Re: [wpkg-users] pkgPower

2012-06-20 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 06/20/2012 11:35 PM, Sebastian Elner wrote:


I just uploaded a piece of software I was working on for a while:
pkgPower. Right now its a log viewer for wpkg logs with some nifty
features to make everyday work with those files easier. Find it at:

I am looking forward to hear what you think about it.


feel free to link it on:

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] Updating wiki's documentation

2012-04-24 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 04/24/2012 08:49 PM, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel wrote:

Hash: SHA512


We are using WPKG on our company and there are some resources that
seems to only be documented in the CHANGES file.  As part of our
internal procedure I do need to document some resources and I would
prefer to document it upstream.

I just created my wiki account and I was wondering if there are any
guidelines/policies about contributing to the wiki?

As long as the changes make sense and are maintainable - feel free to 
add what you have.

Worst case, someone will re-edit your contributions ;)

In a slightly related note, I was wondering if it would be possible
to change the background color of ads or use some other approach to
clearly differentiate it from the contents, sometimes it can get
confusing. :)

Hmm, it's a default colour scheme from google.
I'll take a look.

Tomasz Chmielewski

wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] wpkg mailinglist working?

2012-03-05 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 03/05/2012 11:18 AM, Mike Burgener wrote:

Not a single mail in 2 weeks starting at 24.2.2012?

Do only I have the issue to not have received anything since then?

According to logs, there were 2 messages sent to the list after 24.02 
(both sent by you).

So most likely everything fine - unless there is someone who tried to 
post a message and it didn't show up - let me know.

Tomasz Chmielewski

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Re: [wpkg-users] [Bug 177] Local install flag

2011-10-16 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

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Re: [wpkg-users] inquiry

2011-09-09 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 09.09.2011 13:47, Make Compile wrote:

hey guys,

can i post here my problem ?

if it's about WPKG, sure, it's the right list.

Tomasz Chmielewski

wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] RSS feed of broken

2011-06-23 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 23.06.2011 17:29, Stefan Pendl wrote:


When I try to bookmark the RSS feed of, I get the following error 
displayed in the browser:

XML-Verarbeitungsfehler: XML- oder Text-Deklaration nicht am Beginn der Entität

Zeile Nr. 2, Spalte 1:

?xml version=1.0?

Can this be corrected?

Hmm, must be something in MediaWiki... I'll take a look.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG Development Status

2011-03-22 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 22.03.2011 08:14, wrote: scritti il 21/03/2011 20.44.50

There are some shortcoming in WPKG Client design - or rather, Windows
Vista and later had some fundamental changes which made some of WPKG
Client's features not working.

Vista is almsot dead in enterprise environments, we should concentrate on
Windows 7.

Vista is almost the same as Windows 7 from our point of view WRT limits 
imposed by the operating system (that's why I said Vista and later).

The problem is that the WPKG Client on Windows 7 is not working perfectly.


Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG Development Status

2011-03-21 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 21.03.2011 19:53, Rainer Meier wrote:

- Client which displays more information about WPKG state (logon delay, status
output). Well wpkg-gp seems to work on such issues but limits imposed by
Microsoft make it hard to do it properly. Honestly I didn't even use it yet.
Still using WPKG-Client on Win7 installations.

There are some shortcoming in WPKG Client design - or rather, Windows 
Vista and later had some fundamental changes which made some of WPKG 
Client's features not working.

Long term, it is likely WPKG Client will be replaced by WPKG Group 
Policy (wpkg-gp).

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] Dropbox

2011-02-16 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 17.02.2011 06:32, Jon Rhoades wrote:


Just wondering if anybody had any luck silently installing Dropbox using
WPKG (it's not in the Wiki). It's a Nullsoft NSIS installer so the /S
switch should do it, but instead it just crashes...

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] Is it possible to Disable/Hide the Installation progress GUI?

2011-01-21 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 20.01.2011 22:16, 101 wrote:


We are setting WPKG to run on our machines at shutdown so not to delay the
login experience for our users.

We have the software deploying / installing ok on shutdown but have been
asked if it can be run without the Display message being shown?

So that the software installs silently but doesn’t shutdown the machine
until the install has finished

We have the  /nonotify /quiet set .

I wasn’t sure if this was possible or not or if I need to tweak any of the
settings / parameters

It's a setting in WPKG Client - run wpkginst.exe, and set logon delay to 0.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] Windows 7 - Compatible?

2010-11-19 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 19.11.2010 13:50, Mike Burgener wrote:

On Fri, 19 Nov 2010 09:49:19 +0100 Mike Burgenermike.burge...@u-  wrote:

MB  I cannot find wpkg-gp version 0.5 for download on their page

MB  All the time i get no results

MB  Greets

MB  Mike

I'm using version 0.4 on windows 7 64.
(still available on the site)

But why did 0.5 disappear?

There were some issues with it.

Please see wpkg-gp mailing list for more info.

Tomasz Chmielewski

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Re: [wpkg-users] Wiki documentation improvement

2010-11-18 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 18.11.2010 11:17, zorgman wrote:


Do you think it's a good idea to create a new title in for add related WPKG usefull tips, like
Active Setup or others tools discover by users which can help us to do
hard things, and avoid us to search for hours.

Improving the documentation is always a good thing.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] [Scanned]

2010-11-04 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 04.11.2010 10:59, Rainer Meier wrote:

Hi Justice,

On 04.11.2010 09:25, justice rabapane wrote:

Can WPKG deploy operating system (or operating system Image) to a new machine
and how do I go about that?


I personally prefer to deploy Windows using WDS and then run WPKG right after
setup and windows updates to deploy the software. This prevents me from having
to update the image on each update of a software package included.

If you have a Samba server, Unattended[1] may be an option for you,


Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] WpkgService must be stopped or running after it successfully finished?

2010-10-20 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 20.10.2010 10:17, Alexey wrote:

Why WpkgService is in the STARTED state although judging by logs it
successfully finished. Maybe this is controlled by some kind of setting?

You can set it to exit after it finishes (in wpkginst.exe).

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
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Re: [wpkg-users] problems with windows 2008 R2

2010-10-20 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 20.10.2010 12:59, Natxo Asenjo wrote:

Here comes the problem. Apparently, after this reboot, the installer
is not done yet, it needs to run the 'out of the box experience
system' pass. And when this happens, the wpkg service starts but
cannot find the network share and it stops with the message:
WNetAddConnection2-  The network path was not found. The service then

Yeah, some machines have this problem.

Can you try wpkg-gp? You'll find a link to it on the download page.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG doesn't run at startup

2010-09-22 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 22.09.2010 15:59, David Naylor wrote:

Thanks, Tomasz.  I was able to run down the checklist of items, however
I am still only logging one error message in Windows event logs:
Script Execution failure.  Exit code 1.

I setup a log directory (Log to file is checked under Misc settings),
but that log file only has the following:

2010-09-22 08:43:12 -  Script pre action execution: successfuly done
2010-09-22 08:43:12 -  Starting script action execution
2010-09-22 08:43:12 -  Script action execution done.
2010-09-22 08:43:12 -  Script execution: failure. Exit code: 1
2010-09-22 08:43:12 -  Working done. Perform cleanup.
2010-09-22 08:43:12 -  Cleanup done.

I think it's the wpkg.js which fails.

Set it to log to a local file (in config.xml), and review the log.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG doesn't run at startup

2010-09-22 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 22.09.2010 18:43, David Naylor wrote:

It seems to me there is something that needs to change with the WPKG
client to make it call the wpkg.js script properly from the server.  I'm
having a hard time figuring out what that might be because I have the
correct path to wpkg.js listed in the GUI and the Test settings button
returns a success.

