As is divinely foretold in the Qur'an

2005-09-12 Thread Brent Poirier
I am curious what verses you folks feel the Bab may mean when He writes As is divinely foretold in the Qur'an. And from the moment when the Tree of the Bayan appeared until it disappeareth is the Resurrection of the Apostle of God, as is divinely foretold in the Qur'an; the beginning of which

re: Baha'i Faith as Fulfillment of the Mission of Islam

2005-09-12 Thread Brent Poirier
This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favor on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion. - Qur'an 5:3 The stage of perfection of everything is reached when its resurrection occurreth. The perfection of the religion of Islam was consummated at the beginning of

Re: Self Definitions

2005-09-04 Thread Brent Poirier
Mark is a sociologist. I would compare this to a physician who holds strong moral opinions and has a well-defined belief system. But when a patient is before him and he is caring for him, he does not care what that person's beliefs are; in fact does not care if the person is a criminal. He

Re: Glory of God in the Arabic New Testament

2005-09-04 Thread Brent Poirier
Let's think through the question of whether Baha'u'llah chose His Name because it was mentioned in the Revelation of John explicitly. He assumed this name when He lived in Iraq; or was He still living in Iran? Both countries 90% Muslim. If His intention was to posture His name to fulfill

RE: 2000 Years of suffering

2005-08-28 Thread Brent Poirier
Tim Nolan wrote: While I agree with this, it occurs to me that Muslims may actually be afraid to speak out against the persecution of Baha'is, for fear that they themselves will become targets of the violence and venom of fanatics. If a Muslim believes that speaking up in defense of the Baha'is

RE: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-27 Thread Brent Poirier
The institutions the Guardian and the Master write about, the International Executive, the International Executive, the International Force -- none of these are Baha'i institutions, none of these are under the governance of the Universal House of Justice. This is the secular stage of the

re: Body Position, Qiblih and Baha'i Burial

2005-08-27 Thread Brent Poirier
It's my personal understanding that when the Guardian states that the face of the dead should be towards the Qiblih, that is what he means by the feet pointing towards it. I think it is a way of burying the body so that even the dead are symbolically circumambulating the Shrine of Baha'u'llah.

Re: Civil Rights, Protest, Iraq, etc.... Re: Baha'is in Nazi Germany

2005-08-27 Thread Brent Poirier
As far as protests, or various political activities prohibited to Baha'is: We do not urge all people to abandon the realm of politics. We recognize that the role of some people is to participate in the political realm. The role of the Baha'is is not to participate in the politics, but to have

Re: 2000 Years of suffering

2005-08-26 Thread Brent Poirier
If you read pp 172-179 of The World Order of Baha'u'llah, you will see the above quotation in context. In it, Shoghi Effendi outlines God's punishment of the leaders and institutions of Islam, and he names who he speaking about. I suggest that your fear of the Baha'is is misplaced. You are

Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-24 Thread Brent Poirier
Fear is a hard thing to let go of, and you continue to express fear that the Muslims will suffer at the hands of the Baha'is, as the Jews suffered at the hands of Nazis who claimed to be Christians. Such fear causes such intellectual leaps, and enables oneself to perceive them as logical.

RE: Baha'is in Nazi Germany

2005-08-22 Thread Brent Poirier
The only way I know to respond, to perhaps be of service in your search for answers, is to share my own personal experience. In 1968 during the Vietnam War, I was a Catholic, and after reading Tolstoy's letters to Christian soldiers, based on his interpretation of the Gospel, became a

re: Baha'is in Nazi Germany

2005-08-22 Thread Brent Poirier
(David, this is for you, I trust you will read it and weigh it carefully. -- Brent) Comments on the Subject of Politics 7 July 1976 To an individual Bah' Dear Bah' friend, 173.1 The Universal House of Justice received your letter of 15 May conveying your thoughts on the need for Bah's to

Re: Iraq Religious Freedom-Draft Constitution: 2 parts: USCIRF WashPost OpEd; Monitor Article

2005-08-06 Thread Brent Poirier
This is a very hot item, in a very unstable and fluid situation. While I watch with interest, and I'm sure that the House is carefully monitoring the situation, I do not feel qualified to comment for a couple of reasons. One is that I am not at all a constitutional law scholar. I think the

RE: CAn we sue?

