Re: [WiX-users] Folder permission question

2009-10-27 Thread Balu Swaminathan

Thanks Benjamin and Rob:


I did try that. I had an odd behavior. If I tried CreateFolder for 
windows\temp, all existing permissions were lost (meaning administrators, etc 
were removed from folder permissions). 

If I tried for some other folder, it worked as expected. Basically adds the 

I am more inclined to use icacls.exe and set the permission.


Thanks for the replies though.


Original questions was about permissioning c:\windows\temp.

 Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2009 15:48:01 +0200
 Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Folder permission question
 In other words, PermissionEx should work, imho.
 On Oct 25, 2009 7:17 AM, Rob Mensching wrote:
 CreateFolder does not delete folders. I do believe that Permission element
 will explictily set the ACLs on the directory though.
 On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 5:00 PM, Balu Swaminathan
   Hello All: Is it possible to author a wix file which can grant
 permission to a folder ...
 virtually, Rob Mensching - LLC
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Re: [WiX-users] How to detect files presence and conditionally show a new added dialog page

2009-10-27 Thread little.forest
Hi Richard,

You're right. I did got some weird error by not using your approach for button 
control event when I went back and forth among those dialog pages. 

So I tried your approach, the errors were gone. However, I'm getting some other 
new weird issues: every time I've to click the Next button or Back button 2 
times to go next or go back, very strange. But after this two times of 
clicking, I can go back and forth without problem. What's wrong?

You know, I took the code from WixUI_InstallDir.wxs and renamed it as 
MyWixUI_InstallDir.wxs and used it in my project. I changed the code by using 
your example, here is my code:
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Back Event=NewDialog 
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next Event=SetTargetPath 
Value=[WIXUI_INSTALLDIR] Order=11/Publish
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next Event=DoAction 
Value=WixUIValidatePath Order=21/Publish
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next Event=SpawnDialog 
!--My code start here--
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next 
Property=InstallDirNextDialog Value={}/
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next 
Value=MyAddedConfirmDlg![CDATA[WIXUI_INSTALLDIR_VALID=1 and 
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next 
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next Event=NewDialog 
Value=[InstallDirNextDialog] Order=4InstallDirNextDialog/Publish
!--My code end here--
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=ChangeFolder 
Property=_BrowseProperty Value=[WIXUI_INSTALLDIR] Order=11/Publish
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=ChangeFolder Event=SpawnDialog 
Value=BrowseDlg Order=21/Publish

As you can see, I changed the NewDialog(Next button) from one line to be 4 
lines of code. Is it correct? But I don't know how come I have to click the 
next button 2 times to go to the next page? Do I have to write all of those 4 
conditions(Not A and Not B, A and B, Not A and B, A and Not B) as 4 publish 
elements? In my case, I only care about two cases(A and B, A and Not B), is it 


From: Richard
Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 9:01:14 PM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to detect files presence and conditionally show a 
new added dialog page

In article,
little.forest  writes:

 Additionally, you can't have more than one NewDialog control event
 on a button, even if the conditions are mutually exclusive. - this is
 interesting. Ca n you tell me where this fact comes from?

Found it.

Its in the docs for the ControlEvent table.

The exception is that each control can publish a most one
NewDialog or one SpawnDialog event.
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Re: [WiX-users] Assembly (C#) installed as merge module

2009-10-27 Thread Florian Schricker

On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 4:33 PM, Rob Mensching wrote:
 The ASP.NET MVC project had a similar set of requirements. You might look at
 how they solved this in the 1.0 release.

Ok but looking at the sources provided I find them stripped of any
deployment projects. Unfortunately.

So maybe I'll just step down using merge modules. After some more time
wading through docs I found them not to be liked that much anyway for
different reasons (upgrades, patches).


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[WiX-users] How is Control Condition supposed to work?

2009-10-27 Thread little.forest
We use Wix 3.0.

How is Control condition supposed to work?

I've this code:
Control Id=MigrateSettingsCheckBox Type=CheckBox X=20 Y=220 
Width=290 Height=17
Text=Migrate settings from old version. 
Condition Action=showNot Installed and NEED_MIGRATE_SETTING/Condition

I'd like to see the checkbox shows if the condition is true, but not show if 
it's false. But the result is, no matter what, the checkbox always shows up.
What's wrong?


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Re: [WiX-users] Conditional installation depending on file existence

2009-10-27 Thread Armin Linder
Hi Alexander,

 All custom directories, like SHELLPATH are represented as properties and they 
 will get their values after CostFinalize (suggested sequence number in 
 InstallExecuteSequence - 1000).  Your Property Id=ISSHELLINSTALLED... - is 
 an AppSearch (suggested sequence 400) and at the time of AppSearch property 
 SHELLPATH does not have any value yet.  That is your main problem.  How to 
 fix it?  Either use ComponentSearch/FileSearch to find where component/file 
 is installed or store [SHELLPATH] in the registry during install and use this 
 registry value in your AppSearch.
Thanks very much for your explanation, I haven't tried this yet, but I 
guess this explains the problems I have (except the question why the 
condition didn't show up in the msi table at all). Thanks again for the 
suggestion how to solve it, I'll give it a try today.
 Also, I am not sure I understand your objectives here.  You don't want your 
 users to be able to uninstall your feature once they installed it?
I guess you mean the missing OR INSTALLED usually in the filter. I'll 
include that in my final installer, so far I could not install the 
component, so I didn't notice this glitch yet.

Besides ... you seem to be one of the guys knowing more ... some pieces 
of docs I found write filters like !(ISSHELLINSTALLED or INSTALLED), 
others do additionally put a CDATA[] around it. I could not find a word 
of documentation anywhere what the CDATA statement is good for, it can 
obviously be omitted, so what is it good for?

Greetings from Munich, and many thanks again,



 -Original Message-
 From: [] 
 Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 4:18 PM
 To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
 Subject: [WiX-users] Conditional installation depending on file existence

 Hi all,

 after hours and hours of stabbing in the dark I ask you for your help. I 
 have a msi file which contains the following elements:

 - # DirectorySearch Id=*CheckShellFileExists* Path=*[SHELLPATH]*
   FileSearch Name=*SoGehtsShell.exe* /


 - # Directory Id=*TARGETDIR* Name=*SourceDir*
 - # Directory Id=*ProgramFilesFolder*
 - # Directory Id=*SoGehtsProgramFilesDir* Name=*SoGehts 
 - # Directory Id=*SHELLPATH* Name=*Shell*
 - # Component Id=*SoGehtsShellComponent* 
 DiskId=*1* Guid=*F99A956C-9671-4F15-BE6C-BE9841852AEF*
   File Id=*_SoGehtsMenu.exe* 
 Name=*SoGehtsMenu.exe* Source=*D:\So Gehts 10-Film 
 Test\Flat\Shell\SoGehtsMenu.exe* /
   File Id=*_SoGehtsTreeUpdate.exe* 
 Name=*SoGehtsTreeUpdate.exe* Source=*D:\So Gehts 10-Film 
 Test\Flat\Shell\SoGehtsTreeUpdate.exe* /
   File Id=*_SoGehtsShell.exe* 
 Name=*SoGehtsShell.exe* Source=*D:\So Gehts 10-Film 
 Test\Flat\Shell\SoGehtsShell.exe* KeyPath=*yes* /
   File Id=*_SoGehtsShell.mmf* 
 Name=*SoGehtsShell.mmf* Source=*D:\So Gehts 10-Film 
 Test\Flat\Shell\SoGehtsShell.mmf* /
   File Id=*_SoGehtsShell.lic* 
 Name=*SoGehtsShell.lic* Source=*D:\So Gehts 10-Film 
 Test\Flat\Shell\SoGehtsShell.lic* /
   File Id=*_SoGehts.css* Name=*SoGehts.css* 
 Source=*D:\So Gehts 10-Film Test\Flat\Shell\SoGehts.css* /
   File Id=*_Help.html* Name=*Help.html* 
 Source=*D:\So Gehts 10-Film Test\Flat\Shell\Help.html* /
   File Id=*_Intro.html* Name=*Intro.html* 
 Source=*D:\So Gehts 10-Film Test\Flat\Shell\Intro.html* /
   File Id=*_Impressum.html* 
 Name=*Impressum.html* Source=*D:\So Gehts 10-Film 
 Test\Flat\Shell\Impressum.html* /
   File Id=*_Logo.jpg* Name=*Logo.jpg* 
 Source=*D:\So Gehts 10-Film Test\Flat\Shell\Logo.jpg* /
   File Id=*_Intro.png* Name=*Intro.png* 
 Source=*D:\So Gehts 10-Film Test\Flat\Shell\Intro.png* /
   RegistryValue Root=*HKLM* 
 Key=*Software\SoGehts GmbH\Shell* Name=*ShellPath* Type=*string* 
 Value=*[SHELLPATH]* /


 - # Directory Id=*ProgramMenuFolder*
 - # Directory Id=*ApplicationProgramsFolder* Name=*SoGeht's 
 - # Component Id=*SoGehtsShortcutComponent* DiskId=*1* 
   Shortcut Id=*SoGehtsMenuShortcut* Name=*SoGeht's 
 Lernfilme starten* Directory=*ApplicationProgramsFolder* 
 WorkingDirectory=*SHELLPATH* Arguments=*/Shell:[SHELLPATH] 
 /Films:[FILMSPATH] /R* Target=*[SHELLPATH]\SoGehtsMenu.exe* /
   RemoveFolder Id=*DeleteShortcutFolder* On=*uninstall* 
 Directory=*ApplicationProgramsFolder* /
   RegistryValue Root=*HKCU* Key=*Software\SoGehts 
 GmbH\Shell* Name=*ShortcutInstallPath* Type=*string* 

Re: [WiX-users] Conditional installation depending on file existence

2009-10-27 Thread Blair
The CDATA helps when using  and/or  characters in the conditions (or
any other reserved char sequences), since they are reserved in XML, for the
authoring to be more readable than lt; and gt;. The only pattern you
can't have inside a CDATA is ]].

