[Xpert]Re: Is the XFree development stuck in a dead end?

2002-07-15 Thread Mike A. Harris

On Mon, 15 Jul 2002, Lukas Molzberger wrote:

>in recent years many people were talking about Linux on the desktop.
>However, before there is any real chance that this could happen a few 
>fundamential problems in XFree must be solved. These are:
>1. XFree is far too slow.

What is your metric?  XFree86 is slow at what specifically?  
Provide some examples.

>2. What is presented on the screen should always be consistent (i.e. no 

Your screen flickers?  If so, that would likely be considered a 
video driver specific bug, or possibly some other bug.  That 
isn't a flaw of X, but rather a bug in a given video 

>(3. It should be possible to configure XFree over a dialog that is intergrated 
>in Gnome and Kde.)

I agree that a simple user friendly GUI config tool should exist.  
Such a tool should integrate into the user's desktop GUI of 
choice.  The GUI config tool included with XFree86 is intended to 
be used on any system wether or not GNOME or KDE exists, and is 
thus based on Xt et al.  In order for proper integration with 
GNOME, a GTK based tool needs to be created, and for KDE a Qt 
based tool.  Preferably one tool with multiple front ends, to 
minimize duplication of effort/functionality.  We're working on 
such a tool for GTK, but have no plans to make it Qt based 
(duplication of coding is a waste of resources), but since it is 
open source (redhat-config-xfree86) people are free to contribute 
to the codebase if they'd like a different frontend.

>I'm sorry to say that and I really don't want to offend any people.

Statements that start out apologizing for not wanting to offend 
people, generally go on to offend people.  That said, I'm not 
offended, but others might be.

>But I've hardly seen any progress regarding these problems
>during the last two years and I don't see any way how this could
>change in the next two years.

I don't see a huge problem with any of the things you've brought 
up above other than the configuration angle, and that is 
something which improves over time, and will likely consider to 
do so, and to become easier and easier.  In order for it to 
happen, either someone who has a personal interest in making it 
happen for whatever their reasons are - volunteers to do it, and 
does it, or somebody funds it, or some company decides to do it 
themselves.  I don't see anyone jumping up volunteering to write 
a user friendly GTK and/or Qt X configuration tool, so that 
leaves funded development.  As I said above, we're writing a new 
config tool for GTK.  Something like that takes time to implement 
and improve.  The current development is coming along nicely, but 
it will be a while until all of the necessary features are 
implemented and friendly.

>XFree is evolving very slowly despite the fact that some of the best 
>developers are working on it. I think the reason for that is that XFree is
>far more complex than necessary for its intended job.

XFree86 is evolving slowly in some respects, and quite well in 
others.  There are various reasons for that.  I would put forth 
that the #1 reason for any slowness or perceived slowness of 
development, is simply due to the lack of people interested in 
developing X, and that lack of a linux-kernel like development 
environment where many hundreds, perhaps thousands of developers 
are quite active.  X/XFree86 has a bit of a barrier to entry to 
new developers, as many people view it as one insanely huge pile 
of code that is impossible to understand and/or navigate.  It can 
be daunting, but it is not impossible, and it takes a lot less 
time to start working with it than one might think.  First step 
is to ignore the 98% of code that irrelevant in the scope of the 
portion of X you might be interested in working on.

Another reason is that X development doesn't scale well IMHO as
the number of developers or potential developers rise.  The
current XFree86 team is doing a good job at what they're doing,
but if the number of contributing developers to XFree86 was to
double or triple, the patch queue's would only lengthen, simply
because the XFree86 team is quite busy doing what they do best
already.  The lack of a bug tracking database also enters into
this problem IMHO, but that is another discussion.  I'm not sure 
how the scalability issue can be addressed, but in order to get 
more developers working on the code, some sort of effort needs to 
be made by people who are interested in attracting more 
developers, to help minimize the barriers to developer entry, and 
create developer FAQ's, debugging FAQ's, and other developer 
useful information.  I try to help would-be developers get 
started as much as I can, and I'm sure many others do too, but it 
is itself time consuming too.  The more community involvement 
we've got, the better IMHO.

>I know there have been countless discussions on the X messaging system, but
>most of them missed the point. That is that such a messaging system

[Xpert]Re: Is the XFree development stuck in a dead end?

2002-07-15 Thread Mike A. Harris

On Sun, 14 Jul 2002, Mark Vojkovich wrote:

>> I know there have been countless discussions on the X messaging system, but
>> most of them missed the point. That is that such a messaging system
>> introduces an enormous amount of complexity. As far as I know the only reason 
>> for having the X messaging system is the remote display feature. But I guess 
>> that less than 5% of the XFree users are actually using this feature and 
>> there are already other solutions like VNC available.
>> Another source of complexity comes from the ancient, more than 10 years
>> old X API. Many people argue that one just has to add new extensions to keep
>> XFree up to date. But this way X gets more and more complex. And why are the 
>   X is highly extensible by design.  It's far less complex than alternative
>window systems like MS Windows or OS-X and is probably more extensible.

I'd definitely have to agree with that for sure.