2005-08-06 Thread Brent Poirier
Yes. Courts are where disputes are brought and resolved in our society. In some instances there can be arbitration; but even in arbitration, the arbitrator's decision is filed with the court, and the power of the court is used to enforce it. I recall reading, in Balyuzi I believe, that as a

re: A legacy of opposition

2005-06-29 Thread Brent Poirier
The Holy Qur'an says that this charging with insanity against the Sent Ones of God is something that deniers bequeath to each other The same spirit animates the deniers in every age: No sooner did He [the Bab] reveal Himself, than all the people rose up against Him. By some He was denounced as

Re: question fm another list

2005-06-17 Thread Brent Poirier
Gilberto wrote: So one possibility is that Bahaullah was the first in the sense that perhaps his claims were the most explicit. But you are also willing to say that it doesn't really mean anything in particular? Well, there is more to it than that. While the essential unity of the

re: Adoption: Baha'i Children

2005-06-11 Thread Brent Poirier
Check with the National Center. I believe that they will put interested Baha'i couples in touch with mothers who wish their children adopted by Baha'is. Probably the Office of Community Administration. Brent __ You are subscribed to Baha'i

Good and bad imitation

2005-05-31 Thread Brent Poirier
In His Words of Wisdom Baha'u'llah admonishes us not to imitate others: The essence of all that We have revealed for thee is Justice, is for man to free himself from idle fancy and imitation... (Tablets of Baha'u'llah, p. 156) Yet in another place, He urges us to follow the learned who possess

Inner meaning and understanding

2005-05-23 Thread Brent Poirier
In the course of the Suratu'l-Haykal, in the portion addressed to the Shah, Baha'u'llah writes of the meaning of rendering assistance to God: . . . what is preferable in the sight of God is that the cities of men's hearts, which are ruled by the hosts of self and passion, should be subdued by

re: Limits on promoting ideas

2005-05-23 Thread Brent Poirier
Other friends on this list have written: In particular, let's consider the Master's emphatic statement which you quoted, To none is given the right to put forth his own opinion or express his particular conviction. All must seek guidance and turn unto the Center of the Cause and the House of

re: Limits on promoting ideas

2005-05-23 Thread Brent Poirier
Have you ever seen any decision by the Universal House of Justice, that forbids us to promote the inclusion of Women on the Universal House of Justice, or a Guardian after Shoghi Effendi, or any other view in particular? Id like to address a few points. The first is the meaning of the word

RE: The Hands withholding

2005-05-07 Thread Brent Poirier
Vaughn, super job of locating other references to withholding. Thank you, that's right on target and what I was looking for. Sandra, I quite agree that in this Tablet the Manifestation is addressing His own eyes, heart, ears and hands. But then, I believe He transitions into both viewing the

The spiritual process of drawing proofs from the objections

2005-05-07 Thread Brent Poirier
Should you acquaint yourself with the indignities heaped upon the Prophets of God, and apprehend the true causes of the objections voiced by their oppressors, you will surely appreciate the significance of their position. Moreover, the more closely you observe the denials of those who have

RE: The Hands withholding

2005-05-06 Thread Brent Poirier
Hi Sandra. You ask where I see the Institution of the Hands referred to, or perhaps foreshadowed, in this passage from Baha'u'llah. There are two things. The first is to look at the entire section in context: O Living Temple! Stretch forth Thy hand over all who are in heaven and on earth, and

