[WiX-users] setupbld and -bitmap not supported? -title not supported?

2009-11-08 Thread kerberos

I am running the most current stable build of Wix 3.0.  I'm delighted
with the product on the whole but I've reached a sticking point in
distributing packages of my product.

Basically, I preferred to have fancy electronic packaging for my
product and as such preferred not to use the default icon for .msi.
To get around this I decided to wrap my .msi in a .exe file -- as I
assumed this would allow me to use a custom icon for my package.  I
grabbed the setup stub for setup.exe from my Wix binaries directory
and put it in a local Stubs directory; I refer to the stub when I run

Unfortunately when I follow Jon Torresdal's instructions for using
setupbld.exe I am unable to either specify a -bitmap or -title.  When
I specify -title, my setup.exe is built but I cannot run it (nothing
happens).  When I specify -bitmap, my image does not appear next to
setup.exe in Explorer.  When I omit -title and just specify -bitmap I
can run my .exe but I still get the default .msi icon.

Does anyone know what might be wrong or if -bitmap is supported at all?


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Re: [WiX-users] setupbld and -bitmap not supported? -title not supported?

2009-11-08 Thread kerberos
On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 1:05 PM, John Robbins j...@wintellect.com wrote:

 Here's how I got SetupBld.exe from WiX to behave like you wanted: 

John, thanks for your response and well-written blog entry.

However, I still don't see my title or bitmap image when I run the
following command:

  C:\My Productsetupbld -title My Application 1.0.0 -bitmap
Images\some-real.bmp -msu MyInput.msi -out MySetup.exe -setup

Interestingly, it *looks* like setupbld checks that -bitmap (file)
actually exists as setupbld will error out if it doesn't exist.  I
just don't see some-real.bmp appear as the icon for my .exe when I'm
through with setupbld.  I also don't see My Application 1.0.0 appear
anywhere when I try to install from the .exe.


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Re: [WiX-users] setupbld and -bitmap not supported? -title not supported?

2009-11-08 Thread kerberos
On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 1:05 PM, John Robbins j...@wintellect.com wrote:

 Here's how I got SetupBld.exe from WiX to behave like you wanted: 

Oh, I think I've got it now, or at least am getting there.  I
re-reread your blog and managed to create both release and debug
versions of setupexe.exe per your instructions.  I copied setupexe.exe
to my stubs directory and ran with an argument of -setup
Stubs\setupexe.exe to test setupbld against my newly-generated build
of setupexe.exe.  That worked fine.

Now the question is: per your instructions how do I define a custom
title and icon?  I'm looking at wixver.h, WixDistribution.h and
setup.RC and I'm not seeing any #define that would explicitly allow me
to define an icon or title for my .exe.

What am I missing?  I'm sure it's something trivial.  Thanks again for
your response and excellent tutorial!


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Re: [WiX-users] setupbld and -bitmap not supported? -title not supported?

2009-11-08 Thread kerberos
On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 10:39 PM, John Robbins j...@wintellect.com wrote:
 Hello K,

 Glad my blog entry could help. However, I didn't go into the icon stuff as I 
 figured that was common knowledge, but that was a mistake on my part, I'm 
 sorry! You've done everything right so far. :)

Not common knowledge but admittedly outside of working with C#/.NET
for a bit to get my company going I am clearly a neophyte when it
comes to the ins and outs of the Windows Installer.  :-)

 The icon for SETUP.EXE is defined in the in a .RC (resource compiler) file. 
 What I copy .\inc\wix.rc to into the same directory as setup.rc and changed 
 the name of the file to Wintellect.rc. Opening up setup.rc in a text editor, 
 I change the #include line from wix.rc to Wintellect.rc. In Wintellect.rc, I 
 changed all the values to reflect my information and added a line:

 1 ICON .\Resources\Wintellect.ico

Perfect advice and now my .exe does exactly what I want.  The only
changes I had to make to the above were for:
  - my company name.
  - removing header files from my.rc that weren't needed or relevant.
  - changing names and versions in winver.h, etc.
  - making sure that 'ICON' was enclosed in quotes to ensure that C++
compiler didn't choke on .. in its provided location.

Again, thanks!