>> As a result of this complexity the developers working on XFree are less 
>> efficient and it also keeps new developers from joining this project.
>> What I want to suggest is to start from scratch and design a new, clean
>> and modern windowing system without any legacy. I know this would be a
>> pretty radical cut, but I personally don't see any alternative to overcome the
>> current problems of XFree.
>> The main problem with a new graphics API would be to keep backward
>> compatibility with the current application base. But this problem is easy to 
>> solve by just porting XFree to the new API, the way it is done for OS X and
>> Windows.
>  I think you have the wrong mailing list.  XFree86 is an implementation
>of the X-Window system.  The key phrase here is "the X-Window System".
>XFree86 is headed in the directions of an "X-Window compatible" system,
>meaning we intend to extend XFree86 well beyond the base sample implementation, 
>and in many regards we have done this already, but we have no intention of 
>dropping what you call legacy support.
>   As far as development being stuck, no, I don't think so.  It's just
>that the people who know enough about anything to get things done are
>very few. 

I think that pretty much hits the nail on the head right there.  
An effort at a website with tutorials, HOWTO's and other 
developer related help information geared at helping NEW 
developers get up to scratch on given areas would be very useful 
if someone has the time to work on it.  I've been writing some 
things for a while, none of which are complete.  Something like 
the dri website's new developer info, etc.  That would start to 
help anyway.  I think it will happen in time.

Mike A. Harris  Shipping/mailing address:
OS Systems Engineer 190 Pittsburgh Ave., Sault Ste. Marie,
XFree86 maintainer  Ontario, Canada, P6C 5B3
Red Hat Inc.
http://www.redhat.com   ftp://people.redhat.com/mharris

Xpert mailing list

[Xpert]Re: Is the XFree development stuck in a dead end?

2002-07-15 Thread Mike A. Harris

On 15 Jul 2002, Xavier Bestel wrote:

>Date: 15 Jul 2002 01:56:41 +0200
>From: Xavier Bestel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>List-Id: General X Discussion 
>Subject: Re: Is the XFree development stuck in a dead end?
>Le lun 15/07/2002 à 01:39, Nick Name a écrit :
>> > (3. It should be possible to configure XFree over a dialog that is
>> > intergrated in Gnome and Kde.)
>> Someone should write it. Indeed I think there are: I personally use
>> debian, but Mandrake, Suse and RedHat users continuously say that their
>> distribution can do everything graphically.
>Better yet, XFree shouldn't need configuration at all with modern
>hardware: config is just needed for some old un-probable chips, and some
>settings such as resolution, depth, etc. (which should be settable on
>the fly, BTW) 

That is true in many aspects, and XFree86 is definitely headed 
more in that direction.  It does not happen overnight however.  
The issue is really manpower, and developers interested in 
volunteering to do the work, or companies who want feature foo 
implemented funding development of foo.

>> > I personally don't see any alternative to overcome
>> > the current problems of XFree.
>> I don't see real problems in XFree, and think that one of the best
>> features of X is the networking capabilities. Indeed, have a look to how
>> easy is to have xinerama on two different video cards. Do this with
>> windows or macos. It's hard, if not impossible at all.
>Is that a joke ? Did you ever try to set up a second gfx card and
>monitor under Mac OS ? It's a breeze, just point'n'click. Whereas in X,
>you have to hunt for the Xinerama HOWTO and mess with the config file.

xf86cfg has multihead configuration built in, although it isn't 
what I personally consider user friendly.  This is something that 
will become more friendly in the future though as multihead 
becomes much more popular.

Mike A. Harris  Shipping/mailing address:
OS Systems Engineer 190 Pittsburgh Ave., Sault Ste. Marie,
XFree86 maintainer  Ontario, Canada, P6C 5B3
Red Hat Inc.
http://www.redhat.com   ftp://people.redhat.com/mharris

Xpert mailing list

[Xpert]Re: Is the XFree development stuck in a dead end?

2002-07-15 Thread Mike A. Harris

On Mon, 15 Jul 2002, Nick Name wrote:

>Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 02:22:37 +0200
>From: Nick Name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
>List-Id: General X Discussion 
>Subject: Re: Is the XFree development stuck in a dead end?
>On 15 Jul 2002 01:56:41 +0200
>Xavier Bestel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  Is that a joke ? Did you ever try to set up a second gfx card and
>>  monitor under Mac OS ? It's a breeze, just point'n'click. Whereas in
>>  X, you have to hunt for the Xinerama HOWTO and mess with the config
>>  file.
>Ok, sorry. I just made THE mistake: speaking 'bout what I don't know.
>But really, I've tried to simply install a second video card, different
>from the first, in win98. Freeze. Stop. No way, I had to remove the
>card, and manually remove the driver... still I can't remember how I got
>out of that mess. 
>In the same period, with X, I could do everything I want, even get two
>3d games running at the same time, one on a matrox, and another on a
>s3/3dfx pair... simple: use two X servers :)

For this example, I'd have to say it is not really too relevant 
because just as many people are likely to have had the reverse 
happen, where it "just worked" in Windows, and it "was a big pain 
in the ass" in XFree86/Linux et al.

I've personally experienced both depending on the hardware.  
Getting an i740 working in Linux a couple years back took 20 
minutes, while getting it working in Windows involved 
reinstalling the OS, installing USB support in Windows 95 to get 
some random DLL, flashing my BIOS, then installing about 7 things 
in a particular order.  I had to reinstall Windows twice actually 
because I screwed up on step.

I've had the reverse experience with other hardware, where it 
worked great in Windows and sucked in Linux and was a pain in the 
ass to get working (if it worked at all).

