Re: Beer For Geeks

2005-11-01 Thread Julia Thompson
Mauro Diotallevi wrote: On 10/31/05, Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Longhorn Beer sounds like a brand I'd try at least once. (Then I'd likely just go back to Shiner. M. Shiner.) Would that be Shiner Bock, Breakfast of Champions? :-) I was first introduced to Shiner

Re: Beer For Geeks

2005-10-31 Thread Julia Thompson
Ronn!Blankenship wrote: At 06:18 PM Monday 10/31/2005, Robert G. Seeberger wrote: Beer for Geeks DOS Beer: [snip] I take it this was written before the appearance of BeerXP, much less Longhorn¹ Beer . . . _ (¹Yeah, I know. But Longhorn Beer actually sounds like a

Re: UK Catholic Bishops: Biblical Truth v. Biblical Literalism

2005-10-29 Thread Julia Thompson
Dave Land wrote: Dave 'Virgin' birth possibly just a mistranslation Land My understanding is that the Greek word used means young woman. Julia who hasn't actually studied New Testament Greek, but with a bit of prep work might be able to play someone on TV who *had* (if she could

Re: UK Catholic Bishops: Biblical Truth v. Biblical Literalism

2005-10-29 Thread Julia Thompson
Dave Land wrote: On Oct 29, 2005, at 7:22 PM, Julia Thompson wrote: Dave Land wrote: Dave 'Virgin' birth possibly just a mistranslation Land My understanding is that the Greek word used means young woman. That's pretty much the argument that John Shelby Spong makes. I have a good

Re: Off-line for a few days . . .

2005-10-28 Thread Julia Thompson
Ronn!Blankenship wrote: Heading to this weekend. Looks like a fun con. More my speed than the con in Austin this weekend. :) (That one is a gaming con. I have no idea what it's called or anything to post a URL, but a couple of our friends from college will

Site that may be of interest to some

2005-10-28 Thread Julia Thompson
Most specifically, Nick Dave. Probably others will have interest as well, but they're the ones I thought of when I saw the site. From the main page of the site: [quote] What if our faith and our politics could clearly come together? What if we were no longer made

I guess I know where my loyalties lie....

2005-10-26 Thread Julia Thompson
If it were a Red Sox game in the top of the 14th, I'd stay up awhile longer. Heading for bed. Sick of being on edge about the outcome of the bottom of each inning. Needing sleep. Failing to use subjects in my sentences. Julia ___

Re: Hydroponics question...

2005-10-24 Thread Julia Thompson
Warren Ockrassa wrote: On Oct 22, 2005, at 9:55 AM, Gary Nunn wrote: Any thoughts on what type of plants she should use? I'm thinking possibly of a Bella Palm (cheap, everyday house plant available at Wal-Mart), but I'm afraid it will grow too slowly to show measurable growth. IIRC the

Re: Scouted: Like The Onion...

2005-10-24 Thread Julia Thompson
Ronn!Blankenship wrote: At 02:19 AM Monday 10/24/2005, Warren Ockrassa wrote: …but sending up right-wing loonies. Some of it's disturbingly close to reality. You just now discovered that? That's about what I was going to say. Warren, if you want back

Re: Brin: An Internet fed mostly by amateurs is frightening

2005-10-23 Thread Julia Thompson
Nick Arnett wrote: Well, so much for the Mercury News' article mailing system... Let's try that again: Sounds like these guys and DB could have a good argument. That was such a *pain* to get to the article. [grumble] Julia

Re: Brin: An Internet fed mostly by amateurs is frightening

2005-10-23 Thread Julia Thompson
Nick Arnett wrote: Well, so much for the Mercury News' article mailing system... Let's try that again: Sounds like these guys and DB could have a good argument. 1) The author admits his bias at the end. :) 2) If professionals were

Re: Major Internet Disruption

2005-10-22 Thread Julia Thompson
Gary Nunn wrote: In the last few days I couldn't get to my humble domain and hosting reseller website, and, after investigating and bullying my way to Tier 2 tech support, I was informed about the dispute between Cogent and Level 3, both are backbone providers. Supposedly, this dispute is over


