[android-developers] Re: Using jbcrypt in app

2011-06-14 Thread Streets Of Boston
Then you're stuck with what you have. Re-hashing can be expensive indeed... -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Android Developers group. To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email

[android-developers] Re: Loading a Class from an APK file with dependency on other Jars

2011-06-14 Thread Streets Of Boston
You have to make sure that the class resolves properly. - Don't change the class and load the JAR as well - Change the class (if that's possible) to remove dependencies on that jar, and recompile. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Android Developers

[android-developers] Re: Problems to get Latitude/Longitude from a picture

2011-06-15 Thread Streets Of Boston
Have you tried to read the images' EXIF information for the longitude/latitude? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Android Developers group. To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send

[android-developers] Re: listview not clickable after scrolling beyond the main view

2011-06-15 Thread Streets Of Boston
setClickable or the Clickable attribute of your text and imageview. Set them to false. Note that when you call 'setOnClickListener()' on your text or imageview, it will effectively set 'clickable' back to 'true'. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups

[android-developers] Re: Problem with localhost connection

2011-06-16 Thread Streets Of Boston
In your URLs on the phone or emulator, localhost or resolve to the phone (or emulator) itself. Instead, use (i think this is the correct IP-address) for accessing the PC/Mac that your phone is connected to (your emulator is running on). -- You received this message because

[android-developers] Re: Save user options in reboot

2011-06-16 Thread Streets Of Boston
Writing to a file or db, as you mentioned, is one option. Another option is to write it to your app's preferences (SharedPreferences). -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Android Developers group. To post to this group, send email to

[android-developers] Re: How r things

2011-06-16 Thread Streets Of Boston
No, you don't need to come by. All is ok. But thanks for the offer! :-) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Android Developers group. To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

[android-developers] Re: BadParcelableException

2011-03-25 Thread Streets Of Boston
I've seen this error when unmarshalling my own parcelable object-types. But i've never seen it with types from the framework (in this case IdentityModel from the motorola blur interface?). This is usually due to a problem with class-loaders. E.g. when calling 'Parcel.readArray(ClassLoader

[android-developers] Re: onPause() Why u no do the things I want?

2011-03-25 Thread Streets Of Boston
Very true, Nathan. When calling cancel(true), an interrupt is 'called' on the thread. This means that methods that put the thread into a wait-state (wait, sleep and such) get interrupted and these will throw an interrupted-exception. Some (not all!) blocking IO operation may get interrupted as

[android-developers] Re: How to fix the java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException

2011-03-29 Thread Streets Of Boston
This looks like a stack-trace from the layout-editor in Eclipse. Older versions of Android's layout-editor plugin are known to not support all types of drawables (e.g. shapes with rounded corners). Be sure to install the latest plugin (, if i'm not mistaken). Then try to select the

[android-developers] Re: Use one handler for multiple activties

2011-03-30 Thread Streets Of Boston
Your background thread should provide a method that allows the caller to register a listener (and a method to un-register again). When you background thread has new data to show from the network, it calls the listener(s) with the necessary parameters. When (one of) your activity is coming to

[android-developers] Re: Call a WebView javascript function from the activity?

2011-04-01 Thread Streets Of Boston
First, have you tried javascript:loadTOC*()* instead of javascript:loadTOC. You forgot the open and close braces. Secondly, i'm not sure what your script does. You want to execute an anonymous function when your document finished loading. This anonymous function just declares another function

[android-developers] Re: Use one handler for multiple activties

2011-04-01 Thread Streets Of Boston
Listener interface example: public interface Listener { public void notifyMe(Object someParam); } Listener example (e.g. your Activity that will implement Listener): ... protected void onResume() { ... backgroundThread.registerListener(this); } protected void onPause()

[android-developers] Re: Android - Preventing Application data or files being deleted thru “Clear Data” settings option

2011-04-11 Thread Streets Of Boston
We have the same issue in my company's application. For now, we do not cache sensitive data and our app has no offline capabilities. Actually, security is not the major issue in our case. You can properly encrypt the cached data and that should be sufficient (as long as the app cannot be

[android-developers] Re: OutOfMemoryError- while to download big data and storing in db4o

2011-04-13 Thread Streets Of Boston
My first answer would be: use less memory by chopping up the large text file in chunks. My second answer is this: Apart from setting null values to your (temporary) objects, try to call System.gc() as well. It *may* improve your situation somewhat, since Android's (DalvikVM's) garbage

[android-developers] Re: Best way to convert iPhone 3-D game code to run on Android devices?