-Original Message-
From: Armin Linder [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 1:30 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Conditional installation depending on file

Hi Alexander,

 All custom directories, like SHELLPATH are represented as properties and
they will get their values after CostFinalize (suggested sequence number in
InstallExecuteSequence - 1000).  Your Property Id=ISSHELLINSTALLED... -
is an AppSearch (suggested sequence 400) and at the time of AppSearch
property SHELLPATH does not have any value yet.  That is your main problem.
How to fix it?  Either use ComponentSearch/FileSearch to find where
component/file is installed or store [SHELLPATH] in the registry during
install and use this registry value in your AppSearch.
Thanks very much for your explanation, I haven't tried this yet, but I 
guess this explains the problems I have (except the question why the 
condition didn't show up in the msi table at all). Thanks again for the 
suggestion how to solve it, I'll give it a try today.
 Also, I am not sure I understand your objectives here.  You don't want
your users to be able to uninstall your feature once they installed it?
I guess you mean the missing OR INSTALLED usually in the filter. I'll 
include that in my final installer, so far I could not install the 
component, so I didn't notice this glitch yet.

Besides ... you seem to be one of the guys knowing more ... some pieces 
of docs I found write filters like !(ISSHELLINSTALLED or INSTALLED), 
others do additionally put a CDATA[] around it. I could not find a word 
of documentation anywhere what the CDATA statement is good for, it can 
obviously be omitted, so what is it good for?

Greetings from Munich, and many thanks again,



 -Original Message-
 From: [] 
 Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 4:18 PM
 To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
 Subject: [WiX-users] Conditional installation depending on file existence

 Hi all,

 after hours and hours of stabbing in the dark I ask you for your help. I 
 have a msi file which contains the following elements:

 - # DirectorySearch Id=*CheckShellFileExists*
   FileSearch Name=*SoGehtsShell.exe* /


 - # Directory Id=*TARGETDIR* Name=*SourceDir*
 - # Directory Id=*ProgramFilesFolder*
 - # Directory Id=*SoGehtsProgramFilesDir* Name=*SoGehts 
 - # Directory Id=*SHELLPATH* Name=*Shell*
 - # Component Id=*SoGehtsShellComponent* 
 DiskId=*1* Guid=*F99A956C-9671-4F15-BE6C-BE9841852AEF*
   File Id=*_SoGehtsMenu.exe* 
 Name=*SoGehtsMenu.exe* Source=*D:\So Gehts 10-Film 
 Test\Flat\Shell\SoGehtsMenu.exe* /
   File Id=*_SoGehtsTreeUpdate.exe* 
 Name=*SoGehtsTreeUpdate.exe* Source=*D:\So Gehts 10-Film 
 Test\Flat\Shell\SoGehtsTreeUpdate.exe* /
   File Id=*_SoGehtsShell.exe* 
 Name=*SoGehtsShell.exe* Source=*D:\So Gehts 10-Film 
 Test\Flat\Shell\SoGehtsShell.exe* KeyPath=*yes* /
   File Id=*_SoGehtsShell.mmf* 
 Name=*SoGehtsShell.mmf* Source=*D:\So Gehts 10-Film 
 Test\Flat\Shell\SoGehtsShell.mmf* /
   File Id=*_SoGehtsShell.lic* 
 Name=*SoGehtsShell.lic* Source=*D:\So Gehts 10-Film 
 Test\Flat\Shell\SoGehtsShell.lic* /
   File Id=*_SoGehts.css* Name=*SoGehts.css* 
 Source=*D:\So Gehts 10-Film Test\Flat\Shell\SoGehts.css* /
   File Id=*_Help.html* Name=*Help.html* 
 Source=*D:\So Gehts 10-Film Test\Flat\Shell\Help.html* /
   File Id=*_Intro.html* Name=*Intro.html* 
 Source=*D:\So Gehts 10-Film Test\Flat\Shell\Intro.html* /
   File Id=*_Impressum.html* 
 Name=*Impressum.html* Source=*D:\So Gehts 10-Film 
 Test\Flat\Shell\Impressum.html* /
   File Id=*_Logo.jpg* Name=*Logo.jpg* 
 Source=*D:\So Gehts 10-Film Test\Flat\Shell\Logo.jpg* /
   File Id=*_Intro.png* Name=*Intro.png* 
 Source=*D:\So Gehts 10-Film Test\Flat\Shell\Intro.png* /
   RegistryValue Root=*HKLM* 
 Key=*Software\SoGehts GmbH\Shell* Name=*ShellPath* Type=*string* 
 Value=*[SHELLPATH]* /


 - # Directory Id=*ProgramMenuFolder*
 - # Directory Id=*ApplicationProgramsFolder* Name=*SoGeht's 
 - # Component Id=*SoGehtsShortcutComponent* DiskId=*1* 

Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

2009-10-27 Thread Jiang, Chunyan (GE Healthcare)
Hi Blair,

Probably my use-case is special. My software should be able to install 
flexiably. It can be installed as following:

Case 1:
Version 1 install to PathA, Version 2 install to PathB

Case 2:
Version 2 install to PathA, version 1 install to PathB, again.

I am stuck in developing case 1. When I have installed version 1 to PathA, then 
try to install verison 2 to PathB, the version 1 will always be detected via 
Install Validate. And it tries to remove files from PathA during Remove 
Files. Althought version 2 can be installed to PathB at last, version 1 is 
brocken. And some CA in version 2 PathB can not run since version 1 PathA are 
detected for upgrade. Therefore, I hope there is some registry mechanism so 
that when install version 2 to PathB, instead of PathA, then the new version 
will not be treated as upgrade. So that the files are not validated and 

For case 2, I know it is multi instance issue in wix installer develop. It is 
my next step.

Could you please give me some help how to realize case 1?

Thanks a lot!


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Blair [] 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2009 02:35
An: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Betreff: Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

So you need upgrades to not replace previous installations? In that case they 
are not upgrades.

I'm still trying to understand your use-case and your servicing strategy.
How do you intend to fix older versions? What do your users expect when they 
run a newer installation package from you when they have an older version 

-Original Message-
From: Jiang, Chunyan (GE Healthcare) []
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 2:48 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

Hi Rob,

I think over my scenario and clarify it that I want my App should be installed 
with the registry, which has the path information (PathA) in it.
So that when install a higher version (version 2) in another path (PathB), even 
they have same UpgradeCode, the previous version (version1) should not be 
upgraded (no Remove Action, no CustomAction). And the higher version is only 
treated as new install.

However, if I define the RegistryKey and RegistrySearch as my previous email, 
the Property INSTALLDIR will be always true, since it is all for the current 
install, not search previus install.

And when I check the Registry Editor, I only find the current Registry:
ViewPointUpgrade, value:PathB

There is no previous registry. So the RegistrySearch will always be true.

As I imagine, all the installation should be in the registry. And the property 
INSTALLDIR will do the registrysearch for all installed version.

How to realize it?



-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Jiang, Chunyan (GE Healthcare)
Gesendet: Freitag, 23. Oktober 2009 10:39
An: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Betreff: Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

Hi Rob,

You are right. I have been in the pain for long time. But I have no charge of 
this CustomAction. I only know this CustomAction should be run only in the 
upgrade. And I have to make it work. :(

I have modified the Registry element and give the condition to the custom as

  RegistrySearch Id='ViewPointRegistry' Type='raw'
Root='HKCU' Key='Software\Microsoft\ViewPointUpgrade'
Name='InstallDir' /

  Component Id=RegistryForUpgrade
RegistryKey Id='ViewPointInstallDir' Root='HKCU'
  RegistryValue Name='InstallDir' Type='string'

Custom Action=UpgradeStopServices1 Before=InstallFilesPREVIOUSFOUND

The the upgrade is defined in the beginning of the wxs:
Upgrade Id=8517ae9a-667d-4bd3-9cea-4323be6d7040
  UpgradeVersion OnlyDetect=no Property=PREVIOUSFOUND
Minimum= IncludeMinimum=yes Maximum= IncludeMaximum=no

However, when I run the upgrade, install version 2 in PathA, where the version 
1 installed, CustomAction is still not called. It causes the problem for later 

Is there something wrong in Property define, or in the condition for 



-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Rob Mensching []
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 22. Oktober 2009 17:38
An: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Betreff: Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

1. Personally, I would highly suggest you change your application so this 
CustomAction is unnecessary. You are in for a world of pain in the long run.
2. The Registry element has been deprecated in WiX v3. 

Re: [WiX-users] UserRegistrationDlg dialog and disable Next button until license key of X characters is entered?

2009-10-27 Thread kerberos
On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 10:51 PM, Blair wrote:
 Managed code custom actions called frequently like that are going to be slow
 because of all the process creation-and-termination/CLI-state
 setup-and-teardown/etc. going on. You may be interested in the workaround
 described on this page
 es/) to get properties reevaluated while processing events.

Thanks and I saw this and tried it.  It worked decently although not
exactly how I'd hoped.  I decided that instead of trying to shoehorn a
solution into Wix I'd merely have the user agree to my license terms.
Then in my application I'd add functionality where the user could
activate the product.

In the future I will run dark.exe against msi's that have
functionality that I want -- to see if I can glean something from


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Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

2009-10-27 Thread Blair
I don't see the difference between Case 1 and Case 2, except that the
installation directories are switched.

Four more questions (unless there is some error in what I understood so far)
1- Can the user switch cases down the road??
2- Does Version 3 overwrite Version 1 in both cases? Or is there some future
PathC/PathD thing going on?
3- When Version 2 is installed, is version 1 ever removed by any means?
4- If a security or other flaw is discovered in Version 1, how do you intend
to address it?

-Original Message-
From: Jiang, Chunyan (GE Healthcare) [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 2:45 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

Hi Blair,

Probably my use-case is special. My software should be able to install
flexiably. It can be installed as following:

Case 1:
Version 1 install to PathA, Version 2 install to PathB

Case 2:
Version 2 install to PathA, version 1 install to PathB, again.

I am stuck in developing case 1. When I have installed version 1 to PathA,
then try to install verison 2 to PathB, the version 1 will always be
detected via Install Validate. And it tries to remove files from PathA
during Remove Files. Althought version 2 can be installed to PathB at
last, version 1 is brocken. And some CA in version 2 PathB can not run since
version 1 PathA are detected for upgrade. Therefore, I hope there is some
registry mechanism so that when install version 2 to PathB, instead of
PathA, then the new version will not be treated as upgrade. So that the
files are not validated and removed.