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Re: [WiX-users] UserRegistrationDlg dialog and disable Next button until license key of X characters is entered?

2009-10-27 Thread kerberos
On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 10:51 PM, Blair os...@live.com wrote:
 Managed code custom actions called frequently like that are going to be slow
 because of all the process creation-and-termination/CLI-state
 setup-and-teardown/etc. going on. You may be interested in the workaround
 described on this page
 es/) to get properties reevaluated while processing events.

Thanks and I saw this and tried it.  It worked decently although not
exactly how I'd hoped.  I decided that instead of trying to shoehorn a
solution into Wix I'd merely have the user agree to my license terms.
Then in my application I'd add functionality where the user could
activate the product.

In the future I will run dark.exe against msi's that have
functionality that I want -- to see if I can glean something from


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Re: [WiX-users] MaskedEdit and disable Next button?

2009-10-22 Thread kerberos
Thanks for your response!

On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 9:35 PM, Blair os...@live.com wrote:
 Unless you have the person push some other button to call your custom
 action, I have no idea how you would get your custom action invoked to check
 the lengths to set the property needed to enable your Next button.

Would it be recommended to scrap the MaskedEdit and use a (text)
type=Edit instead?

I suppose while not as aesthetically pleasing -- and that I lose the
MaskedEdit feature of easy input checking -- implementing type=Edit
should do what I want.

What are your thoughts?


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[WiX-users] UserRegistrationDlg dialog and disable Next button until license key of X characters is entered?

2009-10-22 Thread kerberos

I'd like my user registration dialog to work like the license page --
where the Next button is enabled upon clicking the button to agree to
the license.

I'm working along with the tutorial at
http://www.tramontana.co.hu/wix/ and have added a UserRegistrationDlg
dialog to the installer UI like so:

  Dialog Id=UserRegistrationDlg Width=400 Height=270
Title=[ProductName] [Setup] NoMinimize=yes
Control Id=NameLabel Type=Text X=5 Y=73 Width=100
Height=15 TabSkip=no Text=amp;User Name: /
Control Id=NameEdit Type=Edit X=5 Y=85 Width=220
Height=18 Property=USERNAME Text={80} /
Control Id=OrganizationLabel Type=Text X=5 Y=110
Width=100 Height=15 TabSkip=no Text=amp;Organization: /
Control Id=OrganizationEdit Type=Edit X=5 Y=122
Width=220 Height=18 Property=COMPANYNAME Text={80} /
Control Id=CDKeyLabel Type=Text X=5 Y=147 Width=50
Height=10 TabSkip=no
  TextCD amp;Key:/Text
Control Id=CDKeyEdit Type=Edit X=5 Y=160 Width=400
Height=16 Property=PIDKEY/
Control Id=Back Type=PushButton X=180 Y=243
Width=56 Height=17 Text=amp;Back
  Publish Event=NewDialog Value=LicenseAgreementDlg1/Publish

!-- Custom behaviors of Next button. --
Control Id=Next Type=PushButton X=236 Y=243
Width=56 Height=17 Default=yes Text=amp;Next
  Condition Action=disablePIDKEYVALUE = 0/Condition
  Condition Action=enablePIDKEYVALUE = 1/Condition

  Publish Event=ValidateProductID Value=01/Publish
  Publish Event=DoAction Value=CheckingKey1/Publish
  Publish Event=DoAction Value=CheckingPID1/Publish
  Publish Event=SpawnDialog
Value=InvalidPidDlgPIDACCEPTED = 0/Publish
  Publish Event=NewDialog Value=SetupTypeDlgProductID
AND PIDACCEPTED AND LicenseAccepted= 1/Publish
  Publish Event=NewDialog
Value=UserRegistrationDlgPIDKEYVALUE = 1/Publish

Control Id=Cancel Type=PushButton X=304 Y=243
Width=56 Height=17 Cancel=yes Text=Cancel
  Publish Event=SpawnDialog Value=CancelDlg1/Publish
Control Id=BannerBitmap Type=Bitmap X=0 Y=0
Width=400 Height=44 TabSkip=no Text=WixUI_Bmp_Banner /
Control Id=Description Type=Text X=25 Y=23
Width=280 Height=15 Transparent=yes NoPrefix=yes
  TextPlease enter your customer information/Text
Control Id=BottomLine Type=Line X=0 Y=234 Width=370
Height=0 /
Control Id=Title Type=Text X=15 Y=6 Width=200
Height=15 Transparent=yes NoPrefix=yes
  Text{\WixUI_Font_Title}Customer Information/Text
Control Id=BannerLine Type=Line X=0 Y=44 Width=370
Height=0 /

