Re: SMTP AUTH in trunk

2006-01-26 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 25 Jan 2006, at 22:47, John Peacock wrote:

As you might remember, I have been pounding my head against the 
pollserver implementation with reference to the use of AUTH in trunk.  
Matt gave
me some ideas, but I was not able to figure out how to use the 

get the next line of data (since login may require up to 2 additional
round-trips and both plain and cram-md5 require 1).

So I punted.  I added code to Pollserver so that if a transaction is 
in the
AUTH_PENDING state, it will continue to loop through auth_process() 
until it is
complete.  I'm too tired to commit this now, but I'll do so in the 
unless I hear lots of complaints (or word from Matt on how to simplify 
the code

using the real continuation logic).

The more I think about it this might be the only way to do it. Sorry I 
haven't been much help on this :-/

Commit away.


Re: Problem forwarding with plugins/queue/smtp-forward

2006-01-24 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 20 Jan 2006, at 19:44, Ovid wrote:

What appears to be the relevant part of the error message from qpsmtpd
is this:

  10797 trying to get config for me
  10797 FATAL PLUGIN ERROR:  Invalid argument at
./plugins/queue/smtp-forward line 49, STDIN line 13.

  10797 451 Queuing declined or disabled; try again later
  10797 dispatching QUIT

And what's actually throwing the error (comments are the values):

  my $smtp = Net::SMTP-new(
$self-{_smtp_server},# localhost
Port = $self-{_smtp_port},  # 2525
Timeout = 60,
Hello = $self-qp-config(me), # Curtis-Poes-Computer.local
  ) || die $!;

From what I can tell from the Net::SMTP docs, Port is not a valid
parameter.  LocalPort is a valid parameter, but that fails  with
Address already in use (since postfix is using it).

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

Probably postfix is rejecting the connection for some reason. Can you 
tcpdump the connection and see what happens? Is there anything in the 
postfix logs?


Re: queue plugins and DECLINED question

2006-01-16 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 16 Jan 2006, at 16:56, Jeff Macdonald wrote:

I have my own queue directory structure that I call minutedir. I took 
maildir plugin to get an idea of what to do and I've created my own 
plugin. However, I'm curious why folks return a DECLINED vs a DENYSOFT 
when an
error happens. I would think one would like the sending MTA to try 


The basic premise is to allow stackable queue plugins, so that if one 
fails (returns DECLINED) then the next one can run and just work. I 
guess in a live environment you probably don't want that to happen 


Re: Support for RFC 1893 - Enhanced Mail System Status Codes

2006-01-12 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 12 Jan 2006, at 08:01, John Peacock wrote:

Hanno Hecker wrote:

That was on Matt's wishlist before it can be included

That's interesting, since I was thinking last night it would make the 
most sense
to add this whole block of code to Qpsmtpd::Plugin and you could just 


from within *any* plugin and cut to the chase.  I don't see any 
benefit from making Perl dispatch a class method rather than an object 
(and having in directly in the plugin object means that an inheritance 

isn't even required).

If we start adding all this stuff to it has the possibility 
of getting very bloated - there's so much we could just add in there 
for convenience. I kind of saw the DSN stuff as a helper class, 
something not required but useful, hence the externalisation.


Re: smtp-forward plugin

2006-01-12 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 12 Jan 2006, at 07:49, Allan Joergensen wrote:


shouldn't the smtp-forward plugin issue the same errorcode to the 
connection server as it gets from the backend smtp server?

ie. if the backend server says
550 address: Recipient address rejected: User unknown
qpsmtpd issues softdeny which means that the remote server will keep 
on trying to deliver mails to this non-existing user.

Yes, probably. A patch for this would be welcome - the smtp-forward 
plugin was rather hurriedly put together (by yours truly).


Re: virus alert to recipient

2006-01-12 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 12 Jan 2006, at 05:53, rik wrote:

Thanks to everybody for your precious help.
Matt is it possible to use your code/plugin?

I don't have one unfortunately. I think the group would be interested 
in whatever you come up with though.

Re: SpeedyCGI doesn't work with qpsmtpd on a 64bit OS

2006-01-11 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 11 Jan 2006, at 10:57, Mark Powell wrote:

  Been quiet for sometime, because I've not had to touch my 
FreeBSD5S+qpsmtpd+SpeedyCGI setup since my flurry of activity 18months 
  However, now I'm moving the relays onto Dell Poweredge 2850's with 
the 64bit amd64 version of FreeBSD 6.
  I'm using the FreeBSD port of SpeedyCGI, but it doesn't seem to work 
properly on an amd64 compile.
  Anyone else seen this? I can find no mention of it anywhere which 
seems strange.
  Failing getting SpeedyCGI working again, what's the preferred way to 
speed up qpsmtpd startup?


The speedycgi code is kind of complex (it embeds the perl interpreter 
in its own server code) - have you tried pperl? I wrote pperl because 
of the complexity of speedycgi.


Re: SpeedyCGI doesn't work with qpsmtpd on a 64bit OS

2006-01-11 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 11 Jan 2006, at 18:24, Mark Powell wrote:

On Wed, 11 Jan 2006, Matt Sergeant wrote:

On 11 Jan 2006, at 10:57, Mark Powell wrote:
The speedycgi code is kind of complex (it embeds the perl interpreter 
in its own server code) - have you tried pperl? I wrote pperl because 
of the complexity of speedycgi.

Well I tried PPerl all those months ago and one relay hung at one 
point, tho that was on FBSD 4.x. SpeedyCGI also hung on that version 
of FBSD, I think. On FBSD 5.x SpeedyCGI has been perfect.
  I'll give PPerl a run on FBSD 6, but I remember you saying once that 
there were still some issues in PPerl that you'd like to iron out, but 
never got the time. Did you ever get the time? You comments in that 
one message on this list made me test only SpeedyCGI on FBSD 5.x.
  PPerl still seems to be at the same version I would've tried in 
summer 2004?

Yeah, though I suspect more likely changes to qpsmtpd have fixed the 
issues in pperl, but this stuff is a bit magic and really hard to 

  Sorry not been keeping up with this list. Wasn't there some version 
of qpsmtpd that did all the pre-forking stuff itself?

Yeah I should have just suggested that. Use qpsmtpd-forkserver and 
you'll be happy.


Re: virus alert to recipient

2006-01-11 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 11 Jan 2006, at 18:18, rik wrote:

Hi all,
I'm testing Qpsmtpd as a front-end mx for my mail hosting system and I 

i'ts great.
I've a question for you.. I'd to know if this is possibile without 
coding my

own plugin.
If one of my user receive a virus, is it possibile to send an alert to 
recipient and save the email in a quarantine directory  insted of 

the message?

Yes it's possible, but it requires you write your own plugin (as nobody 
has done that yet, or they may have but haven't open sourced it).

Basically the way I'd do it is via a deny hook which looks at why it 
was denied and creates a mail to the recipient if it was a virus deny. 
I'd create the mail using something simple like Email::Send rather than 
trying to use the qpsmtpd API.


Re: check_validrcptto_cdb plugin

2006-01-10 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 10 Jan 2006, at 05:44, Robin Bowes wrote:

# cdb file containing valid local email addresses
my $validrcptto_file = 'config/validrcptto.cdb';

# don't check if file not readable
return (DECLINED) if ( ! -f $validrcptto_file );

# Open the cdb file and tie to hash
tie my %rcpt, 'CDB_File', $validrcptto_file or
return (DECLINED);

As Ask suggested, use:

my $rcpt = $self-config('validrcptto', 'map') || return DECLINED;

Saves you a bit of code :-)

Re: check_validrcptto_cdb plugin

2006-01-10 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 10 Jan 2006, at 10:42, Robin Bowes wrote:

What am I doing wrong?

Got it.

Several things really...

1. Use $validrcptto not %validrcptto
2. Don't specify the .cdb extension (can someone confirm how this 

Does the code take the filename and append .cdb ?

Yes. It's a bit strange, and really screws with caching unfortunately. 
I wish we could just re-write it all - there have been a number of 
suggestions to do so.

3. (and this is the main problem) The config object is under $self-qp,

# map to cdb file containing valid local email addresses
my $validrcptto = $self-qp-config( 'validrcptto', 'map' )
  || return DECLINED;

Ah, I adding a proxy to allow $self-config() in trunk, hence why I 
wrote what I wrote.


Re: Help with qpsmtpd trunk code

2006-01-06 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 5 Jan 2006, at 15:33, John Peacock wrote:

I've attached a segment of the server log, as well as the complete  

session.  As you can see, it looks like cram-md5 code is not able to
read the client input at line lib/Qpsmtpd/, so it gets  

as an unrecognized command.  Is there something different I should be
doing while running under pollserver to read STDIN?

