[WSG] IE: Suckerfish Popping "Under"

2005-07-20 Thread Nathan Rutman
I've been working on this thing and I'm kind of stumped.  I've tried 
Google to no avail.  Any help on any of these points would be appreciated

I'm using a Suckerfish-derived menu system for a new design, and I'm 
having the following problems in IE:

1) Menu's pop "under" all other content.  A z-index value fixed FF, but 
IE is still problematic.
2) Menu's pop "under" each other, so if accessibility causes the text 
size to increase in IE, the menu break a line.  The line break is fine, 
but the lower menu will always appear above the upper menu.
3) It appears that IE stops tracking mouse movement outside the 
containing div.  Get about two options down the menu and it will retract 

And, on a totally separate note:
4) What do you guys think of the two background images (play with the 
buttons).  I'd be interested to hear which you like more.  I'm at an 

Files are here:
Page: http://www.solvepoint.com/design/newEIQ/
CSS: http://www.solvepoint.com/design/newEIQ/css/eiq-screen.css
IE CSS: http://www.solvepoint.com/design/newEIQ/css/eiq-screen-ie.css
JS (simulating :hover in IE): 

Thanks a lot for any help you can provide,

*Nathan Rutman* ([EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
Corporate Communications Designer

*Solvepoint Corporation*
882 South Matlack Street, Suite 110
West Chester, PA 19382
800.388.1850 x1208
484.356.0990 (fax)
www.solvepoint.com <http://www.solvepoint.com>

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Re: [WSG] Longhorn & Avalon - seismic shift for web standards?

2005-07-15 Thread Nathan Rutman
Isn't it funny that we were having these kinds of discussions about 
Netscape in '96?  "Why design for anything other than Netscape?"  We are 
finally getting standards that aren't tied to a particular browser 
implementation/build and we have to ask ourselves whether we want to use 
them?  Give me a break...Coding for a particular browser is to doom the 
longevity of your design.  The web is constantly in flux.  Only 
third-party enforced specs will provide a reasonable foundation (enter W3C).


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Re: [WSG] HR - Presentation or Structure?

2005-07-12 Thread Nathan Rutman


I understand that HTML certainly can be interpreted on other mediums.  
You don't think it caters to one medium over another?


*Nathan Rutman* ([EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
Corporate Communications Designer

*Solvepoint Corporation*
882 South Matlack Street, Suite 110
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Re: [WSG] HR - Presentation or Structure?

2005-07-12 Thread Nathan Rutman
>> I may not be hip with the kind of basic design/marketing resources 
you frequent. I'd be particularly mindful of "marketing" resources, as 
they're clearly not an impartial or authoritive source of information on 
what the web was meant to be and what HTML should be used for...

You weren't following my reasoning.  I wasn't saying that the marketing 
sites are a source for what HTML should be used for.  I was claiming 
that I think they describe the interaction between presentation and 
content well - that there is a point where those layers cannot be 
separated and the presentation becomes part of the content.  This was in 
context to how X/HTML is different from the written form of a speech, in 
that hearing the presenter deliver the speech (i.e. the presentation) 
feeds into the content.

I'm just not sure that the delivery of information is as cut and dry as 
we're trying to make it...and if it's not that cut and dry, one has to 
ask whether the model implemented in X/HTML is truly universal.


*Nathan Rutman* ([EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
Corporate Communications Designer

*Solvepoint Corporation*
882 South Matlack Street, Suite 110
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Re: [WSG] HR - Presentation or Structure?

2005-07-12 Thread Nathan Rutman
We're starting to get pretty far out there.  We'll have to see if any of 
these hopes come to fruition (which is my response to PODcasting or 
Talkr - we'll see if it's a lasting impact or a passing fad).

>> Why would people with perfect vision, who have since early childhood 
relied on their capacity to see, be more likely to switch to an audio 
only browser?

Yeah, that's my point.  The web was built primarily to be seen and 
clicked on.  Can X/HTML be used for other things?  Sure.  Is it best 
suited towards other things?  I'm not so sure.  It seems to be rooted in 

>> How is a website different from the example above of notes to a speaker?

Because when you go to a speech or a public reading, you go to hear the 
delivery as well as the information delivered.  The most popular 
speeches that I'm aware of (I'm an American, so Dr. King's "I have a 
dream..." and Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address" come to mind) are popular 
not only for their content, but also for their delivery.  We see a 
similar thing on the web.  There comes a point where the line between 
content and presentation becomes blurred - they aren't always 
clear-cut.  Actually, any web design/marketing 101 resource will tell 
you that.  X/HTML seems better tailored to presenting the content 
visually than anything else.  Again, we'll see what the future gives us.

