Re: Date data handlin {was: no subject]

2012-09-10 Thread Andy_Bach
From your pasted snippet, the biggest problem was spaces - between the $ and the RE var name and a space after the RE string - this works: my $dateST = qr{\d{4} \d{2} \d{2}}; my $dateEND = qr{\d{2} \d{2} \d{4}}; my $line; while (DATA) { s#[-/]# #g; print D: $_; my $line = $_;

RE: Help with Regular Expression

2009-05-19 Thread Andy_Bach
You're supposed to use the \1 format to match a current match, like a duplicated word $ echo her here hear hear hop hip hip ho! | perl \ -pe 's/(\w+)\s+\1\s+/double ${1}s /g;' Barry B wrote: I am confused about this. I thought that a back-reference looks like $1, not \1. Is there a

RE: Help with Regular Expression

2009-05-19 Thread Andy_Bach
Sorry, I really don't do the concept justice - a more comprehensive answer is to say - if you want help w/ REs, get Mastering Regular Expressions by J. Friedl It's it a great, great book, up there w/ the Camel and Perl Best Practices. It covers more

Re: Help with Regular Expression

2009-05-18 Thread Andy_Bach
$ cat test.txt |perl -pe 's/(\w+)([A-Z])/\1\. \2/g' made. Style facilitated. One Anti-magnetic. Quality RE pedanticism: \1 et alia are only supposed to be used on the LHS of the subst cmd. You'd want: cat test.txt |perl -pe 's/(\w+)([A-Z])/\1\. \2/g' or no need for cat (ye olde pipeline debate

RE: Concatenation of files

2009-04-17 Thread Andy_Bach
The part of the code below does not do this, saying no such path or directory. Thanks opendir DIR, $dat0 or die opendir $dat0: $! ($^E); while ($_ = readdir DIR) { next if -d $_; print unlink $_; unlink $_, or warn unlink $_' failed: $! ($^E); } closedir DIR; Rember, readdir does

Re: I thought I knew this, but...

2009-02-26 Thread Andy_Bach
use warnings; %parts = {}; $parts{'ms51957-101'} = 1207; $parts{'ms51957-102'} = 17; $parts{'ms51957-103'} = 1; print Number of Records in hash: , scalar keys %parts, \n; Number of Records in hash: 4 To my surprise, this is wrong; there are only 3 records in the

Re: sendmail attachment

2009-01-05 Thread Andy_Bach
You can build your own sendmail msg and MIME sections, depending on the attachment content. If it's a binary (jpg, exe etc) you'll have to find a way to Base64 (or some such) encode it but otherwise, you can just build up a msg and header and open up a sendmail -t and write your header and msg

Re: Initializing list of variables

2008-12-11 Thread Andy_Bach
Yeah, not sure 'map' is going to give you a trick here, unless there is some other source that has the list of init values. You could try: map { $$_ = 'init' } qw(a b c d e f); but that's just wrong - map in a void context *and* the ref var name thingee ( Can't use string (a) as a SCALAR ref

Re: How to get yesterday's date in Perl

2008-12-03 Thread Andy_Bach
Yes. There are 2 hours each year when this formula is wrong. No, there are 2 hours each year where the 'time' fields wouldn't be exactly 24 hours earlier, but the date should be skookum More seriously, isn't this code subtracting a day twice? my ($mday, $mon, $year) = (localtime(time() - 60

Re: How to get yesterday's date in Perl

2008-12-03 Thread Andy_Bach
This occurs on the 23th hour in the fall and the 0th hour in the spring. This program shows a brute force way to find these that might convince you [1]. Slick! I'm convinced. Hmm, so if you need it to be ever accurate (and want to stay w/ localtime() you need to track changes in the DST

Re: How to get yesterday's date in Perl

2008-12-03 Thread Andy_Bach
now I'm confused ... my ($isdst) = ( localtime() ) [8]; my ($mday, $mon, $year, $prev_isdst) = (localtime(time - 60 * 60 * 24) )[ 3,4,5, 8]; printf(%d/%02d/%02d\n, $year + 1900, $mon + 1, $isdst == $prev_isdst ? $mday : $isdst $prev_isdst ? (localtime($t - 60 * 60 * 23) )[ 3] :

Re: Single file access through multiple perl programmes

2008-09-01 Thread Andy_Bach
What i am trying to do is,i have to run multiple perl programmes all at once to change the contents of a text file. and the text file would contain 2 things. Test name and status. Yeah, I'd say this is more a computer science/methodology question, rather than a perl code question. Using a

