Re: [wtp-dev] Fwd: [faces-dev] Eclipse IDE & Jakarta Faces ?

2024-01-08 Thread Mickael Istria via wtp-dev
FWIW, the absence of answer is most likely an answer: the WTP project is
currently receiving very low maintenance and there is nothing that hints
support for newer Jakarta versions is likely to be implemented. However,
just like any Eclipse project, it most likely welcomes new contributors to
provide further maintenance. If you're willing to contribute directly
support for newer Jakarta, please do so; if you prefer trying to "buy"
support (ie send cash to get it done), then please get in touch with the
Eclipse IDE Working Group which might be able to help with building an
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Re: [m2e-wtp-dev] m2e-wtp compatible with JDK 19?

2022-10-19 Thread Mickael Istria
> ·   Is this a JDK issue? Is m2e-wtp v1.5.x not compatible with java
> v19? If not with which JDK/JRE version is it compatible and what about its
> packaging in the latest Eclipse release where JustJ openjdk JRE 19 is the
> default JVM?

I don't know but...

> ·   Why is m2e-wtp still using v2.2.1 of maven-war-plugin as the
> latest version of this plugin seems to be v3.3.2. It seems to me m2e-wtp is
> using an outdated version of this plugin.

A contribution that updates m2e-wtp to use newer maven-war-plugin (and
maybe transitionally get rid of this issue) would be highly welcome as a
pull request.
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Re: [wtp-dev] git plugin UI within 'Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers'

2019-05-13 Thread Mickael Istria

Thanks for reaching out.
Please first make sure this issue still happen with latest release of the
IDE (2019-03), then if it does, please open a ticket to .
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[wtp-dev] Eclipse Wild Web Developer got debug support over DAP, and JSDT.

2018-12-20 Thread Mickael Istria
Hi all,

I'd like to share with you -who probably have interest in plain Web
(non-Java EE) development- that Eclipse Wild Web Developer recently reached major
* Update to newer Language Server which brings better quality for
JavaScript and TypeScript development
* Addition of a debugger that uses (embeds) the VSCode Node Debugger and
connects with it using the Debug Adapter Protocol. The Debug Adapter
Protocol already has decent support in LSP4E.
The quality is now good enough for most real-world use-cases. Some users
report some satisfaction, package has a good popularity on marketplace with
constantly growing #installs for the last 6 month now reaching ~2000
monthly install, some interesting bugs are reported. All the community
indicators are green.

For JS at least, this stack is much cheaper to maintain and brings a higher
quality than current (and foreseeable future) JSDT. Separating IDE and
Language Server/Debug Adapter/TextMate grammars... also allows to put the
work in places that guarantee a bigger opportunity for reuse.
It just seems like 1 hour of time spent on improving Wild Web Developer and
its stack is now more productive than a week of work on JSDT.

So, as stakeholder of this domain, unless you plan to keep relying on
WebTools for a reason or another, what would be interesting would be that
you start adopting Eclipse Wild Web Developer, use it, and contribute bug
reports and patches to it to ensure the quality matches the community

On a political part (I'm not very good at it, some maybe my bosses will
hate me for being so direct ;), on behalf of Red Hat developers involved in
those parts of WebTools, we'd like to clarify that we will probably soon
but progressively stop providing any form of support for JSDT (and maybe
HTML, CSS and JSON from WebTools) and will move our own portfolio and our
community effort only to Wild Web Developer when it comes to Web
development. We'll also try to move the "Eclipse IDE for JavaScript and Web
developers" package (~1 monthly downloads) to Wild Web Developer
instead of JSDT very soon, for 2019-03.

Cheers, and let's keep in touch on Eclipse Wild Web Developer issue tracker
Mickael Istria
Eclipse IDE <>
developer, for Red Hat Developers <>
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Re: [wtp-dev] JSDT in custom Eclipse RCP application

2018-03-20 Thread Mickael Istria
On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 3:54 PM, André Peixoto <> wrote:

> But I would like to have a starting point, as I am new in Eclipse RCP
> development.
> I want to start by opening a JavaScript file editor programmatically and I
> am looking into the API Reference
>  but
> I am not sure how can I achieve this...
> Could you give me some guidance?
> I already added the dependencies  *org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core *and
> *org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui* in my plugin.

This is something too long to be explained in emails. I suggest you go
through existing books or tutorials to first get you RCP (the .product)
properly including the bundles you need and see them working, then the
IDE.openEditor(...) or API from Eclipse Platform API
should provide what you want.
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Re: [wtp-dev] XML Language Server based on WTP?

2018-03-14 Thread Mickael Istria
I think it's a good idea.
That said, it's a big piece of work to make a LS on top of WTP. Moreoever,
this LS would be pretty huge (we're talking about probably a hundred MB to
bring WTP XML as a LS), so it may not easily fit in VSCode Marketplace.
JDT-LS had to workaround it with a relatively complex system that downloads
the RCP part at first startup, otherwise the VSCode marketplace wouldn't
allow the extension.
So before you get started with it, make sure that the effort is worth it.
It's up to you to figure out how much you're ready to invest in this LS to
ship it for VSCode.
About BlueSky, if we want XML in BlueSky, it seems infinitely simpler to
just embed WTP-XML than to create a language server on top of WTP-XML.
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Re: [wtp-dev] webtools.sourceediting fails to compile, but no recent changes in the repo :: HELP NEEDED

2018-01-22 Thread Mickael Istria
IIRC, HTMLPrinter is from Platform and recently moved away from
StringBuffer to StringBuilder. Code in WTP needs to be updated accordingly.
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Re: [wtp-dev] Linking content type to XML schema

2017-09-01 Thread Mickael Istria
On , the same
idea is proposed for content-types to JSon Schema association.
Would WTP accept addition of a dedicated plugin for such registry/ies?
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Re: [wtp-dev] Alternative to WTP editors with TM4E and LSP4E

2017-04-26 Thread Mickael Istria

On 04/26/2017 05:22 PM, Doug Schaefer wrote:

I would have thought someone would have made an LSP shim for tsserver by
now. As more IDE¹s adopt LSP, there should be enough demand for this. I
searched a little while ago and didn¹t find anything tho.
The language-server used by BlueSky (and Che IIRC) is . It's 
based on tsserver but adds some constraints that reduce the "power" of 
some features.
There is a thread about tsserver and LSP mentioning possible approaches, 
current state and so on: . However, at the 
moment, there seems to be no commitment from the tsserver developers to 
embrace the LSP officially.

But I'm confident it's only a matter of months before this changes, as 
LSP is getting more and more traction.

Mickael Istria
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Re: [wtp-dev] Alternative to WTP editors with TM4E and LSP4E

2017-04-26 Thread Mickael Istria

On 04/26/2017 03:11 PM, Carver, David wrote:

Okay, I would like to make sure that XML, XSD, and WSDL are at least 

They can be if you create a language server supporting those ;) As a 
benefit, it would make this easy to integrate in Che and VSCode as well. 

Also, from an Andmore perspective the current editors depend on WTP, 
so would need to know what would be required to adopt the new format 
if any decision in the future would deprecate the WTP SSE editors.

BlueSky actually contributes to the Generic Editor, which allows some 
extensions for content-assist, hover and others similar to the one SSE 
provides, except that they directly plug on the text layer, not the DOM 
one. You can already have a look at how to extend this generic editor to 
add the Andmore-specific features.

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Re: [wtp-dev] Alternative to WTP editors with TM4E and LSP4E

2017-04-26 Thread Mickael Istria

On 04/26/2017 02:41 PM, Carver, David wrote:
So this seems like it is relying on external connections and an 
external server for the LSP portion.  I'll admit I haven't been 
involved as much on the latest eclipse technologies as in the past, 
but there are still many times, when I don't have an active Internet 
connection, and would hope I wouldn't need one just to edit files.  If 
the server portion is residing locally, then I'm alright with it, but 
if whatever implementation relies on a remote connection to exist to 
work then.
Yes, it's running locally. In BlueSky, the servers are embedded in the 
bundles, they are started as regular processes and we connect with them 
via regular stdio stream. No Intenet in involved in this process.

I guess I'd like a list of what the target editors to be replaced are? 

BlueSky provides CSS, JSon, HTML (with embedded CSS and JS), JavaScript.
All of them could be target editors, but we can do stuff incrementally 
and start for example by replacing the JSon one, then the CSS one, and 
so on.

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[wtp-dev] Alternative to WTP editors with TM4E and LSP4E

2017-04-25 Thread Mickael Istria

Hi all,

I'd like to share with you some progress about the TM4E and LSP4E 
projects. Both projects are actually targeting to allow easy 
implementation of rich editors reusing external resources and to reduce 
and factorize maintenance effort.
As WTP editors have been in a bad shape (out-of-date, not comfortable, 
reviews pending for a while) for several years now, we've started to 
look at how TM4E and LSP4E, with the right language servers, can allow 
to have a better web development story in Eclipse IDE than what WTP is 
currently offering.