2005-10-22 Thread Julia Thompson
On the recommendation of someone on this list (Bob Z., but he might not have been the only one to suggest it), I put _A History of the Jews_ on my wishlist. My brother-in-law thought it would make a good birthday present for me, so now I have it. Of course, the book about

Re: The World's Fastest Electric Sedan

2005-10-21 Thread Julia Thompson
Alberto Monteiro wrote: Japanese researchers on Thursday unveiled the world's fastest electric sedan - an eight-wheeled prototype with a top speed of 370 kilometres (almost 230 miles) per hour. (...) Ok, but like that old fable about the mice who thought their problems would be solved by

Re: The World's Fastest Electric Sedan

2005-10-21 Thread Julia Thompson
Ronn!Blankenship wrote: At 07:40 AM Friday 10/21/2005, Julia Thompson wrote: Alberto Monteiro wrote: Japanese researchers on Thursday unveiled the world's fastest electric sedan - an eight-wheeled prototype with a top speed of 370 kilometres (almost 230 miles) per hour. (...) Ok

Re: Fw: Good thing you guys have express shipping...!

2005-10-21 Thread Julia Thompson
Horn, John wrote: ancen=283155n=507846s=booksv=glance OR Scroll down to the review by Harriet M (shh!) Uh, that's NOT how they say stare decisis in Texas. Unless UT pronounces things differently

Re: D'oh! - Is nothing sacred???

2005-10-20 Thread Julia Thompson
Alberto Monteiro wrote: Mauro Diotallevi wrote: Have you heard any song by M.I.A.? She´s the daughter of a Sri Lanka terrorist, and her songs are inspired by the pseudo-music of the drug dealers of Rio slums (!!!) Here is a part of the lyrics from

Re: WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-10-19 Thread Julia Thompson
Robert G. Seeberger wrote: WOOO HOOO!!! xponent Chicago Maru rob YIPEE! YAY! YEAH! Now, if it were Boston, and not Chicago, I'd have very mixed feelings at this point. :) As it is, I can actually get excited about the NL team when the AL team isn't the

Re: WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-10-19 Thread Julia Thompson
Gary Nunn wrote: Robert G. Seeberger wrote: WOOO HOOO!!! I'd like to say that the Cards fans were really great and were good sportspersons after the game. Pretty cool when rivals can hold on to such respect! xponent Hats Off To You! Maru rob Was that a

Re: WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-10-19 Thread Julia Thompson
Dan Minette wrote: - Original Message - From: Robert G. Seeberger [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 10:55 PM Subject: WOOO HO WOOO HOOO!!! I'm pretty excited too. I'm looking

Re: Knife of Dreams

2005-10-15 Thread Julia Thompson
The Fool wrote: -- From: Maru Dubshinki [EMAIL PROTECTED] to a satisfactory conclusion; no, I think of the human costs. WoT started way back when *Reagan* was president AFAIK. How many fans have died, to never see WoT finished? How many readers has WoT outlasted? If by 'Reagan'

Re: Knife of Dreams

2005-10-14 Thread Julia Thompson
The Fool wrote: -- From: Maru Dubshinki [EMAIL PROTECTED] On 10/14/05, The Fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: From: The Fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reminder: It comes out tomarrow. Yes, very nice indeed. Much better than the previous 3/5s of a book. Does it actually dare I hope out

Re: Knife of Dreams

2005-10-14 Thread Julia Thompson
The Fool wrote: But if you really wanted to you could stretch it out by only reading a couple chapters per week. There's something like 500 to 550 chapters so far and the next book would likely take 2 to three years to finish. How long are the chapters? Julia

Re: Knife of Dreams

2005-10-14 Thread Julia Thompson
Ritu wrote: Julia, if you are in the mood to read a yet-unfinished grand fantasy series, George R.R. Martin's _A Song of Ice and Fire_ has my vote. I'd recommend Jordan only if you have nothing else to read and are unable to sleep or find other diversions. Unlikely to happen in the next 10

Re: Near Miss

2005-10-11 Thread Julia Thompson
Robert G. Seeberger wrote:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ Here is a photo I took after Rita. This is the result of a tornado that struck about 150 feet from my apartment. My home was untouched as were the apartments in the background. The debris that crushed the carport is

Re: Cow Beats The Crap Out Of Dogs

2005-10-10 Thread Julia Thompson
Dave Land wrote: On Oct 9, 2005, at 11:23 AM, Robert G. Seeberger wrote: No captions required. Actually, the captions (in Russian) /are/ worth reading. This took place in Alabama after Katrina. The dogs were apparently

Re: .......some trolls will do anything for a laugh!