Same goes for configuration of various hardware.  Sometimes it is 
straightforward, other times it is not.  It depends on so many 
different variables, there is no one best system or one best 
solution.  And what works great for one person, may work crappy 
for another depending on hardware combinations, etc.

Mike A. Harris  Shipping/mailing address:
OS Systems Engineer 190 Pittsburgh Ave., Sault Ste. Marie,
XFree86 maintainer  Ontario, Canada, P6C 5B3
Red Hat Inc.
http://www.redhat.com   ftp://people.redhat.com/mharris

Xpert mailing list

[Xpert]Re: Is the XFree development stuck in a dead end?

2002-07-15 Thread Mike A. Harris

On Mon, 15 Jul 2002, Lukas Molzberger wrote:

>Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 09:34:11 +0200
>From: Lukas Molzberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Content-Type: text/plain;
>  charset="iso-8859-1"
>List-Id: General X Discussion 
>Subject: Re: Is the XFree development stuck in a dead end?
>On Monday 15 July 2002 01:39, Nick Name wrote:
>> > 1. XFree is far too slow.
>> I don't know what your terms of comparison are, but for example "return
>> to castle wolfenstein" on same hardware runs really faster than on
>> windows, with maximum settings. Dunno if this means anything.
>Sorry, I should've written clearer what I mean. Only the 2d performance of 
>XFree is slow. For example XVideo Opengl are indeed very nice. I don't use 
>WinXP for other reasons, but just compare it with XFree. I think the feeling 
>is just so much better. I mean thats not a special XFree problem. I've worked 
>on IRIX machines for a long time and there you have the same problem. I mean 
>I know that it's not all XFrees fault. The Toolkits also play an important 

You're claiming it isn't XFree86's fault now, whereas your last 
email was suggesting someone should set out to reimplement 
XFree86 because it was slow.  Why reimplement a GUI if it isn't 
slow.  Guessing at the problem, and shooting in the dark doesn't 
solve the problem.  Use profiling software such as oprofile to 
find what is slow, and either fix it, or provide your profiling 
results to the community so other potential developers can work 
on improving the situation.  The more we work together to find 
the problems of the _existing_ system we have, and fix them, the 
betteer the system will be.  Dividing ourselves and randomly 
reimplimenting things from scratch only slows development down 
even further.

>> > 2. What is presented on the screen should always be consistent (i.e.
>> > no flickering).
>> It is already?
>No, just move one Window over another or do an opaque window resize and you'll 
>see artefacts all over the place. 

Works fine for me.  Most likely your video driver is buggy, or 
acceleration is disabled.  The solution to that, is to debug it, 
and fix it, or report the bug, and hopefully someone else with 
the hardware and specs can debug and fix it.

>> > (3. It should be possible to configure XFree over a dialog that is
>> > intergrated in Gnome and Kde.)
>I would like to apologize in case I didn't find the right words. I just think 
>there is a problem with XFree and don't see it going away anytime soon.

Sure, there are problems with XFree86, just like any software.  
Those problems will get solved as more people who care enough 
about them being solved join in the effort at solving them.

Mike A. Harris  Shipping/mailing address:
OS Systems Engineer 190 Pittsburgh Ave., Sault Ste. Marie,
XFree86 maintainer  Ontario, Canada, P6C 5B3
Red Hat Inc.
http://www.redhat.com   ftp://people.redhat.com/mharris

Xpert mailing list

[Xpert]Re: Is the XFree development stuck in a dead end?

2002-07-15 Thread Mike A. Harris

On Mon, 15 Jul 2002, Lukas Molzberger wrote:

>> > Hello,
>> > in recent years many people were talking about Linux on the desktop.
>> > However, before there is any real chance that this could happen a few
>> > fundamential problems in XFree must be solved. These are:
>> >
>> > 1. XFree is far too slow.
>> No it isn't.  Your apps are stupid or the drivers you are using
>> are under accelerated.
>I'm using Mozilla for example and I'm sure that its not that app that is slow 
>here since I've compared it with Mozilla on WinXP.

Comparing Mozilla running in X, and Mozilla running in Windows, 
and seeing that Mozilla running in X is much slower than it 
running in Windows, is totally not an indicator that X is slow.

Zero scientific data has been gathered, and an incorrect 
conclusion made.  Mozilla is faster in Windows, because the 
development of Mozilla in Windows has funded optimizing it to be 
faster.  Some optimization work of Mozilla in X has been done, 
but nowhere near as far as the amount of optimization done to the 
Windows version.  So comparing this is apples and oranges.  
Mozilla is slow in X because of Mozilla, not because of X.

>It may well be that the driver is under accelerated. I'm the
>i810 driver, but my old notebook with an smi chip was even
>slower. I know that the Nvidia driver is much faster but as far
>as I know the 2D part is still slower than under Windows even so
>it actually uses the same driver.

And none of those things have anything to do with X11 protocol 
getting in the way, or X being complicated.  If a video driver is 
slow, then it is slow.  X isn't slow, the video driver is.  
Solution is to make the driver faster, by improving it, or 
funding it, or conning someone else into doing either.

What makes you think rewriting a new GUI would not encounter 
these problems as well?  Someone has to write drivers, and if an 
X driver is slow, then likely new-GUI-of-the-week driver for that 
video card will likely be slow also.  In fact, I would wager that 
that new-GUI will have most of it's driver code directly lifted 
from X, since there isn't much point in writing such code 100% 
from scratch.