For case 2, I know it is multi instance issue in wix installer develop. It
is my next step.

Could you please give me some help how to realize case 1?

Thanks a lot!


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Blair [] 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2009 02:35
An: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Betreff: Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

So you need upgrades to not replace previous installations? In that case
they are not upgrades.

I'm still trying to understand your use-case and your servicing strategy.
How do you intend to fix older versions? What do your users expect when they
run a newer installation package from you when they have an older version

-Original Message-
From: Jiang, Chunyan (GE Healthcare) []
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 2:48 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

Hi Rob,

I think over my scenario and clarify it that I want my App should be
installed with the registry, which has the path information (PathA) in it.
So that when install a higher version (version 2) in another path (PathB),
even they have same UpgradeCode, the previous version (version1) should not
be upgraded (no Remove Action, no CustomAction). And the higher version is
only treated as new install.

However, if I define the RegistryKey and RegistrySearch as my previous
email, the Property INSTALLDIR will be always true, since it is all for
the current install, not search previus install.

And when I check the Registry Editor, I only find the current Registry:
ViewPointUpgrade, value:PathB

There is no previous registry. So the RegistrySearch will always be true.

As I imagine, all the installation should be in the registry. And the
property INSTALLDIR will do the registrysearch for all installed version.

How to realize it?



-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Jiang, Chunyan (GE Healthcare)
Gesendet: Freitag, 23. Oktober 2009 10:39
An: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Betreff: Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

Hi Rob,

You are right. I have been in the pain for long time. But I have no charge
of this CustomAction. I only know this CustomAction should be run only in
the upgrade. And I have to make it work. :(

I have modified the Registry element and give the condition to the custom as

  RegistrySearch Id='ViewPointRegistry' Type='raw'
Root='HKCU' Key='Software\Microsoft\ViewPointUpgrade'
Name='InstallDir' /

  Component Id=RegistryForUpgrade
RegistryKey Id='ViewPointInstallDir' Root='HKCU'
  RegistryValue Name='InstallDir' Type='string'

Custom Action=UpgradeStopServices1 Before=InstallFilesPREVIOUSFOUND

The the upgrade is defined in the beginning of the wxs:
Upgrade Id=8517ae9a-667d-4bd3-9cea-4323be6d7040
  UpgradeVersion OnlyDetect=no Property=PREVIOUSFOUND
Minimum= IncludeMinimum=yes Maximum= IncludeMaximum=no

Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

2009-10-27 Thread Jiang, Chunyan (GE Healthcare)
Hi Blair,

Thanks for your reply.

Sorry, I made a mistake. Case 2 is to install version 1 to both PathA and 
PathB. So case 2 is multi instance issue. But I care more about case 1 
currently. To clarify the issue, I answer your questions between lines:

1- Can the user switch cases down the road??

Not understand very well.

2- Does Version 3 overwrite Version 1 in both cases? Or is there some future 
PathC/PathD thing going on?

The Version 3 should be able to upgrade version 1 in PathA or version 2 in 
PathB, even do a new install in PathC.

3- When Version 2 is installed, is version 1 ever removed by any means?

When version 2 is installed in PathB, it should be no related to version 1 in 
PathA. So Version 1 can be removed or upgraded. 

4- If a security or other flaw is discovered in Version 1, how do you intend to 
address it?

I would like to adress the installation by product code, upgrade code, and the 
path information. Althought version 1 installed in PathA, and Version 2 
installed in PathB, they are independent actually.

I don't know if it is possible to realize this.

Best regards,


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Blair [] 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2009 12:48
An: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Betreff: Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

I don't see the difference between Case 1 and Case 2, except that the 
installation directories are switched.

Four more questions (unless there is some error in what I understood so far)
1- Can the user switch cases down the road??
2- Does Version 3 overwrite Version 1 in both cases? Or is there some future 
PathC/PathD thing going on?
3- When Version 2 is installed, is version 1 ever removed by any means?
4- If a security or other flaw is discovered in Version 1, how do you intend to 
address it?

-Original Message-
From: Jiang, Chunyan (GE Healthcare) []
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 2:45 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

Hi Blair,

Probably my use-case is special. My software should be able to install 
flexiably. It can be installed as following:

Case 1:
Version 1 install to PathA, Version 2 install to PathB

Case 2:
Version 2 install to PathA, version 1 install to PathB, again.

I am stuck in developing case 1. When I have installed version 1 to PathA, then 
try to install verison 2 to PathB, the version 1 will always be detected via 
Install Validate. And it tries to remove files from PathA during Remove 
Files. Althought version 2 can be installed to PathB at last, version 1 is 
brocken. And some CA in version 2 PathB can not run since version 1 PathA are 
detected for upgrade. Therefore, I hope there is some registry mechanism so 
that when install version 2 to PathB, instead of PathA, then the new version 
will not be treated as upgrade. So that the files are not validated and 

For case 2, I know it is multi instance issue in wix installer develop. It is 
my next step.

Could you please give me some help how to realize case 1?

Thanks a lot!


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Blair []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2009 02:35
An: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Betreff: Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

So you need upgrades to not replace previous installations? In that case they 
are not upgrades.

I'm still trying to understand your use-case and your servicing strategy.
How do you intend to fix older versions? What do your users expect when they 
run a newer installation package from you when they have an older version 

-Original Message-
From: Jiang, Chunyan (GE Healthcare) []
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 2:48 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

Hi Rob,

I think over my scenario and clarify it that I want my App should be installed 
with the registry, which has the path information (PathA) in it.
So that when install a higher version (version 2) in another path (PathB), even 
they have same UpgradeCode, the previous version (version1) should not be 
upgraded (no Remove Action, no CustomAction). And the higher version is only 
treated as new install.

However, if I define the RegistryKey and RegistrySearch as my previous email, 
the Property INSTALLDIR will be always true, since it is all for the current 
install, not search previus install.

And when I check the Registry Editor, I only find the current Registry:
ViewPointUpgrade, value:PathB

There is no previous registry. So the RegistrySearch will always be true.

As I imagine, all the installation should be in the registry. And the property 
INSTALLDIR will do the registrysearch for all installed version.

How to realize it?



-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Jiang, Chunyan (GE 

Re: [WiX-users] Having trouble if uninstall. The installed product does not match the installation source.

2009-10-27 Thread Adnan Mian
Thanks a lot for reply.
Luckily I found the original MSI file and removed the product.

Best Regards

2009/10/27 Blair

 This would appear to indicate that someone has messed with Windows
 Installer's internal state (either its stored state or the cached/stripped
 files it owns, or both, any of which requires administrator-level
 privileges). This is not the kind of thing that is likely to happen under
 any normal use case.

 If you can find the original MSI file that the product was installed with,
 you should be able to use that to remove the product. If not, it won't be
 removable and your only other two options are reformat the system volume
 (reinstall the OS) or use a program such as MsiZap (which won't remove the
 program, it will just remove Windows Installer's knowledge of it), followed
 by you manually removing all aspects of the program you can determine (it
 often is easier to just reformat and reinstall the OS at that point).

 -Original Message-
 From: danimian []
 Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2009 11:43 AM
  Subject: [WiX-users] Having trouble if uninstall. The installed product
 not match the installation source.

 i want to uninstall the product but getting the following message
 The installed product does not match the installation source(s). Until a
 matching source is provided or the installed product and source are
 synchronized, this action can not be performed.
 I tried with other softwares to uninstall or remove this product but every
 time this message comes.
 How can i uninstall or remove this product?

 Best Regards
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at

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[WiX-users] A question about components and their guids

2009-10-27 Thread Younie, Bradford
This is kind of a high-level question about components that I need to
What would happen in this scenario:
I have two installers that install the same file to their own directory
tree. When I defined each installer source, I did a copy/paste of the
component for that file from one source to the other and neglected to
change the component's guid on the second installer. 
Then I build each installer kit and run them both, one at a time, on my
system. Would the files be installed in their proper places for each
installer, or would MSI get confused because they have the same ID and
I guess the direct way to word the question is: does a component's guid
only need to be unique within the product or module it's defined in, or
must it be unique from all components installed on the target computer?
I know it would be best to give them different guids, but I really need
to understand how this works.
Best regards,

Bradford Younie

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[WiX-users] WixUI_Mondo with only two setup types?

2009-10-27 Thread danimian

i am using WixUI_Mondo which is offering three setup types (typical, custom
and complete).
Is it possible that WixUI_Mondo offers only two setup types (custom and
How to solve it?

Best Regards
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Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at

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Re: [WiX-users] WixUI_Mondo with only two setup types?

2009-10-27 Thread Pally Sandher
Customize it. See Neil Sleightholm's blog for a very good how-to guide

Palbinder Sandher 
Software Deployment  IT Administrator
T: +44 (0) 141 945 8500 
F: +44 (0) 141 945 8501 
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Email Disclaimer

-Original Message-
From: danimian [] 
Sent: 27 October 2009 13:25
Subject: [WiX-users] WixUI_Mondo with only two setup types?

i am using WixUI_Mondo which is offering three setup types (typical,
custom and complete).
Is it possible that WixUI_Mondo offers only two setup types (custom and
How to solve it?

Best Regards
View this message in context:
Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at

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[WiX-users] WIX msi Auto-Updates

2009-10-27 Thread Yu, Brian
Hi there

Since ClickThrough is not ready yet, can anyone suggest what other
alternatives are available?
I googled some third party software that seem to handle auto upgrade but
I'm not sure how well they work.

Has anyone got any recommendation?


-Original Message-
From: Rob Mensching [] 
Sent: 13 May 2009 05:43
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] WIX Updates

1. MSMQ: I believe so. If the bug isn't opened it was either fixed or 

2. Office: today the Office Extension is only used by ClickThrough. 
Since development on ClickThrough has been postponed until WiX v4 the 
Office Extension can be basically ignored.

Chris Snider wrote:
 I was checking out the new version of WIX due in July and was
 if the issues with the MSMQ Extension and the Office Extension would


 MSMQ Extension; On a repair, it fails with an error when the queue
 already exists.  It appears a check for the existing queue is not
 completed before attempting to create the queue

 Office Extension; I haven't been able to find any documentation on how
 to use it.


