Re: [WiX-users] Getting started writing a custom Bootstrapper interface

2012-10-22 Thread Daniel Bruce
 -Original Message-
 From: Igor Brejc []
 Sent: 20. oktober 2012 20:04
 To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
 Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Getting started writing a custom Bootstrapper
 Some more pointers from me. I've implemented a custom managed
 bootstrapper using WinForms. The GUI actually looks pretty much the
 same as the standard MSI setup wizard, but implemented with custom
 C# code using MVP
 (model-view-presenter) pattern. This enables me to unit-test the wizard
 without actually running the installation.
 I've also hidden the WiX bootstrapper engine behind an adapter
 interface (I called it IInstallEngine). This way I can run the wizard as a
 Windows Forms application and click through it (again, without the need
 to run the actual Windows installation), since in that mode the wizard
 uses a mocked implementation of IInstallEngine. I just simply added the
 static Main method which has the similar logic to the Run().
 (Note to Rob: perhaps it would be a good idea to change the design of
 the managed bootstrapper so that it works with interfaces instead of
 concrete implementations, this would be really helpful for unit testing
 and simulation).

I absolutely agree with this point. It would be very helpful to have
interfaces defined for BootstrapperApplication containing the events
it exposes, as well as for the Engine class. It's nigh impossible to do unit
tests on the interface classes without this step. I've created my own, but
that feels kind of hacky.

I would file a feature request, but the sourceforge website seems to be
throwing Error 500s right now.

 The wizard has one added feature: a debug window which can be turned
 on through the command line and displays all the install log messages
 directly in the setup wizard.
 The documentation for the managed BS is pretty scarce, so I had to look
 into WiX's source code and do a lot of trials and errors to get to this point
 (and I still have some issues to work through).

Pretty much what I had to do too. I really hope the documentation situation
is going to improve before the 3.7 release, because right now it's kind of
ridiculous. I feel like I just have wishful thinking and half-truths to go on 
many times during the development process things broke because my
assumptions (based on what I could glean from source code and random
postings) were not correct. I'm kind of worrying about what's going to break
next due to something that is not obvious from the source code.
 Best regards,
 Igor Brejc
Daniel E. Bruce

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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Getting started writing a custom Bootstrapper interface

2012-10-22 Thread Daniel Bruce
Sourceforge cooperated with me now, so I filed a feature request:

Daniel E. Bruce

 -Original Message-
 From: Daniel Bruce []
 Sent: 22. oktober 2012 13:00
 To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
 Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Getting started writing a custom Bootstrapper
  -Original Message-
  From: Igor Brejc []
  Sent: 20. oktober 2012 20:04
  To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
  Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Getting started writing a custom Bootstrapper
  Some more pointers from me. I've implemented a custom managed
  bootstrapper using WinForms. The GUI actually looks pretty much the
  same as the standard MSI setup wizard, but implemented with custom
  code using MVP
  (model-view-presenter) pattern. This enables me to unit-test the
  wizard without actually running the installation.
  I've also hidden the WiX bootstrapper engine behind an adapter
  interface (I called it IInstallEngine). This way I can run the wizard
  as a normal
  Windows Forms application and click through it (again, without the
  need to run the actual Windows installation), since in that mode the
  wizard uses a mocked implementation of IInstallEngine. I just simply
  added the static Main method which has the similar logic to the Run().
  (Note to Rob: perhaps it would be a good idea to change the design of
  the managed bootstrapper so that it works with interfaces instead of
  concrete implementations, this would be really helpful for unit
  testing and simulation).
 I absolutely agree with this point. It would be very helpful to have
 interfaces defined for BootstrapperApplication containing the events it
 exposes, as well as for the Engine class. It's nigh impossible to do unit
 tests on the interface classes without this step. I've created my own, but
 that feels kind of hacky.
 I would file a feature request, but the sourceforge website seems to be
 throwing Error 500s right now.
  The wizard has one added feature: a debug window which can be
  on through the command line and displays all the install log messages
  directly in the setup wizard.
  The documentation for the managed BS is pretty scarce, so I had to
  look into WiX's source code and do a lot of trials and errors to get
  to this point (and I still have some issues to work through).
 Pretty much what I had to do too. I really hope the documentation
 situation is going to improve before the 3.7 release, because right now
 it's kind of ridiculous. I feel like I just have wishful thinking and 
 to go on and many times during the development process things broke
 because my assumptions (based on what I could glean from source code
 and random
 postings) were not correct. I'm kind of worrying about what's going to
 break next due to something that is not obvious from the source code.
  Best regards,
  Igor Brejc
 Daniel E. Bruce

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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Getting started writing a custom Bootstrapper interface

2012-10-19 Thread Daniel Bruce
To resolve Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Bootstrapper, you need to add a 
reference to BootstrapperCore, which in my installation was located under 
C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.7\SDK\BootstrapperCore.dll. You should be 
able to find yours in a similar location.

