[Ontbirds] American Three-Toed Woodpecker near Ottawa

2015-03-09 Thread Paul.Matthews
Hello The American Three-toed Woodpecker that has been overwintering in Aylmer, Quebec, just north of Ottawa, was still hanging around Chemin Grimes yesterday Sunday, March 8th. I found it in a tree in the front yard of 14 Grimes at around 5:30PM, after about an hour and a half of looking. Unfo

[Ontbirds] Gyrfalcon east of Ottawa

2015-02-23 Thread Paul.Matthews
Hello The gyrfalcon that has been overwintering east of Ottawa is still hanging around the Laflèche landfill just off the 138 south of highway 417. I was able to observe the bird yesterday Sunday Feb 22nd from about 4:20 to 4:30 PM. I initially spotted it on the right-most of the three poles th

[Ontbirds] Mourning Warbler, Algonquin College, Ottawa

2012-06-21 Thread Paul.Matthews
I was astonished to hear a singing Mourning Warbler this morning while cycling through Algonquin College in Ottawa on my way to work. The bird was in a single line of ornamental plants on the south side of the T Building (School of Advanced Technology), in an otherwise quite open campus area. These

[Ontbirds] Blue-winged Warbler, Ottawa

2011-08-23 Thread Paul.Matthews
Barb Robertson saw and photographed a Blue-winged Warbler yesterday morning in the woodlot north-west of Tunney's Pasture in Ottawa. I was able to relocate the bird today at lunch time. It was just off the main east-west trail on a short side trail that goes south to an opening in the fence that bo

[Ontbirds] Blue-winged Warbler, Ottawa

2009-05-22 Thread Paul.Matthews
At lunchtime today I had a Blue-winged Warbler in the woodlot north-west of Tunney's Pasture, the woodlot that hosted a Prothonotary Warbler a couple of years ago. The blue-wing was with a small group of migrant passerines in the same spot that the prothonotary was, namely the western part of the w

[Ontbirds] Ruff NOT seen at Marais des Grenouillettes QC

2009-05-08 Thread Paul.Matthews
I took a long lunch from work today to look for the Ruff at Marais des Grenouillettes, but I did not see it. By no means, however, would I assume that the bird is gone, as the shorebirds were relatively hard to observe. They were on the small "islands" of vegetation in the main basin of the marsh,

[Ontbirds]Black-legged Kittiwake, Ottawa

2008-08-07 Thread Paul.Matthews
Hello Apologies for the late post. Yesterday I arrived at the Moodie ponds shortly before 6 PM. Larry Neily and Phil (terribly sorry--forgotten the last name!) were already there and had located as many as 4(!) possible kittiwakes sitting on the water. Because of the number (4 as opposed to the re

[Ontbirds]Arctic Tern, Ottawa

2008-05-29 Thread Paul.Matthews
This morning, Tony Beck and his group discovered an adult breeding-plumaged Arctic Tern feeding over the Deschênes Rapids on the Ottawa River. We viewed the bird from a spot a couple of hundred metres west of Britannia Point, which seemed to be the best vantage point. Although we'd briefly lost

[Ontbirds]Arctic Tern, Ottawa

2008-05-29 Thread Paul.Matthews
This morning, Tony Beck and his group discovered an adult breeding-plumaged Arctic Tern feeding over the Deschênes Rapids. We viewed the bird from a spot a couple of hundred metres west of Britannia Point, which seemed to be the best vantage point. Although we'd briefly lost the bird when I left

[Ontbirds]Red-breasted Merganser, Ottawa

2008-05-01 Thread Paul.Matthews
Hello Ontbirders This morning a breeding-plumaged male Red-breasted Merganser was just a few metres from shore on the Ottawa River just west of the Remic Rapids parking lot. Directions: The Remic Rapids parking lot is on the north side of the Ottawa River Parkway. The access road to the lot is th

