[Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope-dev] I'd lobe to merge the zope3-dev and zope-dev lists

2007-10-04 Thread Martin Aspeli

Michael R. Bernstein wrote:

On Thu, 2007-10-04 at 19:32 +0530, Baiju M wrote:

Jim Fulton wrote:

 Any objections?

 This would basically involve retiring the zope3-dev list and moving
 zope3 developers to the zope-dev list.


What about retiring #zope3-dev IRC channel and only using #zope ?

No. #zope is roughly the equivalent of the main zope list. There is no
#zope-dev channel.

Now, someone might suggest that the zope3-users list should be merged
with the main zope list, but that someone wouldn't be me. At least not
as long as there are separate releases being made.

In Plone, we have a -user and -dev list, and a single chatroom, #plone. 
We do have #plone-framework for the framework team and release manager, 
but this is much quieter and everyone who's in #plone-framework is also 
in #plone.

Obviously, this is about preference, but we find that having everyone in 
the same chatroom helps keep people in touch. Reading multiple mailing 
lists is not so hard - paying attention to multiple chatrooms at once 
is, and a -user room is pretty much useless if there are no experienced 
developers paying attention.

Also, on the subject of renaming things: Calling it zope-devel or 
similar may not be ideal, since people who develop with Zope (don't we 
all?) assume this is for any developers, not just core developers. 
Something like zope-general and zope-coredev may be better.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Known working sets II [was: Eggification redux]

2007-09-25 Thread Martin Aspeli

Jim Fulton wrote:

Would it be possible for buildout to retrieve such a list from an egg
if it's maintained as an extra, made-up setup.py variable? I just
tried this, but it doesn't seem to be stored in egg-info.

In theory, but not today.  Your use case would be better served by  
adding a way to tell buildout to use a package version even if it  
violates some requirements,

FWIW, Plone has this problem too - we have a number of packages which 
are eggs, and some which are Zope 2 products.

Our "tactical" solution is plone.recipe.plone[1]. Basically, this has a 
known-good working set of versions and will peg to releases (using the 
== version specifier). However, the recipe will also allow you to 
override versions by explicitly specifying eggs. That's good for 
developers and power users who need to use a later version, but we 
"strongly prefer" known good working sets.

Of course, plone.recipe.plone has some problems (mainly, it's a 
product-specific recipe, and we need to release a version of the recipe 
for each version of Plone), but I could see something like this working 
(forgetting for a moment that Plone also has non-egg dependencies to 
think about):

 - We release the meta-egg "Plone", version 3.0

 - In its setup.py I have a set of dependencies (the known-good working 
set) which works for Plone 3.0, our supported, proper release. This 
could just be the normal install_requires dance, with == dependencies as 
the norm.

 - Buildout allows me to override some of those eggs with some specific 
syntax, e.g.:

 recipe = zc.recipe.egg
 eggs =
   Plone==3.0# get all of Plone 3.0's eggs as hard versions
   plone.portlets==3.1 ! # override the dependency from Plone 3.0

The ! syntax here is an invention, but something like it - it's now 
explicit that I'm overriding and I know what I'm doing. Without it, 
buildout would complain about a version conflict.

Further, if I had both Plone and FooBar in the eggs list, and both 
depended on (possibly different) versions of plone.portlets, the ! 
syntax would allow me to explicitly override *both*, if I knew that 
really this version was compatible with both.

Presumably, setuptools could support this behaviour and syntax natively 
as well one day, but we could get it into buildout first.

I like this approach better than the HTTP-fetched 'versions' spec 
because (a) it doesn't depend on an external connection and we don't 
have to maintain some URL where this is stored (a lot of smaller 
projects may not have a sensible place to even make it available from) 
(b) it's part of the Plone meta-egg, which we could release to the 
Cheese Shop as a meta-egg that lets people get a "known good" Plone (c) 
other packages can simply depend on Plone==3.0 and get the normal behaviour.

This doesn't really address Tres' point about collecting "known good" 
sets in a more decentralised, graph-like way, but it ought to work for 
people (like Zope, Grok, CMF and Plone) that want to provide their users 
with a solid release, without making it impossible to sidestep it if you 
know what you're doing.


[1] http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/plone.recipe.plone

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[Zope3-dev] Re: AW: Proposal, free views

2007-09-23 Thread Martin Aspeli

Roger Ineichen wrote:

* Simply *ignore* that they exist. Zope actually has 
facilities for doing this on a technical basis. Simply don't 
inherit your skin from IDefaultBrowserLayer, and voila, you 
won't get any pre-configured views at all.

I can't have unused code in our codebase. We have swiss banks
as customers and can't pass their security assesment with such 
a setup. Belive me, it's not easy to fit their needs.

* If you're interested in replacing a few select views with 
your own implementations, you can use ZCML overrides. Or use 
layers (which is a similar solution to the previous one).

Same here, we can't have unused code in our codebase. This will
increase the security assesment and I don't like to write more
documentation for them.

I assume you mean you can't have any unused component active/registered. 
The code is still going to be there, unless you fork Zope 3 and remove 
the files you don't need, in which case this proposal isn't going to 
help you much anyway.

I think it makes sense to introduce a pattern that makes it easier 
choose which components you need. However, if I understand you correctly 
(and I second Philipp here - the proposal is confusing as it's worded 
now), you're talking about refactoring the ZCML of every package that 
uses browser components. I understand there's full backwards 
compatibility (via includes into the root configure.zcml), but it's 
still a slightly risky and time-consuming dance.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Proposal, free views

2007-09-23 Thread Martin Aspeli

Roger Ineichen wrote:

Heads up,

Please review this proposal. I'll implement it 
shortly if nobody has objections. We need it for

our work here at the Foliage sprint.

If you have objections, please tell me what
you think is not well done and tell me your
ideas to solve the problem in another way.


I read this, but I still don't understand what you're proposing. Is this 
about moving component registrations around in the standard Zope 3 
packages, or are we talking about new functionality here?


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[Zope3-dev] Re: What does python 3000 mean for zope?

2007-09-11 Thread Martin Aspeli

Paul Winkler wrote:

On Sun, Sep 09, 2007 at 05:39:45PM +0100, Martin Aspeli wrote:
Has there been a strong statement that there won't be a Python 2.7 and 
beyond? Will Python 2.x be actively killed off?

Quite the opposite, Guido proposed last year to do 2.7, 2.8, and 2.9.
After that it's not clear to me.

In the discussion on Python 2.x and 3.x compatibility, substitute the word 
"Zope" for "Python" and think of the irony.

I'm still waiting for the announcement of Python "Five" :-)

I suggest we call it Python -1; 2 - 3 = -1.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: What does python 3000 mean for zope?

2007-09-10 Thread Martin Aspeli

Lennart Regebro wrote:

I'm hoping that Guido will see the errors of his ways, and introduce a
Python 2.7 that has more forwards compatibility than what has been
promised for 2.6, so that there can be a useable overlap between
Python 2.7 and 3.0. Maybe a 3.1 with some more backwards compatibility
will be needed to, I don't know.

DISCLAIMER: I'm not very close to the core Python/language community, 
nor have I paid much attention to Py3K.

Has there been a strong statement that there won't be a Python 2.7 and 
beyond? Will Python 2.x be actively killed off?

In the discussion on Python 2.x and 3.x compatibility, substitute the 
word "Zope" for "Python" and think of the irony.

Maybe it would've been better if they'd called it Cobra 1.0. Then we 
could've lived happily in our cohesive Python community. ;-)


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[Zope3-dev] Re: RFC: Known working sets

2007-09-06 Thread Martin Aspeli

Chris Withers wrote:

Jim Fulton wrote:

On Sep 5, 2007, at 10:48 AM, Chris Withers wrote:

Jim Fulton wrote:
I'm very much against making setuptools *more* complicated than it 
already is.
Indeed, but surely managing "known good" sets of components comes 
under its remit of version management?

Sure.  It does this via requirements.

Ok, forgive me for being dumb then, but why are we looking to add 
similar to zc.buildout?

We're talking more about a general pattern in zc.buildout. The 
deficiencies of using setup.py for this alone are described well in the 
original proposal.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: RFC: Known working sets

2007-09-03 Thread Martin Aspeli

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

I trust by "this approach" you mean the EGG-INFO approach? Because the 
stuff I proposed originally already works...

Actually, I meant your proposal: I'd like to see a concrete example of 
it, and a workable process/policy for managing releases in this way; and 
then I'd like to bake that into plone.recipe.plone. :) Plone's release 
management stuff needs a bit of a re-jig to avoid some 
duplication/management overhead anyway.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: RFC: Known working sets

2007-09-03 Thread Martin Aspeli

Hi Philipp,

 - It only works through buildout. Ideally it would be supported at the 
setuptools level, imho.

I'm not really convinced that that's necessary. From a practical 
perspective, zc.buildout is the defacto deployment tool in the Zope 

Alas, not so for all Plone people: Some folks prefer workingenv's in 
old-fashioned Zope (2) instances, some people use instancemanager, some 
people still symlink into lib/python.

Also, working sets have "deployment" written all over it. 

Good point.

setuptools has little to no machinery to aid automated deployments in 
any way.

True. However, I think it's also legitimate to want to "depend on" a 
complete "working set", which is more in setuptools land. But I see no 
problem in solving this at a buildout level first.

That said, Wichert's proposed solution to put the information in 
EGG-INFO would make it open for use by other deployment tools, even 


 - I worry that the management of lots .cfg files could be cumbersome. 
For Plone, we could probably generate one from the dist_plone package, 
which otherwise lists "known working sets" for installers and 

Well, or the other way around: the installers could take the .cfg file 
of the working set and grab the right packages according to that. After 
all, a .cfg file can be read with ConfigParser quite easily.

Yeah, true. It's just that everything wants to be the "one true place". 
In the Plone land, having to cater to non-buildout deployments may make 
that harder, but like you said - .cfg files are pretty neutral.

 - This doesn't really solve the dependency problem. I can't say, "Give 
me Plone 3.0.1 or newer" in a third party package. That could probably 
done by having a separate "Plone" meta-egg which uses >= type dependency 
specifications, though.

Yes, this could be covered by a Plone egg (meta or not) and a 
"Plone>=3.0" modifier that's put in the 3rd party package's setup.py (I 
think the >=, <= operators can be valid in setup.py, just == isn't).


Anyway, like I said - I'd like to see a working version of this 
approach; Plone could quite usefully use it, imho.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: What does python 3000 mean for zope?

2007-09-03 Thread Martin Aspeli

Tres Seaver wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

The ExtensionClass changes are not done,
and I think there are other C-level changes which have not
It was never said whether Zope 2 would be part of the GSoC project or 
not. That said, we can't drop Python 2.4 support until

... we've made sure Zope 2 runs on Python 2.5...

How are you getting ExtensionClass working?  Last I looked, the C
extension didn't compile on 2.5.

Bad posting by philipp - he was finishing the sentence he forgot in the 
previous post. Zope 2 does not run on Python 2.5.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: RFC: Known working sets

2007-09-03 Thread Martin Aspeli

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:


* zc.buildout's extends mechanism would have to be enhanced to be able 
to load files from HTTP locations.

Apparently this already works, I just tested it. I did not bother trying 
this out before because I didn't think buildout already supported it. Yay!

That's quite cool, but I still see a couple of downsides with this.

 - It only works through buildout. Ideally it would be supported at the 
setuptools level, imho.

 - I worry that the management of lots .cfg files could be cumbersome. 
For Plone, we could probably generate one from the dist_plone package, 
which otherwise lists "known working sets" for installers and 

 - This doesn't really solve the dependency problem. I can't say, "Give 
me Plone 3.0.1 or newer" in a third party package. That could probably 
done by having a separate "Plone" meta-egg which uses >= type dependency 
specifications, though.

All in all, it looks like a workable solution, though. I'd like to try 
it out in practice, certainly.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Heads up: major change in zc.buildout policy for selecting distributions

2007-08-20 Thread Martin Aspeli

Jim Fulton wrote:

On Aug 20, 2007, at 2:18 PM, Jim Fulton wrote:

On Aug 20, 2007, at 2:02 PM, Martin Aspeli wrote:

Jim Fulton wrote:
I'm about to make a new release of zc.buildout that uses a  
different  policy for selecting distributions.  In particular, by  
default,  zc.buildout will now prefer final distributions over  
non-final ones.   If there are final and non-final distributions  
that satisfy a  requirement, buildout will, by default, select a  
final distribution  even if there are non-final distributions  
that satisfy a requirement.
This release will cause many existing buildouts to use older   
distributions than they do now.
You can change this behavior by providing a prefer-final  
buildout  option:

   prefer-final = false

How will this be versioned?

It is 1.0.0b29.

(The buildout version numbers are a bit of a mess, as I was  
overoptimistic when I made the initial "beta"  release.  Hm, maybe  
I should start using "e"s.  These could be eek release. ;)

It'd be helpful if it were a different major (or at least minor)  
version than the current one, to make it easier for people to  
stick with a version that has the policy they normally use.

Maybe I should have, but the release is out of the barn.

If this ends up causing too much pain, I could back this out by  
making a "b30" release with the old policy, although, I'd rather not.

No, I'm wrong, I'm going to back these changes out with a b30 release  
and then release them with a 2x release.

Thanks. :)


/me recalls ICQ


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Heads up: major change in zc.buildout policy for selecting distributions

2007-08-20 Thread Martin Aspeli

Jim Fulton wrote:
I'm about to make a new release of zc.buildout that uses a different  
policy for selecting distributions.  In particular, by default,  
zc.buildout will now prefer final distributions over non-final ones.   
If there are final and non-final distributions that satisfy a  
requirement, buildout will, by default, select a final distribution  
even if there are non-final distributions that satisfy a requirement.

This release will cause many existing buildouts to use older  
distributions than they do now.

You can change this behavior by providing a prefer-final buildout  

   prefer-final = false

How will this be versioned?

It'd be helpful if it were a different major (or at least minor) version 
than the current one, to make it easier for people to stick with a 
version that has the policy they normally use.

Other than that, +1 for this policy change.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: ISite misplaced in zope.app.component.interfaces

2007-08-10 Thread Martin Aspeli

Fred Drake wrote:

I think "site" is widely understood term in Zope 3 now and everyone knows
about it. We gain absolutely nothing by renaming it. I think "zope.site"
would be a great package name for "ISite" and friends.

Widely understood, yes.  Frankly, I've *never* liked it, because it
doesn't tightly relate to my more casual ideas on what a "site" is on
the web.  It compontent registry *can* represent a site in that sense,
but that's as much an implementation detail as anything (IMO).

The existing APIs certainly can't change, but I'd love to see more
reasonable name used for a new package that's less tied to supporting
web applications.

FWIW, I recently had to explain the concept of a "site" in Zope 3 and 
how a Plone site root object is a "site" that has a "site manager" and 
... it got very confusing.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: "for" attribute not checked in zcml

2007-06-10 Thread Martin Aspeli

Christophe Combelles wrote:


Many zcml directives have a "for" attribute, which take an interface as 
argument. Absent-minded people like me sometimes happen to put a real class 
instead of an interface in the "for" attributes.

* On browser:page, one can put a real class with no error. Is it correct?

Yes. Browser views are just adapters, and adapters can be registered for 
a specific class, as well as for an interface. Think of a class as being 
an interface which is implemented by a single class only (itself).

* On browser:containerViews, that lead to a non explicit error :
  Error object: list.index(x): x not in list

I'm not familiar with this directive, but it sounds like a bug, or if it 
really isn't supported here, then it should throw an error.

Is there a possibility to check this thing during startup, when zcml is parsed?
That would save time finding out what the real problem is.

It's a feature, not a bug. :)


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Splitting package configuration

2007-05-25 Thread Martin Aspeli

Stephan Richter wrote:

On Wednesday 23 May 2007 12:24, Fred Drake wrote:

"Official story" doesn't mean a lot to me these days.  I think of
individual ZCML files as interface points: someone might reasonably be
using them directly (unless the filename starts with an underscore).