Yeah you can't read from STDIN because the socket is non-blocking, and  
so you have to just wait to be told there's a line available. This will  
require a continuation - I'll look into it now.

I'd also appreciate any hints you could give me on how to understand  

Danga::* code as well.  I expect it would be esential to know how to do
the virus scanning under an asynchronous scheme.  It seems like the
Danga::Socket code came from's wcmtools, but it isn't
documented (well, not in such a way that I can make heads or tails of  

ok, from the top then...

Yes, Danga::Socket is code from Brad Fitzpatrick's livejournal stuff.  
It's basically a module that does essentially the same thing as POE or  
Event or LibEvent, but is lighter and faster than POE and, and  
doesn't require XS like LibEvent.

The basic idea is you have a socket (file descriptor) that you want to  
receive notification events on - usually just event_read - i.e. data is  
available. In order to process these you subclass Danga::Socket to  
create a class that handles all the relevant events, and construct an  
instance of your new class passing in the socket:  
MyDangaSubclass-new($socket). You don't need to store that object  
anywhere, it is automatically stored for you in the sea of objects  
processed by Danga::Socket.

Danga::Socket uses use fields for field safety and a bit of a  
performance gain. So subclasses need to follow suit.

I've also created subclasses of Danga::Socket called Danga::Client and  
Danga::TimeoutSocket, which basically add in extra capabilities (mostly  
stacked read suspension, line by line processing and timeouts). Usually  
you should be subclassing Danga::Client instead of Danga::Socket.

Now in order to get Clamd, smtp-forward and spamd working in a  
non-blocking manner each will require their own subclass of  
Danga::Client to handle the communication, and a continuation so that  
other clients can be processed while those things occur. That's not  
really as hard as it sounds, but it does take a bit of getting your  
head around.

The easiest thing to do might be to see a simple example client class.  
So here's the start of an SMTP client. Note this is subclassing  
Danga::Socket instead of Danga::Client, so I've re-implemented some of  
the line by line and timeout stuff that Danga::Client does for you:

package SMTPSock;

use base qw(Danga::Socket);
use fields qw(connected ip line);

use IO::Handle;
use Socket;

# total session time
use constant SESSION_TIMEOUT = 3600;
# connection timeout
use constant CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 60;

our $PROTO = getprotobyname('tcp');
our $PORT = getservbyname('smtp', 'tcp');

sub new {
my SMTPSock $self = shift;

$self = fields::new($self) unless ref $self;

$self-{ip} = shift;
my $sin = sockaddr_in($PORT,inet_aton($self-{ip}));
socket(my $sock, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $PROTO);
IO::Handle::blocking($sock, 0);
$self-{connected} = connect($sock, $sin);

$self-SUPER::new( $sock );

# connect timeout
$self-AddTimer(CONNECT_TIMEOUT, sub { connect_timeout($self) });

return $self;

sub log {
my SMTPSock $self = shift;
warn($self-{ip} : , @_);

sub connect_timeout {
my SMTPSock $self = shift;
if (!$self-{connected}  !$self-{closed}) {
$self-log(Connection timed out\n);
$self-close(connect timeout);

sub session_timeout {
my SMTPSock $self = shift;
$self-close(session timeout);

sub event_read {
my SMTPSock $self = shift;
if (!$self-{connected}) {
if (eof($self-sock)) {
$self-close(connection failed);
else {
$self-{connected} = 1;
$self-AddTimer(SESSION_TIMEOUT, sub {  
session_timeout($self) });

else {
my $bref = $self-read(8192);
return $self-close($!) unless defined $bref;

sub close {
my SMTPSock $self = shift;
my $code = shift;
$self-log(Closing: $code\n);

sub event_err {
my SMTPSock $self = shift;
$self-log(error on socket\n);
$self-close($self-{ip} : error on socket);

sub event_hup {
my SMTPSock $self = shift;
$self-close($self-{ip} : remote end hangup);

sub process_read_buf {
my SMTPSock $self = shift;
my $bref = shift;
$self-{line} .= $$bref;

while ($self-{line} =~ s/^(.*?\n)//) {
my $line = $1;
my $resp 

Re: transmitting before SMTP greeting error?

2006-01-06 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 6 Jan 2006, at 13:58, Les Mikesell wrote:

I'm running an ancient network monitoring tool called 'spong' and
it's test for a working smtp service is to connect to the
port, send 'quit' and parse what it receives for a '220'.
With qpsmtpd as set up in the SMEserver beta, it is reporting
a failure:

450 Connecting host started transmitting before SMTP greeting

Is there an RFC requirement that the connecting host MUST
wait before sending anything?

Yes, see RFC 2821 section 4.3.1.


Re: Fix for tls problems

2006-01-04 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 4 Jan 2006, at 12:19, John Peacock wrote:

John Peacock wrote:
I'm going to work on some other changes and apply them to the 0.3x 
branch (and then merge back to trunk), since it is odd that 
Qpsmtpd::Connection-new() doesn't do anything with any initializing 
parameters passed in (there is the start() sub to do that).

Actually, how do the following patches look.  I abstracted out the 
hard parameters of a Qpsmtpd::Connection object and added a clone() 
method.  I don't like that plugins/tls needs to know what parameters 
of the connection object are important enough to copy.

I'm not so sure. The TLS spec actually specifies what details need to 
be kept...

Re: Thank You for qpsmtpd ... and a deployment note....

2006-01-03 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 3 Jan 2006, at 07:35, Robin Bowes wrote:

Robin Bowes said the following on 03/01/2006 00:20:
1. a softlimit value of 3500 works for me on x86_64 (qpsmtpd 

is ~30M)

I just enabled the tls plugin and memory usage jumped to ~45M!

 7086 qpsmtpd   15   0 44112  12m 2788 S  0.0  0.6   0:00.31 qpsmtpd

That's kinda big, isn't it?

Sadly that's Perl for you.

I'm going to be installing a mail server on an x86_64 box soon with an
incoming concurrency of around 50. That's 2250MB RAM just for the
qpsmtpd processes. Eek.

No, most of the RAM is in modules which are loaded in the parent 
process, so the forked children use Copy On Write, meaning the memory 
is shared between them unless it's written to. You should be using a 
lot less than that.


Re: [OT] swaks patch

2006-01-03 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 3 Jan 2006, at 12:00, John Peacock wrote:

I needed a simple way to send lots of messages (for testing the trunk 
code) so I patched swaks:

to send multiple identical messages at once (via fork).  Please see 
the attached patch.  Remember if you are doing this, you will need to 
up the

and  --max-from-ip

options when running qpsmtpd.  I was able to get the pollserver from 
trunk to accept 100 simultaneous messages without breaking a sweat 
(although it took  30 seconds so the last swaks session actually 
timed out and got hit by check_earlytalker).  The nice thing was the 
load never went above 0.55 (700MHz Celeron)!

Can you explain why it got hit by check_earlytalker? Doesn't seem to 
make sense...

Re: go crazy with me

2005-12-21 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 20 Dec 2005, at 12:00, Ken Simpson wrote:

Not sure what you mean by it not scaling - can you elaborate? Sure it
uses more ram than multiplexing, but even for a high traffic mail
server like's the mail-in-apache2 model works well
( uses Apache::Qpsmtpd for email).

I'm curious as to how you've mixed things up though - if the details
aren't private IP I'd love to know more.

I'll cut in so that Stas can save his keyboarding wrist.


Thanks for that - that's what we found too, but not many places needed 
the scalability. Anyhow if anyone's interested in an open source 
version of what you've done they can check out the current svn trunk of 
Qpsmtpd - - it uses Danga::Socket instead 
of Event::Lib (similar concepts though) to multiplex all connections.


Re: go crazy with me

2005-12-20 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 19 Dec 2005, at 14:33, Stas Bekman wrote:

JT Smith wrote:
Yup, I've actually already done it that way with both 
Parallel::ForkManager in one instance and Proc::Queue as an 
alternative. I added in event handling with both Event and Event::Lib 
as seperate trials. All those implementations were relatively easy to 
do. But the question becomes, why? If everything else is running in 
Apache, why start a seperate service to run these tasks? And again, I 
said I want to go crazy. Let's not figure out how else we could do 
that (I already know that), but how could we do it using Apache?

Here at we have first used mp2 to handle the email 
traffic shaping entirely inside mod_perl2, but the nature of our 
product is so different from serving HTTP, it just won't scale (mostly 
memory-wise, but also too many processes).