2011-04-13 Thread Streets Of Boston
No, you don't *have to* move to Java. I would suggest staying on the NDK (using the NDK's opengl libs) for a high performing 3D game. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Android Developers group. To post to this group, send email to

[android-developers] Re: problem creating sqllite dabase

2011-04-13 Thread Streets Of Boston
It may have to do with the initialization of the database during the construction of your TabActivity: base baseDatos = new base(this,programacion,null,1); SQLiteDatabase db = baseDatos.getWritableDatabase(); These fields are assigned during the construction of your TabActivity. Move

[android-developers] Re: help for encryption of sd card storage?

2011-04-13 Thread Streets Of Boston
If your file is not huge, why not store it in your app's sandbox? Take a look at these methods of Context: getDir(...) and getCacheDir(...) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Android Developers group. To post to this group, send email to

[android-developers] Re: Bluetooth Walkie Talkie

2011-04-14 Thread Streets Of Boston
Unless your app is a test-project, i don't see much use in your app. You'd be better of just talking to each other, because you will be no more than about 10 meters (30 feet) from each other. Blueotooth's range is about 10 meters... -- You received this message because you are subscribed to

[android-developers] Re: new to andriod

2011-04-14 Thread Streets Of Boston
You took the words right out of my mouth. - Requests to do someone else's homework. - This forums seems to become the defacto debugger: If you get a null-pointer exception, ask about it on android-developers group. But i always like the responses from TreKing to these questions. Keep'm coming,

[android-developers] Re: Tree View

2011-04-15 Thread Streets Of Boston
Tree views are very hard to use on small mobile devices. Maybe up to 2 or 3 levels is fine, but that's just about it. Instead, try to implement a 'sliding' list, where clicking on an item in a list-view (list-item is a parent-node) will open up another activity with a list of this list-item's

[android-developers] Re: onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle)

2011-04-15 Thread Streets Of Boston
I don't understand this sentence which has a link to the original one. What does that mean in your code? Anyway, onRestoreInstanceState is only called when your Activity's process had been killed (maybe due to low memory) while your Activity was still in the back-stack. You can simulate this

[android-developers] Re: removing status bar

2011-04-15 Thread Streets Of Boston
Make your Activity full-screen. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Android Developers group. To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

Re: [android-developers] Re: Android Apps, move apps into phone's memory, or switch them into external memory.

2011-04-15 Thread Streets Of Boston
This is a developer forum and most of us do expect that before you ask any questions that you have done some searching yourself. If not, the same questions are going to be asked over and over again. And if you're not willing to read (god forbid to open a booklet to find some answers, ow! my

[android-developers] Re: Android Debugger is DOG Slow

2011-04-15 Thread Streets Of Boston
In my experience, apps run somewhat slower in the debugger, but not by much. It is certainly not 'utterly unusable' slow. If you do experience a very very slow performance while debugging, it may help us answer or solve your problem to describe what your setup is. Maybe some issue in the USB

[android-developers] Re: Android Debugger is DOG Slow

2011-04-15 Thread Streets Of Boston
The one main difference between my setup and yours is that your use Jetbrains. I'm using Eclipse 3.6. Have you tried using Eclipse? What is your performance if you just fire up 'ddms' (not Jetbrains or any other IDE) and dump the heap or take a look at your apps' threads? -- You received this

[android-developers] Re: Android Debugger is DOG Slow

2011-04-15 Thread Streets Of Boston
At what point does your app start running slowly: - Initially, don't start DDMS or Jetbrain or Eclipse. - Run the app on your phone which is unconnected. Does it run OK or slow? - Then connect your phone to your Mac through USB: Does the app still run OK? - Then start DDMS (not Jetbrain or