2005-10-08 Thread Julia Thompson
Warren Ockrassa wrote: On Oct 5, 2005, at 5:20 AM, Leonard Matusik wrote: I'm fully in Warrens camp (from last Gay Penguins post) about this. Hmm, it's a small step from camping to … well, never mind. ;) The last 2 times I went camping it was with people who are interested in the sorts

Re: RFID clothing

2005-10-08 Thread Julia Thompson
The Fool wrote: [snip] The new line of clothing, from Lauren Scott, a division of DST Media Inc., is poised to debut next spring. The clothing, including nightgowns, will be sold at Target stores and will include RFID technologies that parents can place

Re: Brin: Fight the Future: Fascism: Indiana to Criminalize 'Unauthorized' Reproduction

2005-10-06 Thread Julia Thompson
The Fool wrote: This is what Happens when you don't vote for democrats: Plus Many more link to sources here: (Straight White Christian) Married Couples Only by Shaula Evans Part I of III in the Indiana Turkey Baster Bill Expose Indiana

Re: Fight the Future: Fascism: Indiana to Criminalize 'Unauthorized' Reproduction

2005-10-06 Thread Julia Thompson
William T Goodall wrote: On 6 Oct 2005, at 11:01 pm, Julia Thompson wrote: The Fool wrote: This is what Happens when you don't vote for democrats: Plus Many more link to sources here: (Straight White Christian) Married Couples Only by Shaula

Re: Help!: fleas, dogs spiders

2005-10-03 Thread Julia Thompson
Russell Chapman wrote: Dave Land wrote: I was at a dinner party Friday night where one of the guests (a real girly-girl) was bragging on the fact that she had faced her fear and killed an extremely large spider in her living room. I told her that killing something that you outweigh by a factor

Re: Help!: fleas, dogs spiders

2005-10-03 Thread Julia Thompson
Ronn!Blankenship wrote: At 11:15 PM Sunday 10/2/2005, Julia Thompson wrote: Dave Land wrote: I was at a dinner party Friday night where one of the guests (a real girly-girl) was bragging on the fact that she had faced her fear and killed an extremely large spider in her living room. I told

Re: Help!: fleas, dogs spiders

2005-10-03 Thread Julia Thompson
Robert Seeberger wrote: Ha! Ever seen a wound caused by a Brown Recluse? I have, and they are very nasty. Don't pay any credence to Snopes if you live in a Brown Recluse area, they are pretty much full of it on the subject of the Recluse spider. (And I have argued with them on their mailing

Re: Action Alert: Ensure Fair Wages for Hurricane Victims!

2005-10-02 Thread Julia Thompson
Gibson Jonathan wrote: Here, start educating yourself: Global+Competitiveness+Programme%5CGlobal+Competitiveness+Report You know, it helps a bit if the URL isn't split between two lines will get you there (and

Re: Help!: fleas, dogs spiders

2005-10-02 Thread Julia Thompson
Gary Nunn wrote: I grew up in the country and lived on and around farms for most of my childhood. I have NEVER seen fleas as bad as the ones I have seen this year. My ex-wife bought our daughter a Yorkie mix mutt, and I am amazed at how many fleas he attracts and how quickly they infest him.

Re: Help!: fleas, dogs spiders

2005-10-02 Thread Julia Thompson
Damon Agretto wrote: Never understood why some people are afraid of spiders... The problem we have around here are those big black ants. Sometimes they get in the house through the venting, but a paper dowel and a little squishy between my fingers takes care of that. Those guys are the only

Re: Brin: Pictures of Brin

2005-10-02 Thread Julia Thompson
Maru Dubshinki wrote: On 10/2/05, Doug Pensinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Maru wrote: Anyone know of any Free (as in software and speech) pictures for our beloved G. David Brin? I ask because the Wikipedia article is shockingly devoid of his visage:

Re: Help!: fleas, dogs spiders

2005-10-02 Thread Julia Thompson
Dave Land wrote: I was at a dinner party Friday night where one of the guests (a real girly-girl) was bragging on the fact that she had faced her fear and killed an extremely large spider in her living room. I told her that killing something that you outweigh by a factor of several million to

Re: Action Alert: Ensure Fair Wages for Hurricane Victims!

