as it may seem.
^_^ I was drafting a response Platonides' comment, ie: an example of a 
chunk of MonoBook code using a WikiText style template language... in 
order to demonstrate the insanity of using the style that our 
preprocessor preprocesses as a template language for skins...
I decided it sounded obviously insane enough that I didn't need to...
;) wan't me to re-start that example...?

~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) [http://daniel.friesen.name]

~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) [http://daniel.friesen.name]

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-07 Thread Ashar Voultoiz
On 06/12/10 16:57, Trevor Parscal wrote:
> I personally think XSL is awesome, and would defend it with
> vigor.

I love XSL too. Probably the easiest way to render an XML data file.

Another approach could be inspired by ruby on rails way.  You define a 
general application layout using HTML with special directives such as:

   <%= yield %>

"yield" is where the current view should be inserted.  This mean a 
graphist / skinner, just have to know about HTML/CSS :-b

To create your view, you use rhtml (ruby html) which is plain HTML in 
which you can insert ruby code using <%  %> or <%= %> :

<% @articles.each do |article| %>
<%= article.title %>
<%= link_to 'Show', article
<%= link_to 'Edit', edit_path( article )

It does make thing easier, since the whole backend is hidden.  Its role 
is just to provide the correct variables (in the above case 'article' 
which is an array of articles objects).

I think Symfony, now a day a popular PHP framework, use this system as well.

[1] http://www.symfony-project.org/

Ashar Voultoiz

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-07 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 9:46 AM, Paul Houle  wrote:
>     I18N is essential if you need to cover multiple linguistic zones.
> If you don't,  I18N can increase the cost of making simple changes by a
> factor of 3 to 5.

Not for us, in my experience.  The developers just write the stuff
purely in English and then volunteers handle localization.  The cost
might technically be much higher, but it's mostly handled by
volunteers, so it doesn't actually hurt much of anything.  The only
difference for developers is we have to put messages in their own file
and refer to them with message functions, but it's not a noticeable
cost once you get used to it.  Also I guess we have to spend some time
designing and optimizing the localization system, but that's only a
small part of development, not a really big cost.  In any event,
MediaWiki being localizable is entirely non-negotiable at this point,
so if there's a cost, we're going to pay it anyway.

What sort of cost are you talking about here, though?  I can't think
what sort of i18n system would require simple UI changes to take three
to five times the work.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-07 Thread Daniel Friesen
On 10-12-07 10:19 AM, Ashar Voultoiz wrote:
> On 06/12/10 16:57, Trevor Parscal wrote:
>> I personally think XSL is awesome, and would defend it with
>> vigor.
> I love XSL too. Probably the easiest way to render an XML data file.
> Another approach could be inspired by ruby on rails way.  You define a
> general application layout using HTML with special directives such as:
> <%= yield %>
> "yield" is where the current view should be inserted.  This mean a
> graphist / skinner, just have to know about HTML/CSS :-b
> To create your view, you use rhtml (ruby html) which is plain HTML in
> which you can insert ruby code using<%  %>  or<%= %>  :
> <% @articles.each do |article| %>
>  <%= article.title %>
>  <%= link_to 'Show', article
>  <%= link_to 'Edit', edit_path( article )
> It does make thing easier, since the whole backend is hidden.  Its role
> is just to provide the correct variables (in the above case 'article'
> which is an array of articles objects).
> I think Symfony, now a day a popular PHP framework, use this system as well.
> [1] http://www.symfony-project.org/
erb/rhtml/erubis/etc... is basically nearly the same thing as the  blocks we already use.
Also, one of my goals is to provide templates which are php-less so that 
even environments like wiki farms can provide the ability for skins to 
be customized without worrying about php injection.

~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) [http://daniel.friesen.name]

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-07 Thread Platonides
Daniel Friesen wrote:
> On 10-12-07 08:18 AM, Bryan Tong Minh wrote:

>> I was first like wtf as well, but on the other hand this way skin
>> building would be much more accesibles for non-programmer mediawiki
>> users. Regular wiki users do know wikitext, as opposed to PHP. I'm not
>> entirely sure though that this would be good for your sanity. I
>> wouldn't discard the idea immediately, insane as it may seem.
> ^_^ I was drafting a response Platonides' comment, ie: an example of a 
> chunk of MonoBook code using a WikiText style template language... in 
> order to demonstrate the insanity of using the style that our 
> preprocessor preprocesses as a template language for skins...
> I decided it sounded obviously insane enough that I didn't need to...
> ;) wan't me to re-start that example...?
> ~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) [http://daniel.friesen.name]

I'm not sure myself of the sanity of such approach. :)
But if {$title|escape:html} is considered "friendly", it'd be much
better to use a known syntax than creating a new one.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-07 Thread Dmitriy Sintsov
* Ashar Voultoiz  [Tue, 07 Dec 2010 19:19:53 +0100]:
> On 06/12/10 16:57, Trevor Parscal wrote:
> > I personally think XSL is awesome, and would defend it with
> > vigor.
> I love XSL too. Probably the easiest way to render an XML data file.
It's easy only when XSL style sheet already exists. Even simple loops 
were not so easy to peform in that language, at least in old v1.0 I've 
used some years ago. And expressions enclosed in tags are bloated. 
XQuery has easy loops and much less bloat, however it's much less 
supported in PHP.

