[Ontbirds] Snow Geese in the east

2020-03-26 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
A quick run to the north revealed no geese of any kind along Cty Rd #9 north of Fournier. The flooded fields along the South Nation River have drained quickly so the potential attraction has disappeared. East of Bourget at Cobb's Lake Creek there is the usual flooding but there was still

[Ontbirds] Snow Geese in the east

2020-03-24 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
The show appears to be over for this part of Eastern Ontario. There was only one small flock present this evening east of Lancaster although there were still many birds in the area. The rest chose fields in Quebec for their evening dining after leaving the river at the Quebec border. In the time

[Ontbirds] Snow Geese - Lancaster

2020-03-22 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
The Snow Goose spectacle continued today with flocks descending on cornfields northeast of Lancaster (actually north and east of Bainsville) after 5:30. Most remained at a considerable distance from roads so no detailed observations were possible but there were such large numbers that the show was

[Ontbirds] Snow Geese - Lancaster

2020-03-22 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
Checking the area northeast of Lancaster again yesterday, the birds headed to the river during the day with not a single bird present in the harvested cornfields at 4:00 p.m. That began to change about an hour later as about 15-20,000 came in to one field. By 6 p.m., more had appeared with about

[Ontbirds] Pintails east of Lancaster

2020-03-20 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
My fingers sent the goose message before I was finished typing. I had a flock of about 1500 Pintails along the South Service Rd east of Bainsville. The birds were at the back of a field near the water and adjacent to a small pumphouse (small square building). Some would lift off, almost hover in

[Ontbirds] Snow Geese Lancaster

2020-03-20 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
The flocks reported yesterday in fields northeast of Lancaster (about 20 minutes east of Cornwall) were present this evening. The birds were in scattered flocks of hundreds to a few thousand with larger numbers of 5,000, 10,000 and 60,000. I had 140,000 total, spread out over numerous fields of

[Ontbirds] St. Lawrence River water level

2020-01-11 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
The area from Cornwall, above the dam, to Iroquois is experiencing its lowest level in a lifetime according to seniors, down likely almost four feet from the late December level. Once the Seaway was closed for the season, the water level was reduced to the point that large stretches of shallow

[Ontbirds] Spotted Towhee Prince Edward Point

2019-11-20 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
While searching unsuccessfully for the Harris's Sparrow this morning in Wellington (not seen for the last two days as far as we know) we learned about this bird and had it about 20 minutes after we arrived. The bird is coming to seed that has been scattered on the path (road) to the lighthouse

[Ontbirds] Snow Geese in Eastern Ontario

2019-11-08 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
People have been wondering where the birds are and there is no good answer. The sod fields along Lafleche Rd east of Casselman have failed to yield birds on multiple passes since the large movement 10 days ago. About 1,000+ were in harvested cornfields northeast of Hwy 417 and Hwy 138. Another

[Ontbirds] Snow Geese in Eastern Ontario

2019-10-31 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
As I was passing by the favoured resting area east of Casselman late this morning I didn't see any Snow Geese on the sod fields. There was a small flock north of Monkland on Hwy 138. From Hwy 417 about a km west of Hwy 138 I noted a number of them on the field south of the road not far from the

[Ontbirds] Snow Geese in Eastern Ontario

2019-10-29 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
They are late but a large flock has finally arrived. At noon today and for 90 minutes afterwards flocks of Snow Geese, mostly Greater Snows but with some Lessers settled in to the sod farm east of Casselman. By the time I left there were about 35,000 present with another 5000 northeast of St. Rose

[Ontbirds] Snow Geese in Eastern Ontario

2019-10-10 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
For the last two weeks there has been a slow build up of Snow Geese east of Casselman (25 minutes east of Ottawa). The majority are Greaters but there are also Lesser Snow Geese as well. Today we had about 5000 on the sod farm in two distinct areas (there are fields further west). Feeding on short

[Ontbirds] Western Sandpipers at Presqu'ile

2019-08-30 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
I don't know if there has been a sighting today but here is an observation from Wednesday. The bird I reported looked similar to the bird seen the same day in Toronto but a Western was reported at Presqu'ile before we arrived although we did not know it at the time. It was not the same bird,