2005-10-01 Thread Julia Thompson
Matthew and Julie Bos wrote: On 10/1/05 6:40 AM, Robert Seeberger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: know absolutely zip about the construction job market, right? Speaking of rational thought, why don't you learn something about the subject before you start spouting off. Oh wait,

Re: Action Alert: Ensure Fair Wages for Hurricane Victims!

2005-10-01 Thread Julia Thompson
Matthew and Julie Bos wrote: On 10/1/05 1:01 PM, Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have one question for Matthew: How many framing crews (by percentage) in your area are NOT at least half illegal Mexican immigrants? Zero. It's probably different in Texas, I know. I'm

Re: Action Alert: Ensure Fair Wages for Hurricane Victims!

2005-10-01 Thread Julia Thompson
Robert Seeberger wrote: Having a hammer doesn't make one a carpenter any more than having funbags makes one a mother, n'est'pas? Funbags? I haven't heard *that* one very much! :) (There's only so many people they can be fun for at any given time.) Julia who has a hammer and is

Re: Brave New Genetic Frontiers

2005-10-01 Thread Julia Thompson
Warren Ockrassa wrote: On Sep 27, 2005, at 1:01 PM, Julia Thompson wrote: Eventually, someone will tell you, Put up or shut up! I'm beating everyone else to the punch here. :) Ahem. On Sep 17, 2005, at 12:48 PM, Warren Ockrassa wrote: I haven't seen you propose a sensible alternative

Re: In School: Intelligent design, evolution, witchcraft aliens.

2005-10-01 Thread Julia Thompson
Warren Ockrassa wrote: On Sep 28, 2005, at 6:35 AM, Alberto Monteiro wrote: What about Scientology? Is it real? And what if David Brin creates an Uplift Religion [just for fun or satire], and then people start believing Him as The Prophet? Now you're getting into the spirit of it! Hm.

Re: SCOUTED: Wonkette: Jurassic Perk: Crichton's Fame Exchanged for Dignity of Senate Panel

2005-09-30 Thread Julia Thompson
Leonard Matusik wrote: LeonardMatusik [EMAIL PROTECTED] *Darn, they didn't tell me there was a required lab section for PunctuatedEqualibrium101!* And Leonard gets the Thanks for reminding me why I don't drink at the computer! award for the morning. :) Julia

Re: Texas Emergency Hurricane Hotline Outsourced to India

2005-09-28 Thread Julia Thompson
Gary Nunn wrote: This is beautiful what can I say... Texas Emergency Hurricane Hotline Outsourced to India Sept. 28, 2005 - As Hurricane Rita roared toward them, more than 300 people called the local emergency number broadcast all around Nacogdoches County in east Texas. What they

Re: Brave New Genetic Frontiers

2005-09-27 Thread Julia Thompson
Leonard Matusik wrote: PS: Darwin himself knew nothing about genetics and I find his notion of gemmules to be charming in the extreme. The name Darwin, like the name Gould has too often been usurped by rationalist/reductionist/athiests to thump their own tub. (and the Wikipedia article on

Re: In School: Intelligent design, evolution, witchcraft aliens.

2005-09-27 Thread Julia Thompson
Horn, John wrote: Behalf Of Warren Ockrassa That's probably the best way to defeat the ID-iots, actually. Demand TRUE equal time for EVERY theory … and watch the furor diminish, possibly even reverse, as the flood of non-Christian creation myths saturates the biology classrooms.

