Re: Witango-Talk: Load Balanceing

2007-10-04 Thread Jason Schulz
Each Witango service will need to see the location of the files in  
the same way.

There are two and a half ways to do this.

A) Copied Code (the half method).

On each Witango server, copy the code to the same location (eg, c: 
\inetpub\wwwroot\). Configure IIS to share one of these as the  
website. You will need to manually maintain consistency between the  
copies (think customer file uploads, etc).

Good Witango load sharing.
Good for read only sites
Quick and dirty.

Manual work involved to ensure code is consistent between all Witango  
No Witango service redundancy (they 'see' different copies of the  

B) Mapped Drive.

Share wwwroot, and map a drive (eg, 'K:\') against it on _all_  
Witango servers.

Configure IIS to share drive K as the website.

Good redundancy across application elements.
Good load sharing.
Easy to update code.
Code is consistent between all Witango instances.
Simple to configure

Only works for a single site (you need a new drive letter for each site)
If the mapped drive fails for any reason, manual intervention is  
required to restore the connection.

C) Share Point
Have your code in a shared directory, eg., \\Host\wwwroot\code.taf

Configure IIS in the 'Home Directory' tab so that 'the content for  
this resource should come from [X] A share located on another  
computer', and point it at \\Host\wwwroot\

Ensure that the privileges required to access \\Host\wwwroot are  
available to the account that Witango is running under.

With the above configuration, you can have single or multiple IIS  
front ends, with single or multiple Witango services. The share point  
could be served from any one of them, or an unrelated server (such as  
a NAS box).

Good redundancy across application elements.
Good load sharing.
Easy to update code.
Code is consistent between all Witango instances.
Single hardware installation can support multiple sites

Pain to get going.
More to go wrong.
More to look after.



On 04/10/2007, at 3:32 PM, Fogelson, Steve wrote:

Andre and others,

I have done some testing with the following setup

Server A will run one Witango service and the databases will reside  

Server B will run IIS, Witango Client and one Witango service

I assumed you had to have copies of all the taf, tml, tcf, images  
and html
files on both servers. Is this true or do you only have to have the  
files on

the IIS and Witango Client server (B)?

Planning, Implementation and Management of Web Applications

Level 1, 44 Miller Street North Sydney NSW Australia 2060
phone + 612 9929 9229 fax + 612 9460 4770
web - email -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by ESVA, and is
believed to be clean.


RE: Witango-Talk: Witango Customer Support

2007-10-04 Thread Wolf, Gene
My thanks to Robert, William and Roland who responded. All saying much
the same thing. I've been a user of Witango since the Everyware days and
it's heavily in use here at DRS Optronics, a large division of DRS.
( outbind://111/ ) Control of Witango, load
balancing, responsiveness, etc., is being passed to our Dallas division.
No longer will I have the hands on access I once did. I see this as a
good thing since I can concentrate more on what I'm good at and the guys
who know more about networking and database tweaking can concentrate on
what they know best.

The problem is Phil has already pissed off my management. I'm copying an
e-mail our IT Director in Dallas sent the other day. He has still
received no response. I am absolutely amazed. We all wonder why a tool
as good as Witango doesn't take off. I think we see the answer here. DRS
is a $1.5B company. The largest division of DRS is a heavy user of
Witango. Imagine if this company was convinced that Witango was a valid
tool? With the exchange of e-mail below, and the comments I have
received from you folks which I am going to pass on to management, I
don't see that happening here. 

It's unfortunate that this opportunity is being squandered by the folks
at Witango. 


From: Magnotti, Ernie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 10:56 AM
Cc: Veltri, James; Wolf, Gene
Subject: FW: Witango Help
Importance: High

Dear Witango,


At the bottom of this thread is a request for support from one of my
datacenter staff. It has been over a week and we have not had any

Witango is a critical part of our infrastructure. We've also spent a lot
of money on licensing for Witango. Further, I have made it a priority
for James Veltri, who initiated this request for support, to confer with
Witango support regarding our configuration. The current performance is
unacceptable due to heavy CPU load during peak times of the business

Please follow up on James inquiry below, and let us know of a better way
to interact with you on future support issues.

 Ernie Magnotti

IT Manager
DRS Sensors  Targeting Systems, Inc.
Desk: 972-560-5790




From: Veltri, James [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 9:33 AM
To: Magnotti, Ernie
Subject: FW: Witango Help




From: Veltri, James 
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 10:11 AM
Subject: Witango Help



My name is James Veltri and I'm with DRS Optronics, Inc. we currently
use your product Witango to develop our Intranet applications. I'm not a
developer myself, but I'm one of the Data Center/Infrastructure people
and I've been assigned to troubleshoot a performance issue that we've
been experiencing.

I'll give you a quick breakdown on  how our Witango servers are
configured. Basically we have one main server which hosts IIS, Witango
which talks to a Backend server which hosts the SQL Databases for

Basically what we've been experiencing is that during our heavy load
periods (which we could potentially have 1000 users trying at one time)
the processors on our main server peg out and eventually end up locking
up the system which requires a reboot. Now I was given a document by
Gene Wolf our BSG (Business Systems Group) guy Witango 5 Professional
Server Configuration Guide which spells out how to separate the Witango
services onto other Servers to spread out the load. 

However none of the documentation that I could find shows us a migration
path from our current configuration to the load-balanced configuration..
Any documentation you could send me on the above would be greatly

Also if possible could you provide me with an Best Practice guides you
may have on configuration of the servers for the Witango service.


James Veltri

From: Robert Garcia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: Witango Customer Support

You have to piss them off on this list, and then they respond. Of give
them a credit card number. Those are the only ways that are most likely
to work. 

Their support is horrible.