But you are describing the internal ZC thinking here, certainly not something 
that has been widely or publically communicated. There are very few people 
out there using eggs. 

Perhaps that should change? :)

I'm quite concerned that the "use-the-eggs-as-needed" approach, taken to 
its full potential means no synchronised releases and ultimately degrade 
the "library user experience" (how do you know where to start? how do 
you know what works with what?) for those not already experienced with 
Zope 3.

However, eggs are great. They make it much easier to manage your 
dependencies. Things like entry points and egg script wrappers are very 
powerful. The Cheese Shop as a way of making releases is really pain 
free and much more conducive to making frequent releases. We've embraced 
eggs in a big way for Plone 3, and found the experience generally very 

Most download a release, create an instance and drop 
the add-on packages in there, some using SETUP.cfg and others 
creating/copying the slugs by hand. 

FWIW, I've found it tricky to use things like z3c.widgets (or more 
accurately, a part of z3c.widgets, but that's a different story) because 
there was no egg to find, download and let buildout install for me.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Status update on b1

2007-05-14 Thread Martin Aspeli

Christian Theune wrote:

If anybody wants to take on one of the ones named above, feel free to
use Jim's template for zope.app packages which lives
in /Sandbox/J1m/zope.app-template.

Have you guys thought about using Paste Script to create new packages? 
We do this for virtually all new Plone packages now, and it's a breeze.

I wrote a how-to on it here:


If you want to add new Paste Script templates, feel free to add a new 
one to the ZopeSkel package, which is in the Plone collective. Adding a 
new one is fairly trivial.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: what dependency to use for "zope 3"

2007-05-12 Thread Martin Aspeli

Brian Sutherland wrote:

On Fri, May 11, 2007 at 11:59:37PM +0100, Martin Aspeli wrote:

 Brian Sutherland wrote:

It's just going to get very difficult very quickly to manage such a meta
egg with over 100 or so dependencies. Though I guess there'll be
automated tools to manage this.

 Better we do the difficult part than each and every user does it.

I'm not saying "don't do it", but more "don't try do it by hand" or
you'll burn out your release manager.

A meta egg that only specifies a few dependencies is managable by hand,
but a meta egg that exactly specifies over 100 packages and exact
versions is not.

If we are capable of managing a release of 100 packages now, and not in 
the future with eggs, that sounds like a step backwards for me.

I think (to me!) a large part of the appeal of Zope3 is that it is a 
cohesive, well-tested, well-QA'd collection of libraries which solve an 
aweful lots of needs. If we devolve it all into little bits that live 
and die on their own, that may make life simpler for the 
now-possibly-out-of-a-job release manager, but the sum of the parts will 
be less than the current hole since undoubtedly some bits will stop 
playing so nicely together.

I don't think this is the desire, though. What I'm advocating, is a 
careful definition of "the core", which is subject to synchronised 
release management, buildbots, eagle-eyed release managers and all the 
rest. Some things may then spin off outside the core, or into concentric 
layers of functionality managed by different sub-communities.

But for the *user* of the library, there has to be a way to get a "known 
good" stable version, which promises some migration path when things 
change in the future.

But I do think that a hand-managed super meta-package is a very
difficult thing to do.

I don't really care about the mechanism. You may well be right. But we 
need something. :)

Add a meta egg with a few non-versioned dependencies to the above
collection of eggs and it becomes a release (or multiple releases) :)
Anyone, as long as they only download eggs from that URL, it guaranteed
a set of eggs that works well together.

So long as someone makes sure the meta-egg keeps working. Eggs with 
non-specific versions are scary, since a new version could be 
automatically downloaded and break everything. It requires control and 
consideration at some level.

Bugfixes are simple, simply drop an egg in that directory.

One very bad thing about such a URL is that it makes it very tempting
for developers to upload forked versions of things like twisted, pytz or
mechanize there.

However, buildout's approach of "saving" a known good dependency tree is
also reasonable:


Though I'm not sure how well it will deal with bugfix releases or
allowing others to extend a release you make (i.e. plone on top of

Plone is a good example, since, via Zope 2.10+ it is a consumer of Zope 
3's libraries, but not its app server.

I'd like to be able to say "my package requires the core of Zope, 
version 3.3". That may imply a few packages I don't actually use, but so 

Perhaps even buildout can become the method to create a directory of
eggs/tarballs that will be a "release".

We've thought about using buildout to create installers and tarballs for 
releases in Plone. Not sure what state that thinking is in.

I'm sure both the "repository" and "saved" release types can be tested
together automatically using buildout.

One advantage of a lower level construct such as a meta-egg (or just a 
list of eggs withs specific versions?) is that it can be used more 
easily in a non-buildout environment.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: what dependency to use for "zope 3"

2007-05-11 Thread Martin Aspeli

Brian Sutherland wrote:

It's just going to get very difficult very quickly to manage such a meta
egg with over 100 or so dependencies. Though I guess there'll be
automated tools to manage this.

Better we do the difficult part than each and every user does it. In the 
ideal world, there are no version conflicts. In the real world, there 
will be subtle version conflicts that mean that you can't just always 
get the latest release of each egg. Anyone who's used something like 
Gentoo Linux, with frequent and unsynchronized releases of different 
products know what happens when two packages require different version 
of the same library, or some automatically updated package suddenly 
remove the little bit of the API you were depending on.

Put differently, you may know that you need zope.annotation and 
zope.app.content, but I suspect that most people won't quite know where 
to start, and won't quite know what's available to them. If they start 
with some particular dependency and start exploring the dependency 
graph, they'll probably miss something that's either standalone or on a 
completely separate dependency subtree to the one they're on.

I think another alternative is to separate the releases into different
"repositories", kinda like "All zope 3.0.0 eggs are at

Having eggs doesn't absolve us from doing release management. :) We 
still need to take some of the pain of testing and making sure there are 
adequate tests and making sure things work well together. It's part of 
the QA process (which Zope 3 has done immensely well to date, in my 
opinion). If that overall responsibility eventually falls on no-one, 
then I fear we'll lose the great integration power we have in Zope 3 at 
the moment.

Most people just want a "known good" that they can depend on, where they 
know that changes are going to be limited to important bug fixes. They 
don't care if they get ten extra packages, what's a few megabytes of 
disk space.

It's all well and good (great, even) that people can specify their own 
dependency subtrees (I need the annotation and component parts of Zope, 
I don't want the rest), not at least because it gives entirely different 
platforms a better chance of re-using our code, but someone still needs 
to look after the whole. There are too many packages to have independent 
maintainers who each (a) are available to do timely releases (b) don't 
forget to make release after a while and (c) are able to test that the 
code that is supposed to work with other things, continues to work with 
those things.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: yagni on overrides?

2007-04-26 Thread Martin Aspeli

Leonardo Rochael wrote:

If someone else presents me with an alternative zcml configuration for my
package that was useful for their project, I can put this zcml file in my
package for others to include when using it, instead of my default
configuration. If there are parts in common between the default and
alternative configuration, I'll refactor both configurations to make use of
a common part (say, the browser cofiguration). Or maybe they're mostly the
same except for some unwanted part (say, the subscriptions), then I can pull
this part into a separate file that is included by my default configuration
along with the other, more commonly used part.

A few more iterations of these refactorings and soon enough my package will
have configuration subsets that should be useful for most users of my
package without requiring them to copy a significant amount of my
configuration, and without requiring them to override any part of it.

So, perhaps, we don't need powerful zcml overrides, just cooperative package
maintainers (of which we have plenty in this community).

That assumes that (a) there are meaningful "sets" of configuration 
settings and (b) that where people want to override something, it's 
likely others will need the same overrides.

I've seen two use cases for overrides.zcml:

 - Zope 2 code needing to override Zope 3 adapters to do some Zope 
2-specific stuff.

 - Custom code that (i.e. for a specific project) that needs to change 
the behaviour of some standard component.

In the two cases above, however, I'm not sure the assumptions hold. 
Having 'configuration sets', if I understand you correctly, would mean 
keeping two sets in sync even if they only deviate slightly. That'd be 
cumbersome and risk dependency upgrades breaking things. Thus, it only 
makes sense if there is a maintainer to look after it all. But even then 
it would be cumbersome.

You could have some kind of inheritance mechanism, of course. My set 
extends your one. That's not very different from an overrides.zcml, 
though. I have two "sets of configurations by having two overrides.zcml 
files and making sure only one is in use at any one time. :)

When we *predict* the need for things to be overridden, we tend to make 
things overrideable e.g. with sensible interface modeling to allow a 
"more specific interface" override for an adapter or view, say. It's the 
unpredictable cases where overrides.zcml provides a useful safety valve.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 3.4, eggs and windows

2007-04-22 Thread Martin Aspeli

Christian Theune wrote:


I took Martin's script and adapted it for this release.

Heh, I've been doing open source for a few years now, but I still get a 
slight buzz when someone from outside my "core constituency" makes use 
of some code I've written. :)

Glad it worked out. If you have changes that you think are generally 
useful, let me know. I didn't check in the original in a Plone 
repository yet, perhaps I should, or we could just keep one version in 
the Zope repo if that's easier.


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Re: [Zope3-dev] Grok sprint 2 reports

2007-04-20 Thread Martin Aspeli

Tres Seaver wrote:
> I think you just proved Martin's point:  in my experience, maintaining
> other people's AT-based code is like Napoleon before Moscow:  thigh deep
> in freezing mud.

By AT, I assume you mean Archetypes, and Archetypes doesn't depend on code
generation, nor is it very hard to maintain other people's AT based code if
it was well-written to begin with. Maintaining other people's badly written
code is a pain no matter what tool they used to write it. :)

If you're talking about ArchGenXML, which generates AT code from UML, it's
not too bad. The code it generates is pretty clean, and if you decide to
abandon code generation, there's a minimum of cruft (mostly a few comment
blocks) that you can remove if you wish.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Releasing Zope 3.4

2007-04-15 Thread Martin Aspeli

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

I think we need some tools for this first. something that allows us  
to say:
for packages x, y, and z do the following: Create a tag, change  
setup.py, and
then create the egg. If we do not have this tool, every release  
will be a

major pain.

For 3.4, such a tool would certainly be cool because this will be the  
first time we'll be releasing lots of eggs at pretty much the same  
time. The question is whether it will also be the last time :).

Please see my script that I posted in this thread. It does exactly what 
Stefan is asking for. It's just a straightforward bash script, I'm sure 
it could be generalised more and made more robust, but it's worked well 
for me over two Plone pre-releases managing about 12 eggs.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Releasing Zope 3.4

2007-04-11 Thread Martin Aspeli
FWIW, and in case it's helpful to someone, below is a (bash) script I 
use to release the eggs I manage for Plone. Nothing magical at all, but 
it's worked well for me.

It's semi-automatic, meaning that it asks you to review each step before 
an svn commit.

I use 'ploneout', a zc.buildout of Plone 3, which puts all eggs in a 
src/ sub-directory. I run this script from that directory, using

$ ./release-egg.sh plone.portlets 1.0b1 1.0b2

That means, release plone.portlets (which is the egg name, and also the 
directory name where the source egg is found) version 1.0b1, uploading 
it to the cheeseshop with an egg and a source tarball, from a tag with 
the name /tags/1.0b1. After completion, trunk is set to version 1.0b2, 
for continued development.

It's worked pretty well for two Plone pre-releases. With this script, it 
takes me 15-20 minutes to release 12 or so eggs. If I removed some of 
the safeguards, which ask to review svn diffs before commits, it'd 
probably cut the time in half.

Usual caveats apply, of course. :)





if test "${4}" != "" ; then


cd ${package}

function update_versions() {
echo "Updating version in setup.cfg"
mv setup.py setup.py.old
cat setup.py.old | sed "s/^version = .*$/version = '${1}'/" > setup.py
rm setup.py.old

echo "Updating any version.txt files"
for f in $(find . -name 'version.txt') ; do
echo "${1}" > ${f}

echo "-> Please revise setup.py. Version will be handled separately."
${EDITOR} setup.py

echo "-> Committing current trunk"
svn status
svn diff
read -p "press any key to continue"
svn commit -m "Updating setup.py"

echo "-> Tagging release in subversion at ${tag_url}"
read -p "press any key to continue"
svn cp -m "Tagging ${version}" . "${tag_url}"

echo "-> Switching to tag"
svn switch "${tag_url}"

update_versions "${version}"

echo "-> Removing setup.cfg"
svn rm setup.cfg

echo "-> About to commit changes to tag"
svn status
svn diff
read -p "press any key to continue"
svn commit -m "Updating version and removing setup.cfg for the tag"

echo "-> Cheesing it up"
python setup.py egg_info -RDb "" sdist bdist_egg register upload

echo "-> Switching back to trunk"
svn switch "${trunk_url}"

update_versions "${new_version}"

echo "-> About to commit new version to trunk"
svn status
svn diff
read -p "press any key to continue"
svn commit -m "Updating version on trunk after tagging"

echo "-> All done"
cd ..

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[Zope3-dev] A couple of documentation issues in zope.component

2007-04-01 Thread Martin Aspeli

Hi guys,

Not sure if I need to file these as bugs or not, but:

1. In zope.component.interfaces, unregisterHandler() is defined as:

def unregisterHandler(handler=None, adapts=None, name=u''):

but the implementation in registry.py is:

def unregisterHandler(self, factory=None, required=None, name=u''):

I was reading the interface and trying to pass 'handler' and 'adapts' as 
keyword arguments, which was failing.

registerHandler() appears to have a similar problem. I haven't checked 
the other methods in that interface.

2. In zope.component's README.txt, the interface IValidation is like this:

>>> class IValidate(interface.Interface):
... def validate(ob):
... """Determine whether the object is valid
... Return a string describing a validation problem.
... An empty string is returned to indicate that the
... object is valid.
... """

But the implementation is:

>>> class SingleLineSummary:
... component.adapts(IDocument)
... interface.implements(IValidate)
... def __init__(self, doc):
... self.doc = doc
... def validate(self):
... if '\n' in self.doc.summary:
... return 'Summary should only have one line'
... else:
... return ''

I think the validate() method in the interface should be parameter-less.


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Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Eggs for deprecated packages

2007-03-30 Thread Martin Aspeli

Jim Fulton wrote:
> I think we need to have a much more basic discussion.
> IMO deprecation was a reasonable thing to try that hasn't really  
> worked out well.  People find deperecation warnings to be very  
> annoying and I don't think it's going to be practical to make  
> backward-concompatable changes when eggs are used. I suggest that  
> generally, in the future, eggs should not be deprecated but just end- 
> of-lifed.  When we are tempted to make a backward cincompatible to a  
> package, we should create a new one.  Generally, there is little cost  
> in just leaving old packages around.
> Unfortunately, there are two poitentially significant costs in  
> keeping obsolete eggs:
> 1. They may break with newer Python versions. :(
> 2. The may be in the dependencies of other eggs.  If they are used  
> internally, then, of course, the dependent eggs can be rewritten to  
> use newer non-obsolete eggs.  In other cases, like zope.app, the  
> dependency exists to provide some feature and can't be removed  
> without introducing a backward-incompatible change to the dependent egg.
> Honestly, I'm not sure how to deal with these issues, especially the  
> later. Maybe for collection eggs like zope.app, we have to accept  
> deprecation and backward-incompatible changes, at least for a while.

Are you talking only about whole eggs here, or also about changes to APIs
within eggs that are deemed to have a right to exist?

Deprecation of APIs within a package works reasonably well as we do it now,
imho. If you look at other systems, e.g. the Java APIs, deprecations tend to
take place, though often deprecated APIs are never removed (which has the
downside that they continue to clutter the namespace and sometimes they
could be harmful by design). Deprecation warnings are important here,
because it gives people a fighting chance of forward migrating their code.
Without warnings, we'll have a lot of people that simply get locked into a
version, and find that two or three versions down the line an upgrade would
really mean a rewrite.