Re: Rita Aggie joke

2005-09-27 Thread Julia Thompson
Robert Seeberger wrote: - Original Message - From: Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Killer Bs Discussion Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 10:35 PM Subject: Rita Aggie joke Here's how an Aggie prepares for a hurricane:

Re: Brave New Genetic Frontiers

2005-09-27 Thread Julia Thompson
Leonard Matusik wrote: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 12:08:33 -0500 Julia Thompson wrote: Leonard Matusik wrote: .rationalist/reductionist/athiests to thump their own tub. (and the Wikipedia article on Lamarck totally SUCKS-air) So go edit the Wikipedia article already so it doesn't SUCK so

Re: Brave New Genetic Frontiers

2005-09-27 Thread Julia Thompson
is in the way!) Julia Thompson, I'm wondering, now, if you have any first-hand experience to support or refute any of the ideas put forth by Frost in Mending Wall. Err ... yes. How did you guess? We had two stone walls around the house when I was young. I helped fix them ... I know

Re: Brave New Genetic Frontiers

2005-09-27 Thread Julia Thompson
Leonard Matusik wrote: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 15:01:27 -0500 Julia Thompson wrote: Eventually, someone will tell you, Put up or shut up! I'm beating everyone else to the punch here. :) Julia _ There ya go Ms. PartyPooper! ...and I hope you're happy! ..and please tell me what you

Re: Evacuation

2005-09-26 Thread Julia Thompson
PAT MATHEWS wrote: From: Dave Land [EMAIL PROTECTED] TV cop Barretta used to say Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. I feel the same way about taking on the responsibility of being President, head of FEMA, Governor or Mayor: Don't take the job if you can't take the flack. Of course,

Re: Uplift + Hurricane = Danger

2005-09-26 Thread Julia Thompson
Can we say anything about Uplift + Margarita? Julia ___

Re: Uplift + Hurricane = Danger

2005-09-26 Thread Julia Thompson
Ronn!Blankenship wrote: At 12:18 PM Monday 9/26/2005, Julia Thompson wrote: Can we say anything about Uplift + Margarita? For some integer n0, it becomes difficult to successfully uplift the nth Margarita to the mouth without spilling it. I think n varies from person to person. n

Re: Uplift + Hurricane = Danger

2005-09-26 Thread Julia Thompson
Warren Ockrassa wrote: I still can't take much tequila. In my college days I way, *way* overdid it with some cheap stuff one night, and to this day the slightly oily texture remains with me when I think about it. That's OK; it taught me to be more moderate with other things, such as Guinness,

Re: Uplift + Hurricane = Danger

2005-09-26 Thread Julia Thompson
Warren Ockrassa wrote: On Sep 26, 2005, at 1:26 PM, Julia Thompson wrote: I witnessed someone drink over half a bottle of tequila in the course of less than an hour. He came close to dying of alcohol poisoning later that night Good non-god! That's nowhere near as badly as I did

Re: Brave New Genetic Frontiers

2005-09-26 Thread Julia Thompson
Robert J. Chassell wrote: (My hunch is that the last notion will fade; but that people will find the first three or four useful for centuries to come, just as Newton's Laws are useful when considering planets, and Aristotle's useful when moving heavy stones. By the way, speaking in defense of

Re: Evacuation

2005-09-26 Thread Julia Thompson
Robert Seeberger wrote: - Original Message - From: Robert J. Chassell [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 8:49 AM Subject: Re: Evacuation On 2005 Sep 25, Dan Feldstein and Matt Stiles in The Houston Chronicle wrote

Rita Aggie joke

2005-09-26 Thread Julia Thompson
Here's how an Aggie prepares for a hurricane: Julia ___

Re: Evacuation

2005-09-25 Thread Julia Thompson
Robert Seeberger wrote: One of the items I would suggest as a remedy, is a major expansion of I-10 all along the Gulf Coast to San Antonio. 5 lanes each wayall the way. This would not only help with evacuation, it would also help people get back home quickly, minimize the disruption

Re: Rita

2005-09-24 Thread Julia Thompson
Ronn!Blankenship wrote: Anyone in the affected area have anything to report (assuming that they have power and are able to do so)? We're not really affected -- warm wind from the north since sometime yesterday (which is really weird -- the warm wind should be from the south, wind from the

Re: Rita

2005-09-24 Thread Julia Thompson
Dan Minette wrote: - Original Message - From: Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Killer Bs Discussion Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2005 10:29 AM Subject: Re: Rita Ronn!Blankenship wrote: Anyone in the affected area have anything to report (assuming

Re: Evacuation

2005-09-23 Thread Julia Thompson
Dave Land wrote: On Sep 23, 2005, at 7:48 AM, Robert J. Chassell wrote: According to the Houston Chronicle A road can carry a maximum number of vehicles. Add more vehicles and the rate drops. (Substract vehicles below the maximum and