Here is the result:


It's relying on VSCode language servers for HTML, CSS, SCSS, SASS, LESS, 
JSON and on for JS 
and TS.
It took me about a couple of weeks to bind those with LSP4E and to work 
on the packaging part (which is actually the only necessary part when 
dealing with Language Servers). All the features are provided by the 
language servers and are presented in Eclipse IDE thanks to LSP4E.

Please have a look, give it a try and provide feedback. Contributions 
(bug reports, code, whatever) are entirely welcome at every layer of 
that work: on Platform UI, in LSP4E, in BlueSky integration, in language 
servers directly.

Now, let's just face *the* question: wouldn't it make more sense for our 
community, "products" and users, to start dropping the unmaintained-like 
WTP editors and to consider this alternative as an official replacement 
and to adopt the language server/generic editor approach which happens 
to work well?

Mickael Istria
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[wtp-dev] Dali patches

2017-03-31 Thread Mickael Istria


I've got a patch pending for Dali for a while:

Is there anything I can do to increase probability of getting it 
reviewed and merged before Oxygen release?

Thanks in advance
Mickael Istria
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Re: [wtp-dev] Adherance of NodeJS debugger and JSDT document model

2017-03-27 Thread Mickael Istria

On 03/26/2017 07:36 PM, Gorkem Ercan wrote:

@mickael how does setting breakpoints work on the Generic editor?
Not tested so far. The debugging story is not covered as part of 
Oxygen.0, however this question about debugging with the Node.js 
debugger is exactly meant to find a starting point to guide us in 
covering the debugging stories decently.
I need to have a deeper look, but I hope a lot of things can come for 
free and could be adopted without change in the generic editor -so they 
could be used already-, although I'm pretty sure some things will need 
to be changed. If not breaking, those could be considered for Oxygen.1.

I'll keep you in touch of my progress, when there's some to report ;)

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[wtp-dev] Adherance of NodeJS debugger and JSDT document model

2017-03-23 Thread Mickael Istria

Hi all,

As I'm working on TextMate and Language Server, I have the impression 
that using TestMate grammars and a JavaScript language server such as 
the one embedded in VSCode can lead to very good results in term of JS 
edition. This combo could do most of the work, and the internal JSDT 
model would still be useful for advanced operations not covered by the 
VSCode Language Server for JS.
However, I'm wondering how much the Node/JS debuggers in Eclipse IDE do 
rely on the JSDT internal model for JS files. Do they integrate with the 
AST/DOM, or do they remain at text level (so they could easily be used 
together with a totally different editor)?

Thanks in advance for your insights!
Mickael Istria
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Re: [wtp-dev] Missing Eclipse IDE for JEE package for developers

2017-01-11 Thread Mickael Istria

On 01/11/2017 10:56 AM, Patrik Suzzi wrote:

/Dear all,/

/Hi Patrik,/

I realized there is not anymore the *Eclipse IDE for Java EE* 
developers package, in the EPP Download Page for Developers.
The *IDE for JEE* package is still available in the standard Eclipse 
EPP download page
Is there a specific reason for that, or we need to report the bug?
I believe this is so because the JEE package Oxygen M4 didn't receive 
the +1 from its maintainers. This should rather be discussed on the 
epp-dev mailing-list where this is taken care of.

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Re: [wtp-dev] JavaScript in Eclipse Neon

2016-11-09 Thread Mickael Istria
I believe you'd have to write (and contribute ;) ) an integration of JS 
with Java Development Tools. Or to find someone else to do it for you, 
but it's usually more difficult or more expensive...
If you think about completion, this can easily be achieved by leveraging 
the extension point of the Eclipse JavaScript editor. For example, you 
can add completion logic into the JavaScript editor by adding an 
extension to org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui.javaCompletionProposalComputer 
extension point (provided by bundle org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui)

Mickael Istria
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Re: [wtp-dev] Initial development setup - p3

2016-09-22 Thread Mickael Istria

On 09/22/2016 12:25 AM, Daniel Kasmeroglu wrote:

2. Compiler Errors/Warnings

After the import of the projects there were plenty of errors. For 
instance: The plugin 'org.eclipse.jst.common.frameworks' has several 
unused imports which are currently configured as compiler errors (f.e. 
IJavaProjectLite). Why aren't these imports removed? I mean all those 
things that Eclipse detects automatically could be fixed very easily.
Is there any rationale behind this? And if not are there any 
objections when I would make the changes accordingly (of course only 
these automatically detected issues).

I imagine that this can be legacy code that no-one took time to clean up.
3. Are there any plans to switch to a completely maven based build, so 
we could drop these eclipse configuration files?

Which Eclipse configuration files? There are many of them!
What would be the value of dropping the Eclipse configuration files?
The build is already fully maven-based, it's using Tycho. If you want to 
be more Maven-centric, it's doable, but make sure you have the 
m2eclipse-tycho connector installed.
4.  Are there any plans to make an upgrade to Java 8? Where are 
potential obstacles if there are known ones?

As far as I know, no plan, no obstacle.
The only reason would be that this task doesn't get high priority and 
that the amount of contributors to WTP is a too low to consider doing 
"gardening" on the code. But feel free to contribute PRs for that, I 
believe they'd be welcome.

Mickael Istria
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Re: [wtp-dev] Initial development setup - p2

2016-09-21 Thread Mickael Istria

On 09/20/2016 11:14 PM, Daniel Kasmeroglu wrote:
First of all: thanks for the feedback. I promise that I will document 
my steps for an initial setup but I can't do that within the Eclipse 
Wiki as it's simply awful.

Well, it's not more awful than Wikipedia ;)
More seriously, if you have some documentation, it's really the best 
place to put it as it's where the "official" documentation is supposed 
to be and where it's supposed to be maintained. Despite every issue you 
can have with the wiki engine, it's really what matters.
What's confusing to me is the fact that the pom refers to 
3.6.0-SNAPSHOT even though I'm using the tag R3_7_0 for my branch.
It's . WTP isn't 
really a state-of-art project when it comes to versioning parent pom at 
the moment.
Why is that and where can I get access to the wtp-parent? I couldn't 
find a project named 'wtp-parent' within the Gerrit listing.
It's in the webtools.releng.aggregator repository:

2. The plugins are obviously maven based so I'm wondering why the 
eclipse project files such as .project/.classpath etc are versioned? 
Importing them into my workspace causes a lot of them to be changed 
which is kind of problematic.
The build is Maven based, and you could you Maven (with the Tycho 
connector) in your IDE, but the usual way of developing them is to 
ignore the pom.xml in IDE and import them as existing Eclipse projects 
(not Maven based).

3. Using 4.6-jee as the target platform and after importing all 
webtools.javaee plugins I still got some errors. For instance: The 
R3_7_0 version of org.eclipse.wst.web.ui refers to 
org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui [1.0.0, 2.0.0) which isn't present. Are there 
any scripts/magic that need to be executed to make this project ad-hoc 

No script should be required.
The R3_7_0 is the previous version, which was shipped with Eclipse 4.5 
(Mars). Either you want to work with this R3_7_0 and you should use a 
4.5 JEE target-platform, or you work with R3_8_0 (or R3_8_maintenance 
branch - or even master) and the 4.6 JEE target-platform is good.

Mickael Istria
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Re: [wtp-dev] Server and JEE bugs need some love <3

2016-09-20 Thread Mickael Istria

Hi Rob,

On 09/20/2016 01:02 AM, Robert Stryker wrote:
We have a good 8 issues open with gerrit changesets set for review and 
merging. It'd be great if we can get some eyeballs on them again.
If there is not enough workforce to review patches, maybe it would make 
sense to have you a committer on WTP.

One complicating detail though is the wst.common stuff doesn't seem to 
be in gerrit?
There is bug , but 
nothing has happened so far. Can a project lead start the process? It's 
only a matter of opening a bug to admins to request it, with PL approval.

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Re: [wtp-dev] Initial development setup

2016-09-20 Thread Mickael Istria

On 09/20/2016 12:23 AM, Daniel Kasmeroglu wrote:

Hi there,

I intend to work on some issues that I need to get fixed. 
Unfortunately I'm a bit confused about the WTP project overall.

First of all I wasn't able to figure out the actual starting point 
within the web (I mean a landing page providing links for all 
necessary infos). I consider to be the most recent 
and valid location but it wasn't really helpful for me.

What I did so far:

* I've checked out the GIT repo
* I attempted to build it using Maven but it showed me the following 
error message:

Caused by: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.ProvisionException: No 
repository found at

* I couldn't find this platform neither through a browser nor through 
the Eclipse updating mechanism.
This URL has disappeared a while ago. However, the wtp-parent pom was 
updated since then to use another URL for platform.
Please make sure you're using the latest version of parent pom by adding 
the "-U" flag to the Maven command.
So a full command to build the webtools.javaee component would be `mvn 
clean verify -U -Pbuild-individual-bundles`.