Robert Garcia
President - BigHead Technology
VP Application Development -
13653 West Park Dr
Magalia, Ca 95954
ph: 530.645.4040 x222 fax: 530.645.4040

On Oct 3, 2007, at 1:19 PM, Wolf, Gene wrote:

   Hey all, quick question. We are reorganizing here at DRS and
moving our servers to our data center in Dallas (we're in Florida) and
centralizing our networking support there as well. This is all a good
thing. Needless to say Witango is an unknown to everyone in Dallas and
they want to understand as much as they can about Witango and supporting
it. They have written several e-mails to [EMAIL 

RE: Witango-Talk: Witango Customer Support

2007-10-04 Thread Scott Cadillac
Hi Gene,

I'm not sure what you hope to gain out of publicly exposing Phil or your 
company like this, but it won't be positive or anything that could possibly 
help achieve a working solution to your problem. 

Despite whatever faults Phil or the Witango product and/or company may have, 
nothing warrants this type of unprofessional response. 

If this is the position and opinion you've arrived at about Phil and whomever 
else may work at Witango, than either whine and snivel privately - or on the 
List like others have chosen. Or... make that dreaded business decision to move 
on. But don't make a public spectacle of yourself and your company in the 

Migrating away from Witango may be a painful decision to make (career altering 
in fact [scary, huh?]), but don't try and blame your less-than-perfect 
technology choices on somebody else. Who ever said software was perfect? 

And how could you be absolutely amazed when for years we've all known in 
stark terms that the future of Witango (if any) would be a long hard-fought 
road. And that continuing with Witango, after Pervasive, would be a gamble 
involving some personal sacrifices of our own. 

Suck it up Gene, and admit to your boss that maybe a different decision should 
have been made years ago. 

I'm not here to defend Phil. I've moved on from Witango a long time ago. I'm 
here to stay in touch with friends, and to occasionally give opinion and advice 
- based on my own decision making experience. 

Best of luck.

Scott Cadillac
~ 902-624-1266 


Re: Witango-Talk: Witango Customer Support

2007-10-04 Thread Stefan Gonick

Hi Gene,

I just checked the site and looked at their support page.
No where on it is there any reference to an email address called 

What if they never got those emails?  Wouldn't it be a sad misunderstanding
if there is all this anger about a lack of support when they didn't 
get the messages?

Why don't you use [EMAIL PROTECTED] to set up a support contract like 
the page says to do?
Alternatively, I know that Robert Shubert is great at setting up load 
balancing configurations.

Let's not jump to conclusions before absolutely necessary...


At 07:14 AM 10/4/2007, you wrote:

My thanks to Robert, William and Roland who responded. All saying 
much the same thing. I've been a user of Witango since the Everyware 
days and it's heavily in use here at DRS Optronics, a large division 
of DRS. (outbind://111/ Control of Witango, 
load balancing, responsiveness, etc., is being passed to our Dallas 
division. No longer will I have the hands on access I once did. I 
see this as a good thing since I can concentrate more on what I'm 
good at and the guys who know more about networking and database 
tweaking can concentrate on what they know best.

The problem is Phil has already pissed off my management. I'm 
copying an e-mail our IT Director in Dallas sent the other day. He 
has still received no response. I am absolutely amazed. We all 
wonder why a tool as good as Witango doesn't take off. I think we 
see the answer here. DRS is a $1.5B company. The largest division of 
DRS is a heavy user of Witango. Imagine if this company was 
convinced that Witango was a valid tool? With the exchange of e-mail 
below, and the comments I have received from you folks which I am 
going to pass on to management, I don't see that happening here.

It's unfortunate that this opportunity is being squandered by the 
folks at Witango.

From: Magnotti, Ernie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 10:56 AM
Cc: Veltri, James; Wolf, Gene
Subject: FW: Witango Help
Importance: High

Dear Witango,?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = 
urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office /

At the bottom of this thread is a request for support from one of my 
datacenter staff. It has been over a week and we have not had any response.

Witango is a critical part of our infrastructure. We've also spent a 
lot of money on licensing for Witango. Further, I have made it a 
priority for James Veltri, who initiated this request for support, 
to confer with Witango support regarding our configuration. The 
current performance is unacceptable due to heavy CPU load during 
peak times of the business day.

Please follow up on James inquiry below, and let us know of a better 
way to interact with you on future support issues.

 Ernie Magnotti

IT Manager
DRS Sensors  Targeting Systems, Inc.
Desk: 972-560-5790

From: Veltri, James [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 9:33 AM
To: Magnotti, Ernie
Subject: FW: Witango Help


From: Veltri, James
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 10:11 AM
Subject: Witango Help


My name is James Veltri and I'm with DRS Optronics, Inc. we 
currently use your product Witango to develop our Intranet 
applications. I'm not a developer myself, but I'm one of the Data 
Center/Infrastructure people and I've been assigned to troubleshoot 
a performance issue that we've been experiencing.

I'll give you a quick breakdown on  how our Witango servers are 
configured. Basically we have one main server which hosts IIS, 
Witango which talks to a Backend server which hosts the SQL 
Databases for Witango.

Basically what we've been experiencing is that during our heavy 
load periods (which we could potentially have 1000 users trying at 
one time) the processors on our main server peg out and eventually 
end up locking up the system which requires a reboot. Now I was 
given a document by Gene Wolf our BSG (Business Systems Group) guy 
Witango 5 Professional Server Configuration Guide which spells out 
how to separate the Witango services onto other Servers to spread 
out the load.

However none of the documentation that I could find shows us a 
migration path from our current configuration to the load-balanced 
configuration.. Any documentation you could send me on the above 
would be greatly appreciated.

Also if possible could you provide me with an Best Practice guides 
you may have on configuration of the servers for the Witango service.


James Veltri

From: Robert Garcia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: Witango Customer Support

You have to piss them off on this list, and then they respond. Of 
give them a credit card number. Those are the only ways that are 
most likely to work.