Thanks for the stimulating conversation.  I have enjoyed it.

*Nathan Rutman* ([EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
Corporate Communications Designer

*Solvepoint Corporation*
882 South Matlack Street, Suite 110
West Chester, PA 19382
800.388.1850 x1208
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www.solvepoint.com <http://www.solvepoint.com>

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Re: [WSG] HR - Presentation or Structure?

2005-07-12 Thread Nathan Rutman

Ok, real quick.  :-)

>>  and  aren't derivations of bold and italics but the 
otherway around...

Yes, my fault.  I should have been more careful.

>> In speech you do the same with intonation. If diferent people say 
the same thing in diferent languages or even in the same, it sounds 
diferent, but in means of structure you will still notice the emphasis, 
sometimes even without knowing the language.

In speech, I would say we do a similar thing...not the same.  There are 
rules for italics (refering to a particular thing, like a book or a 
word) that don't refer to any verbal usage.  You wouldn't want screen 
readers to put emphasis there (i.e. "Because it is a verb, /run/ has a 
past, present, and future tense.").  Yet we choose two elements, EM and 
STRONG that come from written forms instead of INF1 through INF5 for 
inflection values.  Sure we can mimic inflection for EM and STRONG, but 
that doesn't change their origin or primary intention.  I mean, think 
about it, we have whole tags devoted to tables and images - purely 
visual content.  What purely auditory elements do we have (auditory 
descriptors of visual data don't count)?


I'm not aware of all these differences...what's the difference between 
data and content?  Aren't they the same?  The closest thing I could find 
is the difference between data and information 
and if that's what you meant, I'd be interested to hear how you'd 
differenciate between the two in an X/HTML document.  I can't think of a 
difference, but that certainly doesn't mean that there isn't one.

Thanks for your thoughts!

*Nathan Rutman* ([EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
Corporate Communications Designer

*Solvepoint Corporation*
882 South Matlack Street, Suite 110
West Chester, PA 19382
800.388.1850 x1208
484.356.0990 (fax)
www.solvepoint.com <http://www.solvepoint.com>

Martin Heiden wrote:


Am Dienstag, 12. Juli 2005 um 14:04:09 haben Sie geschrieben:


Similarly, strong and emphasized elements are derivations of bold
and italicized type, respectively. If you think about listening to a
speech verses reading a speech, the oral form gives much less
meaning to these "structural" elements (sometimes no meaning at

I do not follow your argumentation.  and  aren't
derivations of bold and italics but the otherway around. bold and
italics are visual expressions of emphasis. In speech you do the same
with intonation. If diferent people say the same thing in diferent
languages or even in the same, it sounds diferent, but in means of
structure you will still notice the emphasis, sometimes even without
knowing the language.

If you separate structure and visual expression, you've got much more
chances to express exactly what you want. Yo can choose to express
 as orange text and  as red instead of just being bound to
italics and bold. And a screenreader can still distinguish between
normal and strong emphasis. Maybe someday you'll be able to instruct
even the screenreader how you want to express this structure in aural


I would lump X/HTML in with that group of "inherently visual
documents."  And someone will say, "But it's data recorded 
electronically, not printed on a page," to which I would reply, "Data is

data, whether stored in ink or in memory."  A hard drive can contain
00010111, but whose to say whether that's a character or part of an 
Elvis mp3?  The meaningfulness of data is largely in how it is 
interpreted, and the primary interpretation of X/HTML is visual.  Screen

readers can interpret websites orally just as audio books can interpret
books orally.  It doesn't change the idea that the primary intent was

different layers of the product that you see on your monitor or hear
from your speakers. If you mix the compontents you loose flexibilty.
If you store a book as DATA on a harddrive expressed as STRUCTUREd
CONTENT - maybe technical as xml (or xhtml) - you can transform the
same STRUCTURE with it's CONTENT to a visual representation (like a
webpage) or using a screenreader to aural media (voice/mp3). You only
have to change the VISUALIZATION.

And I think that's huge a benefit.

 and  are much more meaningful than  or  because
they don't loose their meaning when transformed to different media.


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Re: [WSG] HR - Presentation or Structure?