Can you copy your wpkg.js  friend files to C:\wpkgtest, run 
wpkginst.exe and change the location of wpkg.js to this directory?

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] How to make WPKG Client(service) run in silent mode?

2010-09-21 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 21.09.2010 20:27, Alexey wrote:

How I can hide graphical interface, when working WPKG? I`ve tried
everything than can be: different choices different options...
And now I got the idea: maybe it is not possible in principle??

What kind of GUI do you see? Can you make a screenshot / photo?

Tomasz Chmielewski

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wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG doesn't run at startup

2010-09-21 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 21.09.2010 20:56, David Naylor wrote:

I have the WPKG client installed on a workstation and under Logon
settings I have it set to At system startup.  When I reboot the
workstation I can see in the event logs where it tried to start but
failed.  The message is Script execution failure.  Exit code 1.

However, running the command cscript \\192.168.x.x\wpkg\wpkg.js
/synchronize does pull up the desired installer package and start to
launch the installer on the system.

What should my next troubleshooting step be? - point 1 ;)

Tomasz Chmielewski
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wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] How to make WPKG Client(service) run in silent mode?

2010-09-21 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 21.09.2010 23:17, Alexey wrote:

I see window like on the pictures: .
But there is a significant difference: In background I have this window

Do you have logon delay set to 0 seconds as you start wpkginst.exe?

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] trouble with wPKG

2010-08-26 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 26.08.2010 12:29, D.D. wrote:

install cmd='msiexec /qn /i

C:\Documents and Settings\usernamemsiexec /i
_US.msi - is ok

First, the command line you use for testing and command line you use in 
the install cmd is different.

Then, you may want to look at - point 1.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] Windows 7 64 bit, Samba, WPKG won't run on startup

2010-08-06 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 05.08.2010 23:28, Mitch Larsen wrote:

Hi, New WPKG user here, problem as per subject line.

I'm using WPKG Client 1.3.9-x64.msi.

The WPKG service starts on it's own just fine, but nothing installs at

I have one test package (Pidgin) configured for testing. The package
references an unattended.cmd file, which installs pidgin and copies
files into the directory for dictionaries. This .cmd works as long as
one is an admin on the local machine.

If I log on to the machine as a Domain Admin and run cscript
\\server\\wpkgshare\wpkg.js, the package installs fine into Program
Files (x86), and the dictionary files copy into the proper folder.

If I log on to the machine as a Domain User, and run cscript manually as
above, the package installs to
User\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Pidgin, and the dictionary files
don't copy over (the cmd window hangs).

I'm not sure what to do to get WPKG to start up at startup (and run as
SYSTEM) like I thought it was supposed to do?

Anything in the Event Log?

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] Windows 7 64 bit, Samba, WPKG won't run on startup

2010-08-06 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 05.08.2010 23:28, Mitch Larsen wrote:

Hi, New WPKG user here, problem as per subject line.

I'm using WPKG Client 1.3.9-x64.msi.

The WPKG service starts on it's own just fine, but nothing installs at

I have one test package (Pidgin) configured for testing. The package
references an unattended.cmd file, which installs pidgin and copies
files into the directory for dictionaries. This .cmd works as long as
one is an admin on the local machine.

If I log on to the machine as a Domain Admin and run cscript
\\server\\wpkgshare\wpkg.js, the package installs fine into Program
Files (x86), and the dictionary files copy into the proper folder.

If I log on to the machine as a Domain User, and run cscript manually as
above, the package installs to
User\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Pidgin, and the dictionary files
don't copy over (the cmd window hangs).

I'm not sure what to do to get WPKG to start up at startup (and run as
SYSTEM) like I thought it was supposed to do?

Anything in the Event Log?

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] intermittent error from Windows 7 clients

2010-08-04 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 03.08.2010 04:12, Aaron Bliss wrote:

Hi all,
I haven't been able to find any rhyme or reason to the following
error, but for some reason, our Windows 7 machines log an error when
the wpkg service starts.  The error is sporadic (i.e. sometimes a
particular client will work properly, sometimes not).  Any ideas?
Thanks for your help.


WNetAddConnection2-   The specified network password is not correct.

Can you check the server logs as it happens?

Easy to do with Samba, but with an AD server, you will not find much 
info, I'm afraid.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] Interrupt Logon Delay ?

2010-07-08 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Am 08.07.2010 23:35, k k wrote:

Hi guys,

What was the key combination to Interrupt Logon Delay ?
I can't find it anywhere ...

Start wpkginst.exe, it's mentioned there.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] Problems with the WOW64 mess

2010-06-01 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Am 01.06.2010 11:21, wrote:

   Tried - and failed with an administrative user test. settings test is
   Executing as test - OK
   Connecting to \\wpkg\wpkg.js as domain\wpkg - OK
   Trying to read \\wpkg\wpkg.js - FAIL - Access denied...
   this doesn't make much sense, because
   a) I can read the file perfectly on a cmd shell as user test
  Most likely you're already connected to the share as a different user
  (net use...) - Windows can't bind twice to the same share with the same
  credentials, and you see the error.

Are you sure? Shouldn't the Connecting stage fail first?

Can you try:

net use /delete *

prior to any tests (to make sure you're not trying to be connected twice 

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] Problems with the WOW64 mess

2010-05-30 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Am 19.05.2010 16:31, wrote:

  So you're planning to use runas with the Administrator account I
guess. For
  sure this might be an option as well.
  This could have been a solution to the broken Innosetup installer
  problem some
  of us faced a while ago. Some new version of Innosetup was just
hanging during
  the installation process when run within SYSTEM context. Luckily
  this was fixed
  quite quickly and usually all following installer releases were fixed
  example it applied to the K-Lite codec packages).

Tried - and failed with an administrative user test. settings test is
Executing as test - OK
Connecting to \\wpkg\wpkg.js as domain\wpkg - OK
Trying to read \\wpkg\wpkg.js - FAIL - Access denied...

this doesn't make much sense, because
a) I can read the file perfectly on a cmd shell as user test

Most likely you're already connected to the share as a different user 
(net use...) - Windows can't bind twice to the same share with the same 
credentials, and you see the error.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] cscript at server started but installation menu nothing appear at clients

2010-05-30 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Am 18.05.2010 17:05, wrote:

Hello list,
I have tried run cscript at server, the server prompted cscript started
on KOMPUTER47 with process ID 3567
but nothing appear at my client PC's. What should I do to make sure
clients are prompted installation menu??
Kindly appreciate all attention to guide me. Thanks

Note that cscript should be started on clients, unless you know what you 
are doing...

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] psexec could not start. access is denied

2010-05-21 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Am 20.05.2010 17:35, Troy Hamilton wrote:

In order to test this, open a command prompt running as the SYSTEM user
on one of your workstations:

Then, try to list the directory in which wpkg.js resides:

dir \\myserver\wpkg

If you get Access is denied, then the permissions are not set correctly.

And when permissions are fixed, it still will not work I think?

I.e. \\myserver\wpkg\wpkg.js should be started with cscript interpreter.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] Statistics

2010-04-28 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Am 28.04.2010 10:02, Christian Becker wrote:

Hi There,

is there any way to check if an Application is installed or not?
Would like to see the rollout status - sometimes an error occurred and I only 
see this, when the users call me - and that's to late!

You can copy wpkg.xml to some central server, i.e. as %HOSTNAME%.xml 
(and perhaps, wpkg logs, too) - i.e. as one of WPKG tasks.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] An unexpected network error occurred

2010-04-27 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Am 27.04.2010 15:12, Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:

Am 27.04.2010 14:56, Steffen Kaiser wrote:


I'm running wpkg client v1.3.9-x32.