Not sure what you mean by it not scaling - can you elaborate? Sure it 
uses more ram than multiplexing, but even for a high traffic mail 
server like's the mail-in-apache2 model works well 
( uses Apache::Qpsmtpd for email).

I'm curious as to how you've mixed things up though - if the details 
aren't private IP I'd love to know more.


Re: Catalyst w/ AxKit

2005-12-16 Thread Matt Sergeant
I guess there's probably not much of AxKit you'd be using, so might be 
easier to just use an XSLT transformer inside Catalyst...

Alternatively if there's bits of AxKit you want to use (stylechoosers, 
etc) then a Catalyst Provider would be a good idea.

On 16 Dec 2005, at 07:37, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Interested in this too. However, this is with an application build in
axkit but switching to catalyst instead of taglibs (more or less same
pipeline as yours example).

So I was wondering if anyone here had any experience using AxKit for
presentation side (front end) of an application build using Catalyst?
I've done some preliminary googling and haven't been able to find 

I'm thinking of doing something with a pipeline like this:
Request - Apache (AxKit) - Catalyst - XML - AxKit - XSLT -
If someone here could point me in the right direction or shout out a
couple of pointers/pitfalls it be greatly appreciated.

- Jason Mills

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Re: clamav plugin: Return DENYSOFT when clamd not available

2005-12-16 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 16 Dec 2005, at 06:31, Filippo Carletti wrote:

If clamdscan cannot connect to clamd, clamdscan plugin returns 
DECLINED and the virus is delivered to the user.

A safer option would be to return DENYSOFT when clamd is not reachable.

I agree with the patch. I'm sure some idiots will turn on the clamd 
plugin without running clamd and wonder why they get no mail, but oh 

Re: XMLBeans help requested

2005-12-15 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 15 Dec 2005, at 10:33, javan (sent by wrote:

I am glad this worked for you.
Please have a practice of rating any response you  get or read so that 
it's helpful for other people searching for same issue resolution.

Err, I'm not sure what's going on here, but this is a mailing list for 
AxKit Users. Please remove this bridge to the mailing list and please 
don't encourage Java Beans questions here - this has nothing to do with 


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Re: Body rewrite

2005-12-14 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 14 Dec 2005, at 11:25, Oscar Retana wrote:

Let's say a plugin finds something really bad inside an email (an exe 
attachment). I want to DENY that email, but I also want to notify the 
recipient[*]. I was thinking of creating a new e-mail from scratch and 
send it to the recipients... but then, I thought it will be simpler to 
strip completely the contents (body, any attachments, everything! - 
keep only the headers) and let the poor email pass through with a new 
body including some kind of message for the end user.

So, my question is if the current qpsmtpd modules will allow me to 
rewrite easily the body of an email.

Here's a way you can do that:

Set config/memory_threshold to 0

In your AV plugin call $transaction-body_resetpos();

And then write your new body with $transaction-body_write($data);

You'll also need to change the headers too probably. I'll leave that 
part as an exercise ;-)


Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity

2005-12-12 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 10 Dec 2005, at 16:54, Douglas Otis wrote:

The BATV is a few lines of code that adds a private tag with a time
limit set in days. BATV helps dramatically by eliminating the DATA 

and all that is involved in handling messages. In addition, once BATV
becomes more widely deployed, the DSN refusal offers an alert about
accepting more such messages from that IP address.

BATV will make forged DSNs a thing of the past, irrespective of where a
recipient list is checked, an AV or SPAM filter is added, etc.

And BATV will never be widely deployed because it breaks every single 
system out there that keys off the return path. And there are a lot of 
these systems.


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Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity

2005-12-12 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 12 Dec 2005, at 15:50, John Levine wrote:

And BATV will never be widely deployed because it breaks every single
system out there that keys off the return path. And there are a lot
of these systems.

I keep hearing that, but other than a few ezmlm lists and the
occasional tired fax gateway, I never run into them.  Where are they?

I can't enumerate them all for you - I don't know them all. That's the 
point though - you can't know all the systems you may be breaking by 
changing the way your MAIL FROM works.

Here's a few that I've told you about before:

Whitelist/Blacklist entries
Quarantine systems
Anything based on .qmail files
Some auto-forwarders

Now you can potentially whitelist around these issues (to some extent), 
but while that works for geek mail systems it doesn't scale up very 
well. I know you (personally) whitelist around some problem systems in 
your implementation but can you expect Grandma to do that?


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Re: [sqlite] problem with blobs (perl code)

2005-12-05 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 5 Dec 2005, at 13:23, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I added a test case (check-in [2798]) that checks to make sure
that sqlite3_result_text is able to deal with embedded '\000'
characters in a string.  I appears to work fine.  I cannot
reproduce the problem

Can you suggest other ways of producing the problem?

Not yet. Let me write a test case and see if there's really a bug or 


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Re: [sqlite] problem with blobs (perl code)

2005-12-05 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 2 Dec 2005, at 13:07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Right. So it's retreival that's the issue when this occurs, because I

   int col_type = sqlite3_column_type(stmt, i);

and it returns SQLITE_TEXT, so I then do:

   val = (char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, i);

which doesn't return a length for me.

Would sqlite3_column_bytes() return the right length there rather than
me doing strlen() on the resulting data?

yes it will.

OK, so 1.11 is on CPAN which fixes this. However I have another bug 
report about this not working for user defined functions, where I do 

s = SvPV(result, len);
sqlite3_result_text( context, s, len, SQLITE_TRANSIENT );

(SvPV is a macro that retrieves a char* from result, and as a side 
effect sets len to the length of the string in bytes, even if it 
contains nuls).

Is this maybe a bug in sqlite3_result_text()? I could patch it to do:

   if (memchr(s, 0, len)) {
   /* if the result contains NUL(s) treat it as a blob */
   sqlite3_result_blob(context, s, len, SQLITE_TRANSIENT );
   else {
   sqlite3_result_text( context, s, len, SQLITE_TRANSIENT );

But that seems a waste of resources if it's a bug in 


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Re: [sqlite] problem with blobs (perl code)

2005-12-05 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 2 Dec 2005, at 13:07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Right. So it's retreival that's the issue when this occurs, because I

   int col_type = sqlite3_column_type(stmt, i);

and it returns SQLITE_TEXT, so I then do:

   val = (char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, i);

which doesn't return a length for me.

Would sqlite3_column_bytes() return the right length there rather than
me doing strlen() on the resulting data?

yes it will.

OK, so 1.11 is on CPAN which fixes this. However I have another bug 
report about this not working for user defined functions, where I do 

s = SvPV(result, len);
sqlite3_result_text( context, s, len, SQLITE_TRANSIENT );

(SvPV is a macro that retrieves a char* from result, and as a side 
effect sets len to the length of the string in bytes, even if it 
contains nuls).

Is this maybe a bug in sqlite3_result_text()? I could patch it to do:

   if (memchr(s, 0, len)) {
   /* if the result contains NUL(s) treat it as a blob */
   sqlite3_result_blob(context, s, len, SQLITE_TRANSIENT );
   else {
   sqlite3_result_text( context, s, len, SQLITE_TRANSIENT );

But that seems a waste of resources if it's a bug in 


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Re: [sqlite] problem with blobs (perl code)

2005-12-05 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 5 Dec 2005, at 13:23, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I added a test case (check-in [2798]) that checks to make sure
that sqlite3_result_text is able to deal with embedded '\000'
characters in a string.  I appears to work fine.  I cannot
reproduce the problem

Can you suggest other ways of producing the problem?

Not yet. Let me write a test case and see if there's really a bug or 


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Re: [sqlite] problem with blobs (perl code)

2005-12-02 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 2 Dec 2005, at 08:07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Would sqlite3_column_bytes() return the right length there rather than
me doing strlen() on the resulting data?

yes it will.

Doh! In that case then 1.11 will head to CPAN with blobs working 

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Re: [sqlite] problem with blobs (perl code)

2005-12-02 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 1 Dec 2005, at 21:52, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

SQLite does has a separate BLOB type.  But for TEXT types, SQLite
still works like Perl and carries around a length so that the string
can have embedded '\000' characters.  I just added a test to the
test suite to verify that this works.

Suppose you do this:

   sqlite3_bind_text(pVm, 1, "abc\000xyz\000pq", 10, SQLITE_STATIC);

If this is part of an INSERT, say, then you will insert a 10-character
string that happens to contain a couple of extra \000 characters.