Deprecation of entire eggs (e.g. we don't need it anymore, or we think it
needs to move to a different namespace, or we want to break it up into
smaller pieces or amalgamate with some other pieces to make a bigger
package) is kind of a non-issue as far as eggs are concerned. Eggs are
versioned, and people can always depend on specific "old" eggs even if
they're not actively maintained or ship as part of the main Zope 3

As far as "the system" is concerned (whatever you want to call the system,
but let's say that we mean the collection of eggs that we ship as Zope 3 and
promote as a cohesive platform for people to develop on top of) I think we
still need some type of deprecation when we decide to stop packaging up
particular eggs. Say someone is used to downloading and using the standard
Zope 3 distribution (or a particular distribution) - they will assume that
all those packages remain there. When they upgrade, they don't want to
suddenly find that something's gone missing. That's where I suggest we have
a "deprecated-in-version-x" meta-egg that someone can depend on if they need
to get particular packages that no longer exist in the form they used to. It
can ship with Zope 3, ship disabled, or not ship but be documented as the
way to get back the things that were moved, so that developers can
understand the implications of package removals/end-of-life on their own
code and have time to take action accordingly.

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[Zope3-dev] Re: Eggs for deprecated packages

2007-03-29 Thread Martin Aspeli

Jim Fulton wrote:

On Mar 29, 2007, at 6:30 AM, Baiju M wrote:


  There are few deprecated packages in zope.app namespace, should we
create individual eggs for those packages ?


What about creating a single egg with all deprecated packges ?

-1.  We should be able to create the deprecated eggs once and forget  
about them.

One possible benefit of having all deprecated things grouped somehow 
(perhaps not necessarily in one egg, what about having a BBB "virtual 
egg" that has dependencies on all the deprecated things?) is that it 
makes it easier for developers to test the effects of deprecation on 
their code.

For example, the standard Zope 3 distribution could come with this egg 
not installed or not activated. If your code breaks on upgrade, you try 
to install/activate the deprecated egg, in which case you know you'll 
need to do something about your code, soonishly.

Alternatively, it comes installed but you try to remove it to see if 
your package will survive the next version upgrade.

We do similar things with skins in Plone, having a skin layer called 


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Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Google Summer of Code

2007-03-07 Thread Martin Aspeli

Christian Theune-2 wrote:
> It's on the ZODB trunk already for a while. The current trunk is going
> to be ZODB 3.8 and was already released as an alpha. And it will be the
> ZODB that ships with Zope 2.11.

Wonderful :-)

> I'm currently writing up a proposal for an extended Blob version that
> implements O(1) runtime for two points in the Blob implementation that
> are O(N) right now. 

Perhaps this is a project for a certain type of student who may want to
learn more about object databases? No idea what the scope is, but bear in
mind that getting more people to understand the codebase and help maintain
it in the future is a worthwhile goal in itself, SoC-wise.

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Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Google Summer of Code

2007-03-05 Thread Martin Aspeli

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
> On 5 Mar 2007, at 09:48 , Christian Theune wrote:
>> I've added myself too.
> Thanks.
>> I'd be interested in having some ZODB problem,
>> although I'd like not to put the 'clean up the interfaces' burden  
>> onto a
>> student project that ought to be interesting.
> Yes, I realized the same thing. There are lots of things to do in  
> Zope, but not all of them might be interesting enough for a student.
> I think it'd be cool to have a ZODB-related project, though. How  
> about improving gocept.zeoraid?

Is BLOB support definitely finished and in Zope 2.11? Plone is *dying* for
this functionality. ;-)

We were thinking about a Plone GSoC project around large file handling,
though there may not be that much to it if ZODB BLOB support lands and is


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Google Summer of Code

2007-03-05 Thread Martin Aspeli

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Dear developers of Zope,

Google is doing Summer of Code this year again. With an entity like the 
Zope Foundation in place, Zope could participate for the first time.

Awesome :)

I was involved in running Plone's process last year, and will probably 
do so again this year. We did learn a bunch of stuff, so catch me on IRC 
or drop me a mail and we can talk about a few do's and dont's when it 
comes to picking students, picking projects and picking mentors.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: zope.app.form generates invalid HTML

2007-02-24 Thread Martin Aspeli

Andreas Reuleaux wrote:

I had no idea you could do this. Thank you! It works like a charm. I'll 
shut up now. :)


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Re: [Zope3-dev] zope.app.form generates invalid HTML

2007-02-23 Thread Martin Aspeli

Tres Seaver wrote:
>> I'm pretty sure you're not allowed dots in ids of HTML elements.
> The attached HTML and XHTML pages both pass the W3C validator (one HTMl
> 4.01 strict, the other XHTML 1.0 strict).  Both use dotted IDs for form
> elements.  Neither renders "properly" in Firefox 1.5 (the selectors
> based on the dotted ID, as well as those based on attribute, don't get
> applied the form elements).
>> At 
>> least not when they are prefixed by 'form'. A zope.schema.TextLine in a 
>> formlib form, for example, generates HTML like this:
>> In particular, we want to style the fields to look a bit more like 
>> Plone, and we have special cases for "title" and "description" that we 
>> want to style by ID, not class.
>> However, CSS like this has no effect in Firefox or Safari:
>> #form.title {
>>  font-size: 160%;
>>  font-family: ;
>>  font-weight: normal;
>>  width: 99%;
>> }
>> #form.description {
>>  font: 100% ;
>>  font-weight: bold;
>>  height: 6em;
>>  width: 99%;
>> }
>> Not all that surprising - it could look like I'm styling a form with 
>> class="description".
> Not according to the CSS specs.  Note that we might be better off making
> it easy to place a custom CSS class on the widget, rather than fighting
> browser failures on various other selectors.

I had another look at the specs, and I agree that dots should be valid, but
it's pretty horrendous that neither Firefox nor Safari will let me style
that. If I've messed up the CSS syntax, let me know.

- -1 on changing the default behavior;  to paraphrase, "broken browsers
you will have always with you."

+1 on changing 'renderTag' to use some kind of "local" policy (e.g.,
look up an 'ITagElementCleaner' utility) to spply such transforms.

def renderTag(tag, **kw):
cleaner = querytUtility(IWidgetTagCleaner)
if cleaner is None:
kw = cleaner(kw)

Yeah, this is nicer. I'd be happy to supply a patch for this. It would also
suport the case where you wanted to other "standard" transformations on

I'd like to understand what the chances are of Plone 3 (whch will run on
Zope 2.10.x, whichever is latest when Plone is released in mid-May or a bit
later) being able to depend on this. We may need some kind of monkey patch
in Plone if it can't go into a real Zope release in time,

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[Zope3-dev] zope.app.form generates invalid HTML

2007-02-22 Thread Martin Aspeli

Hi guys,

I'm pretty sure you're not allowed dots in ids of HTML elements. At 
least not when they are prefixed by 'form'. A zope.schema.TextLine in a 
formlib form, for example, generates HTML like this:


In particular, we want to style the fields to look a bit more like 
Plone, and we have special cases for "title" and "description" that we 
want to style by ID, not class.

However, CSS like this has no effect in Firefox or Safari:

#form.title {
font-size: 160%;
font-family: ;
font-weight: normal;
width: 99%;
#form.description {
font: 100% ;
font-weight: bold;
height: 6em;
width: 99%;

Not all that surprising - it could look like I'm styling a form with 

I then hacked zope.app.form.widget's renderElement() function to look 
like this:

def renderTag(tag, **kw):
"""Render the tag. Well, not all of it, as we may want to / it."""

 if 'id' in kw:
kw['id'] = kw['id'].replace('.', '-')


The tests in zope.app.form still pass.

Hacky, but the alternatives are to (a) override all the widgets or (b) 
at least provide custom ones only for the purpose of getting stylable 
ids on various fields. renderTag() is called from a lot of places with 
id=self.name. We could fix all those, too, of course.

I would be happy to submit a patch for either the explicit check in 
renderTag() or for changing all calls to this in zope.app.form.

However, if someone has depended on the ids being with dots (possibly 
not quite as likely as it may seem, since these forms are typically 
auto-generated) then we may not have a decent way of deprecating that.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: run-time adapter registration and un-registration

2007-02-15 Thread Martin Aspeli

Chris Withers wrote:

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
Interesting. plone.portlets actually uses the Component Architecture and 
a persistent registry as the underlying "plugin system", it just 
provides a fancy UI on top of this to manipulate the registry.

Is this an adapter registry, a utility registry or both?
What about subscribers?

Does it still get the same performance optimisations as the global 

It's just the local component registry. I don't know if it's optimised 
or not, but I assume so.

As it happens we register adapters and utilities, but it could do 
subscribers (which are really just adapters anyway) as well.


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[Zope3-dev] Could queryAdapter() have side effects?

2007-02-10 Thread Martin Aspeli


This is most likely just something gone wrong with my test setup, but I 
thought I'd ask just in case I've hit some obscure bug.

Basically, I have a test that uses PloneTestCase and ZopeTestCase on 
Zope 2.10, with a layer that loads site.zcml. The ZCML for my package 
registers a particular adapter. There are no local components involved 
as far as I know.

The old code did this:

def _handleReferences( self, baseline, wc, mode, wc_ref ):

annotations = IAnnotations( wc_ref )

# handle forward references
for relationship in baseline.getRelationships():
# look for a named relation adapter first
adapter = component.queryAdapter( baseline,

  relationship )

if adapter is None: # default

adapter = interfaces.ICheckinCheckoutReference( baseline )

references = baseline.getReferenceImpl( relationship )

mode_method = getattr( adapter, mode )
mode_method( baseline, wc, references, annotations )

It's basically trying a named adapter if it can, and then falling back 
on the default if no named adapter was registered. In one of my tests, 
which does nothing funny with the CA at all, as far as I can tell, it 
just happens to lead to this piece of code, I got a ComponentLookupError 
for the fallback (adapter = interfaces.ICheckinCheckoutReference( 
baseline )).

Tracing it, this looked rally weird, because 
interfaces.ICheckinCheckoutReference) was returning a suitable adapter 
with name=u"".

Out of desperation, I rewrote the code like this:

def _handleReferences( self, baseline, wc, mode, wc_ref ):

annotations = IAnnotations( wc_ref )

baseline_adapter = interfaces.ICheckinCheckoutReference( baseline )

# handle forward references
for relationship in baseline.getRelationships():
# look for a named relation adapter first
adapter = component.queryAdapter( baseline,

  relationship )

if adapter is None: # default
adapter = baseline_adapter

references = baseline.getReferenceImpl( relationship )

mode_method = getattr( adapter, mode )
mode_method( baseline, wc, references, annotations )

And this works! Some investigation with pdb revealed that if I invoked 
the ICheckinCheckoutReference default adapter lookup at any point before 
the call to queryAdapter(), it would work properly, but if the 
queryAdapter() call came first, I'd get a ComponentLookupError.

I'm really stumped as to why this may be the case. There's probably 
something odd in my test setup that I've somehow worked around by 
rearranging this code, but I'd love to hear any theories on what.

In the worst case, though, it may be a bug in the CA.

The test in question is here: 
The ZCML is here: 
And the code above here: 


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Test layers for zope.app.* packages

2007-02-05 Thread Martin Aspeli

Jim Fulton wrote:

I *really* want to be able to have the current Zope 3 application  
assembled entirely from eggs by the end of PyCon.

Me too! :) Not that I'm helping (much?), but the Plone people are 
getting all excited about eggs. We even have a monstrous Plone egg that 
contains all of Plone's products (still a bit experimental and throws 
some warnings because it's trying to bytecompile Scripts in skin 
folders, but oh well).


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Re: [Zope3-dev] development checkout

2007-02-01 Thread Martin Aspeli

Chris Withers wrote:
> Hi All,
> It's been way too long since I did that, but how do I go about getting 
> an svn checkout of Zope 3 that I can develop with? Is there a how-to 
> somehwere?
> I'd imagine it goes something like:
> 1 - checkout svn url you wish to develop with
> 2 - do some kind of inplace build
> 3 - point your mkzopeinstance-created instance at the checkout
> 4 - develop
> 5 - run tests
> How do I do 2 and 5?
> For 2, how do I do a suitable in-place build on Linux? Are there still 
> up-to-date pre-built binary bits for Windows that I can unpack? If so, 
> where do I get them from?
> For 5, how do I run tests for a module in the checkout with the 
> testrunner, as opposed to tests for a module in the instance?

I'll take a guess that it's not too different from building zope 2: 

$ python setup.py build_ext -i

On windows, you probably need mingw32. This may help:

To run tests, you can certainly run tests from an instance, e.g. 

$ bin/zopectl -m zope.interface

I'm not sure how they should be run if you have no instance available, but
it's just a matter of finding a testrunner that has the right PYTHONPATH

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Re: [Zope3-dev] wildcard adapter

2007-01-17 Thread Martin Aspeli

Chris Withers wrote:
> Hi All,
> I was wondering if someone could give me a definitive explanation of 
> what the following means:
>   for="* ISomething *"
>  ...
> ...means?
> Is the following equivalent:
> provideAdapter(...,adapts=(None,ISomething,None),...)

No, but this is:

provideAdapter(...,adapts=(Interface, ISomething, Interface),...)

> If it is, then which of the following should I use to register a generic 
> adapter for any single object to an interface:
> provideAdapter(...,adapts=(None,),...)
> provideAdapter(...,adapts=None,...)
> I'm not having a lot of joy registering generic adapters so I thought 
> I'd come and check my understanding here ;-)

provideAdapter(adapts=(Interface,), ...)


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Grok sprint 2 reports

2007-01-09 Thread Martin Aspeli

Peter Bengtsson wrote:

Philipp has posted a blog entry with a good example of Grok code:


I especially like that you don't have to manually define the template
since it's picked up automatically by name.

Will the grok effort yield any codegenerating scripts and stuff like
the django folks have?
If not, I have some ideas that I could maybe contribute with at/for
the next sprint even :)

Code generation sucks. :)


 - ArchGenXML (hacky though it is) is great for business types because 
it takes UML (which business analysts understand and customers can be 
talked through) and produces content types they can CRUD with. 
Seriously, I've seen people sell big Plone jobs on AGX (kinda scary).

 - Don't invent a new code generator. Please. :) PasteScript does quite 
well, and seems to be adopted by others, e.g. Pylons. We already use it 
to make new egg-like packages for Plone.

 - You should never, ever *need* code generation. It should be a nice 
way of getting a common structure for second-order stuff like 
documentation files and egg metadata (how we use ZopeSkel/paster in 
Plone), or a way of going from a visual representation to code. Systems 
that *depend* on generators are always nasty to maintain, upgrade and 
understand. Tools are just not a replacement for good language design 
(this is why we see the Java->Rails exodus cliche, and then people 
realise Rails has tools too, oh well).


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Grok sprint 2 reports

2007-01-09 Thread Martin Aspeli

Martijn Faassen wrote:

Hi there,

We had a Grok sprint in Germany over the weekend, and we got two reports 
  about it:

Rock on :)

What is the current state of the art in terms of Grok examples and 
documentation? What is the best place to look to find out about the 
latest development techniques and possiiblities?


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Some thoughts on Zope 3, Zope 3 applications, and Zope 3 instances

2007-01-06 Thread Martin Aspeli

Paul Everitt wrote:

Thus, telling the Zope 3 core team to own and distribute the killer app 
is neither realistic nor fair.  Move Zope 3 to its natural turf and 
collaborate with folks that feel passionate about other turf.

Application != the framework.

A very good point. Perhaps the future will be:

Developer learns Grok. Developer likes Grok. Developer improves Grok. 
Developer finds that to improve Grok, he should help improve Zope 3.