>> > 2. What is presented on the screen should always be consistent (i.e. no
>> > flickering).
>> > (3. It should be possible to configure XFree over a dialog that is
>> > intergrated in Gnome and Kde.)
>>Talk to the Gnome and KDE people then.
>True, but they can only change the XFree config file. Therefore XFree needs to 
>be restarted to get the new configuration.

That isn't something that cannot be overcome by an X extension 
for many things.  What's more, is that systems like Microsoft 
Windows *still* force you to reboot after even the most seemingly 
simple change to configuration.  The joke "Windows has detected 
that you have moved your mouse.  Your system must now be 
restarted for the changes to take effect." comes to mind.

>> > I'm sorry to say that and I really don't want to offend any people. But
>> > I've hardly seen any progress regarding these problems during the last
>> > two years and I don't see any way how this could change in the next two
>> > years. XFree is evolving very slowly despite the fact that some of the
>> > best developers are working on it. I think the reason for that is that
>> > XFree is far more complex than necessary for its intended job.
>> You say it's too complex and then you say we need more features?
>I mean it has too much unnecessary complexety. I mean if the message system is 
>only needed for the remote display feature then I'm really not sure if this 
>feature is really worth the hassle. I've worked on two projects that 
>contained an message system and in both cases it was a major problem that ate 
>up a large chunk of the development time and it made the projects slow even 
>if used on the same machine.

Some method of communication is necessary.  What do you propose
as an alternative solution?  Any solution should be network 
transparent.  We live in the world of networking now, and that is 
likely to get moreso in the future.  VNC and other solutions are 
an afterthought solution for adding networkability to GUI 
systems.  They work and have their good points, but they aren't a 
100% solution for networked GUI applications.  X11 is a much 
better solution.

>>X is highly extensible by design.  It's far less complex than
>> alternative window systems like MS Windows or OS-X and is probably more
>> extensible.
>I actually think that extensibility is a very good idea, but it doesn't 
>prevent that API's age.

What part of the X11 API are you refering to which is now aged
and irrelevant.  Also, how does that particular item negatively
effect current development, current software, or present barriers
to new developers to enter into the foray of development?  I 
can't think of any part of X11 et al which stands in the way of 

Extensions which themselves have become irrelevant and obsolete, 

[Xpert]Re: Is the XFree development stuck in a dead end?

2002-07-16 Thread Mike A. Harris

On Mon, 15 Jul 2002, Christian Berger wrote:

>>     Netscape is much faster than Mozilla.  I think it's just that some
>> design decisions in the X version of Mozilla, which is probably much
>> different than the Window's version, are suboptimal.  Having seen enough
>Well I doubt Mozilla for Windows is faster than Mozilla for Linux.

You've not tried it then.  Mozilla for Windows running on my box 
on one processor runs faster than Mozilla in Linux running on 
both processors.  (Win98SE).  Application startup time is faster 
for Mozilla in Windows, as is runtime execution.  Not measured or 
benchmarked mind you.  It is visibly noticeable.

If it were faster in Linux, I certainly wouldn't say it was
faster in Windows.

>Mozilla (GNU-Version) is still a bit slower than Netscape
>Navigator 4.x, but that's an application problem, not a graphics

Indeed.  And in fairness to the Mozilla developers whom are doing 
a fantastic job of developing the browser, every version of 
Mozilla for Linux that I've upgraded to has been noticeably 
faster and less buggy.  I've been using Mozilla as my primary 
browser now for almost 2 years if not longer.  It has come a long 
way in a short time IMHO.  I'm confident that the performance 
issues that remain, will get resolved all in due time.

Mike A. Harris  Shipping/mailing address:
OS Systems Engineer 190 Pittsburgh Ave., Sault Ste. Marie,
XFree86 maintainer  Ontario, Canada, P6C 5B3
Red Hat Inc.
http://www.redhat.com   ftp://people.redhat.com/mharris

Xpert mailing list

[Xpert]Re: Is the XFree development stuck in a dead end?

2002-07-16 Thread Mike A. Harris

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, José Fonseca wrote:

>> > >As far as development being stuck, no, I don't think so.  It's just
>> > > that the people who know enough about anything to get things done are
>> > > very few.
>> > True, but there are reasons for that.
>> > 
>>The reason is that this stuff is difficult.  We get so many college
>> kids that just learned C wanting to help.  The help is appreciated, but
>> there are few things that they can do beside fix simple bugs and they
>> get discouraged.  There's not much you can do about this.  Changing
>> the project's mission statement doesn't make the work any easier.  We
>> need people with years of experience either in graphics driver development
>> or in some other aspect of window system operation and that is hard
>> to come by.   
>Excuse me!?
>The XFree86 developer page (http://www.xfree86.org/developer) says and I
>  "When requesting to join the XFree86, the most important qualification is 
>not your experience level but your keeness on contributing to the project 
>and climbing the uphill road to learning and mastering XFree86."
>And now a core member completely states otherwise!?

I don't interpret what Mark said like that at all.  Both 
statements are true.  The developer page indicates that new 
developers are always welcome, and that developers are welcome to 
the project based on their keenness for contributing.

