Re: You know you program way too much when.
You think that human life is a extremely huge program.The entry point(main function) of the program starts cell reproduction loop.It also initializes automatic debugging of DNA code.And the main function waits for cpm_enough message, which tel
Re: You know you program way too much when.
I had lots of school assignments about 2 months ago, and for me, it was like all assignments were windows messages and I was removing each message from the queue and processing these messages.
Re: some questions
Thank you! I tried cx_freeze and it worked on this computer.
Audiogames-reflector mailing list
some questions
hi all.I was playing some audio games and got some questions about audiogame developement and some other things.1. to audiogame developers, where do you find required sounds for an audiogame? And what program do you use to edit sounds? I'm asking this because I played many au
Re: C++ or BGT
Hi You can use both languages, however if you are going to use c++ and if you don't have any programing experience, be prepared to memorize all of the operators, strange symbols, functions etc. Also in C++, you should take care of memory sizes, pointers, and other things that
Re: C++ or BGT
HiYou can use both languages, however if you are going to use c++ and if you don't have any programing experience, be prepare to memorize all of the operators, strange symbols, functions etc.Also in C++, you should take care of memory sizes, pointers, and other things that
Re: trigonometry in audio games, how do I apply the concept?
Thanks, I understand it. But I don't know much about trigonometry. Well, this is going to be some math questions, but could someone explain some details about real life trig? For example, I saw some code that has something multipl
Re: trigonometry in audio games, how do I apply the concept?
Thanks, I understand it. But I don't know much about trigonometry. Well, this is going to be some math questions, but could someone explain some details about real life trig? For example, I saw some code that has something multipl
Re: trigonometry in audio games, how do I apply the concept?
I don't understand something. What formula do I need to use if, say, sound positioning? Or geting player's facing etc? And why do I need to use that formula?In terms of mathematics, trig is used to calculate angles and lengths and
Re: trigonometry in audio games, how do I apply the concept?
Thanks everyone, but what formular would I use for, say, creating an fps? For example, how to get the x and y increment according to the player's facing? And is there any reason for using that formular? And how to calculate distan
Re: trigonometry in audio games, how do I apply the concept?
Thanks everyone, but what formular would I use for, say, creating an fps? For example, how to get the x and y increment according to the player's facing? And is there any reason for using that formular? And how to calculate distan
Re: trigonometry in audio games, how do I apply the concept?
Thanks everyone, but what formular would I use for, say, creating an fps? For example, how to get the x and y increment according to the player's facing? And is there any reason for using that formular? And how to calculate distan
Re: trigonometry in audio games, how do I apply the concept?
Thanks everyone, but what formular would I use for, say, creating an fps? For example, how to get the x and y increment according to the player's facing? And is there any reason for using that formular? And how to calculate distan
Re: trigonometry in audio games, how do I apply the concept?
Thanks everyone, but what formular would I use for, say, creating an fps?For example, how to get the x and by You increment according to the player's facing? And is there any reason for using that formular?And how to calculate dis
trigonometry in audio games, how do I apply the concept?
Hi I saw many example code that has some trigonometry. It is very stupid question for experienced developers to read, but as I want to make anything useful and I don't have any experience, I wanna ask how the trigonometry applies to a
trigonometry in audio games, how do I apply the concept?
HiI saw many example code that has some trigonometry. It is very stupid question for experienced developers to read, but as I want to make anything useful and I don't have any experience, I wanna ask how the trigonometry applies to au
Re: a simple python error. How can I solve this?
Thanks. If the function's name should be on_key_press, can I have more than 1 on_key_press functions for different tasks?
Re: a simple python error. How can I solve this?
Does it work on your computer? I don't know how and why screen reader blocks keys, and I don't know how to check whether my screen reader is blocking arrow keys or not, because In every situations, except for my program, arrow keys are fine.
Re: a simple python error. How can I solve this?
HiThanks I've fixt the indentation problem but I have another problem in my new code.Could you explain what I am doing wrong here?The event handler doesn't work.Here's the codeimport pygletimport accessible_output2.outputs.autofrom sys import
Re: a simple python error. How can I solve this?
What does inconsistent indentation mean?In this code, there is a function. And an if statement in that function, and an eles inside that if. I've decreased 1 indentation level where the else block ends, but it says unindent does not match any
a simple python error. How can I solve this?
hi all.I would like to ask for help in python.I'm trying to test the pyglet's key event function and when I run the program, I get an indentation error and I don't know when this error means.could someone explain why this error happened?Here goes
Re: How do I make accessible output work?
Thanks, but accessible output 2 doesn't work either. It requires libloader and platform utils, but I couldn't find it, so I downloaded pyaudiogame's source and copy pasted required modules, and installed them, but when I write a simple program, it s
How do I make accessible output work?