Their support is 

RE: Witango-Talk: Witango Customer Support

2007-10-04 Thread Wolf, Gene
Wow, unprofessional and a spectacle? I've reached a new high. Needless
to say Scott I'm voicing concerns I've heard on this list many times
before. Check the archives. It's a fact. I've used Witango for years and
I've sold Witango clients to others on this list and believe I have
conducted myself in a very professional manner in all of those
transactions. Only others can judge that. 

I bring to light that my management is asking questions in my first
e-mail yesterday and get 3 answers, two on this list and one in private
that say, essentially, to get any response you have to piss off Phil.
Not my words. Due to those posts I point out that With may very well be
missing out on a huge opportunity, and point out that this potential
missed opportunity may be the reason Witango is not more widely in use
than it is, again statements made on this list many times before. 

When you have something constructive to post please do so. There's only
one person here posting anything sniveling and unprofessional and it's
not me. 

-Original Message-
From: Scott Cadillac [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 8:29 AM
Subject: RE: Witango-Talk: Witango Customer Support

Hi Gene,

I'm not sure what you hope to gain out of publicly exposing Phil or your
company like this, but it won't be positive or anything that could
possibly help achieve a working solution to your problem. 

Despite whatever faults Phil or the Witango product and/or company may
have, nothing warrants this type of unprofessional response. 

If this is the position and opinion you've arrived at about Phil and
whomever else may work at Witango, than either whine and snivel
privately - or on the List like others have chosen. Or... make that
dreaded business decision to move on. But don't make a public spectacle
of yourself and your company in the process. 

Migrating away from Witango may be a painful decision to make (career
altering in fact [scary, huh?]), but don't try and blame your
less-than-perfect technology choices on somebody else. Who ever said
software was perfect? 

And how could you be absolutely amazed when for years we've all known
in stark terms that the future of Witango (if any) would be a long
hard-fought road. And that continuing with Witango, after Pervasive,
would be a gamble involving some personal sacrifices of our own. 

Suck it up Gene, and admit to your boss that maybe a different decision
should have been made years ago. 

I'm not here to defend Phil. I've moved on from Witango a long time ago.
I'm here to stay in touch with friends, and to occasionally give opinion
and advice - based on my own decision making experience. 

Best of luck.

Scott Cadillac
~ 902-624-1266



RE: Witango-Talk: Witango Customer Support

2007-10-04 Thread Wolf, Gene
I am asking my management where they got that e-mail address. That's why
I posted my first question to the list and provided the e-mail address
that they were using. Since I am now on the periphery of maintaining
Witango I figured a quick question to this list was the best way to get
an answer my management was asking because some of you probably have had
to contact support in the past and had an address readily available. I
hardly expected the vitriolic response I have received from some

From: Stefan Gonick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: Witango Customer Support

Hi Gene,

I just checked the site and looked at their support page.
No where on it is there any reference to an email address called
What if they never got those emails?  Wouldn't it be a sad
if there is all this anger about a lack of support when they didn't get
the messages?

Why don't you use [EMAIL PROTECTED] to set up a support contract like
the page says to do?
Alternatively, I know that Robert Shubert is great at setting up load
balancing configurations.

Let's not jump to conclusions before absolutely necessary...


At 07:14 AM 10/4/2007, you wrote:

My thanks to Robert, William and Roland who responded. All
saying much the same thing. I've been a user of Witango since the
Everyware days and it's heavily in use here at DRS Optronics, a large
division of DRS. ( outbind://111/ ) Control of
Witango, load balancing, responsiveness, etc., is being passed to our
Dallas division. No longer will I have the hands on access I once did. I
see this as a good thing since I can concentrate more on what I'm good
at and the guys who know more about networking and database tweaking can
concentrate on what they know best.

The problem is Phil has already pissed off my management. I'm
copying an e-mail our IT Director in Dallas sent the other day. He has
still received no response. I am absolutely amazed. We all wonder why a
tool as good as Witango doesn't take off. I think we see the answer
here. DRS is a $1.5B company. The largest division of DRS is a heavy
user of Witango. Imagine if this company was convinced that Witango was
a valid tool? With the exchange of e-mail below, and the comments I have
received from you folks which I am going to pass on to management, I
don't see that happening here. 

It's unfortunate that this opportunity is being squandered by
the folks at Witango. 

From: Magnotti, Ernie [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 10:56 AM
Cc: Veltri, James; Wolf, Gene
Subject: FW: Witango Help
Importance: High

Dear Witango,?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =
urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office /


At the bottom of this thread is a request for support from one
of my datacenter staff. It has been over a week and we have not had any

Witango is a critical part of our infrastructure. We've also
spent a lot of money on licensing for Witango. Further, I have made it a
priority for James Veltri, who initiated this request for support, to
confer with Witango support regarding our configuration. The current
performance is unacceptable due to heavy CPU load during peak times of
the business day. 

Please follow up on James inquiry below, and let us know of a
better way to interact with you on future support issues.

 Ernie Magnotti

IT Manager
DRS Sensors  Targeting Systems, Inc.
Desk: 972-560-5790




From: Veltri, James [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 9:33 AM
To: Magnotti, Ernie
Subject: FW: Witango Help




From: Veltri, James 
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 10:11 AM
Subject: Witango Help



My name is James Veltri and I'm with DRS Optronics, Inc. we
currently use your product Witango to develop our Intranet applications.
I'm not a developer myself, but I'm one of the Data
Center/Infrastructure people and I've been assigned to troubleshoot a
performance issue that we've been experiencing.

I'll give you a quick breakdown on  how our Witango servers are
configured. Basically we have one main server which hosts IIS, Witango
which talks to a Backend server which hosts the SQL Databases for

Re: Witango-Talk: Load Balanceing

2007-10-04 Thread andrer

Hi, Jason

This was one very detailed answer, I must admit. However there's two
corrections that I feel is necessary.