If I use WPKG path user without domain prefix, e.g. I use just wpkg
instead of wpkg\wpkg, I do get the error An unexpected network error
occurred in the event log.
Is this intentional? Usually I do not require any domain prefix to
logon to

And this one - yes, it is required to use DOMAIN\user.

this service and the wpkginst GUI tests are OK, no failed one.

This is because the drives are already mapped as you're logged in.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG-gp on 64-bit? Also, WPKG Client issues on Win7 and a wpkg.js bug

2010-04-22 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Am 22.04.2010 00:21, Brent A Nelson wrote:

I was able to build a 64-bit MSI and send it to the wpkg-gp author,
along with all the quick hacks to the build environment necessary for
the compile. It seems to be working great!

Let me know if you need the 64-bit MSI before it's available at the
author's site.

We should do a comparison of features offered by WPKG Client and 
wpkg-gp, i.e. in a table somewhere in the wiki.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] Reboot Windows 7

2010-04-08 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Am 08.04.2010 10:16, Christian Becker wrote:


how do you reboot your Windows 7?

I tried it with GPP - it creates an entry - but it won't reboot.

Would like to here, how others solve the reboot-Problem.

Shouldn't this one do the trick?

shutdown -r -t 0

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] Installing Perl (PPM) modules with WPKG

2010-03-31 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Ari Constancio wrote:


I'm trying to install ActiveState Perl modules with WPKG, but can't
seem to find the correct way to do it.

Using 'ppm install perl::module' on the CLI works locally.
Using  install cmd=cmd /c ppm install perl-module.ppd / on
packages.xml doesn't work.

Any clues?

Does cmd.exe find the path to ppm?

Did you check WPKG log to see the what errors you have there etc.?

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] Installing Perl (PPM) modules with WPKG

2010-03-31 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Ari Constancio wrote:

2010-03-31 12:51:42, DEBUG   : Executing command: cmd /c
c:\perl\bin\ppm install %SOFTWARE%\perl\ppm\Win32-Process-Info.ppd
2010-03-31 12:52:04, ERROR   : Could not process (install) package
'PPM-Win32::Process::Info' (ppm-win32-process-info):|Exit code
returned non-successful value (1) on command 'cmd /c c:\perl\bin\ppm
install %SOFTWARE%\perl\ppm\Win32-Process-Info.ppd'.

Unfortunately, I can't find further details about whether I'm using a
bad syntax for ppm or else something's wrong with the arguments (the
module's package is in the same directory as the .ppd file).

Could be it's excessive output, as Rainer mentioned  - try redirecting 
everything to NUL.

Tomasz Chmielewski

wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] AD-Integration Script

2010-03-26 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Am 26.03.2010 20:14, wrote:

Hi all,

here is a quick N dirty script that generates host.xml from AD-Groups
attached to Computers. It's a vbs so you have to rename it  :)

Could you add your script somewhere here:


Tomasz Chmielewski

wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] windows 7 compatibility

2010-03-25 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Am 25.03.2010 11:04, soomon wrote:

hey there,

just saw wpkg and i like it and want to use it for software deployment.
we have windows xp and windows 7 machines here.
on xp everything works fine but when wpkg runs on a w7 machine windows
displays a message saying sth. like a program wants to display a
message, click here to view it.
i am using the lastest client from the homepage (1.3.9).

is there a way to prevent this?

Could you make a screenshot of this message (and a second screenshot if 
any message is displayed)?

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] windows 7 compatibility

2010-03-25 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Am 25.03.2010 11:49, Daniel Dehennin wrote:  writes:

hey there,


just saw wpkg and i like it and want to use it for software deployment.
we have windows xp and windows 7 machines here.
on xp everything works fine but when wpkg runs on a w7 machine windows
displays a message saying sth. like a program wants to display a message,
click here to view it.
i am using the lastest client from the homepage (1.3.9).

I'm using 1.3.14 on win7 with run at shutdown and the WPKG client window
is not displayed (it is on winXP).

As per what Rainer mentioned, the message is about a window opened by 
the program installer, not WPKG Client.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] windows 7 compatibility

2010-03-25 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Am 25.03.2010 12:34, Daniel Dehennin wrote:

Tomasz  writes:

I'm using 1.3.14 on win7 with run at shutdown and the WPKG client window
is not displayed (it is on winXP).

As per what Rainer mentioned, the message is about a window opened by
the program installer, not WPKG Client.

Ok, any idea how to show the WPKG client window, I need it to try to
avoid users holding the power button 4s because it's not fast enought?

Right now it's not possible, due to completely redesigned security model 
in Vista and Windows 7.

Patches welcome ;)

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG Client Settings

2010-03-25 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Am 25.03.2010 13:08, Brett Royles (IT Services) wrote:

Hi all,

I was wondering where the WPKG Client stores its settings for things
like environment variables and if its possible that we edit them outside
the wpkg client as we need to set a variable depending on which site our
pc is in (via AD).

Most of WPKG Client's settings are stored in the registry in the similar 
form like user passwords etc. - so it's not possible to edit them directly.

To edit the setting, see:

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG Client Settings

2010-03-25 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Am 25.03.2010 13:17, Brett Royles (IT Services) wrote:

-Original Message-

Am 25.03.2010 13:08, Brett Royles (IT Services) wrote:
Hi all,

I was wondering where the WPKG Client stores its settings for things
like environment variables and if its possible that we edit them outside
the wpkg client as we need to set a variable depending on which site our
pc is in (via AD).

Most of WPKG Client's settings are stored in the registry in the similar
form like user passwords etc. - so it's not possible to edit them directly.

Ok.. I was hoping that some of them would be readable / editable .. there goes 
that plan

If I don't set the variable in WPKG  but set it via a GPO as a system variable 
will WPKG honour those? (if that makes sense) within the XML for the software 
install. (e.g. %software% = \\softwareserver\software\)

Yes, it should work.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] Periodical wpkg script execution from wprg client

2010-03-24 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Am 24.03.2010 11:17, Павел Баранчиков wrote:

I am deploying software in my orginization using WPKG. Wpkg script is
executing from wpkg client (version 1.3.9). So, software is updated (and some
other configured actions executed). Some people do not turn their computers
off, and hence, wpkg client does not start every day and wpkg script does not
run every day.

You can use Task Scheduler to do it.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] Unable to start wpkg in Windows 7 until I manually connect to WPKG share

2010-03-22 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Am 23.03.2010 00:04, Patrick Lee wrote:


I'm in the middle of testing WPKG in Windows 7 and I'm encountering a
strange problem that I can't get around. For some reason, the WPKG
service won't start on startup or manually via Services or net start
wpkgservice from the command line until I manually connect to the WPKG
share in Windows Explorer. Afterwards, WPKG will start and everything is
fine until the next reboot. In the Event Viewer, I get the message
WNetAddConnection2- The network path was not found.

My machine is not on wireless and I still get the same error when I put
in the IP address instead of the DNS name for the path to wpkg.js. I'm
running Window 7 Enterprise (64-bit) with version 1.1.2 of wpkg.js and
version 1.3.4 of WPKG client (64-bit). I'm thinking this might be due to
some network configuration that I'm not totally aware of but I'm at a loss.

Could you try this one:

It is supposed to handle such situations better.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] Unable to start wpkg in Windows 7 until I manually connect to WPKG share

2010-03-22 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Am 23.03.2010 00:16, Patrick Lee wrote:

On Mar 22, 2010, at 4:08 PM, Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:

Could you try this one:

It is supposed to handle such situations better.

Whoops. I had a typo - I meant to say 1.3.14 and I'm currently using that 
version of WPKG client.