Right. So it's retreival that's the issue when this occurs, because I 

  int col_type = sqlite3_column_type(stmt, i);

and it returns SQLITE_TEXT, so I then do:

  val = (char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, i);

which doesn't return a length for me.

Would sqlite3_column_bytes() return the right length there rather than 
me doing strlen() on the resulting data?


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Re: [sqlite] problem with blobs (perl code)

2005-12-02 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 1 Dec 2005, at 21:52, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

SQLite does has a separate BLOB type.  But for TEXT types, SQLite
still works like Perl and carries around a length so that the string
can have embedded '\000' characters.  I just added a test to the
test suite to verify that this works.

Suppose you do this:

   sqlite3_bind_text(pVm, 1, abc\000xyz\000pq, 10, SQLITE_STATIC);

If this is part of an INSERT, say, then you will insert a 10-character
string that happens to contain a couple of extra \000 characters.

Right. So it's retreival that's the issue when this occurs, because I 

  int col_type = sqlite3_column_type(stmt, i);

and it returns SQLITE_TEXT, so I then do:

  val = (char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, i);

which doesn't return a length for me.

Would sqlite3_column_bytes() return the right length there rather than 
me doing strlen() on the resulting data?


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Re: [sqlite] problem with blobs (perl code)

2005-12-02 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 2 Dec 2005, at 08:07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Would sqlite3_column_bytes() return the right length there rather than
me doing strlen() on the resulting data?

yes it will.

Doh! In that case then 1.11 will head to CPAN with blobs working 

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Re: [sqlite] problem with blobs (perl code)

2005-12-01 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 1 Dec 2005, at 15:10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So in the example of $sth->execute($blob), if $blob contains an
integer, use sqlite3_bind_int64(), or if $blob contains a string
use sqlite3_bind_text(), or if $blob contains a blob, then use
sqlite3_bind_blob(), and so forth.

Is there something about perl internals that prevents the above
from working?

Yes. Perl has no concept of blobs. A scalar variable can be one of:

IV (integer)
UV (unsigned integer)
NV (double)
PV (string)

so a blob is just a string - but perl carries a length around with it 
so you can have binary data in there.

You'd have to check something like strlen(data) != len to determine if 
it contained NULs (or just scan for the NUL - same difference).


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Re: [sqlite] problem with blobs (perl code)

2005-12-01 Thread Matt Sergeant
On Thu, 1 Dec 2005, Matt Sergeant wrote:

> > Looking now at the DBI documentation, I see that values bound using
> > execute are 'usually treated as "SQL_VARCHAR" types unless the driver
> > can determine the correct type (which is rare)'.  Because it is simple
> > to scan the string for NUL's, I guess I consider this one of those
> > rare cases where the driver can just 'do the right thing'. 
> It's pointless though to do that, because then when they try and get data 
> out the same way they won't understand why it's truncated. At least this 
> way they have to bind properly on both in and out.

Oh, I forgot to answer the issue - if I did a scan for NUL bytes on every 
string going into the system it would really hurt those doing performance 
sensitive apps. Unfortunately for you that includes me :-)


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Re: [sqlite] problem with blobs (perl code)

2005-12-01 Thread Matt Sergeant
On Thu, 1 Dec 2005, Matt Sergeant wrote:

  Looking now at the DBI documentation, I see that values bound using
  execute are 'usually treated as SQL_VARCHAR types unless the driver
  can determine the correct type (which is rare)'.  Because it is simple
  to scan the string for NUL's, I guess I consider this one of those
  rare cases where the driver can just 'do the right thing'. 
 It's pointless though to do that, because then when they try and get data 
 out the same way they won't understand why it's truncated. At least this 
 way they have to bind properly on both in and out.

Oh, I forgot to answer the issue - if I did a scan for NUL bytes on every 
string going into the system it would really hurt those doing performance 
sensitive apps. Unfortunately for you that includes me :-)


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Re: [sqlite] problem with blobs (perl code)

2005-12-01 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 1 Dec 2005, at 15:10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So in the example of $sth-execute($blob), if $blob contains an
integer, use sqlite3_bind_int64(), or if $blob contains a string
use sqlite3_bind_text(), or if $blob contains a blob, then use
sqlite3_bind_blob(), and so forth.

Is there something about perl internals that prevents the above
from working?

Yes. Perl has no concept of blobs. A scalar variable can be one of:

IV (integer)
UV (unsigned integer)
NV (double)
PV (string)

so a blob is just a string - but perl carries a length around with it 
so you can have binary data in there.

You'd have to check something like strlen(data) != len to determine if 
it contained NULs (or just scan for the NUL - same difference).


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Re: Time::localtime under mod_perl2 showing output in client-side time zones

2005-12-01 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 6 Nov 2005, at 10:12, Richard N. Fogle wrote:

We've tried the script with CGI(), I currently have it posted without. 
 Same results.  We've tried placing the time functions in a subroutine 
with private variables with the same results.  Tried using 
Thread::Semaphore with the same results.  If anyone would like the URL 
to see this for themselves write me off list.  If there is need for 
additional information than I apologize in advance for not submitting 
it and will do so upon request.

Try calling POSIX::tzset() before the call. It should fix it.

Re: Problem sending

2005-11-30 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 30 Nov 2005, at 14:17, John Peacock wrote:


I think the point was he's sending to me (and I'm running the trunk).

Ah, I missed that part of the equation...

Unfortunately I'm now up to about 200k spams a day on that machine, 
so finding his disconnect in the log of all those is not going to be 

fgrep???  :(

I still need to do some work on the logging - it currently only logs 
the fd# with the lines to distinguish them. So you have to find the 
connecting IP, and find the fd# and grep out lines for that fd#. Kind 
of a pain to say the least.


Re: Problem sending

2005-11-30 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 30 Nov 2005, at 15:17, John Peacock wrote:

Matt Sergeant wrote:
I still need to do some work on the logging - it currently only logs 
the fd# with the lines to distinguish them. So you have to find the 
connecting IP, and find the fd# and grep out lines for that fd#. Kind 
of a pain to say the least.

But if you had the hook_reject log lines like Robin is suggesting, it 
would be a simple matter to grep out the summary line with all of the 
information in one place.

I don't think it's that simple. I suspect the disconnect is happening 
because qpsmtpd for some reason isn't seeing the line from the client, 
so eventually disconnects the end user with a timeout. And that doesn't 
get logged as a reject.

That plus logging hooks were are broken in trunk for reasons I'm unsure 


Re: pperl? high_perf?

2005-11-29 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 28 Nov 2005, at 21:41, John Peacock wrote:

Is it worth me trying the high_perf branch?

The high_perf branch was merged to trunk and currently doesn't 
function as a
complete system (like tags/0.31 does) since not all of the plugins 
have been

rewritten to use the new code.

I'd like those who couldn't get it working to try again now. I have it 
running on a real (non-spamtrap) system now, and would be happy to help 
debug things.


Re: Amavisd-new to qpsmtpd

2005-11-29 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 28 Nov 2005, at 18:03, David Beveridge wrote:

No, the external postfix process opens up a real time connection to 
So when you are talking to port 25 (postfix) it is proxying it through 

Kind of like how http requests are proxied through squid.

That is why 550 errors from qpsmtpd end up back at the original sender.

I'm confused by what this gains you though. Why not just 

Re: forkserver: when to drop privileges

2005-11-21 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 21 Nov 2005, at 20:07, Robert Spier wrote:

Since I want to include this logging plugin in my qpsmtpd-0.31.1 RPMs 

get rid of the dependency on an external timestamping tool, I'm asking
if anybody relies on qpsmtpd-forkserver loading the plugins as root.

I hope not.

(Although the not-running-as-root bit me once before... but i worked
around it -- and wouldn't really want to support it anyway.)

I agree. Lets drop root ASAP.

Re: Segmentation Fault

2005-11-18 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 18 Nov 2005, at 12:27, Lars Skjærlund wrote:

Hi list,

I'm running AxKit 1.62 - and all of a sudden, my kit has stopped

Instead, I get loads of 'Segmentation fault (11)' in the logfile.
Googling a little around, I see this is a wellknown phenomena, however,
most hits are rather old.

What's the present state - and what can I do about it?

Generally caused by upgrading libxml2/libxslt without recompiling the 
relevant perl modules.

Hard to say though with so little info.


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Re: Rate limiting invalid address senders?

2005-11-17 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 16 Nov 2005, at 19:35, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So, I finally got qpsmtpd working, it was actually very easy. Now I'm
going to make my sysadmin actually install it for the company spam
filtering. One of the ideas he had for filtering was to throttle people
who sent more than two or three emails to addresses that didn't exist.

