Re: [ZION] Good Feelings

2003-11-14 Thread Rusty Taylor
John & all the others on this list

I too hope good feelings can always be maintained on ZION. I will be the
first to admit that good feelings are hard to deal with when your medium is
the printed word. I have had more than  my share of apologizing to people
upset thru e-mails I sent which were not carefully thought out or proof
read before sending.

the term "rip roaring" discussion causes me some concern-- I favor the
approach we always shared with our kids-- if you are having a good time,
stop to make sure that everyone else is having a good time also.

Bob Taylor

>One of the things I love about the Zion list is the feeling that we are all
>good friend even though we disagree about a lot of things.  Even Marc
>Schindler, who was as close to a Marxist as I ever met on this list argued
>with me and the rest of us as if he felt a deep affection for us.  Wouldn't
>you agree.
>I really hope that as we slam Ron Scott, and get slammed in return, we can
>all keep some good feelings towards each other.  We don't have to dislike
>someone just because he disagrees with us.  I'm sure there is a lot that we
>can do to engender good feelings on the list and still have a rip-roaring
>discussion, aren't you?
>John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>"While we cannot agree with others on certain matters, we
>must never be disagreeable. We must be friendly,
>soft-spoken, neighborly, and understanding." (President
>Gordon B. Hinckley, October 2003)
>All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR
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   "There are no coincidences, only small miracles." Author Unknown


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Re: [ZION] Punch their lights out

2003-11-14 Thread Valerie Nielsen Williams
And what a great disguise he had. . .acting like he was an
anti-communist.  I mean, how else would McCarthy have "known" (suspected)
of so many communists --and yet he went after all the wrong people?

Coincidence?  or Conspiracy?


On Thu, 13 Nov 2003 12:47:30 -0700 Steven Montgomery
> The opening of the KGB archives and the release of the VENONA 
> intercepts 
> (decoded Soviet KGB and GRU traffic) proved that in the 1950's 
> Senator 
> Joseph McCarthy was absolutely right about the extensive Soviet 
> penetration 
> of the U.S. government in all the most sensitive sections and its 
> danger to 
> America. 

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RE: [ZION] Left vs. Right

2003-11-14 Thread RB Scott
That's right! It's all John Ashcroft's fault.

> -Original Message-
> From: John W. Redelfs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 7:29 PM
> Subject: [ZION] Left vs. Right
> I don't know which party I am more upset with, the Democrats for dragging
> the country to the left, or the Republicans for putting up the sham fight
> that let them do it.  --JWR
> //
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Re: [ZION] Soccer Rules!

2003-11-14 Thread hkpage
I would MUCH rather watch a soccer game (or lacrosse game...or hockey
game...) than watch basketball.  I can't STAND basketball!  Watching it is,
for me, like being in the same room with a person who is running their
fingernails down a blackboard.  And... not only is basketball a terrible
sport, in my opinion, but the players - in addition to being freaks of
nature - are spoiled brats who make way too much money for what they do. Of
course, there are many players of other sports who are spoiled brats, also,
but it seems to me that basketball players are amongst the worst of the lot.

Soccer, lacrosse and hockey are such exciting games, and even more so when
one understands the rules & strategy.  One of my sisters plays on a co-ed
soccer team in the Washington DC area.  Recently, she got a yellow card (a
foul, in other words); the ref made what my sister felt to be a terrible
call and so, as she walked past him, she muttered "moron" under her breath.
The ref heard her and gave her a yellow card.  That's my Kimi!

Just my 2 cents worth...
Heidi the fair

> [Original Message]
> From: Rusty Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 11/13/2003 11:45:15 PM
> Subject: Re: [ZION] Soccer Rules!
> Soccer in  my  personal opinion requires a lot more of everything than
> almost any other sport, and with all due respect to foot ball fans, there
> is no comparison between the two in terms of the physical and mental
> demands-- soccer wins  easily; foot ball-- the players get to take all
> sorts of breaks. soccer-- you run the whole time, 45 minute? halves and
> don't have the benefit of protective padding like our football players do.
> if you can't crawl off the field due to an injury, they will stop the game
> long enough to get you out of the way, and then it's back to the game :)
>  while it is true that normal size people can play soccer- for example, i
> was chief bench warmer on my college team- to make any headway in the
> sport, you have to be good. the rest of the world plays soccer like we
> baseball-- they are crazy about it. a few months ago we had a
> womanes game (I think) here in Seattle-- people flew in from Europe by the
> 1000's to see the game, and it was not even a league game !
> if you really want to drive dull nails into your head-- well, that's your
> choice, but personally, I find soccer a lot more fun to watch than
> or football. instead of nails, try flaming bamboo splinters under your
> fingernails :)
> just my opinion.
> Bob Taylor
> >From: "John W. Redelfs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >I don't feel the way you do about football, soccer and baseball.
> >Professional football in this country cannot be played by
> >ordinary people.  They have to be giants.  It is the same way
> >with basketball: the best players are virtually freaks.  But
> >normal sized people can play soccer.
> >--
> >Exactly my point.  Soccer is a wimpy sport that anyone can play.
> >Well, almost anyone.  I'm so wimpy I probably couldn't play it.
> >--
> >As for baseball, well... when my kids all got stuck out in right
> >field while the coaches kid got to be pitcher I learned that
> >baseball, softball actually, wasn't much of a sport except for a
> >favored few.  When I put my kids in soccer they all got to play
> >their guts out every minute that they were in good enough shape
> >to play.
> >--
> >Grampa Bill never let any of us kids play sports.  He thought
> >that we wouldn't study if we were playing.  I guess I showed him.
> >I didn't study anyway.  :-)
> >
> >At the time I wasn't too concerned about not playing sports, but
> >now I wish I had done something.  I will admit that those who
> >play soccer seem to have a good time.  I personally don't see how
> >you can call it "shooting" when the kicked ball goes no where
> >near the goal.  So I will grant you a point on soccer perhaps
> >being a fun game to play.  But I think I would rather drive dull
> >nails into my temples than to have to sit through watching a
> >soccer match.
> >
> >Cousin Bill
> >"Our country, right or wrong.  When
> >right, to be kept right.  When wrong,
> >to be put right." -- Carl Schurz
> >
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> **
>"There are no coincidences, only small miracles." Author Unknown
> **

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[ZION] Communism and the Terrorist Connection

2003-11-14 Thread Steven Montgomery
Stanislav Lunev was a Colonel in Russian Military Intelligence (GRU). In 
1992 he defected to the west and subsequently wrote a book entitled, 
_Through the Eyes of the Enemy_. In this book Lunev makes an interesting 

"the support and sponsorship of terrorist actions is more than justified 
for the GRU." He then tells how the Japanese Aum Shinryko cult was trained 
by Russian Spetsnaz squads. He then goes on, "Most of the Arab terrorist 
groups were also trained by Spetsnaz," and "[In] the early 1990s, the GRU 
decided that it would train any terrorist group that was able to pay for it."