You are correct that there is little information about how to get started with 
Burn, and the little information there is to find is scattered around the net 
and pretty terse, so I'll give you enough to get started, then you should be 
able to look at the source code for the WiX BA to continue (I highly recommend 
having the source around to look at either way, because there is really no 
other way to get information about most things).

For my WPF-based bootstrapper interface, I started a regular WPF application 
project and changed its output type to class library. Then I have a class 
that inherits from BootstrapperApplication looking something like this:

public class MyBA : BootstrapperApplication
static public Threading.Dispatcher Dispatcher { get; private set; }
static public View.InstallerWindow Window { get; private set; }
static public App TheApp { get; private set; }

protected override void Run()
TheApp = new App();
// Send a reference to the Application to access things, if necessary
TheApp.BA = this;   
MyBA.Dispatcher = Threading.Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher;

And in my WPF Application class I have code like this to bring up a pretty 
standard MVVM application window:

public partial class App : Application
public View.InstallerWindow Window { get; private set; }
Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Bootstrapper.BootstrapperApplication BA { 
get; set; }
public int ExitCode
return state.InstallerResult;

private InstallationState state;

protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)

InstallationState state = new InstallationState(BA, ...);
this.state = state;
InstallerViewModel vm = new InstallerViewModel(state, ..., 
var Window = new View.InstallerWindow(vm);
state.ParentHwnd = new WindowInteropHelper(Window).Handle;

You also need to create a config file so the Burn managed bootstrapper host can 
find your application, which should be named something like 
YourAssemblyName.BootstrapperCore.config and look something like this, 
replacing YourAssemblyName with your own assembly's name:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8 ?
sectionGroup name=wix.bootstrapper 
  section name=host 
BootstrapperCore /
  startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy=true
supportedRuntime version=v4.0 /
host assemblyName=YourAssemblyName
  supportedFramework version=v4\Full /
  supportedFramework version=v4\Client /

Then, finally, in your bundle.wxs file add a reference to your assembly and put 
in this snippet to refer to your bootstrapper application properly, again 
replacing as necessary:

BootstrapperApplicationRef Id='ManagedBootstrapperApplicationHost'
  Payload Name='BootstrapperCore.config' 
  Payload SourceFile='$(var.YourAssemblyName.TargetPath)' /

Now if you want to be able to run this with F5 from Visual Studio, you should 
build your bundle once first, then set your WPF assembly as the startup 
project, go into its project properties under Debug, set it to Start external 
program and point it to the exe file from your bundle. This is necessary 
because you can't set wixprojects as startup projects. If you want to debug the 
bootstrapper application and set breakpoints and whatnot, you need to attach to 
the process manually (ctrl+alt+p in my VS2010) after pressing F5, because of 
how Burn works. To facilitate this, I created a function like this that I call 
at the very beginning of my BootstrapperApplication.Run method:

private void ShowDebugMessageBox()
MessageBox.Show(If you want to debug the Bootstrapper Application, you 
should attach the debugger to the .NET process now and click the button.);

Sorry if any of this got horribly mangled in transport, but hopefully you can 
pick out what to do and this gives you something to work from.

Daniel E. Bruce

 -Original Message-
 From: Hans ter Horst 

Re: [WiX-users] Elevation of Bootstrapper Application

2012-10-16 Thread Daniel Bruce
Thank you for your answers, Neil and Rob. I have dabbled with persist=yes 
before, and it didn't seem like it worked for me, but I may just have not been 
doing it correctly. Am I right in assuming that doing a definition like this 
would cause the variable to persist and when uninstalling it will retain the 
value it had at the end of the initial installation, with no extra work 

Variable Name= Server Persisted=yes/

I would prefer to not do it this way, as doing so would require pushing the 
responsibility for defining the persisted data into the bundle.wxs, which 
splits my data in a way I would like to avoid. We use the same MBA with 
multiple bundle.wxs files (with various subsets of our product suite), so it 
would make the installers less DRY if we had to define the variables each 
bundle.wxs needed. However, if it were possible to mark variables for 
persisting from the MBA, that would be perfectly fine for our solution, as we 
are right now just persisting certain Burn variables written to during the 
installation process. 