Re: Basic PERL Script

2008-05-06 Thread Andy_Bach
Just some standard pointer first - dont' say PERL. It's not an acronymn. Standardly capitalized Perl when speaking of the language in general, and lc perl when talking about specific code or script. But never PERL. Thanks. You can google the backstory. Next - it is important to use

RE: threads package missing is_running

2008-05-02 Thread Andy_Bach
# The following gives an error that is missing. # Tried threads-list (threads::running) to search and compare: gave # bareword error. Tried the code on linux, got the same error so activeperl is off the hook. list should be: $thr-list() The perldocs show no is_running method,

RE: threads package missing is_running

2008-05-02 Thread Andy_Bach
Brian: Starting Thread Test This is the child thread (0 sec) This is the main thread (1 sec) This is the main thread (2 sec) This is the child thread (2 sec) This is the main thread (3 sec) This is the main thread (4 sec) This is the child thread (4 sec) This is the main thread (5 sec) This is the

Re: Unable to write to files using CGI

2008-03-31 Thread Andy_Bach
I'd be looking at the server's http error log. anything the script kicked out, msg-wise will be there. You should also put some info in your 'open' stmt's die clause: open(FILE,/home/server/file.txt) or die; s/b: open(FILE,/home/server/file.txt) or die Can't write home/server/file.txt: $!;

Re: $ and friends

2008-01-29 Thread Andy_Bach
if ($buffer =~ /MARKER/) { $buffer = $ } Not that I'm an RE guru or anything but my code could look like something like this: # consider the marker to be '#' $buffer = $1 if ($buffer =~ /(.*)#/); You might also look at using /g and, say, a while loop: while ( $buffer =~

Re: Trying to map an array into a hash

2008-01-03 Thread Andy_Bach
didyou expect the comments to be removed automatically? Hmm (note the @ary/@data change) my %hash = map { split /\s\|/ } grep { /\|/ } @data; # line 76 works: 000: Somewhere/something/thisplace/someplace/Things/here//Value 001: Somewhere/something/thisplace/someplace/Things/here//Value

Re: Perl Scheduling

2007-12-28 Thread Andy_Bach
Is there any kind of Perl scheduling module/system which will allow me to abstract the scheduling from the tasks to be done? May be overkill but there's the WebGui kit: Much much more than a scheduler but ... a Andy Bach Systems Mangler Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: another doggone newbie question about hash fiddling...

2007-12-04 Thread Andy_Bach
my %foo = ( '01' = 'abc/SID/def', '02' = 'bcd/SID/fgh', '03' = 'hjk/SID/opq' ); to $foo{'01'} = 'abc/12345/def'; $foo{'02'} = 'bcd/12345/fgh'; $foo{'03'} = 'hjk/12345/opq'; $foo{$_} =~ s/SID/12345/ for keys %foo; a Andy Bach Systems

RE: another doggone newbie question about hash fiddling...

2007-12-04 Thread Andy_Bach
English to perl translation: s/SID/12345/ for values %foo; Nice - this takes advantage of the fact that $_ here is a reference to the actual value of the hash so that the subst. works directly on the hash. The same fact works for arrays too @foo = ('abc/SID/def', 'bcd/SID/fgh',

Re: Index of element in array?

2007-10-22 Thread Andy_Bach
Is there a Perl function that returns the index of a given element in an array? For example: my @list = q( apple banana pear grapefruit); my $look4 = banana; my $ndx = somefunc( $look4, @list ); # sets $ndx to 1 $look4 = monkeywrench; $ndx = somefunc( $look4, @list); # sets $ndx to -1,

RE: Index of element in array?

2007-10-22 Thread Andy_Bach
Also note that a foreach loop doesn?t have a guaranteed order. Er, for an array, a foreach loop will go from front to back (or back to front if you 'reverse' it). Hashes or hash keys will come out in a non-determinable (or close enough) order but arrays darn well better come out in order or

Re: What am I doing wrong here?

2007-08-31 Thread Andy_Bach
On Windows Active State perl whenever I try to run the program print(Hello World.\n);; command line scripts on winx is a pain. It doesn't handle quoting very well. Note here you've got the script enclosing dbl quotes in the script itself. Even on *nix you'll have troubles w/ that. On

Re: Sub returning a scalar and an array ref?