Steven Montgomery
Communism is Satan's counterfeit for the gospel plan,
and . . . it is an avowed enemy of the God of the land.
(Marion G. Romney, 1st Presidency Message, September 1979)
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[ZION] Status of Communism

2003-11-14 Thread Steven Montgomery
Here is an excerpt from an article by J. R. Nyquist, who in my opinion is 
one of the leading experts on Communism:

You see, when communism died all the communists, all at once, were raptured 
(like Christians during the "end times"). All those professors at your 
local university who once talked glowingly of Karl Marx, Uncle Ho and 
Fidel, were caught up in the clouds and carried off. All that left wing 
agitation against war and imperialism, all those peace protestors, the 
Green Party, the politically correct crowd -- none of their ideas have 
anything in common with communist ideas. And that's why they were "left 
behind." It's only a coincidence that they hate capitalism, yearn for the 
collective ownership of the means of production and love the 
underprivileged. Just because these people subscribe to all the major 
communist ideas of the past, it doesn't mean they're communists.

Please remember your history. The world's communists were caught up in the 
twinkling of an eye, on Christmas Day 1991, and nobody has seen hide nor 
hair of them since.

For those interested further, you can read the whole article here:

Steven Montgomery
Wishing to advance in a room full of people, I do not walk through the 
aisle and straight toward my goal. Nor do I move slowly through the crowd 
shaking hands with friends and acquaintances, discussing points of 
interest, gradually nearing the objective. The dialectical pathway is 
different. It consists of a resolute forward advance followed by an abrupt 
turn and retreat. Having retreated a distance there is another turn and 
advance. Through a series of forward-backward steps the goal is approached. 
To advance thus is to advance dialectically. The Communist goal is fixed 
and changeless, but their direction of advance reverses itself from time to 
time. They approach their goal by going directly away from it a 
considerable portion of the time. Lenin wrote the textbook, One Step 
Forward, Two Steps Back. Chinese Communist schoolchildren are taught to do 
the dialectical march taking three steps forward and two steps back. If we 
judge where the Communists are going by the direction in which they are 
moving we will obviously be deceived. (Dr. Fred Schwarz, Founder of the 
Christian Anti-Communism Crusade and Author of, _You Can Trust the 
Communists: To be Communists_)

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Re: [ZION] Good News Sources

2003-11-14 Thread Steven Montgomery
At 05:52 PM 11/14/2003, you wrote:

What do you feel are some of the best news sources on the Web?  How about 
off the Web?

I know that Marc Schindler continually gushed over the Economist, and 
truth be told, I found it a good source of news.  But I still read "The 
New American," "Newsmax," and "Worldnet Daily" on the Web.   They make no 
pretense of objectivity, but they give me the right-wing slant that I 
can't get anywhere else.

What am I overlooking.  I'm a little bored with the news sources I've been 
using.  I'd like to try something new.

John W. Redelfs
Once in a while I visit for a little different viewpoint 
of the "right wing slant."

Steven Montgomery
Moscow's Strategy. . . The dialectic of this offensive consists of a 
calculated shift from the old, discredited Soviet practice to a new, 
"liberalized" model, with a social democratic Facade, to realize the 
communist planners strategy for establishing a United Europe. At the 
beginning they introduced a variation of the 1968 Czechoslovakian 
'democratization.' At a later phase they will shift to a variation of the 
Czechoslovakian takeover of 1948. -Anatoliy Golitsyn, _New Lies for 
Old_, 1984

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[ZION] Good News Sources

2003-11-14 Thread John W. Redelfs

What do you feel are some of the best news sources on the Web?  How about 
off the Web?

I know that Marc Schindler continually gushed over the Economist, and truth 
be told, I found it a good source of news.  But I still read "The New 
American," "Newsmax," and "Worldnet Daily" on the Web.   They make no 
pretense of objectivity, but they give me the right-wing slant that I can't 
get anywhere else.

What am I overlooking.  I'm a little bored with the news sources I've been 
using.  I'd like to try something new.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"While we cannot agree with others on certain matters, we
must never be disagreeable. We must be friendly,
soft-spoken, neighborly, and understanding." (President
Gordon B. Hinckley, October 2003)
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR 

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[ZION] Good Feelings

2003-11-14 Thread John W. Redelfs
One of the things I love about the Zion list is the feeling that we are all 
good friend even though we disagree about a lot of things.  Even Marc 
Schindler, who was as close to a Marxist as I ever met on this list argued 
with me and the rest of us as if he felt a deep affection for us.  Wouldn't 
you agree.

I really hope that as we slam Ron Scott, and get slammed in return, we can 
all keep some good feelings towards each other.  We don't have to dislike 
someone just because he disagrees with us.  I'm sure there is a lot that we 
can do to engender good feelings on the list and still have a rip-roaring 
discussion, aren't you?