[Ontbirds] Golden Plovers near Ottawa

2019-08-30 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
Following up on word that Golden Plovers were recently spotted near Osgoode southeast of Ottawa, last evening I had 108 (photo count) in the expected field. The birds moved about from near the road to the back of the field, being put up first by a large flock of juvenile Starlings that landed

[Ontbirds] Western Sandpiper at Presqu'ile

2019-08-28 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
I wasn't able to confirm the sighting until I got home tonight and examined the few photos I got. The Western was in with a small flock of Semipalmated Sandpipers on Beach 3 late this afternoon. I had spotted it in the flock and was suspicious but the light was harsh and they immediately flew a

Re: [Ontbirds] Great Egrets with red and white leg bands

2019-08-09 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
Good to know. I'll pass the information along to a few club members who are out on a regular basis. Our roost on Richmond Drive was inactive last year although a few dozen birds fed there regularly last year. This year the area is heavily overgrown with cattails and there is no roost or feeding.

[Ontbirds] No Pelicans at Ingleside

2019-05-11 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
The birds were present off Farran Park until late yesterday but were not seen this morning. Brian Morin ___ ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the provincial birding organization. Send bird reports to

[Ontbirds] White Pelicans at Ingleside

2019-05-10 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
The six are still present on the river off Farren Park campground but a Mute Swan continues to make periodic passes to drive them out. So far they are resisting the attacks. They have not returned to the water closer to the county road. Brian Morin Directions : Ingleside is east of Morrisburg

[Ontbirds] White Pelicans at Ingleside

2019-05-10 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
The birds were reported this morning from the same location they flew to last evening, on the river off the west end of the Farren Park campground, almost over to the far shore. They were still being harassed by a Mute Swawn which had driven them away from the water near the road. it is anyone's

[Ontbirds] White Pelicans at Ingleside

2019-05-09 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
By the time news got out yesterday, the six birds had departed the area near the Upper Canada Migratory Bird Sanctuary after being harassed by Mute Swans. Surprisingly the birds returned this afternoon. Where they went in the meantime is unknown but they had flown east at an extreme elevation but

[Ontbirds] White Pelicans at Ingleside

2019-05-08 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
This morning at around 10:20, six White Pelicans landed on the St. Lawrence at Ingleside (15 minutes west of Cornwall). The birds were present swimming and feeding actively until around 11:40 when a final push by a flotilla of Mute Swans forced the birds out. One swan had flown a good distance at

[Ontbirds] Snow Geese in Eastern Ontario

2019-04-08 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
They're back. I was hoping that after the initial movement through to Quebec that some of the birds would return, and they have. I heard that the floodplain along the South Nation River at Fournier has a very large number of birds, likely larger than the total of the initial flocks we had seen

[Ontbirds] Snow Geese in Eastern Ontario

2019-04-05 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
The movement of mostly Greater Snow Geese has temporarily calmed. The main flight left a week ago and flocks that held back have been a few thousand here and there in areas north of the St. Lawrence. We could see some geese retrace their flight from Quebec back into Ontario in the next week or

[Ontbirds] Geese on the St. Lawrence

2019-03-28 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
I am providing an assessment of the overall goose migration not just the Snow Geese. Following up from my previous post there has been a substantial change today. A river run to the west between Cornwall and Iroquois failed to turn up more than a handful of Snows (mostly Greater) in the morning

[Ontbirds] Goose migration along the St. Lawrence

2019-03-25 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
Others noted today that there were good numbers of geese near Prescott, both Canadas and Snows. I covered the area from Cornwall to Cardinal today and the area from Ingleside east to Lake St. Francis (east of Lancaster) was covered yesterday. In the area I covered the number of Canadas was

[Ontbirds] Geese along the St. Lawrence River

2019-03-21 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
There has been a significant change in the waterfowl landscape in the last couple of days. There are many tens of thousands of Canadas staging in the area before heading further north. From Morrisburg west the river is open and geese are spread out along the shore in the river and in adjacent

[Ontbirds] Junco varieties in Ottawa

2018-12-05 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
There has been a female 'Oregon' (*subspecies*) Junco at the Fletcher Wildlife Garden in Ottawa. The bird is seen around the feeder on a fairly regular basis. This is not news but there is another interesting individual that observers should look out for. A female is present that stands out from

