Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Connor, I actually had plans very early on for this and at one point even had a buyable location called port that increased your trade revenue, but I scrapped it for the time being, the plans in future to add naval related stuff is a must

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2018-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Hi guys, sorry for this one taking so long again, had some job issues at the moment so the last few weeks and the coming few months are going to be hectic for me, still this update isn't a small one, it includes a massive overhaul of the

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2018-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @John, definitely something I'll be looking into@Defender, Love it, I'll save that list of ideas!@Niklas, it writes a little description of the monsters but the ones you read were written by a very talented reddit user who will likely be

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2018-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy True Niklas, but the increase per update averages at around 1-3kb whereas the HQ sounds were over 100mb URL: ___

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2018-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Defender, It's definitely on the list to have a much more dynamic sound system, the issue I have with the higher quality sound is that it's a battle between two different groups, the people who want better sound, and the people who want

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2018-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Great stuff as always guys, you're all very creative! URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2018-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy You guys are awesome! URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2018-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Hi guys, one thing that I always love is seeing characters with interesting names, there are lots of suffixes at the moment and some have come from player suggestions.I'd love to see some of your ideas, things like* (NAME) the Lich-Hater*

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2018-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Dark, very good suggestions that would serve to supruce things up a bit, and there could be a huge deal of customisation, I'll add these notes to my plans for the combat overhaul.I already have plans to add a steward who would take care

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2018-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Hi guys, I've been away for a little while and have had some computer troubles so this update has been done within the last few days, it's not a themed update like the more recent few have been but it's got a bunch of cool little

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2018-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Glad you like it defender, and thanks for your suggestion about the goblin ban in the blackmarket which has now been implemented! URL:

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2018-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy It's that time again folks, thank you for your patience, as seems to be the trend recently this has been a slow update, lots has happened over christmas and I also briefly had an issue with loss of code which had to be rewritten, but

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2018-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Niklas, some interesting sound concepts, will be looking to eventually add in a custom sound library which should allow for some pretty sweet stuff, but it definitely wont be in the near future.The celebration stuff is pretty fun to be

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2018-01-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Niklas, the next update has taken some work, but it involves celebration and even your little bug hunter character is included Thank you for more typo discoveries, I've just cleared through the last lot you sent! another bunch of credits

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2018-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy fair enough, alot of those games haven't been optimised for people not using ascii so I need to look into that.Not sure about the ruins though, Its not a bad idea but I don't want to get too far away from the Kingdom management sim for it

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2018-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Niklas Happy new year dude! you've found a crap load of bugs I'm going to have to look into!The guild of musicians and magic are closed at the moment cause I haven't worked on them but it will come in the futureI like the idea of having

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Niklas, nope, no plans for new directions.I will look into these typos though! thanks as always for the reports URL: ___

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Defender, thank you for the support! @Niklas, I've noted that down already I'll look into the repeating text and funnily enough was consideringsomething expanding the reaction text not too long ago!Merry christmas, gonna put the finishing

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Niklas, thanks for the report, found it and fixed it! URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @niklas, as soon as you win a bet you get the gold added to your kingdoms gold URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Niklas, that's a great idea about the guards statements, a little more diversity would never go amiss!@Defender, the goblin museum stuff could definitely be looked into, it currently can change in two ways, if the blackmarket is ruled by

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy The black tower in Baiaa is fully explorable, but the citadels and towers that belong to league members are purely aesthetic at the moment, I just felt that the leagues status barely seemed to change anything, they are kind of like

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-12-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy ps guys, just found out the release had an issue with loading save files, I've released a hotfix on steam and also for dark, just use the same link in the email, sorry guys! URL:

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-12-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @defender, I know time does fly!To be honest until you said then, I was like 'who is fleck?' and had to search the changelogs, it's pretty cool though, he a little mini demon who gives you advice and stuff.Thank you for your kind comments

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Hi guys, firstly thank you for waiting, I was expecting this update taking so long to annoy some people but I've had very kind support, the update has taken a while due to several PC issues, bits of code being lost (which I managed to