Re: [android-developers] Re: Android Debugger is DOG Slow

2011-04-15 Thread Streets Of Boston
I agree with you about the *simulator/emulator*. If you don't have an absolute stellar system (and even then...), the emulator can be very slow. But Eric's problem is with an actual device, not the emulator and Google is acknowledging the problem with the emulator. And I haven't seen the issues

[android-developers] Re: onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle)

2011-04-16 Thread Streets Of Boston
For rotating the phone or sliding out the keyboard and such, onSaveInstanceState is not called and the onCreate will have a null value for the 'savedInstanceState' parameter. To handle this, use onRetainNonConfigurationInstance and

Re: [android-developers] Re: onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle)

2011-04-17 Thread Streets Of Boston
mm... I need to check this really quickly. I thought that using onRetainNonConfigurationInstance and getLastNonConfigurationInstancehttp://reference/android/app/Activity.html#getLastNonConfigurationInstance() is enough to carry state from one configuration to the other (e.g. when

Re: [android-developers] Re: onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle)

2011-04-17 Thread Streets Of Boston
My app stores screen-data (limited sized data that is shown to the user and could possibly be modified by the user) in Parcelables. These are assigned to Intents when starting the activity. I return this Parcelable in the onRetainNonConfiguration instance and I assign it to the bundle in

Re: [android-developers] Re: onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle)

2011-04-17 Thread Streets Of Boston
Thanks! I think i'm doing that, since I do handle the case in which getLastNonConfigurationInstance returns null. Last week I was looking into the LoaderManager. It would have made some of my app's data loading easier. But it is only for api-level 11 or up. Can't use it... -- You received

[android-developers] Re: Borders between fragments?

2011-04-18 Thread Streets Of Boston
Add a border to the view-group that hosts the fragment, not the fragment itself. For borders you can use 9-patches or shape drawables. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Android Developers group. To post to this group, send email to

Re: [android-developers] Gallery Infinite Loop

2011-04-18 Thread Streets Of Boston
Yep, that's what I did for a regular list-view that acts like a slot-machine roll. Return a value in your adapter's getCount() method that is a very very very high multiple of the number of actual items in your list-view's adapter. private static final int MULTIPLIER = 100; // some LARGE

Re: [android-developers] Re: Transparent control on camera viewfinder

2011-04-19 Thread Streets Of Boston
It's possible. IT works fine. You can have a RelativeLayout or a FrameLayout with a camera-preview View (that hosts the Surface on which the camera preview is drawn) at the bottom of the Z-stack and other views above it. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

[android-developers] Re: How to properly clear intent data from singleTop Activity?

2011-04-19 Thread Streets Of Boston
Try to use onSaveInstanceState to record the fact that you have 'nulled' out some of the extras. Then in onCreate, examine its 'Bundle savedInstanceState' parameter. If it is not null, it is the Bundle you returned in the onSaveInstanceState earlier. From this Bundle, you can decide to ignore

[android-developers] Re: How to properly clear intent data from singleTop Activity?

2011-04-19 Thread Streets Of Boston
public YourActivity extends Activity { ... private boolean extrasClearedOut; ... public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { ... ... if (savedInstanceState != null savedInstanceState.getBoolean(extras_cleared_out, false)) { extrasClearedOut = true; }

[android-developers] Re: How to properly clear intent data from singleTop Activity?

2011-04-19 Thread Streets Of Boston
public YourActivity extends Activity { ... private boolean extrasClearedOut; ... public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { ... ... if (savedInstanceState != null savedInstanceState.getBoolean(extras_cleared_out, false)) { extrasClearedOut = true; }

Re: [android-developers] Re: How to initialize visibly gone UI elements?