Contraflow info

2005-09-23 Thread Julia Thompson
This was all I could find that was at all useful, and doesn't address the why did it take so long to do question. Quote from article: Hurricane Rita is sending a deluge of people into North and Central Texas, and

Re: Evacuation

2005-09-22 Thread Julia Thompson
Ritu wrote: Julia Thompson wrote: I trust that by now you have read Ritu's message (and Rob's response) concerning the above? Yes. And no, actually, my head is not large But surely you can expand it at will ...?! Ritu, who expects all kinds of miracles from Julia My mind, yes

Re: Evacuation

2005-09-22 Thread Julia Thompson
PAT MATHEWS wrote: From: Horn, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion To: Killer Bs Discussion Subject: RE: Evacuation Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 23:26:13 -0500 I know it isn't likely but if anybody is evacuating and ends up in the St. Louis

Re: Evacuation

2005-09-22 Thread Julia Thompson
Dan Minette wrote: - Original Message - From: PAT MATHEWS [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 12:32 PM Subject: RE: Evacuation From: Horn, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion To: Killer Bs Discussion

Re: Evacuation

2005-09-22 Thread Julia Thompson
Dan Minette wrote: - Original Message - From: Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Killer Bs Discussion Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 5:23 PM Subject: Re: Evacuation It's people who have been burning fuel in the crawl. The state is sending in tanker trucks

Re: Evacuation

2005-09-22 Thread Julia Thompson
Ronn!Blankenship wrote: At 09:08 PM Thursday 9/22/2005, Julia Thompson wrote: Ronn!Blankenship wrote: At 05:23 PM Thursday 9/22/2005, Julia Thompson wrote: Dan Minette wrote: It's interesting to see what there is a run on. I should have known that toilet paper would run out, but I

Re: Adventures In Evacuation

2005-09-22 Thread Julia Thompson
Rob Seeberger wrote: Howdy Folks! I'm writting you from the second floor of St Josephs Hospital in beautiful Downtown Houston. This morning at 3 AM I began getting ready to leave my home. I loaded up a few clothes, 2 computers, 2 DVD players,and 2 televisions, filling up both our cars with a

Re: Evacuation

2005-09-22 Thread Julia Thompson
Ronn!Blankenship wrote: At 09:42 PM Thursday 9/22/2005, Julia Thompson wrote: Ronn!Blankenship wrote: At 09:08 PM Thursday 9/22/2005, Julia Thompson wrote: Ronn!Blankenship wrote: At 05:23 PM Thursday 9/22/2005, Julia Thompson wrote: Dan Minette wrote: It's interesting to see what

Re: Evacuation

2005-09-22 Thread Julia Thompson
You know, there's a certain irony to a thread titled Evacuation ending up with discussion of TP Julia ___

Re: Evacuation

2005-09-22 Thread Julia Thompson
Ronn!Blankenship wrote: At 10:06 PM Thursday 9/22/2005, Julia Thompson wrote: The crazy thing about the diapers is how I interpret certain spams. Someone is trying to get me to order diapers at a discount. Somehow, having the message sender listed as Diaper Blowout! doesn't work for me

Re: Evacuation

2005-09-21 Thread Julia Thompson
Ronn!Blankenship wrote: At 09:15 PM Tuesday 9/20/2005, Julia Thompson wrote: Robert G. Seeberger wrote: The town of Nassau Bay, where I live, has declared a voluntary evacuation. And warn that tomorrow at 6PM they may call for a mandatory evacuation. xponent Way Over 800 Miles Away Maru rob

Re: Evacuation

2005-09-21 Thread Julia Thompson
Ronn!Blankenship wrote: At 06:34 AM Wednesday 9/21/2005, Julia Thompson wrote: Ronn!Blankenship wrote: At 09:15 PM Tuesday 9/20/2005, Julia Thompson wrote: Robert G. Seeberger wrote: The town of Nassau Bay, where I live, has declared a voluntary evacuation. And warn that tomorrow at 6PM