My interpretation of what Mark is saying above, is that while 
help from anyone regardless of skill is appreciated, those 
without a lot of skill do not contribute a lot in practice to the 
project, and that those who do have a lot of skill in graphics 
driver development and/or window system development have a lot 
more to offer to the project.

In other words, who is more likely to be a greater asset to the 
XFree86 project?

1) An experienced developer with years of experience writing 
   graphics drivers and GUI systems.

2) A college student without much skill in the area, but with a 
   willingness to try and learn, and contribute what they can.

Obviously, someone with more experience, is going to be able to 
do more work more quickly, and of general higher quality.  There 
may be exceptions to this generalization, but they are definitely 
the exceptions, and not the rule.

Of course, in either case, contributions from everyone willing to 
contribute are welcome and encouraged.

>> The fact of the matter is that dozens of new developers
>> with little or no window system experience are going to do little to
>> move the project forward.
>I couldn't disagree more with this. I'll give you my example - not because
>it's the best example out there but because it's the one I can better
>I'm a mechanical engineer - my formation includes just an intro to
>Pascal and Fortran programming. My programming skills were self tought
>since my 10 years, but have very few things that I can show as programming 
>experience proof. Not to mention window systems: up to this date I've
>still to make one GUI or 3D application.
>Nevertheless, after switching to Linux only on last October, I've study the
>OpenGL spec, made a developer's FAQ with all information I could gather 
>the DRI, got CVS access, and together with another guy (whom background 
>isn't also computer science but art) brought the Mach64 DRI driver from 
>barely a draft to the point which is almost ready to inclusion in a 
>release. This included getting familiar with CVS, linux kernel programming, 
>the DRI architecture, X, and a almost complete rewrite of the code due 
>the Mesa 4.0 architectural changes.

You're one of the few.  Somewhat of an "exception" that is to the 
general rule.

>According to your point of view we should have never given the trust
>that the kind DRI folks put on us since we had no experience. The fact is
>that we made the experience. And it is this trust on new people that is 
>exploding in new developers willing to help (and actually doing so) on 
>the DRI project.

I think you are misinterpreting Mark here again.  Mark isn't 
saying at all that only people with years of experience should be 
allowed to work on the XFree86 project.  What he's saying is that 
everyone is free to contribute, however in order to REALLY push 
the project forward, it needs to gain more developers who DO have 
a lot of experience in the area.

I agree with that generally.  That does not mean that others do 
not contribute, nor that the project isn't helped by others.  It 
is in the "scale" of what a person can do based on their 

>Ironically, for a couple of months I've been trying to join the XFree86
>developer team but after all this time this process still didn't
>finish... and every now and then one reads threads about how the XFree86
>developers can't cope with the number of patches and feature requests...

Well, I'd be surprised if you would be rejected from joining the
XFree86 member development team after your current ef

[Xpert]RE: Is the XFree development stuck in a dead end?

2002-07-16 Thread Andrew Berg

This thread has gone all over the place, but I have a suggestion.  Has
anyone considered setting up something like LXR (http://lxr.linux.no)
against the sources for XFree86?  I have occasionally had the need to browse
the sources, but it seems to me that they are not segmented very logically.
I will admit that this is probably because I simply do not understand the
current scheme.  

Anyhow, if someone were to set up a public one of these, it might make
things a bit easier for people who want to contribute a little bit, and it
might make things much easier for people on this list to discuss things in

I would set up something like this, but I have no ready access to the
resources required.  Is there a taker?

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Re: Is the XFree development stuck in a dead end?

2002-07-15 Thread Peter Finderup Lund

On Mon, 15 Jul 2002, Mike A. Harris wrote:

> An effort at a website with tutorials, HOWTO's and other
> developer related help information geared at helping NEW
> developers get up to scratch on given areas would be very useful
> if someone has the time to work on it.  I've been writing some
> things for a while, none of which are complete.  Something like
> the dri website's new developer info, etc.  That would start to
> help anyway.  I think it will happen in time.

We need the X-newbies website - www.x-newbies.org ;)

Changing the organization of www.xfree86.org so the stuff would be easy to
find if somebody put it there is probably not going to happen anytime

I think it is much more probable that somebody sits down and creates a new
site for this stuff, similar to kernelnewbies.org.


Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Re: Is the XFree development stuck in a dead end?

2002-07-15 Thread pcpa

Quoting "Mike A. Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> >> > I personally don't see any alternative to overcome
> >> > the current problems of XFree.
> >> 
> >> I don't see real problems in XFree, and think that one of the best
> >> features of X is the networking capabilities. Indeed, have a look to
> how
> >> easy is to have xinerama on two different video cards. Do this with
> >> windows or macos. It's hard, if not impossible at all.
> >
> >Is that a joke ? Did you ever try to set up a second gfx card and
> >monitor under Mac OS ? It's a breeze, just point'n'click. Whereas in
> X,
> >you have to hunt for the Xinerama HOWTO and mess with the config
> file.
> xf86cfg has multihead configuration built in, although it isn't 
> what I personally consider user friendly.  This is something that 
> will become more friendly in the future though as multihead 
> becomes much more popular.