[Ontbirds]Harlequin Duck. Ottawa area

2007-12-14 Thread Paul.Matthews
Hello Ontbirders Bob Cermak phoned me about a first-year male Harlequin Duck he'd found on the Ottawa River on the Quebec side of the Champlain bridge. It was just on the east side of the bridge about 40 metres out from shore. Apologies for any errors--I have NOT seen this bird myself and am relay

[Ontbirds]Gulls, Ottawa

2007-12-10 Thread Paul.Matthews
Hello Ontbirders The past three afternoons I've observed good numbers of gulls (a few hundred) on the ice of the Ottawa River. On Friday and Saturday they were near Remic Rapids, but yesterday Sunday they were at Kitchissippi (Westboro beach area). I'm assuming that essentially the same group was

[Ontbirds]NO Purple Sandpipers, Ottawa

2007-11-23 Thread Paul.Matthews
Hello Ontbirders To no great surprise, a visit to Britannia Pier today at around 9:30 AM did not produce any of the purple sandpipers that were reported yesterday and the day before. The winter storm is over, and today's temperatures would certainly be an incentive to a southbound migrant to conti

[Ontbirds]Bohemian Waxwings, Ottawa

2007-11-13 Thread Paul.Matthews
A flock of Bohemian Waxwings was by the Ottawa river south-east of Champlain Bridge today at lunch time. The group was spread out and numbers were very hard to estimate, but I'll guess 25-30. They were on the north side (occasionally) of the Ottawa River Parkway, in trees on the wide median, and es

[Ontbirds]Brant, Ottawa

2007-10-24 Thread Paul.Matthews
A flock of 100-150 Brant was flying up the Ottawa River this morning in a strange zigzag fashion. It looked like they might come down but then decided to keep going. Worth keeping an eye out for them in case they do land. I spotted them around 9:15 just west of the Champlain Bridge. Paul Matthews,

[Ontbirds]Grey-cheeked Thrush, Ottawa

2007-09-14 Thread Paul.Matthews
Hello Ontbirders There was a Grey-cheeked Thrush in the woodlot north-west of Tunney's Pasture today at lunchtime (the woodlot of Prothonotary Warbler fame). The thrush was on the south side of the northern-most trail that runs east-west between Island Park and the path that is the continuation of

[Ontbirds]Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Ottawa

2007-08-22 Thread Paul.Matthews
Today at lunchtime there was a Yellow-bellied Flycatcher in the woodlot north-west of Tunney's Pasture (the woodlot of Prothonotary Warbler fame). The bird was found along the northernmost trail that runs east-west. This trail is quite narrow and parallels the Ottawa River Parkway, which is a few d

[Ontbirds]Brant, Ottawa

2007-05-16 Thread Paul.Matthews
The single bird mentioned yesterday was at the same location this morning, namely on the lawn next to the road that leads to the Remic Rapids parking lot. I'm assuming it's the same bird. However, not far away in the water by the shore was a flock of some 400 Brant, presumably resting and waiting f

[Ontbirds]Snowy Owl, east of Ottawa

2007-03-30 Thread Paul.Matthews
At least one Snowy Owl was still along Wall Rd between Trim and Frank Kenny, east of Ottawa, this afternoon at around 2:30 PM. It was quite a white bird, but its whiteness and the almost total lack of snow did not make it easy to find, as it was tucked away in the north-west corner of the farm prop

[Ontbirds]American Robins, Ottawa

2005-12-15 Thread Paul.Matthews
I'm not sure how common robins are this winter in Ottawa, as the species was not mentioned (if memory serves) in recent reports for the region by Chris Lewis. I saw 2 last Sunday, one in my front yard at 12 Suffolk St near Algonquin College, the other north of NCC Greenbelt trail 11, which starts a

[Ontbirds]Grey-cheeked Thrush, Ottawa

2005-10-06 Thread Paul.Matthews
Today (Oct 6), I refound the grey-cheeked thrush in the woodlots south-east of the Champlain Bridge (I assume it's the same bird as yesterday). There were several hermit thrushes as well, and a blue-headed vireo. Some species from yesterday appeared to have vacated: for example, I didn't see a sing

[Ontbirds]Grey-cheeked Thrush, Ottawa

2005-10-05 Thread Paul.Matthews
Today (Oct 5), at lunch time, the woodlots south-east of the Champlain bridge yielded a grey-cheeked thrush, as well as a few hermit thrushes, blue-headed vireos, a late-ish black-and-white warbler, and plenty of the more common migrant passerines one sees at this time of year. It was quite active.