The Hands withholding

2005-05-05 Thread Brent Poirier
In the Suratu'l-Haykal, Baha'u'llah writes of the Hands: O Living Temple! Stretch forth Thy hand over all who are in heaven and on earth, and seize within the grasp of Thy Will the reins of command. We have, verily, placed in Thy right hand the empire of all things. Do as Thou willest, and

re: The Hands withholding

2005-05-05 Thread Brent Poirier
One more thing about the Hands. I have always wondered why, when Shoghi Effendi translated the Master's Will, he inserted the parenthetical phrase (pillars) after the word Hands (pp. 3, 10, 11 and 25). This verse from the Suratu'l-Haykal, part of the same passage I quoted in the previous

An interesting parallel

2005-05-03 Thread Brent Poirier
An interesting parallel between being unswayed by the insinuations of the rebellious, and being unmoved by slander; and the image of the Temple in both quotations. Brent We, verily, have ordained this Temple to be the source of all existence in the new creation, that all may know of a

RE: Abide, Baqaa [connected with the Covenant] AND ALSO pruning

2005-05-02 Thread Brent Poirier
Do the sacred Texts speak of how to attain fanaa and baqaa? Thanks Brent __ You are subscribed to Baha'i Studies as: Unsubscribe: send a blank email to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subscribe: send subscribe bahai-st in

re: Abide, Baqaa

2005-05-01 Thread Brent Poirier
Tim, my own view is the same as yours, as far as the reason for repetition. I heard from a man who heard from Hand of the Cause Samandari, that Baha'u'llah told Samandari words to the effect When you want your listener to remember something, say it three times. I cannot now locate a passage in

Re: Psych counselling and the Faith

2005-04-22 Thread Brent Poirier
Check these two links: Brent __ You are subscribed to Baha'i Studies as: Unsubscribe: send a blank email to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subscribe: send

The Letter that proceeded

2005-03-16 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law
This is a selection from one of the prayers for the Fast by Bahaullah: I beseech Thee, O my God, by that Letter which, as soon as it proceeded out of the mouth of Thy will, hath caused the oceans to surge, and the winds to blow, and the fruits to be revealed, and the trees to spring forth, and

Attainment unto all good

2005-03-04 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law
I am interested in the connection between all good in these verses. I know that Khazeh has written about the letter sad I believe, in connection with the good in the New Testament Jesus spoke of, and I want that connection, too. Thanks, Brent In the year nine ye shall attain unto all good. The

Fw: U.S. educators needed to assist with potential Baha'i-based public school

2005-02-28 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law
- Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Baha'i Discuss Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 6:59 PM Subject: U.S. educators needed to assist with potential Baha'i-based public school Dear Friends, Jade has asked me to forward this, and requests that it be disseminated as

Fw: Dan Seals

2005-02-28 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law A very beautiful song with photo montage Brent __ You are subscribed to Baha'i Studies as: To unsubscribe, send a blank email to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] To subscribe, use

re: Abdu'l-Baha in Abu-Sinan - 3

2005-02-10 Thread Brent Poirier
I am loving this. For one thing, every time I read about the Druze I read that their beliefs are unknown and undiscoverable; so it is very helpful to read this summary. Secondly, up until Dr. Younis Khan's Memoirs were recently published, the only information we had in English about the

Re: Mr. Khadem's comment (was: Prophets seeing the future)

2005-02-03 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law
Tim, on further reflection I would like to say something about the legitimacy of Mr. Khadem's comment about Promulgation. I would compare it first of all to Paris Talks. Paris Talks is, to me, the simplest, least challenging of the Master's addresses or Tablets. It is baby food. The Master

Re: Resolving perplexities

2005-02-03 Thread Brent Poirier
Tim wrote: Surely, near the end of his life, Shoghi Effendi must have realized there would not be any Guardian after him. After twenty years of marriage, he had no children, and Ruhiyyih Khanum was nearing the end of child-bearing years. By that time, all of the other Aghsan had broken the