2005-07-12 Thread Nathan Rutman


Thanks for your ideas.  I'll be considering them more fully, but I did 
want to respond with some initial thoughts/feelings:

>> Actually, I always saw paragraphs as one single thought or topic. 
Once you go on to another thought, you're starting a new paragraph. Yes, 
the name derives from the printed world ("graph" is the clue here), but 
the more abstract concept is not bound to print or the visual world.

I agree in that paragraphs contain single thoughts/topics, but do you 
think of someone speaking "in paragraphs?"  I generally constrain that 
to written word, but perhaps that is not accurate.

>> But all of that is irrelevant, IMHO, because the markup 
unequivocally defines what is a paragraph, heading, etc. There's no 
inferring of structure as in listening/transcribing speech. The 
structure can be defined in the markup in a way that it can't be in 
print (where you have to usual visual representations) or speech (where 
you use pauses, inflections, etc).

Right (and, "sort of" - see below)!  I'm saying the structure itself is 
best-suited for (and derived from) a literary document, that in its very 
nature a visual context is assumed (reading/looking).  If this were not 
the case, we wouldn't have to go to extra lengths to make pages 
"accessible" for non-visual users.  The fact that we have to add 
parameters and extra data for non-visual users should show us that the 
underlying framework is tailored to visual users.  Tape a 30 second 
conversation between a husband and a wife, and there are no "headers" or 
"pages".  It's a different ball game.

>> How do you explain the fact that blind users can quite happily 
understand the structure of semantic XHTML documents? If it's so 
inherently visual, they should be at a complete loss. However, *because* 
the structure is agnostic in regards to how it's output (visually, 
aurally, whatever), that's not the case.

That's easy: they need a tool to take what a browser would give them and 
instead provide the information to them in a format more meaningful to 
them.  Unless you're willing to argue that a web browser is simply one 
of many tools (instead of the primary and intended tool) for viewing 
X/HTML information, this seems semi-obvious.  If the structure was truly 
agnostic and unbiased towards visual presentation, you'd have people 
with perfect vision who would rather browse the web with a screen 
reader.  The idea that screen readers are for people who have hindered 
vision seems to point to a bias towards the visual presentation of 
X/HTML if available.

Accessibility, in my understanding (and I freely admit this could be a 
flawed understanding) is all about providing access to people without 
the ability to use a full-blown GUI, point-and-click web interface 
(whether due to disabilities or equipment [PDAs]).  Note that W3C 
defines accessibility as meeting the needs of users who don't (negative) 
have something that the typical desktop user has: 
http://www.w3.org/TR/WAI-WEBCONTENT/#Introduction (AListApart says 
similar things: http://www.alistapart.com/articles/wiwa/).  
Accessibility doesn't seem to be about giving users a choice of 
interpretation as much as it is trying to give everyone the best 
usability experience possible - it doesn't say those experiences are 
equal or unbiased.

>> That's like saying "a speech, lecture or public reading has a 
primary visual intent".

Ahh, but that's different.  In those cases written language is serving 
the spoken, acting as notes.  That's why we practice speeches and public 
readings.  We want to communicate information that isn't in the written 
form via inflection, pause, and volume emphasis.

All I'm getting at is that we seem to have changed our thinking about a 
web that hasn't changed in nature, and it seems to be on the verge of 
counter-productive.  Sure, I want all people to be able to benefit from 
the sites I build, but the idea that X/HTML lends itself to auditory 
users as much as it lends itself to visual users I don't find very 

Let me know if you have any other thoughts!  I've got to get to work.  :-)

*Nathan Rutman* ([EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
Corporate Communications Designer

*Solvepoint Corporation*
882 South Matlack Street, Suite 110
West Chester, PA 19382
800.388.1850 x1208
484.356.0990 (fax)
www.solvepoint.com <http://www.solvepoint.com>

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Re: [WSG] HR - Presentation or Structure?

2005-07-12 Thread Nathan Rutman
>> Of course, one could argue that books, articles, any piece of print 
is inherently a visual document. Therefore it makes sense that it needs 
a visual hint to present structure. It's one of the only ways (combined 
with things like layout etc) that can infer some sort of hierarchy and 
structure to a document. Should this purely visual solution be applied 
on the web, where the markup itself can provide the structure?