For some reason, the WPKG service won't start on startup or manually via Services or net start 
wpkgservice from the command line until I manually connect to the WPKG share in Windows 
Explorer. Afterwards, WPKG will start and everything is fine until the next reboot. In the Event 
Viewer, I get the message WNetAddConnection2- The network path was not found.

Is your DNS working properly?

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] Unable to start wpkg in Windows 7 until I manually connect to WPKG share

2010-03-22 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Am 23.03.2010 00:30, Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:

Am 23.03.2010 00:16, Patrick Lee wrote:

On Mar 22, 2010, at 4:08 PM, Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:

Could you try this one:

It is supposed to handle such situations better.

Whoops. I had a typo - I meant to say 1.3.14 and I'm currently using
that version of WPKG client.


For some reason, the WPKG service won't start on startup or manually
via Services or net start wpkgservice from the command line until I
manually connect to the WPKG share in Windows Explorer. Afterwards,
WPKG will start and everything is fine until the next reboot. In the
Event Viewer, I get the message WNetAddConnection2- The network path
was not found.

Is your DNS working properly?

I.e. if you change the config to use IP addresses - does it make any change?

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] Unable to start wpkg in Windows 7 until I manually connect to WPKG share

2010-03-22 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Am 23.03.2010 00:39, Patrick Lee wrote:

I.e. if you change the config to use IP addresses - does it make any

I did change my config to use the IP address (one of the first things I
tried) and I still got the same error. I also checked the forward and
reverse lookups of the server name using nslookup and everything looks

There were bugs reported for earlier versions where the client was 
unable to connect to the server during bootup.

Here, however, it's very different, as it's not even able to connect 
when you're logged in and i.e. try to net start wpkgservice. Very strange.

What server do you use? Samba, or something by Microsoft? With Samba, 
it's usually easier to debug things.

Also, no firewall / antivirus is used on your Windows 7 PC?

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] The network path was not found. - Windows 7, wireless connection.

2010-03-11 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Am 11.03.2010 17:10, wrote:

How can I make wpkg wait until the connection is established, then
run, rather than quitting as is currently the case? Possibly something
with the 'Execute Before' option?

Can you try:

Unless you use it already - let me know.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] The network path was not found. - Windows 7, wireless connection.

2010-03-11 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Am 11.03.2010 17:52, wrote:

Did you try to increase the timeouts etc. Start wpkginst.exe and add 
some more seconds if you're waiting for wireless.

PS. Please fix quoting in your email program.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] A few issue

2010-03-02 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 02.03.2010 12:25, Vasaris wrote:

4. 1.3.14 is broken. It does not reads settings.xml file on the client side. I 
have custom settings.xml to install on the shutdown instead of the startup, 
custom messages localizes in Lithuanian - does not work any of it.

And there is no feedback for this error in any of the log, despite the /debug 
option @31 debug bit level. Feedback should be added, to diferentiate usage 
between some constants compiled-in and custom settings.xml file.

If you start wpkginst.exe, do you see your custom settings there?

If not, how did you apply the settings (from settings.xml file)?

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] A few issue

2010-03-02 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 02.03.2010 12:54, Vasaris wrote:

On 02.03.2010 12:25, Vasaris wrote:

4. 1.3.14 is broken. It does not reads settings.xml file on the client side. I 
have custom settings.xml to install on the shutdown instead of the startup, 
custom messages localizes in Lithuanian - does not work any of it.

If you start wpkginst.exe, do you see your custom settings there?

I beg my pardon, but start it where/under what circumstances?

Double click on wpkginst.exe in %PROGRAMFILES%\wpkg - it will launch a 
setting window.

If not, how did you apply the settings (from settings.xml file)?

I do not apply them manually in any way. I have used .mst transform on the 
1.3.14 beta install to point SETTINGSFILE property in the .mst to the 
C:\system\wpkg\settings.xml. I do not know, where this setting is store at the client, i 
did not see it either in the registry in WPKG* keys, or in the server startup line 
(ImagePath C:\Program Files\wpkg\WPKGSrv.exe)

This file is pushed by another script from the network location to the clients. I 
always edit the file in the network location, by first importing it, changing 
values/properties, exporting it on top  overwriting in-place. The push-script 
works perfectly, the file gets copied everytime the client workstation reboots.

Sorry, can't help you here, I never transformed a msi file as it's just 
too complicated and unreliable (as we can see above).

The supported way to change settings is to:

- launch the wpkginst.exe, or,
- upgrade the MSI and point it to a settings file:

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] Firefox Proxy - unlocked

2010-03-02 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 02.03.2010 12:56, Christian Becker wrote:


I want to set the Proxy of Firefox. So I used the tutorial at Works fine, but these are only locked settings.
Is there a way to set Proxy - but unlocked - so that every user could
change it individually?

I think instead of lockPref you would have to use just pref.

But you may want to experiment a bit yourself.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] A few issue

2010-03-02 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 02.03.2010 13:54, Vasaris wrote:

I beg my pardon, but start it where/under what circumstances?

Double click on wpkginst.exe in %PROGRAMFILES%wpkg - it will launch a setting 

Do I have to do that on the client workstation, experiencing issues?

Well, yes.

Sorry, can't help you here, I never transformed a msi file as it's just too 
complicated and unreliable (as we can see above).

I beg my pardon, but did not transformed .msi file itself. I created .mst 
additional file, which is applied on top of the .msi package. I did it by the 
more precisely:

Looks like something didn't go well then.
Sorry, can't help you here.

The supported way to change settings is to:

- launch the wpkginst.exe, or,
- upgrade the MSI and point it to a settings file:

Does this mean, that all Group Policy/Active Directory deployment is not 
supported? I have made different impressions :-|

I wasn't aware that you can't set MSI parameters via Active Directory - 
they advertise it as it supports MSI packages, but it turns out it's not 
really full support.

Anyway - next version should look for the config file if it's not 
specified, which should solve your problems.

It should also finally upgrade successfully from 1.3.14 (as previous 
versions may cause problems in some circumstances and the upgrade will 
fail, as you described).

In addition - from where does Wpkg Windows service (as a client) know, where to 
look for settings.xml? Where is the value, passed by transform/command line is 
stored? Registry? File system?

It stores its settings in the registry, and most of them are kept in 
secure lockers in registry, so you won't be able to access them.

The service itself does not look for settings.xml file anywhere; it is 
applied by wpkginst.exe (either manually, or during the installation).

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] A few issue

2010-03-02 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 02.03.2010 15:13, Vasaris wrote:

Which one? 1.3.15? Maybe there is tracking/roadmap, therefore I could get 
notified, when it is out?

Subscribe to wpkg-announce list, you will be notified of any stable 

It should also finally upgrade successfully from 1.3.14 (as previous
versions may cause problems in some circumstances and the upgrade will
fail, as you described).

Do you mean, that 1.3.14 =  1.3.14+ upgrade will be fixed? Or from pre-1.3.14 
=  1.3.14?

1.3.14 = 1.3.14+.

pre-1.3.14 = 1.3.14 will still work in most cases, but you're not one 
of them.

Making pre-1.3.14 = 1.3.14 always work would need some substantial 
changes - if you're affected and want to sponsor the effect, let me know...

It stores its settings in the registry, and most of them are kept in
secure lockers in registry, so you won't be able to access them.

The service itself does not look for settings.xml file anywhere; it is
applied by wpkginst.exe (either manually, or during the installation).

I am sorry, but I do not understand that. What, does it means applied? Is is 
stored in wpkginst.exe itself, as compiled?

Imported into secure lockers in the registry.

Until now, I have thought, that settings.xml file is read everytime by WPKG 
service, when it runs.