I thought this would be a fairly easy plugin to write, but I had a
couple of concerns. First I wanted to ask if it already existed

Secondly, we would be using qpsmtpd merely as a front end to an already
running mail daemon (I think it's postfix), so I would need some way 
qpsmtpd to consult the mail daemon to decide if the address was valid 


Can anyone suggest me some documentation to read for those problems?

You could adapt the plugin I hacked together at the end of my article:

It's designed for rate limiting hosts on dnsbl's, but you could easily 
modify for invalid accounts.


Re: AxKit SVN repos

2005-11-16 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 13 Nov 2005, at 17:39, Matt Sergeant wrote:

OK guys, AxKit is ready to be migrated to SVN, and the process has 

Could you please all take a quick look at - this is the standard 
migration style, and looks right to me, but maybe I've missed 
something - if so let me know ASAP.

If all goes well we'll be migrated this week. And then we'll migrate 
the mailing list too.

OK, AxKit is all migrated to SVN. CVS is read only.

svn co xml-axkit

AxKit SVN repos

2005-11-13 Thread Matt Sergeant
OK guys, AxKit is ready to be migrated to SVN, and the process has 

Could you please all take a quick look at - this is the standard 
migration style, and looks right to me, but maybe I've missed something 
- if so let me know ASAP.

If all goes well we'll be migrated this week. And then we'll migrate 
the mailing list too.


Fwd: Thanks

2005-11-13 Thread Matt Sergeant

Does anyone know of an answer to this question?

Begin forwarded message:

From: Dillip Kandy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 12 November 2005 05:46:17 GMT-05:00
Subject: Thanks

Hi Matt

Thanks for writing such an wonderful article on qpsmtpd on oreillynet
website. I use qmail for our mail server and I could infuse qpsmtpd
alongwith qmail on our server efficiently and the result is just 
one can see the spammers running away and legitimate traffic coming in 
:-) .
Kudos to Ask Bjørn Hansen for the creativity and it is all achieved 

Perl that's more amazing. I have a small question...if I want some
particular domain as whitelist for qpsmtpd then what I should do? 
Sorry, I
am not good at perl :-( if you have some plugin for it then I can 

use it or just provide me any link.

Again, thanks for the nice article


Dillip Kandy

Re: multi-valued dns lookups in lib/Danga/DNS?

2005-11-11 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 11 Nov 2005, at 09:24, Matt Sergeant wrote:

On 10 Nov 2005, at 18:55, Brian Grossman wrote:

I think so.  Net::DNS::Resolver::send() returns either a Packet object
or undef, so it seems reasonable to assume there will be only one 
even when using the asyncronous interface (bgsend).  Also, the 
docs say that you should close the socket after reading it; I take 
that as

confirmation that there will only be one packet.

A plugin can emit several unrelated queries before calling for a
CONTINUATION (mine does), so I think changing the Danga::DNS callback 

will be necessary.

Actually I don't think it's that hard. Patch coming.

Does that work for you?

Re: multi-valued dns lookups in lib/Danga/DNS?

2005-11-11 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 11 Nov 2005, at 16:09, Brian Grossman wrote:

A plugin can emit several unrelated queries before calling for a
CONTINUATION (mine does), so I think changing the Danga::DNS 

API will be necessary.

Actually I don't think it's that hard. Patch coming.

Does that work for you?

Doesn't this (from trunk/plugins/dnsbl):
-$qp-finish_continuation unless $pending;
+$qp-finish_continuation if $qp-input_sock-readable;
make the continuation finish after the first callback, regardless
or what else may be in the response packet?

No, it should wait until the instance disappears (because its 
DESTROY method sets $client-readable to on again).

I suspect this because trunk/lib/Danga/ sends
the query then immediately calls $client-enable_read().

Hmm - are you sure it doesn't set readable to off?

(Wow, lib/Danga/DNS has changed a lot since I last synced it to my
production branch.)


I'm using it for other production stuff (outside of Qpsmtpd - such as 
processing log files and doing hundreds of thousands of DNS queries - 
and it really rocks for that), so needed it to be a bit more complete.


Re: multi-valued dns lookups in lib/Danga/DNS?

2005-11-10 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 9 Nov 2005, at 23:06, Brian Grossman wrote:

I was thinking about implementing dnsbl return codes and a brief
perusal of lib/Danga/DNS/ makes me think that resolver is 

bit hostile to the idea of multiple returns to a lookup.

Why? You should just get the callback called twice.


But that makes notes('pending_dns_queries') (in trunk/plugins/dnsbl) go
negative, revealing a race between receiving the rest of the answers 

going on to the next plugin.

Got any suggestions on a more resilient way to lock here?

Hmm. I don't know too much about DNS, but can we assume that all the 
responses will come back in one packet? If so I guess we can accumulate 
the results and do the callback once. Or if we don't want to change the 
API I guess we could have a finished() callback. Thoughts?


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Re: To, CC Bcc

2005-11-06 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 5 Nov 2005, at 09:25, Anilkumar wrote:

Dear Matt,
  I found the command for getting all the e-mail id
from mail.

  my @recipients = $transaction-recipients;
  foreach my $recip (@recipients)
 $user = $user . ,  . $recip-address;
  $user = substr($user,2);

This is easier as:

  $user = join(', ', map { $_-address } @recipients);

  my $size= @recipients;

$user will give me all the E-mail seperated by comma
and $size will give me total no of receipents.

Now i am working for finding the Subject.


Note that this will be the possibly encoded subject (i.e. it might be 
in base64).


Re: To, CC Bcc

2005-11-05 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 4 Nov 2005, at 19:01, Bob Dodds wrote:

If I hand off a list of recipients to qmail using the
same method as qmail-queue, the recipient's
source will show To: undisclosed recipients if
there is a bcc. qmail must be doing something
with the bcc header, because I passed it a simple
string of [EMAIL PROTECTED], not any

It's a confusion about how mail works with BCCs. BCC is purely a client 
facility - there is no BCC header as such - it should be immediately 
stripped by the client before it sends to the SMTP server, and turned 
into RCPT TO commands.

Re: To, CC Bcc

2005-11-05 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 5 Nov 2005, at 05:46, Anilkumar wrote:

what will i get

my @recipients = $transaction-recipients ;

suppose i am sending mail with
2 id in To: field
3 id in Cc: field and
4 id in Bcc: field

i want some logic to get the answer 9
and all the e-mail id.

Have you tried it yet? This will work, and will give you 9 addresses.


Re: multi-valued dns lookups in lib/Danga/DNS?

2005-11-05 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 4 Nov 2005, at 20:02, Brian Grossman wrote:

I was thinking about implementing dnsbl return codes and a brief 
perusal of
lib/Danga/DNS/ makes me think that resolver is a bit 
hostile to

the idea of multiple returns to a lookup.

Why? You should just get the callback called twice.



2005-11-04 Thread Matt Sergeant

It really has been a long time, hasn't it...

Well AxKit 1.7 is finally out. The core developers have been very busy 
getting on with real life, so it took a long time to make a release - 
sorry about that. The focus now is on porting to Apache2, for what will 
be called AxKit 2. While we had early hopes of a new 
design/architecture for AxKit 2, I think right now we need to 
concentrate on just a straight port. I've started coding that already, 
but don't expect anything soon :-)

Features of this release:

 - Upgrade license to Apache 2.0
 - Extended SimpleTaglib with several new features
 - Added pseudo-protocol registry
 - Added POST data provider (Apache::AxKit::Provider::POST)
 - Fix: Apache::Test params were ignored
 - Added AxDirHandler config option
 - Many UTF-8 related fixes
 - Log errors on separate lines for newer Apache's
 - Improve gzip cache handling and delivery

Available now at the usual download location:


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Re: To, CC Bcc

2005-11-04 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 4 Nov 2005, at 13:11, Anilkumar wrote:

Deal All  John,
  Now i am again struck. No i need list of E-mail id
in To, CC, and BCC.
if i get a single list then its good, individual list
is also okay.
i also need subject of mail from plugin.

please give me variable name for finding out these and
where to write the plugin to get proper values.
John, Thanks in Advance.

Pretty much these values will be in 
$plugin-qpsmtpd-transaction-recipients (as Qpsmtpd::Address 
objects), though you could go looking in the headers of the email - but 
Bcc should never be seen, and To/CC may contain entries that aren't in 
the list of local recipients (because they got delivered elsewhere).

Hard to say what you should look at without knowing what it is you want 
to do.