[Ontbirds]Great Horned Owls and woodcock, Shirley's Bay, Ottawa

2005-09-27 Thread Paul.Matthews
Yesterday evening I looked unsuccessfully for the Yellow-throated Warbler at Shirley's Bay. My sense of disappointment was alleviated considerably by the presence of two of my favourite bird species: 1) A couple of Great Horned Owls were calling back and forth from the woods west of the road/track

[Ontbirds]Snow Goose, Champlain Bridge, Ottawa

2005-09-19 Thread Paul.Matthews
Today (Sept 19), a single white morph Snow Goose was in with the many Canadas on the Ottawa River just east of the Champlain Bridge. The nearby woodlots had Golden-Crowned Kinglets and a Hermit Thrush. The current weather here doesn't feel like fall but the birds do. There is a parking lot on the

[Ontbirds]Ruddy Turnstone at Scrivens, Ottawa

2005-09-01 Thread Paul.Matthews
I spent this morning (Thursday) birding along the Ottawa River in the west end of Ottawa. Britannia Ridge was really hopping with birds. Unfortunately, variety was not great. Warblers mostly consisted of three very well-represented species: yellow-rumped, Nashville and black-throated green. I also

[Ontbirds]Peregrine Falcon at Tunney's Pasture, Ottawa

2005-08-26 Thread Paul.Matthews
This week, a peregrine was on the north side of the Coats building at the Tunney's Pasture government complex on Monday and Wednesday morning, as well as early Wednesday afternoon. I did not see it at other times. On good migration days, the small woodlots north-west of Tunney's Pasture have small

[Ontbirds]Peregrine falcon in Ottawa

2005-08-17 Thread Paul.Matthews
This morning, August 17, an adult peregrine falcon spent time on both the Jean Talon and Coats buildings of the Tunney's Pasture Government complex. The death of the locally resident female peregrine, nicknamed Horizon, has been well publicized. It seems likely that this morning's bird was the resi

FW: [Ontbirds]Ottawa shorebirds near Champlain Bridge

2005-08-16 Thread Paul.Matthews
My apologies. The reference to "Western Parkway" for parking should have read "Ottawa River Parkway". "Western Parkway" is an old name that I still use (and it was perhaps never the official name!). Having consulted a map, in my original message I corrected "Western" in the first reference, but mis

[Ontbirds]Ottawa shorebirds near Champlain Bridge

2005-08-15 Thread Paul.Matthews
The very low level of the Ottawa River has exposed a rocky shelf on the north side of the Ottawa River Parkway just to the east of the Champlain Bridge. There were a number of shorebirds here at lunch time today (Aug 15): A few Lesser Yellowlegs A half dozen Semipalmated Plover A Killdeer A half d

RE: [Ontbirds]Snowy Egret Update - Ottawa

2005-04-22 Thread Paul.Matthews
The bird was still there at 1:15 PM, but is was NOT at all active. Instead it was standing on its favourite resting rock, some 50 to 100 metres out from shore in Dow's Lake below the parking lot in the centre circle. At this distance, binoculars are not enough for really spectacular views, although

[Ontbirds]Snowy Egret at Dow's Lake

2005-04-19 Thread Paul.Matthews
I was able to find the Snowy Egret at around 2:30 PM or shortly past. It was standing on a rock in Dow's Lake proper (as opposed to the Rideau Canal), about 50 to 100 metres out from shore, below the Arboretum centre circle parking lot. From a distance it looked very like the many Ring-billed Gulls