[Ontbirds] Toronto Islands Apr. 29 to May 6 - Birds of the week

2010-05-07 Thread Murr, Norman
Good Morning There has been no large influx of Warblers on The Islands and certainly no fall out but with lots of walking, listening and looking 94 species of birds were found since April 29th. Waterfowl and Shorebirds are not really to be expected in any numbers or variety down there but Com

[Ontbirds] Toronto Islands - May 13th and 15th

2010-05-16 Thread Murr, Norman
Good morning all. The 13th was not a great birding day with a forecast of rain so I only birded Hanlans Point but yesterday Peter McParland, Margaret Liubavicius and I tried again and despite the forecast of sun it was cloudy and cool all day but we did find some nice birds. The total species

[Ontbirds] Mourning Warblers on the Toronto Islands

2010-05-20 Thread Murr, Norman
Good evening. For those of you within the Toronto Area (or elsewhere) that still have not seen a Mourning Warbler. We had 9 of them on The Islands today. All singing males and before you ask - They were on Wards Island, Algonquin Island and Hanlans Point. Directions:- TORONTO ISLANDS ( Ward

[Ontbirds] Toronto islands - Connecticut and Mourning Warblers again

2010-05-25 Thread Murr, Norman
Good afternoon Today Margaret Liubavicius and I birded The Islands on a truly beautiful day (temperatures down there were in the low to mid 20's. Besides the 3 Mourning and 1 Connecticut Warblers (all singing males) we found some nice birds, both today and yesterday (May 24th). Yesterday I

[Ontbirds] B;ack Vulture in Richmond Hill

2010-05-31 Thread Murr, Norman
This morning at 10:29am while I was riding in my limo (YRT Bus) I looked out the window and perched at the top of a dead tree at 10049 Yonge Street was an adult Black Vulture. The bird was gone when I rode by again at 12:30pm. The scary part of this very nice sighting is that 10049 Yonge Str

[Ontbirds] Bus Birds on a short trip to Thornhill

2010-06-28 Thread Murr, Norman
Took the YRT bus down Yonge Street from Richmond Hill to Thornhill this morning and watching out the bus window for Black Vultures :>)) I spotted 1 Osprey, 1 Cooper's Hawk and 1 second year Bald Eagle overhead instead. I also spotted 2 N. Mockingbirds with the male displaying. Both the Eagle

[Ontbirds] Milford Blk-bellied whistling-Duck and Oshawa White Pelican

2010-07-16 Thread Murr, Norman
Good Afternoon This morning at 7:00 am between thunderstorms Frank and I observed the Black-bellied Whistling-Duck south of Milford and on the way back to Toronto we stopped at Second Marsh in Oshawa. At 9:15 am we spotted the A. White Pelican perched on a stump straight out from the viewing

[Ontbirds] This past week on the Toronto Islands

2010-08-21 Thread Murr, Norman
Good day This past week has seen a steady increase in the number of species and individuals seen down there, most of them migrants. Among the 79 species seen by myself, Margaret Liubavicius and Peter McParland were Great Blue Herons, Great Egrets, Black-crowned night-Herons, Trumpeter Swa

[Ontbirds] Connecticut Warblers on the Toronto Islands

2010-08-30 Thread Murr, Norman
Good afternoon Today around noonish and within 5 minutes I found 2 Connecticut Warblers on Wards Island near the Island Church and off the end of the aerial cars. 1 adult male and 1 first year bird. As far as I know these are the first reported this season in the GTA. These were among 1

[Ontbirds] Toronto Islands - White Pelican & Wild Turkeys (Not a Holiday Joke)

2010-10-09 Thread Murr, Norman
Good afternoon This morning Peter McParland and I birded a part of Hanlans Point (docks to just south of the airfield fence) and that is all we needed to make us happy. We started out with 3 Purple Finches and as we walked along checking the Sparrows we found 70+ Hermit Thrushes along with 6 S

[Ontbirds] Leslie street Spit (Tommy Thompson Park) - Lapland Longspur, etc.

2010-10-16 Thread Murr, Norman
Good evening. Today Margaret Liubavicius and I took walk out onto The Spit and while there we found a Lapland Longspur out on The Endikement. Other kind of nice birds that we found were Common Loon, Common Goldeneye, Redhead, Greater Scaup, all 3 Mergansers, Northern Harrier, Osprey, Sharp-s

[Ontbirds] Toronto Islands - Pomarine Jaeger, Sedge Wren, etc.

