bell question

2003-06-25 Thread Linda Wallace
I asked for suggestions a week or two ago about how to keep track of my dogs when hiking. Several of you suggested bells. I thought that was a great idea and ordered 2 swiss bells off of a web page. The arrived yesterday just as we were leaving for a hike. I put them on the dog's collars and

pet tracking device/hiking

2003-06-17 Thread Linda Wallace
Here's a link to a story that just came out on CNN's web page. It's a global positioning device (GPS) for dogs. I can't tell if there are plans to release it in the US or just Japan. But it would be great if we got somethi

Re: lump question

2003-01-22 Thread Linda Wallace
In regards to my posting this morning about the lump I found on Mocha: I just got back from the vet. He found a oozy, crusty wound that was less than an inch away from the lump I had felt. So he thinks that the lump I found is just an irritated lymph node, that will get better when the wound h

lump question

2003-01-22 Thread Linda Wallace
I was petting Mocha (spayed, 2 yrs old) this morning and felt a lump on her torso. Actually it was just behind her front left leg, but underneath her - I guess that would still be considered her stomach area? It was right where the black and white fur meets. It's about an inch away from a n

total hip replacement advice

2002-10-08 Thread Linda Wallace
Mocha was diagnosed with hip dysplasia at the beginning of this year. And she has shown clinical signs ever since I got her at 7+ weeks old. She just turned 2 years old last week. When she was diagnosed by the Virginia Tech vet school they recommended a total hip replacement. They did say