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"While we cannot agree with others on certain matters, we
must never be disagreeable. We must be friendly,
soft-spoken, neighborly, and understanding." (President
Gordon B. Hinckley, October 2003)
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR 

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RE: [ZION] Sons of Perdition

2003-11-14 Thread RB Scott

> -Original Message-
> From: Gerald Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 4:14 PM
> Subject: RE: [ZION] Sons of Perdition
> Ron,
> It was tongue in cheek. I guess I should have used an emoticon. Since
> Till was asking about New York, I used it as the center of the joke. Had
> it been in the South, I'd might have used Strom Thurmond
> Gary
> Ron Scott wrote:
> >
> > I love the way some of you apply gospel doctrine in your lives. Amazing.
> >
> > RBS
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Gerald Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 11:54 AM
> > > Subject: RE: [ZION] Sons of Perdition
> > >
> > >
> > > I don't think Dantes figured on that many layers of hell. Who
> would have
> > >
> > > known that NY would elect Hitlary, Schumer, and isn't there a
> Kennedy in
> > >
> > > there somewhere also?
> > >
> > > Gary Smith
> > >
> > > Elmer L. Fairbank wrote:
> > > >
> > > > At 07:57 PM 11/13/2003 -0500, St Jon wrote:
> > > > >If this were lds-poll, I would say that there was a third hell,
> > > > >something
> > > > >about Mass. and one of their Senators.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Hey, what about us New Yorkers?
> > > >
> > > > Till the downtrodden
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Gerald (Gary) Smith
> > > geraldsmith@
> > >
> > >
> > > //
> > > 
> > > ///  ZION LIST CHARTER: Please read it at  ///
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> > > //
> > > ///
> > >
> > >
> >
> Gerald (Gary) Smith
> geraldsmith@
> //
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> ///  ///
> //
> ///

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RE: [ZION] Sons of Perdition

2003-11-14 Thread RB Scott

> -Original Message-
> From: Stephen Beecroft [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 4:11 PM
> Subject: RE: [ZION] Sons of Perdition
> -Ron-
> > I love the way some of you apply gospel doctrine in your lives.
> > Amazing.
> I've gotta tell you, Ron, that I've been thinking exactly the same thing
> while reading your posts to this list for the last week.
> Stephen

Perhaps. I'd be interested in seeing examples of what you're talking about.
But, unlike you guys, I make no pretense of being conventional.


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[ZION] Left vs. Right

2003-11-14 Thread John W. Redelfs
I don't know which party I am more upset with, the Democrats for dragging 
the country to the left, or the Republicans for putting up the sham fight 
that let them do it.  --JWR

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Re: [ZION] Starts with G "guests"

2003-11-14 Thread John W. Redelfs
Tom Matkin wrote:
Sonnet 133 (Some children live for only just a while)
by Tom Matkin, March 30, 2002
Some children live for only just a while
Mere visitors not really part of us
Perhaps they've proved themselves without this trial
Not needing but a touch of all this fuss.
It wounds us when they get their final call
We grieve and fret and feel the hand of pain
Invested as we are in loving all
It hurts, but it's our duty to remain.
We know they meet with glory where they go
They lose no blessings from their shortened stay
And leave their touch of heaven's love below
To spark resolve to live a better way.
So one day when our earthly stay is done
Brief guests and us can once again be one.
This was truly beautiful, Tom.  Thanks.  --JWR

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Re: [ZION] Does anyone know?

2003-11-14 Thread Cousin Bill
Getting back to the original topic, I find it quite telling that
not one person has mentioned the World Cup volleyball.  I take
that to mean that though it is called the World Cup, little if
any attention is being paid to it in America.  Just to give a
quick recap of the two matches I know, America beat Japan (Yeah!)
and Japan beat Cuba (Yeah!)  You'll have to find someone more
interested than I to find out anything else.

Cousin Bill
"Our country, right or wrong.  When
right, to be kept right.  When wrong,
to be put right." -- Carl Schurz

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[ZION] Starts with G "guests"

2003-11-14 Thread Tom Matkin
I guess I hit the "enter" button too soon on that last post. Here's the 
meat in the sandwich.

Sonnet 133 (Some children live for only just a while)
by Tom Matkin, March 30, 2002

Some children live for only just a while
Mere visitors not really part of us
Perhaps they've proved themselves without this trial
Not needing but a touch of all this fuss.
It wounds us when they get their final call
We grieve and fret and feel the hand of pain
Invested as we are in loving all
It hurts, but it's our duty to remain.
We know they meet with glory where they go
They lose no blessings from their shortened stay
And leave their touch of heaven's love below
To spark resolve to live a better way.

So one day when our earthly stay is done
Brief guests and us can once again be one.  


"I just pretend I'm a princess, and that I could summarily have her 
executed at any time according to my own pleasure.  It gives me great 
comfort!" (The Little Princess)

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[ZION] Starts with G "guests"

2003-11-14 Thread Tom Matkin

"I just pretend I'm a princess, and that I could summarily have her 
executed at any time according to my own pleasure.  It gives me great 
comfort!" (The Little Princess)

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Re: [ZION] Sons of Perdition

2003-11-14 Thread Grampa Bill in Savannah
Gerald Smith wrote:

It's good for us to have more than one viewpoint, even if we don't agree. It should 
challenge us to consider and reconsider our personal ideas on things, to ensure we are 
standing on solid ground, or at least on ground that isn't too swampy.
Gary Smith
Grampa Bill asks:
   Is that "swampy" comment another swipe at Savannah? Down here, 
standing on swampy land is about our only option.
Love y'all.
Grampa Bill in Savannah
(About twenty miles from Mort Walker's Camp Swampy, home of General Amos 
T. Halftrack, Major Greenbrass, Captain Scabbard, Lieutenant Fuzz, 
Sergeant Snorkel, and Private Beetle Bailey, not to forget America's 
sweetheart, Miss Buxley)

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Re: [ZION] Sons of Perdition

2003-11-14 Thread Grampa Bill in Savannah
Gerald Smith wrote:

it been in the South, I'd might have used Strom Thurmond

Ron Scott wrote:

I love the way some of you apply gospel doctrine in your lives. Amazing.



-Original Message-
From: Gerald Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 11:54 AM
Subject: RE: [ZION] Sons of Perdition
I don't think Dantes figured on that many layers of hell. Who would have known that NY would elect Hitlary, Schumer, and isn't there a Kennedy in 

there somewhere also?