Absolutely.  Many structural elements for the web have their origins in 
visual (i.e. written) communication.  Paragraph elements derive their 
existence chiefly from visual cues.  You can try to "speak" a paragraph 
structure by adding a pause or changing ideas, but a concrete paragraph 
can only be seen, not heard.  Similarly, strong and emphasized elements 
are derivations of bold and italicized type, respectively.  If you think 
about listening to a speech verses reading a speech, the oral form gives 
much less meaning to these "structural" elements (sometimes no meaning 
at all).

A linguistics professor of mine once noted that there are very distinct 
differences between written language and spoken language - they are not 
the same animal.  Three people could hear somebody speak a sentence, and 
come up with three different grammatically-correct representations of 
what they heard.  Conversely (and I think this is even more prevalent), 
three people can speak the exact same sentence with three different 
styles of annunciation, and all be true to grammar.  Yet in the same 
realm of language (oral to oral, written to written), the results would 
be much more accurate.

Sometimes it can seem like this separation of structure from 
presentation is an attempt to extract data from language (language being 
the expression of data).  If that's the case, we'll see how it goes, but 
I would think that the web (just like any other medium) has barriers and 
assumed guidelines.  If we strive for too much separation, we might 
start entering the realm of meaninglessness.

I would lump X/HTML in with that group of "inherently visual 
documents."  And someone will say, "But it's data recorded 
electronically, not printed on a page," to which I would reply, "Data is 
data, whether stored in ink or in memory."  A hard drive can contain 
00010111, but whose to say whether that's a character or part of an 
Elvis mp3?  The meaningfulness of data is largely in how it is 
interpreted, and the primary interpretation of X/HTML is visual.  Screen 
readers can interpret websites orally just as audio books can interpret 
books orally.  It doesn't change the idea that the primary intent was 

Anyway, that's what I think.  Hopefully I won't be accused of "bloviating".

P.S.  If XHTML 2.0 wants to replace HR with a more meaningful tag name, 
that's fine.  I'm just saying that I think we need the functionality of 
that kind of element.

*Nathan Rutman* ([EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
Corporate Communications Designer

*Solvepoint Corporation*
882 South Matlack Street, Suite 110
West Chester, PA 19382
800.388.1850 x1208
484.356.0990 (fax)
www.solvepoint.com <http://www.solvepoint.com>

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Re: [WSG] HR - Presentation or Structure?

2005-07-12 Thread Nathan Rutman
>> I believe it was renamed from  because (like ) it is not 
necessarily horizontal.

Oh, that's an interesting point.  I hadn't considered that implication.


*Nathan Rutman* ([EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
Corporate Communications Designer

*Solvepoint Corporation*
882 South Matlack Street, Suite 110
West Chester, PA 19382
800.388.1850 x1208
484.356.0990 (fax)
www.solvepoint.com <http://www.solvepoint.com>

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Re: [WSG] HR - Presentation or Structure?

2005-07-12 Thread Nathan Rutman

Can you 'xplain what that means? Maybe I missed your point. Seems like


"Bloviating," huh?  I learned a new word today.  :-)

My point is a simple one.  I mean that if we look outside of the web 
where horizontal rules are applied (which is probably the HR tag's 
origin), we see that they have relevance to content.  Therefore, if we 
want to easily portray that content (books, articles, journals, etc.) on 
the web, something like the HR tag is needed, otherwise we loose some 
document portability.

Let me know if I can clarify further,

*Nathan Rutman* ([EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
Corporate Communications Designer

*Solvepoint Corporation*
882 South Matlack Street, Suite 110
West Chester, PA 19382
800.388.1850 x1208
484.356.0990 (fax)
www.solvepoint.com <http://www.solvepoint.com>

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Re: [WSG] HR - Presentation or Structure?

2005-07-12 Thread Nathan Rutman
I think the presentation/structure dichotomy is a bit misleading...let's 
talk about presentation/content (the "structure" of a page makes me 
think of its presentation rather than the content that the presentation 
is presenting).

And I'll just throw this out there: Does anyone know how screen readers 
handle HR's?

The use I see for HR is not presentational, par se, but rather to 
separate large amounts of content and make it more readable.  It is the 
web's equivalent to a novel's line of asterisks, used to communicate a 
break in plot, location, or time, and is therefore part of the content 
just like paragraphs are.  A border fails to complete this purpose for 
two reasons:

(1) A border must be associated with a container element.  Thus, in 
order to logically break apart large parts of text, the text cannot be 
contained in the "same flow" within one container.  One might say that 
you could easily add a border and appropriate margin to even something 
as simple as a paragraph tag, but that ignores the use specified above.  
If I have a chapter or a report, the horizontal rule is a characteristic 
of that larger unit, not the last paragraph that occurs before the break.