What I'm hoping for:
* Is there some sort of documentation available which exercises 
point-by-point each step to setup an environment? 
AFAIK, the main documentation page is , however, I cannot find a 
welcoming page for new contributors...
What would be great would be that you start one, and ask here whenever 
there's something blocking you.

Mickael Istria
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[wtp-dev] Clarify when JSDT completion is supposed to work

2016-09-12 Thread Mickael Istria

Hi all,

As I'm testing the Neon.1 RC3 JavaScript package, I tried a few more 
scenarios than the usual (too) basic ones I'm doing. I got confused 
about JSDT's completion.

In which cases is this supposed to work, in which cases not?
I have found multiple places where we could expect some completion from 
JSDT and didn't manage to get anything. I didn't find a pattern that 
makes it return nothing. Can someone please clarify that? Is there a 
bugzilla already tracking such discussion?

Thanks in advance.

Mickael Istria
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Re: [wtp-dev] Bad experience with Neon and JavaScript

2016-07-07 Thread Mickael Istria

On 07/07/2016 02:59 PM, Arián Fornaris Fernández wrote:
I see lot of buzz around a JavaScript update in Eclipse Neon but 
honestly, I don't see a real change :(

In general, it was a frustrating experience :( I had lot of 
expectation for this release, but what I see are regressions or a work 
in progress.

The changes are highly visible if you use node.js, npm, bower, debug...
However, it's true that the pure edition part now misses some important 
features that were previously available.

- I saw somewhere there is a new JSON editor (but I did not find a 
wizard to create a JSON file). I had to create it via New File wizard.
How is it important to have a dedicated wizard for such a trivial task? 
If the wizard does nothing more than creating a file, what's wrong with 
the new file wizard?
I know there are other options like those based on (that 
works much better) but yet I prefer to keep on the standard tooling.
JSDT 2.0 + is currently the best combo for JS dev in Eclipse 
IDE. And I believe it's what most JSDT contributors would recommend at 
the moment. Hopefully, just JSDT should do the work in a near future.

Mickael Istria
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Re: [wtp-dev] Marketplace entries for WTP use-cases?

2016-06-23 Thread Mickael Istria
This is currently tracked on . Nitin took 
ownership of it.

Mickael Istria
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Re: [wtp-dev] JSDT Web site

2016-06-22 Thread Mickael Istria

On 06/22/2016 12:11 PM, Kaloyan Raev wrote:


Perhaps, it would be best to just redirect that page to the PMI Who page.

+1 to rely on PMI for everything it does better, that's less things to 

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <>
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[wtp-dev] Marketplace entries for WTP use-cases?

2016-06-22 Thread Mickael Istria

Hi all,

With the arrival of editor discovery on marketplace, it's very likely 
that Marketplace via editor discovery will become one of the main way 
for users to install plugins. In order to make WTP features more 
"discoverable" to users, it would be nice to have marketplace entries 
for those.

Namely, I believe there could be multiple entries:
* Eclipse WebTools for XML (tagged with fileExtension_xml, 
fileExtension_xsd ...)
* Eclipse WebTools for HTML (tagge with fileExtension_html, 
fileExtension_xhtml, fileExtension_css...)

* Eclipse WebTools for JSON (tagged wil fileExtension_json)
* Eclipse WebTools for JavaScript (tagged with fileExtension_js)
* Eclipse WebTools for Java EE (tagged with fileExtension_jsf, 

Who should be in charge of creating those? If you think it's not a 
problem, I'd be fine with doing this, but I'll need a couple of names as 
backup to react to administration requests when I'm not available.

Mickael Istria
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Re: [wtp-dev] Local Terminal Interpreter with "cd" and "npm"

2016-06-20 Thread Mickael Istria

On 06/17/2016 03:55 PM, Angelo zerr wrote:
 * "cd" command: when terminal executes "cd" command, the Project 
Explorer select the well folder.
I do not think that all people will enjoy seeing this selection changed 
without them being aware of it. So if you're going to contributor, it 
most likely requires a way to switch it on/off from Terminal.
Note that rather than listening to the "cd" command, just listening to 
the current path of the terminal on each command may be more generic 
(supports pushd or other commands changing directories but not being cd)
 * "npm install" command: when terminal executes "npm install acorn", 
it refresh the parent folder where npm was executed and select the 
node_modules folder.

Refreshing when we know something changed is a good thing.
I have same concerns as above about immediately changing selection.
I have posted my suggestion for Terminal project at but none answer 
(I'm afraid that the project is not very active).

I'll post my comments there.

Mickael Istria
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Re: [wtp-dev] [epp-dev] Neon RC4 packages

2016-06-14 Thread Mickael Istria
The final RC for Neon is available for testing. Please make sure it 
works as expected before making it the official Neon release.
I'll run my usual scenarios for JS, but any additional review is highly 

On 06/14/2016 11:43 AM, Markus Knauer wrote:

Hi Package Maintainers,

I'm positive that we've got the final build for Neon (RC4).

Here are the details for testing:

The p2 repositories for update tests (please note that upgrading from 
Eclipse Mars does not work and is disabled, but updates from the last 
milestones are supposed to work): and

If we get a +1 from all package maintainers, this RC4 is the final 
build and will be released as Neon Release. Please test thoroughly and 
send us your vote as soon as possible, preferably until Wednesday 

I have on open issue on my list: The update of the N links in the files with the final release URLs. If you already know 
which URLs will be the final one, just send me the changes and I will 
make sure the files get updated.

Thanks and regards,

Mickael Istria
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Re: [wtp-dev] [epp-dev] Neon RC2 packages

2016-05-31 Thread Mickael Istria

On 05/31/2016 10:28 AM, Mickael Istria wrote:

On 05/31/2016 10:21 AM, Angelo zerr wrote:

Ideally, I would like to see a generic language editor that can host 
any language and integrate to these services.
Even more ideally, it would be the default Eclipse text editor that 
would support some extensions providing coloration, completion, 
navigation (Ctrl+Click/F3).
Validation and quickfix can already be added by builders and markers, 
and are hooked at the resource level, so there is nothing more to do.

Once such extension points exist, could be used to 
hook services to the default Text Editor. However, it still makes 
sense to already try to integrate it right now in JSDT editor so 1. 
value is still delivered while Text Editor doesn't yet support such 
extensions and 2. the code written will probably be easy to reuse later.
Note that most of those extension points do already exist in SSE and 
derived editors, so a possibility is to 1st evaluate the possibility to 
get SSE editor to work without being subclassed but still consuming 
The feature still make more sense in Platform Text though, as we cannot 
safely assume that users are going to open some default SSE editor for 
unknown files. Also, the SSE editor has some additional complexity 
(partitions), that are probably too fine grained for generic extensions 
in Platform Text. Such support for partition would rather be 
"blackboxed" by the extensions that need it rather than exposed in 
default text editor.

Mickael Istria
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Re: [wtp-dev] [epp-dev] Neon RC2 packages

2016-05-31 Thread Mickael Istria

On 05/31/2016 10:21 AM, Angelo zerr wrote:

Ideally, I would like to see a generic language editor that can host 
any language and integrate to these services.
Even more ideally, it would be the default Eclipse text editor that 
would support some extensions providing coloration, completion, 
navigation (Ctrl+Click/F3).
Validation and quickfix can already be added by builders and markers, 
and are hooked at the resource level, so there is nothing more to do.

Once such extension points exist, could be used to hook 
services to the default Text Editor. However, it still makes sense to 
already try to integrate it right now in JSDT editor so 1. value is 
still delivered while Text Editor doesn't yet support such extensions 
and 2. the code written will probably be easy to reuse later.

Mickael Istria
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Re: [wtp-dev] Fwd: [epp-dev] Neon RC2 packages

2016-05-30 Thread Mickael Istria

Thanks for the info Eugene.
About IP and license, would it be possible for JSDT to embed such a TS 
server to generate an AST-ish that we could use for such 
navigation/refactoring operations?
Looking at the current state of JSDT, it seems like most features 
depending on AST are broken. So there are 2 ways to go AFAIK: dropping 
the legacy AST and using another model (such as the TS one) directly, or 
having the parsers populating an AST. I feel like the first one is more 
sustainable and requires more effort.

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Re: [wtp-dev] Fwd: [epp-dev] Neon RC2 packages

2016-05-28 Thread Mickael Istria

On 05/27/2016 10:25 PM, Victor V. Rubezhny wrote:

On 05/27/2016 02:26 PM, Mickael Istria wrote:

On 05/27/2016 12:52 PM, Victor V. Rubezhny wrote:
Perhaps we have to file a bug against these messages to bugzilla - 
removing/hiding these messages will not solve the main problem - but 
if reported we could have a reminder of what we have to improve in 

Ok, thanks for the info.
Let's just not waste resources in avoiding this message, and focus on 
having those navigation features working instead. Do you think it 
would be achievable for Neon.1?
All these features require the creation of a model and type inference. 
So, it's still a question if we can use TypeScript services or 
something other for that.
Inference engines such as tern most likely build such a model (AFAIK 
they need to know declaration to infer the type) that could be used to 
reimplement the navigation features.