Grampa Bill comments:
   I'm not sure who said what to whom, but don't even think about 
putting the illustrious and much beloved Strom Thurmond in the same 
context with the Hildebeast, Chuckie, and the Chappaquiddick Kid. You 
don't want to go there... :-|
Love y'all,
Grampa Bill in Savannah

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[ZION] Zell Miller

2003-11-14 Thread Gerald Smith
Democratic Senator Zell Miller of Georgia has written an interesting 
book on his party. He criticizes them for going so far left, and 
rejecting some of its former ideals, including being the party of the 
downtrodden and regular guy.

I must say, as I recollect my younger years, my parents were stolid 
Democrats. They voted for JFK, LBJ, voted for HHHumphrey, gathered 
petition signatures to have Jerry Ford impeached for pardoning Nixon, 
voted the first time for Carter.

But with the majority of America, they started seeing the Dems slip 
farther and farther to the left until they could no longer recognize it 
as the party they had believed in for so long. They were Reagan 
Democrats. With me, they voted the first time for Ross Perot, being 
disgusted with Bush Sr's lie on "no new taxes." But were even more 
disgusted with Clinton's lies. Dad's now gone, but Mom is rather 
satisfied with "W" Bush, though in my view, he's okay, but definitely 
not a Reagan.

I would like to see the Dems return to where they once were. Where the 
Zell Millers and JFKs had dreams on how the government could work hand 
in hand with the people of the nation to accomplish much good. Instead, 
Zell is the lone voice on the national level of the Dems, decrying their 
socialistic antics and lack of love for America's purpose.

I wish we could regain the party of Jefferson, for those of us who truly 
believe we are Jeffersonian Democrats.

Gary Smith

Gerald (Gary) Smith

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RE: [ZION] Thoughts on Ted Kennedy and Communism

2003-11-14 Thread Steven Montgomery
At 01:26 PM 11/14/2003, you wrote:
They spent years angry with one another for the political rivalry they
had, refusing to speak to each other. Then in their elder years, they
began writing to one another. They forgave each other and became close
pen pals. Interesting that John Adams' last words were: "Thomas
Jefferson still lives", yet Jefferson had passed away a few hours before
Thomas Jefferson, in his handwritten instructions for his own tombstone, 
stated that he wanted to be remembered for three things--Author of the 
Declaration of Independence, Author of the Statute of Virginia for 
religious freedom, and Father of the University of Virginia.

Steven Montgomery
Senior Editor, The Constitutional Broadside Newsletter
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RE: [ZION] Sons of Perdition

2003-11-14 Thread Gerald Smith
Which is what makes having Ron around so fun. It's good for us to have 
more than one viewpoint, even if we don't agree. It should challenge us 
to consider and reconsider our personal ideas on things, to ensure we 
are standing on solid ground, or at least on ground that isn't too 
Gary Smith

Stephen Beecroft wrote:
> -Ron-
> > I love the way some of you apply gospel doctrine in your lives.
> > Amazing.
> I've gotta tell you, Ron, that I've been thinking exactly the same thing 
> while reading your posts to this list for the last week.
> Stephen

Gerald (Gary) Smith

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RE: [ZION] Sons of Perdition

2003-11-14 Thread Gerald Smith
It was tongue in cheek. I guess I should have used an emoticon. Since 
Till was asking about New York, I used it as the center of the joke. Had 
it been in the South, I'd might have used Strom Thurmond

Ron Scott wrote:
> I love the way some of you apply gospel doctrine in your lives. Amazing.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Gerald Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 11:54 AM
> > Subject: RE: [ZION] Sons of Perdition
> > 
> > 
> > I don't think Dantes figured on that many layers of hell. Who would have 
> > 
> > known that NY would elect Hitlary, Schumer, and isn't there a Kennedy in 
> > 
> > there somewhere also?
> > 
> > Gary Smith
> > 
> > Elmer L. Fairbank wrote:
> > > 
> > > At 07:57 PM 11/13/2003 -0500, St Jon wrote:
> > > >If this were lds-poll, I would say that there was a third hell, 
> > > >something
> > > >about Mass. and one of their Senators.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Hey, what about us New Yorkers?
> > > 
> > > Till the downtrodden
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Gerald (Gary) Smith
> > geraldsmith@
> >
> > 
> > //
> > 
> > ///  ZION LIST CHARTER: Please read it at  ///
> > ///  ///
> > //
> > ///
> > 
> > 

Gerald (Gary) Smith

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RE: [ZION] Sons of Perdition

2003-11-14 Thread Stephen Beecroft
> I love the way some of you apply gospel doctrine in your lives.
> Amazing.

I've gotta tell you, Ron, that I've been thinking exactly the same thing 
while reading your posts to this list for the last week.


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RE: [ZION] Sons of Perdition

2003-11-14 Thread RB Scott
I love the way some of you apply gospel doctrine in your lives. Amazing.


> -Original Message-
> From: Gerald Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 11:54 AM
> Subject: RE: [ZION] Sons of Perdition
> I don't think Dantes figured on that many layers of hell. Who would have 
> known that NY would elect Hitlary, Schumer, and isn't there a Kennedy in 
> there somewhere also?
> Gary Smith
> Elmer L. Fairbank wrote:
> > 
> > At 07:57 PM 11/13/2003 -0500, St Jon wrote:
> > >If this were lds-poll, I would say that there was a third hell, 
> > >something
> > >about Mass. and one of their Senators.
> > 
> > 
> > Hey, what about us New Yorkers?
> > 
> > Till the downtrodden
> > 
> Gerald (Gary) Smith
> geraldsmith@
> //
> ///  ZION LIST CHARTER: Please read it at  ///
> ///  ///
> //
> ///

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RE: [ZION] Thoughts on Ted Kennedy and Communism

2003-11-14 Thread Gerald Smith
They spent years angry with one another for the political rivalry they 
had, refusing to speak to each other. Then in their elder years, they 
began writing to one another. They forgave each other and became close 
pen pals. Interesting that John Adams' last words were: "Thomas 
Jefferson still lives", yet Jefferson had passed away a few hours before 


Steven Montgomery wrote:
> At 10:13 AM 11/14/2003, Gary wrote:
> >define freedom.  There are huge chasms of difference between John Adams
> >the forefather and Thomas Jefferson the forefather.
> Whatever differences they had, I find it interesting, and perhaps not 
> mere 
> coincidental, that both men died within hours of each other, July 4th 
> 1826--the Jubilee (Fiftieth) anniversary of the signing of the 
> Declaration 
> of Independence.
> --
> Steven Montgomery
> Do I err, then, in believing that the universe is built upon symbols, to 
> the end that it may bear record of its all-wise Architect and Builder? 
> God 
> teaches with symbols; it is his favorite method of teaching. The Savior 
> often used them. (Orson F. Whitney, Improvement Era, August 1927)

Gerald (Gary) Smith

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RE: [ZION] Punch their lights out

2003-11-14 Thread Jim Cobabe

Ron Scott wrote:
Ah, I'm less than semi-rational. I suppose I'll validate your name 
calling if I say I don't agree with you.  Not agreeing with you is prima 
facie evidence that I am less than semi-rational, right?