  I wan't to stop someday and write code for a better multihead configuration
interface in the textmode (currently it just adds new screens to the left of
the last one). For the graphics interface, I plan to write a wizard mode,
similar to the text interface. And also, make this wizard mode allow configuring
everything without the need of a working mouse; curently if the mouse does
not work, it is required to use xkb mousekeys, and this really is not user
friendly :-)

  Anyway, the code is there, and I don't mind if someone uses part (or all) of
the xf86cfg code in a Gtk or Kde interface. I just think that any such code
should use libxf86config, so that if it reads an existing XF86Config file,
when writing a new one, does not miss any information from the previous
configuration file (in the current libxf86config, comments may be rewritten out
of order, but are not lost).

> -- 
> Mike A. Harris  Shipping/mailing address:
> OS Systems Engineer 190 Pittsburgh Ave., Sault Ste. Marie,
> XFree86 maintainer  Ontario, Canada, P6C 5B3
> Red Hat Inc.
> http://www.redhat.com   ftp://people.redhat.com/mharris

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Re: Is the XFree development stuck in a dead end?

2002-07-16 Thread Alexander Larsson

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Quoting "Mike A. Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > >> > I personally don't see any alternative to overcome
> > >> > the current problems of XFree.
> > >> 
> > >> I don't see real problems in XFree, and think that one of the best
> > >> features of X is the networking capabilities. Indeed, have a look to
> > how
> > >> easy is to have xinerama on two different video cards. Do this with
> > >> windows or macos. It's hard, if not impossible at all.
> > >
> > >Is that a joke ? Did you ever try to set up a second gfx card and
> > >monitor under Mac OS ? It's a breeze, just point'n'click. Whereas in
> > X,
> > >you have to hunt for the Xinerama HOWTO and mess with the config
> > file.
> > 
> > xf86cfg has multihead configuration built in, although it isn't 
> > what I personally consider user friendly.  This is something that 
> > will become more friendly in the future though as multihead 
> > becomes much more popular.
>   :-)
>   I wan't to stop someday and write code for a better multihead configuration
> interface in the textmode (currently it just adds new screens to the left of
> the last one). For the graphics interface, I plan to write a wizard mode,
> similar to the text interface. And also, make this wizard mode allow configuring
> everything without the need of a working mouse; curently if the mouse does
> not work, it is required to use xkb mousekeys, and this really is not user
> friendly :-)
>   Anyway, the code is there, and I don't mind if someone uses part (or all) of
> the xf86cfg code in a Gtk or Kde interface. I just think that any such code
> should use libxf86config, so that if it reads an existing XF86Config file,
> when writing a new one, does not miss any information from the previous
> configuration file (in the current libxf86config, comments may be rewritten out
> of order, but are not lost).

redhat-config-xfree86 uses libxf86config, or rather a python wrapper for 

Alexander LarssonRed Hat, Inc 
He's an immortal hunchbacked househusband haunted by an iconic dead American 
confidante She's a beautiful communist bounty hunter in the witness protection 
program. They fight crime! 

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Re: Is the XFree development stuck in a dead end?

2002-07-16 Thread Bharathi S

> We need the X-newbies website - www.x-newbies.org ;)

  It is very important and XFree86 should publish
  a book for BASIC X window concept. It should explain
  all basic concepts of the Xwindow with example
  picture etc. Presently in Xfree86 very very less no.of
  picture are available to explain.

  Already existing books may be good. But not for
  newbies. More ( Correct ) information should
  be given to Future Xperts :)

Bye :)
--==| Bharathi S | BSB-364 DONLab | IIT-Madras |==--
Some food for the stomach is brought
When the ear get no food for thought.
*In Tirukkural of Holy Tamil poet Tiruvalluvar.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Re: Is the XFree development stuck in a dead end?

2002-07-16 Thread José Fonseca

On Tue, Jul 16, 2002 at 08:39:10AM -0400, Mike A. Harris wrote:
> I don't interpret what Mark said like that at all.

(This comment below applies to all your comments I've cut here.)

People's expectations and potential are always a very subjective matter.
Perhaps I didn't understand Mark words correctly. I had no intention to
offend him and I hope I haven't done it.

> >Ironically, for a couple of months I've been trying to join the XFree86
> >developer team but after all this time this process still didn't
> >finish... and every now and then one reads threads about how the XFree86
> >developers can't cope with the number of patches and feature requests...
> Well, I'd be surprised if you would be rejected from joining the
> XFree86 member development team after your current efforts 
> working on DRI with Mach64.  How exactly have you been attempting 
> to join?  Perhaps something is messed up with that process.

I suppose it has been approved, BOTH I'm not quite sure.

Anyway, my intention in becoming a XFree86 developer was to be able to
monitor the XFree86 development more closely, because I wasn't (then or
now) getting enough information about it from xpert ML. But from the comments here
regarding the private mailing lists it seems that the answer isn't
there, but simply that Xfree86 developers work more intimately than what
I'm personally used to in the DRI project.

My interest in the XFree86 development is infact rather specific: the
RandR extension will be a crucial brick for a proper 3D support on lower
end cards such as Mach64 which have little onboard memory. My card for
example (sorry to bring the the subject to me, but most open-source
development aims to strach a personal itch, and this was why I first 
started), has only 4MB ram, being impossible to have fullscreen 3D
acell at 1024x768. Non-fullscreen 3D can be possible and fullscreen is
possible at lower resolutions, but for that work properly it will be
necessary an efficient memory management of the frame buffer memory, and
here is where I think that the RandR will be important. The same
problem applies to other cards though, as the intended desktop size 
and/or color depth increases.