1. Witango service doesn't need to have access to Application files, it
needs to have a valid Data Source. Application Files must be visible to
IIS with Witango Plugin. That plugin will in turn connect to Witango
Services specifed in clients.ini either randomly or by following
directions supplied as arguments of the URL.

2. You can't have a mapped drive functioning, while there's no user logged
in to the server. This option would only be valid for a testlab, where
developer is always logged and drive is always mapped.


Andre Rekhtine
IS Consultant
Moveable Online Inc.

 Each Witango service will need to see the location of the files in
 the same way.

 There are two and a half ways to do this.

 A) Copied Code (the half method).

 On each Witango server, copy the code to the same location (eg, c:
 \inetpub\wwwroot\). Configure IIS to share one of these as the
 website. You will need to manually maintain consistency between the
 copies (think customer file uploads, etc).

 Good Witango load sharing.
 Good for read only sites
 Quick and dirty.

 Manual work involved to ensure code is consistent between all Witango
 No Witango service redundancy (they 'see' different copies of the

 B) Mapped Drive.

 Share wwwroot, and map a drive (eg, 'K:\') against it on _all_
 Witango servers.
 Configure IIS to share drive K as the website.

 Good redundancy across application elements.
 Good load sharing.
 Easy to update code.
 Code is consistent between all Witango instances.
 Simple to configure

 Only works for a single site (you need a new drive letter for each site)
 If the mapped drive fails for any reason, manual intervention is
 required to restore the connection.

 C) Share Point
 Have your code in a shared directory, eg., \\Host\wwwroot\code.taf

 Configure IIS in the 'Home Directory' tab so that 'the content for
 this resource should come from [X] A share located on another
 computer', and point it at \\Host\wwwroot\

 Ensure that the privileges required to access \\Host\wwwroot are
 available to the account that Witango is running under.

 With the above configuration, you can have single or multiple IIS
 front ends, with single or multiple Witango services. The share point
 could be served from any one of them, or an unrelated server (such as
 a NAS box).

 Good redundancy across application elements.
 Good load sharing.
 Easy to update code.
 Code is consistent between all Witango instances.
 Single hardware installation can support multiple sites

 Pain to get going.
 More to go wrong.
 More to look after.



 On 04/10/2007, at 3:32 PM, Fogelson, Steve wrote:

 Andre and others,

 I have done some testing with the following setup

 Server A will run one Witango service and the databases will reside
 Server B will run IIS, Witango Client and one Witango service

 I assumed you had to have copies of all the taf, tml, tcf, images
 and html
 files on both servers. Is this true or do you only have to have the
 files on
 the IIS and Witango Client server (B)?

 Planning, Implementation and Management of Web Applications

 Level 1, 44 Miller Street North Sydney NSW Australia 2060
 phone + 612 9929 9229 fax + 612 9460 4770
 web - email -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 This message has been scanned for viruses and
 dangerous content by ESVA, and is
 believed to be clean.



RE: Witango-Talk: Load Balanceing

2007-10-04 Thread Fogelson, Steve

Server A will run one Witango service and the databases will reside here.
Server B will run IIS, Witango Client and one Witango service

I was wondering about that. I have been doing some testing with the setup I
described. I have a taf that is different on both servers.

As the request comes into Server B, it may go to either server (as indicated
in the log files on both servers), but it always displays the results as
indicated by the taf located on server B.

Is it possible that Server B pulls the Witango files from the IIS and
Witango Client server (B in this example) and caches (if server B is setup
to do so) them on server B? If so, files would only have to be located on
Server B.

As I recall from a post by Robert Schubert, Server B will also have it's own
System, Application and Domain scoped variables, so any changes to the
Application and Domain variables on server B that need to be used on server
A will also have to be reset.

Please comment on this and let me know if my test results are wrong.



-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: Load Balanceing

Hi, Jason

This was one very detailed answer, I must admit. However there's two
corrections that I feel is necessary.

1. Witango service doesn't need to have access to Application files, it
needs to have a valid Data Source. Application Files must be visible to
IIS with Witango Plugin. That plugin will in turn connect to Witango
Services specifed in clients.ini either randomly or by following
directions supplied as arguments of the URL.

2. You can't have a mapped drive functioning, while there's no user logged
in to the server. This option would only be valid for a testlab, where
developer is always logged and drive is always mapped.


Andre Rekhtine
IS Consultant
Moveable Online Inc.


RE: Witango-Talk: Witango Customer Support

2007-10-04 Thread Scott Cadillac
Gee Gene, are you telling me to shut-up? 

Now that's a waste of text.

I'm only questioning your most recent post Gene. The fact they have a long 
standing reputation and are considered a very competent professional in your 
field doesn't excuse you from being called out when you do something rude. 
Being a professional is not a point system. 

If it was your management that gave you the go ahead to follow the 
ill-conceived advice of others from this List to do whatever it takes to piss 
Phil off enough to get his attention - then I profoundly apologize to you, 
your family, your ancestors and your descendants. 

You now have my sympathy, that you have to work for such people.

As for the opportunity you are referring to. 

...DRS is a $1.5B company. The largest division of DRS is a heavy user of 
Witango. Imagine if this company was convinced that Witango was a valid 

Are you suggesting that your company was on the brink of sinking some of the 
billions they have into Witango? 

What kind of false promise is that? And if it were true, where were their 
dollars 2 or 3 or 6 years ago? 

Bringing it up now at this point is an insult to everyone on this list, 
including Phil - in my opinion. 

And frankly Gene, I considered my posts very constructive :-)

I hope things improve for you.

Scott Cadillac
~ 902-624-1266 


Re: Witango-Talk: Witango Customer Support

2007-10-04 Thread Scott Cadillac
To be fair, so I'm not just criticizing Gene,

Personally I think your advice here Robert is also very rude and 

If you were Phil, would you want to respond to such a hostile public forum? 

I'm not saying I'm without fault. I've done my own share of bashing in the 
past, and paid the price in good dose of returned criticism. 

