Re: [zfs-discuss] Unable to add cache device

2009-01-02 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
As for source, here you go :)
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Re: [zfs-discuss] Noob: Best way to replace a disk when you're out of internal connectors?

2008-12-30 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
Umm, why do you need to do it the complicated way ? Here it is from zpool man 

 zpool replace [-f] pool old_device [new_device]

 Replaces old_device with new_device. This is  equivalent
 to attaching new_device, waiting for it to resilver, and
 then detaching old_device.

 The size of new_device must be greater than or equal  to
 the minimum size of all the devices in a mirror or raidz

 new_device is required if the pool is not redundant.  If
 new_device  is not specified, it defaults to old_device.
 This form of replacement is  useful  after  an  existing
 disk  has  failed  and has been physically replaced.  In
 this case, the new disk may have the same /dev/dsk  path
 as  the  old  device,  even though it is actually a dif-
 ferent disk. ZFS recognizes this.

You just need to hot-swap the failed disk (say c0d0) and utter zpool replace 
c0d0 and go have a coffee or something.
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Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS Import Problem

2008-12-30 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
I'm not an expert but for what it's worth-

1. Try the original system. It might be a fluke/bad cable or anything else 
intermittent. I've seen it happen here. If so, your pool may be alright.

2. For the (defunct) originals, I'd say we'd need to take a look into the 
sources to find if something needs to be done. AFAIK, device paths aren't 
hard-coded. ZFS doesn't care where the disks are as long as it finds them and 
they contain the right label.
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Re: [zfs-discuss] Upgrade from UFS - ZFS on a single disk?

2008-12-29 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
Seriously, if I had that many on _field_ I'd directly ring my support rep.

Getting one step go wrong from instruction provided in forum might mean that 
you'd have to spend quite a long time fixing everyone (or worse re-installing) 
one by one from scratch!

Get a support guy walk you through this... every step documented and tested 
(twice! with power failures thrown in the mix)... this isn't a question for the 
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Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS-over-iSCSI performance testing (with low random access results)...

2008-10-15 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
Hi Gray,

You've got a nice setup going there, few comments:

1. Do not tune ZFS without a proven test-case to show otherwise, except...
2. For databases. Tune recordsize for that particular FS to match DB recordsize.

Few questions...

* How are you divvying up the space ?
* How are you taking care of redundancy ?
* Are you aware that each layer of ZFS needs its own redundancy ?

Since you have got a mixed use case here, I would be surprized if a general 
config would cover all, though it might do with some luck.
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Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS-over-iSCSI performance testing (with low random access results)...

2008-10-14 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
Just a random spectator here, but I think artifacts you're seeing here are not 
due to file size, but rather due to record size.

What is the ZFS record size ?

On a personal note, I wouldn't do non-concurrent (?) benchmarks. They are at 
best useless and at worst misleading for ZFS

- Akhilesh.
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Re: [zfs-discuss] Error: value too large for defined data type

2008-09-13 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
you need to run /usr/bin/amd64/ls

Some utils eg virtualbox shared folders in an old build munge file dates
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Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS: First use recommendations

2008-09-13 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai

My setup is arguably smaller than yours, so YMMV:

Key Point: I have found that using infrastructure provided natively by 
Solaris/ZFS are the best choices.

I have been using CIFS... it's unpredictable when some random windows machines 
would stop seeing them. XP/Server 2003/Vista - Too many things go wrong. So 
here is what I do:

1. I use xVM VirtualBox for Windows

2. Snapshot/Clones are managed by ZFS... Just put the vmdk on its own FS and 
let zfs handle all sorts of shiny stuff. In your case same thing can be done 
with ZFS Volumes, if you choose to go with iSCSI.

3. There is a reason whole industry relies on NFS (learned the hard way). In 
short - it works! I have just installed SFU on all windows clients and couldn't 
be happier. No matter what happens to server or network (unplugging the wrong 
cable or router rebooting) , the clients *always* behave predictably. When the 
server/network goes up, it all again starts working. I do *all* shares through 
NFS now - windows, Linux and Solaris. Easy to setup *and* predictable!