Austin FULL this weekend

2005-09-21 Thread Julia Thompson
The Austin City Limits Festival is scheduled for this weekend. Most of the hotels in the city and surrounding area are booked full. If you know of someone thinking of evacuating from the Gulf coast ahead of Rita and they're not staying with friends, recommend that they call to reserve a

Re: Evacuation

2005-09-21 Thread Julia Thompson
Robert Seeberger wrote: Robert Seeberger wrote: Robert Seeberger wrote: PAT MATHEWS wrote: From: Robert G. Seeberger [EMAIL PROTECTED] The town of Nassau Bay, where I live, has declared a voluntary evacuation. And warn that tomorrow at 6PM they may call for a mandatory evacuation. Good

Re: BraveNew genetic frontiers

2005-09-20 Thread Julia Thompson
Leonard Matusik wrote: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 17:42:41 -0500 Julia Thompson wrote: Ronn!Blankenship wrote: At 03:49 PM Saturday 9/17/2005, Julia Thompson wrote: Dan makes a common spelling error below, and I can't help but be snarky this afternoon And your reason the rest of the time

Re: Katrina: The Gathering

2005-09-20 Thread Julia Thompson
The Fool wrote: From: Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] A couple of bloggers have fun spoofing Magic: The Gathering with Katrina-related cards. They created a card from one of my suggestions: Which one

Re: Guns kill people

2005-09-20 Thread Julia Thompson
Mauro Diotallevi wrote: On 9/3/05, Nick Lidster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ok I have to say it Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Nick high noon Lidster Guns don't kill people, bullets kill people. Allow people all the guns they want, but make bullets illegal. Bullets don't

Re: BraveNew genetic frontiers

2005-09-20 Thread Julia Thompson
Deborah Harrell wrote: --- Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: snip EXCEPT -- where were your posts for Talk Like a Pirate Day if you're so gung-ho on Pastafarianism, hmm? *Aaarrrgh!* Did I miss TLaPD this year?! Well, swab out me earrings wi' putrid rotgut an' hie me

Re: Katrina: The Gathering

2005-09-20 Thread Julia Thompson
The Fool wrote: From: Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] The Fool wrote: From: Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] A couple of bloggers have fun spoofing Magic: The Gathering with Katrina-related cards. They created a card from one of my suggestions

Re: Katrina: The Gathering

2005-09-20 Thread Julia Thompson
The Fool wrote: From: Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] hoping that either they get everyone out of the Astrodome OR the Astrodome doesn't leak, or both! Haven't you been paying attention for the last few weeks? OK, apparently I stopped paying attention long about last Thursday or so

Re: Guns kill people

2005-09-20 Thread Julia Thompson
Warren Ockrassa wrote: On Sep 20, 2005, at 3:50 PM, Robert Seeberger wrote: Crap on itG Physics kills people! Blame Dan! xponent Finger Pointing Fads Maru rob Hey … now is not the time for finger-pointing! That's one of the blue cards from the other thread. :) Julia

Re: Evacuation

2005-09-20 Thread Julia Thompson
Robert G. Seeberger wrote: The town of Nassau Bay, where I live, has declared a voluntary evacuation. And warn that tomorrow at 6PM they may call for a mandatory evacuation. xponent Way Over 800 Miles Away Maru rob Dang. Do you have an evacuation destination? I'd offer to put you up,

Re: Katrina: Republican Political Tool (AreYouLonesomeTonightEdition)

2005-09-18 Thread Julia Thompson
Warren Ockrassa wrote: On Sep 17, 2005, at 9:13 PM, Ritu wrote: I can't reveal too many details [signed a non-disclosure agreement] but it was pretty and nice and sensible The first half of that sentence suggests Microsoft owns the future world. The second half suggests the opposite.

Re: New trigonometry is a sign of the times

2005-09-18 Thread Julia Thompson
Ronn!Blankenship wrote: 1/2 + 1/3 is about where most non-mathematically-inclined students throw up their hands in despair. Yeah. Someone asks me for dosing amounts of Tylenol for infants, I've got to figure out how to give the information without invoking the greatest integer function

Re: New trigonometry is a sign of the times

2005-09-18 Thread Julia Thompson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Ron quoted: Generations of students have struggled with classical trigonometry because the framework is wrong, says Wildberger, whose book is titled Divine Proportions: Rational Trigonometry to Universal Geometry (Wild Egg books). I have to admit that when I saw