If you can't do business with Phil under the conditions that so clearly exists 
- then move on. Otherwise make the most of it and help each other. 

Have a nice day, and I hope things improve for you as well.

Scott Cadillac
~ 902-624-1266 

On Wed, October 3, 2007 6:13 pm, Robert Garcia [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 You have to piss them off on this list, and then they respond. Of 
 give them a credit card number. Those are the only ways that are most 
 likely to work.
 Their support is horrible.
 Robert Garcia 
 President - BigHead Technology 
 VP Application Development -
 13653 West Park Dr 
 Magalia, Ca 95954
 ph: 530.645.4040 x222 fax: 530.645.4040 
 On Oct 3, 2007, at 1:19 PM, Wolf, Gene wrote:
    Hey all, quick question. We are reorganizing here at DRS and 
 moving our servers to our data center in Dallas (we're in Florida) 
 and centralizing our networking support there as well. This is all 
 a good thing. Needless to say Witango is an unknown to everyone in 
 Dallas and they want to understand as much as they can about 
 Witango and supporting it. They have written several e-mails to 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I've been told they have received 
 no reply.
    I have always used this forum to get answers and do not know the 
 best way to put our networking and support folks in touch with 
 Witango support. How do you folks do it? Do you basically rely on 
 this list, or is there some e-mail address other than the one 
 listed above that should be used for support issues? Thanks! 

 Gene Wolf
 Supervisor, Business Systems 
 DRS Sensors  Targeting Systems-Optronics 
 2330 Commerce Park Drive NE
 Palm Bay, Florida 32905 
 Phone: 321-309-0685
            321-309-0202 (fax) Word of the Day
 This e-mail, including any attached files, may contain confidential 
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 in the International Traffic In Arms Regulations (ITAR) 22 CFR 
 120.10. Export of this material is restricted by the Arms Export 
 Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.) and may not be exported to 
 foreign persons without prior written approval from the U.S. 
 Department of State.


RE: Witango-Talk: Witango Customer Support

2007-10-04 Thread Ian Daniel
Ok  Ian here.

I lurk for so long that most of you could wonder if I've left ... if you wonder 
anything at all.

I for one learn a great deal from all the participants on this list ... and 
would think it a very bad thing if tempers rise sufficiently that any of you 
great minds up and left.

Take a step back ... and a deep breath ... and resist the temptation to judge 
others' conduct, or explain what you really meant.   Public criticism of 
anyone is light thinking .. destined to offend ... and is, in the final 
analysis, an invitation to others to draw conclusions -- usually incorrectly -- 
about the writer.  Everyone has their days.

Gene is asking for help getting through, and I don't believe he has any axe to 
grind.  Once he finds a way to get through to the folks down under, and a 
decent response comes in, the pressure will subside.   Until then, I can very 
much understand his unease ... and, though unstated, his concern on how all 
this reflects on business decisions that he has participated in.

Gene, in the absence of answers from Australia, I suggest you connect your IT 
folks with one of the Roberts from this list, and get their professional advice 
(and experience) working for you.   If we at NCOL had current expertise with 
the kind of Witango load balancing discussed here, I'd offer it myself ... but 
I believe you would be better served by one of the others.

With sincere appreciation for everyone here.



Re: Witango-Talk: Witango Customer Support

2007-10-04 Thread Robert Garcia
First, [EMAIL PROTECTED] is the right address. I have mail  
in my inbox that they have sent to me, and I have sent back.

Second, Scott, I hold you in high respect. Very sorry to offend you.  
However, in keeping my response short, that is how I see it. I have  
example after example of this being the case. It may be a bit crude,  
and I am sure I could always use a bit of softening around my edges.  
First of all, there is a long list of people that have emailed  
support, for valid reasons, and even sometimes within the frame  
witango should be supporting, and they ignore. I would say that ANY  
company that IGNORES support inquiries like this, has HORRIBLE  
support. At the very least, they should receive even a canned  
response that instructs them how to properly receive support.

Next time, in deference to you, I will choose better words for my  
response, and I apologize if I offended you or anyone else. However,  
I would have substantively said the same thing.

I don't do business with Phil, and I have no intention to, except  
maybe someday to get a decent studio for old projects that are not  
worth porting to PHP. I stay on this list because I still have  
clients that use witango that use my services, a couple of them  
porting to php from witango, others porting oracle to mysql.

Things don't need to improve for me, they are quite well.

Your statement to Gene about him making better decisions on  
technology kind of puts me back a bit. I understand his frustration  
and it really bothers me when I see any company including witango  
treat its customers that way.

For the record, I didn't leave witango as my main development  
platform because I thought PHP was a better technology. I left  
because of the horrible support from Witango, and the attitude of  
Phil and company. It was only after these issues, I thoroughly  
investigated my options for leaving, and found Zend/PHP. I found it  
to be FAR superior, MUCH cheaper, and incredibly supported.

Here are 2 examples to compare:

1. One of my clients is still using witango, but in the LONG process  
of complete conversion. They are currently doing 20 million dollars a  
month in the ecommerce system I wrote for them in witango. Witango is  
doing well, but showing its weaknesses, particularly in debugging and  
solving bugs in a extremely complex application.

About 18 months, maybe 2 years even, ago, this company was planning  
on upgrading many of its oracle systems, and marrying them better to  
the witango system. At the time, there were a lot of people in the  
company complaining about why the hell a Witango was being used,  
and why not something like .NET or ColdFusion. But the principles of  
the company defended it, in their own words Witango is the only  
F*ing thing that works in this company thanks to BigHead, and we  
aren't fixing what ain't broke. They flew me down to L.A. for  
several meetings with this HUGE oracle firm, that if I named, you  
would know. The first few days was constant jabbing by the oracle  
firm about Witango, and it was very annoying. After they saw what  
we had done, and how fast we did it, and made changes, they started  
to shut up. And after a while, started to ask me more questions.  
After a while the head engineer asks me how he can get a copy. I tell  
him he can download a trial and give him URL.