2010-10-29 Thread Murr, Norman
Good evening Today I did the long walk to Hanlans Point on The Islands (no Hanlans or Centre ferry until April 15, 2011) before I migrate to my wintering grounds (The Spit) and though a tiring walk it was well worth it. Approx. 90% of the birds seen were on Hanlans and Gibralter Points with ma

[Ontbirds] Tommy Thompson Park - Cave Swallows, Pine Siskins - then a kettle of Golden Eagles

2010-10-31 Thread Murr, Norman
Good Evening. Today I birded the Leslie Street Spit with Peter McParland, Bill Smith and Margaret Liubavicius and like Friday it was a good day to be birding. We started the day with the first 6 of 12 Cave Swallows (Cell 1 and base of Pipit Point) and ended with 3 Golden Eagles (1 juv. and 2 ad

[Ontbirds] Leslie Street Spit - Purple Sandpiper, Golden Plover and another bus stop Eagle

2010-11-07 Thread Murr, Norman
Today Margaret Liubavicius and I birded the Leslie Street Spit (Tommy Thompson Park) and though it was a relatively quiet day out there we did find a few nice birds. On Pipit Point Margaret spotted a Purple Sandpiper on the rocks and a Red-necked Grebe just off shore on the lake and as we turne

[Ontbirds] Toronto islands - White-winged Crossbill and Red-throated Loon

2010-11-11 Thread Murr, Norman
Good Day The Islands were quiet today and the most common birds were Long-tailed Ducks, Bufflehead and Black-capped Chickadees. Birds may have been scarce but there were some good ones down there besides the subject birds including N. Shoveler, Canvasback, White-winged Scoter, Hooded Mergans

[Ontbirds] Fw: Toronto Islands - yesterday - Aug. 30

2018-08-31 Thread MURR, NORMAN via ONTBIRDS
Yesterday Bob Tyler, Ian Cannell, Margaret Liubavicius and I had a good day as we birded Ward's and Algonquin Islands and following are some of the birds found. Great Egret, Bald Eagle, 2 Peregrine Falcons, Merlin, Kingfishers, Black-billed Cuckoo, 7 Flycatcher species including Olive-sided and

[Ontbirds] Toronto Islands - Acadian Flycatcher, etc.

2018-10-04 Thread MURR, NORMAN via ONTBIRDS
Yesterday Ian Cannell, Margaret Liubavicius and I birded Hanlan's and Gibraltar Points and on the west side of Gibraltar Point near the lake Ian spotted an Acadian Flycatcher beside the woods and called us over and thanks to Ian we had great looks at this unexpected bonus. Some other birds foun

[Ontbirds] Toronto Islands -Connecticut Warbler and Clay-colored Sparrows

2018-10-10 Thread MURR, NORMAN via ONTBIRDS
Good Morning, Yesterday, Oct. 9/18 Bob Tyler and I walked our usual route - Hanlan's Point to Gibralter Point and following are some of our finds. Hooded Mergansers, Sharp-shined, Cooper's and Red-tailed Hawks, A. Kestrel, Peregrine Falcon, Y-b Sapsuckers, Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers, Flickers,

[Ontbirds] Toronto Islands - Fox Sparrows, etc.

2018-10-19 Thread MURR, NORMAN via ONTBIRDS
Yesterday on a beautiful day to be birding I birded my usual route through Hanlan's Point and Gibralter Point.and as usual I listed below some of the birds I found. Pied-billed Grebe, Gadwall, A. Widgeon, Redhead, Lesser Scaup, Bufflehead, 12 Hooded Mergansers, TV, Sharp-shined and Red-tailed H

[Ontbirds] Toronto Islands - Nelson's Sparrow, N. Shrike, etc.

2018-10-22 Thread MURR, NORMAN via ONTBIRDS
Today I again went to Hanlan's Point and it being my last trip to Hanlan's and Gibralter in the morning due to it being the second last day of the ferry until next spring I was hoping to have a decent day and I wasn't disappointed and following are some of the birds I found including some first

[Ontbirds] Toronto Islands - Woodpeckers, etc.

2018-10-31 Thread MURR, NORMAN via ONTBIRDS
Yesterday Bob Tyler and I birded The Islands from Ward's Island to Gibralter Point on a beautiful Fall day bypassing Algonquin Island and Snug Harbour. Besides the birds listed below we found 284 Black-capped Chickadees on and passing through the above areas almost as many as we saw last Thursda