Not agreeing with me is evidence that we do not agree.  No surprise in 
that.  We can still talk, can't we?

It's possible that communism could be revived in some former republics 
of the USSR.

No dramatic "revival" would be required for many formerly communist 
countries.  Just a transition back to old familiar ways.

Isn't it rather academic that any socio-political group which believes 
communism is the best viable economic and political system could assume 
power.  Particularly in unstable countries where there is nothing 
competing for that niche.

In spite of your light dismissal, there are still plenty of folks in 
evidence even in this country who are devoted to Marxist ideals.  They 
would welcome another chance.

True enough. But the alternative to democracy isn't necessarily 

Oh?  You think monarchy or feudal fiefdom are still popular 
up-and-coming governments?

We'll please be specific about my speciousness, if it's not too much to 

Don't play dumb.  Your characterizations of Benson are nearly 
unanimously polemic.  Lableling him as "the icon of the right wing" can 
hardly be taken as an even-handed compliment by anyone.

I listen to him and many others.

Yes--there's listening, then there's listening.

You are putting words in my mouth, drawing inferences that have NO
BASIS IN FACT,Brother Jim.

Eh.  I only put words in my own mouth.  Yours is way too far away.

...whether theres a commy in every commode.

In your face, Ron.  This was your (obviously polemic) characterization.

Want to change the tone of the discussion?  Go ahead, I'll reciprocate.

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RE: [ZION] Thoughts on Ted Kennedy and Communism

2003-11-14 Thread Steven Montgomery
At 10:13 AM 11/14/2003, Gary wrote:

define freedom.  There are huge chasms of difference between John Adams
the forefather and Thomas Jefferson the forefather.
Whatever differences they had, I find it interesting, and perhaps not mere 
coincidental, that both men died within hours of each other, July 4th 
1826--the Jubilee (Fiftieth) anniversary of the signing of the Declaration 
of Independence.

Steven Montgomery
Do I err, then, in believing that the universe is built upon symbols, to 
the end that it may bear record of its all-wise Architect and Builder? God 
teaches with symbols; it is his favorite method of teaching. The Savior 
often used them. (Orson F. Whitney, Improvement Era, August 1927)

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RE: [ZION] Punch their lights out

2003-11-14 Thread Steven Montgomery
At 10:02 AM 11/14/2003, Ron Scott wrote:

Surprise. Believe it or not Jim, like you I believe its far more importance
for our nation to be concerned about national defense and security than to
turn into a nation of worry warts over whether theres a commy in every
Believe it or not--but I absolutely agree with you in this particular.

Steven Montgomery
The United States goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She
is a well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the
champion and vindicator only of her own. If the United States took up
all foreign affairs, it would become entangled in all the wars of
interest and intrigue, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of
freedom. She might become the dictatress of the world. She would be no
longer the ruler of her own soul." --President John Quincy Adams 

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RE: [ZION] Punch their lights out

2003-11-14 Thread Steven Montgomery
At 01:54 PM 11/13/2003, Ron Scott asked:

Where, in your opinion, is the "communist" threat today.  And, please don't
post reams of stuff I've read before.  Tell me what YOU think.
Ok, here are a few things that come to mind:

1. Communism still very much rules over a great portion of the earth. 
China, Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam., etc.

2. Marxist-Leninist Terrorist Organizations still operate in many parts of 
the world. Such as the Shining Path, FARC, Tamil Tigers, etc. Incidentally, 
my wife's uncle, Ray Rising, was captured and held by Marxist-Leninist 
Guerrilla's (The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia or FARC) for 810 
days. He wrote a book of his ordeal which you can read about here:

3. That the policies of Glasnost and Perestroika are "Potemkin Villages," 
setup to lull the United States and the rest of the West to sleep. I find 
it interesting, for example, that Putin was a "former" KGB agent and that 
Gorbachev, in his book, _Perestroika_ admitted that he is still very much a 

4. China's "Opening to the West" is very much following the Marxist 
strategy of dialectical advance. China admits in an official "White Paper," 
available on their website, that the purpose of trade is to build up their 
Manufacturing and Military infrastructure while at the same time weakening 
the west.

These are just a few of my thoughts--but perhaps you had a more specific 
question in mind?

Steven Montgomery
Wishing to advance in a room full of people, I do not walk through the 
aisle and straight toward my goal. Nor do I move slowly through the crowd 
shaking hands with friends and acquaintances, discussing points of 
interest, gradually nearing the objective. The dialectical pathway is 
different. It consists of a resolute forward advance followed by an abrupt 
turn and retreat. Having retreated a distance there is another turn and 
advance. Through a series of forward-backward steps the goal is approached. 
To advance thus is to advance dialectically. The Communist goal is fixed 
and changeless, but their direction of advance reverses itself from time to 
time. They approach their goal by going directly away from it a 
considerable portion of the time. Lenin wrote the textbook, One Step 
Forward, Two Steps Back. Chinese Communist schoolchildren are taught to do 
the dialectical march taking three steps forward and two steps back. If we 
judge where the Communists are going by the direction in which they are 
moving we will obviously be deceived. (Dr. Fred Schwarz, Founder of the 
Christian Anti-Communism Crusade and Author of, _You Can Trust the 
Communists: To be Communists_)

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RE: [ZION] Punch their lights out

2003-11-14 Thread RB Scott

> -Original Message-
> From: Jim Cobabe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 10:39 AM
> Subject: RE: [ZION] Punch their lights out
> Ron Scott wrote:
> ---
> Where, in your opinion, is the "communist" threat today.
> ---
> Don't be silly.  <

I wasn't being silly. It was a sincere question.

