[Ontbirds] Pinery Provincial Park

2019-05-23 Thread Paul FJ. Eagles via ONTBIRDS
At dawn this morning along the Riverside Trail there was Prothonotary Warbler, Yellow-throated Vireo, Pileated Woodpecker, and Red-headed Woodpecker. Paul Eagles and Mary Margaret Thompson Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone. ___ ONTBIRDS is

[Ontbirds] Fox Sparrow and Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

2018-01-02 Thread Paul FJ. Eagles via ONTBIRDS
Folks, Today I had both a Fox Sparrow and a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker on my feeders at 37 Hughson Street in Branchton. The Fox Sparrow has been coming coming regularly for several days. The Sapsucker is very occasional. Paul F. J. Eagles ___

[Ontbirds] Fox Sparrow and Sapsucker

2018-01-02 Thread Paul FJ. Eagles via ONTBIRDS
Today I had both a Fox Sparrow and a Yellow-bellied Flicker at my feeders at 37 Hughson Street, Branchton, Ontario. Paul F. J. Eagles ___ ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the provincial birding organization. Send bird

[Ontbirds] Mountain Bluebird at Snyders Flats, Wellesley Township, Region of Watelroo

2017-12-02 Thread Paul FJ. Eagles via ONTBIRDS
The Mountain Bluebird female was present at Snyder's Flats this morning at 10 AM. She could be found sitting in the tops of trees south of the road at the end of the Snyder's Flats' Road. Excellent directions provided by Paloma Plant on Nov 26. Google Maps:

[Ontbirds] Glen Morris Birds

2017-04-24 Thread Paul FJ. Eagles via ONTBIRDS
Glen Morris in Brant County contains riverine forests and the Grand River. Today there were: Bald Eagle, adult soaring over the river. Osprey, two adults calling loudly near the Bald Eagle Pine Warbler, at least 3 singing males in the large White Pines along the river Eastern Phoebe, along the

[Ontbirds] Grassland Birds at the TV Tower Field in North Dumfries Township

2016-06-17 Thread Paul FJ. Eagles
The TV tower field in North Dumfries Township is an open grassland that is not harvested until July each year. This allows grassland birds to nest successfully. This year the grassland has Savannah Sparrow, Bobolink, Eastern Meadowlark, and Red-winged Blackbirds. One area of very sparse

[Ontbirds] Birds of Pinery

2016-06-01 Thread Paul FJ. Eagles
I recently spent 10 days camping and birding in Pinery Provincial Park. This note outlines some of the bird-related highlights of the park. 1) Prairie Warbler - There are at least 3 territorial males along the foredunes near the Lake Huron beach. The most accessible pair is from the Cedar Trail

[Ontbirds] Prairie Warbler at Pinery Provincial Park.

2016-05-25 Thread Paul FJ. Eagles
Warbler in Riverside campground. Whip-poor-will abundant last evening, singing all over the park. Bald Eagle nest has 2 large young, ready to fledge. Paul FJ Eagles Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone. ___ ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field

Re: [Ontbirds] Swainson's Warbler - Linear Trail, Cambridge, ON

2016-05-16 Thread Paul FJ. Eagles
On Monday May 16 from 9:00 to 11:00 I looked for the Swainson's Warbler along the LInear Trail in Cambridge. I did not find the bird. I did find a Bald Eagle, roosting nearby, an Orange-crowed Warbler foraging in a blooming apple tree and a male Orchard Oriole singing as on territory. Paul F.

[Ontbirds] Least Bittern at Big Creek National Wildlife Area

2015-04-16 Thread Paul FJ. Eagles
Yesterday, April 15, I visited the Long Point area. At the viewing platform in Big Creek National Wildlife Area a Least Bittern flew across one of constructed canals. The observation was good and confirmatory. Insectivores are coming in, including: hundreds of Tree Swallows, a few Rough-winged

[Ontbirds] Pinery Provincial Park

2014-06-02 Thread Paul FJ. Eagles via ONTBIRDS
Folks, I just returned from an extended visit to Pinery Provincial Park, May 20 to May 30, 2014. This is a report of some of the more interesting bird sightings. SANDHILLS CRANES are a daily occurrence in the park. Rumor has it that they are nesting in the wetlands near Port Franks just south of