Re: [sqlite] Request for comment: Proposed SQLite API changes

2005-11-03 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 3 Nov 2005, at 08:18, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

As currently implemented, when an error occurs during
sqlite3_step(), the function returns SQLITE_ERROR.  Then
you have to call either sqlite3_reset() or sqlite3_finalize()
to find the actual error code.  Suppose this where to
change in version 3.3.0 so that the actual error code
was returned by sqlite3_step().  That would mean that
moving from version 3.2.7 to 3.3.0 might involve some
minor code changes. The API would not be 100% backwards
compatible.  But the API would be cleaner.

What does the community think about such a change?

Changing backwards compatibility considered very bad by me. What a mess 
that would be for DBD::SQLite if/when someone updates and 
everything stops working in very subtle ways. Yuck!

Wrap it in a new function please.

Another proposal:  Suppose that when creating an
sqlite3_stmt using sqlite3_prepare, the original SQL
text was stored in the sqlite3_stmt.  Then when a
schema change occurred, the statement was automatically
recompiled and rebound.  There would no more SQLITE_SCHEMA
errors.  But sqlite3_stmts would use a little more
memory.  And sqlite3_step might take a little longer
to initialize sometimes if it found it needed to rerun
the parser.

What about this change?  Is it a worth-while tradeoff?

Judging by the followup you posted this can't be done easily, but I'd 
be happy if you can find a way.


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Re: Worm Blowback Storm

2005-11-03 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 3 Nov 2005, at 11:51, John Peacock wrote:

Guillaume Filion wrote:
Remember that once you start VERPing your outgoing mail, you should 
wait for some time (I'd say one week) before rejecting bounces that 
aren't VERPed. That way, you can receive bounces to the mails that 
were sent when you didn't do VERP.

Yeah, I know.  I would probably opt for 10 days, since there may be 
some weird MTA's out there with a longer decay rate.

I get very few legit bounces in any case that it might be more 
worthwhile to create a tarbaby defense (accept but not deliver), at 
least for the moment.

I went through the blowback storm thing around the time I started using 
qpsmtpd. Here's the plugin I use. It's probably not what you want to 
use though.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

sub register {
my $self = shift;
$self-register_hook('mail' = 'mail_handler');

sub mail_handler {
my ($self, $tran, $sender) = @_;

if ($sender-format eq ) {
return DENY, Returned mail not accepted here;
elsif ($sender-format =~ /DAEMON/i) {
return DENY, MAILER DAEMON mail not accepted here;
return DECLINED;

Re: [sqlite] Request for comment: Proposed SQLite API changes

2005-11-03 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 3 Nov 2005, at 08:18, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

As currently implemented, when an error occurs during
sqlite3_step(), the function returns SQLITE_ERROR.  Then
you have to call either sqlite3_reset() or sqlite3_finalize()
to find the actual error code.  Suppose this where to
change in version 3.3.0 so that the actual error code
was returned by sqlite3_step().  That would mean that
moving from version 3.2.7 to 3.3.0 might involve some
minor code changes. The API would not be 100% backwards
compatible.  But the API would be cleaner.

What does the community think about such a change?

Changing backwards compatibility considered very bad by me. What a mess 
that would be for DBD::SQLite if/when someone updates and 
everything stops working in very subtle ways. Yuck!

Wrap it in a new function please.

Another proposal:  Suppose that when creating an
sqlite3_stmt using sqlite3_prepare, the original SQL
text was stored in the sqlite3_stmt.  Then when a
schema change occurred, the statement was automatically
recompiled and rebound.  There would no more SQLITE_SCHEMA
errors.  But sqlite3_stmts would use a little more
memory.  And sqlite3_step might take a little longer
to initialize sometimes if it found it needed to rerun
the parser.

What about this change?  Is it a worth-while tradeoff?

Judging by the followup you posted this can't be done easily, but I'd 
be happy if you can find a way.


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Re: Qpsmtpd::Address POD and tests

2005-11-02 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 2 Nov 2005, at 13:52, John Peacock wrote:

I just committed some preliminary POD describing the available methods 
in Qpsmtpd::Address.  I also threw in a simple test of the overloaded 
comparison method.


I assigned the copyright to Peter, since he started it, but I wonder 
if we want/need to get better about being consistent.  Should we 
assign our own copyrights as we add stuff or should we sign over the 
copyright to Ask for everything?  Does anyone care?

If we assign copyright to anyone it should be a foundation (TPF?). For 
a project the size of qpsmtpd though I don't think we need to be 
re-assigning copyright. *shrug*


Re: [svn:qpsmtpd] r557 - branches/0.31/lib/Qpsmtpd

2005-11-01 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 31 Oct 2005, at 12:51, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

+'='  = \spaceship,

Is this wise? cmp yes, but spaceship?

Re: [svn:qpsmtpd] r557 - branches/0.31/lib/Qpsmtpd

2005-11-01 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 1 Nov 2005, at 10:15, John Peacock wrote:

I guess I'll just remove the '=' binding and rename the sub to 

instead.  See what you think of the next commit...

Yeah I like it. I hate to be a pain in the ass but I'd love to see you 
add something to t/qpsmtpd-address.t too :-)

Re: turning off the cache iin a plugin

2005-10-26 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 26 Oct 2005, at 13:33, Ken Neighbors wrote:

By the way, I'm curious, what method are you using to generate the
content on the fly?  I'm using XSP and the problem I'm working around
is that it always turns *off* AxKit's caching for the final output
(PDF in my case) even when I say $r-no_cache( 0 ).  I've worked
around this problem by subclassing Language/ to keep the cache
enabled.  (If anyone needs this feature, let me know.)

For the next version of AxKit (not 1.7, which I'm ready to release now 
once I remember how to do apache's release procedures) I'll be 
implementing XSP caching properly end to end.

Currently you can cache the output of the XSP (i.e. the XML that the 
XSP produces) but it will still run the rest of the phases after that, 
which is bad. In order to fix that I need to have the cache dependency 
checking code call into the XSP page (assuming it has been compiled) to 
check if we have a cached page. That adds a bit of complexity to the 
dependency checking, but it's the right thing to do.


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A competitor

2005-10-25 Thread Matt Sergeant

It's actually turned out fairly interesting looking.

AxKit 1.7 Final RC

2005-10-24 Thread Matt Sergeant
OK, there's a final release candidate of 1.7 up at

If there are no test failures within 24 hours we'll make this 1.7 
final. Only test failure fixes will make it into CVS.

Re: Qsmtpd::Address design question

2005-10-10 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 10 Oct 2005, at 17:29, Brian Grossman wrote:

Forkserver's going to be miserable whether it's array or hash.  I was
thinking in terms of PollServer and Matt's (I think it was Matt's) 
claim of

concurrency 10,000 in his spamtrap.

Of course, there's so many hashes running around already, surely 

one won't make all that much difference.

Indeed. We run about 160M handling a peak of 3000 concurrent 
connections. So just multiply by 4 to get 10k.

Re: Qsmtpd::Address design question

2005-10-10 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 10 Oct 2005, at 18:48, Peter Eisch wrote:

On 10/10/05 4:58 PM, Matt Sergeant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Indeed. We run about 160M handling a peak of 3000 concurrent
connections. So just multiply by 4 to get 10k.

Do you run spamassassin on these systems?  If so, how do you get 
around the

load that it imposes?

No, it's a spamtrap, so we want all the spam we can get :-)

I run only about 4 plugins, and have to work my ass off to get them to 
have as little affect on performance as possible.


Re: Qsmtpd::Address design question

2005-10-07 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 7 Oct 2005, at 15:13, John Peacock wrote:

What was it that bothered you?  Should we convert that fat block of 
BNF into much more readable POD?  We could also use extended regex's 
and document the various bits inline rather than having to go back up 
to figure out the BNF...

new() vs parse() for a start (new if the address is , and parse() if 
it isn't !!!)

parse() returning a list or undef.

format() in general.

We should use overload.

user()/host() don't cache their values.

I think that was it.

Re: deja vu ... axkit: URIs don't support query parameters

2005-10-04 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 19 Sep 2005, at 02:31, S. Woodside wrote:

So, is axkit: supposed to support query parameters / it would be nice!

It's kind of on the todo list. The thing is axkit: URIs run in the 
current request's process space, and so we need to find a way of 
temporarily replacing the request's idea of query params and bring them 
back after we're done.

It just needs a bit of JFDI I think :-)

Re: TaglibHelper -unwanted tags

2005-10-04 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 3 Oct 2005, at 17:06, Chuck Phillips wrote:

Am I oversimplying the modifications needed to add this
functionallity?  Is there something that I'm missing?