>Eastern-bloc communism could be revived overnight.
> Communist governments in third-world countries in Eastern Europe,
> Africa, Asia, and South America are a constant threat to our security.
> Any semi-rational person can see this.<

Ah, I'm less than semi-rational. I suppose I'll validate your name calling
if I say I don't agree with you.  Not agreeing with you is prima facie
evidence that I am less than semi-rational, right?

It's possible that communism could be revived in some former republics of
the USSR.  The chances are quite remote, but it could happen.  In former
USSR satellites in Eastern Europe?  Not much of a chance: not Eastonia,
Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, (East Germany is now part of Germany, in case you
missed the news), Ukraine, Hungary, Czechloslovakia, Yugoslavias.  A little
bit of a chance in Byelorus and Bulgaria. Obviously you disagree.  So please
give me a specific example of an Eastern European country that could slide
back into communism.

I suppose it could happen in some countries of South America and Africa.
But, if it did, it would hardly pose a serious threat to the U.S., to the
rest of the world.

>Even now we as a nation are
> making huge efforts around the world to advocate and encourage
> democratic governments.<

True enough. But the alternative to democracy isn't necessarily communism.
> Your negative reflections on Benson's politics are specious. <

We'll please be specific about my speciousness, if it's not too much to ask.
I think I limited my comments on former President Benson's politics to this:
"I don't agree with his politics."

 >Of course
> some of the specifics do not pertain to current events, just like some
> writings of Isaiah about the Assyrians are not particularly pertinant
> today.  But there's nothing outdated or anachronistic about President
> Benson's counsel regarding loyalty to God and country.<

Who said there was? Not me.

> Plenty of us could take lessons from President Benson's teachings.<

I do.  I listen to him and many others. As you know I'm particularly fond of
President Hinckley. I had/have deep respect Presidents McKay, Kimball,Lee
and George Albert Smith and Joseph Fielding Smith and wish President Hunter
had been a little more outspoken as an apostle.  My list includes all the
prophets who have led the church during my life.

> One of the more telling complaints I've heard from right-wing folks is
> that liberals seem to hate America and what it stands for.  It is easy
> to understand why patriotic folks with traditional ideals form this
> opinion.  It is difficult, in the context of these times, to understand
> why anyone would sell short the importance of national defense and
> security.  I worry far more about that than I do about being preoccupied
> with Communists hiding in every toilet.<<

Did I say a word about "national defense?" Did I write a word that would
suggest that I underrate the importance of national defense at this time?  I
DID NOT.  You are putting words in my mouth, drawing inferences that have NO
BASIS IN FACT,Brother Jim.

Surprise. Believe it or not Jim, like you I believe its far more importance
for our nation to be concerned about national defense and security than to
turn into a nation of worry warts over whether theres a commy in every

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RE: [ZION] Thoughts on Ted Kennedy and Communism

2003-11-14 Thread Gerald Smith
Well, Ron, you asked us to tell what we believe and not quote others. I 
did just as you asked.

Now, does this mean I think everyone in Europe or China is evil? Of 
course not. I think tyranny holds down the very good and humble people 
as effectively as it does the wicked. Just look at how the Lamanites and 
priests of Noah controlled the lives of Alma and his people, until they 
were able to escape.

Now, I hope I'm wrong about the Beasts, etc.  And I admit it is my 
opinion. But just because you disagree with it, does not make it wrong. 
I explained my thoughts on it briefly, and you simply attacked it as, 
and I quote, "B.S."  Surely someone with as much knowledge of worldly 
things as you can come up with some logical argument. Try dissuading me 
with cogent arguments, rather than attacking me personally, eh?

I know about Europe. I have a Master's Degree in history, and my key 
area of study was Europe.  There are major factors that differentiate 
the American Revolution from the French Revolution. Those factors remain 
valid today, and are the key reasons for the rifts between the two 
nations. Depending upon whose ground one stands, I suppose you could see 
the other group as unstable, wrong-headed, and perhaps even evil. When 
Gore Vidal says that Bush would have been hanged by the Founding Fathers 
for being a despot, he obviously meant the forefathers of the French. 
His is clearly a European argument, which unsurprisingly, is the 
argument used by many (not all) liberals here. Why some liberals feel 
more free in France than here, is simply an issue of how (or what) they 
define freedom.  There are huge chasms of difference between John Adams 
the forefather and Thomas Jefferson the forefather.  I highly doubt 
Jefferson would have hung Bush. OTOH, the French slew thousands who 
disagreed with the political flavor of the month. We hear of 
guillotines, but few know of how people were tied to boats that were 
sunk, or were staked in fields where cannons were shot to slay them. The 
French political establishment was one where one had to remain in the 
"center" (which was continually moving further left),  while the enemies 
of the right were killed. Today, outspoken voices are rarely heard in 
France, because there is little actual freedom of opinion or speech 
there. Meanwhile, over the past few decades, American freedom of speech 
has been enhanced and grown by a variety of television, radio, and 
internet blogs that cover all spectrums of the political wavelength.