No, it is not and never was.

And that it is specified in .mst transform, or in the command line, if the 
client .msi package is deployed manually. And this setting goes to the service 
startup parameters. May you clarify this for me?

I don't know what you did with the .mst transform, so I can't help you 
with this.

Certainly, the service does not read settings.xml file upon startup.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] A few issue

2010-03-02 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 02.03.2010 15:34, Vasaris wrote:

Making pre-1.3.14 =  1.3.14 always work would need some substantial
changes - if you're affected and want to sponsor the effect, let me know...

You mean, to test out? I would gladly help, because I am interested in support 
of AD/GP way of the WPKG service-client deployment.

Sponsor, like in $$$.
Or donate your time and write a fix yourself.

I am sorry, but I do not understand that. What, does it means applied? Is is 
stored in wpkginst.exe itself, as compiled?

Imported into secure lockers in the registry.

Yes, I have found that already with Registry Monitor. But I beg my pardon, how 
may I change these settings on clients, to which they there already deployed, 
for example if they fail to satisfy my deplyment config?

Until now, I have thought, that settings.xml file is read everytime by WPKG 
service, when it runs.

No, it is not and never was.

But how to change any of these settings AFTER the client was deployed? It makes no sense, 
if this one-way process. Does this mean, that I have logon, run wpkinst.exe, import 
settings from some network location, hit Save button manually just to update 
secure lockers of the service for the new settings?

You can do it manually, too.

But if you have more than one PC, you can do it using command line.

And that it is specified in .mst transform, or in the command line, if the 
client .msi package is deployed manually. And this setting goes to the service 
startup parameters. May you clarify this for me?

I don't know what you did with the .mst transform, so I can't help you with 

I have only added on property - SETTINGSFILE, pointing to the local location 
with settings.xml. I did not even think, that settings.xml is not read every 
time, when service runs.

So, deployment should succeed if the file was there _before_ installing 
WPKG Client.

Certainly, the service does not read settings.xml file upon startup.

I do not understand why :(. I know, that there might be password and username 
stored in settins.xml, which should be protected. But for exampe - if I would 
like to change execution from startup to shutdown, of change execution max. 
time-window, how would I do that?

You can do it as a WPKG package (execute=once).

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] A few issue

2010-03-02 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 02.03.2010 16:12, Vasaris wrote:

OK, I understand that. But what happens, if for example, I make config error on 
the first depplyment, and incorrect settings go into registry secure lockers. 
Then, for example, when WPKG service is run, it does not find wpkg.js, because 
I put the wrong path. Does that means, that the client is left in the 
unsupported state, until is logged on by admin and fixed bad config by hand? Or 
special script has to be made, to re-deploy on-top?

More or less (or use psexec, or winexe).
Same if i.e. you deploy a workstation, but it wasn't joined to a domain 
- you can't manage it with AD.

Or deploy a remote system, but leave remote access off. And so on.

In other words: do not make tests on real systems and make sure 
everything works before you deploy it.


I have only added on property - SETTINGSFILE, pointing to the local location 
with settings.xml. I did not even think, that settings.xml is not read every 
time, when service runs.

So, deployment should succeed if the file was there _before_ installing WPKG 

And if not? Beause I had scenario in the beginning, when I put wrong path to 
the wpkg.js.

Then you have a chicken and egg problem.
Even if WPKG Client would read the settings file each time - how would 
it access a password protected share if you made a typo in a password?

You can do it as a WPKG package (execute=once).

And if I change that to =always? Will it update every time?

Yep. Shouldn't do much harm.
But You would rather want once, and upgrade package revision if you 
made an upgrade.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] A few issue

2010-03-02 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 02.03.2010 16:47, Vasaris wrote:

put the wrong path. Does that means, that the client is left in the unsupported 
state, until is logged on by admin and fixed bad config by hand? Or special 
script has to be made, to re-deploy on-top?

So how do you join a workstation to a domain (say, it's computer 
password expired as it was off really long, you accidentally removed it 
from AD, and so on), without either logging into it or starting a script 
on it remotely?

This is the same situation here.


Perhaps it would be wise to make a change, if wpkginst.exe finds settings.xml in its local directory, it 
updates registry lockers with this info every time it finds this file. It then can leave or delete it. It 
would be very simple to push changes to the service in case of usual or emergency 
reconfiguration, and would escape unsupported state once and for all. I think, that to 
push such file is much more simple, thant to execute remotelly with psexec (which is known to 
have version incompatibilieties by itself also!).

Yep, could be useful indeed.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG client service script error on clean

2010-02-27 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 27.02.2010 09:41, Vasaris wrote:

You can also try - although there 
were almost no changes in machine account handling code.

I will do that for sure. I would like to clarify - do I have to make the 
trasform with the Properties table additional record, pointing to settings.xml 
file, or else .msi package install will fail?

I think instead of wasting time on creating a transform file (too bad AD 
does not let you specify MSI parameters) you can just run a AD script:

cscript \\path\to\wpkg.js /install:wpkg

Easy enough.

If it still doesn't work, please report it on
- I will be reminded to see what happens.

I am sorry, but I do not know what exactly to report. I think you all suppose, 
that the problem is in the autehtication code section, when using machine 
account. But from the error output, I am not so sure about that. I was educated 
to report only the exact information, which is manifesting the bug, without any 
hypotehsis of my own, in case if I am not developer intimate with the inner 
workings of the software. I think this would be wise.

That you use Windows 2000 (what service pack?), and using machine 
account does not let you use WPKG Client with AD.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG client service script error on clean

2010-02-27 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 27.02.2010 10:45, Rainer Meier wrote:


Andrew: I assume the client was joined to the domain?

Yes it is. It is Windows 2000 native domain.

Hmm, maybe this points us to the problem. As Tomasz said the machine account
authentication is not working well with Samba domain controllers. Samba is
emulating a Windows 2000 domain (no AD). Maybe machine authentication is only
working in AD domains.

Yep, that's a good trace worth to check.

Tomasz Chmielewski

wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG client service script error on clean

2010-02-27 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Vasaris wrote:

P.S. I cannot download beta from 
Server is malfunctioning - drops connections, does not send the whole file 
(only few tens of Kb).

You sure the problem is not on your end? It works fine for me from 
several IPs around the world.

Your symptoms are typical for IE, broken proxy and such.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG client service script error on clean

2010-02-27 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Vasaris wrote:


On 27.02.2010 09:41, Vasaris wrote:

You can also try - although there 
were almost no changes in machine account handling code.

Sorry, but the server is now experiencing some sort of problems. I cannot 
download beta-client, as the server drops connections right on the beggining of 
the download, or after some Kb are downloaded. And the download is extremly 
slow. I think you should check this out.

Again, works here - most likely a problem on your side.
But someone else could recommend if it works for them or not.

\  I will do that for sure. I would like to clarify - do I have to make the 
trasform with the Properties table additional record, pointing to settings.xml file, 
or else .msi package install will fail?

I think instead of wasting time on creating a transform file (too bad AD does 
not let you specify MSI parameters)


you can just run a AD script:

cscript \pathtowpkg.js /install:wpkg

Easy enough.

Sorry, but I do not know whats does this accomplishes? Installs the client? Or 
runs the WPKG normal cycle?

I would rather stick to MSI packages, as they allow seemless upgrade, when new 
version is out. If it is not possible, I think, that server-mode deployment is 
better then.

If you have wpkg package defined (including WPKG Client), it will 
install WPK Client.

As AD is not able to handle MSI parameters (although it is advertised 
that it handles MSI), or install exe and such, this was one of 
motivations to write WPKG.