 Christopher Bones Snider

 Software Engineer

 Warfighter's Edge (WEdge)

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 United States Air Force Academy

 DSN 333-0654/ COMM 719-333-0654

 Yahoo! IM: chris_snider

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Re: [WiX-users] Features

2009-10-27 Thread Scharp, Craig
Hi Blair,

Thanks for the response and the information.

You understand correctly.

I'm using different entries in the directory table with different id's,
but they are different physical paths.  In hind-site, that was probably
a mistake that I will correct in future releases.

Not sure what you mean by two-transaction cycle and multi-instancing,
but I will look that up and figure it out.

Thanks again for your time.  I will possibly re-address this after I
have worked with the multi-instancing and/or two-transaction cycle.

-Original Message-
From: Blair [] 
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 7:47 PM
To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Features

From your description you have one package that installs both website
database and you use two features, one for database and the other for

If you use the same installation directory for both the components of
features they will use that same directory on maintenance transactions
will need either a major upgrade or a remove/install two-transaction
to change directories).

The first order solution is to use different entries in the directory
for your database scripts and your website files. They don't have to be
different physical directories, but they do need to have different IDs.

However, you still have the issue that all directories are set on the
installation of the product, meaning you have to set both the website
the database script directories no matter what features you are
if you intend to allow the other feature to be added later. You could
around that by multi-instancing your installation, but that may become
complex than you want your installation to be.

-Original Message-
From: Scharp, Craig [] 
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 6:06 AM
Subject: [WiX-users] Features

Hi wix users,


My install allows the users to install a website and/or database using
typical or custom features.  Currently, if the user installs the
database first, I put the database scripts in a temp folder, but the
product is registered with add/remove programs.  For the database
install, I have suppressed the IIS actions.


When the user installs the website, after the database-only install, the
website content is being installed into the temp folder that was used
for the database-only install instead of where the user said to put the
website content (C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\mywebsite).  Looking at the logs,
the installer is changing the value of installdir from what the dialog
sets it to the temp folder used in the previous database-only install.


I have tried to only register the product for the website feature, so
the database feature does not register, but I'm having difficulty doing
that conditionally.  Installer appears to be ignoring the condition and
not registering for either option.


Has anyone run into this or know of a way to get around this?
Ultimately, I would like the installer to register for both, but then
use the installdir path that the user selected for the website.  By the
way, that control on the dialog is mapped to the directory, and in the
log it is getting change properly, but installer is re-changing that.
However, if that's impossible, I would settle for only registering the
product conditionally when the website feature is selected.


Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

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[WiX-users] Feature not properly uninstalled when Level 0

2009-10-27 Thread Rob Hamflett
I've got a feature that I only want to be installed if Visual Studio 2005 C++ 
is installed.  I 
search the registry for a particular value to indicate if it is present or not, 
and set this value 
to a property called FOUND_VC80DIR, which initially has the value of UNKNOWN. 
 On my feature I 
have this condition:
Condition Level=0![CDATA[FOUND_VC80DIR = UNKNOWN]]/Condition

I'm trying to work out how to get my product to uninstall after the user has 
removed Visual Studio. 
  I install my product, remove the VS value I reference (to simulate an 
uninstall without actually 
having to sit through it) and then uninstall my product.  The product is 
uninstalled but it leaves 
behind the files from this feature.  I tried adding AND NOT REMOVE to the 
condition, but this only 
seems to work if if I uninstall it by using the msiexec /x from the command 
line.  If I go through 
the UI and choose to remove it then I am still left with the files.  Can anyone 
let me know how to 
get round this?


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Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

2009-10-27 Thread Jiang, Chunyan (GE Healthcare)
I set one property in my wix project:

   DirectorySearch Id=PreDir Path=[APPLICATIONFOLDER] Depth=1
FileSearch Name=installedfile.txt/
And set the custom actions as:
Custom Action=MyCA Before=InstallFilesPREVIOUSFOUND AND 

When Version 1 installed in PathA, and try to install version 2 to PathB, from 
verbose log, it shows MyCA will not be called. It means property INSTALLDIR 
works for MyCA. However, InstallValidate action still check the installed 
files in PathA, and RemoveFiles action will remove files in PathA. Those are 
not what I want.

How to set conditions to InstallValidate. and RemoveFiles so that they will not 
work in this case?



-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Jiang, Chunyan (GE Healthcare) 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2009 13:05
An: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Betreff: Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

Hi Blair,

Thanks for your reply.

Sorry, I made a mistake. Case 2 is to install version 1 to both PathA and 
PathB. So case 2 is multi instance issue. But I care more about case 1 
currently. To clarify the issue, I answer your questions between lines:

1- Can the user switch cases down the road??

Not understand very well.

2- Does Version 3 overwrite Version 1 in both cases? Or is there some future 
PathC/PathD thing going on?

The Version 3 should be able to upgrade version 1 in PathA or version 2 in 
PathB, even do a new install in PathC.

3- When Version 2 is installed, is version 1 ever removed by any means?

When version 2 is installed in PathB, it should be no related to version 1 in 
PathA. So Version 1 can be removed or upgraded. 

4- If a security or other flaw is discovered in Version 1, how do you intend to 
address it?

I would like to adress the installation by product code, upgrade code, and the 
path information. Althought version 1 installed in PathA, and Version 2 
installed in PathB, they are independent actually.

I don't know if it is possible to realize this.

Best regards,


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Blair []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2009 12:48
An: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Betreff: Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

I don't see the difference between Case 1 and Case 2, except that the 
installation directories are switched.

Four more questions (unless there is some error in what I understood so far)
1- Can the user switch cases down the road??
2- Does Version 3 overwrite Version 1 in both cases? Or is there some future 
PathC/PathD thing going on?
3- When Version 2 is installed, is version 1 ever removed by any means?
4- If a security or other flaw is discovered in Version 1, how do you intend to 
address it?

-Original Message-
From: Jiang, Chunyan (GE Healthcare) []
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 2:45 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

Hi Blair,

Probably my use-case is special. My software should be able to install 
flexiably. It can be installed as following:

Case 1:
Version 1 install to PathA, Version 2 install to PathB

Case 2:
Version 2 install to PathA, version 1 install to PathB, again.

I am stuck in developing case 1. When I have installed version 1 to PathA, then 
try to install verison 2 to PathB, the version 1 will always be detected via 
Install Validate. And it tries to remove files from PathA during Remove 
Files. Althought version 2 can be installed to PathB at last, version 1 is 
brocken. And some CA in version 2 PathB can not run since version 1 PathA are 
detected for upgrade. Therefore, I hope there is some registry mechanism so 
that when install version 2 to PathB, instead of PathA, then the new version 
will not be treated as upgrade. So that the files are not validated and 

For case 2, I know it is multi instance issue in wix installer develop. It is 
my next step.

Could you please give me some help how to realize case 1?

Thanks a lot!


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Blair []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2009 02:35
An: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Betreff: Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

So you need upgrades to not replace previous installations? In that case they 
are not upgrades.

I'm still trying to understand your use-case and your servicing strategy.
How do you intend to fix older versions? What do your users expect when they 
run a newer installation package from you when they have an older version 

-Original Message-
From: Jiang, Chunyan (GE Healthcare) []
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 2:48 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

Hi Rob,

I think over my scenario and clarify it 

Re: [WiX-users] Feature not properly uninstalled when Level 0

2009-10-27 Thread Pally Sandher
I think your problem is due to using Level=0. See -

Personally I would recommend you don't set your property to anything to
start with, simply use RegistrySearch to set it (so it will be null
unless your RegistrySearch is successful)  change your condition to:
Condition Level=1![CDATA[FOUND_VC80DIR OR Installed]]/Condition
as well as changing the Feature's Level to  (or higher if you use
INSTALLLEVEL's as high as   above but  should be high enough
for most people). 
This should make it only install if the FOUND_VC80DIR has a value set 
should make it always uninstall.

Works for me in 3 (or 12 depending on whether you count the supported
applications individually rather than the features it's implemented in)
almost identical situations to this.

Good Luck.

Palbinder Sandher 
Software Deployment  IT Administrator
T: +44 (0) 141 945 8500 
F: +44 (0) 141 945 8501 
**Design, Simulate + Innovate with the Virtual Environment**
Integrated Environmental Solutions Limited. Registered in Scotland No.
Registered Office - Helix Building, West Of Scotland Science Park,
Glasgow G20 0SP
Email Disclaimer

-Original Message-
From: Rob Hamflett [] 
Sent: 27 October 2009 15:26
Subject: [WiX-users] Feature not properly uninstalled when Level 0

I've got a feature that I only want to be installed if Visual Studio
2005 C++ is installed.  I search the registry for a particular value to
indicate if it is present or not, and set this value to a property
called FOUND_VC80DIR, which initially has the value of UNKNOWN.  On my
feature I have this condition:
Condition Level=0![CDATA[FOUND_VC80DIR = UNKNOWN]]/Condition

I'm trying to work out how to get my product to uninstall after the user
has removed Visual Studio. 
  I install my product, remove the VS value I reference (to simulate an
uninstall without actually having to sit through it) and then uninstall
my product.  The product is uninstalled but it leaves behind the files
from this feature.  I tried adding AND NOT REMOVE to the condition,
but this only seems to work if if I uninstall it by using the msiexec
/x from the command line.  If I go through the UI and choose to remove
it then I am still left with the files.  Can anyone let me know how to
get round this?


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Re: [WiX-users] Features

2009-10-27 Thread Blair
By two transaction cycle I mean perform two transactions, first a remove,
and then an install, which can't be combined, requiring twice the time and
the effort of some sort of bootstrapper (used in an atypical fashion).

-Original Message-
From: Scharp, Craig [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 7:39 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Features

Hi Blair,

Thanks for the response and the information.

You understand correctly.

I'm using different entries in the directory table with different id's,
but they are different physical paths.  In hind-site, that was probably
a mistake that I will correct in future releases.

Not sure what you mean by two-transaction cycle and multi-instancing,
but I will look that up and figure it out.

Thanks again for your time.  I will possibly re-address this after I
have worked with the multi-instancing and/or two-transaction cycle.