2007-08-02 Thread Andy_Bach
Is it possible for a subroutine to return both a scalar (an integer, specifically) *and* a reference to an array of arrays? sub add_row { my ($counter, @ary) = @_; # do stuff to @ary... # add scalar to @ary: push( @ary, ++$counter ); return( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ); } #

Re: amateur perl questions

2007-03-20 Thread Andy_Bach
The OOP ones are ... well. Not sure what you want here - perl does OOP (one of the best books out there is D. Conway's Object Oriented Perl (Manning)) as well as you want it, as long as you recognize Larry bias that enforced encapsulation (by the language) is wrong - a paraphrase of his

Re: Another regex

2007-03-05 Thread Andy_Bach
[ is this DNA related?] Searching CPAN for DNA (or Genetics) there's a whole bunch of stuff for it - and via the Perl Journal, I recall a major genome mapping project having been completed *only* on the power of Perl. So if you're doing something ... I dunno, lab or genome related, you may

Re: Regular Expression help

2007-03-02 Thread Andy_Bach
$temp='196818OVA_Chlre2_kg.scaffold_4000234YEE1\'conservedmembraneproteinSequence :196818OVA_Chlre2_kg.scaffold_4000234YEE1\'conservedmembraneprotein'; #$name = $1; $temp = ~s/'//g; print $temp; its gives me: 4294967295 i dont know what this is... the space is giving you an

Re: Regular Expression help

2007-03-02 Thread Andy_Bach
$temp='196818OVA_Chlre2_kg.scaffold_4000234YEE1\'conservedmembraneproteinSequence :196818OVA_Chlre2_kg.scaffold_4000234YEE1\'conservedmembraneprotein'; #$name = $1; $temp = ~s/'//g; print $temp; its gives me: 4294967295 i dont know what this is... I misspoke, slightly:

Re: Another regex

2007-03-02 Thread Andy_Bach
Well, some of it depends upon how consistent your markers are: $temp= AAABBBCCCBBBVBBB I need to write a regex for filterin out the string between. AAA BBB CCC so in the above case i should have the output as: AAAZBBB BBBSSCCC CCCBBB BBBVBBB meaning all

RE: Capturing parens regexp in one line?

2007-01-09 Thread Andy_Bach
Hi, my $foo = ''; my ($fee) = $foo =~ /(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/g; Note the /g at the end. Note that it is the list context (i.e. 'my ($fee) =') that causes the pattern match to return the matching sub-expressions. The g modifier is redundant in

Re: Capturing parens regexp in one line?

2007-01-08 Thread Andy_Bach
Deane grumbled: I've not seen this done, so I don't know if it can be, but... Is there a way to get $1 from a pair of parens in a regexp into a variable in one line? That is... my $foo = ''; $foo =~ /(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/; my $fee = $1;

Re: UNIX question: newest file in a directory?

2006-11-29 Thread Andy_Bach
What's a quick way to get the name of the newest file in a directory? ls -ltr and it'd be the last file listed (-ltr Long listing, by Time, in Reverse order). I don't know of a way to make opendir/readdir use a different order (by name, case sensitive as your OS) but a trick to get the

Re: -t option and pipe

2006-08-24 Thread Andy_Bach
open(SENDMAIL, |/usr/lib/sendmail -t) I believe the author is trying to read the file sendmail in /usr/bin ... 1. but what does the option -t do??? 2. Also, the pipe | is also used ... y?? -t tells send mail to process the msg from STDIN, reading To:/From: fields from the header. All you

Re: regex help

2006-08-07 Thread Andy_Bach
$line=~s/\[*\]//g; but it doesn't work. try this (note the dot before the *): $line=~s/ \[ .* \] //xg; dot star is always a concern, as it'll take everything including your close square brackets, if there's more than one. If you want to be sure that doesn't happen, the more general

Fw: Please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2006-08-07 Thread Andy_Bach
Can this address be unsubbed from ActivePerl - Forwarded by Andy Bach/WIWB/07/USCOURTS on 08/07/2006 02:21 PM - [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/07/2006 01:17 PM To [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc Subject Please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] This email address is no longer active and your message was not

Perl 6?

2005-10-05 Thread Andy_Bach
So what's the latest status on Perl 6 ? If you really want fun, laughter and a chance to read Damian Conway, Larry Wall and others (referred to as @Larry - those in charge of Perl/Perl 6) live and unedited, you should subscribe to one of the perl 6 lists ( perl6-language is good - that and

RE: Top posting

2005-10-04 Thread Andy_Bach
Top posting means that the order of posts being added remains clear and that the most recent addition is that the top - useful is the post is being followed. I have Outlook set up to add to previous messages which works fine if everyone posts plain text messages (surely breaking this rule is

Re: does anyone use prototypes

2005-09-20 Thread Andy_Bach
The soon to be indispensable Perl Best Practices (D. Conway, O' - ) puts it quite simply in Chapter 9 (coincidently on-line!) Don't use subroutine prototypes. While the discussion goes on for a page and, to a point, could be saying don't use

Re: regexp /o in a sub

2005-09-13 Thread Andy_Bach
Deane, Parens are needed for capturing. If you need grouping, you should use wait for it non-capturing parens: /^(?:this|that)$/ The diff is, no memory overhead in storing the capture and no mumble in doing the actual capture. Just grouping (needed here, I add, perhaps unnecessarily) to

Re: non-capturing parens...