Could it work ?

Mickael Istria
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Re: [wtp-dev] Fwd: [epp-dev] Neon RC2 packages

2016-05-27 Thread Mickael Istria

On 05/27/2016 12:52 PM, Victor V. Rubezhny wrote:
Perhaps we have to file a bug against these messages to bugzilla - 
removing/hiding these messages will not solve the main problem - but 
if reported we could have a reminder of what we have to improve in Neon+1.

Ok, thanks for the info.
Let's just not waste resources in avoiding this message, and focus on 
having those navigation features working instead. Do you think it would 
be achievable for Neon.1?

Mickael Istria
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Re: [wtp-dev] Fwd: [epp-dev] Neon RC2 packages

2016-05-27 Thread Mickael Istria

On 05/27/2016 12:33 PM, Ilya Buziuk wrote:

Mickael, thanks for reporting. I will take a look

Thank you.
Another question: are navigation commands such as F3/Go to Declaration 
supposed to work? Whenever I try F3, I get a message in the status bar 
"Current text selection does not resolve to JavaScript element". I'm not 
sure if this is a bug, or just a missing feature to expect for next 

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Re: [wtp-dev] Fwd: [epp-dev] Neon RC2 packages

2016-05-27 Thread Mickael Istria
I found an important issue with the JavaScript package:
Despite not being too annoying at usage, it gives a bad impression to 
users and may pollute the error reporting results.

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[wtp-dev] Fwd: [epp-dev] Neon RC2 packages

2016-05-27 Thread Mickael Istria


If some of you want to check the JavaScript or the Java EE package, feel 
I'll do a very simple review for the JavaScript package but since I 
didn't follow closely last changes, I may miss a few things. So any help 
is welcome!


 Forwarded Message 
Subject:[epp-dev] Neon RC2 packages
Date:   Fri, 27 May 2016 08:48:47 +0200
From:   Markus Knauer 
Reply-To:   Eclipse Packaging Project 
To: EPP Developer Mailing List 

Hi Package Maintainers,

our Neon RC2 packages are available for testing from

For update tests you'll need the following p2 URLs: and

Thanks for testing and for voting!


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[wtp-dev] additional features in Neon.1?

2016-05-19 Thread Mickael Istria

Hi all,

As I was going through the answers of 
, I noticed that an important topic to improve in Eclipse IDE is the 
HTML editor. It's good and works well, but it seems missing some sugar 
that would make users more productive with it. Mostly navigation and 
completion with CSS.
The HTML editor is extensible enough to easily provide such completion 
as extensions, without changing existing code. Actually, Angelo already 
implemented most of this features in , but I think we 
need them directly in WTP.
The question is: *can we consider those additions for Neon.1?* As they 
won't break nor produce any API and are only feature additions, it seems 
that it could fit in the scope of a .1 release.
If so, I will investigate whether we can migrate some parts of the 
wtp-webresources project (Angelo is totally ok with that, despite he 
probably won't be able to do it so it would be done by some other WTP 
contributor). However, before I start evaluation and maybe even planning 
this effort, I need to know how soon it can be delivered to end-users in 
best case. Neon.1 is the answer I'm hoping for ;)

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Re: [wtp-dev] SWTBot and/or RCPTT for WTP testing

2016-04-15 Thread Mickael Istria

On 04/15/2016 04:31 PM, Carl Anderson wrote:

I see the Gerrit change, but... is there a bug associated with it?

Some other projects I work on don't enforce a 1-1 mapping 
between a Bug and a Gerrit review, so they allow such "dissociated" 
Gerrit review.
But as you requested it, here is a bug:

We're in the middle of a smoke test for an integration driver declare, 
so I won't commit it until after that. Hopefully I will have time to 
look into/commit this change early next week. (If I haven't commented 
or committed by EOD Tuesday, remind me.)

Ok, thanks!
Mickael Istria
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Re: [wtp-dev] SWTBot and/or RCPTT for WTP testing

2016-04-15 Thread Mickael Istria
And there is the proposed change to add SWTBot:
A recommendation for SWTBot: SWTBot tests require UI but mustn't run in 
the UI Thread. This is a bit different from usual UI Tests that do need 
to run in the UI Thread. So this will require a different setting in 
pom.xml to run those tests. Then, the simplest is to not mix execution 
of UI-Thread and SWTBot tests, by *creating test bundles dedicated to 
SWTBot tests*, and to tweak their pom.xml as described in

Mickael Istria
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Re: [wtp-dev] SWTBot and/or RCPTT for WTP testing

2016-04-15 Thread Mickael Istria

On 04/15/2016 03:29 PM, Carl Anderson wrote:


"As far as I can see, it seems like the wtp releng aggregator repo 
isn't using Gerrit. Can you please enable it? It will make much easier 
to contribute."

You opened 
"Enable Gerrit for webtools.releng repositories", which was done on 
Oct. 15, 2015. As such, webtools.releng.aggregator is using Gerrit. 
(Almost all WTP repositories are using Gerrit now- the last ones will 
be converted soon.)


I forgot about it and had a (wrong) look at the project list on 
Gerrit... I've checked again more carefully and could finally see this 
. Sorry about it, and thank you for the reminder!

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Re: [wtp-dev] SWTBot and/or RCPTT for WTP testing

2016-04-15 Thread Mickael Istria

On 04/14/2016 08:30 PM, Carl Anderson wrote:

I do not have any first-hand experience with SWTBot. Are there other 
teams at Eclipse that are already using SWTBot for testing?

EGit and CDT are the 2 main users of SWTBot at There's also 
been the question about whether Platform could adopt it (question is 
still pending). It's also used by *a lot* of external projects 
(including JBoss Tools).

My biggest concern since we moved to CBI has been the fact that we 
have not yet got our JUnit tests running again as part of the main 
release build. I would consider getting those running again a much 
higher priority than getting SWTBot (or any new tests) into the main 
release build.

FYI, JSDT tests do run with CBI, on the Gerrit and CI builds.

However, I am more than willing to review patches and do whatever can 
be done to get the SWTBot tests running in any project's build, with 
the expectation that those will also run correctly in the main release 
build, once the JUnit issues are fixed.
And, WTP Releng is always welcome to contributions from "future 
committers" - if anyone would like to work towards becoming a WTP 
Releng committer, we could certainly use the help.

As far as I can see, it seems like the wtp releng aggregator repo isn't 
using Gerrit. Can you please enable it? It will make much easier to 

Mickael Istria
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Re: [wtp-dev] About parsing and conversion times

2016-04-07 Thread Mickael Istria

On 04/07/2016 07:38 PM, Gorkem Ercan wrote:
Possible but I think it is a good idea to keep parser model and DOM 
model separate so that we still have options.

+a lot.
IMO, this is an important thing for JSDT sustainability to have its 
"business" DOM to implements features such as navigation, refactorings, 
debug linking on top of any parser.
Currently, Closure compiler seems by far the best, but will it last 
forever, will is support EcmaScript 2018, is it going to remain 
supported fully as OSS...? A critical piece such as the parser needs to 
be relatively easy to change without breaking any additional 
functionality. So the DOM still makes sense.

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[wtp-dev] Yaml editor proposal for WTP SSE

2016-04-05 Thread Mickael Istria

Hi all,

The author of YEdit (popular Yaml editor on marketplace, working fine 
enough, included in Enide, Spring Tool Suite and JBoss Tools) would like 
to contribute the Yaml editor to WTP SSE. If you're interested, please 
follow and provide 
help to the contributor.

Mickael Istria
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[wtp-dev] Simple Web facet without WebContent programatically

2016-03-31 Thread Mickael Istria

Hi all,

In the context of , 
I'm looking for a way to create a simple web project (like the new 
Static Web Project wizard does), but without the WebContent directory 
that seems useless for plain HTML/JS projects (none of JS Web example 
project I saw have such folder). Can someone advise a way to use the 
project root as "web content"?
Sorry if this question is trivial, I'm a complete n00b when it comes to 
project facets.

Thanks in advance.
Mickael Istria
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[wtp-dev] JS EPP package missing Run actions

2016-03-29 Thread Mickael Istria

Hi all,

So there we are, there is now an EPP package for JavaScript and Web 
developer. That's a good thing!
The main issue I noticed in this package is the lack of "Run actions" 
for JavaScript in general. For example, right-click on a package.json or 
a Grunt doesn't even show a Run As menu. Can someone please have a look 
and suggest which features could be missing, and even contribute the 
patch to org.eclipse.epp.packages ;) ?

Mickael Istria
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Re: [wtp-dev] My POC with texmate (for syntax coloration) and Eclipse Text Editor

2016-03-25 Thread Mickael Istria

On 03/25/2016 12:01 PM, Angelo zerr wrote:
But to be honnest with you, I would like to know before if there are 
really people who could be interested with this project (and help me 
for contribution). I'm very busy with, so I have a 
little time.
I cannot promise anything, but I may help on this topic. Moreover, the 
fact that it becomes maintained at would make it possible 
for Eclipse projects (existing and coming) to rely on this. Having more 
adopters will for sure bring more contributors.
I even believe that having this available may boost the community who 
will be more easily able to support new languages.
More I have done a lot of copied/pasted from vscode-textmate that I 
have updated to have Java syntax. VSCode is MIT, I don't know what I 
must set as header in my Java files.