(2) A border will vanish should the style/application change.  The 
reason I asked about screen readers is that an HR used correctly is part 
of the content.  It dictates how that content should be subdivided and 
interpreted.  Think of what horizontal rules accomplish in books, 
journals, magazines, and other text-oriented atmospheres.  Is it 
presentation?  Sure.  Just like paragraph breaks (or even commas and 
periods) are presentation - they provide a basic building block for 
readable content, and are so basic that they become a part of the 
content.  Deliver that content to a website, a publication, or an oral 
presentation, and in each circumstance the break should have an effect 
to that delivery, whether it's a visual line or a pause in delivery to 
communicate a division to listeners.

Now, having said this I realize that W3C does not agree in the strictest 

"The HR element causes a horizontal rule to be *rendered by visual* user 


However, I think if we look at the larger use of horizontal rules in 
other mediums, we'll see that there's still a place for them on the web, 
especially if we want a web that can store content from those other mediums.

What are your thoughts?  Did I convince you?  ;-)


*Nathan Rutman* ([EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
Corporate Communications Designer

*Solvepoint Corporation*
882 South Matlack Street, Suite 110
West Chester, PA 19382
800.388.1850 x1208
484.356.0990 (fax)
www.solvepoint.com <http://www.solvepoint.com>

Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:

Kenny Graham wrote:

Am I alone in feeling that  should be depreciated in favor of CSS
 borders? Especially with  in the XHTML 2.0 drafts, what 
semantic or even structural value does  have? Every argument for 
its retention that I've heard so far has been presentation related.

Well, I only use  for non-CSS browsers / software (hidden from
graphical browsers), so I find it to be a handy element for dividing
content at times. Adds a little structure...

Borders and other types of separators are fine, so those are preferred
for presentational use in graphical browsers.

If the future brings better solutions, then I'll probably use those
instead - once the browsers have caught up.


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Re: [WSG] sprites to the right of me

2005-07-11 Thread Nathan Rutman


Is text involved at all in this link?  If so, I would suggest using 100% 
and adding transparent pixels to the right of the image to "bump" it 
away from anything on that side.  Remember, text sizes can change with 
browser/user preferences, so if you assign a background to be 999px from 
the left, if the font is scaled it will overlay the background image.

Hope that helps,

*Nathan Rutman* ([EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
Corporate Communications Designer

*Solvepoint Corporation*
882 South Matlack Street, Suite 110
West Chester, PA 19382
800.388.1850 x1208
484.356.0990 (fax)
www.solvepoint.com <http://www.solvepoint.com>

Drake, Ted C. wrote:

Hi lea
Thanks, I hadn't tried the 100% before. I remember seeing it ages ago. It's
a large sprite and I like to leave plenty of white space between icons to
avoid a stray icon showing up where it shouldn't. Hopefully, I can mix 100%
with a pixel measurement to go down 999px. 


-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Lea de Groot
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 2:24 PM
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: Re: [WSG] sprites to the right of me

On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 14:11:39 -0700, Drake, Ted C.  wrote:

.spritely {background: url(bg-icons.png) no-repeat -35px -999px;
padding-left:65px; min-height:15px; }

However, we'd like this particular link to have the background image on


right side of the text.  As far as I know, the first number: -35, is for


left position. How would I say sit on the right side? If I pull the image
out of the sprite, I could say ... no-repeat right top;...

If you use padding-right you will leave a gap on the right hand side 
for the image to sit in.
If you use background-position of 100% (x-axis) it should push the 
image all the way to the right. ie rather than -35px -999px, use 100% 
(Not sure #2 is 100% correct as I am answering quickly, but it should 
give you a pointer on what to experiment with)

See: http://www.w3schools.com/css/pr_background-position.asp


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Re: [WSG] sprites to the right of me

2005-07-11 Thread Nathan Rutman

Don't use pixel values, use percentages or keywords:

.spritely {
   background: transparent url("bg-icons.png") no-repeat right center;
   padding-right: 65px;
   min-height: 15px;

Hope that helps,

*Nathan Rutman* ([EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
Corporate Communications Designer

*Solvepoint Corporation*
882 South Matlack Street, Suite 110
West Chester, PA 19382
800.388.1850 x1208
484.356.0990 (fax)
www.solvepoint.com <http://www.solvepoint.com>

Drake, Ted C. wrote:

Sometimes, it seems like I can practically code sprite background images in
my sleep. But I have a problem when I want to place a sprite-ed background
image to the right of an object.