In short, for minimum fuss, stick with letting the bottom most layer which 
makes sense manage stuff... and in any case, don't let the virtualization 
products manage the storage in _any_ way. ZFS does it best and let it do it... 
and stick with NFS for sharing. SFU NFS client/server are small and they work 
really well, and they come bundled with Windows Server 200x.

For 8 drives, go to raidz2. Two drives going bad is easy in an 8 drive setup.
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Re: [zfs-discuss] OT: Formatting Problem of ZFS Adm Guide (pdf)

2008-08-27 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai

It takes significant amount of work to typeset any large document. Especially 
if it is a technical document in which you have to adhere to a set of strict 
typesetting guidelines. In these cases separation of content and style is 
essential and can't be stressed enough.

Word Processors have no mechanism to enforce this separation. So you can not 
guarantee that a given document strictly follows the set standard of styling 
rules - these include presentation AND language rules. Eg. how to hyphenate 
certain words and how to decide how long a given dash would be.

In a word processor this task is manual  labor intensive, but current advances 
have made it good for one-off document. Still, they are grossly inadequate for 
large documents and manuals which have to be written by group of people, styled 
by another group of people, proof-read, cross referenced, and updated from time 
to time.

SGML based tools (eg. docbook), LaTeX/TeX and Adobe FrameMaker are the only 
tools that can do this at present.
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Re: [zfs-discuss] OT: Formatting Problem of ZFS Adm Guide (pdf)

2008-08-27 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
 I don't doubt the superiority of LaTex/Framemaker in
 conjunction with Distiller in producing (the pdf
 versions of) nicely typeset books and brochures.  But
 how good is a tool if it produces a product that its
 intended users can NOT read?  This is what prompted

You seem to have missed the following reply by richard

= Quote ===
This is not a PDF problem, it is a freetype font problem which
was introduced with freetype 2.3.6 in b93 and should be fixed in b97.
-- richard

This is a freetype problem, and such problems can impact anything. Nevada 
builds are anything but lightly tested developer snapshots. They didn't even 
introduce the problem - freetype folks did!

On my system (nv84)  OpenOffice looked so crap (thick ugly fonts) that I 
avoided using it until I compiled and replaced freetype.

Secondly, PDF  Latex/docbook/SGML are as free and open source as you can 
get. PDF is open spec  anyone can create a viewer. It's like using Gimp to 
produce an art instead of GNOME Paint.

Just like Gimp shouldn't be blamed if someone's image viewer is broken and they 
can't see an image, we shouldn't blame the tools that generated the PDF. The 
PDFs render fine in the following viewers I have on this nv84 system:

* xpdf (3.02)
* Acrobat Reader 8.0 (running via wine)
* Foxit Reader 2.3 (running on wine)
* GhostScript

Thirdly, most (all?) the docs can be created independently by community. Infact 
you can start creating one yourself rather than wait/depend on Sun or anybody 
else. Isn't that what open source all about ?

- Akhilesh
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Re: [zfs-discuss] [RFC] Improved versioned pointer algorithms

2008-07-22 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
 Btrfs does not suffer from this problem as far as I
 can see because it
 uses reference counting rather than a ZFS-style dead
 list.  I was just
 wondering if ZFS devs recognize the problem and are
 working on a


Correct me if I'm wrong, but how does reference counting solve this problem ?

The terminology is as following:

1. Filesystem : A writable filesystem with no references or a parent.
2. Snapshot: Immutable point-in-time view of a filesystem
3. Clone: A writable filesystem whose parent is a given snapsho

Under this terminology, it is easy to see that dead-list is equivalent to 
reference counting. The problem is rather that to have a clone, you need to 
have it's snapshot around, since by definition it is a child of a snapshot 
(with an exception that by using zfs promote you can make a clone a direct 
child of the filesystem, it's like turning a grand-child into a child).

So what is the terminology of brtfs ?
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Re: [zfs-discuss] OT: Formatting Problem of ZFS Adm Guide (pdf)

2008-07-22 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
I doubt so. Star/OpenOffice are word processors... and like Word they are not 
suitable for typesetting documents.