Lost DVD set question

2005-09-17 Thread Julia Thompson
A friend of mine bought the Lost DVD set. It has a pocket for a booklet, but no booklet. If anyone here has bought it and can state something about the existence or non-existence of a booklet therein, we'd be keenly interested in that information. Julia

Katrina: The Gathering

2005-09-17 Thread Julia Thompson A couple of bloggers have fun spoofing Magic: The Gathering with Katrina-related cards. I thought the categorizing of Louis Farrakhan as Creature - Insane Politician was right on the money. Interdictor has a card, as well. And they put the infamous news

Re: BraveNew genetic frontiers

2005-09-17 Thread Julia Thompson
Dan makes a common spelling error below, and I can't help but be snarky this afternoon (if more people post more stuff with content on ANY of my mailing lists, I'll be more likely to STFU): Dan Minette wrote: I'm not quite sure where you break with established biochemestry, so let me ask a

Re: Katrina: Republican Political Tool (Are You LonesomeTonightEdition)

2005-09-17 Thread Julia Thompson
Robert Seeberger wrote: - Original Message - From: Alberto Monteiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Killer Bs Discussion Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2005 7:49 PM Subject: Re: Katrina: Republican Political Tool (Are You LonesomeTonightEdition) Robert Seeberger wrote:

Re: The atheists have it RIGHT here...

2005-09-15 Thread Julia Thompson
Leonard Matusik wrote: LOL, ain't life grand! Of course, the phrase violates the establishment clause! It's interesting to note that had it NOT been included in the pledge in 1954 (just 5 yrs before Eisenhower uttered the immortal words, Beware the MilitaryIndustrial Complex) we wouldn't even

Re: Fwd: Prophecy Fulfilled

2005-09-15 Thread Julia Thompson
Leonard Matusik wrote: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 11:06:33 -0700 Nick Arnett wrote:-- Forwarded message -- From: Jon Christenson .If you don't know about Chicago. Cryin' won't help you, prayin' won't do you no good, Now, cryin' won't help you, prayin' won't do you no good,

Re: California Driving Test

2005-09-14 Thread Julia Thompson
Alex Gogan wrote: On Tue, 13 Sep 2005 14:36:53 -0500 Mauro Diotallevi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 9/13/05, Alex Gogan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Well the land still holds close to the mythology, there are leprechauns in every road side in the country, the banshee visits the house of the

Re: The Doom That Came To N'Warlins - II

2005-09-12 Thread Julia Thompson
Ronn!Blankenship wrote: At 03:50 PM Tuesday 9/6/2005, Julia Thompson wrote: And that's about all the thinking I can do right now. Sorry if the post isn't cohesive, but I've been typing against a nap-ending deadline and didn't get enough sleep on Sunday night due to someone who will never

Re: Evil religious sects

2005-09-12 Thread Julia Thompson
William T Goodall wrote: So after decades of Catholic terrorism in Britain the Protestants have started acting up because they feel the Catholics had succeeded in getting what they wanted through terrorism... Religion needs to be banned. Actually, the lines in Belfast are more along

Re: This is to type on?

2005-09-10 Thread Julia Thompson
Ronn!Blankenship wrote: At 07:28 AM Saturday 9/10/2005, Robert G. Seeberger wrote: Every key of the Optimus keyboard is a stand-alone display showing exactly what it is controlling at this very moment. So where do we order one? -- Ronn! :)

Re: This is to type on?

2005-09-10 Thread Julia Thompson
Ronn!Blankenship wrote: At 08:03 PM Saturday 9/10/2005, Julia Thompson wrote: Ronn!Blankenship wrote: At 07:28 AM Saturday 9/10/2005, Robert G. Seeberger wrote: Every key of the Optimus keyboard is a stand-alone display showing exactly what

Re: Bush Suspends Pay Act In Areas Hit by Storm

2005-09-10 Thread Julia Thompson
On Sat, 10 Sep 2005, Ronn!Blankenship wrote: At 07:22 AM Saturday 9/10/2005, Robert G. Seeberger wrote: [snip] Utter Bullshit Maru At least the word wasn't udder . . . No, that would be a cow, not a bull. If you need a lesson, come on over and I'll drive you around to view dairy

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