No, that should work just fine. Not sure if we want to do it though - 
the whole plural thing scares me as it puts us in the realms of 
parsing english :-)

I always figured if people want that level of control over the XML 
generated that they'd just use as_xml.


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Re: Use of not working in 0.31-dev

2005-10-04 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 4 Oct 2005, at 03:56, Rusty Conover wrote:

I'm working with a SVN checkout of 0.31-dev from 2 days ago.

Make sure you're not running trunk, as there are still unresolved 
issues there - use the branch instead.

Qpsmtpd Article

2005-09-15 Thread Matt Sergeant
Tell all your friends:

Re: a faster html::template?

2005-09-09 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 8 Sep 2005, at 14:18, Perrin Harkins wrote:

Not sure why you say certainly not. XSLT is very fast and easy to
optimise (because it's assignment free) and the C implementations are
very quick. Remember that an XSLT transform is executing all its tight
loops in C-space, not in perl-space.

Yes, but HTML::Template doesn't do any parsing when executing a
template.  XSLT always has to parse XML, and then take some pains to
generate well-formed XML.  I admit that it's possible that an XML 

could be written that is so fast that it actually beats the speed of
accessing variables in perl, but it seems very unlikely.

It depends what architecture you use. You have to compare 
like-with-like. XSP in AxKit is perl code that executes to build a DOM 
tree, not a XML string, so there's no parsing involved - it's just 
iterating over a data structure. And it's very fast.

To give a counter example using XML strings though, I produce the AxKit 
mailing list archives from a static XML file containing around 10k 
records. If I time this:

xsltproc --stringparam month 1 --stringparam year 2005 
../stylesheets/archive-pickmonth.xsl index.xml | xsltproc 
../stylesheets/archive-thread.xsl - | xsltproc 
../stylesheets/archive-gather-orphans.xsl - | xsltproc 
../stylesheets/archive-sort.xsl - | xsltproc 
../stylesheets/archive-display.xsl -

That's 5 XSLT stylesheets, which means parsing XML five times, and 
spawning 5 processes to do this. It executes in 0.75s on my server.

Now to achieve this you have to know how to use XSLT, including using 
things like keys() to get efficient indexing, but I think you can see 
that it's very quick indeed.


Re: a faster html::template?

2005-09-09 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 9 Sep 2005, at 12:12, Perrin Harkins wrote:

HTML::Template (or HTML::Template::JIT, to compare C code to C code) 

a *very* limited set of logical operations (not Turing complete by any
stretch) that operates directly on Perl variables.  By comparison, XSP
will be making method calls to use the DOM tree and supports a very 

programming language.  It does much more, and that's why I expect it to
be slower.  Not slow -- just slower.

Yes I know that's what you're saying. I'm just saying I'd be willing to 
bet it's the other way around (even when compared with HT::JIT).

Re: strange

2005-09-07 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 7 Sep 2005, at 04:38, Pascal Dreissen wrote:

John Peacock wrote:

Pascal Dreissen wrote:
Depending on your distro, there may be several different ways to 
change which character set is used.  Choose one that doesn't include 
Unicode characters (for example, I use en_US).  You can see what 
language setting is in force by typing:

$ echo $LANG
from any command line.


Now you just need to change that in /etc/sysconfig/i18n (i.e. remove 
all the .UTF-8 parts) and reboot.


Re: Does TaglibHelper support element attributes?

2005-09-06 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 25 Aug 2005, at 14:41, Chuck Phillips wrote:

Does TaglibHelper have the ability to return XML elements that have 

No it doesn't.

What I would like to do is create a taglib that returns XML much like 

someElement someAttribute=value
  blah blah

Is there any way of doing this using TaglibHelper without resorting to
enabling as_xml and forming the XML myself?

Without using as_xml, you'll have to use an extra XSLT phase to convert 
a child tag into an attribute.


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Re: milter interface?

2005-08-27 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 25 Aug 2005, at 16:10, Les Mikesell wrote:

Oops - no... I spent a couple of minutes looking through the available
addon plugins but hadn't downloaded the base package to see that it
is built in.  Moving on to the next question: has anyone tried it
with MimeDefang?  If you haven't seen MimeDefang, it basically splits
mail attachments out and runs your choice of scanners over them with
the actions controlled by a custom snippet of perl.  It already has
hooks for most of the popular virus scanners and spamassassin and knows
how to remove attachments you might consider dangerous and replace them
with a warning message.

The milter plugin is relatively untested. Will you be our guinea pig?

Re: Preliminary design proposal for charset normalization support in SpamAssassin

2005-08-24 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 23 Aug 2005, at 14:51, John Gardiner Myers wrote:

Matt Sergeant wrote:

Wasn't there unicode normalisation in the original email parser that 
I submitted to the project (that Theo turned into the current parser) 

Certainly it would make sense to use that if you could. It works very 
well on a very large set of test data.

That code only deals with MIME-labeled charsets.  It has no provision 
for charset detection.

Really? I must have written that later in my local version of the code. 
I can probably provide some code for charset detection - it's fairly 
simple once you have the heuristics figured out.


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Re: Style chooser working for firefox not for IE6

2005-08-23 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 23 Aug 2005, at 06:22, David Holden wrote:

It works fine for both if I remove the HTML version but I'm not sure
why one browser/server combination would behave differently for this
though, any idea?

I'm confused as to how it works at all. What is mapping the non-suffix 
version to the .xml or .html files?


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Re: Preliminary design proposal for charset normalization support in SpamAssassin

2005-08-23 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 22 Aug 2005, at 21:38, Justin Mason wrote:

looking at 

it appears to be Text::Iconv.

Yeah, later iterations of that use Encode. Does SA now require 5.8.0 so  
that you don't need the abstraction?

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Re: Integrating seperate taglibs

2005-08-22 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 16 Aug 2005, at 19:52, Christopher H. Laco wrote:

Is there a way in the api to add namespaces on the fly? So loading:


would automatically add


behind the scenes?


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Re: baffled by intermittant failure to correctly apply xslt

2005-08-22 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 19 Aug 2005, at 07:08, Gilbert Laycock wrote:

I'm hoping that somebody can suggest where I should start looking.

Previously when I've had odd issues like this it is due to XSLT trying 
to load the w3c HTML DTD.

Try using an XML Catalog containing that DTD.


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Re: PassiveTeX Questions

2005-08-22 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 19 Aug 2005, at 13:22, Aaron Steager wrote:

Is PassiveTeX the tool I should use or is the something else that is 
better suited?

Most people prefer HTMLDoc because the input is HTML 3.2, which they 
can generate very easily. However you definitely have more control of 
the output via XSL-FO (and PassiveTeX).

If it is does anyone have some simple xsp fo xsl files I could look 
at?  I'm not asking for anyone to do my work but a few simple files I 
could look through would be greatly appreciated.

Try google for xsl-fo examples. There are hundreds on the 'net. might be a good place to start.


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Re: 0.31 release candidate 2

2005-08-22 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 22 Aug 2005, at 03:57, Peter J. Holzer wrote:

Note this is why I implemented $Include.

Maybe my cold is addling my brain, but I don't see how $Include can be
used to load plugins from different locations.

In my RPM, qpsmtpd and qpsmtpd-forkserver are in /usr/bin (they 

should be in /usr/sbin instead). By default, qpsmtpd would now look in
/usr/bin/plugins for the plugins, but they are in
/usr/share/qpsmtpd/plugins instead. So a config option is needed to 

qpsmtpd where they are. In addition, a sysadmin might want to install
his own plugins into /usr/local/qpsmtpd/plugins - this is what Devin's
patch allows.

Ah I see. Yes ignore me.

$Include is there so that a plugin RPM/DEB/Whatever can just drop a 
plugin in the plugins dir and a config file in a plugin.d directory and 
qpsmtpd will automatically pick it up.

In short: $Include is there so that an RPM doesn't have to modify 


Re: Preliminary design proposal for charset normalization support in SpamAssassin

2005-08-22 Thread Matt Sergeant
Wasn't there unicode normalisation in the original email parser that I 
submitted to the project (that Theo turned into the current parser) ?

Certainly it would make sense to use that if you could. It works very 
well on a very large set of test data.