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Hi guys, firstly thank you for waiting, I was expecting this update taking so long to annoy some people but I've had very kind support, the update has taken a while due to several PC issues, bits of code being lost (which I managed to

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Glad to know there's still some mystery in the game hopefully the new update will add tons more URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Yeah, would be kind of like dungeon delving in the wastes, you find a box of lockpicks, you find a dead mole rat, and so onGreat idea though Niklas, glad you're here pumping out ideas! URL:

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Niklas, I wasn't sure at first but when you compared it to the brawl pit I see what you mean, that's actually not a bad idea, it could show you with each pannel what the adventurer/knight is doing on their quest and random things could

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Defender, I would leave it unbalanced, so you could have some races that might be really easy to play as, and some that might be very difficult As for the shirts, it's a skate brand so none of the clothes

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Niklas, yeah it's playing out pretty cool, just gotten done coding diplomacy with the vampires of Baiaa and even allowed for them to run low on slaves and get desperate as well as being weaker and rationing out the blood they have!It's

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-12-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Niklas, definitely interesting ideas, I'm looking at expanding the custom game options soon but I'm anxious to get the long overdue Baiaa update finished and released as this is probably the longest I've taken to finish something, or at

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-12-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Sorry for not responding for the last week, been away!@Niklas, all that would have to happen on the end of the reader as the console the game is run through wont be able to interact with it.@Connor142, thanks for the support, quests come

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-11-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Niklas, sounds like the leader of the blackmarket what a pyromaniac and burned it down, the blackmarket is a single location so there are no other blackmarkets you can go to if one is gone.If you want to see the blackmarket you will need

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Dark, I love that, forgot the encounter existed but the general vs challenger sounds badass.As for being stuck, you'll probably find exploring the realm further to be of assistance, conquer/capture all the locations and hire all the

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Sorry for the lateish response guys, been insanely busy!@Dark, No worries, there is a way around xenophobia, a special artifact called 'the friend of the fearful'Adventurer groups are partially implemented but I've been bogged down with

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-11-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Dark, lots of great ideas, also as for they wouldn't speak to you, it should say why, they are likely xenophobic which means unless they are the same race as you they wont speak to you, they will agree to peace but don't want to be

Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

2017-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes" @Defender, I'll have a look and see if I can find the old mod guides I wrote, I'd have trouble remembering which numbers mean what now haha URL:

Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

2017-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes" Well, all sorts of horrors exist in the wasteland, including That Tacky Stained Vase you found in an old lab in the desert URL:

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Firstly for those who are following on Warsim, sorry for crossing the two projects over, but I know that lots of Warsim players also played the wastes, so here's a little's been years since the game was lost, but following

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Dark Email Sent! That's a shame about though...And that's a great idea, so I've done it, I've tweaked the files today and added some extra items, gonna release a new update version of the wastes as a sort of Anniversary Edition?

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Defender, only reason I'm conscious of it is that at one point with about 4 songs on there in wav format the game was at 200mb, beyond that having another 10-20 songs could push it in the gigabyte region, I had a few complaints from

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @John, Are you serious! Please can I see this, that sounds amazing!@Niklas, definitely, I'd love for more atmosphere, It'll be a difficult one though cause it'll have to be low quality songs, or short loops, because there would likely be

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @niklas, I was thinking about that the other day,  different music for different locations and regions, ie the south, the north, the east and west, and then of course different ones for the throne room, the arena, battles ectI can't find

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Niklas, cool, love the idea of travelling acrobats and entertainers, going to note it down! Also the zoology hall now has text for players with disabled ascii so thanks for pointing it out for me!I've also added an additional option when

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Dark, yeah it's annoyed me hearing about it too! I hope it's just an isolated case to be honest, but if you get nothing back let me know and I'll set you up a link for the file somewhere else@Niklas, found those two ascii bugs! all fixed

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Niklas, I'll look into those, and Surounded is not a word, the correct spelling has two R'sAlso I've added something to the next update that you specifically are going to love, but I'm not going to reveal anything! URL:

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Hi guys, so it's been a week or so since the last update and I just want to keep you guys updated, I've planned out the next 30 or so updates to follow themes, so each instead of being a random mash of whatever I did during the time I was