For instance, this is the css to place an image to the left of a link's

.spritely {background: url(bg-icons.png) no-repeat -35px -999px;
padding-left:65px; min-height:15px; }

However, we'd like this particular link to have the background image on the
right side of the text.  As far as I know, the first number: -35, is for the
left position. How would I say sit on the right side? If I pull the image
out of the sprite, I could say ... no-repeat right top;...

At the same time, what if I wanted something to sit at the bottom of a div
or fieldset and it was in a sprite? Any suggestions?


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The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
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Re: [WSG] Getting in a muddle

2005-07-11 Thread Nathan Rutman
In that case, perhaps using an EM size would be more effective than a 
percentage.  It would still be resizable for accessibility, but it might 
not throw 5.5 for a loop...


*Nathan Rutman* ([EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
Corporate Communications Designer

*Solvepoint Corporation*
882 South Matlack Street, Suite 110
West Chester, PA 19382
800.388.1850 x1208
484.356.0990 (fax)
www.solvepoint.com <http://www.solvepoint.com>

designer wrote:

Well that certainly works Ingo - thank you!


Ingo Chao wrote:

designer schrieb:


and there you will see the effect working fine in IE6, FF1.0, Opera 
etc.  But IE5.5, although it gets the colour right, h6:first-letter 
doesn't pick up the increase in size for the first letter.

havent looked to deep in it, but

h6:first-letter {
 font-size: 436%; /* feeds IE55*/
 fo\nt-size: 218% /* the rest */;

seems to be a start. looks like as if 5.5 does not know
with respect to which size it should calculate, but you'll have to 
test it.


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[WSG] Element Jump (IE) and Full Width Problems

2005-07-08 Thread Nathan Rutman

Hey guys,

I'm trying to build a header for a new design.


The navigation is based on Suckerfish:

I'm experiencing two problems:
1) (IE ONLY) When the page loads, the menu items are in the upper-left 
corner of the screen until used the first time, then they jump into 
place.  I thought they needed "layout" and so assigned height attributes 
to all items involved.  Unfortunately that didn't work.
2) I can't seem to get #pageContainer to stretch to 100%.  I've assigned 
"min-height: 100%" to the html and body elements.  I don't know what 
else it will take.

3) Suckerfish floats all of its items to get the inline appearance.  
Currently I have to use non-floated content ("Other Content") to get 
FireFox to display the background image on the containing DIV.  Is there 
anyway to display a background image behind floated elements?

Thanks for any help,

*Nathan Rutman* ([EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
Corporate Communications Designer

*Solvepoint Corporation*
882 South Matlack Street, Suite 110
West Chester, PA 19382
800.388.1850 x1208
484.356.0990 (fax)
www.solvepoint.com <http://www.solvepoint.com>

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Re: [WSG] image height and width question which is better CSS or inline

2005-07-08 Thread Nathan Rutman

A few thoughts:

1) If you were to use CSS to specify size for the image, I don't think 
you'd want to use a class, unless it was one of many images that fits 
that style (i.e. a photo gallery thumbnail where 10-20 instances might 
appear on one page).  If you're just talking about one image, an ID 
would be more properly suited.

2) The goal of CSS is to separate content and the presentation of that 
content.  The benefit of CSS is that if you would update the image you 
could change one easy-to-find definition in the style sheet instead of 
hunting through HTML tag soup.

3) Unless you are resizing the image on the fly (the image is 300x200 
and you want to display it at 150x100 - not a best practice anyway), you 
lose nothing if you specify a style to a browser that can't interpret.  
The image will, by default, display at 100%.  The only reason I see for 
specifying height and width attributes in the IMG tag is if you are not 
displaying the image at 100% and are expecting hits from browsers that 
wouldn't recognize that basic style (Netscape 3?).