Ron Scott wrote:
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Gerald Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 7:53 AM
> > Subject: [ZION] Thoughts on Ted Kennedy and Communism
> >
> >
> >
> > Ron Scott tried to excuse Ted's behavior by the deaths of his
> > brothers, and asked for what danger there is from communism today.<<
> I did nothing of the kind, friend. Nor do I see any correlation between
> communism and Ted Kennedy.
> >
> > Let me answer both. First, Ted's behavior came along way before
> > any of his brothers died. Chappaquidick shows us just what kind
> > of a person he is. <
> Wrong, again. The incident at Chappaquiddick (correct SPELLING) was 
> July,
> 1969. JFK was assassinated in November of 1963; RFK was gunned down in 
> July
> of 1968.  Teddy's behavior after the accident was reprehensible.
> >occured after the assassinationWhile John Kennedy risked his life for 
> >his
> men
> > on his PT boat, and with his brother, Bobby Kennedy, stood firm
> > against communism in the Cuba Missile Crisis; we have Teddy going
> > his own spoiled brat way. <
> I agree, he was a spoiled brat with a mjaor league drinking problem.  He
> arrived in Utah in 1968 and his first question to reporters was: "where 
> can
> I get a drink?"
> >Mort Sahl, the comedian and political
> > commentator once mentioned how people would grab him and say,
> > "you've got to see this new senator, he's just like JFK" or "This
> > new guy is just like Bobby."  Mort wondered if there was anyone
> > that wasn't like JFK or Bobby, and then it dawned on him: Teddy.
> > If anything, Teddy sold out to communist/extreme liberal
> > interests long ago, and shares nothing with his older brothers
> > except the now misnomered label "Democrat." <
> As you noted correctly, Mort Sahl was a comedian.
> SNIP. I did not attempt to compare Ted to John or Bobby. Not once. Not 
> ever.
> I simply said that we, who are no position to judge him anyway, ought to
> take into account the fact that his three older brothers -- Joe, Jack 
> and
> Bobby-- met violent, untimely deaths.  In the cases of Jack and Bobby, 
> those
> deaths were in his face, day in and day out, for years and years and 
> years.
> I suspect such would have a negative impact on all of us.  That is no 
> excuse
> for his behavior.
> > Now, as for communism's modern threat. I don't look at it as a
> > threat by communi

RE: [ZION] Sons of Perdition

2003-11-14 Thread Gerald Smith
I don't think Dantes figured on that many layers of hell. Who would have 
known that NY would elect Hitlary, Schumer, and isn't there a Kennedy in 
there somewhere also?

Gary Smith

Elmer L. Fairbank wrote:
> At 07:57 PM 11/13/2003 -0500, St Jon wrote:
> >If this were lds-poll, I would say that there was a third hell, 
> >something
> >about Mass. and one of their Senators.
> Hey, what about us New Yorkers?
> Till the downtrodden

Gerald (Gary) Smith

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RE: [ZION] Does anyone know?

2003-11-14 Thread RB Scott
Being the internationalist  that I am, it should come as no surprise
to you that my favorite sport to play and watch is soccer. But, one has to
understand the game to enjoy watching it.  The same is true of baseball.
And, knowledge also enhances the enjoyment of football and basketball as
well, even if they are a little easier to appreciate.

I think soccer is the ideal "first sport" for children:

1.  It strengthens the cardio-vascular system
2.  Children rarely leave a game feeling like they have failed, personally.
3.  It teaches the importance of cooperation and teamwork like no other
sport I know.

As for the chances for injury: low at the recational level; moderate
compared to American football; on par, probably, with basketball and
baseball. Translation: if a kid plays the sport competitively, sooner or
later he will suffer a serious injury.

I also appreciate the the refereeing practices.  As a rule, fouls  and
violations are only called if 1) the foul itself gives one team the
advantage over its opponent ( if  the player with the ball is fouled but
maintains control and continues on unimpeded, the foul would not be called);
2) the foul was clearly dangerous. I dislike the "offsides" rule -- a rule
adopted because the U.S. insisted on it back in the 1930s, after it had won
the World Cup -- although a slower team, like the U.S. was then, can use it
to mount an effective defense.


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RE: [ZION] Punch their lights out

2003-11-14 Thread Jim Cobabe

Ron Scott wrote:
Where, in your opinion, is the "communist" threat today.

Don't be silly.  Eastern-bloc communism could be revived overnight.  
Communist governments in third-world countries in Eastern Europe, 
Africa, Asia, and South America are a constant threat to our security.  
Any semi-rational person can see this.  Even now we as a nation are 
making huge efforts around the world to advocate and encourage 
democratic governments.

Your negative reflections on Benson's politics are specious.  Of course 
some of the specifics do not pertain to current events, just like some 
writings of Isaiah about the Assyrians are not particularly pertinant 
today.  But there's nothing outdated or anachronistic about President 
Benson's counsel regarding loyalty to God and country.  Plenty of us 
could take lessons from President Benson's teachings.

One of the more telling complaints I've heard from right-wing folks is 
that liberals seem to hate America and what it stands for.  It is easy 
to understand why patriotic folks with traditional ideals form this 
opinion.  It is difficult, in the context of these times, to understand 
why anyone would sell short the importance of national defense and 
security.  I worry far more about that than I do about being preoccupied 
with Communists hiding in every toilet.

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RE: [ZION] Thoughts on Ted Kennedy and Communism

2003-11-14 Thread RB Scott

> -Original Message-
> From: Gerald Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 7:53 AM
> Subject: [ZION] Thoughts on Ted Kennedy and Communism
> Ron Scott tried to excuse Ted's behavior by the deaths of his
> brothers, and asked for what danger there is from communism today.<<

I did nothing of the kind, friend. Nor do I see any correlation between
communism and Ted Kennedy.
> Let me answer both. First, Ted's behavior came along way before
> any of his brothers died. Chappaquidick shows us just what kind
> of a person he is. <

Wrong, again. The incident at Chappaquiddick (correct SPELLING) was July,
1969. JFK was assassinated in November of 1963; RFK was gunned down in July
of 1968.  Teddy's behavior after the accident was reprehensible.

>occured after the assassinationWhile John Kennedy risked his life for his
> on his PT boat, and with his brother, Bobby Kennedy, stood firm
> against communism in the Cuba Missile Crisis; we have Teddy going
> his own spoiled brat way. <

I agree, he was a spoiled brat with a mjaor league drinking problem.  He
arrived in Utah in 1968 and his first question to reporters was: "where can
I get a drink?"

>Mort Sahl, the comedian and political
> commentator once mentioned how people would grab him and say,
> "you've got to see this new senator, he's just like JFK" or "This
> new guy is just like Bobby."  Mort wondered if there was anyone
> that wasn't like JFK or Bobby, and then it dawned on him: Teddy.
> If anything, Teddy sold out to communist/extreme liberal
> interests long ago, and shares nothing with his older brothers
> except the now misnomered label "Democrat." <

As you noted correctly, Mort Sahl was a comedian.