SGML, FrameMaker  TeX/LateX are the only ones capable of doing that.
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Re: [zfs-discuss] Formatting Problem of ZFS Adm Guide (pdf)

2008-07-21 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
 Welcome to font hell :-(.  For many years, Sun
 documentation was written
 in the Palatino font, which is (or was?) not freely
 available. I believe 

Umm No. PDF supports font embedding. This is how so many PDFs are out there 
(company brochures, fliers etc) with commercial fonts and they look just right. 
I checked one of the PDFs and it does have all the fonts (including platino and 
helvetica) embedded as Type 1 font.

 It may have something to do with Type1 font or something else that FrameMaker 
is generating that evince is choking on because the PDFs look fine with Adobe 
Reader 8 (under wine-1.1), Foxit Reader (wine 1.1)  xpdf (3.02 from 
blastwave). Even ghostscript renders them ok.
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Re: [zfs-discuss] [RFC] Improved versioned pointer algorithms

2008-07-20 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
 On Monday 14 July 2008 08:29, Akhilesh Mritunjai
  Writable snapshots are called clones in zfs. So
 infact, you have
  trees of snapshots and clones. Snapshots are
 read-only, and you can
  create any number of writable clones from a
 snapshot, that behave
  like a normal filesystem and you can again take
 snapshots of the
 So if I snapshot a filesystem, then clone it, then
 delete a file
 from both the clone and the original filesystem, the
 of the snapshot will prevent the file blocks from
 being recovered,
 and there is no way I can get rid of those blocks
 short of deleting
 both the clone and the snapshot.  Did I get that

Right. Snapshots are immutable. Isn't this the whole point of a snapshot ?

FS1(file1) - Snapshot1 (file1)

delete FS1-file1 : Snapshot1-File1 is still intact

Snapshot1(file1) - CloneFs1(file1)

delete CloneFS1-file1 : Snapshot1-File1 is still intact (snapshot is 

There is lot of information in zfs docs on zfs community. For low level info, 
you may refer to ZFS on disc format document.

- Akhilesh
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Re: [zfs-discuss] Formatting Problem of ZFS Adm Guide (pdf)

2008-07-20 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
Evince likes to fuzz a number of PDFs. I too can't seem to nail the problems, 
but it seems that a number of PDFs from SUN have this problem (very wrong 
character spacing), and they all have been generated using FrameMaker. PDFs 
generated using TeX/LaTeX are *usually* ok.
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Re: [zfs-discuss] Announcement: The Unofficial Unsupported Python ZFS API

2008-07-14 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai

I had a quick look. Looks great!

A suggestion - From given example, I think API could be made more pythonic. 
Python is dynamically typed and properties can be dynamically looked up too. 
Thus, instead of prop_get_* we can have -

1. prop() : generic function, returning typed arguments. The builtin zfs 
properties would be returned with correct type and user properties would be 
returned as generic string.

2. Ability to just say z.property_name (eg. z.compression). This would be 
trivial to implement syntactic sugar.

Also, some work would be needed to provide pythonic iterators and other 
idioms so that API does not feel like a python interface to C.


- Akhilesh
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Re: [zfs-discuss] [RFC] Improved versioned pointer algorithms

2008-07-14 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
Still reading, but would like to correct one point.

 * It would seem that ZFS is deeply wedded to the
 concept of a single,
 linear chain of snapshots.  No snapshots of
 snapshots, apparently.

Writable snapshots are called clones in zfs. So infact, you have trees of 
snapshots and clones. Snapshots are read-only, and you can create any number of 
writable clones from a snapshot, that behave like a normal filesystem and you 
can again take snapshots of the clones.
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Re: [zfs-discuss] X4540

2008-07-12 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
 Well, I'm not holding out much hope of Sun working
 with these suppliers any time soon.  I asked Vmetro
 why they don't work with Sun considering how well ZFS
 seems to fit with their products, and this was the
 reply I got:
 Micro Memory has a long history of working with Sun,
 and I worked at Sun for almost 10 years developing
 Solaris x86.  We have tried to get various Sun
 Product Managers responsible for these servers
 (Thumper) to work with us on this and they have said
 no.  We have tried to get Sun's integration group to
 work with us (where they would integrate upon
 customer request, charging the customer for
 integration and support), and they have also said no.
 They don't feel there is an adequate business case
 to justify it as all of the opportunities are so
 This is an incredibly frustrating response for all
 the Sun customers who could have really benefited
 from these cards.  Why develop the ability to move
 the ZIL to nvram devices, benchmark the Thumper on
 one of them, and then refuse to work with the
 manufacturer to offer the card to customers?