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Dark, nice to see you back and thanks for the update to the DB page, as for the thing, that's insane, I wonder how many other people have been turned away due to that? I've found their email address but I'm not sure what to say

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Niklas, it's a lot to process but can't have too many bug reports, though I fear that half of this update literally has your name on it now haha URL:

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-10-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy could you give me some examples of these events? URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Yep managed to get those too! thanks, you've got 14 credits in the changelog so far! thank you for the hard work URL: ___

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Fixed them all now! URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Niklas, nevermind tested it and found it, let me know what the typos are as for the 2 3 I don't fully understandYou can read the books from the blackmarket in your library in 'other buildings' on the main screenAs for exploring the

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Defender, Glad you like it, I love the nomads because they've got lots of new features added to them that haven't been done in the game before, they are a faction that moves settlement to settlement, also their leader and second in

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Niklas glad you like the new update style, I haven't added any of those conflict encounters yet, planning to add a bunch of them in the next update as for the King of Aslona Private Eye, I'm not too sure, perhaps for huge things like what

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy This update is going to be one of hopefully many more themed updates, the theme of this update was expanding the southern region of exploration, one that until recently was the most empty, the game has been in development for at least two

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Niklas, Oh yeah thank you, It's a long story but lots of stuff is going on at my end and your two donations definitely helped bring a smile during a time that I wasn't doing so good! so thank you! also I'm about to post the new update and

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Niklas, definitely, I can say with confidence there will be some internal conflict encounters now and you will get the credit for them, it was a fantastic ideaAs for those rogue ascii signs, for the ascii free version of the game that

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Niklas, with exploration you have a limit of two chances to explore per turn, once used you have to wait until next turn, this can be solved by building an explorers guild which gives you bonus explore chances, by getting the golden

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Niklas, the problem at the moment with the sound system is it can only play one sound at a time, and that includes theme music which is why it cuts off a resets the theme music, which is why I can't have random sound effects for different

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Niklas, looked into it more and it's a bug when loading a game! so you'll be credited for finding it, but a way to try it out right now would be through a new game instead of a loaded game URL:

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Niklas, glad your liking it, as for the sounds, once enabled in the main menu it should happen when you're in a battle? If not I'll test it out URL:

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Dranelement, it's not a bug, it's a side effect of a special event that happens every 50 years so you must have had this happen to you in the year 150, 200, 250 ect, skip a year ahead and it should be fine URL:

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Niklas, the sound system is still something I want to work on later, my aim will be to get an external sound library code so that I can have overlapping sound effects for battles and things!As for the puzzles and challenges, definitely a

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Dranelement, Thank you for the kind comments it's the fact you guys are so active here that motivates me and makes it worthwhile! so thank you@Niklas, enable the combat sounds in the main menu before loading a game, once that's done you

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy So here it is, It's taken much longer than I planned but it's the biggest update I've ever made for warsim and it introduces so many new things the game is significantly changed, in total there are over 300 new additions and fixes.This

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Hi Niklas!I got the email yesterday, thank you so much for the support, It means the world and definitely made my day! I'm almost done on the update now, just hammering out some final parts of it, taking so much longer than I planned but

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Niklas, that's a good question actually, there's tons and tons of books, texts to read ect in game, there are plans to possibly add more guilds to the game, but I definitely need to finish the history guild first too! And thanks for

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Not sure I understand your question, it's 160'000 lines of code URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-09-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Not possible for warsim sorry niklas URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Dranelement, I have now separated sound and music!also I have attempted to add death sounds to battle, with higher pitched for goblins and lower for demons, it didn't go too well because the sound has to play one at a time, but you can

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-09-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Niklas, thanks, glad you like the updates, the next one should be a pretty huge one so stay tuned URL: ___

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-09-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Defender, perhaps similarly to the demonic horde's slow arrival there could be some kind of background empires going on, you haven't discovered them so you only know of the few kingdoms near you but these big empires exist and grow far

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy It's gonna be a while before the next update because I was a really awesome update ready for 0.7, but this update is packed, we have a new black market location, questing knights, tons of new throne room encounters, 1.8 billion new