[Ontbirds] Waterbirds on the St. Lawrence River

2018-11-18 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
First a note. The Long Sault Parkway is now closed until the spring, likely sometime in April. The recent cold period with quite cold nights and little or no night winds has brought on a rapid freeze of the river. All bays and shallow areas from Cornwall to west of Ingleside have an ice cover with

[Ontbirds] Snow Geese east of Ottawa

2018-10-30 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
Checking the sod farm east of Casselman at mid-morning there were only about 10,000 Snow Geese, mostly Greaters but Lessers as well. As I was leaving, another 7,000 flew in from the east, likely coming in from corn fields. At 2:00 the numbers had swollen to 40,000+. Brian Morin Directions: From

[Ontbirds] Snow Geese east of Ottawa

2018-10-19 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
A quick stop at noon showed about the same number of birds as yesterday (30,000 +). For those timing their visit it is important to consider the weather. On a bright sunny day like this if the birds are on the south side of the road, which is where they have only been for me, then checking for

[Ontbirds] Snow Geese east of Ottawa

2018-10-19 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
The number of Snow Geese on the sod farm east of Casselman has increased to about 45,000 since last weekend. The peak should be reached in about another week or more. Flocks moved in and out with less than 35,000 present at one time. Some birds had fed elsewhere during the day and moved in from

Re: [Ontbirds] Hudsonian Godwit near Morrisburg

2018-10-14 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
The godwit remained until after 3:00 then lifted off and migrated west. Small flocks of shorebirds were moving past the area today – Dunlin, Pectoral Sandpipers, Black-bellied Plovers and Semipalmated Plovers with a single Semipalmated Sandpiper stopping. There was a female Ruddy Duck in with the

[Ontbirds] Snow Geese east of Ottawa

2018-10-13 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
Over the past couple of weeks, the Greater Snow Geese have been very slowly building on the sod farm east of Casselman. Today there were about 7000 birds with maybe 1000 Canadas sitting separately. There were also about 20 Lesser Black-backed Gulls mixed in with mostly Herrings in the same field.

[Ontbirds] Say's Phoebe - Algonquin Park update

2018-10-02 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
If anyone has looked for the bird today please indicate whether or not you have seen it so plans can be made. The weather has likely kept most birders out of the park but if you have checked and not found it that information is important as well. Brian Morin

[Ontbirds] Western Sandpiper at Presqu'ile

2018-08-27 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
After a brief viewing period with the bird moving about at the end of Owen Point it vanished for the rest of the day but actually it pulled a fast one on all of us. I was at the point for much of the day and never saw it until very late. It had been sleeping for most of the day beside a small log

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile shorebirds

2018-05-23 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
This was a very odd day at the park. There were almost no shorebirds this morning along the beaches, with one larger flock of probable Dunlins on the far side of Gull Island. The rest of the morning was disheartening. After a break for warblers, which were also thin, a second run at the beaches

[Ontbirds] Snow Geese east of Casselman

2018-04-22 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
The extensive sod farm east of Casselman has been hosting large flocks of Snows in recent days. At mid morning there were three flocks totalling 35-40,000 and at 5:00 there were about 25,000. In both cases the flocks were not too far from either the centre road to the landfill or the north road

[Ontbirds] Wolfe Island birds

2018-04-10 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
While doing a Snowy Owl count today I had a very brief view of a distant falcon harassing a Snowy. The sighting was only a few seconds as I jumped out of the car to check. They were far out, closer to Fourth and Baseline so I couldn't accurately determine size but it may have been the Gyrfalcon. I

[Ontbirds] Snow Geese in Eastern Ontario

2018-04-05 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
A check of the Riceville floodplain showed large flocks of Snow Geese (mostly Greater) tightly huddled together braving the high wind. The cold temperature overnight and for much of the morning kept the birds from feeding (new ice had formed over a lot of the shallow water) but around noon some

[Ontbirds] Snow Geese in Eastern Ontario

2018-04-02 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
Following Bruce Di Labio's report of Snow Geese yesterday on the Riceville floodplain north of St. Isidore, the number of Snows mushroomed today. I had about 125,000 in three flocks but all within a relatively close area. This is the largest 'inland' flock we've had and much larger than normal