May be post this to Jonathan's blog. When the stock is down so much, it's bad 
that some guy somewhere is not doing his/her job properly of providing 
something the customers want.
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Re: [zfs-discuss] please help with raid / failure / rebuild calculations

2008-07-11 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
 Thanks for your comments.  FWIW, I am building an
 actual hardware array, so een though I _may_ put ZFS
 on top of the hardware arrays 22TB drive that the
 OS sees (I may not) I am focusing purely on the
 controller rebuild.

Not letting ZFS handle (at least one level of) redundancy is a bad idea. Don't 
do that!
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Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS problem mirror

2008-07-11 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai

I too strongly suspect that some HW component is failing. It is rare to see all 
drives (in your case both drives in mirror and the boot drive) reporting errors 
at same time.

zfs clear just resets the error counters. You still have got errors in there.

Start with following components (in this order):

1. Memory: Use memtest86+ (use any live CD.. it is very common)
2. Power supply - search the forums, it is very common
3. Your mobo/disk controller - (??? try another one maybe)

Have you also experienced any kernel panics or strange random software crashes 
on this box ?
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Re: [zfs-discuss] Recovering an array on Mac

2008-07-11 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
This shouldn't have happened. Do you have zdb on Mac ? If yes you can try it. 
It is (intentionally?) undocumented, so you'll need to search for various 
scripts on and here. Something might just work. But do check what 
apple is actually shipping. You may want to use dtrace to find out why it can't 
find any pools. I doubt it is due to labelling mistake as that should have 
been flushed long back if you were copying data when you lost power. ZFS 
transactional property guarantees that.
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Re: [zfs-discuss] /var/log as a single zfs filesystem -- problems at boot

2008-07-02 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
Can't say about /var/log, but I have a system here with /var on zfs.

My assumption was that, not just /var/log, but essentially all of /var is 
supposed to be runtime cruft, and so can be treated equally.
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Re: [zfs-discuss] Some basic questions about getting the best performance for database usage

2008-07-01 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
I feel I'm being mis-understood.

RAID - Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks.

I meant to state that - Let ZFS deal with redundancy.

If you want to have an AID by all means have your RAID controller do all 
kind of striping/mirroring it can to help with throughput or ease of managing 

Let ZFS deal with the redundancy part. I'm not counting redundancy offered by 
traditional RAID as you can see by just posts in this forums that -
1. It doesn't work.
2. It bites when you least expect it to.
3. You can do nothing but resort to tapes and LOT of aspirin when you get 

- Akhilesh
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Re: [zfs-discuss] Some basic questions about getting the best performance for database usage

2008-06-30 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
 I'll probably be having 16 Seagate 15K5 SAS disks,
 150 GB each.  Two in HW raid1 for the OS, two in HW
 raid 1 or 10 for the transaction log. The OS does not
 need to be on ZFS, but could be. 

Whatever you do, DO NOT mix zfs and HW RAID.

ZFS likes to handle redundancy all by itself. It's much smarter than any HW 
RAID and when does NOT like it when it detects a data corruption it can't fix 
(i.e. no replicas). HW RAID's can't fix data corruption and that leads to a 
very unhappy ZFS.

Let ZFS handle all redundancy.
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Re: [zfs-discuss] zfs corruption...

2008-06-20 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
If there was no redundancy configured in zfs then you're mostly toast. RAID is 
no protection against data errors as has been told by zfs guys and you just 

I think your only option is to somehow setup a recent build of OpenSolaris 
(05/08 or SXCE), configure it to not panic on checksum failure (just give IO 
Err) and import the pool. Your data is mostly toast though.