2005-09-13 Thread Andy_Bach
Just to rub it in, er, belabor the point: the actual syntax is: (?[modifier]:patter) where modifier can be one or more of i,m,s or x (like the /i etc modifiers). Doesn't capture. Then comes: (?pattern) ditto but doesn't allow backtracking (see: Freidl Mastering Regular Expressions for

RE: Metacharacters

2005-08-26 Thread Andy_Bach
if ($LogLinePrefix =~ /[][^$_*?.|(){}\\]*/) { $LoglinePrefix =~ s/([][^$_*?.|(){}\\]*)/\\{$1}/g; } Just a point - no need to do this twice. Either: $LoglinePrefix =~ s/([][^$_*?.|(){}\\]*)/\\{$1}/g; or, if you want to do something else if it matches: if ($LogLinePrefix

RE: Regexp question

2005-05-17 Thread Andy_Bach
I have a config file that can have three formats: [alpha] [alpha], [alpha]: [alpha] or [alpha] *[alpha] Something like: /\s*([\w-_\.]+)\s*[ \:\*]\s*([\w-_\.]+)/ would load your alphas into $1 and $2 regardless of the format of the line. In general, it a good idea to check your matching

Re: Packet Capture and Transmit

2005-04-07 Thread Andy_Bach
# - Monitor a network interface in promiscious mode looking for SNMP-Traps # destined for given IP and returning to one or more destination IPs. # The generated packages can be used with the crossed chain OUTPUT of # Netfilter with later DNAT for the original IP (-A OUTPUT -t nat -s ip -j

Re: Dynamic Hash Array Declare?

2005-03-29 Thread Andy_Bach
I was trying to think of how/why this would come about and ended up thinking hmm, maybe a dir full of data files, w/ each line of data being delimited somehow, so: use warnings; use strict; my @GAR; my $file_count = 0; my @current_array; while () { chomp; my @current_data = split(/\,/);

Re: More time calculations

2005-03-09 Thread Andy_Bach
2 things: this: if ($title =~ m/@zoo/ ) # here I don't know what to insert won't really work - you could do: my $zoo = join(|,@zoo); if ( $title =~ /$zoo/ ) { however, an empty entry (i.e. push(@zoo, ); ) will make it always match. Try a hash: my $verbose = 0; my (%zoo, @row); #

Re: Stupid RE question.

2004-12-27 Thread Andy_Bach
As has been mentioned before, the safest is to check your matching: my $everything_to_first_hyphen; if ( $line=~/^([^-]*)-/ ) { $everything_to_first_hyphen=$1; } else { die Failed to find hypen in line: $line\n; }# if line =~ /^([^-]*)-/ I missed the first part (so the above may be

Re: Question about parsing an html document

2004-10-07 Thread Andy_Bach
if ($line =~ /!-- begin body-content --(.*?)\/p/i) { if ($line =~ /!-- begin body-content --(.*?)\/p/is) { The difference is 's' allows the '.' to match newlines - you probably have one or two before the first /p tag. Thist $line =~ s/[\r\n]+//g; will help in case your running platform has

Re: What is the easiest way to get the last line of a file.

2004-10-01 Thread Andy_Bach
Using a 25k line dictionary file: Benchmark: timing 100 iterations of array, assign, eof... array: 40 wallclock secs (39.07 usr + 0.42 sys = 39.49 CPU) @ 2.53/s (n=100) assign: 20 wallclock secs (19.63 usr + 0.25 sys = 19.88 CPU) @ 5.03/s (n=100) eof: 19 wallclock secs (18.13

Re: What is the easiest way to get the last line of a file.

2004-09-30 Thread Andy_Bach
Dunno if I missed it but: File::ReadBackwards This module reads a file backwards line by line. It is simple to use, memory efficient and fast. It supports both an object and a tied handle interface seems to be just the ticket. It does something like the seek eof, work back for line endings

Re: What is the easiest way to get the last line of a file.