[Ontbirds] Varied Thrush and Guelph Lake Conservation Area

2014-02-09 Thread Paul FJ. Eagles
The Varied Thrush was observed today at Guelph Lake Conservation Area, first at 2 PM and again at 3 PM. It was found in second growth scrub growth full of dried apples and other berries at the north end of the dam. Photos will be posted on the ONT birds facebook page. The bird fed briefly

[Ontbirds] Dickcissel at Luther Marsh

2013-07-04 Thread Paul FJ. Eagles
Folks, The Dickcissel is still present at Luther Marsh in the same location on the 21/22nd about 700 meters south of the Village of Monticello. The bird sang almost constantly during my visit. He aggressively chased a female Red-winged Blackbird and was in turn chased by the male. He is found

[Ontbirds] Peregrine Falcon in Burlington/Hamilton

2013-01-06 Thread Paul FJ. Eagles
Folks, Today, I did some birding in the Hamilton Harbour/Burlington/Flamborough area. At the Burlington Ship Canal there was a Peregrine Falcon flying back and forth from the QEW skyway bridge and the canal lift bridge. At that location there were also many thousand Long-tailed Ducks and

[Ontbirds] Sandhill Cranes with young at Paris Cranberry Bog.

2012-06-04 Thread Paul FJ. Eagles
On Saturday June 2 I observed a pair of Sandhill Cranes with one young at the Paris Cranberry Bog, also known at Grass Lake. There was a pair with young at the same location last year. The visibility of this species is increasing each year in North Dumfries Township, Region of Waterloo. There

[Ontbirds] Birds in the Long Point Area

2012-03-18 Thread Paul FJ. Eagles
Folks, I spent the day in the greater Long Point area, including the marshes of the wildlife area, the Old Cut Banding Station Woods, and the Big Creek Valley. I will outline some of the species found. The TUNDRA SWANS were very scarce. I could only find 2, both immature. Normally this

[Ontbirds] Nothern Goshawk at Rondeau Provincial Park

2011-04-09 Thread Paul FJ. Eagles
Folks, On Thursday April 7 I saw an immature Northern Goshawk in the forest on the Tulip Tree Trail in Rondeau Provincial Park. I also found my first Field Sparrow and Fox Sparrow of the year. Both were with flocks of Song Sparrows along the Marsh Trail. The forests had abundant

[Ontbirds] Golden Eagle at Long Point

2011-04-03 Thread Paul FJ. Eagles
On Saturday April 2 I spent much of the day in the Long Point area. Attached is a few of the better sightings. 1) There was an immature Golden Eagle moving along the forest edge of the Big Creek National Wildlife Area. It could be observed from the top of the sand dunes at the end of

[Ontbirds] Long Point on Sunday March 20

2011-03-21 Thread Paul FJ. Eagles
Folks, A small group of 8 of us from the University of Waterloo travelled from Branchton down the Grand River Valley to the Long Point area on Sunday March 30. This is a note of some of the findings. We encountered 62 species. The highlight was the preponderance of Tundra Swans. They were in

[Ontbirds] Varied Thrush Near Waterloo

2010-12-22 Thread Paul FJ. Eagles
Forks, The Varied Thrush is still present at the feeders of Elmer and Bev Ewert, just outside of Waterloo. The bird comes every 15-20 minutes, but is fairly skittish when people are outside. I saw it at the front yard feeders at 10 AM this morning, December 22. The Ewert's live at 3218

[Ontbirds] Pinery Provincial Park Sightings

2010-06-03 Thread Paul FJ. Eagles
I spent a week at Pinery Provincial Park from May 25 to June 1. I will relate a few sightings. There is a HOODED WARBLER on territory along the forest opening under the powerline north of the gate house. I have had this species in this location in other years. BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO and

[Ontbirds] Turkey Vulture in Branchton

2010-03-19 Thread Paul FJ. Eagles
On March 18 a Turkey Vulture flew over the Branchton Swamp, followed soon after by a small male Sharp-shinned Hawk. The Red-winged Blackbirds fled the marsh in front of the advancing Sharpie like a wave. One lone Spring Peeper called from the icy wetland. The Village of Branchton is on

[Ontbirds] Bald Eagles and Trumpeter Swans on the Grand River.

2010-03-08 Thread Paul FJ. Eagles
Folks, Today at 1:45 PM 4 BALD EAGLES were observed simultaneously along the Grand River at Glen Morris. Three were adults and 1 was an immature. At the same time 10 TRUMPETER SWANS were on the river just north of the Glen Morris high level bridge. They all appeared to be adults. There were