The meaning the Guardian attached to the word mutilation

2005-02-02 Thread Brent Poirier
I would like to illustrate from another passage of his writings where his intention is perhaps clearer, what Shoghi Effendi means by the term mutilated. In his introduction to God Passes By he explains that the periods of Baha'i history must be understood as one inseparable whole; to divorce

re: Resolving perplexities

2005-02-01 Thread Brent Poirier
I wrote: Why would the Master and Baha'u'llah establish such a provision, if in Their divine wisdom and foresight they knew it would never come about? Susan replied: First off, as you know it was Abdu'l-Baha, not Baha'u'llah who made this provision. But on what do you base you assumption

Prophets seeing the future

2005-02-01 Thread Brent Poirier
The Master wrote: As for the reference in The Hidden Words regarding the Covenant entered into on Mount Paran, this signifieth that in the sight of God the past, the present and the future are all one and the same -- whereas, relative to man, the past is gone and forgotten, the present is

RE: Resolving perplexities

2005-02-01 Thread Brent Poirier
As someone who enjoys reading history, I would be a bit careful with such sources as Priceless Pearl. Often in their enthusiasm, some authors read back events into what actually was said or had occurred. For instance, why would Baha'u'llah be telling Abdu'l-Baha to look among His *grandsons*

Re: Resolving perplexities

2005-02-01 Thread Brent Poirier
Susan, you ask what provision the Master made for the House of Justice to function without a Guardian. In looking at the first part of the Master's Will (p. 14) we see that the Master provided for the Guardian to be a member of, and to chair, the House of Justice. This is what I would term

re: Prophets seeing the future

2005-02-01 Thread Brent Poirier
On the other hand I think you go far beyond anything which is expicitly found in the Writings when you assert that Abdu'l-Baha established a Guardianship knowing it would end with Shoghi Effendi. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that the Master designated the House of Justice to

re: Prophets aren't fortunetellers

2005-02-01 Thread Brent Poirier
If God planned our marriages, then what was He thinking when He planned over 900 wives for Nasiri'd-Din Shah? Baha'u'llah said that if the Shah opposed Him, judgment would be rendered against him! Brent __ You are subscribed to Baha'i Studies

re: Scope of the House of Justice

2005-01-30 Thread Brent Poirier
Because Baha'u'llah makes no mention of the Institution of the Guardianship by name in His Writings; and because even those references in His Writings to a hereditary successor are limited to Him Who hath branched from this mighty Stock, Him Who hath branched from this Ancient Root, and the

re: Scope of the House of Justice

2005-01-30 Thread Brent Poirier
Abdu'l-Baha envisioned a Universal House of Justice that would have a living Guardian serving on it at all times, and as its Head. In that formulation, why wouldn't the infallibility of the House come through the Guardian? I would like to offer some thoughts on this subject raised by Haji

RE: Scope of the House of Justice

2005-01-29 Thread Brent Poirier
Hi Susan, you write: I'm still not persuaded that the Guardian is making a point about any 'uniqueness' to the divine guidance of the House of Justice in this passage. It seems to me he is describing the same process that all our elected insitutions are expected to follow. Mind you, I do think

Re: Scope of the House of Justice

2005-01-28 Thread Brent Poirier
Brent wrote: For example on page 6 of the Constitution, quoted from WOB 153, the Guardian states that the House is divinely guided whether it is making legislative, administrative, or judicial decisions. Susan Wrote: What passage from the World Order of Baha'u'llah are you referring to

RE: Scope of the House of Justice

2005-01-28 Thread Brent Poirier
Hi Susan, you wrote: That particular passage does not strike me as saying anything different than what is true of all of our elected institutions... It seems to me that that entire passage from the Guardian quoted by the House in its Constitution is an elucidation of the verse God will verily

Scope of the House of Justice

2005-01-26 Thread Brent Poirier
As far as letters from the Secretariat on behalf of the House of Justice, as distinguished from letters signed The Universal House of Justice: My feeling is that this may be more of an honorific matter. Letters from the Universal House of Justice itself, must be signed by a member of the