And then maybe s/Grok/Plone/g or s/Grok/something else/g.

I'm obviously not in the business or position of telling people what to 
do (well, ahem, maybe I do, at least in the Plone world, but that's 
mostly just good intentions).

My concern is that we should make the framework accessible and 
approachable, and that having a focal point and a "path through" the 
framework is an important part of that. Grok is encouraging to me in 
that regard. Plone is quite actively (but not wholesale any time soon) 
moving in a direction where it becomes a strong consumer of Zope 3. 
Hopefully, we'll see something else emerge as well that is conceptually 
a combination of the two: End user-oriented and pure Zope 3.

I don't think anyone's argued otherwise, of course, I'm just pointing to 
existing wisdom I've received and observed.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Some thoughts on Zope 3, Zope 3 applications, and Zope 3 instances

2007-01-06 Thread Martin Aspeli

Martijn Faassen wrote:

My hope is that with Grok we can inject some sensibilities into Zope 3 
that focus more on getting things done easily and quickly. I think that 
the basis built with an attitude of reusable and flexible components is 
great to build a powerful "getting things done easily and quickly" 
system on top. But we really really need such a system, and I hope Grok 
will be more than just a new technology but will also help drive a shift 
in focus in the Zope 3 world.

And I fully support it; it's even conceivable I could contribute one 
day, if I find time. This project is really exciting and deserves more 
traction than it has at the moment.

It would be very interesting also if there was a path through which 
Plone developers and other Five-dependents could start using Grok 
productivity boosting tools.

We have core Zope 3 developers here at this sprint (Philipp, Christian 
Theune), so I have some hopes we'll succeed. :)

... but it is a fine team :)

So, I agree we need what Jim proposes. We just also need what Grok tries 
to offer. I think that as an open source development community that 
wants to grow, we need Grok a lot more than we need splitting up Zope 3 
into eggs.

+1, though perhaps one makes the other easier.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Some thoughts on Zope 3, Zope 3 applications, and Zope 3 instances

2007-01-05 Thread Martin Aspeli

Jim Fulton wrote:

Martin Aspeli wrote:

Anyway - I hope these perspectives are useful. I'm certainly not 
with what you're saying or with the direction you're pointing out. I 

we just need be mindful that there were some good things about the past
approaches as well as problems (not that you're not).

I think we're in strong agreement.  I think we need both the Framework
and the apps that use the Framework, including Zope2/Plone-style pluggable
apps.  I think we need to keep these efforts somewhat distinct though.
I'd love to see projects that focus on building killer apps on top of the
Zope 3 framework.  I just want people to understand that the application
!= the framework.

My argument is just that if you're not careful, you may end up with a 
chicken (or was that xicken) and egg situation; not enough people who 
know the framework care to build the killer app(s); not enough people 
who need an app understand (or have time to understand or will risk 
spending the time on something they don't fully understand) the framework.

Someone with the right skills needs to passionately care. Perhaps it's 
OFS+ZMI; perhaps it's Zope 2 + Five; perhaps it's Plone (man, you have 
no idea how productive you excellent people have made some of us jaded 
Plone developers recently); perhaps it's Grok; hopefully some combination.


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Re: [Zope3-dev] Some thoughts on Zope 3, Zope 3 applications, and Zope 3 instances

2007-01-05 Thread Martin Aspeli

Jim Fulton wrote:
> I'll make some small comments below, but I want to make a big
> comment to start.  Zope 2 and Plone are both examples of
> extensible applications.  In my note, I was trying to make the
> point that I think such applications have value.  I'd like to
> see them exist.  I'd like to see them done well.  I think Zope 2
> did it very well, in it's time.  I think Plone and other applications
> have carried that forward successfully.
> At ZC, for better or worse, we are no longer in the business
> of applications that are extensible in that way. We build
> applications that are used directly by our customers.
> I think this is true of many Zope developers.  *We* use Zope 3
> as a library for building applications.
> Both uses are valuable and should be supported.
> The application that I've been referring to as the "OFS"
> (again, a more or less random name) is a pale imitation of
> Zope 2.

This is very much what I read into your comments and I think it is an
impotant architectural decision whether we're building an application or a
framework (Plone itself struggles with that decision sometimes); The strong
"framework" leaning that Zope 3 has adopted is probably to its benefit, and
is almost certainly the main reason why we are able to benefit from Zope 3
at all today in the Plone universe (via Five).

However, Zope 3 should not be and is not just a library that ZC and a few
other people with deep investment in the framework use for their
applications. To grow, stabilise, mature and become a good vehicle for
selling work ("I trust you because you're using Zope 3", rather than, "I
don't trust you becuase you're not using J2EE") the community needs a
constant influx of new developers and interested parties - the first
instance, users of the framework.

The general direction that web frameworks are moving in, led by Rails and to
a certain extent Django, Pylons, TurboGears and arguably Plone in some
circumstances, is that getting started must be quick, results must be rapid,
the tools must support "agile" working practices and the learning curve must
be managable. Most people don't have the time to bet that reading a book or
two will be worth the investment (of time) before they start doing something
useful and productive.

This to me is where we can learn from the success that Zope 2 and Plone have
enjoyed (or been the victim of, as it may be architecturally speaking). The
main reason people think about building applications "in Plone" at all (a
somewhat self-contradictory notion) is that if they can re-use all the
pretty UI and HTML/CSS primitives and user management and navigation
elements and security and workflow from Plone, turning off the portlets and
content types and junk they don't need and turning on the custom
look-and-feel and extra content types and portlets and forms they *do* need,
they get something up and running quicker, to a higher standard, than if
they start from a palette of components and a blank .py file.

In other words, as Martijn has said, I believe it is very important for the
community to support meaningful distributions/app servers/higher level
frameworks (singular or pural) that show off what Zope (3) is good at and
how it's done, that can be customised and (this is where the CA approach
really kicks ass) where future upgrades to this means you benefit, not that
you need to re-fork it for your own needs.

I would be worried if I felt that the Zope 3 community became only about
components and left this "real world but generic assembly" work to "someone
else" when no "someone else" would be interested or skilled or emotionally
invested enough to care. In the Plone world, we have the focus of
Plone-the-application that implies we have to make Plone-the-framework
better. If things become *too* scattered, where is the focus of Zope3?

(note: I'm exaggerating here, I think things are moving in the right
direction not the wrong one, I'm just playing devil's advocate and exploring
what I've seen from the Plone side of the fence)

> Note that there is nothing inherently hierarchical about ZODB.
> Of course, ZODB makes modeling hierarchies (and other graphs) much easier
> in many ways that working with non-object databases.
> Of course, I'm a big fan of the ZODB and would use it for all sorts of
> "non-content-centric apps", whatever that means. :)

Like I said, I'm quite tainted by Zope2/CMF/Plone. I like to model
(many/some) problems as hierarchical data structures with concepts like
one-to-many relationships as folders with content. I agree the ZODB isn't
necessarily hierarchical, but all the use cases I've ever seen for it have
been. :)

> Well, fortunately, thanks to setuptools and tools like easy_install and
> zc.buildout, you should only need one trip to the cheese shop (or
> wherever)
> and the dependencies should come along automatically.  I'm also working
> on ways to automate packaging and app and all of it's dependencies
> together.

Re: [Zope3-dev] Some thoughts on Zope 3, Zope 3 applications, and Zope 3 instances

2007-01-04 Thread Martin Aspeli

Jim Fulton wrote:
> Some thoughts on Zope 3, Zope 3 applications, and Zope 3 instances

I found this very interesting. As more of an indirect consumer to Zope 3
(but user of Zope 3 via Five and developer of Plone on Zope 2), here are
some of my own thoughts.

In the Zope2/CMF/Plone world, we are used to Zope instances that may host
several sites (e.g. Plone instances). We find that users like to be ablet to
have multiple sites (possibly on muiltiple URLs via RewriteRules) and manage
a single instance of the app server (Zope 2) on their machine.
One-process-and-port-per-application is certainly *perceived* to be more
resource intensive and difficult to manage if there are multiple
appilcations on one server.

Zope 2.10 has been a huge improvement in that regard. The local component
registry work has made "site-ness" and local/ZODB-persisted configuration
much, much easier. Plone 3 is benefting immensely from this as we speak.

We also find that users expect to be able to deploy Plone (a bunch of
products in a tarball that extracts to the Products/ directory) and various
add-ons (other products) easily.

This was one of the things that confused me most when learning about Zope 3.
Am I supposed to put application-specific ZCML files in an "instance-global"
package-includes? Should I tell people to edit those ZCML files during
deployment (oh Java hell)? Should all the components of the application be
eggs in the global PYTHONPATH or in the instance home?

The second thing that confused me was the role of the ZMI/OFS. In Plone, we
have an application that builds on top of Zope2-the-application, then CMF
and then Plone's own layers of code. People who develop solutions based on
Plone typically treat Plone itself as another application/framework hybrid
and customise Plone (using the customisation mechanisms Zope 2 and CMF
provide) to their own needs in terms of look-and-feel and functionality.
This may not always be architecturally the best idea, but it often makes
people very productive, very quickly.

If I were building a plain Zope 3 application, I still don't know if I'd
want to use the browser menus, folder listings etc of the ZMI and just tweak
the look and feel, or if it would be better to start from scratch (though I
haven't yet built a plain zope 3 app from the ground, so it may just be
ignorance on my part). Certainly, if I had to understand most of zope.* to
be able to build my own zope.app.* from scratch, the learning curve may just
be too much.

Now, I still think Zope (2 and 3) has the most benefits in content-centric
use cases. I could see ways to build an application using Zope 3 views and
traversers and other components without using the ZODB at all, but I imagine
it'd be a lot of work to get going if I didn't have the fundamentally
hierarchical nature of the ZODB, mapping its nodes to my application's URLs.
I'm sure that is just because I'm tainted by the way I think about Zope 2
and Plone, but it's non-obvious to me how a completely non-contentish Zope 3
application would work; or rather, I think it would be easier to use Pylons
or Django or TurboGears in that case, if I were building something that
needed a couple of simple forms and a few static pages and a big database
behind it.

I think your thoughts resonate quite well with my own observations and/or
confusion. I would, however, caution against becoming over-zealous in
breaking things up. Zope 2, CMF and Plone are successful in large part
because people get started quickly. If it takes fifteen trips to the cheese
shop to understand how to get a page to say Hello world, I'm not sure people
would bother. Most likely, that's solved by having use-case focused (and
real-world tested) bundles or distributions that provide meaningful
functionality of starting points. It's also solved by having some
customisable "best-practice" components that are closer to the user.
Learning from such examples is probably the main way people pick up new
technologies and conceptualise how they can solve their particular use


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[Zope3-dev] Re: wading through zcml...

2006-12-06 Thread Martin Aspeli

Chris Withers wrote:

Jim Fulton wrote:

If you want to specify the name of a template in ZCML, then you'll
have to invoke some magic.  

Why can't IView (or whatever it is) just specify that the constructor 
must accept a request, response and a template instance?

Because the template may not be passed in, and even if it is, where 
would it be constructed and how would it be found again?

If you have this:

class MyView(object):

  def __init__(self, context, request, template):
  self.template = template # IView specifices template = a template

then you may as well not have a 'template' attribute for /> at all since you have to do so much work; you could just do this 
(which you can do now, in fact)

class MyView(object):

  template = ViewPageTemplateFile('mytemplate.pt')

  def __init__(self, context, request):
  self.context = context
  self.request = request

If you have it done in ZCML, though, you can get a template-only view 
without any Python at all, though:


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Re: [Zope3-dev] wading through zcml...

2006-11-16 Thread Martin Aspeli

Chris Withers wrote:
> What's the difference between zope:view, browser:view, browser:page and 
> browser:viewlet?

I would strongly encourage you to buy Philipp's book when the second edition
comes out, and read some of the available existing documents (e.g.
worldcookery.com, the Zope 3 wiki thingie).

 is deprecated, I believe, an old spelling for 
before  could do multi-adapters.

 is about registering a new view, typically one that doesn't
render a page (so think of it analogous to where you may use a Script
(Python) in Zope 2)

 is about a view typically with an associated template that
renders something for the user

 is about building viewlets, which are small chunks of
HTML that are aggregated into a . The DocTest in
zope.viewlet explains it all.

> I'm trying to register an adapter in such a way that I can do the 
> following in a page template:

You would use a browser:view with a class deriving from BrowserView
(Products.Five.browser.BrowserView) and did its magic in the __call__ method
i believe. A more common pattern would be to have a method on the view
"render" that you call:

tal:define="renderView someobj/@@render"
tal:content="structure renderView/renderTheData"

> Also, why, when zope:view is described as a synonym for zope:adapter, 
> does zope:view support an allowed_attributes attribute, while 
> zope:adapter does not?

It has to do with the fact that in the olden days, there were no
multi-adapters, and views were special. Then they realised that a view was
in a fact a multi-adapter on context, request, and that this was a more
generally useful pattern.


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Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: adapter registration question

2006-11-15 Thread Martin Aspeli

Chris Withers wrote:
> Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
>>> ...hence the quotes. It's a "function" in that I want to use it as an 
>>> adapter that doesn't need to be instantiated by a factory before being 
>>> used.
>> All adapters need to be instantiated. 
> Why?
> def myStrAdapter(something):
> return str(something)
> This function adapts strings to integers, why would it need to be 
> instantiated?

I'm not sure this helps (I'm not quite sure what you're trying to do, it
seems a bit crazy), but the realisation that functions could be adapter
factories hit me at some point.

So, when you do an adapter lookup like

foo = IFoo(context)


foo = getAdapter(context, IFoo)

or similarly for getMultiAdapter, the CA will:

 1. Find the most appropriate adapter registration by looking at the
interfaces on context and finding the most specific adapter to IFoo
 2. Call that adapter registration's factory

A factory is just a callable that takes the context (or multiple context's
in the case of a multi-adapter). A class, of course, is a good factory, so
if you have:

class FooAdapter(object):

def __init__(self, context):
self.context = context

and then 

Then getting an adapter is the same as calling foo.FooAdapter(context) - you
get an object providing IFoo by calling the factory.

You could instead do:

def fooFactory(context):
newAdapter = FooAdapter(context)
return newAdapter

Now, getting the IFoo adapter means calling fooFactory(context). Of course,
it still returns an object providing IFoo, so the contract is still valid.

Incidentally, we use this approach in Plone to fish things out of the ZODB.
You can adapt an object to IPortletAssignments, and we have a factory
function that finds an assignment container (a persistent btree container,
basically) in that object's annotations and returns it. This was a lot less
work than making a dumb transient adapter class that implemented all the
methods of IPortletAssignments (which is a sub-interface of IContainer, so
it has all the dict-like behaviour) and proxied each method call to
annotations on its context. The calling code doesn't care though:

assignments = IPortletAssignments(context)
assignments['my_new_portlet'] = MyNewPortlet()

And of course, if the object wasn't annotatable (say it was a transient
object originating from an SQL database) we could register a different

The important point here is that the adapter factory is called each time you
do an adapter lookup. In the most common case, the factory is just a class,
but it could be any callable. If you call a class, you get a new object of
that class, and hence adapter instances tend to be transient, but you could
have a different factory that wasn't.

>> No. You always register a factory which is called upon lookup. That's 
>> because adapters are context-dependent and thus need to be instantiated 
>> every time you look them up.
> What if they're not context-dependent as in my example above?
> ultimately, I'm looking to replace code like the following:
> convertors = {
> }
> def convert(x,y):
> return convertors[type(x)][type(y)](x)
> ...if you see what I mean. Apologies for the trivial examples, but these 
> are real problems...

I still think this sounds a little over-complicated, but I'm guessing it's
just because you're de-badging the examples. If convert(x,y) was a
multi-adapter factory, then the above should work.