-Original Message-
From: Blair [] 
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 7:47 PM
To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Features

From your description you have one package that installs both website
database and you use two features, one for database and the other for

If you use the same installation directory for both the components of
features they will use that same directory on maintenance transactions
will need either a major upgrade or a remove/install two-transaction
to change directories).

The first order solution is to use different entries in the directory
for your database scripts and your website files. They don't have to be
different physical directories, but they do need to have different IDs.

However, you still have the issue that all directories are set on the
installation of the product, meaning you have to set both the website
the database script directories no matter what features you are
if you intend to allow the other feature to be added later. You could
around that by multi-instancing your installation, but that may become
complex than you want your installation to be.

-Original Message-
From: Scharp, Craig [] 
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 6:06 AM
Subject: [WiX-users] Features

Hi wix users,


My install allows the users to install a website and/or database using
typical or custom features.  Currently, if the user installs the
database first, I put the database scripts in a temp folder, but the
product is registered with add/remove programs.  For the database
install, I have suppressed the IIS actions.


When the user installs the website, after the database-only install, the
website content is being installed into the temp folder that was used
for the database-only install instead of where the user said to put the
website content (C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\mywebsite).  Looking at the logs,
the installer is changing the value of installdir from what the dialog
sets it to the temp folder used in the previous database-only install.


I have tried to only register the product for the website feature, so
the database feature does not register, but I'm having difficulty doing
that conditionally.  Installer appears to be ignoring the condition and
not registering for either option.


Has anyone run into this or know of a way to get around this?
Ultimately, I would like the installer to register for both, but then
use the installdir path that the user selected for the website.  By the
way, that control on the dialog is mapped to the directory, and in the
log it is getting change properly, but installer is re-changing that.
However, if that's impossible, I would settle for only registering the
product conditionally when the website feature is selected.


Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

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Re: [WiX-users] WiX-users Digest, Vol 41, Issue 157

2009-10-27 Thread Younie, Bradford
 The IDs of components have a scope of the containing package. 
 The Guids of components have a system-wide scope. As a 
 result, you do need to fix this as soon as you safely can.

Thanks! That makes things a whole lot clearer. I wanted to understand
how it works so that I knew what my options were. 

Bradford Younie

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Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

2009-10-27 Thread Blair
The first question was whether the user can switch between case 1 and case

What it appears you want is to have every version be a major upgrade
(don't keep old ProductCodes from one version to the next) EXCEPT when you
send out a security fix (so you need to keep a history of all the
ProductCodes you ever ship so that you can make those security fixes later
on. This will include the ProductCodes in your instance transforms). This
also means you will change your instance transforms each version as well.

In your UpgradeVersion elements, you want to always set the OnlyDetect
attribute to yes. You will never remove an older build/version by
installing a newer one (although you may overwrite one, unless you protect
against that).

I would suggest that your default PathX include your version number in it
somewhere, to reduce the chance of overwriting old versions.

-Original Message-
From: Jiang, Chunyan (GE Healthcare) [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 5:05 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

Hi Blair,

Thanks for your reply.

Sorry, I made a mistake. Case 2 is to install version 1 to both PathA and
PathB. So case 2 is multi instance issue. But I care more about case 1
currently. To clarify the issue, I answer your questions between lines:

1- Can the user switch cases down the road??

Not understand very well.

2- Does Version 3 overwrite Version 1 in both cases? Or is there some future
PathC/PathD thing going on?

The Version 3 should be able to upgrade version 1 in PathA or version 2 in
PathB, even do a new install in PathC.

3- When Version 2 is installed, is version 1 ever removed by any means?

When version 2 is installed in PathB, it should be no related to version 1
in PathA. So Version 1 can be removed or upgraded. 

4- If a security or other flaw is discovered in Version 1, how do you intend
to address it?

I would like to adress the installation by product code, upgrade code, and
the path information. Althought version 1 installed in PathA, and Version 2
installed in PathB, they are independent actually.

I don't know if it is possible to realize this.

Best regards,


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Blair [] 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2009 12:48
An: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Betreff: Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

I don't see the difference between Case 1 and Case 2, except that the
installation directories are switched.

Four more questions (unless there is some error in what I understood so far)
1- Can the user switch cases down the road??
2- Does Version 3 overwrite Version 1 in both cases? Or is there some future
PathC/PathD thing going on?
3- When Version 2 is installed, is version 1 ever removed by any means?
4- If a security or other flaw is discovered in Version 1, how do you intend
to address it?

-Original Message-
From: Jiang, Chunyan (GE Healthcare) []
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 2:45 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

Hi Blair,

Probably my use-case is special. My software should be able to install
flexiably. It can be installed as following:

Case 1:
Version 1 install to PathA, Version 2 install to PathB

Case 2:
Version 2 install to PathA, version 1 install to PathB, again.

I am stuck in developing case 1. When I have installed version 1 to PathA,
then try to install verison 2 to PathB, the version 1 will always be
detected via Install Validate. And it tries to remove files from PathA
during Remove Files. Althought version 2 can be installed to PathB at
last, version 1 is brocken. And some CA in version 2 PathB can not run since
version 1 PathA are detected for upgrade. Therefore, I hope there is some
registry mechanism so that when install version 2 to PathB, instead of
PathA, then the new version will not be treated as upgrade. So that the
files are not validated and removed.

For case 2, I know it is multi instance issue in wix installer develop. It
is my next step.

Could you please give me some help how to realize case 1?

Thanks a lot!


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Blair []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2009 02:35
An: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Betreff: Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

So you need upgrades to not replace previous installations? In that case
they are not upgrades.

I'm still trying to understand your use-case and your servicing strategy.
How do you intend to fix older versions? What do your users expect when they
run a newer installation package from you when they have an older version

-Original Message-
From: Jiang, Chunyan (GE Healthcare) []
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 2:48 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer 

Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

2009-10-27 Thread Blair
If you use your Upgrade table only for package detection, you won't need to
do the directory search. By not removing version 1 (because you will set the
OnlyDetect flag) the RemoveFiles action doesn't need any conditions either
(and in fact should never have conditions).

Also, your ProductCode MUST be different between version 1 and version 2.
Make sure it is changed between your two versions.

-Original Message-
From: Jiang, Chunyan (GE Healthcare) [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 8:59 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

I set one property in my wix project:

   DirectorySearch Id=PreDir Path=[APPLICATIONFOLDER] Depth=1
FileSearch Name=installedfile.txt/
And set the custom actions as:
Custom Action=MyCA Before=InstallFilesPREVIOUSFOUND AND

When Version 1 installed in PathA, and try to install version 2 to PathB,
from verbose log, it shows MyCA will not be called. It means property
INSTALLDIR works for MyCA. However, InstallValidate action still check
the installed files in PathA, and RemoveFiles action will remove files in
PathA. Those are not what I want.

How to set conditions to InstallValidate. and RemoveFiles so that they will
not work in this case?



-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Jiang, Chunyan (GE Healthcare) 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2009 13:05
An: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Betreff: Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

Hi Blair,

Thanks for your reply.

Sorry, I made a mistake. Case 2 is to install version 1 to both PathA and
PathB. So case 2 is multi instance issue. But I care more about case 1
currently. To clarify the issue, I answer your questions between lines:

1- Can the user switch cases down the road??

Not understand very well.

2- Does Version 3 overwrite Version 1 in both cases? Or is there some future
PathC/PathD thing going on?

The Version 3 should be able to upgrade version 1 in PathA or version 2 in
PathB, even do a new install in PathC.

3- When Version 2 is installed, is version 1 ever removed by any means?

When version 2 is installed in PathB, it should be no related to version 1
in PathA. So Version 1 can be removed or upgraded. 

4- If a security or other flaw is discovered in Version 1, how do you intend
to address it?

I would like to adress the installation by product code, upgrade code, and
the path information. Althought version 1 installed in PathA, and Version 2
installed in PathB, they are independent actually.

I don't know if it is possible to realize this.

Best regards,


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Blair []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2009 12:48
An: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Betreff: Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

I don't see the difference between Case 1 and Case 2, except that the
installation directories are switched.

Four more questions (unless there is some error in what I understood so far)
1- Can the user switch cases down the road??
2- Does Version 3 overwrite Version 1 in both cases? Or is there some future
PathC/PathD thing going on?
3- When Version 2 is installed, is version 1 ever removed by any means?
4- If a security or other flaw is discovered in Version 1, how do you intend
to address it?

-Original Message-
From: Jiang, Chunyan (GE Healthcare) []
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 2:45 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

Hi Blair,

Probably my use-case is special. My software should be able to install
flexiably. It can be installed as following:

Case 1:
Version 1 install to PathA, Version 2 install to PathB

Case 2:
Version 2 install to PathA, version 1 install to PathB, again.

I am stuck in developing case 1. When I have installed version 1 to PathA,
then try to install verison 2 to PathB, the version 1 will always be
detected via Install Validate. And it tries to remove files from PathA
during Remove Files. Althought version 2 can be installed to PathB at
last, version 1 is brocken. And some CA in version 2 PathB can not run since
version 1 PathA are detected for upgrade. Therefore, I hope there is some
registry mechanism so that when install version 2 to PathB, instead of
PathA, then the new version will not be treated as upgrade. So that the
files are not validated and removed.

For case 2, I know it is multi instance issue in wix installer develop. It
is my next step.

Could you please give me some help how to realize case 1?

Thanks a lot!


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Blair []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2009 02:35
An: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Betreff: Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade and new install

So you need 

Re: [WiX-users] Folder permission question - Solved

2009-10-27 Thread Balu Swaminathan

For future reference, for folks like me.


Scenario: We want to have a custom app pool run under our service account (no 
network service). Of course, we use the xml serializer and it writes to 

We need to grant permission to our service account to windows\temp.