Re: Arson

2005-01-22 Thread Brent Poirier
Why would the punishment be in the book if it wasn't ever supposed to be enforced? For emphasis, to show divine displeasure with the prohibited deed. If the law was intended to be enforced, Baha'u'llah would not have provided an alternative -- life imprisonment without parole. This is a very

Re: Luke 21:33 the Qur'an

2005-01-13 Thread Brent Poirier
Let's face it, we can discuss this stuff for centuries, but it all comes down to this. To anyone who reads the Bible the way we Baha'is read our Writings, then Islam is false. To anyone who reads the Quran the way we Baha'is read our Writings, it is clear that Baha'u'llah is false. It can be

re: Regarding membership on the Universal House of Justice

2005-01-12 Thread Brent Poirier
Actually it was a Universal House of Justice decision that ruled that women could not be on the UHJ. I would like to offer my own take on this. I think that what the House decided, was that it is not a matter on which it can legislate, as the Text has already addressed the subject. The House

Re: The Perfect Man

2005-01-03 Thread Brent Poirier
The Tradition of the Thirty-six Hidden Just Men, Vahid, do you, or does anyone else, see a relation between this tradition and this somewhat mysterious statement of Baha'u'llah? Brent Behold, Bah'u'llh further explains in the Kitb-i-Badi', one of His works refuting the arguments of the

Re: Rank of the Trustees of the Right of God

2004-12-31 Thread Brent Poirier
Thank you for looking that up, Richard. The House wrote a letter dated March 22, 1978, Elucidation of Bah' Teachings on Ranks and Stations (Messages from The Universal House of Justice 1963-1986, pp. 375 ff.) Among the statements in that letter: the Boards of Counsellors outrank the National

Re: Rank of the Trustees of the Right of God

2004-12-31 Thread Brent Poirier
As to reserving a hotel, the Office of Pilgrimage sends out a list, about a year ahead of time, giving the hotels recommended by the House of Justice. You can make arrangements directly with the hotel. We instead opted, at the suggestion of one of the friends, to use the services of Palex

re: Questions about Omniscience and related matters

2004-12-30 Thread Brent Poirier
for instance, the famous passage where Bah'u'llah sees tablet in His mind, i do nopt thhink He actually 'sees a Tablet but He chose that phrase and image to try to communicate His reality to us. There is an interesting record of a conversation in one of Stanwood Cobb's books, I don't recall

re: What Convinced Me (was: Questions about Omniscience and related matters)

2004-12-30 Thread Brent Poirier
Could anyone else tell me, what stands out in your mind about why you converted. What was the thing that grabbed you adn convinced you. The other thing I keep wondering about is certainty. I freely admit, I have little certainly about anything. I really am amazed at the degree of certainty

Stanwood Cobb's books on line

2004-12-30 Thread Brent Poirier
Two of Cobb's books are on line, The Unity of Nations and Islamic Contributions to Civilization. Brentcito __ You are subscribed to Baha'i Studies as: To unsubscribe, send a

Rank of the Trustees of the Right of God

2004-12-30 Thread Brent Poirier
I remember reading a statement from the Universal House of Justice in which it said that the rank of the Trustees of the Huquq is higher than that of the Counsellors. I can't locate it, and wonder if any of you know where it is. Thanks Brent __

re: Questions about Omniscience and related matters

2004-12-29 Thread Brent Poirier
As we strive to grasp the meaning of omniscience at will, I personally think that the starting point is that this is manifestly beyond our ability to grasp. As in one of the quotes from the Master from SAQ, He states that there are matters beyond the capacity of man to know. So symbols are

re: Questions about Omniscience and related matters

2004-12-29 Thread Brent Poirier
It is my understanding that there was no Maiden. Shoghi Effendi writes of Baha'u'llah's vision of the Maiden in the Siyah-Chal that the Maiden, and all the other images used for the earlier Manifestations of God, were symbols: so critical an hour and under such appalling circumstances