We'll figure that out when you're ready to move to e4.ui.

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Re: [wtp-dev] My POC with texmate (for syntax coloration) and Eclipse Text Editor

2016-03-25 Thread Mickael Istria

Hey Angelo,

On 03/25/2016 11:27 AM, Angelo zerr wrote:
IMHO, I think Eclipse text editor should provide TextMate support for 
syntax coloration, because it exists a lot and lot of textmate grammar.
That seems quite interesting, and goes beyong WTP. It can be a pretty 
good way to set up decent editors for any language.
Would you be interested in contributing it to the org.eclipse.e4.ui 
repository. I believe you're already a committer there, and it would be 
mostly a matter of checking some IP consistency. I believe that making 
it available somewhere at Eclipse could really boost the adoption of 
that tool.
Then, when this code reaches a good maturity, we may be able to consider 
it as a "standalone" project, or even to include it in 
Platform Text.

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[wtp-dev] A first look at the JavaScript EPP package

2016-03-23 Thread Mickael Istria

Hi all,

, you can already give a try to the EPP JavaScript package that we'd 
like to introduce with M6.
Please comment about missing/useless content and other concerns on:

Mickael Istria
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[wtp-dev] Important contribution in JSDT for M6

2016-03-21 Thread Mickael Istria

Hi all,

As part of improving the import story, I would love to see some projects 
such as JSDT already providing support for importer in M6. So can you 
please consider to merge before M6 
build is triggered?

Thanks in advance
Mickael Istria
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[wtp-dev] Is it ok for next JSDT to depend on Platform 4.6?

2016-03-19 Thread Mickael Istria

Hi all,

I'd like to contribute the official integation of the smart importer 
into the main JSDT UI bundle, since the API is part of 
org.eclipse.ui.ide 3.12 that is part of Platform 4.6.
Is it OK to have such dependency to bleeding edge Platform in next JSDT, 
or do you want to keep backward compatibility so I should rather make it 
an optional bundle?

Thanks in advance,
Mickael Istria
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Re: [wtp-dev] new parser@master

2016-03-19 Thread Mickael Istria
There seems to be a lot of test failures recently:

Does your parser change requests some possible build changes?

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Re: [wtp-dev] new parser@master

2016-03-19 Thread Mickael Istria

On 03/18/2016 09:51 AM, Victor V. Rubezhny wrote:

I'd suggest to disable JUnit tests until they are fixed.
I'd suggest the contrary since disabled tests tend to be forgotten and 
never be re-enabled, and Making sure there is no regression and keeping 
test green is actually a very important part of such a refactoring, 
those tests should remain failing in a visible way until things work.

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Re: [wtp-dev] new parser@master

2016-03-18 Thread Mickael Istria

On 03/18/2016 10:22 AM, Victor V. Rubezhny wrote:
Sure, yes we'd like to keep JUnit tests running in order to always 
know their status, but currently it seems like site is not produced 
because of thise failures.
Ok, I've changed the job config to have tests running and reporting 
issue, but not blocking build. That introduced the Yellow Ball on 
Hudson: .

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Re: [wtp-dev] JSDT Parser

2016-03-14 Thread Mickael Istria

On 03/14/2016 05:11 PM, Doug Schaefer wrote:

BTW, Sublime is Eclipse's biggest competitor in the web space from 
what I see. An Orion integration with Sublime raises the bar even higher.
IMO, it's not the main one to consider: with Atom and VSCode, a lot of 
users are moving from Sublime to one of those 2 *free* editors. I 
wouldn't consider Sublime as something very sustainable nowadays, and if 
one wants hype for the next year, I wouldn't recommend to run on Sublime.

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Re: [wtp-dev] Broken Gerrit validation for webtools/job/sourceediting-gerrit/?

2016-03-07 Thread Mickael Istria
We need a new I-Build to complete in order to be able to reference new 
JSDT bundles. Last one is 4 days old, and is failing since then because 
some bundles seem to be missing:

Is someone taking care of it?

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[wtp-dev] Web & JavaScript usability issues

2016-03-07 Thread Mickael Istria

Hi all,

As I'm working on the JavaScript package, I notice several usability 
issue that make Eclipse IDE not very welcoming for JavaScript 
developers. IMO, those are very important issue that need to be 
addressed ASAP with improvements shipped in Neon if we want the Eclipse 
IDE to remain relevant in this brave new world.

Here are someexample: and

Please comment on the bugs ASAP!

Mickael Istria
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[wtp-dev] Reminder: subscribe to JSDT bugzilla notifications

2016-03-07 Thread Mickael Istria

Hi all,

It seems to me that the number of people receiving Bugzilla 
notifications for JSDT is lower than the number of people who are 
actively contributing to it. I guess some simply forgot to subscribe to 
Bugzilla notifications for JSDT. Here is an "how-to" reminder:

* Go to
* Add to the watch list, at the end of the page.

Mickael Istria
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[wtp-dev] A dedicated market place entry for JSon feature?

2016-03-03 Thread Mickael Istria

Hi all,

As I'm working on , 
which is most likely to highly rely on marketplace, I have the feeling 
that the JSON feature should have a dedicated entry on marketplace.
What do you think? If you agree can someone there create such entry? And 
as a bonus, can they add the 'fileExtension_json' tag to this entry so 
it can be discovered for JSon file?

Mickael Istria
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[wtp-dev] An EPP package for JS and Web

2016-03-01 Thread Mickael Istria

Hi all,

The number of pure front-end developers, doing only JS and Web without 
Java, is getting higher and higher. Other IDE provider have created IDE 
dedicated to those "persona" of front-end developers. I think that now 
JSDT is in a better shape, we should consider making Eclipse IDE more 
explicitly target those developers, by creating a dedicated EPP package 
for Front-End development.

Creating an EPP package isn't a difficult task, I would be glad to help 
on this topic. The main commitment with EPP packages is that someone(s) 
should take care of testing the milestone/release candidates and approve 
them promptly after they're built. Approving a package is mostly a 
matter of running some minimal usage scenario (that we could even automate).

Please share your thought (including +1!) there: . If we manage to 
get a consensus soon enough, we could imagine such a package for M6...

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Re: [wtp-dev] Wish to contribute with WTP Web Resources

2016-02-22 Thread Mickael Istria
This is a very nice feature, and I can imagine how much web developers 
using Eclipse IDE would love it.

On 02/16/2016 07:16 AM, Kaloyan Raev wrote:

Perhaps, we could have it in the WTP Incubator for Neon and then start 
shipping it as part of the main WTP with Oxygen M1.

+1 for incubating it ASAP, have the incubator build creating an 
individual p2 repo, and make a 0.1 release, that anyone could consume it 

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Re: [wtp-dev] What about adding a WTP channel in Mattermost ?

2016-01-26 Thread Mickael Istria

On 01/25/2016 11:50 PM, Doug Schaefer wrote:

Haven't seen much suck with our test Mattermost server.

Does Mattermot allow anonymous access without registration?
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Re: [wtp-dev] What about adding a WTP channel in Mattermost ?

2016-01-25 Thread Mickael Istria

On 01/25/2016 06:05 PM, Patrik Suzzi wrote:

Hi All,

The Eclipse folks are running a Mattermost instance since a couple of weeks.

Mattermost is like IRC, but pretty, intuitive with more functionalities,
like persist messages, bots to integrate bugzilla, forums, etc.

I really think it can boost productivity!

Many Eclipse projects already have a dedicated channel in Mattermost,
and I think it'll be a good idea to create a WTP channel too

What do you think ?
I believe multiplying the community on multiple channels (IRC vs 
Mattermot) is actually a communication and productivity anti-pattern, 
and divides the community instead of aggregating it.
I'm trying to reduce the amount of IRC-like technologies I use because 
following conversations and topics become a nightmare. So I'll remain on 
good old IRC if you need me.

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Re: [wtp-dev] JSDT Meeting notes 20160119

2016-01-25 Thread Mickael Istria

On 01/24/2016 05:25 PM, Gorkem Ercan wrote:

Notes from the last meeting are now online.
Sorry it was delayed a bit because I was out sick for a couple of days.

Thanks again for everyone attending, and contributing.

So many good things happening in JSDT. Thanks for that!
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Re: [wtp-dev] What about dark theme for CSS, HTML, JS editors?

2016-01-21 Thread Mickael Istria

On 01/21/2016 08:26 AM, Angelo zerr wrote:

>...on a Bugzilla.

Yes sure, but can I create one gerrit path for JSDT Editor? My idea is 
to create a gerrit patch per editor (JS, HTML, CSS).

I believe 1 patch/review by Git repository is what's best.

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Re: [wtp-dev] Question about the planned JavaScript Debugger.