2011-04-21 Thread Streets Of Boston
Exactly, You initialize all your *data *(not your views)* *in the appropriate state. Then when the views become visible/available, they get the data and show it correctly. In other words, the view should be getting the data when they become available. Don't 'push' the data to views (that may

[android-developers] Re: How to develop a wheather forcast application for android

2011-04-21 Thread Streets Of Boston
Sometimes i get the feeling that classes are about to end for the season, some students need to get their assignments finished (quickly), and they ask us here to do their homework. I may be mistaken, but it looks like that sometimes. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to

[android-developers] Re: Timezone Question

2011-04-22 Thread Streets Of Boston
I agree with the other posters. The TimeZone is set by the phone's date time settings. The user either specifically sets the phone's date, time and timezone or (s)he lets it being set automatically (using network provided values). If the phone's date time settings are mis-configured, there

[android-developers] Re: image processing in android

2011-04-24 Thread Streets Of Boston
The classes Bitmap and BitmapFactory. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Android Developers group. To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

[android-developers] Re: SimpleDateFormat Problem

2011-04-24 Thread Streets Of Boston
Per the docs, I should be able to get a time formatted as follows: Which docs says that 'p' and 'a' are valid values? AM and PM are the official en-US locale strings for before noon and after noon. The 'p' and 'a' are not official locale strings for this. -- You received this message because

Re: [android-developers] Fragments for Google Maps add on?

2011-04-25 Thread Streets Of Boston
The option from Valentin in stackoverflow doesn't work well with the *compatibility library*. This is what i did to make it MapActivity work with Fragments using the compatibility library (it is not the best solution, but it seems to work so far): 1. Use the source of the compatibililty

Re: [android-developers] Fragments for Google Maps add on?

2011-04-25 Thread Streets Of Boston
You're right. That's still the same (btw, the docs say you can have multiple MapActivities per app, as long as they are in different processes ... *Only one MapActivity is supported per process* ...). The post above describes how you can have a MapView in a Fragment using the V4 compatibility

[android-developers] Re: Help creating shape drawable

2011-04-27 Thread Streets Of Boston
I don't think you can draw an 'inverse' rectangle like that using shape drawables. For a good overview of what you can use for drawables go here: http://www.idunnolol.com/android/drawables.html I agree with Daniel: Use a 9patch drawable or do it programmatically, creating your own Drawable

Re: [android-developers] Re: Help creating shape drawable

2011-04-27 Thread Streets Of Boston
This would draw a transparent rectangle (with a 4dp border). It doesn't draw the white area outside the rectangle. As far as I know, drawing something transparent does not clear a 'previous' color, i.e. drawing a transparent rectangle on a white background still would show white background

Re: [android-developers] Re: Help creating shape drawable

2011-04-27 Thread Streets Of Boston
Good one!! :) ... drawing two rectangles; the smaller one with rounded corners slightly smaller above the larger one with rectangular corners. As long as your paddings can be fixed/constant, this will work indeed :) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups

Re: [android-developers] Android OOM exception and SoftReferences

2011-04-27 Thread Streets Of Boston
Using System.gc() helped me with my image editing program. But it is NOT full proof. This is what I do: When ma app no longer needs (a) bitmap(s), it calls *recycle()* (this will clean up the memory - image data - that is part of your process, but not part of the DalvikVM), nulls the Bitmap(s)

[android-developers] Re: Call through to superclass lifecycle methods

2011-04-27 Thread Streets Of Boston
I do this: In the opening-callback type of methods (onCreate(), onStart(), onResume(), etc), i call the super first. In the closing-callback type of methods (onDestroy, onStop, onPause(), etc), i call the super last. I don't think it matters that much, but it has served me well :) -- You

[android-developers] Re: Activity Lifecycle Documentation Question

2011-04-27 Thread Streets Of Boston
* onDestroy() is not guaranteed to be called, so if you create a Thread in onCreate(), the thread may never be stopped. * When the process hosting your activity is killed, the onDestroy won't be called... makes sense.. your process just died. The process is force-killed (I think): any thread

[android-developers] Re: '-1' error during HTTPS communication.