Re: Questions about Omniscience and related matters

2004-12-29 Thread Brent Poirier
As to the ways Baha'u'llah aids us in the Iqan to recognize the Manifestation, and whether logic is involved. In my personal view, one needs to approach the Iqan without preconceptions as to what Baha'u'llah will offer as proofs. Instead, to see what He actually presents as proofs and

Re: Universal Cycle

2004-12-28 Thread Brent Poirier
Each Universal Cycle has two stages. The first is the Cycle of Prophecy, and the second is the Cycle of Fulfillment. Abdu'l-Baha stated that the Bab signalized the termination of the 'Prophetic Cycle' and the inception of the 'Cycle of Fulfillment'. (God Passes By, p. 57) Adam was the first

Re: Universal Cycle

2004-12-28 Thread Brent Poirier
It is evident that every age in which a Manifestation of God hath lived is divinely ordained, and may, in a sense, be characterized as God's appointed Day. This Day, however, is unique, and is to be distinguished from those that have preceded it. The designation Seal of the Prophets fully

Past Revelations

2004-12-26 Thread Brent Poirier
The Baha'i Writings are filled with praise of the previous Revelations sent down by God. Similarly, the Writings of all of the Prophets praise the Revelations that preceded Them. At the same time, a Revelation is sent for a specific season. When that season is finished, the force of the

Re: Bahai jihad?

2004-12-25 Thread Brent Poirier
Let's say that for whatever reason certain religious militant fundamentalists look at the Bahai faith's global ambitions and claims to have superceded the previous religions and see the growing Bahai faith as a threat. First it should be said that there is precious little in the Baha'i Writings

Re: Bahai jihad?

2004-12-25 Thread Brent Poirier
That is interesting. Do you have the specific reference for that? Especially the ban on holy war. We should also bear in mind that the distinguishing character of the Bah' Revelation does not solely consist in the completeness and unquestionable validity of the Dispensation which the

Baha'i Teachings on Abortion

2004-12-25 Thread Brent Poirier
Although Shoghi Effendi said that abortions should not be permitted unless authorized by the woman's physician I suggest that is an incomplete statement of the teachings on the subject. I have posted some quotes below that put the matter of consulation with the physician into a context. there

A few observations on recent postings

2004-12-19 Thread Brent Poirier
1. As far as Thief in the Night, my recollection is that Mr. Sears told us that he wrote that book when he was a Catholic. I know from his wife Marguerite that he left behind a good number of unpublished works including plays that were fully scripted. So he was a prolific writer, and

Baha'i Laws derived from the Qur'an

2004-12-15 Thread Brent Poirier
I am only aware of one Baha'i law that is directly derived from the Qur'an: And in the matter of Zakat, We have likewise decreed that you should follow what hath been revealed in the Qur'n. (Baha'u'llah, Tablet of Questions and Answers No. 107, The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 140) There are other Baha'i

RE: Science and the Future of Religion

2004-12-13 Thread Brent Poirier
Khazeh wrote: My dear Brother Brent, May I openly thank you for your postings You know, one of the things that happened in Baha'i history is that the Baha'is in Ishqabad, who had been attacked by Muslim mobs, spoke up at the trials of the Muslims and requested the court to reduce their

re: Science and the Future of Religion

2004-12-12 Thread Brent Poirier
I do not believe in what I call physical miracles; that is, violations of the scientific laws of the universe (such as gravity). That does not make spirituality and religion any less wonderful. Far from it. This reminds me of poets who also know the scientific basis of beautiful natural

Re: The Baha'i Praises of Islam

2004-12-11 Thread Brent Poirier
Our friend Gilberto wrote: There are also scathing condemnations of Muslims as a community In the Baha'i Writings there are criticisms of Jews who did not recognize Jesus Christ, and Christians who did not recognize Muhammad, and Muslims who did not recognize the Bab and Baha'u'llah, and have