Originally I'd thought that I could setup a couple of conditions to
enable/disable the Next button depending on the state of text in
CDKeyEntry but these don't change state automatically when PIDKEY 
 -- the Next button ALWAYS remains disabled:

  Condition Action=disablePIDKEY = /Condition
  Condition Action=enablePIDKEY  1/Condition

Since that didn't work I figured that I needed tie an action to a
value that I set in a CheckKEY(...) function in a DLL (C#):

public static ActionResult CheckKEY(Session session)
try {
string Pid = session[PIDKEY];
session.Log(*** In CheckKEY:  + Pid + | + Pid.Length +
| + session[PIDKEYVALUE]);
session[PIDKEYVALUE] = (Pid.Length = 5) ? 1 : 0;
} catch (Exception E) {
session.Log(!!! fux0red:  + E.Message);
return ActionResult.Failure;
return ActionResult.Success;

And add this as a custom action to CDKeyEntry:

Control Id=CDKeyEdit Type=Edit X=5 Y=160 Width=400
Height=16 Property=PIDKEY/
  Publish Event=DoAction Value=CheckingKey1/Publish

And add the following event for the Next button:

!-- Custom behaviors of Next button. --
Control Id=Next Type=PushButton X=236 Y=243
Width=56 Height=17 Default=yes Text=amp;Next
... etc ...
  Publish Event=NewDialog
Value=UserRegistrationDlgPIDKEYVALUE = 1/Publish

But even here, not only is the installer VERY SLOW as the result of
this lookup, the Next button is never enabled as I'd hope.

I've traced the output of the installer and it's clear that
CheckKEY(...) is being called AND PIDKEYVALUE is changed from 0 to 1,
but I remain unclear as to what might be amiss here.

Could someone shed some light?


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[WiX-users] MaskedEdit and disable Next button?

2009-10-21 Thread kerberos

In my installer that I created with Wix, I click a checkbox to accept
the license agreement and this enables the Next button.  I want to do
the same with a MaskedEdit entry or two.  That is, until both
MaskedEdit entries have at least X characters, I want the Next button
to be disabled.  I'd assume that I could make a call into a DLL to
check someFunction(...) where some function checks that
session[PIDKEY].Length = X, but I'm not quite sure if this is
possible or what my custom actions might look like.  Please advise if
you have any suggestions.


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[WiX-users] Question about product keys (PIDTemplate) and length of text box

2009-10-20 Thread kerberos

My license key generation software (based on how I'm seeding it)
generates a 46 character -- that's 40 characters for key plus 6
characters for dashes -- license key.

As part of the installation of my software I'd like people to enter
the license key that they've been given.  Unfortunately I can't find
how WIX would allow me to format the *width* of each text box so that
it fits my license key WITHOUT any extra characters.  There's extra
padding of 3-4 characters at the end of each text box and this means
that in spite of my orientation of the product key entry on my
installer, 1-2 of the text boxes for the last 10 characters of the
product key will go off the screen.  If I was able to format the width
of each text box, I should be able to get around this extra padding
and this would mean my product key entry would no longer go off the

Does anyone here know of how I might be able to change the width of a
text box in WIX for my product key?


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Re: [WiX-users] Question about product keys (PIDTemplate) and length of text box

2009-10-20 Thread kerberos
On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 8:01 PM, Bob Arnson b...@joyofsetup.com wrote:
 kerbe...@noopy.org wrote:
 how WIX would allow me to format the *width* of each text box so that
 it fits my license key WITHOUT any extra characters.

 MSI doesn't support that, though you can probably come close using a
 fixed-width font.

Bummer.  I was afraid of this.  I ended up making the installer window
a little bit wider (width=400) and this seems to be a reasonable
workaround in the absence of using a fixed-width font.  Thanks for
your response!


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