2011-04-27 Thread Streets Of Boston
I've seen to many issues when using HttpURLConnection. I suggest using HttpClient (DefaultHttpClient or AndroidHttpClient) instead. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Android Developers group. To post to this group, send email to

[android-developers] Re: Activity Lifecycle Documentation Question

2011-04-27 Thread Streets Of Boston
The text and the diagram of the link you showed are indeed not saying the same: - The diagram only shows a direct path out of onPause or onStop only when the process is being killed. - The text says that the framework can just call 'finish' on the activity (without going through

Re: [android-developers] Re: Activity Lifecycle Documentation Question

2011-04-27 Thread Streets Of Boston
Be very careful with cleaning up some resources in onPause. A dialog being shown could put your activity into paused-state, but not into stopped-state. This happens when a system dialog pops up (e.g. an activity chooser) and your activity is still visible in the background (blurred, but still

[android-developers] Re: Activity Lifecycle Documentation Question

2011-04-27 Thread Streets Of Boston
The text of the documentation says you're right. A call to 'finish()' is all that could happen to 'destroy' the activity. No killing of the process is necessary. However, the image in the documentation ( http://developer.android.com/images/activity_lifecycle.png inside

[android-developers] Re: Best Practice for Activities that Absolutely Depend on Services

2011-04-28 Thread Streets Of Boston
It really depends on what you want. In my app, the request to the server is made first. If this is successful (connection is OK, login is OK), then the data from the server is assigned to an Intent and this Intent is used to start an Activity to show that data. If the connection is wrong, a

[android-developers] Re: Best Practice for Activities that Absolutely Depend on Services

2011-04-28 Thread Streets Of Boston
I parse the data from the service into data that can be persisted. If the data is small enough, the data is translated into a class that implements Parcelable. This parcelable is then assigned to the Intent that starts the Activity (using 'Extras'). When the process is killed and the user

[android-developers] Re: Best Practice for Activities that Absolutely Depend on Services

2011-04-28 Thread Streets Of Boston
Yes and no. As long as your Extra in the Intent implements Parcelable properly, it works. Calling getIntent() in onCreate or in onNewIntent gets you the data that was used in the Intent that (originally) started the Activity. If the user interacts with the Activity and thus *changes *the

[android-developers] Re: problem with asyntask

2011-04-28 Thread Streets Of Boston
I think you mean that one asynctask's background process has to finish before another asynctask's background process can start. This is per design in pre-Donut and in Honeycomb and later. All AsyncTasks use a pool of only one thread. If one asynctasks is 'using' it, others can't and have to

[android-developers] Re: How can I handle Exception message internationalization

2011-04-29 Thread Streets Of Boston
Do your users care whether it is a 'time-out exception' or a 'network unreachable'? In either case, the server cannot be reached successfully. Both exceptions are problems that cannot be solved directly by the user. What would the user do differently when (s)he sees 'Time-out exception' or when

[android-developers] Re: problem with asyntask

2011-04-29 Thread Streets Of Boston
You could also have just one AyncTask doing all three tasks... ... public Result doInBackground(Param parm) { boolean result1 = callSomeTask1(); if (result1) { callSomeTask2(); } else { calSomeTask3(); } } private boolean callSomeTask1() { ... ... } private

Re: [android-developers] MapFragment

2011-04-29 Thread Streets Of Boston
It's a bit convoluted, because i changed the FragmentActivity.java into an *interface *(instead of a *class*) and that needed some refactoring. But, so far, it works :) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Android Developers group. To post to this group,

[android-developers] Re: What I found using big images on an activity

2011-04-29 Thread Streets Of Boston
How big is drawable/domo2048? Is it 4MPixel. This means that, in the best scenario, it occupies 8Mbytes. Then, depending on how you show it, you have a scaled (down) version of the image as well. Note that the memory held by the raw data of the image (the 8Mbytes if RGB_565 is used) is not

[android-developers] Re: What I found using big images on an activity

2011-04-30 Thread Streets Of Boston
I figure that multiple smaller images work better than the '1 large image' example you have, since DalvikVM won't need to allocate one large contiguous chunk of memory. I won't worry about it too much. Don't start solving a problem that may not exists in your actual app :-) -- You received

[android-developers] Re: Fragments for Google Maps add on?