Problem: Existing permissions (administrators, system, network service, users, 
etc) on windows\temp was getting nuked we I tried to grant permission to my 
account. It worked fine for any other folder (which is odd). Bad I referenced 
the [WindowsFolder]\Temp /Bad. The directory went to the installer as 
c:\windows\\temp. For some reason that nuked the existing permissions


Solution: Remove the \. Now it reads [WindowsFolder]Temp. That works like a 


Relevant portions of the code:


!-- Do not put \ after [WindowsFolder]. It already has one.--

SetProperty Id='WINDOWSTEMP' Before='CostFinalize' Value='[WindowsFolder]Temp' 


Component Id=C_PermissionWindowsTemp  NeverOverwrite=yes 
Permission GenericAll=yes User=Administrators /
Permission GenericRead=yes GenericExecute=yes 
User=Authenticated Users /
Permission GenericAll=yes User=SpecialAccountHere/


I actually had the same problem when I tried to provide permissions with 
icacls.exe. Installer logged to the event log and i fixed it there and then 
tried this one. Worked. !!!

 Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 06:05:32 +
 Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Folder permission question
 Thanks Benjamin and Rob:
 I did try that. I had an odd behavior. If I tried CreateFolder for 
 windows\temp, all existing permissions were lost (meaning administrators, etc 
 were removed from folder permissions). 
 If I tried for some other folder, it worked as expected. Basically adds the 
 I am more inclined to use icacls.exe and set the permission.
 Thanks for the replies though.
 Original questions was about permissioning c:\windows\temp.
  Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2009 15:48:01 +0200
  Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Folder permission question
  In other words, PermissionEx should work, imho.
  On Oct 25, 2009 7:17 AM, Rob Mensching wrote:
  CreateFolder does not delete folders. I do believe that Permission element
  will explictily set the ACLs on the directory though.
  On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 5:00 PM, Balu Swaminathan
Hello All: Is it possible to author a wix file which can grant
  permission to a folder ...
  virtually, Rob Mensching - LLC

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[WiX-users] util:XmlFile, conditionally set value

2009-10-27 Thread Scott Vickery
Any ideas on how to conditionally set a value in an xml?  Based on a global 
variable, CLIENTNAME, I want to set a value in a web.config.  Something like 
the following, but, I know it does not work:

   util:XmlFile Id=UpdateWebConfig

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Re: [WiX-users] Beginner's Question on Multi Language Installer

2009-10-27 Thread Markus Karg
Obviously my question was targeting whether I shall sent it to THIS
mailinglist, to a different place like an issue tracker or possibly to you


 -Original Message-
 From: DEÁK JAHN, Gábor []
 Sent: Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2009 00:09
 To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
 Subject: [WiX-users] Beginner's Question on Multi Language Installer
 On Mon, 26 Oct 2009 19:42:13 +0100, Markus Karg wrote:
  What is the best way to send it in?
 Using the mailto link in the footer of every page.
 DEÁK JAHN, Gábor -- Budapest, Hungary
 Come build with us! The BlackBerry(R) Developer Conference in SF, CA
 is the only developer event you need to attend this year. Jumpstart
 developing skills, take BlackBerry mobile applications to market and
 ahead of the curve. Join us from November 9 - 12, 2009. Register now!
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[WiX-users] Setting the app pool properties in IIS7

2009-10-27 Thread kalepalli uday

We have a wix script to create a website on IIS7 and we use the 
IISextensions dll for the wix. We create a application pool on installation. 
But the application pool is getting created in Classic mode. How to set the 
Managed Pipeline Mode to Integrated?

Uday Kumar

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Re: [WiX-users] How to change shortcut name?

2009-10-27 Thread Sascha Beaumont
Hi Chunyan,

I'm confused, surely you must be passing in the version number
*somewhere* during your build process (e.g. from VS, nant, msbuild,
etc?) to set Product/@Version?


On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 9:52 AM, Blair wrote:
 How do you set produ...@version?

 -Original Message-
 From: Jiang, Chunyan (GE Healthcare) []
 Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 1:42 AM
 To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
 Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to change shortcut name?

 Hi Sascha,

 Thanks for your tip.

 I thought about using wix variable to set the name. However, the version
 number will be changed for every build. And I don't know if there is a
 varialbe for product version, so that I can refer it, instead of using fix

 If I define the variable like:
 ?define version = [ProductVersion] ?

 And set shortcut name as:

 Shortcut Id=DesktopShortcutMyAPP Name=MyAPP$(var.version)...

 When I install it, the shortcut shown on the desktop is:


 Instead of

 How can I set it?


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Sascha Beaumont []
 Gesendet: Freitag, 23. Oktober 2009 02:31
 An: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
 Betreff: Re: [WiX-users] How to change shortcut name?

 Have you thought about using a wix variable to set the shortcut name at
 compile time, rather than at runtime?

 i.e. Shortcut/@Name=MyAPP $(var.version)


 On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 6:30 PM, Jiang, Chunyan (GE Healthcare) wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have defined the shortcut like this:

 DirectoryRef Id=ShortcutFolder

 Component Id=DesktopShortcut

 Shortcut Id=DesktopShortcutMyAPP Name=MyAPP
 Directory=DesktopFolder Target=[APPLICATIONFOLDER]/MyAPP.exe

 RemoveFolder Id=DesktopFolderVPAdmin On=uninstall /

 RegistryValue Root=HKCU Key=Software\Microsoft\MyAPP
 Name=installed Type=integer Value=1 KeyPath=yes /



 However, I want to give the shortcut another name, like MyAPP,
 which is the version number. How can I perform it? I know that I can
 define custom action to change the Product Name, like:

 CustomAction Id=SetProductName Property=ProductName Value=MyAPP
 [ProductVersion]  Execute=immediate /

 But it doesn't work for changing shortcut name. How to modify this
 custom action to fit for shortcut name?



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[WiX-users] how to overwrite a system protected file using Wix and its utils

2009-10-27 Thread Lian Jiang

I am trying to use my own file to replace a system protected file under 
c:\windows. I can use sfpcopy.exe (or related windows API) to do this in a 
custom action but I would like to know whether Wix and its utils can do this 

Thanks for any clue.


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Re: [WiX-users] How is Control Condition supposed to work?

2009-10-27 Thread little.forest
Hi all,

If you know how to show/hide a checkbox based on a property which is set on 
runtime, please let me know. We're eager to see the solution. 

Basically, we need to show the end user a dialog to tell them if they want to 
migrate their existing settings from old version to new. I'm having trouble to 
conditionally show a 
 ). Well, we can show it, but we'll have to click the next button two times to 
get it move forward. 

Anyways, discussed with our team, we're even okay by just conditionally 
show/hide a checkbox. If this work, we can give up the conditionally showing 
dialog which cause much too much trouble. But conditionally show/hide 
checkout doesn't work either. Can you point out my problem? Here is the code:
Control Id=MigrateSettingsCheckBox Type=CheckBox X=20 Y=220 
Width=290 Height=17
Text=Migrate settings from old version. 
Condition Action=showNot Installed and NEED_MIGRATE_SETTING/Condition

The reason we have to conditionally show the checkbox is that, some of our 
users may not have old version of software, they probably just buy the new 
version. So there is no point to always show that checkbox. We have a custom 
action(DLL) can detect if the end user needs to migrate settings, and further 
set a property on runtime. This checkbox's show action is associated with that 
property. Does it make sense?

Many many thanks.

From: little.forest
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 1:25:15 AM
Subject: [WiX-users] How is Control Condition supposed to work?

We use Wix 3.0.

How is Control condition supposed to work?

I've this code:
Control Id=MigrateSettingsCheckBox Type=CheckBox X=20 Y=220 
Width=290 Height=17
Text=Migrate settings from old version. 
Condition Action=showNot Installed and NEED_MIGRATE_SETTING/Condition

I'd like to see the checkbox shows if the condition is true, but not show if 
it's false. But the result is, no matter what, the checkbox always shows up.
What's wrong?


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Re: [WiX-users] Beginner's Question on Multi Language Installer

2009-10-27 Thread Blair
The mailto link in the footer of every page looks just like this:;. That very link is
captioned Gábor DEÁK JAHN. That [o]bviously means he wants it to go to
him personally. It also means that the subject of the email message should
be WixTutorial, which lets him know that someone is commenting on said
tutorial (offering praise, advise, corrections, requesting help to
understand, whatever). That way he can sort it or whatever he does to manage
the huge number of emails he gets on a daily basis so that he can better
maintain that labor of love he contributes to this community (and for which
he (hopefully) gets much praise for doing a very good job describing a
technology area few understand). Imagine what he could do writing a tutorial
on how to author applications in Java or C++ or Ruby on Rails and explain
using those technologies to the same degree. He could make money.

-Original Message-
From: Markus Karg [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 12:30 PM
To:; 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Beginner's Question on Multi Language Installer

Obviously my question was targeting whether I shall sent it to THIS
mailinglist, to a different place like an issue tracker or possibly to you


 -Original Message-
 From: DEÁK JAHN, Gábor []
 Sent: Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2009 00:09
 To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
 Subject: [WiX-users] Beginner's Question on Multi Language Installer
 On Mon, 26 Oct 2009 19:42:13 +0100, Markus Karg wrote:
  What is the best way to send it in?
 Using the mailto link in the footer of every page.
 DEÁK JAHN, Gábor -- Budapest, Hungary
 Come build with us! The BlackBerry(R) Developer Conference in SF, CA
 is the only developer event you need to attend this year. Jumpstart
 developing skills, take BlackBerry mobile applications to market and
 ahead of the curve. Join us from November 9 - 12, 2009. Register now!
 WiX-users mailing list

Come build with us! The BlackBerry(R) Developer Conference in SF, CA
is the only developer event you need to attend this year. Jumpstart your
developing skills, take BlackBerry mobile applications to market and stay 
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Re: [WiX-users] How to detect files presence and conditionally show a new added dialog page

2009-10-27 Thread Blair
In Richard's blog post, he details the issue with Windows Installer not
recognizing that WIXUI_INSTALLDIR_VALID has had a value set/changed by the
custom action. You don't get anything happening because WI still thinks

Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Back Event=NewDialog
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next Event=SetTargetPath
Value=[WIXUI_INSTALLDIR] Order=11/Publish
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next Event=DoAction
Value=WixUIValidatePath Order=21/Publish
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next Event=SpawnDialog
!--My code start here--
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next
Property=InstallDirNextDialog Value={} Order=5/
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next
Property=InstallDirNextDialog Value=MyAddedConfirmDlg
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next
Property=InstallDirNextDialog Value=VerifyReadyDlg
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next Event=NewDialog
Value=[InstallDirNextDialog] Order=8InstallDirNextDialog/Publish
!--My code end here--
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=ChangeFolder
Property=_BrowseProperty Value=[WIXUI_INSTALLDIR] Order=11/Publish
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=ChangeFolder Event=SpawnDialog
Value=BrowseDlg Order=21/Publish