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[Zope3-dev] Re: adaptation based on class rather than interface

2006-11-13 Thread Martin Aspeli

Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:

but conceptually it is the same mess :-) i.e. a total lack of 
specification. It only looks nicer with interfaces.

So, in other words (and in summary of previous blog posts):

 - New techniques complement, rather than completely replace, old 

 - New techniques do not absolve you from thinking about design
 - New techniques used appropriately can bring benefits
 - New techniques misused where old techniques would be better can 
cause problems

Pearls. I'm not sure anyone argued otherwise, though. :)


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[Zope3-dev] Re: adaptation based on class rather than interface

2006-11-09 Thread Martin Aspeli
OT: Thunderbird makes a real mess of interpreter examples, thinking the 
'>' is an indent and making it a coloured line. Anyone got an idea how I 
stop it from doing that?


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[Zope3-dev] Re: adaptation based on class rather than interface

2006-11-09 Thread Martin Aspeli

Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:

And there is nothing wrong with using inheritance when there is a '__IS 
A __' type of relation (e.g. an ordered folder IS A folder IS AN item, 
...), or if there is a HAS_A type of relation (a folder has items, a 
chair has four legs...). It seems that Zope3 has banned all form of 
class inheritance, even those that made sense, and that would have 
simplified the implementation.

That is totally, utterly, patently rubbish. Devise some regular 
expression and grep the zope 3 source code for inheritance.

"marker interfaces" have empty specifications, that's the problem: they 
can't grow into "real" interfaces that have a specification. If you add 
methods to the marker interface you will have to track down all classes 
that implement the interface (unless you don't really care whether 
classes do implement their interface).

Marker interfaces by design serve a different purpose than other 
interfaces. They are the equivalent of an on/off switch about object 
behaviour or purpose that is externalised from that object (i.e. they 
are not just booleans in a schema, they are potentially managed outside 
that class).


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Re: [Zope3-dev] adaptation based on class rather than interface

2006-11-09 Thread Martin Aspeli

Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Oh, I disagree. It's much nicer to be able to be able to start with 
> adapting classes, and introduce interfaces later, where necessary. Often 
> they're not. In fact it's already possible to adapt classes and register 
> views for classes. In ZCML I believe there's some limitations with one 
> directive or other (a bug), at least there was, but the component 
> architecture has allowed this for a long time. We've been very happily 
> using this in grok.

I see your point of view - and I guess there is a balance here. However, I
think that one of the big benefits we see in Zope2/CMF/Plone over "the old
way" is that people seem to take interfaces more seriously now, and with
them internal documentation. Having well-thought-out and well-documented
interfaces encouages API stability and re-use and makes it easier to
understand someone else's code. By contrast, we often end up with jungles of
APIs and no-one can quite decide whether they're stable or not, when
programmers are given no hooks on which to hang their design.

Do as you wish, of course. I find that abstract discussions like this
typically end up being a lot of talk over apparent disagreement that
disappears when it comes down to practical design.

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Re: [Zope3-dev] adaptation based on class rather than interface

2006-11-09 Thread Martin Aspeli

Chris Withers wrote:
> Hi All,
> I find myself often having to define pure marker interfaces for each 
> class that I define, purely so I can register adapters for objects of 
> that class.

Why does your class not have a (non-marker) interface in the first place?
The use of interfaces as documentation and as formalisms for expressing a
class' functionality (in adapters, utilities etc) is one of the benefits
that Zope 3 introduces. I can see how they may not always add that much
value immediately, but they are a good way of ensuring things are reasonably
well-defined, well-documented and easily locatable. I'd rather start from
interface design and implement as necessary, than think of interfaces as
necessary evils of the CA, personally.

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[Zope3-dev] Re: PyCon 2007 web frameworks panel

2006-10-31 Thread Martin Aspeli

Paul Winkler wrote:

This sounds like something that could stand being talked about
in public more often... I've never heard of Zope Grok :)

Me Grok... me SMASH ZCML!


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Re: [Zope3-dev] Test Layers

2006-10-17 Thread Martin Aspeli

Chris Withers wrote:
> Now, related to this, say I have content objects X and Y, which are 
> expensive to set up. I have LayerX which sets up a sample content object 
> X, and LayerY which does the same for content object Y. This is fine for 
> tests which need one or other content type, but how do I write tests 
> which need both?

Layers are ... layered. If your test base class has layer X and a test case
subclass of that has layer Y, then it will set up X, run all the X tests,
then setup Y and run all the Y and X&Y tests, then tear down Y and then X.

I did this in Plone recently, but it completely escapes me where. Maybe I'll
have an epiphany after lunch, but look at how the ZCML layer in
PloneTestCase trunk works (it sets up all kinds of ZCML) and then try to
derive a class from PloneTestCase (or your equivalent) and set layer =


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Grrr. zope.org wikis are evil.

2006-10-07 Thread Martin Aspeli

Hi Jim,

I have some wiki desires of my own that I'll probably never realize:

- HTML WYSIWYG Wikis that don't use any form os structures text (small s)
  and just use an HTML editor.  I think that structured text of any kind
  is an obstacle to Wiki use.  Moin moin's markup rules drive me as batty
  as old Structured Text drives other people.  ZWiki supports EPOZ
  editing and I'd love to see that used.  Of course, this sort of 

  avoids the need for preview or structured-text documentation.

Wicked can do this, I believe, and it will likely (pending voting) be in 
Plone 3.0. You write ((foo)) and you get a wiki link to foo, regardless 
of text format.

wicked is a bit AT specific, but whit is working to make it be more 
general, and factor out the re-usable bits. I'm sure he can chime in.

- Off-line editing.  zsync provides a huge opportunity here. I wish someone
  had time to work on it.  It would be totally cool to be able to check out
  a wiki onto a local hard disk, work on it, and merge my changes back.

I think this is a more general problem - doing proper online/offline 
sync of content. I'd love to have offline capabilities in Plone, for 
example. :)


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Use launchpad ! (was Re: the maintenance of change logs)

2006-09-29 Thread Martin Aspeli

Jeff Shell wrote:


- http://dev.zope.org/Zope3/RoadMap

- http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/milestone/0.3.0?by=severity

Or dev.plone.org. Trac is pretty nice, especially as an svn browser and 
for the roadmap view. The issue tracker is quite good (could be better, 
but works fairly well), and the wiki features are interesting.

Of course, we use the Plone Software Center for roadmaps and the Poi 
issue tracker for individual products' trackers, see:



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[Zope3-dev] Re: zope.interface.Interface.(isImplementedBy vs implementedBy)

2006-09-19 Thread Martin Aspeli

Chris Withers wrote:

Hi All,

What's the difference between these two?

implementedBy is what I meant to use, by I braino'ed isImplementedBy 

def providedBy(object):
"""Test whether the interface is implemented by the object

Return true of the object asserts that it implements the
interface, including asserting that it implements an extended

def implementedBy(class_):
"""Test whether the interface is implemented by instances of 
the class

Return true of the class asserts that its instances implement the
interface, including asserting that they implement an extended

def isImplementedBy(self, ob):
"isImplementedBy has been renamed to providedBy",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2,
return self.providedBy(ob)

That's 2.10, grep lib/python/zope/interface on your own instance in case 
it's changed. However, IFoo.providedBy(obj) and 
IFoo.implementedBy(obj.__class__) should be the same.

Rather than getting an AttributeError, I just got unexpected behaviour :-(

You know as well as anyone that this is a pointless message without any 
more detail.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope-dev] Release schedule for Zope 2.11/3.4?

2006-09-12 Thread Martin Aspeli

Benji York wrote:

Personally I think we should just release the trunk every six months 
(with a list of known bugs) and that be it.  (I'm speaking of Zope 3 
here, I don't know enough about the dynamics of the Zope 2 ecosystem to 
comment there.)

What good could that possibly do?

For the people who are not spending their days reading checkin messages, 
something that is called a final release is a promise that the features 
they get have been tested and are considered stable, that they can rely 
on a certain degree of backwards compatibility, and that they're going 
to get burned.

Releases are externally-facing things. They benefit people other than 
the core contributors the most (the core contributors mostly get the 
gratification of having released something, and then probably go on 
playing with trunk). The quality those people receive must be the most 
important factor by which a release is judged.

.0 releases of Zope (2) have had a somewhat negative image before (to 
the point where people were afraid to let Plone depend on a Zope release 
that didn't have a .1 or .2 release out already), which I think is 
getting better. Undoing that would be to the detriment of how people 
perceive the quality of our software.

By the same token, we could just never have releases and expect everyone 
to live off svn trunk. The idea of a release *cycle* is surely that it's 
cyclical: at the beginning, we worry about features and innovation, at 
the end we worry about stability and polish. If the timelines are worked 
out correctly, then time-based releases help us manage scope and keep 
moving at a pace that doesn't mean we have enormous mountains of 
features that take an infinite amount of time to stabilise and get ready.

That's a good thing, but ignoring the end-result quality argument by 
being slaves to the Great Roadmap that was set out six months ago isn't. 
It's very waterfall. :)

Martin (pardon any hyperbole)

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[Zope3-dev] Re: Release schedule for Zope 2.11/3.4?

2006-09-12 Thread Martin Aspeli

Hanno Schlichting wrote:

What do you think about a 9 month release cycle?

Based on the Plone experience I think this is a good compromise, between
release often and stable releases.

The Plone experience as I see it is that we get some measure of 
contribution fatigue.

Take Plone 2.5 and 3.0. With the cycles of review bundles (similar to 
Zope proposals and discussions), development of new features, bug fixes, 
merging to alphas, releasing betas and rcs, we found that we basically 
had to get started on 3.0 just as (if not before) 2.5 final went out the 
door. That's pretty exhausting. People pull together on bugdays and 
their spare time to get a particular release out, and then they are 
being hounded for the next release already.

In other words - 6 months is a really short time, especially if you 
expect to have a reasonable alpha and beta cycle where things stabilise. 
And further, it's very hard to get people to work on two releases 
simultaneously (polishing x whilst starting on x+1).

I agree that 9 months is a better compromise. 12 months is a very long 
time. The other important thing is to manage scope - let people know 
quite early what is and what isn't in scope for a particular release and 
set clear, agreed-upon timelines for things like proposal deadlines, 
feature freezes, and alpha/beta releases.

Just my opinion, of course.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 3.2 maintenance

2006-09-11 Thread Martin Aspeli

Rocky Burt wrote:

Thanks Hanno!

I don't think we should take Hanno for granted (not that you do) - he 
does some incredible work, and he's always done it without anyone asking 
him to do so. It benefits Plone more than people realise, and we're 
really fortunate. If Hanno was less generuos or more busy, we may have 
to do our own back-forward porting.



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Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 3 as a reliable platform?!?

2006-09-04 Thread Martin Aspeli

baiju m-2 wrote:
> This document is maintained as a wiki page, so anyone can edit it.
> http://kpug.zwiki.org/WhatIsNewInZope33

This is great! It's probably exactly what we need.

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Re: [Zope3-dev] Zope 3 as a reliable platform?!?

2006-09-04 Thread Martin Aspeli

Martijn Faassen wrote:
> So, my proposal for Zope 3.4:
> * have a developer_notes file or directory somewhere.
> * let this contain the developer-visible changes.
> * it should be focused on how to change your code. That's the important 
> bit. Motivations and such might also be useful to have there, but the 
> main thing should be: this change from so and so to so and so, so to 
> make this work, do the following.

+10 - this is becoming really important to us Plone people, since we have
some code that needs 2.8 compatability, and some that will probably be 2.10
or 2.11 going forward. People see examples in the 2.8-compatible code and
try to follow them, and then end up doing silly things. Even those of us who
are pretty close to the core get confused sometimes.

Here's the kind of thing I'd love to see, in a clear, well-structured

 ZCML directive -- The 'factory' attribute has been renamed
'handlers' because (whatever good reason??). Instead, you should now do


The important things are (a) it's easy to find this by skimming through a
document (oh, I'm pretty sure I'm using a  somewhere); (b) there
is some rationale. This makes the change easier to remember than just having
a blind rule to follow, and allows us to scrutinise changes more; (c) there
is a clear example of how it should be done - examples may not speak more
than 1,000 words but they're good for 500 at least.

This type of document would need to be written by someone who understands
the changes, and probably by one or two people not a dozen. A CHANGELOG is
mostly useless because it contains too much detail and not enough context.
It's fine as an audit trail, but it's very hard to put changes in the
context of your own code if they're structured cronoligically and limited to
a few key words on a line or two.

If anything, this may make me bug philiKON a bit less on IRC ... :-)

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[Zope3-dev] Re: Pluggable authentication id management

2006-07-31 Thread Martin Aspeli

Jim Fulton wrote:

On Jul 31, 2006, at 2:02 PM, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

If you ask me, the slipping of the Zope 3 June release is mostly due to
the lack of a release manager. If we had a release manager who'd kick
people's asses, we might have more betas since the first one and we
might even have a final release.

I don't agree.  Except for a few people, there hasn't been much interest 
in fixing bugs.  Releasing betas when bugs reported earlier haven't been 
addressed is counter productive.  Why should people bother testing if 
they don't think the bugs they report are going to be fixed.

Disclaimer: I'm not involved in the Zope 3 release process, so what I 
say below is completely general and not specific to any events having 
gone on in the Zope 3 community.

I'll note from my observations in the Plone community that not having 
someone bitching is a pretty good way to ensure things don't get done. 
Everyone has a lot of projects and personal lives that get in the way. I 
have several bugs assigned to me in the Plone tracker that I never seem 
to get around to doing. But when Alec or Limi or someone else tells me, 
we need this or else we can't ship, that makes them jump up the priority 
list. Having someone vocal with authority to instill a sense of urgency 
in people is a fairly important part of managing open source projects.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: zope.testbrowser too trigger-happy with urlencodes?

2006-06-26 Thread Martin Aspeli

Tres Seaver wrote:

Note that the fragment identifier is *never* going to be passed to the
server by a "real" browser:  instead, the browser strips of the fragment
part, submits the remainder of the URL to the server, and then does a
search for the appropriate '' element *on the client side*.

I'm not sure how this is pertinent to the problem you have found, but
Zope will never traverse '#bar' or '%23bar' in the real world.

Good point... though if I type a URL with '%23bar' into the URL bar, it 
does seem to try to traverse to it, which I suppose makes sense - you 
did the %23 escape for a reason. :)


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[Zope3-dev] zope.testbrowser too trigger-happy with urlencodes?

2006-06-26 Thread Martin Aspeli


I've got a situation where a form submit will eventually end up in an 
action that does (in Zope 2):


This works fine through the web, but using zope.testbrowser, the # gets 
converted to %23 (which is the correct urlencoding of #). The url 
/pat/to/foo/%23bar is not valid, and I get a 404.

I couldn't work out where this was being handled in zope.testbrowser, so 
and I guess it may be mechanize or some other library's fault, but I'd 
like to know if (a) it's a bug and (b) how I may work around it; save 
for that, I have one monster of a functional test now exercising a 
pretty complex set of forms and views - and a tutorial on how I did it :)


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[Zope3-dev] Re: XPATH in zope.testbrowser, assertions in zope.testrecorder

2006-06-26 Thread Martin Aspeli

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Benji York wrote:

Martin Aspeli wrote:

  o In zope.testbrowser, [snip] having the ability to select nodes
by XPATH would be incredibly useful

Yep, I and others have thought the same thing.

I imagine an existing
library would be available to make this reasonably easy to implement?

With ElementTree going into Python 2.5, I suspect testbrowser will grow
XPath support.

Except that ElementTree doesn't really have XPath support nor an HTML
parser, AFAIK. lxml has both. (It doesn't surprise that Schooltool used
libxml, therefore.) I understand that you're reluctant to add any
dependencies to zope.testbrowser, perhaps Zope 3 will ship with lxml at
some point...