The Iqan and Reason

2004-12-10 Thread Brent Poirier
Dear Ron: Its my understanding that Bahaullah demonstrates a hundred times in the course of the Iqan that a literal approach to Scripture is a superficial one. But I see that as entirely different from what you have said here about the Book. You seem to me to be conflating a non-literal

re: Ruhi, Ruhi Method Rigidity

2004-12-10 Thread Brent Poirier
Tutor: I don't think any of the ideas you have described is wrong or undesirable in principle. The problem is .that referring to them as elements of a Ruhi method introduces rigidity into a process that is otherwise simple, joyful, and sensitive to a diversity of needs. For example, you all

Ruhi and reading the Writings

2004-12-09 Thread Brent Poirier
1. Okay, but, in all seriousness, why should anyone care about the supposed findings of tutors? Because the feedback process is extremely valuable. It moves a group from theory into actuality. It is an established part of good planning -- evaluate how you're doing. My impression of the Ruhi

Ether and Evolution and Infallibility

2004-12-09 Thread Brent Poirier
Ron wrote: I brought up two examples of areas where a strictly literal view of the infallibility of the Writings (in this case the Writings of Abdul Baha) leads some Baha'is to see the necessity to dis-believe in the science of evolution and quantum physics. Do you believe in the need to come

re: Moses had to turn aside to see

2004-11-20 Thread Brent Poirier
In studying this passage I realized it wasn't the common understanding of the words in the sense of turning away. No, he had to deviate from the path he was on, go out of the way, detour, and purposely seek out what this was, altering his course from then on. This reminds me of something one

The Solitary Place

2004-09-12 Thread Brent Poirier
Baha'u'llah explains in His Writings (Iqan 139 ff., ESW 115 ff.) that the Scriptures of all Faiths promise the Presence of God on the earth. This is one of those verses: 'Where is the Lord your God?' . . . In that day He shall come to you from Assyria and the fortified cities, from the

NY Times ad re: destruction of Baha'i holy sites in Iran

2004-09-12 Thread Brent Poirier
The US NSA has taken out a full page ad in today's New York Times, page 17 in the first section. It is described in this article from the World Center. Brent - Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2004 7:05 AM Subject: New Baha'i World News Service

re: Alternative Study Circle Model

2004-09-02 Thread Brent Poirier
I am also interested; but I am also quite busy with existing projects. My own take on the Ruhi approach, is that the House is more interested in instilling the *methodology* than in the *content* of the Ruhi program. That is, the House wanted to break two molds. One mold, the more important

re: on US TV Reaching Christians? be they Protestants or Catholics

2004-08-16 Thread Brent Poirier
I thought James did a great job of answering from the Bible. If the show had not done a hatchet job of editing out when the Baha'is made sound points, what we read would be very different. But the purpose of Mr. Ankerberg is to show the errant ways of everybody else but him. If it were a fair

Recommendation sought

2004-08-08 Thread Brent Poirier
A woman at this morning's fireside asked for a scholarly treatment of Progressive Revelation. I would be grateful for your recommendations. Moojan Momen's The Phenomenon of Religion is in the right spirit and has the scholarly approach, but its focus is more on comparative religion, a thematic

re: A request for a Qur'anic verse

2004-08-07 Thread Brent Poirier
Also there are many websites where you can hear the verses of the Qur'an recited: This is the chapter you requested: Also: Also: Also: Brent

Studying for CFP

2004-07-19 Thread Brent Poirier
Does anyone know of a Baha'i studying to become a Certified Financial Planner? Please contact me directly [EMAIL PROTECTED] mariposa at newmexico dot com Thanks Brent __ You are subscribed to Baha'i Studies as: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] To

Shoghi Effendi's Ode to the Shrine of the Bab

2004-07-09 Thread Brent Poirier
This prayer, or ode to the Shrine of the Bab written by Shoghi Effendi, is a part of his Naw-Ruz 1955 Message to the Baha'is of Persia. The translation was approved by the Universal House of Justice, and excerpts from it are included in Hand of the Cause Khadem's article, The Mountain of God