-Original Message-
From: little.forest [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 1:37 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to detect files presence and conditionally show
a new added dialog page

I'm having trouble with this conditionally show a dialog based on a

Now I can conditionally show the dialog. But when I click on the Next or
Back button, there is nothing happened. I'll have to click the button again
to go forward or back. 
I took the code from WixUI_InstallDir.wxs and renamed it as
MyWixUI_InstallDir.wxs and used it in my project. I changed the code by
using your example, here is my code:
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Back Event=NewDialog
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next Event=SetTargetPath
Value=[WIXUI_INSTALLDIR] Order=11/Publish
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next Event=DoAction
Value=WixUIValidatePath Order=21/Publish
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next Event=SpawnDialog
!--My code start here--
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next
Property=InstallDirNextDialog Value={}/
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next Event=NewDialog
Value=[InstallDirNextDialog] Order=4InstallDirNextDialog/Publish
!--My code end here--
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=ChangeFolder
Property=_BrowseProperty Value=[WIXUI_INSTALLDIR] Order=11/Publish
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=ChangeFolder Event=SpawnDialog
Value=BrowseDlg Order=21/Publish

Many thanks.
I'm looking forward your kindly help.

From: little.forest
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 12:41:24 AM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to detect files presence and conditionally show
a new added dialog page

Hi Richard,

You're right. I did got some weird error by not using your approach for
button control event when I went back and forth among those dialog pages. 

So I tried your approach, the errors were gone. However, I'm getting some
other new weird issues: every time I've to click the Next button or Back
button 2 times to go next or go back, very strange. But after this two times
of clicking, I can go back and forth without problem. What's wrong?

You know, I took the code from WixUI_InstallDir.wxs and renamed it as
MyWixUI_InstallDir.wxs and used it in my project. I changed the code by
using your example, here is my code:
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Back Event=NewDialog
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next Event=SetTargetPath
Value=[WIXUI_INSTALLDIR] Order=11/Publish
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next Event=DoAction
Value=WixUIValidatePath Order=21/Publish
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next Event=SpawnDialog

Re: [WiX-users] util:XmlFile, conditionally set value

2009-10-27 Thread Alexander Shevchuk (Volt)
Hi Scott,

If this condition does not apply to a component which installs Web.config file, 
put util:XmlFile in separate Component and apply condition to it:

Component Id=...
  util:XmlFile ...

Basically, Condition is a child of Component and does not have children of 
its own: - Component - Condition


-Original Message-
From: Scott Vickery [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 11:32 AM
Subject: [WiX-users] util:XmlFile, conditionally set value

Any ideas on how to conditionally set a value in an xml?  Based on a global 
variable, CLIENTNAME, I want to set a value in a web.config.  Something like 
the following, but, I know it does not work:

   util:XmlFile Id=UpdateWebConfig

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Re: [WiX-users] Folder permission question - Solved

2009-10-27 Thread Blair
Directory paths in Windows Installer always end in \. If they don't,
please change them until they do.

BTW, in MSBuild they usually also always end in \ as well.

-Original Message-
From: Balu Swaminathan [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 11:20 AM
To: wix user list
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Folder permission question - Solved

For future reference, for folks like me.


Scenario: We want to have a custom app pool run under our service account
(no network service). Of course, we use the xml serializer and it writes to

We need to grant permission to our service account to windows\temp.


Problem: Existing permissions (administrators, system, network service,
users, etc) on windows\temp was getting nuked we I tried to grant permission
to my account. It worked fine for any other folder (which is odd). Bad I
referenced the [WindowsFolder]\Temp /Bad. The directory went to the
installer as c:\windows\\temp. For some reason that nuked the existing


Solution: Remove the \. Now it reads [WindowsFolder]Temp. That works like a


Relevant portions of the code:


!-- Do not put \ after [WindowsFolder]. It already has one.--

SetProperty Id='WINDOWSTEMP' Before='CostFinalize'
Value='[WindowsFolder]Temp' Sequence='execute'/


Component Id=C_PermissionWindowsTemp  NeverOverwrite=yes
Permission GenericAll=yes User=Administrators /
Permission GenericRead=yes GenericExecute=yes
User=Authenticated Users /
Permission GenericAll=yes User=SpecialAccountHere/


I actually had the same problem when I tried to provide permissions with
icacls.exe. Installer logged to the event log and i fixed it there and then
tried this one. Worked. !!!

 Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 06:05:32 +
 Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Folder permission question
 Thanks Benjamin and Rob:
 I did try that. I had an odd behavior. If I tried CreateFolder for
windows\temp, all existing permissions were lost (meaning administrators,
etc were removed from folder permissions). 
 If I tried for some other folder, it worked as expected. Basically adds
the permissions. 
 I am more inclined to use icacls.exe and set the permission.
 Thanks for the replies though.
 Original questions was about permissioning c:\windows\temp.
  Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2009 15:48:01 +0200
  Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Folder permission question
  In other words, PermissionEx should work, imho.
  On Oct 25, 2009 7:17 AM, Rob Mensching wrote:
  CreateFolder does not delete folders. I do believe that Permission
  will explictily set the ACLs on the directory though.
  On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 5:00 PM, Balu Swaminathan
Hello All: Is it possible to author a wix file which can
  permission to a folder ...
  virtually, Rob Mensching - LLC

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Re: [WiX-users] util:XmlFile, conditionally set value

2009-10-27 Thread Blair
Put it in its own component.

Component Id=UpdateWebConfig Guid=PLACE_GUID_HERE .../
   util:XmlFile Id=UpdateWebConfig

From there, mark the component transitive or not as is appropriate, etc.

-Original Message-
From: Scott Vickery [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 11:32 AM
Subject: [WiX-users] util:XmlFile, conditionally set value

Any ideas on how to conditionally set a value in an xml?  Based on a global
variable, CLIENTNAME, I want to set a value in a web.config.  Something like
the following, but, I know it does not work:

   util:XmlFile Id=UpdateWebConfig

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Re: [WiX-users] How is Control Condition supposed to work?

2009-10-27 Thread Blair
If you want to use a condition to show or hide it, all properties used in
that condition need to be set before you open the dialog (make sure that
NEED_MIGRATE_SETTING is set by something not triggered by this dialog). If
while the dialog is open you want to change the visibility of the checkbox
you subscribe to an event.

-Original Message-
From: little.forest [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 1:59 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How is Control Condition supposed to work?

Hi all,

If you know how to show/hide a checkbox based on a property which is set on
runtime, please let me know. We're eager to see the solution. 

Basically, we need to show the end user a dialog to tell them if they want
to migrate their existing settings from old version to new. I'm having
trouble to conditionally show a
how-a-new-added-dialog-page-td3855938i20.html ). Well, we can show it, but
we'll have to click the next button two times to get it move forward. 

Anyways, discussed with our team, we're even okay by just conditionally
show/hide a checkbox. If this work, we can give up the conditionally showing
dialog which cause much too much trouble. But conditionally show/hide
checkout doesn't work either. Can you point out my problem? Here is the
Control Id=MigrateSettingsCheckBox Type=CheckBox X=20 Y=220
Width=290 Height=17
Text=Migrate settings from old version. 
Condition Action=showNot Installed and NEED_MIGRATE_SETTING/Condition

The reason we have to conditionally show the checkbox is that, some of our
users may not have old version of software, they probably just buy the new
version. So there is no point to always show that checkbox. We have a custom
action(DLL) can detect if the end user needs to migrate settings, and
further set a property on runtime. This checkbox's show action is associated
with that property. Does it make sense?

Many many thanks.

From: little.forest
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 1:25:15 AM
Subject: [WiX-users] How is Control Condition supposed to work?

We use Wix 3.0.

How is Control condition supposed to work?

I've this code:
Control Id=MigrateSettingsCheckBox Type=CheckBox X=20 Y=220
Width=290 Height=17
Text=Migrate settings from old version. 
Condition Action=showNot Installed and NEED_MIGRATE_SETTING/Condition

I'd like to see the checkbox shows if the condition is true, but not show if
it's false. But the result is, no matter what, the checkbox always shows up.
What's wrong?


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Re: [WiX-users] how to overwrite a system protected file using Wix and its utils

2009-10-27 Thread Blair
According to MSDN: Windows Installer does not fully support write system
protected files, which is by design. + lots of KB

If you are targeting Vista/2k8 or above, it is not supported or recommended.
Instead, the following is the prescribed advice:

If you are targeting XP/2k3 or below, the first link describes how to
perform those actions, although the second link would be preferable.

Oh, and please tell me what your product is so that I never install it. I
want Windows Division being the sole source of servicing my Windows

-Original Message-
From: Lian Jiang [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 1:48 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] how to overwrite a system protected file using Wix and
its utils


I am trying to use my own file to replace a system protected file under
c:\windows. I can use sfpcopy.exe (or related windows API) to do this in a
custom action but I would like to know whether Wix and its utils can do this

Thanks for any clue.


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[WiX-users] WiX Editor: Preset the Use custom commandline for light.exe setting

2009-10-27 Thread Armin Linder
Hi all,

for my installers I du almost always need the -cultures switch. 
Unfortunately the WiX Editor does not remeber this if closed. Does 
anyone know wether it is possible to change the default command line 
options for light.exe?



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Re: [WiX-users] How to detect files presence and conditionally show a new added dialog page

2009-10-27 Thread little.forest
Thanks a lot, Blair!

It works now. It seems the Order attribute is important. I also realized that 
you added this line:
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next 

Can you tell me where Richard's blog is?

Thanks again. You saved our project.