Regarding elevation, looking into the problem more seems to indicate that my 
options are to either put a manifest on our bundle executable, or launch a 
child process with elevated privileges and communicate data I need handled in 
an elevated context to that child process (from what I can tell, this is what 
burn does). Is this correct, or have I missed any simpler ways of elevating?

Daniel E. Bruce

 -Original Message-
 From: Rob Mensching []
 Sent: 15. oktober 2012 19:14
 To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
 Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Elevation of Bootstrapper Application
 It remembers them for a specific Bundle. There is not currently a
 mechanism to get to the state of another Bundle (I think there is a
 feature request open to enable that).
 On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 10:10 AM, Neil Sleightholm
   you can set Variables and mark them Persist='yes' and Burn will
  remember them for you.
  Am I correct that it remembers them for Uninstall/Repair but there is
  no way to recall them if you do an upgrade?
  -Original Message-
  From: Rob Mensching []
  Sent: 15 October 2012 17:50
  To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
  Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Elevation of Bootstrapper Application
  Neil is correct. The BA is not elevated because it does not rollback
  but the package installs do.
  If you just want to store settings for your BA, you can set Variables
  and mark them Persist='yes' and Burn will remember them for you.
  sounds like it might be more applicable for you anyway.
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[WiX-users] Elevation of Bootstrapper Application

2012-10-15 Thread Daniel Bruce

We are trying to keep some state alongside our bundle about which packages have 
been chosen for installation. The solution we envisioned was to put some 
registry entries within HKLM, but this fails on Windows 7 (and probably Vista) 
due to HKLM requiring admin privileges. We could work around this issue by 
writing to HKCU, but that would cause issues if another user ran the 
uninstallation (for instance) later.

Is it possible to elevate the bootstrapper application in some way, so that we 
can write to HKLM? As a sideline question, does Burn store any information 
about what packages has been installed for later retrieval or persist any of 
the variables set during the installation on its own (if using a custom BA)?

Daniel E. Bruce
Software Developer, +47 91918893
Prediktor AS
Habornveien 48B, N-1630 Gamle Fredrikstad, Norway

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Re: [WiX-users] Elevation of Bootstrapper Application

2012-10-15 Thread Daniel Bruce
The values are set by our custom Managed Bootstrapper Application via the 
standard .NET Registry API, and not by any of the included packages. Since the 
information to be stored is on the bundle-level (which packages are selected 
for installation), it can't be moved into an MSI.

I have attempted using IBurnEngine-Elevate(), but as far as I can see (and as 
I expect from it being a method of the engine), that does not give the managed 
bootstrapper application process elevated privileges.

Daniel E. Bruce
Software Developer, +47 91918893
Prediktor AS
Habornveien 48B, N-1630 Gamle Fredrikstad, Norway

 -Original Message-
 From: Neil Sleightholm []
 Sent: 15. oktober 2012 14:28
 To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
 Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Elevation of Bootstrapper Application
 How are you setting the values? Burn automatically prompts to elevate if
 it detects an MSI that is set to all users but you can also set this with
 We are trying to keep some state alongside our bundle about which
 packages have been chosen for installation. The solution we envisioned
 was to put some registry entries within HKLM, but this fails on Windows
 7 (and probably Vista) due to HKLM requiring admin privileges. We
 work around this issue by writing to HKCU, but that would cause issues
 if another user ran the uninstallation (for instance) later.
 Is it possible to elevate the bootstrapper application in some way, so
 that we can write to HKLM? As a sideline question, does Burn store any
 information about what packages has been installed for later retrieval
 or persist any of the variables set during the installation on its own
 (if using a custom BA)?
 Daniel E. Bruce
 Software Developer, +47 91918893
 Prediktor AS
 Habornveien 48B, N-1630 Gamle Fredrikstad, Norway
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 APM Deploy New Relic app performance management and know
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[WiX-users] WIC as a prereq before .NET 4.0 in Burn with custom BA

2012-10-08 Thread Daniel Bruce

We are attempting to roll out a managed bootstrapper that depends on .NET 4.0. 
On some platforms this requires WIC (Windows Imaging Component) to be installed 
prior to running the .NET 4.0 installer, which is giving us some issues.