A couple days later, I ask him if he tried witango. He says yes I  
did, but I tossed it. I asked why. He said he downloaded it, and went  
to install, but the documentation was lacking in a few areas and so  
he emailed support. He didn't get a response, so he called. He was  
told he would receive no support, and the only thing afforded him was  
that he could join THIS list. He also said he was treated poorly, and  
so it wasn't a product he wanted to sample. He said it was a shame,  
because he was looking for something for rapid prototyping and  
something for small projects.

I saw this happen several times and I knew I needed to have a company  
behind me, that I could feel good supporting. I don't think I made a  
bad tech decision, I think Phil and company screwed things up enough,  
that I couldn't stay. And my decision to use witango was long before  
they even came around.

Now another example:

2. When I started really pursuing PHP, I didn't feel good about just  
PHP. I needed something that would cluster/load balance, and also  
cache data well. PHP can do this, but with open source hacks and  
such. And I wanted server support. Then I found Zend. From the movies  
and site, it seemed it had all, and much more, and only $1000 per  
cpu. And that is $1000 per CPU, not CPU core. So a 4 core CPU is  
still $1000, and the studio is only $300, and far superior to witango  
studio also. Just the idea of line by line debugging, like I enjoy in  
other languages, was an incredible thought.

So I call Zend, they assign me a sales rep. I tell them what I am  
thinking of doing. 

Re: Witango-Talk: Witango Customer Support

2007-10-04 Thread Scott Cadillac
Thank you Robert for your courteous and thoughtful response.

I deserved no better than to be ignored, so thank you.

Admittedly my suck it up comment was a bit much, so I apologize to Gene 
specifically for that, given I understand now that I read some things out of 
context. But I still have some angst with other content. 

But I digress...

After reading your well written detailed summaries of how you arrived at your 
own business decisions, with which I concur - and many others like it from 
other members over recent years (including my own). I do have to wonder why 
we have to continue to re-learn the same lesson over-and-over again. 

Witango has little or no official support. 

So why get upset when they don't respond? A newbie yes, I can understand. But 
how long have most of us been here? 

And if folks are going to continue to use the product, base your decision on 
that hard fact of little or no vendor support. Meaning... be prepared for when 
you have problems because you could be out in the cold. 

I think this community is great. You especially Robert have filled the gap 
between people's unfortunate situations and empowered knowledge. 

But I must say, it hurts when so many have to keep learning this lesson over 
and over again, year-after-year, whereas it should be second nature to us by 

I also still believe that Witango has many wonderful aspects to it's vision, 
but that wasn't enough for me quite some time ago. 

Sorry, but my self-absorbed insight feels that if this great bunch of people 
are to continue as a community, then there needs to a better foundation of 
reality to it - to make the most out of what we have to work with. 

I think maybe we don't see that our particular community has strengths to it 
that are independent of Witango.

All the best to everyone, including Phil.

Scott Cadillac
~ 902-624-1266 


Re: Witango-Talk: Witango Customer Support

2007-10-04 Thread Robert Garcia
The thing is, and the reason I think it is more of an issue, is  
because it wasn't like this before, but it is now. And when you put  
so much into a product, you hate to leave it, for some reason such as  
this. I hope witango inc learns something, because I would love to  
see witango prosper in the future.

And I hope a lot of witango customers learn, before they shell out  
any dough for upgrades and expect any type of support. This list is  
good, but I wouldn't count on it.


Robert Garcia
President - BigHead Technology
VP Application Development -
13653 West Park Dr
Magalia, Ca 95954
ph: 530.645.4040 x222 fax: 530.645.4040

On Oct 4, 2007, at 11:30 AM, Scott Cadillac wrote:

Thank you Robert for your courteous and thoughtful response.

I deserved no better than to be ignored, so thank you.

Admittedly my suck it up comment was a bit much, so I apologize  
to Gene specifically for that, given I understand now that I read  
some things out of context. But I still have some angst with other  

But I digress...

After reading your well written detailed summaries of how you  
arrived at your own business decisions, with which I concur - and  
many others like it from other members over recent years (including  
my own). I do have to wonder why we have to continue to re-learn  
the same lesson over-and-over again.

Witango has little or no official support.

So why get upset when they don't respond? A newbie yes, I can  
understand. But how long have most of us been here?

And if folks are going to continue to use the product, base your  
decision on that hard fact of little or no vendor support.  
Meaning... be prepared for when you have problems because you could  
be out in the cold.

I think this community is great. You especially Robert have filled  
the gap between people's unfortunate situations and empowered  

But I must say, it hurts when so many have to keep learning this  
lesson over and over again, year-after-year, whereas it should be  
second nature to us by now.

I also still believe that Witango has many wonderful aspects to  
it's vision, but that wasn't enough for me quite some time ago.

Sorry, but my self-absorbed insight feels that if this great bunch  
of people are to continue as a community, then there needs to a  
better foundation of reality to it - to make the most out of what  
we have to work with.

I think maybe we don't see that our particular community has  
strengths to it that are independent of Witango.

All the best to everyone, including Phil.

Scott Cadillac
~ 902-624-1266




Re: Witango-Talk: Witango Customer Support

2007-10-04 Thread David Mark Weiss
I am, as most know, a english major, sales and marketing guy, who got  
in on Tango as a Butler user and have used it ever since. Our use was  
in the company my brother and I own. I did some work for a school  
district for a time, but mostly kept my use of the product to our  
internal needs. Many of you work on and solve problems using Witango  
that I just don't run into because our needs are so basic and simple.  
I admire so many of  you, as I read daily the posts. I learn so much.

So I look at this whole problem of passive aggressive behavior   
from a marketing angle. With Enterprises at this point in time (Phil,  
et al if there is an et al) is a company that doesn't want to grow  
very much. Why do I think that?