> Another approach could be inspired by ruby on rails way.  You define a
> general application layout using HTML with special directives such as:
><%= yield %>
> "yield" is where the current view should be inserted.  This mean a
> graphist / skinner, just have to know about HTML/CSS :-b
> To create your view, you use rhtml (ruby html) which is plain HTML in
> which you can insert ruby code using <%  %> or <%= %> :
> <% @articles.each do |article| %>
> <%= article.title %>
> <%= link_to 'Show', article
> <%= link_to 'Edit', edit_path( article )
> It does make thing easier, since the whole backend is hidden.  Its 
> is just to provide the correct variables (in the above case 'article'
> which is an array of articles objects).
Not bad. BTW, a good skin templating probably could also become an 
alternative wiki templating for wiki articles.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-08 Thread Daniel Friesen
On 10-12-07 04:32 PM, Platonides wrote:
> Daniel Friesen wrote:
>> On 10-12-07 08:18 AM, Bryan Tong Minh wrote:
>>> I was first like wtf as well, but on the other hand this way skin
>>> building would be much more accesibles for non-programmer mediawiki
>>> users. Regular wiki users do know wikitext, as opposed to PHP. I'm not
>>> entirely sure though that this would be good for your sanity. I
>>> wouldn't discard the idea immediately, insane as it may seem.
>> ^_^ I was drafting a response Platonides' comment, ie: an example of a
>> chunk of MonoBook code using a WikiText style template language... in
>> order to demonstrate the insanity of using the style that our
>> preprocessor preprocesses as a template language for skins...
>> I decided it sounded obviously insane enough that I didn't need to...
>> ;) wan't me to re-start that example...?
>> ~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) [http://daniel.friesen.name]
> I'm not sure myself of the sanity of such approach. :)
> But if {$title|escape:html} is considered "friendly", it'd be much
> better to use a known syntax than creating a new one.
;) that's Smarty, it "is" a known syntax.
json-template would be {title|html-attr-value}, not much better.

By the way, I managed to create an absolutely horrid 
preg_replace_callback based syntax:


{foreachdata:content_actions:tab|x1x| {t:tab.text}

It works...! I'm just waiting on finishing up my abstraction of the 
sidebar to finish up a port of MonoBook to it. And the code that handles 
the syntax is even less than 100 lines.
The idea is that whatever known or unknown syntax we come up with, we 
can compile it to this syntax and not have to re-parse the template 
source each time, and not have to deal with compiling to php which could 
have php injection vulnerabilities.

Now, as for a "known" or unknown syntax, what's the friendliest syntax 
for outputting variables with and without html escaping you can think of?

~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) [http://daniel.friesen.name]

~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) [http://daniel.friesen.name]

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-08 Thread Trevor Parscal
On 12/7/10 10:46 PM, Dmitriy Sintsov wrote:
> * Ashar Voultoiz  [Tue, 07 Dec 2010 19:19:53 +0100]:
>> On 06/12/10 16:57, Trevor Parscal wrote:
>>> I personally think XSL is awesome, and would defend it with
>>> vigor.
>> I love XSL too. Probably the easiest way to render an XML data file.
> It's easy only when XSL style sheet already exists. Even simple loops
> were not so easy to peform in that language, at least in old v1.0 I've
> used some years ago. And expressions enclosed in tags are bloated.
> XQuery has easy loops and much less bloat, however it's much less
> supported in PHP.
Loops? Maybe you weren't using XSL the way it's meant to be used? In XSL 
templates are just applied to the data. Consider the case of mixed node 
types within a common parent...


I warned that I would defend XSL with vigor :)

- Trevor

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-08 Thread Dmitriy Sintsov
* Trevor Parscal  [Wed, 08 Dec 2010 07:31:33 
> On 12/7/10 10:46 PM, Dmitriy Sintsov wrote:
> > * Ashar Voultoiz  [Tue, 07 Dec 2010 19:19:53
> +0100]:
> >> On 06/12/10 16:57, Trevor Parscal wrote:
> >>> I personally think XSL is awesome, and would defend it with
> >>> vigor.
> >> I love XSL too. Probably the easiest way to render an XML data 
> >>
> > It's easy only when XSL style sheet already exists. Even simple 
> > were not so easy to peform in that language, at least in old v1.0 
> > used some years ago. And expressions enclosed in tags are bloated.
> > XQuery has easy loops and much less bloat, however it's much less
> > supported in PHP.
> Loops? Maybe you weren't using XSL the way it's meant to be used? In 
> templates are just applied to the data. Consider the case of mixed 
> types within a common parent...
> a
> d
> b
> c
> I warned that I would defend XSL with vigor :)
I was talking about using recursion to generate repeated content:

You are right that XSL is powerful and worth, however it didn't gain 
huge popularity despite being invented many years ago. The source code 
is not well readable and too long due to embedding of language 
constructions in tags. However, MediaWiki probably would be OK to use 
it, because many of MediaWiki users are advanced users and scientists. 
Ordinary people would be scared of both wiki parser templates and XSL. 
XQuery is probably under development and not ready yet.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making usability part of the development process

2010-12-08 Thread Ashar Voultoiz
On 08/12/10 16:31, Trevor Parscal wrote:
> I warned that I would defend XSL with vigor :)

Magnus wrote a wiki to XML converter a few years ago and I hacked up a 
small XSLT to convert its output to XHTML:


Look at test.xml & xhtml.xslt


Ashar Voultoiz

Wikitech-l mailing list