SNIP. I did not attempt to compare Ted to John or Bobby. Not once. Not ever.
I simply said that we, who are no position to judge him anyway, ought to
take into account the fact that his three older brothers -- Joe, Jack and
Bobby-- met violent, untimely deaths.  In the cases of Jack and Bobby, those
deaths were in his face, day in and day out, for years and years and years.
I suspect such would have a negative impact on all of us.  That is no excuse
for his behavior.

> Now, as for communism's modern threat. I don't look at it as a
> threat by communism, but by tyrannical ideologies. Ideologies
> that seek to reach their goals by enslaving or killing millions
> are evil.<

I don't think we disagree.

>America should not support nor sustain any of them,
> except in encouraging them to become free republics. Then, I read
> the Revelation of John as discussing Beasts, etc. I see the first
> Beast as the European Union, with its disgust for true freedom
> and desire to establish a major economic system enforced
> everywhere (which is what the Beast does. You can't buy nor sell
> without its mark: the Euro?). <

You've got to be kidding?

>Then, the Dragon is China, which is
> becoming a world power. Finally, the second Beast will be the
> Muslim nations, as they enhance in power, and as Europe embraces
> them in their disgust toward Israel, and in their attempt to
> pacify terrorists.<<

So basically, your distorted view has transformed it into an "You and your
fellow travelers against the rest of the world" scenario.  I love it.

> I am not a capitalist, BTW. I believe it is just as easy to push
> capitalism in communist China as it is to do it here. I am a
> believer in human liberty, not given by the state, but by God.
> This is the clencher that separates free republics like the USA
> from many of its counterparts in Europe. France and Germany
> believe in freedom, only as long as it doesn't bother the
> politicians. France doesn't have several viewpoints readily
> available to its people, but only that of the ruling party. They
> seek to secularize the EU, getting rid of Christianity, rather
> than allowing religious freedom, but recognizing its roots: both
> the good and bad of it all.<

I think you have an astonishingly skewed view of reality, especially of

> I see a grave danger coming in the name of capitalism and false
> democracies that embrace tyrannical governments. We have been
> known to do it in the past, but hopefully we are learning we
> cannot do so any longer.  Meanwhile much of Europe is becoming
> one of the world's greatest dangers because of its embracing
> terrorist nations and ideologies.<<

To use my initials: B.S.


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Re: [ZION] Does anyone know?

2003-11-14 Thread Rusty Taylor
Cousin Bill-- I know very little about Rugby and how it compares with
soccer or American Football. My Dad played Rugby when in college, upset a
player on the opposing team and got smacked in the nose for irritating the

I put Rugby in the same arena as soccer for the demands it makes on the players.

Bob Taylor

>At 09:14 AM 11/14/2003 +0900, Cousin Bill wrote:
>>  I mean, it isn't like
>>we're talking about a real sport like .
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   "There are no coincidences, only small miracles." Author Unknown


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Re: [ZION] Sons of Perdition

2003-11-14 Thread Elmer L. Fairbank
At 07:57 PM 11/13/2003 -0500, St Jon wrote:
If this were lds-poll, I would say that there was a third hell, something
about Mass. and one of their Senators.

Hey, what about us New Yorkers?

Till the downtrodden

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Re: [ZION] Does anyone know?

2003-11-14 Thread Elmer L. Fairbank
At 09:14 AM 11/14/2003 +0900, Cousin Bill wrote:
 I mean, it isn't like
we're talking about a real sport like .



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[ZION] Thoughts on Ted Kennedy and Communism

2003-11-14 Thread Gerald Smith

Ron Scott tried to excuse Ted's behavior by the deaths of his brothers, and asked for 
what danger there is from communism today.

Let me answer both. First, Ted's behavior came along way before any of his brothers 
died. Chappaquidick shows us just what kind of a person he is. While John Kennedy 
risked his life for his men on his PT boat, and with his brother, Bobby Kennedy, stood 
firm against communism in the Cuba Missile Crisis; we have Teddy going his own spoiled 
brat way. Mort Sahl, the comedian and political commentator once mentioned how people 
would grab him and say, "you've got to see this new senator, he's just like JFK" or 
"This new guy is just like Bobby."  Mort wondered if there was anyone that wasn't like 
JFK or Bobby, and then it dawned on him: Teddy.  If anything, Teddy sold out to 
communist/extreme liberal interests long ago, and shares nothing with his older 
brothers except the now misnomered label "Democrat."  JFK lowered taxes, while there 
hasn't been a tax increase that Teddy didn't think was too small. JFK fought for 
American strength, freedom, and independence in developing programs like the space 
program. Teddy has sought to expand welfare services at the expense of the welfare 
recipients, who are enslaved in a system they can scarcely break out of.

Now, as for communism's modern threat. I don't look at it as a threat by communism, 
but by tyrannical ideologies. Ideologies that seek to reach their goals by enslaving 
or killing millions are evil. America should not support nor sustain any of them, 
except in encouraging them to become free republics. Then, I read the Revelation of 
John as discussing Beasts, etc. I see the first Beast as the European Union, with its 
disgust for true freedom and desire to establish a major economic system enforced 
everywhere (which is what the Beast does. You can't buy nor sell without its mark: the 
Euro?). Then, the Dragon is China, which is becoming a world power. Finally, the 
second Beast will be the Muslim nations, as they enhance in power, and as Europe 
embraces them in their disgust toward Israel, and in their attempt to pacify 

I am not a capitalist, BTW. I believe it is just as easy to push capitalism in 
communist China as it is to do it here. I am a believer in human liberty, not given by 
the state, but by God. This is the clencher that separates free republics like the USA 
from many of its counterparts in Europe. France and Germany believe in freedom, only 
as long as it doesn't bother the politicians. France doesn't have several viewpoints 
readily available to its people, but only that of the ruling party. They seek to 
secularize the EU, getting rid of Christianity, rather than allowing religious 
freedom, but recognizing its roots: both the good and bad of it all.

I see a grave danger coming in the name of capitalism and false democracies that 
embrace tyrannical governments. We have been known to do it in the past, but hopefully 
we are learning we cannot do so any longer.  Meanwhile much of Europe is becoming one 
of the world's greatest dangers because of its embracing terrorist nations and 

K'aya K'ama
Gerald Smith
Freedom Forever

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