[Ontbirds] Snow Geese in Eastern Ontario

2018-03-30 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
Full Stop. Following yesterday's significant rain and clearing this morning, westerly winds picked up and took the geese back on their journey. While a small number of birds flew over the site east of Lancaster they landed in the middle of the river. At noon a larger flock of a few thousand

[Ontbirds] Snow Goose neck collars

2018-03-30 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
Here is the link for submitting Snow Goose collar information. Report Banded Geese *www.reportband.gov/ * Brian Morin ___ ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the provincial birding

[Ontbirds] Snow Goose migration in Eastern Ontario

2018-03-30 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
There was a major change in activity on Thursday compared with Wednesday. The number of geese more than doubled and on Wednesday they were already higher than we normally see in a single flock in spring. Thursday's total was estimated at over 175,000. It is possible that over 200,000 were in the

[Ontbirds] Snow Geese in Eastern Ontario

2018-03-29 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
I'll do a followup detailed post late tonight but for anyone planning to check out the Snow Geese east of Lancaster at Westley's Point tomorrow, don't show up until late in the morning or early afternoon. There may be no geese there at all first thing. More later. Brian Morin

[Ontbirds] Snow Geese in Eastern Ontario

2018-03-28 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
Somehow the main flight of Snow Geese arrived yesterday, unannounced. The birds showed up east of South Lancaster at Westley's Point, the same location as the big flight of 2011. Ice conditions are very similar to what they were back then which is great. An absense of ice means there is no reason

Re: [Ontbirds] Snow Geese returning

2018-03-27 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
Further to Brenda's report, there were at least two Ross's Geese in the flock. There is a good bit of ice in the bay just east of town and this is a favourite roosting spot for the Snows. They gathered there later in the afternoon and can best be viewed from Cty Rd #2. There was a Trumpeter Swan

[Ontbirds] Wolfe Island birds

2018-03-19 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
Landbird migration remains stalled with a small number of blackbirds and Robins showing but no new arrivals. Canada Geese are numerous – one Snow Goose as well as a few Tundra Swans. A small number of Rough-legged Hawks and a couple of Harriers. The large number of Snowy Owls reported last week

[Ontbirds] Goose migration on the St. Lawrence

2018-03-18 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
Last week's major snowstorm followed by a mid-January level cold breakout sent 99% of the Snow Geese back to the U.S. until conditions improve. There had been an advance flock of about 5-7000 birds between Morrisburg and Cardinal and now there are only a handful near Cardinal. I suspect that a few

[Ontbirds] Geese on the St. Lawrence and Wolfe Island birds

2018-03-12 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
I checked out the *Mariatown* waterfront (immediately west of Morrisburg) Monday and there were numerous Canadas as has been the case for a couple of weeks. A little further west there were about 2-3000 Snow Geese (mainly Greater) as well as a pair of Mute Swans. While Mutes can be found regularly

[Ontbirds] Geese at Morrisburg

2018-03-01 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
There were three species of geese at Morrisburg today – The number of Canadas is substantial, many thousands from east of town to further west. There was a small flock of about 60 Greater Snow Geese and 2 Cackling Geese. The river is wide open here with a bit of shore ice which the birds like to

[Ontbirds] Gyrfalcon Kingston - comments on Amherst Island

2018-02-26 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
Late this afternoon I had the gray morph Gyrfalcon on the west end of Wolfe Island. I watched the bird for a short time then it moved south. I was unable to relocate it. There were also about 60 Greater Snow Geese on the ground. Amherst Island: For those planning a trip to Amherst I would

[Ontbirds] Snow Geese and Snowy Owls in Eastern Ontario

2018-02-25 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
With a continuation of recent mild conditions observers should be checking for the vanguard of Greater Snow Geese a couple of weeks earier than expected (birds in Southern Ontario are Lesser Snow Geese). In recent days there have been reports of small to medium-sized flocks over the Kingston area

[Ontbirds] Loons - Cornwall

2017-12-05 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
Yesterday's post by Jon Ruddy of a Pacific Loon at the west end of Cornwall was followed up this morning with a check of the waters west of the power dam. There were a few loons present, representing at least two species. There were several each of Common and Red-throated. One bird may possibly