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Niklas, You'll like both the update I've just released and the one that's coming for 0.7, the new update 0.699 has knights that visit your throne room whom you can ask to quest for you, they will go on random quests which include

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Allies asking for help is definitely a possibility, good suggestion URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-08-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Been a little while since the last update again, had some issues with the code and it's taken a while to get it fixed (thank god for backups), this edition has a few new knightly order features, there is also a level of interactivity with

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Definitely in the plans to name your king, as for this new race, what would differ them from normal mutants?@Niklas, definitely something to consider down the line URL:

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-08-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy The new demonic pits added in the update are found in independent demon kingdoms, as you probably know each independent kingdom has three structures, demon kingdoms now have a chance of getting demonic pits URL:

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Quite a long time waiting for this update, was working on a few things and it's been hectic on my end but here it is, with 50 features in total and a few that I've really enjoyed testing out! Some notable features are now those little pest

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Niklas, that's what jesters are for, you hire a jester and then if you speak to them in the staff screen they tell you jokes, also you get visiting joke tellers in the throne room URL:

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-08-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Oh the 0 thing should be blocked, good point, also I do plan on finishing the history guild, congrats on passing the exam haha URL:

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-08-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Hi Riad, do you get the game from the update for Itch went through a tiny bit late but it's on now URL: ___

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy So this update is mostly little changes but now includes a number of things I think people will enjoy, two new races 'Underlings and Anteaters' a new difficulty for people finding the game too hard at the start, some new blackmarket

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Been a decent update this week, quite a few player suggestions and fixes, there is a new bard menu you can mess around with in the extra menu, several new locations including a trading post, lots of new undead units as well as 227x as many

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy This unexpectedly became a huge update, tons of bugs fixed, you can now enroll in the history guild, speak to your teacher, take classes, fail and pass exams, visit old titan skulls, fight with wildermen on two new fronts, visit the

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Dark, The game is updated on both Itch and Steam, with Itch you just have to go back and download the new update each time there is one as I always keep it up to date The free version is no longer being updated but it's still available

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy … na/?beta=0 < this is the steam link this is the linkhope you like it! URL:

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Sure threeblacknoises, send it my way and I'll have a lookThis update adds a few new features to the game, mainly a save updater which will recognize saves from earlier editions of the game and update them automatically when you load them

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @defender, it would be too difficult manage and update two simultaneous different sets of the source code, I've tried to manage multiple files before and it's much more time consuming, if I find a bug in 10 versions time, finding the same

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-07-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy This update brings a new exploration area, some new places to the blackmarket including a tavern with it's own elven owner and new games and bits of entertainment to keep you busy, many bugfixes and balancing features too!**NEW FEATURES***

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-07-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy That's a shame about steam guys, is a pretty good alternative as defender says! URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-07-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy This update includes a huge amount of new goblin faces, more than quadrupling the number of goblin faces in the game, as well as the bandits ability to recruit bandits from locations just like you, making them more scarce and making the

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Dranelement, that's weird, shoot steam and email and see what they say!@Xoren, they should definitely be separate as they are in most games! I'll look into this URL:

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Warsim 0688Hey guys, this update is already live on steam but I'm late to put the changelog up, mostly bugfixes and some more additions to the blackmarket, chiefly if the leader of it is a goblin, you get racist scrawlings, new buildings

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Hi guys thanks for all the comments@Niklas, you can get it from directly! Thanks @Dranelement, thank you dranelement, I hope you enjoy the new updates@Hadi.gsf, It's a good thought but to be fair I

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy Hi guys, this update includes some huge news! the game has been greenlit and will be going live very soon! I have been working hard on a massive update as a final free release, but I have been working on this game for over two years and I

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Mata, no I was just explaining the process of releasing warsim and saying that I used to release two versions of the wastes before and it was hard work URL:

Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2017-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector
Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy @Niklas, could do, but I tried to maintain that with the wastes before and it was so hard to update two version of a game file multiple times a week, it made things take so much longerAs it stands once I'm done coding a version, I drag the

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