2016-01-18 Thread Mickael Istria

On 01/18/2016 08:31 PM, Piotr Tomiak wrote:
I've looked into the renamed API and in current shape switching to it 
does not give us any benefits. We have modified some parts heavily and 
others were just stripped away. We might reconsider that in the future 
depending on which direction JSDT ChDT development takes.
You could also contribute directly to JSDT and its future to have it 
going in the direction that fits your needs as well ;)

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Re: [wtp-dev] Question about the planned JavaScript Debugger.

2016-01-14 Thread Mickael Istria

On 01/14/2016 07:56 PM, Denis Golovin wrote:
Right now debugger features are available from hudson workspace 
Be aware it can be wiped out when new build is started. Select 
features shown below and continue with installation.
You can also use , 
which is the same content, also wiped out between build.
It's just a bit faster and with this URL we can take advantage of the 
various tools of such as download stats.

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Re: [wtp-dev] Question about the planned JavaScript Debugger.

2016-01-09 Thread Mickael Istria

On 01/08/2016 07:11 PM, Angelo zerr wrote:

your debugger.

It's everybody's debugger ;)

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Re: [wtp-dev] Questions about JSDT development

2015-12-23 Thread Mickael Istria

On 12/23/2015 04:40 AM, Philip Lowman wrote:



I've developed a couple of fixes for the javascript debugger

Thanks and welcome!

1. If I need to be concerned with the following build error for the 
org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.doc plugin[1] which I get after following the 
directions at the URL below.  The error message sounds like I should 
be compiling with the Java EE SDK. Should I be compiling with the Java 
EE SDK or is it acceptable to just disable this plugin and develop 
with the Java SE SDK? means "OSGi Execution Environment", which is configured per 
bundle in the Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment directlve in the 
MANIFEST.MF. It's not related to Java EE.
Those errors seem to highlight that you're using Java 7, whereas most 
recent Eclipse bundles require Java 8. So I believe you should simply 
install Java 8 and make sure you have it well configured for the build 
to use it. "mvn --help" can be used to tell you which version of Java 
your build is using.

2. Directions on how to contribute fixes.  What is the preferred 
process for JSDT?  Is it to sign the agreement referenced on this page 
and just attach patches to Bugzilla (filing bugs when necessary)?
The most efficient and recommended workflow is to push your patches via 

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Re: [wtp-dev] Wish to contribute to WTP Incubator

2015-12-09 Thread Mickael Istria
I revived the discussion with .

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Re: [wtp-dev] JSON Editor contribution is approved

2015-11-24 Thread Mickael Istria

Good news.
Here are my 2 cents.

On 11/25/2015 12:31 AM, Victor V. Rubezhny wrote:
During few discussions that took place during last few weeks we're all 
agreed to put this contribution into WTP SSE repository (correct me if 
I'm wrong), so given the fact of moving the repository into Gerrit and 
merging the webtools.sourceediting.tests repository into it, I have 
the following questions:

- Should we wait for the finish of Gerrit adoption process or we can 
attach the final patch for the issue (bug #471820) before we proceed 
with actual code pushing? And how the adoption goes for 
webtools.sourceediting? (IMHO, it's better to propose a change in 
Gerrit instead of just a text patch attachment for the contribution...)
- Should we wait for the webtools.sourceediting.tests to be finally 
merged into webtools.sourceediting repository? (As far as I 
understood, not only the tests are to be merged, but the overall maven 
project is to be fixed during the merge, so we have to use the latest 
projects configuration for the contribution.)
I would say that we already waited too much. There are already 2 things 
we're waiting on for this repository (Gerrit, merge), let's avoid adding 
one more.
If you want a review mechanism, you can consider turning the 
contribution into a commit on a branch at GitHub and review/amed the 
commit there until it's ready to get merged.

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[wtp-dev] Moving SSE to Gerrit

2015-11-05 Thread Mickael Istria

Hi all,

While there seems to be a boost in wish to contribute to SSE nowadays, 
we (aka Red Hat crew) believe that it is important to migrate 
sourceediting to Gerrit ASAP to welcome all the potential contributors, 
and set up a nice infrastructure (with automated tests on review before 
merge) for the project.
I opened bug to 
explain what would be required and what would happen once the migration 
is complete. Please add comment to this bug if you find confusing or 
erroneous statements in it, or if you have any question.
As soon as there is agreement from project lead to move to Gerrit, we'll 
assign this ticket to Eclipse infrastructure crew so they'll be able to 
apply it.

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Re: [wtp-dev] JSDT meeting agenda 20151103

2015-11-04 Thread Mickael Istria

On 11/04/2015 10:28 AM, Angelo zerr wrote:

Hi Gorkem,

Here some information I would like to tell you:

 * JavaScript Debugger. It should be very cool if someone could 
implement a debuger for to debug ternjs like Webclipse and 
Nodeclipse have done 
This feature is soon finished and it gives you the capability to debug 
ternjs en your custom tern plugin with Eclipse IDE. You select the 
debugger you wish with a NodeJS preferences, you set a 
breakpoint in the tern.js file (ex: where completion is executed). You 
open a JS editor and you do Ctrl+Space and debugger stops to the 
breakpoint. So now it's very easy to debug ternjs with Eclipse IDE.
I believe the purpose is first to create a regular JS debugger for 
regular JS development. The use case you mention (debugging ternjs which 
is used by the IDE or debugging of ternjs extensions) is a corner-case 
that is not the main target of this development.
That said, when we've managed to get a generic JS debugger working, then 
we could either tweak to start nodejs/tern as a debugged 
JavaScript process using the Debug Configuration (so Webclipse and 
Nodeclipse should provide extension for JSDT's Debug Configuration 
directly), or we could wrap the Debug Configuration as an extension of The 1st approach is by far my favourite as it is a better 
factorization of debug effort.

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Re: [wtp-dev] WTP - how to contribute.

2015-11-03 Thread Mickael Istria


WebTools is a bunch of subprojects. The first step is to identify which 
subproject you're specifically targeting.
Here there are currently 2 cases, since WebTools is migrating to Gerrit: 
either the project already has Gerrit enabled (list if ), and it's 
the regular Gerrit workflow, or Gerrit is not yet enabled and it's the 
old "attach a patch to bugzilla" workflow. If you're planning on doing 
several changes on a specific project that doesn't have Gerrit enabled, 
please ask on this same mailing-list to get the project Gerrit-ified 
soon, this will probably give it some boost in priority.

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Re: [wtp-dev] Customizing XML Editor Outline view

2015-10-26 Thread Mickael Istria

On 10/21/2015 10:25 AM, Kev James wrote:

I'm extending the StructuredTextEditor to provide custom functionality 
for a particular set of XML documents my company's product creates. 
I've started to extend XMLContentOutlineConfiguration to provide a 
custom outline for these documents, and I'd like to change the icons 
that pop up next to each element.
I would recommend you, and I would recommend anyone interested in 
contributing that to WTP as well, to rely on the Common Navigator 
Framework to implement the outline. This would provide extensibility 
"for free" as the CNF is designed for extensibility.

To use CNF, you have to re-implement the Outline View for your editor by 
using a CommonViewer or extending CommonNavigator, giving it an ID, and 
using the NavigatorService to retrieve the various content/label 
providers that will be associated with this ID via plugin.xml.
If you implement it that way, you'll have to create the extensions to 
register the regular WTP content/label providers found in 
XMLContentOutlineConfiguration to the NavigatorService registry. In that 
case, please also contribute those extensions defined in the plugin.xml 
to WTP, that would be a first step towards adoption of CNF in WTP directly.

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Re: [wtp-dev] Draft JSDT plan is now on Wiki

2015-10-14 Thread Mickael Istria
On 10/14/2015 04:38 PM, Doug Schaefer wrote:
> Has anyone tried to approve node? I thought Cordova gave that a go but
> failed. Or was that specific to Cordova?
We're exactly discussing this right now with Gorkem on the #eclipse-dev
IRC channel ;)
Since the goal is not to ship Node, the dependency is a bit similar to
the one CDT has on external compilers and debuggers. Do you know what IP
trick CDT uses to work with CDT ? I believe the dependency to node, or
Bower, or Cordova CLI are similar. It's relying on an OSS binary that's
meant to be already available on user's workstation.
Also, does CDT provide wizards to suggest installation of GCC ?
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Re: [wtp-dev] JSDT meeting 20151013

2015-10-14 Thread Mickael Istria
On 10/14/2015 06:28 AM, Doug Schaefer wrote:
> BTW, Visual Studio offers to install Node.js in it’s main installer. It is
> highlighted as 3rd Party and a Link is presented for the Node license
> right on github. It would be awesome if the Eclipse Installer was allowed
> to do the same.
Sure, but keep in mind that several IDEs would like to benefit from a
way to install nodejs without having to use the installer.
Although, for a user who wouldn't use JavaScript, there would be no
reason to annoy them with nodejs at that point.
IMO, it's still best to have a wizard allowing node.js installation from
running IDE when it becomes useful.
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Re: [wtp-dev] Draft JSDT plan is now on Wiki

2015-10-12 Thread Mickael Istria

On 10/12/2015 06:48 PM, Doug Schaefer wrote:
Yes, but that brings back my original point. If they don’t have node 
installed, it’s a pretty bad experience. And my poor Qt/QML users may 
not even know what node is.
You could show a nice helpful wizard to tell them about how to install 
node when necessary, that would take their OS into account to give 
detailed instructions.
Maybe even such a wizard guiding them in the installation of node could 
be part of JSDT. Not sure about that IP-wise (ie is an Eclipse product 
allowed to promote installation of a 3rd party lib which is a pre-req?)
I think it would be cool to package up into a bundle that 
runs on Nashorn that we can start working with and see if we can 
extend it for QML. I’ll see if I can spring some cycles to help with 
that if it hasn’t already been done.
for some known limitations.