From experience, you'll have to decide if you want to use AD to deploy 
packages or WPKG.
If you decide to use both, you'll likely to get confused one day, when 
WPKG will install some package, then AD will remove it, then WPKG will 
install it, and so on.

If you want seamless upgrades using MSI and parameters, Microsoft 
recommends you to migrate to SMS.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG client service script error on clean

2010-02-27 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Vasaris wrote:

Vasaris wrote:

P.S. I cannot download beta from 
Server is malfunctioning - drops connections, does not send the whole file 
(only few tens of Kb).
You sure the problem is not on your end? It works fine for me from 
several IPs around the world.

Your symptoms are typical for IE, broken proxy and such.

At least it is not final-mile problem. I have checked from two different 
providers in Lithuania, with the IE and FireFox, and wihtout proxy. Same 
result. That means, that country uplinks maybe bad. I will check again later. 
Two days ago, when WPKG was downloaded, it was fine.

BTW, what are the IPs that you used? Ill check server logs if it 
dislikes anything about these addresses.

Tomasz Chmielewski

wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG client service script error on clean

2010-02-27 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Vasaris wrote:

I would rather stick to MSI packages, as they allow seemless upgrade, when new 
version is out. If it is not possible, I think, that server-mode deployment is 
better then.

If you have wpkg package defined (including WPKG Client), it will install WPK 

OK. I understood. wpkg.js is capable to deploy WPKG client itself. But doesn't 
this implies, that in such configuration, one must have two different 
WPKG-server side folder trees with .xml config files, sub-folders and packages? 
This is because WPKG client must have different tree to pull deployment 
information. If only one tree will be used, both AD-executed wpkg.js and the 
WPKG client will deploy packages twice. Or if wpkg.xml local datastore escapes 
this situation, then only wpkg.js will do actual deployment, and when WPKG 
client is run, it will have no actual jobs to do. Is this right or not?

No, one folder is enough.
If WPKG Client is already installed, wpkg.js will just skip its 

\ As AD is not able to handle MSI parameters (although it is advertised 
that it handles MSI), or install exe and such, this was one of 
motivations to write WPKG.

Yes, it does not handle. On the other side, MSI often can be edited directly, 
or MST transform created to add those command line parameters. Not an intuitive 
way, but possible.

Perhaps we should make the installer so that it looks for settings.xml 
in the same directory where the msi package is located - if no arguments 
are given.

This should essentially solve the problem.


I do not think so :-) If there is MSI package, it will be deplyed by Active 
Directory software deployment, as it fast, convienient and most of the time 
works OK. In case there is no MSI package, WPKG is a way to go. I do believe, 
that in some cases MSI package will not deploy well through AD, so WPKG can 
help in this case also.

Yep, and this is when you'll like mix something up - especially if there 
are more admins in your environment.

Tomasz Chmielewski

wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG client service script error on clean

2010-02-27 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 27.02.2010 19:43, Vasaris wrote:

On 27.02.2010 14:14, Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:

No, one folder is enough.
If WPKG Client is already installed, wpkg.js will just skip its

Just as an additional clarification: Make sure WPKG client is assigned to each
profile - else WPKG will try to remove the WPKG client installation which was
run manually before.

The reason is that during manual /install:wpkg operation WPKG writes the wpkg
package to the local wpkg.xml file. If it's not part of the profile later on,
then WPKG will try to remove this package and execute its uninstall commands.
However if you do it right and just include wpkg in your profiles, then WPKG
will simply know that this package is already installed and will not re-install
it on first run via WPKG client.

Heh, now I have a joke. After unsuccessfull first deployment of 1.3.9 client, I 
have tried 1.3.14 beta (I finaly was able to download it via 3rd provider). It 
did not worked. Everything was failed here:

And now, back to the 1.3.9 client, suddenly it works OK. From my POV, I have 
changed nothing in config. I am happy, but at a loss. I do not know, if other 
clients will follow this good habit, I will have to check this out.

Could you do one more test? If you upgrade to 1.3.14, does it suddenly 
stop working?

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG client service script error on clean install

2010-02-26 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 26.02.2010 18:15, Rainer Meier wrote:


I see you're not using a path-user setting but instead the machine account. I
personally never tried it but remember that there were some discussions that in
certain cases it does not work properly. Tomasz can comment on this, he knows by
heart I think.

This should generally work, but I never really had the chance to test it 
personally, due to the lack of an AD controller here.

Well, I might get access to one, but so far, AD users here on the list 
reported that using machine accounts work for them (but not for Samba 

Andrew: I assume the client was joined to the domain?

You can also try - although 
there were almost no changes in machine account handling code.

If it still doesn't work, please report it on 
- I will be reminded to see what happens.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] Remove ShortCut on desktop

2010-02-18 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 18.02.2010 12:13, Hans-Werner Friedemann wrote:

Hi @ all
in which way I can perform removing a Program-Link (shortcut) from
allusers Desktop?
I know the CreateDesktopIcon.js as WPKG-Tool, but is it possible to
turn it´s function into the other way?

A shortcut is a normal file - you can remove it using del (i.e. in a 
batch script).

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] Adobe .msp

2010-02-18 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 18.02.2010 16:27, Landers, Paul wrote:

I wished to deploy the newest Adobe 9.3.1 security update via WPKG to existing 
installs of Reader 9.3.  I always test by first setting up the installer on my 
WPKG server and installing manually via Windows Explorer.  Unfortunately, in 
our domain environment it fails because (1) I would first have to add .msp to 
the list of low risk file types in group policy for all machines, and (2) the 
.msp cannot find the associated .msi.  The bottom line is that for this .msp to 
be installed, WPKG would have to first copy it to the local machine and run 
from there.  Is this possible, is it a planned feature, or is there some other 

cmd /C copy ...


Tomasz Chmielewski
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Re: [wpkg-users] Execute on logout

2010-02-16 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 16.02.2010 17:55, Landers, Paul wrote:

I have reconfigured my clients to execute upon logout rather than upon login.  
Although WPKG seems to function properly, it is not displaying the splash 
screen similar to when configured to execute upon login.  Is this expected 

Are you talking about WPKG Client here?

Note that it can execute upon system startup or shutdown (reboot), but 
not login or logout.

And even on shutdown, you should see the usual window.

What version of WPKG Client do you use?

Tomasz Chmielewski
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Re: [wpkg-users] /sendStatus command not working

2010-02-15 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 15.02.2010 18:43, Marco Gaiarin wrote:

Mandi! Tomasz Chmielewski
   In chel di` si favelave...

This one is technically newer:

and fixes one event falsely reported as Error (similar to what you see, 
but could be something else).

Can you try that and report if it behaves better for you?

Tomasz Chmielewski
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Re: [wpkg-users] /sendStatus command not working

2010-02-05 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 02/05/10 08:54, Peter Gough wrote:

I've tried updating my test clients to 1.3.9 but get an error messsage
relating to the WPKG service. I understand from previous correspondance
that there are known issues with this version on SP3 - hopefully these
will be ironed out at some stage in the future but I'm pretty happy for
the time being with what I've got working.

You may want to try:

Tomasz Chmielewski
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Re: [wpkg-users] Logon delay

2010-02-02 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 02.02.2010 21:40, Landers, Paul wrote:

The wiki says:

Next, you can change logon settings - it is possible to delay user logon when 
applications are installing.
Of course, if applications are installed faster than the delay we specified, the 
user is not unnecessarily delayed.

I have set a logon delay of 1 minute.  However, this delay exists on *every* 
restart.  According to the wiki, it should delay
only if there are packages to deploy.   Is this a bug or have I misunderstood 
the wiki.