Supporting Varga Magazine

2004-07-08 Thread Brent Poirier
- Original Message - Forwarded From: Varqa Magazine Secretariat Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 9:21 AM Subject: Please help us help your children Subject: Please help us help your children Dear Baha'i Friend Once more we write to request that if you intended to subscribe to

Giving the scammers a taste of their own medicine

2004-06-24 Thread Brent Poirier
There's a website devoted to people who lead these scammers down the garden path. The ones who say that they were at a diplomatic reception and got your name from the ambassador; or that they know you are a good and decent Christian, and will treat the matter with discretion, so here's how to

re: Freedom of religion

2004-06-18 Thread Brent Poirier
I heard that Shoghi Effendi at one point removed a person from the Cause without declaring him an enemy of the Faith or a Covenant-breaker, based on the verse leave that soul to himself. That is, that there was precedent for the House of Justice removing a person from the rolls. Brent

re: Merchants of Babylon

2004-06-18 Thread Brent Poirier
This interpretation of corrupt religious leaders as merchants That's a very interesting interpretation. And to me, it does not in the slightest degrade the profession of merchant. Similarly, in the Book of Revelation the new Law is foreshadowed as a woman (12:1); and corrupt religion as a

re: Spiritual disease

2004-05-23 Thread Brent Poirier
My recollection is that Hand of the Cause Bill Sears wrote in God Loves Laughter that he read the Dawn-breakers, and informed Marguerite that he was a Babi. This lasted for some time, and then he read about Baha'u'llah. Likewise I don't think this lady did anything but a noble thing. The Bab

re: Fwd: Liberal Muslim Scholar: The Term 'Jihad' is Misunderstood by Islamist Clerics

2004-04-22 Thread Brent Poirier
The word jihad literally means to make the greatest effort. It is my impression that it gradually came to mean to make war; and this may even be a complete distortion and hijacking of the word's original intent (I'm interested in knowing if that is the case). As an Arabic word, it does not

Re: The concept of Vengence in Islam

2004-04-18 Thread Brent Poirier
It might be useful to review with your friend the chapter in Some Answered Questions in which the Master interprets the 11th Chapter of the Revelation of St. John. In this, He shows that the Prophet Muhammad is promised in the Bible in holy and santified terms as one of the two Witnesses; but

re: Entry by Troops

2004-04-14 Thread Brent Poirier
I understand troops to mean significant groups of people, comparable to the incidents in the Acts of the Apostles when hundreds and thousands became believers at one time (Acts 2:41, 4:4). It is my understanding that the dawn of entry by troops was in 1953: Rejoice to share with Bah'

Re: Re:Infallibility of the Guardian Divine Guidance

2004-04-07 Thread Brent Poirier
. Brent Poirier, President People United Against Plate Tectonics __ You are subscribed to Baha'i Studies as: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe send a blank email to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Baha'i Studies is available through the following: Mail

re: Infallibility of the Guardian Divine Guidance

2004-04-06 Thread Brent Poirier
Some disconnected thoughts, I haven't worked all of this through. 1. The Guardian stated that he is not infallible in economics or science. Somehow, history got added to that list. It is entirely possible that he is *not* infallible in writing or editing history; my point is that he didn't

California assistance

2004-04-05 Thread Brent Poirier
Is there someone on this list in Sacramento, California who can assist me with a brief research matter? Thanks Brent attorney (at) cybermesa dot com __ You are subscribed to Baha'i Studies as: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe send a blank

re: Question about old Baha'i book

2004-03-24 Thread Brent Poirier
I take very seriously what `Abdu'l-Baha said about not having that book under one's roof. It's an unusually strong warning. I don't personally think that the fact that it's over a century old, means that it is incapable of taking the burnish off of one's devotion to the Master. I don't buy

re: authenticity of lights of Guidance

2004-02-27 Thread Brent Poirier
Firestorm wrote: the beloved Guardian told us that if he had something to say to everybody, he did. and if he had advice for a person, he did, but it had no binding nature. A very good post, Firestorm. It brings to mind the general question -- and my response is to all the folks on this

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