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Re: [wtp-dev] JSDT weekly 20151006

2015-10-08 Thread Mickael Istria

On 10/07/2015 09:53 AM, Angelo zerr wrote:

2° Delegate JavaScript features to other components liek tern
On this topic, I suggest the following changes in JSDT that I find as 
working enough for my experiments regarding merging Tern Outline into 
JSDT Outline:

* Remove some extension points that are covered by upstream frameworks. 
Mainly the Common Navigator, which makes it easy to write an extensible 
Outline or a Quick Outline, without need to add other extension points. 
For example, the "javaScriptElementFilter" extension point could be 
replaced by usage of the commonFilter.
This is not a critical issue for extensibility, but removing code in 
JSDT without loosing funcitonality nor extensibility is something that 
we'll all see as a good thing.

* Take advantage of adapters: in most classes where we want to have 
extensibility, JSDT directly uses or casts to its types 
(IJavaScriptType, IJavaScriptUnit, IJavaScriptElement...). Extenders 
projects may not use directly these types but might be able to adapt to 
the specified types relying on the Core adapter framework. By leveraging 
that and checking for adapters when possible, several pieces of JSDT 
code would remain working with the parts of extending frameworks. 
Current JSDT Outline filters are an example: Tern can provide its own 
richer elements to Outline, but since they're not JSDT types, filters 
don't work. Assuming JSDT would check for adapters and Tern would 
provide adapters, filters would remain working even with Tern content. 
We can imagine similar thing for refactorings, search and others.

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Re: [wtp-dev] JSDT Weekly sync meetings

2015-10-05 Thread Mickael Istria

Hi Gorkem,
I've put that in a wiki page:

Note that 12pm EST seems a bit late for european attendees (and even 
later for Russian ones). Given the amount of recent contributors to JSDT 
that are on the other side of the Atlantic, I suggest we try to agree on 
a more convenient schedule.

Mickael Istria
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Re: [wtp-dev] Gerrit transition starting for j2ee project

2015-07-17 Thread Mickael Istria

On 07/17/2015 03:10 PM, Kaloyan Raev wrote:
The reason for this is that the Gerrit jobs are configured to use the 
shared Maven repo on the HIPP and expect to find the wtp-parent 
artifact there. But the deploy-webtools-parent-pom-3.6 job uses a 
private Maven repo, so its execution does not update the shared Maven 
repo. As a simple solution I just reconfigured the 
deploy-webtools-parent-pom-3.6 job to not use private Maven repo.
You'll probably need to add the reference to Nexus repository in order 
to resolve parent pom from individual builds. See
However, I would recommend to wrap this repository definition in the 
build-individual-bundles profiles (but still in project pom, not parent 
or it won't work; profiles can be split).

Mickael Istria
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Re: [wtp-dev] Gerrit transition starting for j2ee project

2015-07-17 Thread Mickael Istria

On 07/17/2015 03:33 PM, Mickael Istria wrote:

On 07/17/2015 03:10 PM, Kaloyan Raev wrote:
The reason for this is that the Gerrit jobs are configured to use the 
shared Maven repo on the HIPP and expect to find the wtp-parent 
artifact there. But the deploy-webtools-parent-pom-3.6 job uses a 
private Maven repo, so its execution does not update the shared Maven 
repo. As a simple solution I just reconfigured the 
deploy-webtools-parent-pom-3.6 job to not use private Maven repo.
You'll probably need to add the reference to Nexus repository in order 
to resolve parent pom from individual builds. See
However, I would recommend to wrap this repository definition in the 
build-individual-bundles profiles (but still in project pom, not 
parent or it won't work; profiles can be split).

Concrete contribution:
Mickael Istria
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Re: [wtp-dev] Gerrit transition starting for j2ee project

2015-07-17 Thread Mickael Istria
Note that similarly to Bugzilla, you should register to Gerrit in order 
to receive notifications about incoming patch for the project:

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Re: [wtp-dev] Gerrit transition starting for j2ee project

2015-07-17 Thread Mickael Istria
With change proposed in and the 
recent changes done by Samuel, we're quite close to getting this to run.
However, since the webtrools.javaee repo doesn't contain any tests, the 
Gerrit build is failing complaining that no test report is found.

I see 2 solutions:
* my favourite: merge webtools.javaee.tests repo into webtools.javaee 
tests, so that we have some consistency and ability to actually run 
tests at the same time as we build webtools.javaee

* the simplest: removing the Junit reports from the javaee-gerrit job.

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[wtp-dev] Please re-enable job to publish parent pom

2015-07-16 Thread Mickael Istria

Hi all,

Individual builds, such as the ones JSDT uses to produce snapshots and 
validate incoming Gerrit patches, do consume the parent pom from Nexus. 
However, it seems like this parent pom hasn't been published for months, 
causing JSDT to resolve against an old version of parent pom which 
contains out-of-date repository references.
Can you please re-enable 
and run it to publish newer parent pom version? Also, you might want to 
consider using Poll SCM instead of Build periodically to avoid 
useless deployment of identical parent pom.

Mickael Istria
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Re: [wtp-dev] [wtp-releng] Please re-enable job to publish parent pom

2015-07-16 Thread Mickael Istria

On 07/16/2015 09:52 AM, Kaloyan Raev wrote:
I believe it wasn't done this way, because there is no SCM configured 
for this job. It just does:


So, the change from Build Periodically to Poll SCM requires to 
clone the git repo instead of downloading just the pom.xml. I don't 
see any problem to make this change, but since I am not the one who 
created this job, I will leave some time for comments by the rest of 
the releng committers.

Ok, thanks for this explanation.
The included regions field could help here to limit job executions to 
only changes to parent pom. and not to take into account whatever change 
in repository.

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Re: [wtp-dev] [wtp-releng] Please re-enable job to publish parent pom

2015-07-16 Thread Mickael Istria

I suggest you update it to poll SCM @daily instead, so that it will be 
only triggered when content of the repository actually changes rather 
than everyday.

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Re: [wtp-dev] Gerrit transition starting for j2ee project

2015-07-15 Thread Mickael Istria

Hi folks,

Did the migration work well?
Do you plan to setup CI jobs for validation of patches submitted via 
Gerrit? You can use 
as example, clone it and just update the necessary fields (Git repo, 
Gerrit path should be enough).

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Re: [wtp-dev] JSON Editor contribution

2015-07-07 Thread Mickael Istria

On 07/07/2015 04:16 PM, Gorkem Ercan wrote:
Unfortunately, there have been no comments from SSE committers to this 
thread so far.
It is probably due to vacations but I am really interested to hear 
their thoughts.
Also I can join the next WTP PMC meeting to discuss about this if 
I'd like to suggest a plan that reduce to the minimal this nothing 
happens period: we put everything in JSDT, so the code gets somewhen 
open for changes, and then we can think of restructuring it.
If we agree on that, we just need the CQ to be approved before this can 
get to JSDT, we can start working on it, and when we hear from other 
projects (SSE), we can consider moving things where they'd fit the best.

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Re: [wtp-dev] Plans for Gerrit?

2015-07-06 Thread Mickael Istria
At least, can the SSE part be migrated to Gerrit ASAP ? Especially if 
you want the JSON editor to go there.

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Re: [wtp-dev] JSON Editor contribution

2015-07-04 Thread Mickael Istria

On 07/04/2015 09:10 AM, Konstantin Komissarchik wrote:
 From the process side, the main thing you loose is ability to control 
your releases. Only a project can release. If you a part of WTP, you 
are tied to WTP release schedule, which may be a problem for some 
adopters that are on a faster release cycle. For instance, you would 
not be able to do the first release until June of next year, unless 
you can convince WTP leadership to allow this feature into a service 
The effort we've made in making JSDT easy to build locally and by 
providing an additional dedicated build and p2 repo for JSDT snapshots 
goes in the direction of allowing it to deliver faster than WTP, and if 
not releasing it, to allow users and integrators to get access to more 
recent builds more easily.
In that context, I believe it would be totally do-able to make a JSDT 
release for SR1 or SR2 if we want to (and it seems more and more 
likely). As long as JSDT relies on stable APIs of WTP, it shouldn't 
cause any issue. Such a release could include a JSON editor.