Hi everyone.I'm trying to make some example programs.I just want to know how I can make accessible output work. I use accessible output 0.75, I don't know where the latest version is.The main problem is that when I try to import accessible output an er
Some python questions.
Hi everyone.I need your help in python.1. Whenever I write a program, my window just disappears instantly. It means that, if I run my program, a program window appears and disappears after 3 seconds, even before I test the program. How can I solv this?When I did autoi
Re: What is .net framework in detail?
I understood it, thanks.
Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: What is .net framework in detail?
HiThanks to magurp for answering this question. I have another question here, If we want to make a program and if we don't have required libraries, in python, we simply go to the pypi and install required modules. But what do we do if the above situatio
Re: What is .net framework in detail?
Do we call functions from .net framework's library? Is it a class library? or is it a software development tool like an ide? Or is it a helper for visual studio?
What is .net framework in detail?
Hi all. I want to know about .net framework. I know that this is a software framework, but how can we use it? Is it basicly a class library for C# and C++? I don't know anything about c programing, but I wanna know about it.
Re: Some python questions
Thanks very much I figured that out. But I got another question. I've ried install pefile because pefile is required for pyinstaller. But I had an error message telling that the code can't decode position 208000 bla bla bla bla. How can I solv this problem?Thanks
Re: Some python questions
I can't install cx_freeze I've encountered an error that a .tat file is missing and I don't know how to find the file.And, what is the easiest way to install pywin32 on python 3.5.1, without visual studio?When I tried that, I got an error telling that join argument
Some python questions
Hello.I'm using python 3.5.1, and there are many modules that you can't install on python 3 environment, especially if you have the latest version. I wanna try pyinstaller, and it doesn't work without modification so I'm making some modifications to make pyinstaller se
Re: Accessible_output2 does not compile
HiFirst, can you explain it in more detail?Next, I don't use python 2.7Also, accessible_output 2? Can you tell me the detailed version? How did you install it? Hmmm I've installed accessible_output 0.7.8, by typing easy_install accessible_output.And r
Is it possible to create my very own sounds?
HiI have a some kind of silly question. Is it possible to create my very own sounds by controling every electrical signals one by one, like disassemble an object into lots of atoms, change their state or types, and finally reconstruct it as anoth
Re: python question
Yes, I'm using python 3.5.0. And python install works, but the problem is, It can't detect the correct directory.
Audiogames-reflector mailing
Re: python question
No, It didn't work.Command: Path c:\pyaudiogame0.04\ installResult: Error package directory pyaudiogame doesn't exist.I've changed the name of the directory to pyaudiogame, but it doesn't work.What should I do now? And Is there any way to create an
Re: ideal way of creating a map parcer?
Hi.I'd like say, just a smiple thing. The topic is about bgt, but why do you refering to python? If you want to discuss about other languages, go to another topic.And cthoth why do you think that the python is best programing language in the earth?One
Re: python question
HiOne more question. How can I allow command line to acces everything I want? When I attempt to install something, It sometimes displays a permission error. I'm using the admin account in my windows, And I have only 1 account. What should I do?Thanks
URL: http://forum.a
Re: python question
No, I've created a new folder called temp. So it's not an actual temp directory.
Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: python question
HiFirst, python install doesn't work. So I typed this.Path c:\temp\pyaudiogame-0.04\pyaudiogame-0.04Then, I typed install.But it couldn't detect the pyaudiogame directory.But I've installed all the requirements using this method. What should I do next?A
Re: Aircraft sound loops please
Hi haramirFirst, you will have to do some sound editing. You can't obtain every sounds you want, so you will have to do some sound editing, for example combine sounds, add some effects, change the pitch of the sounds.And, what programing language that you usi
Re: python question
HiSo I solved the problem, but I've encountered another problem.When I run the install, It doesn't detect the pyaudiogame directory, So I got this error.Error packige directory pyaudiogame does not exist.I've extracted the pyaudiogame and I've set path to the ri
python question
Hi all.So I want to start very basic of python, but I don't know how to install pyaudiogame.I typed python install but python couldn't find the file. what should I do?Thanks
Re: Python crash course
Hi allThis is another subject.I'm wondering, why many audiogame developers are use python 2.7.10? The latest version is python 3.5.0. Is there any technical reasons? Or python 2.7.10 is better than the latest python?Thanks
Re: Online game in bgt!
HiSorry for bringing back this old post. Someone posted a topic about online games in bgt, and I have a question about this. That's why I brought back this post.If I make an online game in bgt, What can I make in bgt without a huge lag? Everything except for fps's?