We have tried to solve this issue in a few ways, but none have worked, so I 
posted to stack overflow about it. Nobody has responded so far, so I'm 
crossposting here to see if anybody has any input. If so, it would be nice if 
you could take a look at the SO question, which has all the details, and 
perhaps shoot me an answer either there or here.

Daniel E. Bruce
Software Developer, +47 91918893
Prediktor AS
Habornveien 48B, N-1630 Gamle Fredrikstad, Norway

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Re: [WiX-users] WIC as a prereq before .NET 4.0 in Burn with custom BA

2012-10-08 Thread Daniel Bruce
Thank you for the answer, however I can't see how you specify that this is to 
be run by the prerequisite installer that usually installs .NET before 
launching the managed BA. Is this then not necessary, or was I unclear on our 

Our problem is not in specifying the packages (though thank you for that), but 
getting them to run prior to the .NET 4.0 package in the native installer that 
is launched if .NET 4.0 is not present on the machine. We think this would 
require setting the variable WixMbaPrereqPackageId to some package that does 
this for us, but it's unclear what this value would be or if this is actually 
the solution we need.

Daniel E. Bruce
Software Developer, +47 91918893
Prediktor AS
Habornveien 48B, N-1630 Gamle Fredrikstad, Norway

 -Original Message-
 From: Neil Sleightholm []
 Sent: 8. oktober 2012 10:22
 To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
 Subject: Re: [WiX-users] WIC as a prereq before .NET 4.0 in Burn with
 custom BA
 This is my WIC install:
 util:FileSearch Path=[SystemFolder]\windowscodecs.dll
 Variable=windowscodecs Result=exists /
 !-- This is only required on Windows 2003 and Windows 2003 R2 --
 PackageGroup Id=WIC
 InstallCommand=/quiet /norestart
 InstallCondition=VersionNT=v5.2 AND NOT VersionNT64
 ExitCode Value =3010 Behavior=forceReboot /
 InstallCommand=/quiet /norestart
 InstallCondition=VersionNT=v5.2 AND VersionNT64
 ExitCode Value =3010 Behavior=forceReboot /
 I have manually downloaded the file and embed them in my bundle.
 We are attempting to roll out a managed bootstrapper that depends on
 .NET 4.0. On some platforms this requires WIC (Windows Imaging
 Component) to be installed prior to running the .NET 4.0 installer,
 which is giving us some issues.
 We have tried to solve this issue in a few ways, but none have worked,
 so I posted to stack overflow about it. Nobody has responded so far, so
 I'm crossposting here to see if anybody has any input. If so, it would
 be nice if you could take a look at the SO question, which has all the
 details, and perhaps shoot me an answer either there or here.
 -be fore-net-4-0-in-wix-burn-custom-managed-bootstrap
 Daniel E. Bruce
 Software Developer, +47 91918893
 Prediktor AS
 Habornveien 48B, N-1630 Gamle Fredrikstad, Norway
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 APM Deploy New Relic app performance management and know
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Re: [WiX-users] How to create a feature tree with burn?

2012-08-23 Thread Daniel Bruce
I'm trying to accomplish something similar with my own Bootstrapper 
Application, and would like to find this XML file. What is the suggested way of 
locating this file? I'm unsure how to locate my BA DLL at runtime without 
resorting to magic strings.

In addition, is there any documentation at all about this file, and its format? 
Is it a supported way of accessing bundle information, or is it just a magic 
file? I can't seem to locate anything about it apart from scattered mailing 
list posts.

 -Original Message-
 From: Rob Mensching []
 Sent: 20. august 2012 23:37
 To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
 Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to create a feature tree with burn?
 BootstrapperApplicationData.xml is provided with your BA. It's right next
 to the DLL at runtime.  You won't see it until the BA is running.
 On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 10:34 AM, CristianI wrote:
  It's good to hear, that these things are possible =) But where do I
  find the BootstrapperApplicationData.xml? I read that it should be
  extracted to the temporary folder, but it's not working for me.
  I have to do something special, am I missing something or is it enough
  compile it the usually way with candle and light?
  Thanks again very much for the help; I'm trying to get as much info
  OnPlanPackageBegin() as I can find in the next hours =)
  View this message in context:
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