[Ontbirds] King Eider-Cardinal

2017-11-30 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
Hans van der Zweep and I saw the bird later in the afternoon but it was feeding in the river in the fast water. It would fly to the end of the peninsula to the west and float downriver about 100 yards then repeat the process. It was within 50--100 feet of shore. Brian Morin Directions: From

[Ontbirds] King Eider - Long Sault

2017-11-26 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
As noted by John Ruddy the female eider was still present at 1:45 in the same general area. It had moved in somewhat and moved west to east and back about 200 metres south of the road over Cty Rd #2 west of Long Sault at the Hoople Creek Bridge. The bird could be picked out with the naked eye and

[Ontbirds] Gannet along the Ottawa River west of Ottawa

2017-11-12 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
Bruce Di Labio just called to say he had a first year Gannet fly by along the shore of Constance Bay west of Ottawa at 12:30. He lost sight of the bird and did not refind it but the bird was heading east so a check of the Ottawa River around Lake Deschenes may be advisable. A first year Gannet

[Ontbirds] Snow Geese east of Casselman - Cranes near Navan - Pink-footed Goose in New York

2017-11-09 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
I'll begin with the latter bird. A *Pink-footed Goose* was reported yesterday from Malone New York about 30 miles southeast of Cornwall on Rt 37. For those interested it was seen at Malone recreational park pond. The significance of this sighting is that there is a high probability this is the

[Ontbirds] Harlequin Duck - Long Sault

2017-10-22 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
This morning on the Cornwall and Area Birding Club outing led by Bob Scranton, they found an adult male Harlequin Duck in the company of two female White-winged Scoters at Long Sault. The birds were at times close to the causeway at the start of the Long Sault Parkway and at times farther out.

[Ontbirds] Snow Geese east of Ottawa

2017-10-12 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
The number of Greater Snow Geese east of Casselman (30 minutes east of Ottawa) has grown to about 13,000, about 1/7 of what may be there later this month. There were no other obvious species present but only birds that were within a reasonable scope distance could be carefully checked. There are

[Ontbirds] Red-necked Phalaropes - Embrun lagoons

2017-09-01 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
There were four Red-necked Phalaropes in the far end of the first cell (west side as you enter). The only other shorebirds were 3 Lesser Yellowlegs and 1 Semipalmated Sandpiper in the northwest cell. Brian Morin Directions: The Embrun lagoons are east of Ottawa. Exit Hwy 417 at the Crysler

[Ontbirds] Algonquin finches

2017-07-26 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
While in Algonquin Park this week I noted Pine Siskins in several areas and there were singing White-winged Crossbills near Mew Lake. The cone crop on spruce is good this year. Algonquin specialties were scarce but there was a Boreal Chickadee near Wolf Howl Pond. Brian Morin

[Ontbirds] Dickcissel Fowlers Corners

2017-06-26 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
The pair that has set up residence near Fowlers Corners was present with male singing heartily until the rain came mid afternoon. They seem inclined to breed in the field on the east side of the road. As previously noted, the road is busy with regular movement of contractor and utility trucks so

[Ontbirds] Willets Leamington

2017-05-01 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
The beach in Leamington had 21 Willets late morning through early afternoon until dogs flushed them. There was also a Sanderling and adult Lesser Black-backed Gull. The beach is at Seacliffe Park near the ferry dock. Brian Morin ___ ONTBIRDS is

[Ontbirds] Snow Geese in Eastern Ontario

2017-02-27 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
Greater Snow Geese have arrived en masse as of the weekend, a full two weeks earlier than expected and record early in large numbers. Another large flight may take place by next week. There is virtually no ice on the St. Lawrence and little or no snow in the southern part of the United Counties of

[Ontbirds] Great Cormorant in the 1000 Islands

2014-05-08 Thread Brian Morin via ONTBIRDS
This morning, along with Hans van der Zweep and Bob Scranton I had an adult male Great Cormorant clearly showing white flank patches flying west over the St. Lawrence at the U.S end of the 1000 Islands Bridge. While the bird was over American waters, it could end up anywhere along Lake Ontario so