> More people with CVS write access to the trunk is something that 
> I think should be very carefully considered.  David et al need to 
> be comfortable that giving someone write access is the right 
> thing to do first.  That is something one has to earn by showing 
> they know what they're doing, and that having write access would 
> alleviate core members from having to commit things.  I don't see 
> any problems that would be caused however from having branches of 
> CVS available that other developers could use.  That would be a 
> good thing IMHO.

My feeling exactly.

> If there were a larger number of active contributors contributing
> frequently in a linux-kernel style, that increased the patch
> submission burden beyond what core developers could handle, and
> some of those developers obviously showed skill at separating the
> good stuff from the bad, I've a feeling David would have little
> objection to adding more people as long as it saved him work and 
> didn't create him work (or other core members).

But the way things are going we are never going to reach a large number
of activer contributors. 

Seems an egg and chicken problem here... let's wait and see which one
borns first... if at all.

José Fonseca
Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Re: Is the XFree development stuck in a dead end?

2002-07-16 Thread Jens Owen

Mike A. Harris wrote:

> On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, José Fonseca wrote:
>>I'm a mechanical engineer - my formation includes just an intro to
>>Pascal and Fortran programming. My programming skills were self tought
>>since my 10 years, but have very few things that I can show as programming 
>>experience proof. Not to mention window systems: up to this date I've
>>still to make one GUI or 3D application.
>>Nevertheless, after switching to Linux only on last October, I've study the
>>OpenGL spec, made a developer's FAQ with all information I could gather 
>>the DRI, got CVS access, and together with another guy (whom background 
>>isn't also computer science but art) brought the Mach64 DRI driver from 
>>barely a draft to the point which is almost ready to inclusion in a 
>>release. This included getting familiar with CVS, linux kernel programming, 
>>the DRI architecture, X, and a almost complete rewrite of the code due 
>>the Mesa 4.0 architectural changes.
> You're one of the few.  Somewhat of an "exception" that is to the 
> general rule.

Here is some advice from a non-core team member w/o CVS access...take it 
for what it's worth.

Jose is "exceptional" and there are more developers in the world with 
his talent and ambition that haven't discovered XFree86, yet.  If you 
can find a way to embrace those developers, you will find fresh new 
blood, with fresh ideas and a the ambition and capabilities on driving 
that forward.

We have all seen the newbie who comes in and makes a bunch of noise to 
no avail.  However, creating barriers to reduce this impact is also a 
deterrent to attracting the productive young developer.  The challenge 
facing your project is to find a way to inform, enable and support new 
developers to your project.

I sincerely hope that a few of the core team members are listening, and 
perhaps reading between the lines.  I also commend Jose for addressing 
this subject in an open and honest dialog.


  Jens Owen/  \/\ _
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /\ \ \   Steamboat Springs, Colorado

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Re: Is the XFree development stuck in a dead end?

2002-07-16 Thread Geoffrey

Mike A. Harris wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Jul 2002, Christian Berger wrote:
>>>Netscape is much faster than Mozilla.  I think it's just that some
>>>design decisions in the X version of Mozilla, which is probably much
>>>different than the Window's version, are suboptimal.  Having seen enough
>>Well I doubt Mozilla for Windows is faster than Mozilla for Linux.
> You've not tried it then.  Mozilla for Windows running on my box 
> on one processor runs faster than Mozilla in Linux running on 
> both processors.  (Win98SE).  Application startup time is faster 
> for Mozilla in Windows, as is runtime execution.  Not measured or 
> benchmarked mind you.  It is visibly noticeable.

I'm really hoping this thread dies soon, but I've got to chime in here. 
  There is absolutely no comparison between the windows gui and X.  I 
routinely have 10-15 windows open, which would include at least 2 
mozilla mail windows and minimally 3-4 browser windows.  I also have 2 
desktops with 3 virtual desktops each.  You just don't get that kind of 
functionality with a Windows gui and if you tried to have that many 
windows open on win95, win98, nt, win2k, it would purely meltdown.  I 
have no experience with winxp and don't plan to, but I suspect it's no 
different.  The above argument appears to revolve around Mozilla, not X.

Until later: Geoffrey   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I didn't have to buy my radio from a specific company to listen
to FM, why doesn't that apply to the Internet (anymore...)?

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Re: Is the XFree development stuck in a dead end?

2002-07-16 Thread Andrew P. Lentvorski

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, [iso-8859-1] José Fonseca wrote:

> My interest in the XFree86 development is infact rather specific: the
> RandR extension will be a crucial brick for a proper 3D support on lower
> end cards such as Mach64 which have little onboard memory.

My question to you is: why do you want to spend your time on this when you
can buy a *much* higher end card than a Mach for <$40 US?  Your time is
worth than that, even if you are a student.

One of the primary time-wasters in open-source is that developers spend a
lot of time on support for hardware which is obsolete.  When obsolete
hardware was much cheaper than brand new hardware, this support for was
important.  Now, however, that difference is pretty minimal.  Buy a new
card and save yourself lots of pain.


Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Re: Is the XFree development stuck in a dead end?

2002-07-16 Thread Mark Vojkovich

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, Bharathi S wrote:

> > We need the X-newbies website - www.x-newbies.org ;)
>   It is very important and XFree86 should publish
>   a book for BASIC X window concept. It should explain
>   all basic concepts of the Xwindow with example
>   picture etc. Presently in Xfree86 very very less no.of
>   picture are available to explain.