4) Specifying height and width on images by default was a trend made 
popular in the late 90's, where slow-to-render table-based layouts were 
used (which relied heavily on images "pushing" the cells around to the 
correct size/location) and everyone was using dialup access.  The 
problem was that the small placeholder used by the browser would shift 
content around when the image was loaded at its proper size.  With 
today's Internet, where a large client base is using broadband and 
developers are utilizing near-instantaneous CSS-positioned elements, 
there might not be much of a need to specify the image dimensions.  I'm 
not sure it's necessary in most cases.  No matter where you define the 
height/width, that is one more step you'd have to take if you ever 
updated the image in the future with one that isn't the same dimensions.

Hope that helps,

*Nathan Rutman* ([EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
Corporate Communications Designer

*Solvepoint Corporation*
882 South Matlack Street, Suite 110
West Chester, PA 19382
800.388.1850 x1208
484.356.0990 (fax)
www.solvepoint.com <http://www.solvepoint.com>

Bruce Gilbert wrote:

I have a question about which is the better way to approach adding a
height width to an image for accessibilty/standards.


and in the CSS have:


or is either one o.k?



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Re: [WSG] Siteproblem... IE off course

2005-07-08 Thread Nathan Rutman
What "big problems" are there in IE?  I'm looking at it in IE6 and the 
only difference I see from FF 1.04 is the box in the center labeled 
"Testartikkel" starts in green 1/2 down the box instead of the whole 
height (I'm an English-only speaker though, so I feel kinda lost when I 
look at the site anyway).  Are there other differences occurring?


*Nathan Rutman* ([EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
Corporate Communications Designer

*Solvepoint Corporation*
882 South Matlack Street, Suite 110
West Chester, PA 19382
800.388.1850 x1208
484.356.0990 (fax)
www.solvepoint.com <http://www.solvepoint.com>

Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:

Siteman DA - Bent Inge wrote:

Page: http://modulvegger.prosjektweb.net Sheet: 

Looks right in Firefox and Opera, but I've got big problems with the 
intended look in IE.

No surprise there... :-)

You'll have to play with the 'hasLayout' property and 3px margin-jog in

Something like:
.groenn {
background: #3c0 url(a000.gif) no-repeat 0 0;
_height: 0; /* hasLayout trigger */
_margin-right: -3px; /* corr jog */
_margin-left: -3px; /* corr jog */
...is the closest IE6 can get with that layout.

Similar solutions (hacks) may be needed elsewhere in that page, but I
don't have time to look further into it.


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Re: [WSG] Strange IE behavious that doesn't make sense

2005-07-07 Thread Nathan Rutman

Oh, that IS interesting!  And very helpful.  Thanks for sharing!


Ingo Chao wrote:

Nathan Rutman schrieb:

 >> Whenever a background is disappearing, try to give layout to the 
parent of the element via the Holly hack.

What does that mean?  You want to give a height:0 to the parent 
element?  I don't get it...

Holly Bergevin's hack is described in detail here:

The intention of this hack is not to give whatever height to the 
container, but to let the block gain "layout". "Layout" can only be 
described roughly as a IE-Win proprietary undocumented concept to 
establish a rectangular rendering entity that is responsible for 
drawing its own content.

Explorer's "dimensional" bugs are related to the presence or absence 
of "layout": http://www.positioniseverything.net/explorer.html

Note: I don't know if this hack fixes the bug in tee's page, it does 
on a local simplified copy, though.

You mentioned the dependence on some characters more or less, and I 
can confirm this. Sometimes these characters more or less shift the 
wrapping of the content just by some microns, i.e. lines do not end 
with italicised content, or the wrapping content next to a float 
leaves a single line blank near to the last "bottom line" of the 
float, and so on. Or a tight fitting of the related containers induces 
more problems like duplicated last characters.

Would be interesting to see your minimalized bug test page.

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Re: [WSG] Strange IE behavious that doesn't make sense

2005-07-06 Thread Nathan Rutman
>> Whenever a background is disappearing, try to give layout to the 
parent of the element via the Holly hack.

What does that mean?  You want to give a height:0 to the parent 
element?  I don't get it...


*Nathan Rutman* ([EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
Corporate Communications Designer

*Solvepoint Corporation*
882 South Matlack Street, Suite 110
West Chester, PA 19382
800.388.1850 x1208
484.356.0990 (fax)
www.solvepoint.com <http://www.solvepoint.com>

Ingo Chao wrote:

tee schrieb:

Here is the url:
Another page that is using the #preamble is 'Karate overview'.

There should have a fist image next to 'Dojo' and 'Karate overview', but
it's not there in PC IE 5.5/6.