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Re: 0.31 release candidate 2

2005-08-21 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 21 Aug 2005, at 05:22, Peter J. Holzer wrote:

On 2005-08-20 20:59:10 -0700, Devin Carraway wrote:

On Sat, Aug 20, 2005 at 07:38:24PM +0200, Peter J. Holzer wrote:
* My patch for a configurable plugin_dir (needed for the RPMs 


I ship a similar patch with Debian's qpsmtpd, for FHS compliance.  It 
from Peter's original in allowing multiple values in plugin_dirs and 
for plugins in each -- this helps provide sysadmins with a safe spot 
to drop
their own plugins or override the distributed ones without worrying 

interfering with the package management.

Ah, that's even better, of course.

Note this is why I implemented $Include.

Re: Reverse SRS plugin?

2005-08-18 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 18 Aug 2005, at 03:30, Gavin Carr wrote:

On Thu, Aug 18, 2005 at 11:44:06AM +1000, Gavin Carr wrote:
Just wondering if anyone has written a Reverse SRS plugin? I think 

would just be a recipient plugin that rewrites SRS recipient addresses
early during RCPT? (before rcpt checks, specifically)

Replying to self - nope, that won't work. SRS rewriting has to be done
_after_ rcpt_ok, of course, because our local domain is probably only
on the un-rewritten recipient. But it really should still be at RCPT
time because we need to be able to deny individual recipients where the
rewrite fails.

Maybe I'm not thinking straight, but I didn't see the need to do that 
when I wrote a plugin that did something like this. It's in the old CVS 
archive in the Attic if you're interested in looking (can't remember 
what I called it, but it's the only plugin we ever attic'd).

Re: Out of memory! ?

2005-08-13 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 13 Aug 2005, at 09:40, Pascal Dreissen wrote:

Robert Spier wrote:

What does your run script look like?

QMAILDUID=`id -u smtpd`
NOFILESGID=`id -g smtpd`
exec /usr/bin/softlimit -m 2500 \
  /usr/bin/tcpserver -c 10 -v -R -p \
  -u $QMAILDUID -g $NOFILESGID `head -1 config/IP` smtp \
  ./qpsmtpd 21

And what version is this?

Towards 1.7

2005-08-05 Thread Matt Sergeant
OK, so we've been dragging our feet for some time now, but I've finally 
gotten around to doing *something*, so I'm hoping I can encourage 
others to do the same...

I've released XML::LibXSLT 1.58 to CPAN. This *should* fix the axkit: 
URI stuff. AxKit CVS now passes make test.

So what do I need *you* to do? I need you all to check out the current 
CVS, and with XML::LibXSLT 1.58, make sure make test passes.

If we can all do that, 1.7 can go out soon, we can migrate to SVN, and 
we can start looking more seriously at the TomKit code.


Re: bad name error in TagLibHelper

2005-08-04 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 3 Aug 2005, at 16:03, ahg wrote:

The site used to work fine. Any ideas?

This rather cryptic error message bad name is caused when you try and 
create an XML element with invalid characters in it. I'm not sure why 
that might be happening here because you don't show anything else. What 
does descConjunto() do? Perhaps it returns a hashref and accidentally 
one of the keys is blank?

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Re: UDP Protocol Handler?

2005-08-02 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 20 Jul 2005, at 10:40, Dan Sully wrote:

Has anyone written a protocol handler for UDP?

If so - could you share any examples?

I haven't, but IIRC there is/was a talk at YAPC::EU about using 
mod_perl as a DNS server... I think it is by mock, who did the mod_perl 
as a mail server in Belfast last year.

I guess that's not much help, except to know it's possible.


Re: UDP Protocol Handler?

2005-08-02 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 2 Aug 2005, at 13:27, Ken Simpson wrote:

BTW Matt: Have you released the super-caching DNS query system that you
were discussing a few months back? The one that works way better than
Net::DNS for doing nasty things like lots of SPF checks?

Sort of. There's code as part of Qpsmtpd that will show you how to do 
Net::DNS with a single socket. And SpamAssassin has integrated similar 
ideas. But I don't have anything generic.


Re: TLS+relay problem

2005-07-29 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 20 Jul 2005, at 14:13, Marco Aurelio Monteiro wrote:

   I found a problem related to TLS and check_relay plugins. After the 
starttls command the server responds relaying denied. Check_relay 
plugin is configured properly.
   Check_relay plugin sets to 1 a variable of $connection called 
relay_client, however it is not saved in the tls plugin.
   There is a patch attached. Please take a very good look at this, 
because I am starting with qpsmtpd.

   The code was downloaded from svn and the revision is 519.

Applied, thanks.

Re: Seeking *non* thread-friendly DBD

2005-07-29 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 22 Jul 2005, at 12:30, Dean Arnold wrote:

Hoping someone can point me at a DBD thats known
to be non-thread-friendly (ie, hasn't implemented
the clone() methods). However, its underlying
client libs and XS subs (if any) do need to be
thread-capable (ie, no writing to process-global
variables wo/ locking).

I'm trying to test out a theory that DBIx::Threaded
will make non-thread-friendly DBD's
not only friendly, but thread-safe.


Re: qpsmtpd in Debian

2005-07-28 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 28 Jul 2005, at 17:13, Devin Carraway wrote:

For anyone who's into that sort of thing:

This is 0.30, which mercifully held still for the packaging effort.

The only plugins included are those in qpsmtpd svn, plus my own 
logging and
exim-queue plugins specifically written for Debian (exim4 is Debian's 
MTA).  I may uploaded a qpsmtpd-plugins package with third-party 
plugins not

in svn, but haven't started on that yet.

Great news. Any chance you'll be donating your exim-queue plugin to the 

Re: Seeking *non* thread-friendly DBD

2005-07-28 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 22 Jul 2005, at 12:30, Dean Arnold wrote:

Hoping someone can point me at a DBD thats known
to be non-thread-friendly (ie, hasn't implemented
the clone() methods). However, its underlying
client libs and XS subs (if any) do need to be
thread-capable (ie, no writing to process-global
variables wo/ locking).

I'm trying to test out a theory that DBIx::Threaded
will make non-thread-friendly DBD's
not only friendly, but thread-safe.


Re: PerMsgStatus

2005-07-28 Thread Matt Sergeant

[Lots of stuff snipped]

You know, it'd be nice if Daniel, or anyone else, checked in my 
optimised [*] in as a branch. That way it can be worked on 
easily by multiple people. An optimisation branch would mean you can 
continue with the current release work, while others work on 


[*] I changed a few parts about how rules get compiled while at CEAS 
that should have been faster, only benchmarks showed no visible sign of 
improvements. I'd be happy to send it to anyone interested.

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Re: Mailing List Detection

2005-07-27 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 27 Jul 2005, at 02:52, Mark Fowler wrote:

So, as part of my mission to replace (most) of my hacked together 
and pperl mail filtering solution with something that can reject mail 
SMTP time, I realised I needed a list detection plugin.  Which I 
thought I

might share here:

use Mail::ListDetector;

sub hook_data_post {
  my ($self, $transaction) = @_;

  # can we work out what the list was called?  if so, add a header
  my $object = Mail::ListDetector-new($transaction);
  if ($object)
   { $transaction-header-add(X-DetectedListName, 
$object-listname) }

  return DECLINED;

There's some code for doing list detection in SpamAssassin that I wrote 
that is much improved over what's in Mail::ListDetector (or at least 
was at the time - I haven't checked in years), and thus might be easier 
to just borrow that code and re-write it as a plugin...

Doing all this interface stuff for Email::Abstract seems awfully 
complex to me. I'm just a simple guy.


Re: perl 5.005

2005-07-19 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 19 Jul 2005, at 09:01, John Peacock wrote:


I'm all for dropping support of 5.5. Move up to 5.8.

For a pure Perl module (I don't even think any of our dependencies 
require XS), if we can maintain compatibility without too much 
trouble, I think we should.

There were things added after 5.5 such as easy lexical filehandles [ 
open(my $fh, $filename) ] that I just wouldn't want to give up now.

What I don't want to do is have us all have to maintain an old 5.6 
install just to test it there before every release.


Make capabilities more core?

2005-07-19 Thread Matt Sergeant
Currently I think the only thing that uses the capabilities notes 
field is the new tls plugin. My suggestion is to make this not a notes 
field any more, but an integral part of the $transaction object.

The reason being that currently we have a horrible hoop jump with it 
being in notes. Things like this:

my @capabilities = $self-transaction-notes('capabilities')
? @{ $self-transaction-notes('capabilities') }
: ();

And this:

my $cap = $transaction-notes('capabilities');
$cap ||= [];
push @$cap, 'STARTTLS';
$transaction-notes('capabilities', $cap);

Which would be much easier if we could just say:



  my @capabilities = $transaction-capabilities();

Any objections?

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