   There are plenty of books on Xlib programming and on using
the X-Window system.  O'Reilly publishes some.

   What's missing is X architecture books.  There are none that
I know of but there is documentation on this in the source tree.
See xc/doc/hardcopy.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Re: Is the XFree development stuck in a dead end?

2002-07-16 Thread Xavier Bestel

Le mar 16/07/2002 à 19:52, Andrew P. Lentvorski a écrit :
> On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, [iso-8859-1] José Fonseca wrote:
> > My interest in the XFree86 development is infact rather specific: the
> > RandR extension will be a crucial brick for a proper 3D support on lower
> > end cards such as Mach64 which have little onboard memory.
> My question to you is: why do you want to spend your time on this when you
> can buy a *much* higher end card than a Mach for <$40 US?  Your time is
> worth than that, even if you are a student.
> One of the primary time-wasters in open-source is that developers spend a
> lot of time on support for hardware which is obsolete.  When obsolete
> hardware was much cheaper than brand new hardware, this support for was
> important.  Now, however, that difference is pretty minimal.  Buy a new
> card and save yourself lots of pain.

If he does help to implement RandR into XFree, his time won't be wasted.
Moreover, that's what I like with opensource: I can find top-class OS &
drivers for old hardware, and use these old boxes as firewall, car mp3
player, etc..

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Re: Is the XFree development stuck in a dead end?

2002-07-16 Thread José Fonseca

On Tue, Jul 16, 2002 at 10:52:22AM -0700, Andrew P. Lentvorski wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, [iso-8859-1] José Fonseca wrote:
> > My interest in the XFree86 development is infact rather specific: the
> > RandR extension will be a crucial brick for a proper 3D support on lower
> > end cards such as Mach64 which have little onboard memory.
> My question to you is: why do you want to spend your time on this when you
> can buy a *much* higher end card than a Mach for <$40 US?  Your time is
> worth than that, even if you are a student.
One word for you: "laptop"!

> One of the primary time-wasters in open-source is that developers spend a
> lot of time on support for hardware which is obsolete.  When obsolete
> hardware was much cheaper than brand new hardware, this support for was
> important.  Now, however, that difference is pretty minimal.  Buy a new
> card and save yourself lots of pain.

The way I choose to spend my free time is matter that concerns me alone.
Not only the work I've been doing has been very useful for me (this
laptop has a year, it's my main working computer, I don't to expect
to swap before 2-3 years, and I enjoy to play UT and other games on
it), but I have been having a great time learning about the fascinating
world of 3D graphics and low-level driver programming.

You have no idea how common the Mach64 is in laptops. And after the Mach64 
I'll probably pick another "obsolete" card to work on, like the Savage chips
(which are also common on laptops, but the reason I'm interested is because I 
have one and the card long has been abandoned by the vendors, so it will give 
me a great satisfaction to fullfill the dream of having decent driver it) 
or a Riva TNT2 (which I just bought very cheap from a friend 
of mine - just for kicks, mainly to port the existing Utah-GLX driver, but 
I'm sure that the BSD guys will apreciate my work too).

As you can see this experience has been very rewarding so far, and not
the opposite.

José Fonseca
Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Re: Is the XFree development stuck in a dead end?

2002-07-16 Thread Christian Berger

Am Dienstag, 16. Juli 2002 20:17 schrieben Sie:
> Le mar 16/07/2002 à 19:52, Andrew P. Lentvorski a écrit :

> If he does help to implement RandR into XFree, his time won't be wasted.
> Moreover, that's what I like with opensource: I can find top-class OS &
> drivers for old hardware, and use these old boxes as firewall, car mp3
> player, etc..

Yes, and besides even "unproductive" or "little-productive" time isn't 
wasted. People learn from those things  It may be fun for them. It's not 
really like there are any deadlines. It's done when it's done, so do what you 
feel like to do, if it's at least slightly productive or entertaining, it's 

#define T 1000
#define M T*T
int main(){int x,y;for(y=0;y<20;y++){for(x=0;x<70;x++){int
c=-1;int xr,yr,zr;int xp,yp,zp;xp=yp=zp=0;xr=(x-35);yr=(y-
)/T)%2==1))c=0;break;}if(zp>T*10){c=0;if (((yp*yp+xp*xp)/(
Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]RE: Is the XFree development stuck in a dead end?

2002-07-16 Thread Peter Finderup Lund

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, Andrew Berg wrote:

> This thread has gone all over the place, but I have a suggestion.  Has
> anyone considered setting up something like LXR (http://lxr.linux.no)
> against the sources for XFree86?  I have occasionally had the need to browse

I second that motion!


Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Re: Is the XFree development stuck in a dead end?

2002-07-17 Thread David Arnold

-->"Mike" == Mike A Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
  Mike> On Mon, 15 Jul 2002, Lukas Molzberger wrote:

  >> Another source of complexity comes from the ancient, more than 10
  >> years old X API. Many people argue that one just has to add new
  >> extensions to keep XFree up to date.

  Mike> It is hardly ancient.

well, it could be considered old, but then perhaps that just means it
has withstood its challengers, and remains superior overall.

the Unix kernel and its attendant libraries range up to 30 years old,
with similar properties ...

Xpert mailing list