Re: getting started with audiogame development: Looking for a Mentor
Hi blindncoolFirst, go tohttp://learnpythonthehardway.organd try to understand it step by stepIf you want to learn bgt, you can see the bgt reference. If you installed bgt correctly, You should have the bgt reference alrea
Re: Learning Python
Thanks for answering my questions.
Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Learning Python
Then, Can I define a function, indent it with two spaces, Use the if statement, and Can I just end up just the if statement in the function by decreasing a space?Sorry for my lots of questions. Lol indentation is very confusing
Re: Learning Python
HiThanks so much. One more question. Can I use more then one statements with many spaces, like brackets in other languages?
Audiogames-reflector mailing
Re: Learning Python
HiPost 7, I have a question.How to specify the end of the function in python?Other programing languages use brackets or function, end function keyword, but python does not. We define a function using def keyword. And We write the body of the function. And how to specify
Re: Learning Python
HiPost 7, I have a question.When creating a user function, how to end up a function?For example, other languages such as pure basic, autoit, c#, c++, bgt, vbhas an end of the functionc#, c++, bgt can define a function using void bla bla bla and bracketsYou put left brack
Re: Is learning visual basic worth it?
HiI'm using python and bgt, but I think I'm not brave enough for start actual coding lol
Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Can someone help me, please?
hiYes, autoit is bad for actual programingSo I've dropped it alreadyI'm trying to use python, with the awesome help file that thggamer gave me. It is awesome. I'll look it now
Re: Can someone help me, please?
Hi gitarmanAutoit has lots of limitations, but autoit is not out of date language. Autoit is still going nowAnd yes, autoit is really bad for making games, but autoit is really good for automating some tasks.It's the autoit's purpose.And autoit is the easies
Re: Can someone help me, please?
[[wow]] this is awesome. Thank you very much.
Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Can someone help me, please?
hiThis is greate, but I also want to get a complete list of functions, built in classes and their methods in python or vb.netBecause, when you writing code, you might forgot some functions or methods. And it can cause an error if you forgot an important func
Can someone help me, please?
Hi allI'm interested about programing and I want to create a complete audiogame.I tried autoit, but it has lot of limitationsPure basic is greate, but it is not free.Bgt is greate and free, but bgt's network functions are bad.Visual basic... I thought it is easy
Re: Considering switching to Java, recommended resources for learning how
hiIf you looking for java tutorials, try here.
Audiogames-reflector m
Re: begining programming
hiBut most programs are coded in dot net language, and if you have an obfuscation tool you will be good.
Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: new python module for simplifying some tasks
hiI have a questionMy question is not about this topic, but how to compile my python programs into exe files?Thanks
Re: begining programming
HiLong ago, ethin says he made a program, and he decompiled it once.Is that right? I want to know that if I made a game in vb .net, my game can decompiled at once, if it has no code protection?If yes, hmm, I think visual studio has low security, because visual studi
Re: Looking for someone to give a quick one on one tutorial
hiBut my question is, can I send a function as a packet like this?tcpsend $socket1, soundplay"lol.ogg"If the lol.ogg is exist in the client, the client plays the lol.ogg file? or just print an error messageAnd if I've send a user f
Re: begining programming
Hey dhruvThe visual basic wasn't dropped now, It had just redesigned. The name of the designed version is visual basic .netIt is greate
Re: Looking for someone to give a quick one on one tutorial
I thought You are better than me about bgt.And try this idea.I don't remember the actual code , so I will put my idea onlyIf you pressed up arrow, The client sends a value, and the value will be assigned in the server's variable. Y
Re: Looking for someone to give a quick one on one tutorial
hi sneakI'm sorry I haven't manage packets in bgt, So I can't help you.And I have a question. If I'm in server mode, Can I send a function as a packet in bgt?It means like thisIn stw, you will walk around, step by stepIf you press
Re: begining programming
hiPure basic is very good language, but you need to buy it. If you can't buy pure basic, I think visual basic is good for you. Just my thinking.
Re: begining programming
hiI have a question.Autoit doesn't suppolt multithreading, but can I do it using dll libraries?This means implement many things that Autoit doesn't support.Can I do this?Thanks
Re: begining programming
hi milosYou can try many programing language, such as c#, python, etc.If you want to learn relatively easy language, there are many easy things, such as autoit, python, pb or vb.I think autoit is the easiest language, but it has some limitations.Bgt is very easy, to
Anyone trying to make audio game with autoit?
hiAnyone trying to make an audiogame with autoit?I want to make an audio game using autoit. Is this possible?I think autoit is the easiest programing language I've ever seen.And anyone trying or tried to make audiogame using autoit?If so, what k
Re: A chat client I made in bgt
hiCan I update this chat client for studying bgt?
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