Or perhaps it could be an optional dependency in the mean-time? Since 
we're only talking tests, here, it's not terrible of developers have a 
bit more choice over dependencies. For example, zope.testbrowser itself 
requires Five 1.4 to run on Zope 2. Plone runs testbrowser tests if 
they're available, and prints a warning if they are not.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: XPATH in zope.testbrowser, assertions in zope.testrecorder

2006-06-25 Thread Martin Aspeli

Daniel Nouri wrote:

Martin Aspeli wrote:

 o In zope.testrecorder, the ability to add comments that become DocTest
comments is a stroke of genius. What I'd love to see, though, is the
ability to add assertions for text. Basically, if I could mark some text
in the browser and have that become a statement like

  >>> browser.contents
  '...some text in the browser...'

... then that would go a long way towards making the post-processing of
the rendered DocTest a very minimal exercise.

That's already there.  Mark some text and right-click and then some menu
pops up.  It will render your assertion as
"'text' in browser.contents".

Aha! It's shift+click in FF on OS X, though :)


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[Zope3-dev] Re: XPATH in zope.testbrowser, assertions in zope.testrecorder

2006-06-24 Thread Martin Aspeli

Benji York wrote:

Martin Aspeli wrote:

  o In zope.testbrowser, [snip] having the ability to select nodes

 > by XPATH would be incredibly useful

Yep, I and others have thought the same thing.

Cool. Philipp mentioned that lxml may have a nice API for this, too.

I imagine an existing
library would be available to make this reasonably easy to implement?

With ElementTree going into Python 2.5, I suspect testbrowser will grow 
XPath support.

Great! (of course, if we could have it sooner) :p

  o In zope.testrecorder, the ability to add comments that become 
DocTest comments is a stroke of genius. What I'd love to see, though, 
is the ability to add assertions for text.

We've considered that too.  Patches welcome. :)

I looked at zope.testrecorder and thought, hey, that looks simple! Then 
I saw the .js file... ;-)

Realistically, I don't think I'm likely to have time to figure out how 
this works and make changes in the near future (too many other 
projects). If I can find the time (or find someone else who has the 
necessary skill) I would of course love to help out.

  o Finally, zope.testrecorder always records full URLs, e.g. 
http://localhost:8080/test/foo. It would be nice if it could render 
those in the doctest at least with some variable substitution, e.g.:

Good idea.  The post-record screen (where you choose either Selenium or 
testbrowser output) would be a good place for that.  You could choose 
any substitution you wanted for the host and port portion of the URIs, 
defaulting to whatever the actual value was. 

Yeah, that was my thinking. Actually, I'd prefer if it just rendered it 
as a '%s/foo' % base_url, where base_url was a variable. That way the 
test case could do e.g. base_url = self.portal.absolute_url() and we 
wouldn't have to hardcode anything.

We would have to handle 
the case when more than one base was recorded during the session.

True. It wouldn't be too hard to go through the urls in use and present 
a table of text boxes where you could map each to a variable (or leave 
as default), I guess.


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[Zope3-dev] XPATH in zope.testbrowser, assertions in zope.testrecorder

2006-06-24 Thread Martin Aspeli

Hi guys,

I just started using zope.testbrowser and zope.testrecorder for doing
integration tests. The case study is Ploneboard, the long-overdue
message board for Plone, which has a workflow maze to compete with the
best of them. Permissions control actions like reply, delete, edit and
approve/moderate, which vary according to the different types of forum
(e.g. moderated vs. non-moderated), and forms can get pretty complex.
zope.testbrowser gives us a way to sanity-check all that - I love it :)

There are three features I've found myself missing, though.

 o In zope.testbrowser, I sometimes need to be quite specific; for
example, let's say I need to test that user A can see an 'edit' button
on his own post, but not on the post by user B, both of which appear on
the same page.

  In this case, having the ability to select nodes by XPATH would be
incredibly useful - both for getControl()/getLink(), and for doing
assertions (fail if/unless this node exists). I imagine an existing
library would be available to make this reasonably easy to implement?

 o In zope.testrecorder, the ability to add comments that become 
DocTest comments is a stroke of genius. What I'd love to see, though, is 
the ability to add assertions for text. Basically, if I could mark some 
text in the browser and have that become a statement like

  >>> browser.contents
  '...some text in the browser...'

... then that would go a long way towards making the post-processing of 
the rendered DocTest a very minimal exercise.

 o Finally, zope.testrecorder always records full URLs, e.g. 
http://localhost:8080/test/foo. It would be nice if it could render 
those in the doctest at least with some variable substitution, e.g.:

  >>> baseUrl = 'http://localhost:8080/test'


  >>> browser.open('%s/foo' % baseUrl)

That way, I could make sure that in integration tests, the baseUrl was 
always valid and consistent without needing to do a lot of 


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 2.9 and Zope 3 i18n, more questions...

2006-06-05 Thread Martin Aspeli
On Mon, 05 Jun 2006 14:52:40 +0100, Chris Withers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Personally I'm not looking for a solution for Zope 2.9 or 2.10 as PTS
and PloneLanguageTool solve all these use-cases right now, but are hard
to extend, impossible to re-use and you know Zope2 ;)

Well, these are my key requirements as I try to get as far from Plone as  

I trust Hanno to get the organisation of products right: what should go  
into Zope, Five, CMF and Plone and how, and also to make things are  
reusable as possible outside of Plone. If you can't deal with a Zope 3  
package that has a name starting with plone.*, well then I guess you (or  
your customers?) suffer.


"You can just adapt yourself out of it..." // Archipelago sprint 26/04/2006

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[Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 3 lacks Ajax capability?

2006-05-15 Thread Martin Aspeli

On Mon, 15 May 2006 18:49:24 +0100, Jeff Rush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I looked at MochiKit and studied the Async package, but perhaps I didn't  
understand it.  I only saw ways for the client to sneak HTTP REQUESTSs  
to the server behind the user's back, but nothing for the server to  
reach out and shove something into the client whenever the server, not  
the client, decided it was time.  I'd rather not have the client polling  
the server for said data with HTTP REQUESTs.

I'm pretty sure the fundamental AJAX pattern is that you send  
XMLHttpRequests on some event, either a timer (so it polls) or a user  
action (e.g. an on-click handler). I've never seen the pattern of a  
persistent connection ... if you have that, you may as well just write a  
traditional socket client/server application and deal with scalability  
there. :)


"You can just adapt yourself out of it..." // Archipelago sprint 26/04/2006

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[Zope3-dev] Re: Making a separate project for zope.bforest

2006-05-06 Thread Martin Aspeli

On Sat, 06 May 2006 21:14:57 +0100, Gary Poster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey all.  Seems like no-one but ZC has used zope.bforest, and it  
probably fits better in the "a million itsy-bitsy projects" story now  
that we have it (and an accompanying automated test story).  Anyone  
object if I move it out of the trunk?

A b-forest? That's like so many b-trees you can't see it for them?


"You can just adapt yourself out of it..." // Archipelago sprint 26/04/2006

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[Zope3-dev] Re: Google SoC Project

2006-05-06 Thread Martin Aspeli

Hi Stephan!

Nate sent just a message that I am interested in a SoC project with the  

Foundation. Okay, let me write something too.

It feels almost like cheating, since you're likely to know more than any  
potential mentor about the stuff you're working on, but I think it'd be a  
great idea to give you more time and compensation for contribution. ;-)

I think doing a SoC project would be a lot of fun and would give me some  
to work on Zope 3. Unfortunately, I am a little bit lost to what I could  

that widely benefits Zope 3, Zope 2, CMF and Plone. Here are some of my
ideas, some are stolen from the Plone project suggestions:

I think it's important (for Google) that it's the Plone Foundation that  
has been approved for mentorship, not Zope Corp or the Zope Foundation (if  
there is/will be such a thing...). That means that what you do under this  
guise needs to be directly relatable to and beneficial for Plone.

1. Finish the ZSCP site[1]

I think that the ZSCP process will be vital for controlling software  
in the future and provide people with a valuable resource for additional  

software. My original proposal was modest by design, since I did not
anticipate to have much time to work on a larger vision. With the SoC  
I could finish the implementation of the proposal and extend the scope  
to be

more inclusive of existing packages/products, especially with regard to

This project would fit the SoC program well, since its scope is  

and extensible.

.. [1] http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-dev/2006-February/018319.html

I have two reservation about this - the first is that the process seems  
very arduous (i.e. there are a *lot* of tickboxes in that table, and there  
is the potential to create a lot of red tape). The second is that without  
a large amount of buy-in from the wider community (and in the context of  
SoC, that means primarily the Plone community), it won't gain the  
necessary traction to be relevant.

To be sure, I support the principle of the ZSCP, but it is a very hard  
*social* problem (as opposed to a purely technical one) that may not fit  
the model of a single student working on it for a few months.

As I recall, much of the process was also biased (for good reasons!)  
towards pure Zope 3 products, which may actually mean that the majority of  
Plone components could never fully comply with the standard... which in  
turn doesn't make for a great case of the Plone Foundation Summer-of-Code  
application. :)

2. Implement Local Sites in ZCML

I already mentioned this several times: It would be very nice, if we  
define local sites in ZCML. I understand this task very well and could  
a proposal and implement it in a well-defined time frame. BTW, this task  
is a
"must happen", if we want to port something like Plone to Zope 3  

This project might be too short for the Google SoC. But I think it has a  

of potential.

I think that anything that solves one or two of these for Zope 3 would be  
highly relevant to Plone:

 - Local-ness - everything in CMF/Plone is about "local". Only when  
product X is installed should X's functionality be exposed, and before X  
is installed, something that's registered in ZCML or whatnot could  
possibly break. People expect to have several Plone sites in one Zope  
instance and configure them differently.

I'm not entirely sure how this fits with ZCML, though, since ZCML is  
inherently global (i.e. we can't hard-code site names in ZCML ;-), but I'm  
guessing you're talking about a more generalisable way to install things  
locally and have things only take effect when locally enabled?

 - Through-the-web customisability of *templates*. I'm not convinced we  
need TTW-classes and components and logic - those things fit progammer  
minds and programmer minds don't mind filesystems and like svn. But people  
using Plone are *very often* drawn to it because the ease with which they  
can override/customise page templates (and by extension visual "logic",  
layout, etc.) without leaving their web browser or learn a large stack of  
technologies. It's not an ideal model, and we need good ways of getting  
out of the ZODB and into a "skin product" or similar. But we are extremely  
reluctant to make use of views with page templates (as opposed to page  
templates that acquire views and then call its methods) in Plone precisely  
because it means sacrificing TTW customisability.

3. Optimize ZCML

We talked about it many times. The startup time for Zope 3 is too long.  
part this is due to the schema field conversion and verification of the  
attributes. I would like to work with Jim on some strategies to optimize  
startup time by reducing the ZCML processing. Over the years we have  
of several solutions, but they all involved a lot of hard labor that  

was willing to do for free. Well, getting paid to do it

[Zope3-dev] Re: Re: a plan for widgets?

2006-03-17 Thread Martin Aspeli
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 03:31:59 -, Sidnei da Silva  

Yum Yum. That reminds me of Archetypes-Hum.

Was that an endorsement or criticism? :)



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[Zope3-dev] Re: Reducing the Amount of ZCML Directives ready for review

2006-03-17 Thread Martin Aspeli
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 08:56:54 -, Martijn Faassen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Before this merge goes through, I would propose the following steps:

Take the document and edit it so it's a clear guide for what you should  
do with broken directives. I.e. for browser:localUtility we want to  
exactly specify what needs to be done to register this with the

normal content directive.

After that, this document needs to be checked in under the
doc directory.

Finally, there needs to be a clear pointer in at least the changelog as
well as the release notes to this document.

Is there a DTD or XML Schema for the core ZCML namespace(s)? If not, I  
think this should happen at the same time, and I'd suggest it be  
appropriately annotated to serve as documentation. Interfaces aren't just  
for python code :)



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[Zope3-dev] Re: a new zcml directive?

2006-03-12 Thread Martin Aspeli
On Sat, 11 Mar 2006 00:49:19 -, Marius Gedminas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

I think this is exactly the same as Jeff Shell's suggestion, but its
3am, and I'm too tired to read his entire message.

I find I have that problem even at more sociable hours of the day  
(depending on whom you socialise with). What's worse is that I'm known to  
produce even longer emails myself from time to time. :-(



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[Zope3-dev] Re: Mandatory Viewing!

2006-03-09 Thread Martin Aspeli
On Tue, 07 Mar 2006 18:55:34 -, Stephan Richter  

There are tools that do round-tripping, like ArchGenXML, which will have  

3 support in the next release.

AGX (soon to be called Genesis) doesn't do round-tripping. It lets you  
re-generate your code from the model and still preserves method bodies,  
custom methods, and code written in special "protected sections". Full  
round-tripping is incredibly hard, and probably not worth it all that much.

I think it's more important to focus on making development fast and easy  
(e.g. by not requiring server restarts too often, by having a small number  
of concepts to learn and a small number basic building blocks that are  
well-contained and thus easily refactored) than to necessarily support it  
TTW. To be honest, I don't think a browser is a good replacement for a  
decent IDE.

What the CMF/Plone story has shown us, though, is that simple  
*customisation*, i.e. tweaking (primarily of UI templates and very basic  
functionality) is very valuable TTW because it can then become a  
power-user/non-programmer facility. I'd say that a large part of Plone's  
success, certainly, comes from the ease with which you can customise (and  
thus re-use) page templates. Zope 3 does very well on re-use at the  
programmer level with the CA. Making it possible to tweak/re-use  
look-and-feel without having to understand python (or much python) is a  
logical next step.

On a personal note, I also think Zope'd be better off if components could  
be reconfigured without a restart. That way, you could for example provide  
TTW configuration panels for things ordinarily controlled by ZCML (e.g.  
the in-ZODB, user setting overrides the zcml-configured default ... for  
some carefully selected options of course). That'd make it easier to make  
such UIs and make sure configuration tools.



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[Zope3-dev] Re: Re: A Take on the Hello World Acid Test - from Mandatory Viewing

2006-03-09 Thread Martin Aspeli
On Thu, 09 Mar 2006 15:44:56 -, Paul Winkler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

On Thu, Mar 09, 2006 at 02:38:48PM +0100, Paul Everitt wrote:

One little Python script, maintained as part of the standard
distribution, referred to ubiquitously as the right way to start, would
have more impact on Zope adoption than nearly any other software
activity (save, perhaps, for zope.bobo).  All IMO, of course.

We do already have bin/pyskel, which is useful as far
as it goes, but that's of course not very far.

Ben Saller (and others) have worked on a python program called Skeletor  
(now in the Plone collective) that seems to be a very promising way of  
generating package infrastructure/scaffolding. I don't think it's Plone or  
even Zope specific, but may be a useful base. Ben's software tends to be  
pretty well designed. :)


Ah, and then you mentioned it :-)



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[Zope3-dev] Re: The vision thing

2006-03-05 Thread Martin Aspeli

- Non-technical users who just want to crank our a web application
   with little muss and fuss.  This was the original focus of Zope 2
   and now Plone

I think this is better served by applications on top of Zope, rather than  
trying to make the framework sit that close to the user. Like you said,  
Plone + its toolchain (Archetypes, ArchGenXML etc.) serve this purpose to  
a certain extent, at least. I think that although we'd all like  
"non-technical people" to be able to build "technically advanced  
applications", it basically degenerates down to the problem that if you  
want to let these people express themselves as richly as Python or another  
programming language allows, they'll have to learn something with the same  
degree of complexity as Python or another programming language anyway. :)

Plone + Archetypes + ArchGenXML is about a limited problem domain. You  
want a CMS-like thing, you want to create some content types with minimal  
fuzz, you want to be able to skin a bit. That's proven to be a set of  
tasks that we've reduced in complexty until a larger group of people can  
accomplish something without understanding the whole stack. Perhaps  
different applications in different problem domains can achieve the same  

I don't think it's good for a framework/appserver to try to solve all such  
cases across all problem domains, because the tradeoffs you have to make  
start getting awkward. To a certain extent, this is what happened with  
Zope 2. TTW scripts, and security models for these, and ZClassses (what  
were they, again...) and all kinds of other mechanisms that ultimately led  
to sacrifices in the cleanliness of the underlying framework and server.