Please don't use zfs without configuring redundancy. If you do, please make 
sure you have backups !
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Re: [zfs-discuss] The ZFS inventor and Linus sitting in a tree?

2008-05-20 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
 On May 18, 2008, at 14:01, Mario Goebbels wrote:
  ZFS on Linux on  
 humper would actually be very interesting to many of
 them.  I think  
 that's good for Sun.  Of course, ZFS on Linux on

Umm, how many Linux shops buy support and/or HW from Sun ?

It it's a Linux shop money is (in order) going to these people - IBM, Redhat, 
Novell, Dell.

Those all are - technically - Sun competitors in some sphere.

If you consider software stacks, there are only 3 companies in the world with 
complete SW stack - Sun, IBM and Microsoft

If you throw HW in the mix, there are only two - Sun and IBM.

Figuring out who's printing money and who's contributing most code is left as 
an exercise to the reader.

- mritun
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Re: [zfs-discuss] Any fix for the ZFS pool corruption Bug 6393634 ?

2008-05-18 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
From the bug description, it's actually not pool corruption, but rather error 
handling is not comprehensive. Your data is fine, you need to upgrade to 
snv77+ or S10u5 for the fix.

- mritun
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[zfs-discuss] zfs diff @snap1 @snap2

2008-05-18 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai

Is it possible to see what changed between two snapshots (efficiently) ?

I tried to take a look what zfs send -i does, and I found that it operates at 
very low (dmu) level and basically dumps the blocks.

Any pointers on extracting inode info from this stream or otherwise ?

- mritun
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Re: [zfs-discuss] sharenfs with over 10000 file systems

2008-01-24 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
New, yes. Aware - probably not.

Given cheap filesystems, users would create many filesystems was an easy 
guess, but I somehow don't think anybody envisioned that users would be 
creating tens of thousands of filesystems.

ZFS - too good for it's own good :-p
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Re: [zfs-discuss] sharenfs with over 10000 file systems

2008-01-23 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
I remember reading a discussion where these kind of problems were discussed.

Basically it boils down to everything not being aware of the radical changes 
in filesystems concept.

All these things are being worked on, but it might take sometime before 
everything is made aware that yes it's no longer unusual that there can be 
1+ filesystems on one machine.
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Re: [zfs-discuss] Panic on Zpool Import (Urgent)

2008-01-13 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
Hi Ben

Not that I know much, but while monitoring the posts I read sometime long ago 
that there was a bug/race condition in slab allocator which results in panic on 
double free (ss != NULL).

I think zpool is fine but your system is tripping on this bug. Since it is 
snv43, I'd suggest upgrading. Is LU/fresh install possible ? Can you quickly 
try importing it on belenix liveCD/USB ?

- Akhilesh

PS: I'll post the bug# if I find it.
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Re: [zfs-discuss] Panic on Zpool Import (Urgent)

2008-01-13 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
Most probable culprit (close, but not identical stacktrace):

Fixed since snv60.
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Re: [zfs-discuss] Performance writing to USB drive, performance reporting

2007-12-10 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
USB2 giving you ~30MB/s is normal... a little better than mine (on Windows - 
~25MB/s) actually.

For better performance better switch to eSATA or Firewire. Even FW400 will give 
you better results than USB as there are lesser overheads.

However, I'm sure I saw some FW+ZFS related bug in bugdb sometime ago. Please 
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Re: [zfs-discuss] R/W ZFS on Leopard Question -or- Where's my 40MB?

2007-11-23 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
 1) Why the difference between pool size and fs

With zfs take df output with a grain of salt -- add more if compression is 
turned on.

ZFS being quite complicated, it seems only an approximate free space is 
reported, which won't be too wrong and would suffice for the purpose. But if 
you're expecting it to be correct to the last block,it won't be.

 2) If this is normal overhead, then how to you
 examine these aspects
 of the fs (commands to use, background links to read,
 etc. (If you say
 RTFM then please supply a page number for

No public mechanism currently exists, afaik. Some black magic with dtrace might 
be possible to look at the FS data structures OR by reading the code and ZFS 
on-disk format document one /could/ possibly figure it out.