From: Blair
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 2:14:10 PM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to detect files presence and conditionally show a 
new added dialog page

In Richard's blog post, he details the issue with Windows Installer not
recognizing that WIXUI_INSTALLDIR_VALID has had a value set/changed by the
custom action. You don't get anything happening because WI still thinks

Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Back Event=NewDialog
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next Event=SetTargetPath
Value=[WIXUI_INSTALLDIR] Order=11/Publish
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next Event=DoAction
Value=WixUIValidatePath Order=21/Publish
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next Event=SpawnDialog
!--My code start here--
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next
Property=InstallDirNextDialog Value={} Order=5/
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next
Property=InstallDirNextDialog Value=MyAddedConfirmDlg
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next
Property=InstallDirNextDialog Value=VerifyReadyDlg
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next Event=NewDialog
Value=[InstallDirNextDialog] Order=8InstallDirNextDialog/Publish
!--My code end here--
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=ChangeFolder
Property=_BrowseProperty Value=[WIXUI_INSTALLDIR] Order=11/Publish
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=ChangeFolder Event=SpawnDialog
Value=BrowseDlg Order=21/Publish

-Original Message-
From: little.forest [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 1:37 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to detect files presence and conditionally show
a new added dialog page

I'm having trouble with this conditionally show a dialog based on a

Now I can conditionally show the dialog. But when I click on the Next or
Back button, there is nothing happened. I'll have to click the button again
to go forward or back. 
I took the code from WixUI_InstallDir.wxs and renamed it as
MyWixUI_InstallDir.wxs and used it in my project. I changed the code by
using your example, here is my code:
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Back Event=NewDialog
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next Event=SetTargetPath
Value=[WIXUI_INSTALLDIR] Order=11/Publish
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next Event=DoAction
Value=WixUIValidatePath Order=21/Publish
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next Event=SpawnDialog
!--My code start here--
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next
Property=InstallDirNextDialog Value={}/
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=Next Event=NewDialog
Value=[InstallDirNextDialog] Order=4InstallDirNextDialog/Publish
!--My code end here--
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=ChangeFolder
Property=_BrowseProperty Value=[WIXUI_INSTALLDIR] Order=11/Publish
Publish Dialog=MyInstallDirDlg Control=ChangeFolder Event=SpawnDialog
Value=BrowseDlg Order=21/Publish

Many thanks.
I'm looking forward your kindly help.

From: little.forest
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 12:41:24 AM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to detect files presence and conditionally show
a new added dialog page

Hi Richard,

You're right. I did got some weird error by not using your approach for
button control event when I went back and forth among those dialog pages. 

So I tried your approach, the errors were gone. However, I'm getting some
other new weird issues: every time I've to click the Next button or Back
button 2 times to go next or go back, very strange. But after this two times
of clicking, I can go back and forth without 

Re: [WiX-users] How is Control Condition supposed to work?

2009-10-27 Thread little.forest
Thanks Blair.

need to be set before you open the dialog - do you mean to set the property 
before the install wizard dialog? That must be on a very early stage. 
Currently, we have this code:
CustomAction Id=SetSearchFolderProp 

Binary Id=DetectSettingMigrationBin SourceFile=DetectSetting.dll /
CustomAction Id=DetectSettingMigrationCA

Custom Action=SetSearchFolderProp After=AppSearch /
Custom Action=DetectSettingMigrationCA After=SetSearchFolderProp /

How can I schedule it to make sure it is set before I open the dialog?

while the dialog is open you want to change the visibility of the checkbox
you subscribe to an event. - how to subscribe an event?


From: Blair
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 2:24:54 PM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How is Control Condition supposed to work?

If you want to use a condition to show or hide it, all properties used in
that condition need to be set before you open the dialog (make sure that
NEED_MIGRATE_SETTING is set by something not triggered by this dialog). If
while the dialog is open you want to change the visibility of the checkbox
you subscribe to an event.

-Original Message-
From: little.forest [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 1:59 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How is Control Condition supposed to work?

Hi all,

If you know how to show/hide a checkbox based on a property which is set on
runtime, please let me know. We're eager to see the solution. 

Basically, we need to show the end user a dialog to tell them if they want
to migrate their existing settings from old version to new. I'm having
trouble to conditionally show a
how-a-new-added-dialog-page-td3855938i20.html ). Well, we can show it, but
we'll have to click the next button two times to get it move forward. 

Anyways, discussed with our team, we're even okay by just conditionally
show/hide a checkbox. If this work, we can give up the conditionally showing
dialog which cause much too much trouble. But conditionally show/hide
checkout doesn't work either. Can you point out my problem? Here is the
Control Id=MigrateSettingsCheckBox Type=CheckBox X=20 Y=220
Width=290 Height=17
Text=Migrate settings from old version. 
Condition Action=showNot Installed and NEED_MIGRATE_SETTING/Condition

The reason we have to conditionally show the checkbox is that, some of our
users may not have old version of software, they probably just buy the new
version. So there is no point to always show that checkbox. We have a custom
action(DLL) can detect if the end user needs to migrate settings, and
further set a property on runtime. This checkbox's show action is associated
with that property. Does it make sense?

Many many thanks.

From: little.forest
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 1:25:15 AM
Subject: [WiX-users] How is Control Condition supposed to work?

We use Wix 3.0.

How is Control condition supposed to work?

I've this code:
Control Id=MigrateSettingsCheckBox Type=CheckBox X=20 Y=220
Width=290 Height=17
Text=Migrate settings from old version. 
Condition Action=showNot Installed and NEED_MIGRATE_SETTING/Condition

I'd like to see the checkbox shows if the condition is true, but not show if
it's false. But the result is, no matter what, the checkbox always shows up.
What's wrong?


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[WiX-users] Always install a specific feature/component ...

2009-10-27 Thread Armin Linder
And once more I need to seek your help.

I have an application, which has a license file, let's call it 
license.dat. Per default the contents of license.dat puts the 
application in a kind of demo mode and encourages the user to register 
over the Internet. I authored it to be a component with a specific GUID. 
The application is another component with a different GUID, and both are 
installed as a single feature. Works nicely, easy job.

Some day, to get the full features, the user registers his product over 
the Internet. Technically the license.dat file gets overwritten with a 
new one, containing license info. The license info in the file unlocks 
the application's full features for a specific time. Once the license 
expires, the application resets itself to demo mode (without touching 
the license.dat file, it knows from the contents of the file that the 
license has expired). Works too.

And now things get weird. The application's marketing concept is 
modular, which means that the user may after some time purchase another 
module of this product and install it. The new module does also come 
with the same license.dat file that contains the demo license. The same 
component and GUID like above is used to author the same component like 
above, since it is the same file as above, and despite that there isn't 
a way to tell which product modules someone purchases in which order, so 
every module can potentioally be the first one (and probably even the 
only one) a user installs, and thus every modue must contain the demo 
license.dat file.

It is the intention of the vendor that in case of installation of a 
second (third, fourth .-..) module the demo license.dat file overwrites 
the old (registered or unregistered, don'tcare) one, so the user does 
need to register again (whch will reset the usage time, so he can 
utilize the product for a full time period again). Unfortunately smart 
Windows Installer thinks, he already has installed the component, and 
skips it, so the license.dat file is not reset to the demo license, the 
user has no reason to re-register, and the application reverts to demo 
mode as soon as the old license expires. At this point the user would 
either call suppport and complain that his license expired prematurely, 
or be a smart one and use the license of the second purchase to 
re-activate the product, which is OK, but inconvenient after such a long 
time after installation.

No problem, you'd say, just author the component containing file using a 
differend GUID, and the file will be overwritten. Great, but what 
happens during an uninstall? If the user uninstalls either component, 
the file will get deleted, since it's reference count is 1. The 
application will stop working, because it does have neither a demo nor a 
registered license.dat file, though all but one modules are still installed.

The obvious solution wold be to author the component using the same 
GUID, so the reference counter gets 2, but have it overwrite (refresh) 
the file. When uninstalling, the reference counter would decrease, but 
the file would be left unchanged, which is exactly what I want. 
Unfortunately I found no option setting for either component or file to 
get this behavior.

All together: how can I author a shared component which refreshes 
itself when installed a second, third, ... time, but shows normal 
uninstall behaviour (decrease the reference counter, and get deleted 
when the internal reference counter reaches 0)?

Another approach would be: the application has several other files which 
show correct installation/deinstallation behaviour when installed by 
multiple products (increase reference counter with every installation, 
decrease it with every uninstallation, and delete it when the counter 
reaches 0). If I could find a way to tie the deletion of the license.dat 
file to the deletion of one of those files, this would save me as well.

And probably I missed something entirely, and tehre is another way to 
get what I need using a different approach?

Any hints/ideas/leads to documentations welcome,


P.S. Just to mention it, the behaviour of the copy protection/licensing 
software, which is a 3rd party product, can, unfortunately, not be 
influenced. Messing with the license.dat file is the only way..

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Re: [WiX-users] Feature not properly uninstalled when Level 0

2009-10-27 Thread Bob Arnson
Rob Hamflett wrote:
 Condition Level=0![CDATA[FOUND_VC80DIR = UNKNOWN]]/Condition

 I'm trying to work out how to get my product to uninstall after the user has 
 removed Visual Studio.


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Re: [WiX-users] How is Control Condition supposed to work?

2009-10-27 Thread Richard

In article,
little.forest  writes:

 How is Control condition supposed to work?

For the most robust results, I use combinations of show *and* hide
actions with mutually exclusive conditions.

 I've this code:
 Control Id=MigrateSettingsCheckBox Type=CheckBox X=20 Y=220 Width=
290 Height=17
 Text=Migrate settings from old version. 
 Condition Action=showNot Installed and NEED_MIGRATE_SETTING/Condition

In your case you don't provide a value for the Hidden attribute on
your Control, so it is shown by default.  Your nested Condition
specifies additional logic about when the control should be shown,
but no logic about when the control should be hidden.
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Re: [WiX-users] How is Control Condition supposed to work?

2009-10-27 Thread Richard

In article,
little.forest  writes:

 Basically, we need to show the end user a dialog to tell
 them if they want t o migrate their existing settings from
 old version to new. I'm having trouble to conditionally
 show a dialog(
 ). Well, w e can show it, but we'll have to click the next button two
 times to get it mov e forward.

Take a look at my recent blog post on branching dialog wizard
The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline -- DirectX 9 draft available for download

  Legalize Adulthood!

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