2011-04-30 Thread Streets Of Boston
The new contents of FragmentActivity.java are in my earlier post. The AFragmentActivity.java is a copy of the original FragmentActivity.java with these additional changes: - public class AFragmentActivity extends Activity *implements FragmentActivity* - Then fix the compiler errors

[android-developers] Re: Flaky Touch Screen on Nexus One

2011-04-30 Thread Streets Of Boston
Yes, you're right about that. Calling notifyDataSetChanged on the adapter is the best way to go and you should use it in 99% of cases. However, in some cases rules should be broken. :) A call to notifyDataSetChanged redraws all the children in the ListView and is relatively expensive and you

[android-developers] Re: Fragments for Google Maps add on?

2011-05-02 Thread Streets Of Boston
You cannot replace a *fragment *(e.g. your ImageView fragment) directly with an *activity *(in your case a subclass of AFragmentMapActivity). Don't confuse Activities with Fragments. Have your main Activity, that hosts the Map fragment (and possibly other fragments as well), extend

[android-developers] Re: Multiple Threads

2011-05-04 Thread Streets Of Boston
AsyncTasks are not threads. They are chunks of work (like getting a web-document) that are executed on a pool of (background) threads. Read the documentation of AsyncTask carefully. Figure out a way to have a pool of more than one background threads (happens 'automatically' for Android OS

[android-developers] Re: Robotium solo - help material

2011-05-04 Thread Streets Of Boston
I've had similar issues. I removed away from the absolute black box testing and started targeting View by their id's (com.yourcomp.yourproject.R.id.someViewId) instead. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Android Developers group. To post to this group,

[android-developers] Re: Basic Concept

2011-05-04 Thread Streets Of Boston
'this' in an Activity refers to the Context, because an Activity is a Context (Activity extends Context). this.getApplicationContext() returns an Application. An Application is a Context as well. But the ProgressDialog really likes an Activity, not just a Context. As you discovered, not just

[android-developers] Re: What happens when a phone call comes in?

2011-05-04 Thread Streets Of Boston
Implement the onPause (or onStop) of your Activity. Pause your thread there (i.e. have your thread check for a value/semaphore that indicates when to pause a thread). In the onResume (or onStart), resume your thread. Implement the onDestroy of your Acivity. Stop your thread there (i.e. exit

Re: [android-developers] onSaveInstanceState() killed by OS

2012-07-20 Thread Streets Of Boston
Hi Andrew, The answers you got are correct. You should spend as little time in onSaveInstanceState (or any other onX callback method) as possible. Preferably a few milliseconds. I don't know what your app does, but it looks like you try to save user supplied information (either in a file

[android-developers] Re: static vs non-static inner classes

2012-07-20 Thread Streets Of Boston
The problem is with a non-static inner class is that you don't 'see' the implicit reference to the outer instance (OuterClass.this). It is easy to forget about this one and later realize what problems it causes. Usually, when the lifetime cycle of an inner class matches the lifecycle of the

[android-developers] Re: C2DM on tablets

2012-07-26 Thread Streets Of Boston
I don't think you can do much if users have configured their tablet to have their WiFi disconnects when the tablet is in sleep mode: No connection, no C2DM. The best you can do is to query this 'WiFi off when device is asleep' setting (i'm not sure how, but i think it should be possible) and

[android-developers] Re: Selling Applications Thru Google Play, Do i have to pay Taxes?

2012-07-27 Thread Streets Of Boston
It entirely depends on your situation and,as the other said, get an accountant/tax-adviser to get a good answer. But in general: If you have income, you'd need to pay taxes on it fact of life :-) On Friday, July 27, 2012 3:11:31 PM UTC-4, Jaison Brooks wrote: So i am selling

[android-developers] android:accessibilityFocusable attribute in a layout-xml produces an error

2012-07-31 Thread Streets Of Boston
Hi, I have a text-view next to a seekbar. The seekbar is accessible and announces its current value. The text-view also shows this value. For accessibility, I'd like to make the text-view not accessibility-focusable, since the seekbar already is (no use in stating the same thing twice).