 3) What's the relationship between pools (zpool) and
 filesystems (zfs
 command)?  / Is there a default fs created hwne the
 pool is created?

Yes. As soon as you create a pool, it can be used as a FS. Nothing else needed. 
You can of course, create additional filesystems in the pool, but one is always 
available to you (you may or may not like it... I keep it unmounted).

 4) BONUS QUESTION: Is Sun currently using / promoting
 / shipping hardware that *boots* ZFS? (e.g. last I checked even
 stuff like Thumper did not use ZFS for the 2 mirror'd boot
 drives (UFS?) but used ZFS for the 10,000 other drives (OK, maybe there
 aren't 10,000 drive but there sure are a lot)).

ZFS boot didn't get integrated into even Nevada until very recently, let alone 
backported to Solaris 10. I doubt it is ready for production use yet. 

The new Opensolaris Dev. preview aka. Project Indiana by default installs ZFS 
boot (no UFS needed). So, things are moving but we still need to go a long way 
before all things are stabilized, documented, corner cases identified, recovery 
tools  OS install/update applications updated etc etc

 5) BONUS QUESTION #2: How does a frustrated yet
 extremely seasoned Mac/
 OS X technician with a terrific Solaris background
 find happiness by landing a job at his other favorite company, Sun? (My
 friend wants to know.)

WARNING: Zen mode ON!

One has to find happiness within.

A more correct question might be: Would it be better for you to switch to 
working for Sun ? Well I personally admire Sun's engineering. It's one of the 
*few* places left where you are allowed to dream, and of course, build! If that 
is what you want to do, you might like working for them very much!

 6) FINAL QUESTION (2 parts): (a) When will we see
 default booting to

You can see it now... download the OpenSolaris Developer Preview live CD and 
install it to HDD. It's there!

 (b) [When] will we see ZFS as the default fs
 on OS X?

Only when uncle Stevie says so! (Don't hold your breath)
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Re: [zfs-discuss] Questions from a windows admin - Samba, shares quotas

2007-11-23 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
Yes it will work, and quite nicely indeed. But you need to be careful.

Currently ZFS mounting is not instantaneous, if you have like say 3 
users, you might be for a rude surprize as system takes its own merry time (~ 
few hrs) mounting them at next reboot. Even with auto mounter, things won't be 
so fast.

ZFS philosophy of helluva tons of filesystems breaks a lot of tools made with 
assumption of who would ever need more than 4 filesystems ?.

To test it, create $NUM_USERS filesystems, reboot the server and see if 
everything comes up ok and in acceptable time.
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Re: [zfs-discuss] O.T. patches for OpenSolaris

2007-09-29 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
OpenSolaris builds are like development snapshots...they're not a release and 
thus there are no patches.

SXCE is just binary build from these snapshots... it's there are convenience 
only, and patches are applied like in every other development project... by 
updating from source repository, compiling and installing (aka. BFU).
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[zfs-discuss] Google paper on disk reliability

2007-02-17 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
Hi Folks

I believe that the word would have gone around already, Google engineers have 
published a paper on disk reliability. It might supplement the ZFS FMA 
integration and well - all the numerous debates on spares etc etc over here.

To quote /.

The Google engineers just published a paper on Failure Trends in a Large Disk 
Drive Population. Based on a study of 100,000 disk drives over 5 years they 
find some interesting stuff. To quote from the abstract: 'Our analysis 
identifies several parameters from the drive's self monitoring facility (SMART) 
that correlate highly with failures. Despite this high correlation, we conclude 
that models based on SMART parameters alone are unlikely to be useful for 
predicting individual drive failures. Surprisingly, we found that temperature 
and activity levels were much less correlated with drive failures than 
previously reported.'

Link to the paper is
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[zfs-discuss] Re: ZFS or UFS - what to do?

2007-01-26 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
Oh yep, I know that churning feeling in stomach that there's got to be a 
GOTCHA somewhere... it can't be *that* simple!
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[zfs-discuss] Re: ZFS on my iPhone?

2007-01-09 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
 So, does anyone know if I can run ZFS on my iPhone?
   -- richard

Hi Richard

Thanks for your interest in running ZFS, the final word in filesystems, on your 

I'd be happy to help you. Please send the iPhone to me at the address provided 
below and I shall get you going as fast as possible.