2004-09-30 Thread Andy_Bach
open(TMP, $filename ) or die Cannot open $filename $!\n; @tmp = TMP; close( TMP); ($requiredword)=(split(/\s+/,pop(@tmp)))[0]; Seems, if you really just want the very last line (but how likely is that to last?), something like: my $filename = shift || $0; open(TMP, $filename ) or die Cannot

Re: regex question

2004-09-22 Thread Andy_Bach
First off the '/sg' switches aren't needed. 's' is 'single' mode (so saith Freidl/Owl), changing the behaviour of '.' to allow it to match newlines - that's it! 'g' means repeat for every instance in the match. The first part, allowing parens to work in a pattern string wasn't so bad, but I

Re: searching a file for keywords

2004-04-15 Thread Andy_Bach
You might do better to make an altenation: $keywords = join(|, @keywords); if ( $wholefile =~ /^\s*($keywords)\s*$/mo ) { # do you want 'i' ? rather than the loop. Worth a benchmark, but one search for multiple matches is probably faster than multiple searches for some sized files. You also

RE: logwriting easier?

2004-01-20 Thread Andy_Bach
On other (final?) note, supposedly: use constant LOG_LEVEL = 10; print LOG something if LOG_LEVEL 8; will allow perl to optomize the print stmt away, if the constant part of the if clause is false: print LOG not seen if LOG_LEVEL 20; This is from (I believe) a TPJ article a while back.

Re: Why is PHP popular?

2003-05-31 Thread Andy_Bach
Just 'cause this bumps one of my pet rants: 2) Temporary DEBUG statements - you want the statements to stand out against the rest of the code so that you can scan for them. This includes cut+paste of things like 'use Data::Dumper; print Dump...'. 99.8% of the time, there are no

Re: RegEx -- better one ?

2003-02-23 Thread Andy_Bach
Unless you're only looking at:$str = "((a=1 )or(a =2))and(((a= 3)and(a = 4))or( (a= 5)and(a= 6)))";and not arbitrary strings of ands and ors and parens, I don't think this is the best way to go about it. I gather:a=1is equivialant to perl's:a == 1 ? 1 : 0;and you've got the value of 'a' somewhere

Re: Need help with what should be simple math

2003-02-20 Thread Andy_Bach
no use strict, no use warning and, last, and in this case, the important one ;- no use bigint; You're overflowing integers. You also are quoting numbers, which makes them strings, leave that to perl: #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use bigint; my $var1=-123456789012.34; my $var2=-45.; my

Re: issue with getopt and getopts

2003-02-13 Thread Andy_Bach
I think a standard usage (besides use warnings/use strict): getopts(... or die $Usage; (remember, if the string passed to die ends in a \n, die *won't* add 'at line xx' to the output. So: my $Usage = Usage: $0 this way; will get 'at line xx', while: my $Usage = Usage: $0 this way ; won't)

RE: issue with getopt and getopts

2003-02-13 Thread Andy_Bach
Its good time to do further validations too: die *** ERROR *** File location is required \n $USAGE \n unless $opt{F} and -f $opt{F}; die *** ERROR *** Some number is required \n $USAGE \n unless $opt{n} and $opt{n} =~ /(\d+)/; my $number_value = $1; or, to be more specific: die *** ERROR ***

RE: Loop Problem

2003-02-06 Thread Andy_Bach
But you're still going about it backwards. If TOTOIDS2 is the big file, you only want to read it once, if events is small (you read it to an array) make it a hash, massage the TOTIDS2 input and check it that way: #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # uncomment after running script several

Re: Regex question

2003-01-29 Thread Andy_Bach
You don't need the 'x' option (white space used in RE for comments) or the 'o' option (compile it - this is used when there is a variable in the RE, e.g. $name = Name: while () { if ( /$name/o ) { the colon (:) is not a special char and does not need an escape slash. The '1' you get now is

Re: File Formatting in Perl

2003-01-29 Thread Andy_Bach
my $cnt = 1; while (DATA) { next unless /\w/; s/\n/\t\t/ if ($cnt++ % 2); print; } __DATA__ More homework? a Andy Bach, Sys. Mangler Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED] VOICE: (608) 261-5738 FAX 264-5030 ... even if you're mediocre/decent at perl [the cmecf]


2002-12-23 Thread Andy_Bach
And, w/ doskey F8 uses what you've type as a search back through the command history. There's a couple other Function keys too. a Andy Bach, Sys. Mangler Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED] VOICE: (608) 261-5738 FAX 264-5030 Life would be so much easier if we could just look at the source code.