1) Their server price is well thought out IF you want to discourage  
massive growth for one.
2) Their Dev Tool may be the best, but again, since it is only a  
Witango product, it isn't fueling growth and while they could make it  
a tool for use with other language and make a nice business selling a  
dev tool, that would mean more growth and they don't want that much  
3) I have always felt that there was a conflict between With Ent and  
it's personal use of the product and the installed base. The silence  
seems not to be because they can't talk, but that they are talking to  
others, owners, who have greater influence. That is just a feeling.

Why would a company not want growth?

Because with growth comes greater responsibility, more responsibility  
than Phil wants to have.
Many say that the perfect company is one that has no employees. But  
if you grow, you need those.
Some say, the perfect company has diminutive service exposure as  
well. They way to keep that exposure small is to price and service so  
that only the most desperate or the beginners who are not likely to  
require a lot, use the product.

The lack of returned emails, probably also a product of priorities.  
With Ent. using the product for their own needs first, and the left  
over time goes to whatever the installed base may be screaming about  
the loudest and longest.

The point is, I have felt for a long time, that their practices are  
not meant to be taken personally.  And I don't think they are the  
result of an idiot at the helm.
They are the result of a business decision that is rational, self- 
serving, and following a set of parameters that makes total sense for  
the goals and dreams they want to achieve.

We might find it hard to understand the lack of evangelism for  
something that could be so good. But, putting ourselves in his shoes,  
what they are as a company is just right for them. They are at peace,  
and don't lose one nights sleep over our rantings on this list.

The question for me is, can I use this tool to meet my needs. Right  
now, yes. It runs and runs and runs. Again, we don't have high volume  
and we don't do really complex stuff. the stuff I write works for me.  
And has since the beta version the Butler guys sent me. Day in and  
day out. So the shoe fits for me right now. Besides A man convinced  
his will is of the same opinion still as they say.

The negative energy on the list isn't going to influence a business  
plan or philosophy that works for them. If you fit into their view of  
the world, then use the product and enjoy. If it doesn't, do like my  
friends Robert Garcia, and Scott Cadillac. Move on quietly, or in  
Robert's case, not so quietly. If it weren't for you guys, I couldn't  
have ever made a business case for using the software in a business  
situation. That is also part of Phil's calculations isn't it? What  
you have to sell, service wise Gene, isn't Witango. It is this list.  
I hope it is enough. It is for me.

I am on several lists, and this is the most useful, enjoyable one of  
them all. I thank you all for that. You are all great guys and gals.  
Phil is going to do what he is going to do. Best of luck to him and  
his family. I hope his business plan works for him.

With sincerity...  my .02¢,

Mark Weiss

On Oct 4, 2007, at 9:08 AM, Scott Cadillac wrote:

Gee Gene, are you telling me to shut-up?

Now that's a waste of text.

I'm only questioning your most recent post Gene. The fact they have  
a long standing reputation and are considered a very competent  
professional in your field doesn't excuse you from being called out  
when you do something rude. Being a professional is not a point  

If it was your management that gave you the go ahead to follow the  
ill-conceived advice of others from this List to do whatever it  
takes to piss Phil off enough to get his attention - then I  
profoundly apologize to you, your family, your ancestors and your  

You now have my sympathy, that you have to work for such people.

As for the opportunity you are referring to.

...DRS is a $1.5B company. The largest division of DRS is a heavy  
user of Witango. Imagine if this company was convinced that Witango  

Re: Witango-Talk: Witango Customer Support

2007-10-04 Thread David Mark Weiss

Sometimes, I can't think OR type.

A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. That =20
is what I wanted to type.  Sigh...

On Oct 4, 2007, at 6:51 PM, David Mark Weiss wrote:

I am, as most know, a english major, sales and marketing guy, who  
got in on Tango as a Butler user and have used it ever since. Our  
use was in the company my brother and I own. I did some work for a  
school district for a time, but mostly kept my use of the product  
to our internal needs. Many of you work on and solve problems using  
Witango that I just don't run into because our needs are so basic  
and simple. I admire so many of  you, as I read daily the posts. I  
learn so much.

So I look at this whole problem of passive aggressive behavior   
from a marketing angle. With Enterprises at this point in time  
(Phil, et al if there is an et al) is a company that doesn't want  
to grow very much. Why do I think that?

1) Their server price is well thought out IF you want to discourage  
massive growth for one.
2) Their Dev Tool may be the best, but again, since it is only a  
Witango product, it isn't fueling growth and while they could make  
it a tool for use with other language and make a nice business  
selling a dev tool, that would mean more growth and they don't want  
that much growth.
3) I have always felt that there was a conflict between With Ent  
and it's personal use of the product and the installed base. The  
silence seems not to be because they can't talk, but that they are  
talking to others, owners, who have greater influence. That is just  
a feeling.

Why would a company not want growth?

Because with growth comes greater responsibility, more  
responsibility than Phil wants to have.
Many say that the perfect company is one that has no employees. But  
if you grow, you need those.
Some say, the perfect company has diminutive service exposure as  
well. They way to keep that exposure small is to price and service  
so that only the most desperate or the beginners who are not likely  
to require a lot, use the product.

The lack of returned emails, probably also a product of priorities.  
With Ent. using the product for their own needs first, and the left  
over time goes to whatever the installed base may be screaming  
about the loudest and longest.

The point is, I have felt for a long time, that their practices  
are not meant to be taken personally.  And I don't think they are  
the result of an idiot at the helm.
They are the result of a business decision that is rational, self- 
serving, and following a set of parameters that makes total sense  
for the goals and dreams they want to achieve.