Sense? We still speak of IE, don't we?

Whenever a background is disappearing, try to give layout to the 
parent of the element via the Holly hack.

/* \*/
* html #preamble,
* html #supportingText,
* html #explanation,
* html #furtherExplanation,
* html #schools {_height:0; }
/* */

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Re: [WSG] Accessible Flash?

2005-07-06 Thread Nathan Rutman


See question #6 on WSG's own "Ten Questions for Russ Weakley".  He 
addresses that very issue:


Hope that helps,

*Nathan Rutman* ([EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
Corporate Communications Designer

*Solvepoint Corporation*
882 South Matlack Street, Suite 110
West Chester, PA 19382
800.388.1850 x1208
484.356.0990 (fax)
www.solvepoint.com <http://www.solvepoint.com>

Rachel Radford wrote:

Hi I'm wondering if anyone is able to give me any pointers of creating an
accessible flash movie?

I have this site: http://www.thesurveycompany.com which I am aiming to
change to an accessible flash movie and insert in the page using flash
satay.  I've read articles on how to make the flash movie accessible
(http://www.macromedia.com/resources/accessibility/) and I would like to
have the buttons in the flash movie come into the tab-order.  I've tried
what it says in the article on that page, but it's not tabbing onto the

Has anyone done something similar before and able to give any pointers??

Is there anything else that should be considered when looking into making
flash accessible?



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Re: [WSG] Strange IE behavious that doesn't make sense

2005-07-06 Thread Nathan Rutman


I had a similar error when creating external link images utilizing a 
background image.  In my case, the background image being ignored was on 
a link that preceded a comma.  Once removing the comma the background 
image showed.  Now, that doesn't make any sense to me, but I would try 
changing your text to see if you can get the image to appear.  If so, 
then at least we know it's the same problem (meaning, it's not a 
solution, but it might help diagnose the problem).

Hope that helps,

*Nathan Rutman* ([EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
Corporate Communications Designer

*Solvepoint Corporation*
882 South Matlack Street, Suite 110
West Chester, PA 19382
800.388.1850 x1208
484.356.0990 (fax)
www.solvepoint.com <http://www.solvepoint.com>

tee wrote:

I have a group of h3 that shares the same background image.

#preamble h3, #supportingText h3, #explanation h3, #furtherExplanation h3,
#footnote h3 {
   font: normal 1.2em Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
   color: #573900;
   margin-left: 165px;
   padding: 35px 0 15px 40px;
   background: url(images/fist.jpg) no-repeat 0px 30px;

The #preamble h3 background image not showing up in PC IE but the rest of
the h3 are ok. This is all very strange, I can't find what I did wrong.

Here is the url:
Another page that is using the #preamble is 'Karate overview'.

There should have a fist image next to 'Dojo' and 'Karate overview', but
it's not there in PC IE 5.5/6.



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Re: [WSG] more definition list lovin' - the lh tag.

2005-07-06 Thread Nathan Rutman

Looks like
it's in the HTML 3.0 draft:

You're right - no mention of it in 4.01, although both IE and FF
support it.  I wonder why they got rid of it.


Nathan Rutman ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Corporate Communications Designer

Solvepoint Corporation
882 South Matlack Street, Suite 110
West Chester, PA 19382
800.388.1850 x1208
484.356.0990 (fax)

Joseph Lindsay wrote:

  Hi Ted, can you give me the URL where you found that?  As far as I can
tell from the HTML 4.01 DTD (i'm happy to me corrected) the 
element must contain 1 or mor  or elements, and can't contain
any other elements (although the  can have inline elements and
 can have block and inline elements).  I can't find any reference
to a  element in the current specs.

On 7/7/05, Drake, Ted C. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Just when I thought I couldn't love the definition list any more, I looked
at the w3.org definition of the definition list and came across this:

The opening list tag must be . It is followed by an optional list header
(caption) and then by term names () and definitions (). For

List Header
Term 1This is the definition of the first term.
Term 2This is the definition of the second term.

which could be rendered as:
List Header

Term 1
This is the definition of the first term.
Term 2
This is the definition of the second term.

Holey headers, batman! We can put a list header on our definition list?  How
cool is that?!?

Has anyone seen a site that uses this?

Andy Clarke uses the definition lists in forms,
. This would be a great way to markup a set of radio buttons and use the
header to define the group of buttons.

One of these days, I'm just gonna have to sit down and read the entire

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