- People who know what an app server is and know they need one.
   People who know they need to reuse applications and need tools
   to customise them. People who know they need rich servcies, like
   security, transactions, etc.  These are the people for whom Zope 3
   was written.

Which I think is a good audience. Zope (2+CMF and 3, but perhaps 3 even  
more so) has proven to be a very good way of re-using elements of software  
(e.g. re-using skin elements in Zope 2+CMF, and to a deeper extent in Zope  
3), and of getting going quickly. The Zope 3 CA is a really nice  
architecture that makes it fun to write software, and Zope is good at  
taking care of teh grunt (security, transactions, authentication) that I  
don't want to take care of. In fact, I build applications on top of Plone,  
because Plone lets Zope do those things, and Plone takes care of  
consistency of UI, usability and a certain degree of integration that I  
also don't want to concern myself with.

- People who want straightforward tools for developing small to moderate
   complexity sites in Python.  I don't think we are servving this  


Probably not. Separating out some of the lower level CA stuff (I still  
like Jeff's Zope 3 CA vs. Zope 3 AS idea; call it ZFC or Zed or whatever)  
will make this easier for a certain class of people. However, I think it's  
also possible that Django/TurboGears/Rails will remain good at one thing  
(possibly lighter/smaller and/or more relational-database-driven  
applications), that J2EE and .ENT will remain good at another thing  
(large, enterprise-level installations with needs to integrate with other  
more established technologies), and Zope can sit happily in the middle.

Then there are more fragmented audiences, like people who want a dirt
simple way to create applications based on relational databases.

Again, Django/TurboGears/Rails are good at this, and I'm not sure it's  
necessary for Zope to be able to sell itself on this point. Zope can sell  
itself on the point that it makes a lot of other things easy (e.g. using  
non-relational storages like the ZODB, transactions, authentication, etc.)  
and still has the ability to talk to relational databases with similar ORM  
concepts to what these tools use (maybe we're not quite there yet, but I  
think we should), as opposed to saying this particular thing is something  
Zope is better at than all others.

My main point is that we need to consider each of these audiences, as
they have separate concerns.  We need to be explicit about this and
have messages and technical solutions tailored to each audience.

Do we? Messages, perhaps, but we should also remember that Zope  
*shouldn't* be all things to all people (because we'll fail miserably at  
that). It should allow the most flexibility, but at the end of the day,  
users will make a decision based on the trade-off between what Zope is  
naturally good at and what it can be made to do with some work.



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[Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Visionaire! (All your problems, solved)

2006-03-04 Thread Martin Aspeli
On Sat, 04 Mar 2006 19:39:50 -, Dieter Maurer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Windows, Windows 98/NT/ME/CE/2000/2003/XP,

All of which have the same brandname... Windows, same with Office.

I hear of Avalon/Longhorn

Longhorn is a codename, it's now called Windows Vista.

Avalon is a UI technology in Vista, not an OS.

as names for future .Net based Windows versions. Similar (although not  

many) variations for Office (Office 98/2000/2003).


You can find drastic changes in the technology names (rather than
the product names): e.g. COM, OLE, ActiveX, COM+

These are not exactly the same technologies, though.



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[Zope3-dev] Re: Re: Re: Two visions

2006-03-02 Thread Martin Aspeli

On Thu, 02 Mar 2006 19:31:38 -, Stefane Fermigier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Strange how (most of) the Plone people seem to be so quick in willing to
sacrifice the Zope brand :(

I don't think that's true. I'm certainly not, and I've not heard anyone  
directly in favour of that either. What I *am* in favour of is branding  
the current Zope efforts much more strongly, and I think that an  
*additional* name to hype a Zope 3 brand around (Zope 3 Zebra or whatever)  
would make such marketing easier.

Building our software on a less obscure appserver would make Plone much  
stronger. I know a very large organisation that would jump on Plone if it  
were built in Java. Zope is scary.



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[Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope-dev] Re: Two visions

2006-03-02 Thread Martin Aspeli
On Thu, 02 Mar 2006 13:13:03 -, Rocky Burt  

1) The Zope 3 name and brand is a marketing disaster (from my
perspective) -- to be honest there's really no way I could see this
actually getting worse by coming up with a new name.  How many times in
the #plone channel do we get asked, "Does Plone run on Zope 3.1/3.2?"
or, "When will Plone run on Zope 3.2" to which we say "no" to the first
question and "dunno" to the second question.

Actually not as often as I'd feared, but that has more to do with the fact  
that people don't know they're running on Zope and they don't really know  
that Zope 3 exists and is in any way different from Zope 2.8 with some bug  
fixes. Thus proving your point, I think. :)

2) Today when I build new applications with Plone, the best I can hope
for is to use Zope 3 as a framework and Zope 2 as a deployment platform.
Although the reality is I still use Zope 2 as a framework fr too
much as well.  I'm hoping (expecting) that Five will continue to make
the requirement to use Zope 2 as a framework diminish more and more.  As
a developer, I certainly prefer working with Zope 3 "the framework" over
Zope 2 "the framework".

+1 (and thanks for all your hard work in making this better)

  1) rename zope 3 the framework as Z or zopelib or Zed or something
sensical that doesn't confuse the early adopter's conquest of trying to
figure out which zope to start with
  2) Make zope 2 the application server acquire the name "zope" once
again and be the only app server.  This could only work (from a new
adopter's perspective) if either the application server is given a new
name or given a version number higher than 3.

3) make Zope3-the-application-server have a different name too. It may not  
make sense to use Zope2-the-app-server always, and eventually we'll  
hopefully evolve the appserver parts of Zope2 to use Zope3 technologies  
(the different configurations, same application idea, but we're some way  
off that). But in the meantime (a loong meantime) there's zope2 and zope3  
appservers that serve different purposes and have different strenghts and  

Who are we worried aboug confusing here? Existing Zope 3 developers?
Zope 2 developers?  I don't think so, those people are smart enough to
figure it out.  So I say lets focus on not confusing new adopters in




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[Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope-dev] Two visions?

2006-03-02 Thread Martin Aspeli

On Thu, 02 Mar 2006 16:18:27 -, Jim Fulton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Zope is a agile flexible extensible app server with rich services.

You forgot "Enterprise".



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[Zope3-dev] Re: visions, brands and roadmaps in the sand

2006-03-02 Thread Martin Aspeli
On Thu, 02 Mar 2006 19:39:54 -, Lennart Regebro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  


1. Zope2 uses more and more of Zope3s technologies. Anything that can
be merged gets merged. That means security, pagetemplates and the
publisher, and maybe more. Basically, we want to strip Zope2 as much
as possible, until Zope2 basically runs "on top" of Zope3. This also
includes making sure that a Zope3 product can continue to run on
Zope3, even when Zope2 also runs there. I.e, we get to a situation,
where you can run Zope3 products unmodified in Zope2.


2. Zope3 may also get slightly streamlined, so that Zope3 is what is
needed to run Zope2 but not more. That means that Zope3 would lose the

+1 in the context of Jeff Shell's vision about having one version with and  
one without the ZMI (in whatever capacity) as a useful data/settings admin  

3. We start rewriting CMF tools as Zope3 utilities, with the CMF tools
as a thin BBB layer (that may finally disappear). This becomes the
basis for the ECM "toolkit" for Zope3.


4. We develop TTW development tools for Zope3. I think me and Jim both
agree we should have these. I think me and Jim has a completely
different vision of what they should be. :)

+1 (though lower priority for me at present... I'm more concerned about  
breaking CMF TTW template cuatomisation etc. in a Five world)

This, as far as I can see, is compatible with 99% of the visions we
have discussed here, and it will keep us busy for a year. :-)

Probably more.


I can see the point in separating out the non-webby parts of Zope3 to
gear it towards people who don't want a big applictaion server. And,
to be honest, if I did anything in python today, I'd want to use teh
component architecture, even though what I do didn't touch the web.
I'm not sure we want to name it Z but i'm not completely opposed
either. But I prefer Zope Component Architecture.

+1, I like the Zope 3 CA idea.

I am opposed to renaming Zope 3. It seems to me that the renaming of
Zope3 is suggested for three reasons:

1. "It makes Plone look bad by not running on the latest version of  

I honestly couldn't care less. Sorry.

I don't know of anyone in the Plone community who's uttered this  
sentiment. I certainly don't care.

2. "Python people doesn't like things called Zope".
Well, Zope3 was heavily geared towards making Zope pythonic. What has
the answer from the Python-crowd been? "Eeew, you are using XML!".
Honestly, I don't think renaming Zope3 will suddenly make the
python-crowd go "Oh, cool, you use XML!" I could be wrong, but that's
what I think.

But a Zope 3 CA that's non-web-focused and continues the ZCML slimming  
tradition (if I can make adapters and interfaces without ZCML I think I'll  
be happy - browser pages and views etc. don't matter in this case) and can  
be separately deployed/depended upon makes sense.

3. "There is not enough hype!"
You don't need to rename Zope3 to hype it.

I think renaming will mean we loose a brand, and we make people
confused, and we need to change a whole lot of code. :) It doesn't
seem worth it.

I was always behind the idea of naming it Zope 3 , not lose the  
Zope or the 3. The  is to have something to emphasise a brand  
around. I think Paul had a really good post about this, though. I think  
even Zope 3 CA and Zope 3 AS would work fine as names to build hype around.



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[Zope3-dev] Re: visions, brands and roadmaps in the sand

2006-03-02 Thread Martin Aspeli
On Thu, 02 Mar 2006 17:44:36 -, Martijn Faassen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

I would encourage all Zope developers to print out Martijn's post and hang  
it on the wall over their monitors. Please, no more empty promises that  
scare people. :)



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[Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope3-Users] Visionaire! (All your problems, solved)

2006-03-02 Thread Martin Aspeli
1) Audience==Middle class: Keep the name Zope to apply to the  
application server and the middle class.  Basically, Zope is the  

2) Audience==Python: Pick a new name for the top-level package of  
components.  For example: "zed3" for the naming.  E.g.  
zed3.pagetemplates.  (Examples: SchoolTool, Tiks, Oxfam America via  
Enfold, etc.)  Don't heavily brand zed3.

By "middle class" do you mean the developers between the trivial PHP  
system and the enterize-l33t J2EE system? If so, I think that marketing is  
right (and very lucurative).

I think your proposal separates out the Zope-name-is-good from the  
Zope-name-is-bad camp well. It doesn't have to be a dichotomy (unless we  
let emotions get in the way).

Your idea and Jeff's are fairly compatible. I too would like to see the CA  
be made more useful outside Zope, and frankly, no-one will ever require  
their users to download Zope-3.tar.gz in order to install some simple  
application that just happens to use the CA. This may well re-invigorate  
the community, if people who've build a simple application with the CA  
decide they want to contribute at that level, or start building web  
applications. Hell, I'd like to use the Z3 CA for a non-web-application,  
but I don't think I could justiy having Zope 3 as a dependency!

Similarly, I think a lot of developers would like to not be confused by a  
ZMI that may or may not be an application and content types that may or  
may not be useful or possibly just a demo (actually, I don't fully  
understand this yet myself) but feel that they have a powerful web  
development paradigm under the Zope 3 banner with the aesthetic of the  
Zope 3 CA (Zed?) CA.



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Re: [Zope3-dev] Visionaire! (All your problems, solved)

2006-03-02 Thread Martin Aspeli
On Thu, 02 Mar 2006 11:49:31 -, Lennart Regebro  

This should be Zope3 as it is now. A couple of things can go away.
Maybe the rotterdam skin, I don't know. Definitely the default Folder
objects and such. People, especially Zope2 people, think that you are
supposed to use them. You aren't, you are supposed to build your own.

Yeah, why the hell are there there then? ;-)



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[Zope3-dev] Re: Visionaire! (All your problems, solved)

2006-03-02 Thread Martin Aspeli
On Thu, 02 Mar 2006 00:42:14 -, Jeff Shell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Personally, I still find it hard to know where the line goes between the  
ZMI and my own UI code, if I should be extending the ZMI or replacing it.  
Perhaps because I'm tainted by Zope 2's idea of the ZMI, though.

Personally, I think it's insane that Zope 3 still has TTW scripts and  
templates enabled by default. :-)

Personally, I think that Zope 3-the-CA would be the useful in a Zope 2  
+ Five context, at the very least, which is where a lot of interest will  
continue to come for.

Without understanding the detailed implications of your vision, I must say  
it's quite attractive. Perhaps the difference between the AS and the Suite  
may be hard to explain and keep clean, though - I'm really not sure.

But less-is-more is a good concept when it comes to frameworks like the Z3  
CA. The less stuff I have to learn and understand that's not relevant to  
me (e.g. as a Five-focused developer, or as someone with lower  
requirements) the better. Should be easier to document it in these stages,  
too... And I like having distinct names for the different parts of that  


We've been through a lot lately. You know it, I know it. Zope has a
reputation. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad. This has affected
Zope 3, since Zope 3 is very much "not Zope 2". But it's affecting
Zope 2 as well, as Jim has brought to our attention. Zope 3 is Mature.
Zope 3 sounds like Zope 2+1. Zope 2 and Zope 3 have very different
concepts. Zope 3 has restricted its audience, for now, to developers;
while Zope 2 is appealing to many different kinds of end users and
programmer types. Five offers a bridge so that Zope 3 as a library may
be used in Zope 2, and the Zope 2 core has started making use of some
Zope 3 concepts.

But it's obvious we have a name problem. Even within Zope 3, there's a
name problem, between "Zope 3 as Application Server" and "Zope 3 as
cool collection of packages".

Today, I wrote a much longer message in response to the "Two Visions"
thread. But I was in a bit of a bad mood, having spent many hours
trying to set up a test harness to test one little thing in my own
code that was causing problems - a "one little thing" that depended on
quite a few components being set up, and it was painful. And I'm still
not done. And I realized, as I stewed away, that I like Zope 3 as an
Application Server... But I'd like it with less. And this option
hasn't been proffered, so far as I can tell. It seems like Jim's
Vision might be two options - "zope as library" and "big zope
application server with all of the object file system and probably
through the web stuff and so on and so on and would be largely
compatible with both Zope 2 and Zope 3 as they stand today."

Personally, I'd love to have the first option. I also, personally,
don't care if I have the second option, but I recognize the need or
desire for it, and the desire to get out the message that Zope 2 and
the applications on it actually do have a future even though they may
not have a future with Zope 3 as Zope 3 is currently known.

I'd like a third option: the Zope 3 Application Server as it is right
now, but with less. No Rotterdam skin, perhaps no ZMI. No content
objects at all, except maybe for some example file and image objects
to show how to do BLOBs. It would still be ZODB based. It would still
be ILocation based. zope.app.container would be prominent, and
zope.app.folder would not be a distraction. It's the basis for
building applications like Schoolbell/Schooltool, custom content
management, itinerary managers, knowledge bases, whatever. Catalog,
local sites/utilities, all still there. But without the distraction of
"should I support the ZMI? use it as my user interface?" "should I use
the TTW page templates?". "IFolder and IContainer... What is the
difference and which should I use? Which should be my base class"
(because at Bottlerocket, we chose Folder when we shouldn't have, we
found out much later). Maybe that stuff would still be in the library.
Maybe it would still be available as a 'mkzopeinstance' option. But
the Zope 3 Application Server would probably work best if it promoted
custom development via persistent objects, views, and custom skins, as
the default way of working with it. It's easier to write documentation
for, it could be easy to write mkzopeinstance commands for (to
generate a basic starting point with skeleton code and a site.zcml
setup that loads the custom skin). There's not this other User
Interface and other objects providing a distraction. "I'm making a
wiki. How does SQL Script apply? I18N File?".