Re: [android-developers] android:accessibilityFocusable attribute in a layout-xml produces an error

2012-07-31 Thread Streets Of Boston
Murphy (a Commons Guy) wrote: There's no accessibilityFocusable attribute in the documentation, at least based on a simple search. I don't see anything quite like it in the list of XML attributes for View. Where did you find this? On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 10:59 AM, Streets Of Boston wrote

Re: [android-developers] android:accessibilityFocusable attribute in a layout-xml produces an error

2012-07-31 Thread Streets Of Boston
view with a custom virtual view hierarchy. Do you know of any? On Tuesday, July 31, 2012 12:45:16 PM UTC-4, Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) wrote: On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 12:31 PM, Streets Of Boston wrote: If this is not the way to do it, how would one prevent accessibility focus

Re: [android-developers] android:accessibilityFocusable attribute in a layout-xml produces an error

2012-08-01 Thread Streets Of Boston
3:23:13 PM UTC-4, bob wrote: What do you mean hover events seem to work somewhat better? What's a hover event on a touchscreen? On Tuesday, July 31, 2012 12:54:25 PM UTC-5, Streets Of Boston wrote: Thank you Mark. I've been trying to update our app to the latest and greatest

[android-developers] Re: Installing a private corporate app

2012-08-07 Thread Streets Of Boston
If your company is larger and is planning on developing more in-house app for its employees (and customers?), then something like the EASE platform of Apperian may be of interest: http://www.apperian.com/get-started/ease-platform/ On Sunday, August 5, 2012 11:23:55 AM UTC-4, jayd wrote: I’m

[android-developers] Re: Handler or (Local) BroadcastReceiver

2012-08-28 Thread Streets Of Boston
You could do both, if you abstract out the javascript-to-java calls in your HTML5's javascript - Create a javascript class in your HTML5 that implements a certain set of methods that define all the necessary javascript-to-java calls (abstraction). Let's call it 'CallToJava'. - On Android,

Re: [android-developers] global_context

2012-08-28 Thread Streets Of Boston
As long as *global_context *is an Application object, it is 'alive' as long as the (DalvikVM) process is alive (and vice-versa). As long as this context is only used to load assets/resources, this should be fine. Having such a global context (*application *context would be a better word)

[android-developers] Re: Connection RESTful service with AsyncTask

2012-08-29 Thread Streets Of Boston
I'm don't know how you use 'ServiceController', but note that for each instance of a ServiceController, you can call 'executeService()' only *once*. This is because it has an AsyncTask (your WebService) as a field, which is constructed in the ServiceController's constructor. And an AsyncTask's

Re: [android-developers] Thread

2012-09-07 Thread Streets Of Boston
I'm guessing here a little bit, but is this what you want?: The user is in ActivityA. THe user clicks on a button or does something that requires a background Thread to do so processing. When the Thread is done (successfully), the thread needs to spawn/start ActivityB If so, use an AsyncTask.

[android-developers] Re: get bitmap size

2012-09-19 Thread Streets Of Boston
int pixels = bitmap.getHeight() * bitmap.getWidth(); int bytesPerPixel = 0; switch(bitmap.getConfig()) { case ARGB_: bytesPerPixel = 4; break; case RGB_565: bytesPerPixel = 2; break; case ARGB_: bytesPerPixel = 2; break; case ALPHA_8 : bytesPerPixel = 1; break; } int

Re: [android-developers] parcelable again: passing object BACK through activity stack

2011-09-22 Thread Streets Of Boston
Yes, a lot :) Try out your code using 'hasPushedActivityB' and then rotate your phone or, if it has a physical keyboard, slide out the keyboard: The activities will be recreated and your 'hasPushedActivityB' of the new activity A will be false, but the new Activity B will be showing. Just use

[android-developers] Re: How to resolve outOfMemoryError - Bitmap size exceeds VM budget

2011-09-22 Thread Streets Of Boston
I assume you have your images shown in an ImageView. For each of your activities that shows the image in an ImageView: In the onStart(): ... myBitmap = loadBitmap(); imageView.setImageBitmap(myBitmap); ... In the onStop(): ... imageView.setImageDrawable(null); // disassociates the

Re: [android-developers] parcelable again: passing object BACK through activity stack

2011-09-23 Thread Streets Of Boston
You can try this on the emulator. Hit Ctrl+F11 and you'll 'rotate' the device. setResult does not immediately return results back to its parent activity (You can call setResult many times: only the last call to setResult will be effective, superseding all previous calls) The Intent you use