Thanks for your inquiry.

Looking forward to the iPhone

Yours truly
- mritun
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[zfs-discuss] Re: ZFS problems

2006-11-26 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai

I'll recommend going over the zfs presentation. One of the points they listed 
was that - even in case of silent errors (like you noticed) other systems just 
go on. Your data gets silently corrupted and you'd never notice it. If there 
are few bit flips in jpegs and movie files, it will almost never be noticeable. 
However, there are places where it will cause catastrophy but in day-to-day 
cases we don't come across or even if we do - we attribute them to $CAUSE, 
forget and go on. ZFS tries to fix this problem as one of its core goals. (that 
is why block checksums are there).

Rest assured, zfs + solaris has only uncovered and made it uncomfortably 
evident the problem that has been so far latent. Now the uncovering itself may 
cause you pains is a different issue.

Ignorance is bliss for most of the humans :-)
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[zfs-discuss] Re: bare metal ZFS ? How To ?

2006-11-23 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
Excuse me if I'm mistaken, but I think the question is on the lines of how to 
access and more importantly - Backup zfs pools/filesystems present on a system 
by just booting from a CD/DVD.

I think the answer would be on the lines of (forced?) importing of zfs pools 
present on the system and then using zfs send /foo | star  The OP might 
be looking at something convenient along the lines of ufsdump.

I think there is a need of a zfsdump tool (script?) or even better - zfs 
integration in star. Maybe Jörg should chip in :-)
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[zfs-discuss] Re: Re: ZFS for Linux 2.6

2006-11-07 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
  Yuen L. Lee wrote:
 opensolaris could be a nice NAS filer. I posted
 my question on How to build a NAS box asking for
 instructions on how to build a Solaris NAS box.
 It looks like everyone is busy. I haven't got any
 response yet. By any chance, do you have any

Hi Yuen

May I suggest that a better question would have been How to build a minimal 
Nevada distribution ?. I'm sure it would have gotten more responses as it is 
both - a more general, and a more relevent question.

Apart from that unasked advice, If my memory serves right the Belenix folks 
(Moinak and gang) were discussing a similar thing in a thread sometime back... 
chasing them might be a good idea ;-)

I found some articles on net on how to build minimal image of solaris with 
networking. Packages relating to storage (zfs, iSCSI etc) can be added to it 
later. The minimal system with required components, sure, is heavy - about 
200MB... but shouldn't be an issue for a *NAS* box. I googled Minimal solaris 
configuration and found several articles.

Hope that helps
- Akhilesh
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[zfs-discuss] Re: reproducible zfs panic on Solaris 10 06/06

2006-11-04 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai
 zpool status
 # uncomment the following lines if you want to see
 the system think
 # it can still read and write to the filesystem after
 the backing store has gone.


UNIX unlink() syscall doesn't remove the inode if its in use. Its marked to be 
unliked when its use count falls to zero. So deleting any file has no effect on 
applications already having it open.

I'm not surprized by the yaking out USB drive test (already know the bug 
exists)... but this unliking test is puzzling me.

Does ZFS subsystem closes and re'opens files in due course of usage ?
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[zfs-discuss] Re: Re: Unbootable system recovery

2006-10-05 Thread Akhilesh Mritunjai

Like what matt said, unless there is a bug in code, zfs should automatically 
figure out the drive mappings. The real problem as I see is using 16 drives in 
single raidz... which means if two drives malfunction, you're out of luck. 
(raidz2 would survive 2 drives... but still I believe 16 drives is too much).

May I suggest you re-check the cabling as drive going bad might be related to 
that... or even changing the power supply (I got burnt that way). It might just 
be an intermittent drive malfunction. You might also surface scan the drives 
and rule out bad sectors.

Good luck :)

PS: When you get your data back, do switch to raidz2 or mirrored config that 
can survive loss of more than 1 disk. My experience (which is not much) shows 
it doesn't take much to render more than one disk out of 20 or so... especially 
when moving them.

- Akhilesh
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