We might find it hard to understand the lack of evangelism for  
something that could be so good. But, putting ourselves in his  
shoes, what they are as a company is just right for them. They are  
at peace, and don't lose one nights sleep over our rantings on this  

The question for me is, can I use this tool to meet my needs. Right  
now, yes. It runs and runs and runs. Again, we don't have high  
volume and we don't do really complex stuff. the stuff I write  
works for me. And has since the beta version the Butler guys sent  
me. Day in and day out. So the shoe fits for me right now. Besides  
A man convinced his will is of the same opinion still as they say.

The negative energy on the list isn't going to influence a business  
plan or philosophy that works for them. If you fit into their view  
of the world, then use the product and enjoy. If it doesn't, do  
like my friends Robert Garcia, and Scott Cadillac. Move on quietly,  
or in Robert's case, not so quietly. If it weren't for you guys, I  
couldn't have ever made a business case for using the software in a  
business situation. That is also part of Phil's calculations isn't  
it? What you have to sell, service wise Gene, isn't Witango. It is  
this list. I hope it is enough. It is for me.

I am on several lists, and this is the most useful, enjoyable one  
of them all. I thank you all for that. You are all great guys and  
gals. Phil is going to do what he is going to do. Best of luck to  
him and his family. I hope his business plan works for him.

With sincerity...  my .02¢,

Mark Weiss

On Oct 4, 2007, at 9:08 AM, Scott Cadillac wrote:

Gee Gene, are you telling me to shut-up?

Now that's a waste of text.

I'm only questioning your most recent post Gene. The fact they  
have a long standing reputation and are considered a very  
competent professional in your field doesn't excuse you from being  
called out when you do something rude. Being a professional is not  
a point system.

If it was your management that gave you the go ahead to follow the  
ill-conceived advice of others from this List to do whatever it  
takes to piss Phil off enough to get his attention - then I  
profoundly apologize to you, your family, your ancestors and your  

You now have my sympathy, that you have to work 

Re: Witango-Talk: Witango Customer Support

2007-10-04 Thread Robert Garcia

It happens to the best of us. ;-)


Robert Garcia
President - BigHead Technology
VP Application Development -
13653 West Park Dr
Magalia, Ca 95954
ph: 530.645.4040 x222 fax: 530.645.4040

On Oct 4, 2007, at 10:17 PM, David Mark Weiss wrote:

Sometimes, I can't think OR type.

A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. That  

is what I wanted to type.  Sigh...

On Oct 4, 2007, at 6:51 PM, David Mark Weiss wrote:

I am, as most know, a english major, sales and marketing guy, who  
got in on Tango as a Butler user and have used it ever since. Our  
use was in the company my brother and I own. I did some work for a  
school district for a time, but mostly kept my use of the product  
to our internal needs. Many of you work on and solve problems  
using Witango that I just don't run into because our needs are so  
basic and simple. I admire so many of  you, as I read daily the  
posts. I learn so much.

So I look at this whole problem of passive aggressive behavior   
from a marketing angle. With Enterprises at this point in time  
(Phil, et al if there is an et al) is a company that doesn't want  
to grow very much. Why do I think that?

1) Their server price is well thought out IF you want to  
discourage massive growth for one.
2) Their Dev Tool may be the best, but again, since it is only a  
Witango product, it isn't fueling growth and while they could make  
it a tool for use with other language and make a nice business  
selling a dev tool, that would mean more growth and they don't  
want that much growth.
3) I have always felt that there was a conflict between With Ent  
and it's personal use of the product and the installed base. The  
silence seems not to be because they can't talk, but that they are  
talking to others, owners, who have greater influence. That is  
just a feeling.

Why would a company not want growth?

Because with growth comes greater responsibility, more  
responsibility than Phil wants to have.
Many say that the perfect company is one that has no employees.  
But if you grow, you need those.
Some say, the perfect company has diminutive service exposure as  
well. They way to keep that exposure small is to price and service  
so that only the most desperate or the beginners who are not  
likely to require a lot, use the product.

The lack of returned emails, probably also a product of  
priorities. With Ent. using the product for their own needs first,  
and the left over time goes to whatever the installed base may be  
screaming about the loudest and longest.

The point is, I have felt for a long time, that their practices  
are not meant to be taken personally.  And I don't think they are  
the result of an idiot at the helm.
They are the result of a business decision that is rational, self- 
serving, and following a set of parameters that makes total sense  
for the goals and dreams they want to achieve.

We might find it hard to understand the lack of evangelism for  
something that could be so good. But, putting ourselves in his  
shoes, what they are as a company is just right for them. They are  
at peace, and don't lose one nights sleep over our rantings on  
this list.

The question for me is, can I use this tool to meet my needs.  
Right now, yes. It runs and runs and runs. Again, we don't have  
high volume and we don't do really complex stuff. the stuff I  
write works for me. And has since the beta version the Butler guys  
sent me. Day in and day out. So the shoe fits for me right now.  
Besides A man convinced his will is of the same opinion still as  
they say.

The negative energy on the list isn't going to influence a  
business plan or philosophy that works for them. If you fit into  
their view of the world, then use the product and enjoy. If it  
doesn't, do like my friends Robert Garcia, and Scott Cadillac.  
Move on quietly, or in Robert's case, not so quietly. If it  
weren't for you guys, I couldn't have ever made a business case  
for using the software in a business situation. That is also part  
of Phil's calculations isn't it? What you have to sell, service  
wise Gene, isn't Witango. It is this list. I hope it is enough. It  
is for me.

I am on several lists, and this is the most useful, enjoyable one  
of them all. I thank you all for that. You are all great guys and  
gals. Phil is going to do what he is going to do. Best of luck to  
him and his family. I hope his business plan works for him.

With sincerity...  my .02¢,

Mark Weiss

On Oct 4, 2007, at 9:08 AM, Scott Cadillac wrote:

Gee Gene, are you telling me to shut-up?

Now that's a waste of text.

I'm only questioning your most recent post Gene. The fact they  
have a long standing reputation and are considered a very  
competent professional in your field doesn't excuse you from  
being called out when you do something rude. Being a professional  