And then I thought about Taligent, for some reason. I'm not going into
the history of the company/project, whose products never really made
it out into the light of day. But at some point, they broke their
product (which was to be a new "object oriented operating system") out
into a small set of distinct offerings: TalOS (Taligent 

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Two visions

2006-02-28 Thread Martin Aspeli
On Tue, 28 Feb 2006 17:33:05 -, Martijn Faassen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

I don't see how *saying* what Zope 5 will contain will make it *exist*  
any time sooner. These sound like useful evolution proposals for Zope 2  
and Zope 3 to me...

The current story of Zope 2, Five and Zope 3 gets us in the right  
direction (Zope 5, if you want to call it that, though I would  
definitely want to introduce yet another name in the mix), step by step.  
We don't promise too much to people. We don't raise the wrong  
expecations anymore. Everyone in the community is on board.

We are already doing the work that's required to reach the ideal of  
"Zope 5". You could rename Zope 2.10 to Zope 5.0, but I don't see what  
good that would do except to confuse people. It won't contain the  
features you list unless someone actually does all that work. The  
alternative is to put Zope 5 in the nebulous future when all the work  
you list is done, and it'll be just like our mythical "Zope 3 without  
the X" then - confusing people and raising the wrong expectations.


I think you make a very sobering point. It's important to be a little  
careful with what you promise, and to keep a clear story for the more  
peripheral community and to outsiders.

Zope 3 has, it seems, always been driven by a desire to make the perfect  
framework. In many ways, that's good, and the result to date is very  
beautiful. It's important to keep some ties to the real world, the  
applications people deploy on, systems like CPS and Plone and Silva, and  
not tempt them to too many false starts or with false promises that leaves  
them waiting forever.

A vision is good. Commitment to that vision is even better. Just be  
careful what you promise. :)



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[Zope3-dev] Re: The Zope Software Certification Program and Common Repository Proposal

2006-02-20 Thread Martin Aspeli
On Mon, 20 Feb 2006 21:28:09 -, Stephan Richter  

I have spent the last two weeks working on a proposal that defines a Zope
Software Certification Program (ZSCP) and a Common Repository that  
this process. The proposal is attached to this mail. I welcome any  

about it!

Hi Stephan,

I have only skimmed the document, since it's 1am and I'm going to the  
mountains tomorrow. I expect a triple-digit post count in this thread when  
I return. :)

I think the proposal is very well put-together. I think it admirably tries  
to make the Zope 3 community more inclusive of more peripheral developers  
who simply use the framework, and I think this will benefit Zope immensely  
if done right.

My immediate concern is about resources: Who will have the time or  
incentive to police the common repository and grant certification? It  
seems to be a non-trivial process that may end up being quite  
time-consuming. It may be perceived as too much red tape. It may be  
perceived as too much centralised control, especially around licensing. At  
times it may also be open to debate, and a means of resolving disputes  
would seem necessary. There are certainly a lot of tick-boxes in your  
table! :-)

Secondly, and partly because I'm expecting this to come up in my absence:  
your proposal is eerily simlar to Alan's two-level Plone collective post  
to plone-dev, about having an "approved" list of contributors and packages  
in a fenced-off repository, in addition to the collective.

One obvious parallel here, by the way, is with the svn.plone.org/plone  
repository. That one is controlled by the Plone Foundation, requires a  
contributor agreement, and imposes restrictions on license and quality  
(albeit not as formally as you do). I think this is possibly a more valid  
comparison than with the Collective.

I'm actually +1 on your proposal in spirit (if it can be shown to work,  
and if there is a broad consensus in the community to support it - in  
fact, this is important: if there is too much division, the proposal would  
likely be self-defeating) and -1 on his.

The reason is that the Plone world is quite different from the Zope 3  
world (although there are hard-core Plone developers who sit in both). The  
Plone community is much larger but naturally also more dispersed. The  
software is much more narrowly defined (depending on your point of view I  
suppose, but I mean - it's a CMS, Zope 3 is a framework) and the  
components developed for it are much closer to the user.

Plone thrives on the size and vibrancy of its community. A very large part  
of its success comes from third party products that people find and marry  
with Plone to solve their problems. Without the low bar to contributing  
such components, without an open and very democratic Collective, and  
without "meta-data" on http://plone.org/products, I don't think this would  
be possible, certainly not as successful. The uptake of third party  
product users and contributors, and I think maybe also the quality, has  
improved quite significantly since we introduced the Products section on  

A framework like Zope 3, and framework-level third party components,  
thrives more on control and consistency in vision and implementation. (In  
part, you're solving that with better guidelines around how to write code,  
guidelines that Zope 3 adopters also benefit from.) I think that the lower  
down the stack you go, the higher the degree of centralised  
quality-control needs to be. This, however, is at the expense of perceived  
eltism and a raised bar to entry. I think that balance is different in  
Plone than it is in Zope 3.

Put differently, I think that *some* Plone components ought to move lower  
down the stack, target re-usability in different systems, and thus be  
subject to somewhat different rules. Perhaps these components shouldn't  
have been Plone components in the first place, or perhaps their evolution  
would start in Plone and move down the stack. But I think it would be  
damaging for the Plone community, given its current shape and culture, to  
impose those rules across the types of components that are higher up the  
stack - arguably those components which should be "Plone" components still.

I'd also note that we solve (or try/continue to solve) some of the  
visibility and evaluation problems on http://plone.org/products (which is  
of course open source, albeit GPL, and you can re-use any of this you see  
fit). Some of those same things, you solve with more technical means -  
automated testing, common file layouts, XML metadata files. Again, I think  
these approaches work better at the  
small-component-high-reusability/framework level than they do with the  
types of user-facing components that typically land in the Collective.

Although you proposal is not technical in design, it's technical in  
implementation (so to speak). Perhaps it would be 

[Zope3-dev] Re: Re: Zope 3 web root

2006-02-17 Thread Martin Aspeli
On Fri, 17 Feb 2006 23:45:24 -, Shane Hathaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

User interfaces speak louder than books.  Start up Zope 3, log in as a  
manager, and look at the list of things you can add.  It includes DTML  
Page, File, Image, Python Page, SQL Script, and ZPT Page.  I suggest  
that no one should be invited to create these kinds of objects in ZODB;  
it's a road to misery.  We need rip them out and develop another way to  
fulfill the use cases they represent.

Heh, my Z3 experience is limited to theory + some Five work so far.  
Seriously, though - do people need these? If so, what for?

I must say I'm a bit disappointed to learn this. I thought this was  
exactly the kind of think Zope 3 *didn't* encourage because it learnt  
lessons from Zope 2. I may be naive about when these are needed, of course.

But I'd like to see them switched off by default if no-one can make a  
convincing case for why they should be there (except, well, you know, they  
were there in Zope 2, and we thought someone may have liked them). I'm  
sure I'm missing something obvious, though.



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[Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 3 web root

2006-02-17 Thread Martin Aspeli

On Thu, 16 Feb 2006 17:16:21 -, Alexander Limi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a real client application where the templates themselves *are*
the content being managed:  they are *not* software.  They *must* be
stored in the ZODB.  You could think of these things as "active content
components," or somthing, and they are not logically the same thing as
"stock" templates used for software, but they do include ZPT.

But shouldn't this be an dedicated, custom content type with a transform  
or something to handle that particular use case?

That'd be my immediate design idea, too.

I'm agreeing violently with most of the other people here that see no  
use for scripting things through the ZODB. Both developer usability-wise  
("you can access some modules but not others") and security-wise, it is  
a nightmare. Pretty much all the security holes ever found in Zope  
through the years have only worked when you allow untrusted users to  
author DTML or Python Scripts residing in the ZODB.

Perhaps not violently, but I'm slightly baffled... I'm still a Z3 virgin,  
but everything I've been told so far is that the whole  
code-in-content-space (and ZODB == content space as far as I'm concerned)  
was bad. And I totally agree. CMF tools in content space? Yuck! Page  
templates deep into some user-managed folder hierarchy?

If they are needed (and I haven't yet seen a need, but probably because I  
haven't written any large Z3 applications), then surely we should devise  
better ways of doing things, not encourage mangling of code and content.

Additionally, working as a developer coach for people new to Zope,  
explaining people the rationale behind TTW scripting becomes an exercise  
in futility ("but why can't I use the set functions in a Python  

Some means of TTW customisability (primarily of page templates) is very  
useful for very simple customisations and has been a good way to sell  
Plone, certainly. But the line in the sand needs to be clear. I'd  
personally be happy if ZPTs (with python: expressions intact) could be  
overridden TTW in a similar way to how CMF's portal_skins/custom works and  
that was it. No python scripts in the ZODB, no other nonsense. When you  
want to program, you should program (and we should make it sufficiently  
easy to set that up so that you can program).

If Zope 3 only allowed code on the FS by default, the world would be a  
better place. The only thing it has going for it is TTW customization on  
hosting setups that don't allow their customers SSH access, but Zope  
isn't hostable in the "$5/month PHP hosting" way anyway. You pretty much  
need a dedicated server or at the very least a jail to do anything  
useful with Zope.

Keep it simple, and remember: "there should be one -- and preferably  
only one -- obvious way to do it".

High +1. Or rather, there should be one well-thought-through,  
well-documented and well-designed way. (incidentally, this is why I hate  
Perl) :)



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[Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 3 web root

2006-02-17 Thread Martin Aspeli
On Thu, 16 Feb 2006 06:35:00 -, Shane Hathaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

No, we're still confused.  Templates and scripts are code.  Should they  
be in ZODB?  Grrr, I hope not.  I don't want to suffer that pain, fssync  
or no fssync.  I invented the CMF skins tool primarily to pull a lot of  
templates and scripts out of ZODB.  I invented Ape to pull them *all*  
out.  Now I'm having trouble convincing myself to use Zope 3 because the  
problem has to be solved somehow yet again!

I'm slightly confused too... when are you putting scripts and scripts in  
the ZODB? The books I read didn't tell me to do so 



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[Zope3-dev] Re: zcml abbreviations

2006-02-17 Thread Martin Aspeli
On Fri, 17 Feb 2006 00:30:03 -, Shaun Cutts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

It seems to me that some of the tension around zcml arises because, on
the one hand, everyone wants it to be as simple as possible, and on the
other, too much simplicity of the language makes some things very
tedious, which encourages "magic shortcuts" via new directives.

To let out some of the steam, could zcml support a very simple
"abbreviate" directive in over all namespaces?

I'm pretty sure this would mean that ZCML would no longer work as valid  
XML (you can't validate when people invent their own tags on the fly),  
which would be a shame. Feels a bit like embrace-and-extend, Microsoft  
style :)

I'd rather we concentrated on the actual directives themselves, removed  
the silly ones, provided decent defaults, maybe even keep some of the  
shortcut directives if they are semantically and logically different in  
the minds of the application developer form the primitives they extend.



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[Zope3-dev] Re: One namespace for ZCML

2006-02-15 Thread Martin Aspeli

On Tue, 14 Feb 2006 13:48:42 -, Florent Guillaume <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

For example CPS currently has a cps:upgradeStep directive:

Interesting... we've been talking about doing something similar in Plone.



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[Zope3-dev] Re: Future of zope.app

2006-02-15 Thread Martin Aspeli
On Tue, 14 Feb 2006 14:08:07 -, Stephan Richter  

On Tuesday 14 February 2006 08:41, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Jim said that he wants zope.app to become smaller. I would welcome that.
Is it time for this to be thought about?

For various reasons, mostly personal ones, I would consider Zope
3.3/2.10 a good point for this to be done. If others agree, we should
get started, especially since we moved up the time frame 1 month.

I would not mind. I think most of the work will be investigating and
documenting the steps to be taken. Technically it is less of a  
challenge. On

the other hand, this release will see a lot of shake-up: ZCML directive
removal, adapter registry reimplementation, package location changes.

I'd prefer one larger shake than many largeish shakes in consequtive  
versions :-)



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[Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 3 web root

2006-02-13 Thread Martin Aspeli
On Mon, 13 Feb 2006 07:51:34 -, Chris Withers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Scripts and RBDMS are the fast food of the web development world, not  
the salad. Looks nice, tastes great, eventually leaves you fat and  
unhealthy. ZODB and maybe an ORM is the greens for me, it might not be  
to everyone's taste at first, but it's the best option in the long run...

I think that's certainly true for content-centric applications, which is  
what people seem to build the most of in Zope. But if you were storing 80  
million records of numbers and short strings that you needed to query  
across multiple dimensions, you'd probably put them in postgresql.

Zope 3 should really have a better story on SQL. Not replace the ZODB, but  
show how in your code you best deal with an RDBMS. I think that should  
leverage existing python APIs and ORM tools (I think there's a place for  
both SQL-style queries and ORM, depending on how much you need "ad-hoc"  
queries or at least complex, one-off representations of data, and how much  
you need one logical view of your data), but there should be patterns and  
integration layers (if needed) to show how to get data from an RDBMS into  
a view, how to make an edit form for that data, and how to integrate that  
with the rest of your probably content-centric application.



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[Zope3-dev] Re: One namespace for ZCML

2006-02-13 Thread Martin Aspeli
Gary Poster  zope.com> writes:

> On Feb 13, 2006, at 10:05 AM, Tres Seaver wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > Stephan Richter wrote:
> >> On Monday 13 February 2006 08:36, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
> [...]
> +1 to Stephan's comment, Tres' comment, and Tres' use of the word  
> "ukase" (which I had to look up).

It wasn't a spelling mistake? ...

ukase \yoo-KAYS; -KAYZ; YOO-kays; -kayz\, noun:
1. In imperial Russia, a published proclamation or order having the force of 
2. Any order or decree issued by an authority; an edict.

> -1 to the proposal.

+1 to Gary's +1's and -1's.

However, I think a review of namespace *usage* in Zope 3 at present is a good
idea, as opposed to outlawing them entirely.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: One namespace for ZCML

2006-02-13 Thread Martin Aspeli
Philipp von Weitershausen  weitershausen.de> writes:
> > I'm not arguing (here) against refactoring the namespaces in which
> > "core" directives are declared.  I'm arguing against the idea that
> > namespaces are bad in general.
> I'm not arguing that either. I'm just saying that one namespace is
> sufficient.

It may be sufficient for Zope itself (I don't know if it is, I haven't reviewed
all current ZCML directives and use cases), but it won't be sufficient for
third-party extension or anything else that wants to use ZCML for its own
purposes, which seemed to be the argument higher up the thread. If I
misunderstood you on that point, please accept my apologies. 
> I am *for* declaring XML namespaces. I'm against declaring too many
> pointless namespaces.

Then I misunderstood you earlier. I'm sorry for that.

> >   - "Why does the core use more than one namespace?"  This question
> > seems legitimate to me:  I think we wanted to allow non-mangled
> > names for otherwise conflicting directives, e.g. 'browser:view'
> > and 'xmlrpc:view'.
> Yes. Using namespaces for this is arbitrary, though. We could just as
> well have chosen different names, e.g. browserView and xmlRpcView.

Erm... you can if you want, just use a different xmlns:browserView. It's up to
the person writing the XML file, although conventions are useful.

> > Nope.  You are ignoring the cases which are currently done TTW in Zope2:
> > mailhost configuration, for instance, or caching policies, etc.  If
> > an application wants to add a diretive which makes it possible to
> > configure such policies in ZCML, why should we prevent that?
> Very true, I forgot to mention that use case. But I also never put them
> on my hit list, for exactly the reason you mention: They are about
> policies and configuring code components.
> So, yes, deployers will edit ZCML directives, but on a limited scale.
> Would they configure a DAV namespace adapter? I would think not.



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