[android-developers] Re: How to resolve outOfMemoryError - Bitmap size exceeds VM budget

2011-09-23 Thread Streets Of Boston
Good to know you got it working. Just checking; You put images in 2 global vars in your application object. Be sure that these images are not (Bitmap)Drawables, since Drawables may hold references to a Context that could be an Activity. Holding a global (indirect) reference to an Activity may

Re: [android-developers] org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException

2011-09-23 Thread Streets Of Boston
I am not quite sure (i never used ksoap2), but i can come up with these possible causes: 1. Does your XML have some extra white-space before the top XML tag * Envelope*? 2. Try to set your NAMESPACE variable to http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/; instead. 3. If that

[android-developers] Re: Async Task, rotation and indeterminate progressbar in custom header.

2011-09-23 Thread Streets Of Boston
Don't hold static references to Activities or Views. You will run into memory issues and such. But you could put your instance of ProgressBarThread into a static reference that is accessible by Activity B. Then Activity B can register/attach and de-register/detach to this background task as

Re: [android-developers] parcelable again: passing object BACK through activity stack

2011-09-23 Thread Streets Of Boston
1) The onActivityResult will have a result-code of RESULT_CANCELED and its 'Intent data' parameter will be null. 2) Yes, you can pass back any Intent, even the one that started the child-activity. You don't need to create a brand new one. When an Intent is passed back or forth between

[android-developers] Re: Activities aren't getting killed by ActivityManager when app is running out of memory

2011-09-26 Thread Streets Of Boston
Just for debugging purposes: Have you implemented the Activity's method 'onLowMemory()' and put a debug/logcat statement in there to see it this one gets called or not? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Android Developers group. To post to this group,

[android-developers] GLSurfaceView's onPause and onResume called in Activity's onStop and onStart to handle partially transparent child-activities. Is this OK?

2011-09-27 Thread Streets Of Boston
The documentation of GLSurfaceView states that its onPause and onResume should be called when its Activity is paused (onPause) and resumed (onResume). Can it be called in onStop and onStart instead to be able to handle partially transparent child-activities. Say: Activity *GLA *has a

[android-developers] Re: AsyncTask vs. IntentService

2011-09-27 Thread Streets Of Boston
IntentService dispenses with the configuration changes but leaves you in a lurch when requiring a response. In addition to Mark's suggestions, you could assign a ResultReceiver to one of the Intent's extras: Your Activity could implemented this ResultReceiver's *onReceiveResult * method.

[android-developers] Re: GLSurfaceView's onPause and onResume called in Activity's onStop and onStart to handle partially transparent child-activities. Is this OK?

2011-09-29 Thread Streets Of Boston
Bumpedee bump... :) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Android Developers group. To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to android-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com For

[android-developers] Re: GLSurfaceView's onPause and onResume called in Activity's onStop and onStart to handle partially transparent child-activities. Is this OK?

2011-10-03 Thread Streets Of Boston
Buehler, anyone, Buehler..? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Android Developers group. To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

Re: [android-developers] GLSurfaceView's onPause and onResume called in Activity's onStop and onStart to handle partially transparent child-activities. Is this OK?

2011-10-03 Thread Streets Of Boston
We did a proof on concept (we actually have implemented it) before asking this question. You can actually remove the calls to GLSurfaceView.onPause and GLSurfaceView.onResume entirely and most of the time it will work. Leaving these calls out will fail only after *excessive

[android-developers] Re: cursor.moveToFirst() cursor.moveToLast() time consuming issue with sqlite database.

2011-10-06 Thread Streets Of Boston
Technically, yes, you can put 17000 items in a list.For usability, no,you can't put 17000 items in a list. No one would want to use a lists like that, scrolling through 17000 items. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Android Developers group. To post

[android-developers] Re: Stealth Install of TalkBack, KickBack app from Google?

2011-10-06 Thread Streets Of Boston
They're safe These are part of the accessibility functions of your phone. They are part of the baked-in firmware that comes with your phone. They just got an update. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Android Developers group. To post to this group,

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