The logon delay box could show up for up to about 20 secs when the 
system starts (and wpkg.js executes, reads XML files, does some checks 
and exits).

If you set the delay to, say, 20 minutes - will it be shown for the full 
20 minutes? If yes, it means you may have a package which waits for user 

Tomasz Chmielewski

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Re: [wpkg-users] Correct way to update WPKG client settings via package/profile

2010-02-02 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 03.02.2010 08:02, wrote:


which is the correct way to update WPKG client settings via

For example, I want to change the WPKG shared folder or the logon delay.

Where are the steps to do this?

Tomasz Chmielewski
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Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG Client 1.3.10 released (testing release)

2010-01-28 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Mike Burgener wrote:

This Version seems to work very fine for me, before I had to use 1.2.1 
as offline mode was broken in 1.3.6 but now on 1.3.11 it's all working 

Mike - what system do you use (2000, XP etc.)?

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
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Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG Client 1.3.10 released (testing release)

2010-01-27 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Gerd Ott wrote:

Tomasz Chmielewski schrieb:

Can you try:

(the previous one started the installation as SYSTEM, and not a running user, 
so it could be that it was not able to access settings.xml).

1.3.11 installs and works fine on  XP here.
The old Win2000-box still has the error:
Product: WPKG -- Error 1722. ... A program run as part of the setup did
not finish as expected  Action

Could you tell me:

1. What Windows 2000 is it exactly (SP4?)
2. What exactly happens as you double-click on the msi package?
3. What was the last version of WPKG Client which worked for you with 
settings in XML file?

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG Client 1.3.10 released (testing release)

2010-01-26 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski
Daniel Dehennin wrote:

 It's a fresh install, it was working for 1.3.9, but I never use it due
 to the offline crash problem.
 Just removing the “SETTINGSFILE=…” make it works

Can you try:

(the previous one started the installation as SYSTEM, and not a running user, 
so it could be that it was not able to access settings.xml).

BTW, I think your msiexec command line you used is invalid - there is no /i 

msiexec /qn /norestart WPKG32.msi ALLUSERS=1 SETTINGSFILE=%WPKG%\settings.xml

You should rather use:

SET WPKG=\\arti2013\test
msiexec /i WPKG32.msi /norestart ALLUSERS=1 SETTINGSFILE=%WPKG%\settings.xml 

settings.xml should exist and be accessible.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG Client 1.3.10 released (testing release)

2010-01-25 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Daniel Dehennin wrote:

Please test and report back any issues found/remaining.

The same installation command line use for 1.3.6 does not works here.

I can not install it with “--SETTINGSFILE” option.

I manage to install it without and then import the settings manually.

The installation proceed normally and does not crash with offline mode

I forgot the logs.

Could you also attach your settings.xml file?

Please also provide a full command line you are using.

I'd be glad to hear from other people if it fails for them in a similar 
way, or if it works fine.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

[wpkg-users] WPKG Client 1.3.10 released (testing release)

2010-01-24 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

WPKG Client 1.3.10 has been released.

This is *not* intended for production environments and is designed for
testing purposes only.

It is available for download at

This release should fix the following problems:

- crashing on XP SP3 with offline mode enabled,
- service removal problem, if the service is already started,
- WPKG Client fails to start wpkg.js on some hardware.

Other changes:

1. Improve pinging/detection of the server
2. Do not execute processes synchronously
3. Retry some actions if they failed (settable in GUI)
4. Increase pinging time

Please test and report back any issues found/remaining.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] Messages in English - how can I change this?

2010-01-17 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:


I've set up a WPKG-Installation last week... the most Problems I've got fixed 
by reading the FAQ and the Mailing list, but a few problems are still remaining 
- one of them:

I've configured the WPKG-Clients, that they will do the installation on 
computer-shutdown... I've included the German Messages in my config.xml, but the Messages 
are still displayed in english (like Please wait, don't restart or power off your 
computer...)... how can I fix it?

If you run the setup tool in %PROGRAMFILES%\wpkg\, what messages do you 
see there? The original ones, or the ones you configured?

Tomasz Chmielewski
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Re: [wpkg-users] Swift disable of WPKG-Service

2010-01-12 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski wrote: scritti il 08/01/2010 12.42.52

Can you try (no quotes around wpkgservice):

taskkill /F /IM wpkgsrv.exe
sc config wpkgservice start= disabled

I discovered that if you set WPKG Service to disabled, at next time WPKG
Client is launched indeed and pop ups the dialog box and remains for 20

You may want to set logon delay to 0.

Tomasz Chmielewski

wpkg-users mailing list archives
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Re: [wpkg-users] Swift disable of WPKG-Service

2010-01-08 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Ingemar Forsmark wrote:

The problem is that the command returns that the service does not exist

If however i do a (sc query wpkgservice) it will be found..


Odd… But it is maybe possible to do in some other way ?

The reason to my remove is that just that office is having extreme 
logintimes the day after we launched wpkg.. so it is a must to remove 
just to check if WPKG is the problem.

Can you try (no quotes around wpkgservice):

taskkill /F /IM wpkgsrv.exe
sc config wpkgservice start= disabled

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] Swift disable of WPKG-Service

2010-01-08 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Ingemar Forsmark wrote:

Now i´m getting somewhere.. But not really fast :-)

if i give the commands over psexec in hyena it kind of works
but not in my loginscript

logonscripts are usually executed with user permissions (so, not 
administrative permissions) - and normal, non-admin users can't change 
service settings.

Tomasz Chmielewski

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Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG with winexe (as an alternative to WPKG Client)

2009-12-22 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 22.12.2009 08:40, Falko Trojahn (SMI) wrote:

Hi Tomasz,

You can find more info and source code on:

that's a great thing - so I'll try that soon - thank you very much,
and keep up with your good work!

Feel free to comment, send corrections (as patches) etc.

Why do you use

taskkill /F /IM wpkgsrv.exe

and not net stop wpkgservice - wouldn't the taskkill stop Wpkg Client
in the middle of its operation?

Yes, it's a hard method and it could indeed kill WPKG Client while it 
does something.

However, net stop wpkgservice may not always work properly (or work 
very long), so as a one-off measure, it should do the trick.

sc config wpkgservice start= disabled

should disable WPKG Client service completely, so it wouldn't start 
after the next reboot.

And, it would be nice to have: INCLUDEIPS instead or in addition to

Feel free to send a patch ;)

Tomasz Chmielewski

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Re: [wpkg-users] wpkg1.3.9

2009-12-17 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

On 17.12.2009 17:19, Chad Homan wrote:

I am running wpkg 1.3.9 on an XP system.  The client does not
appear to be updating any software unless I restart the wpkg service.

No errors are showing in the event viewer

Any Ideas?

Here some more info:
 - my software and wpkg.js, packages.xml, etc are on an SMB off a
 - cscript wpkg.js /query:u shows two upgradeable packages
 - The wpkg client test config button reports one error, however
does not seem
   to stop wpkg from installing when a service restart is initiated.

If you have XP SP3, the service may be crashing for you:

Tomasz Chmielewski
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Re: [wpkg-users] jre silent install on seven

2009-12-16 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Am 16.12.2009 12:17, Fabrice Flore-Thebault wrote:

Hello to the list,

Well, it's my first post on the list, but i've already contributed a little bit
on the wiki (themroc).

Currently working on deployment in a mixed XP/Vista/Seven environment.

It raises new issues with 64bit OS...

I'm currently blocked on the JRE deployment : the command line is working when
run interactively, not when run by wpkg. I got a 1619 error.

Error 1619 means msiexec can't access the msi package:

There can be different reasons for this (insufficient permissions, wrong 
paths, typos etc.).