In the end, I (and some others) don't believe in the concept of a 
simultaneous build/release for WTP. There are too many things in it that 
don't evolve at the same time at all, and the benefit of a simultaneous 
build/release is quite questionable since the Eclipse release train 
already takes care of that.
The next step for WTP seems to turn into a container project, just like 
Tools or Technology, and to let individual projects live their own 
lifecycle (but still discuss together via mailing-list) rather than 
adding constraints that are clearly not in sync with nowadays needs in 
adoption of technologies.

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Re: [wtp-dev] JSON Editor contribution

2015-07-03 Thread Mickael Istria

On 07/03/2015 07:51 PM, Konstantin Komissarchik wrote:

Yes. Please consider proposing a standalone project under technology project. 
The project process has been streamlined so it should take less time and effort 
to navigate. Oracle would like to participate in this effort.

What does it change except making the inclusion more complex?
If it gets to WTP-SSE or JSDT, there is nothing that would prevent 
anyone to participate to the effort.

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Re: [wtp-dev] JSON Editor contribution

2015-07-03 Thread Mickael Istria

That's pretty good news!
Thanks Angelo for submitting, and Gorkem for the follow-up.

On 07/03/2015 05:49 PM, Gorkem Ercan wrote:
The contribution is naturally done for wtp.sse and unfortunately I can 
not start CQs for that component.
I would appreciate help from wtp.sse committers if they can get a CQ 

What about contributing this to JSDT? It's a project which is more 
active and more open to contributions that SSE, and after all, the 2 
first letters of JSON stand for JavaScript...

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[wtp-dev] JSDT has a snapshot site

2015-06-08 Thread Mickael Istria

Hi all,

Since JSDT contains some incubating bundles that are not yet contributed 
to WTP main site, I've set up an alternative p2 repo which contains the 
output of latest build of JSDT from master branch, so one can use it in 
order to try the incubating part of JSDT.
The repository is located at and is populated by .

Thanks Samuel Wu for your support.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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Re: [wtp-dev] Plans for Gerrit?

2015-06-04 Thread Mickael Istria

On 04/07/2015 05:31 PM, Mickael Istria wrote:

It's been already months since we chatted about this.
I didn't attend many WTP calls. Was a decision taken regarding move to 

Not having Gerrit really makes it more difficult for us to contribute 
patches, and more difficult for committers to review them. WebTools is 
now the most difficult project to contribute to! What are the concrete 
plans to change that?
See my mail from October on this topic. Just enabling Gerrit without 
necessarily forcing its usage is just a matter of requesting it to 
webmaster and updating a remote URL for push (read-only consumers such 
as build can keep current URL), nothing dangerous, and it can be done in 
a couple of days.
IMO, it would be great if this could become a non-code aspect of 
upcoming Mars release.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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Re: [wtp-dev] New learning about JSDT

2015-05-06 Thread Mickael Istria

On 05/06/2015 03:48 PM, Gloria Yadira Torrealba Melendez/Mexico/IBM wrote:

Hello, my name is Gloria Torrealba, currently a developer working at 
IBM on web tooling for a product that extends WTP.
My specific interest is in JSDT and I look forward to working with the 
wtp dev community in helping out with the JSDT project.

Hello Gloria,
Glad to here your plans!

I am starting to learn more about this project and would welcome any 
pointer/guidance to get me up to speed.

As a very basic way to get started with JSDT source code and 
contribution process, I suggest you to read , and then look at the 
SonarQube reports for JSDT (mainly the critical issues in 
), and submit patches via Gerrit to fix some of the reported code 
issues. Feel free to pick the ones that you think are the more important 
to you.
Share all your ideas on how to improve JSDT via several bugzilla 
tickets, and further discussions on those tickets should drive to 
concrete things to change in code.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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Re: [wtp-dev] Plans for Gerrit?

2015-04-07 Thread Mickael Istria

Hi all,

It's been already months since we chatted about this.
I didn't attend many WTP calls. Was a decision taken regarding move to 


On 10/07/2014 04:33 PM, Mickael Istria wrote:

So the steps for Java EE would be:
1. Open a bug against the Eclipse Foundation  Community  Gerrit 
component ( 
) asking for usage of Gerrit for your project repository. Specify on 
the bug that for the moment you'd like to keep the ability for 
committers to push directly and to be able to bypass review. This 
requires project lead to give a +1. Here is an example:
2. After webmaster processed your request, the current Git repo 
becomes read-only. So in order to be able to push, you'll need to 
update to the new Gerrit repo URLs such as 
3. If you use SSH you'll need to upload your public key to Gerrit:
4. Configure notifications to be informed of incoming reviews by 
watching the jeetools/webtools.javaee project:

And IIRC that's all. Then committers can directly push to the repo as 
they're used to -just the underlying URL is different-, and 
contributors (and committers who want to get code reviewed before 
merging) can push with git push gerrit HEAD:refs/for/master.
This JSDT wiki page shows the instructions for contributors to push a 
change for review:
A next step would be to set up jobs to have Hudson validation Gerrit 
patches, but this can be done in a next iteration.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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Re: [wtp-dev] Nashorn Debugging

2015-03-25 Thread Mickael Istria

On 03/24/2015 08:39 PM, Denis Golovin wrote:
feel free to share your changes in any form and we will glad to help 
to push it through contribution process.
explains the best way to contribute to JSDT.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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Re: [wtp-dev] The Bower IDE contribution

2015-03-25 Thread Mickael Istria

On 03/24/2015 08:25 PM, Konstantin Komissarchik wrote:

Is there a reason that this isn’t going into the wtp incubator project 
first until its ready?

It's easier for contributors, committers and adopters to have JSDT 
project owning its incubating part and then putting them in the WTP 
Incubator. However, once Bower IDE is included in JSDT build, it's easy 
for the WTP Incubator build to also list and include the Bower IDE 
features in the output p2 repo.

Keep in mind that if you are adding this to JSDT master and including 
it in the build, you are saying that this feature is part of WTP 3.7 

That's not true. JSDT also has a dedicated site created by local builds, 
which is a separate delivery from WTP. If we add it only to that site, 
it doesn't provide it in WTP, and contributors/testers can install Bower 
IDE after having built it locally.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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Re: [wtp-dev] The Bower IDE contribution

2015-03-25 Thread Mickael Istria

On 03/25/2015 07:34 AM, Mickael Istria wrote:

then putting them in the WTP Incubator.
Please read, and then consume those incubating JSDT features while 
building WTP Incubator.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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Re: [wtp-dev] The Bower IDE contribution

2015-03-25 Thread Mickael Istria

On 03/24/2015 07:35 PM, Victor V. Rubezhny wrote:

On 03/23/2015 02:34 PM, Mickael Istria wrote:

TL;DR: Being in master != being in delivery for Mars.

On 03/23/2015 12:21 PM, Victor V. Rubezhny wrote:
I didn't merged the code in master, since we still have few issues 
that blocks us from doing it in Mars (I don't think we can get them 
fixed in time for Mars, so it looks like we're missing Mars stream 
with this contribution).
That's not a problem: we can have code in master without shipping it 
on Mars, that's what I strongly believe is the best approach for 
easier collaboration, and to avoid risk of diverging branches.
IMHO, It's better to write your suggestions here (in mailing list) 
first, because I'm going to push another patch set into Gerrit ( ), so if you have some code 
comments to do then your comments could be 'forgotten'. But still 
free to add comments to the change.
Suggestion is that for a 1st integration in master, just include the 
bundles, not the pom files, do not update other pom files, 
feature.xml nor category.xml. So the code is there, people can work 
on it, but not altering the build and delivery.
But this will not enable neither the building of Bower plug-ins, nor 
running its JUnit tests then.
Not in a 1st time, we'll work on another commit to integrate it as best 
in the build and delivery after code has moved to master. Let's do it 
step by step, 1st step is to put code into master.

Then next iteration would be to see if we can build it easily, 
include in the category.xml file as a separete entry, without 
modifying the regular JSDT feature so it wouldn't get in Mars. That 
would allow people who want to try it to get it from a p2 repository.
I can create a category for Bower IDE, but again: what will go into 
this category in case we aren't adding the Bower plug-ins into the 
build? It looks for me that we have to add the bower-related plug-ins 
to pom.xml-s, to create a separated feature for bower and then include 
that feature into site/pom.xml and category.xml, but not to 
I'd rather add an Experiment/Incubation JSDT components which would 
include such a Bower feature.
About experimental stuff, there is also which is waiting for review/merge. 
This is not meant to be part of Mars distribution neither, and as you 
can see, it is built and provided as a separate entry on the same 
But I'm not sure if bower plug-ins will not became 'installable by 
default' in such case.
There is no such concept as installable by default. If no existing 
feature nor bundles links to Bower, nothing will install Bower magically.

Please put the Bower-related code to master ASAP if you want a good 
integration early. We don't want to have diverging branches, separate 
sites to test Bower, and distinct builds.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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