Check your server logs, if you're not sure.

Tomasz Chmielewski
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Re: [wpkg-users] Error-Message when shutting down my Workstation

2009-12-04 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Hans-Werner Friedemann wrote:

Hi @ all
I get an error-message when I shut down my Workstation.
The Error-Message come from wpkgsrv.exe and said: unknown software 
exception with Error-Code 0x40008015.

I´ve installed the WPKG-Client 1.3.9 (x86) with standard settings.
I use WPKG in touch with WPKGexpress but I don´t think there´s the Problem.

Is it XP SP3?

Something changed between SP2 and SP3 which breaks WPKG Client is some 

Tomasz Chmielewski
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Re: [wpkg-users] Error-Message when shutting down my Workstation

2009-12-04 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Hans-Werner Friedemann wrote:

Yes, it is SP3!
What can I do to make this Error-Massage disappear!?  

Disabling offline mode should make it go away.

Or, you can write a fix ;)

Tomasz Chmielewski
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Re: [wpkg-users] Offline mode crashes

2009-11-20 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

le dahut wrote:


After activating offline mode in WPKG client service, the service 
doesn't start anymore.

I use Windows XP SP2. This box is fresh installed with only WPKG client 
on it.

If I disable offline mode everything runs fine.

Any idea ?

Does it look like this one:

Is it really SP2, or SP3?

Tomasz Chmielewski
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Re: [wpkg-users] How to not show WPKGMessage?

2009-10-28 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:


Is it possible to not show the WPKG Message window?

Just disable the feature in WPKG Client?

Tomasz Chmielewski

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Re: [wpkg-users] How to not show WPKGMessage?

2009-10-28 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:

Tomasz Chmielewski scritti il 28/10/2009 10.18.42 wrote:


Is it possible to not show the WPKG Message window?

Just disable the feature in WPKG Client?

Which option? The WPG GUI Interface? It's already disabled...

What WPKG Message window are you referring to exactly?

The logon delay (i.e. user is not able to log in as the software 
installs, and sees a WPKG window)?

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
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Re: [wpkg-users] How to not show WPKGMessage?

2009-10-28 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:

Tomasz Chmielewski scritti il 28/10/2009 15.01.36

If you disable it, it shouldn't be shown.

Make sure you have the timeout set to 0.

If it doesn't work, then you hit some bug - please report it to bugzilla.

Err... you don't have understand me.

My timeout is set to 60, and I don't want touch it.

I simply want to not show that message box with the progress while WPKG is
installing, updating, removing or checking for updates.

So set that timeout to 0?

Tomasz Chmielewski
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wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG Windows message never closes

2009-10-22 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:


in my organization (200 wpkg clients) there was one case in which 2 pcs the
WPKG window message never closes. The only remedy is to force reboot the

I saw the Event viewer and there's not anything strange.

I use WPKG Client 1.3.6 on these clients and WPKG 1.1.1 on the server.

Is a known problem?

What timeout do you have set for this message?

Are you sure there is no installer running in the background (i.e. 
waiting until you click OK)? You could easily check it in the log 
produced by wpkg.js.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG Windows message never closes

2009-10-22 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:

Tomasz Chmielewski scritti il 22/10/2009 11.30.43

What timeout do you have set for this message?

The global timeout is set to 60 minutes. After more than eight hours this
timeout never occurred.

If the timeout is 60 minutes and the logon delay window does not 
disappear and does not let you log in, this is certainly something wrong.

You could try upgrading to WPKG Client 1.3.9 to see if it fixes your issue.

If not:
1) please see if there is anything related in the Windows Event Log
2) please report the bug to bugzilla

Are you sure there is no installer running in the background (i.e.
waiting until you click OK)?

No installing in progress. That's the standard dialog box checking for

You could easily check it in the log
produced by wpkg.js.

Where's that log?

See config.xml - this is where you specify the location of the logfile.

Tomasz Chmielewski
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Re: [wpkg-users] Accessing WPKG parameters

2009-10-20 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

simplesi wrote:

Is it possible to access the host/profile parameters that WPKG is applying on
each run.

e,g I'd like to know what host/profile WPKG is going to apply on next run
without having to do a /debug run and wade through all the information :)

Check the hostname, and then, check against the remote hosts.xml?

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
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Re: [wpkg-users] Translation

2009-10-16 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Hans-Werner Friedemann wrote:

Hi @ all
has someone intended to translate the WPKG-Website into other languages?

I think it will provide an opportunity to get many other WPKG-Users.
What´s your opinion about this issue?

There are some parts translated into other languages, i.e.:

If you would like to provide translations for other languages, feel free 
to do it - it's a wiki and anyone can contribute.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
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Re: [wpkg-users] First time installation of WPKG

2009-10-16 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

ycdwbycid wrote:

obviously pressed the 'Test Settings' button: 
Testing complete

2 - OK
0 - failed
6 - not tested
Action: Connecting to \\nas-svr\software\WPKG\wpkg.js as xxx
Result: [OK]
Action: Trying to read \\nas-svr\software\WPKG\wpkg.js

Result: [OK]

Please double check your credentials.
If you're already logged in as Administrator when doing these tests, you 
can access these paths already, so the test will always succeed.

The WPKG Service service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some
services stop automatically if they have no work to do, for example, the
Performance Logs ans Alerts service.

Any thoughts about what might be wrong ?

Please check the event log.

Tomasz Chmielewski
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wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG Client 1.3.9-x32 crash when service starting

2009-10-15 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Grey Karapetyan wrote:

Windows 2000 sp4, cscript 5.7


before update, WPKG Client 1.3.6 was work fine.
WPKG Client 1.3.9-x32 compatible with Windows 2000?

Technically, it should be compatible.

Please check the past two weeks on the list for possible workarounds.

Also, please add your bug report to (there is 
an existing report for that) - it will let me have a more clear picture 
of the issue.

Tomasz Chmielewski
wpkg-users mailing list archives
wpkg-users mailing list

Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG Client stable 1.3.9-x32 crash

2009-10-13 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Daniel Dehennin wrote:


I have a crash with WPKG client 1.3.9 on windows XP sp3 (up to date):
--8---cut here---start-8---
szAppName : WPKGSrv.exe szAppVer : szModName : WPKGSrv.exe
szModVer : offset : a704
--8---cut here---end---8---

The same configuration works with

Could you add that info to bugzilla?

Tomasz Chmielewski
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Re: [wpkg-users] strange windows appearing during install

2009-10-12 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Paul McGrath wrote:

  I have setup the server and clients with the two latest versions and now 
during software installation ghost installation windows are appearing, they are 
feint and don't have buttons or progress bars but appear when an app installs 
and disappears when they are finished.  I have not been able to determine yet 
which particular install wrappers are running at the time like installshield.
  Anyone experiencing this as well?

Can you provide a screenshot (or a photo with a digital capera)?

Tomasz Chmielewski
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Re: [wpkg-users] wiki broken for anyone else ?

2009-10-07 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Jacob Jarick wrote:

Broken in what sense? Works fine here.

Tomasz Chmielewski
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Re: [wpkg-users] wiki broken for anyone else ?

2009-10-07 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Jacob Jarick wrote:

error screen shot:
It trys to download the main page for me.

This could be a screw up in my companies proxy settings if it is not the


Or your Internet Explorer?

Tomasz Chmielewski

wpkg-users mailing list archives
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Re: [wpkg-users] wiki broken for anyone else ?

2009-10-07 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Jacob Jarick schrieb:

Its only recent though and I am not the only person with the issue.

Im assuming you do not have the issue ? 

I checked on three machines and the site opens just fine.

Tomasz Chmielewski

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