Re: user signup auth component stopped working

2011-05-18 Thread Foroct
Data type of the id field is int, with a length of 11. I have not hit max. If I run a php sql insert like the following it works fine //manually add the data mysql_query(INSERT INTO users (username, password, email) VALUES

Re: user signup auth component stopped working

2011-05-18 Thread Foroct
It appears that the problem is related to David Persson's media plugin. In my model I commented out the call to his plugin and I can again add a user Previous code var $actsAs = array('Containable','Media.Transfer', 'Media.Coupler','Media.Generator'); New

user signup auth component stopped working

2011-05-17 Thread Foroct
I've had a user signup working on my site for over a year and all of a sudden its not working. I'm running cakephp 1.3 and my model and controller are posted here for your review So here is the problem. When a new user goes to sign up the function runs and the user gets

Re: image upload via iphone app

2011-03-14 Thread Foroct
It looks like the problem is in this line $this-Drink- make($file); // generate versions When I set my file upload to $this-data['media'] by stating $this- data['media'] = $_FILES['media'] ; The media plugin then handles the upload using $file = $this-Drink- transfer($this-data['media']); //

Re: image upload via iphone app

2011-03-13 Thread Foroct
The XHR file upload using PHP to move my file to a set location and save it works well. Really easy as I described earlier, no work around needed. The phone app simply bypasses the view (its there but is a blank file) and the action is handled by the controller. Again the issue is trying to use

Re: image upload via iphone app

2011-03-12 Thread Foroct
I kicked this around for a few days and I still cant make it work. My model is Recipe and it is using the plugin var $actsAs = array('Media.Transfer', 'Media.Generator', 'Media.Coupler'); When I upload using a form everything is perfect. From my app, I'm sending the photo (via XHR) to this

Re: Media plugin - usage questions

2011-03-08 Thread Foroct
to get the media plugin to handle your files, I'm assuming you have nothing in your view and basically submitting to your controller? I also need to return the file name of the processed image file (looks like David explained that). Thanks -Foroct -- Our newest site for the community: CakePHP

Re: image upload via iphone app

2011-03-05 Thread Foroct
The only thing keeping me from using MediaPlugin in my app_photo() function is that I don't know how (that's what I'm trying to find out). I could return the or the file name as an echo or a JSON response, it is being propegated through the submission stages currently. So, how would I

Re: image upload via iphone app

2011-03-04 Thread Foroct
post it to a URL handled by a controller implementing the uploader, This is what I don't know how to do. Currently the controller is handling the upload and just placing the file into a folder. My code. function app_photo() { // what layout to use

Re: image upload via iphone app

2011-03-04 Thread Foroct
at 1:42 PM, Foroct wrote: post it to a URL handled by a controller implementing the uploader, This is what I don't know how to do.  Currently the controller is handling the upload and just placing the file into a folder. You said earlier that image processing is being

image upload via iphone app

2011-03-03 Thread Foroct
I have a site where a user can upload some text and an image. The image processing is being handled using the Media Plugin by David Persson. When a user submits a form with an image attached the image gets crunched to multiple sizes and put in the correct folder. For my iphone app I have a

uploading to cakephp from iphone app

2011-02-03 Thread Foroct
I am trying to push content to my cakePHP site from an iphone app using json. I've been successful when pushing text (like adding a new user) but I an trying to push text and an image. The problem I am having is I don't know how to include an enctype of “multipart/form- data” within the

Media Plugin options

2011-01-14 Thread Foroct
I'm upgrading to the latest version of David Persson's media plugin. Its working but with this version when I attach an image file the dirname field in my DB gets populated with img and my filtered images end up in /media/filter/size/img/ (where size=s,m or l) What I would like is for the

Re: CakePHP Gigya Social Network Plugin implementation

2010-09-23 Thread Foroct
Moxby, That is what I thought too but it isn't working. I am wondering if after the plugin verifies a user from a social site and returns the user to my site do I then need to add some sort of function to have the plugin check if the user is in the table then either run the gigyaCreateUser

CakePHP Gigya Social Network Plugin implementation

2010-09-21 Thread Foroct
I was wondering if anyone here has had experience getting Nick Bakers CakePHP-Gigya plugin to work properly ? I've contacted Nick but he is too busy to help at this time. I was able to get it running to the point where a user can click a social

Media behavior configuration issue

2010-07-08 Thread Foroct
Hi all, I am using David Persson's Media behavior (along with the Transfer behavior) so a user can upload photos to my site and they will then be saved out in different sizes. While this is working I am having an issue getting them to save

Re: Searchable behavior on two models

2010-03-10 Thread Foroct
Well it looks like this behaviour can't successfully index two different models. Moving back to an old fashioned 'find'. Thanks all. Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others with their CakePHP related questions. You received this message because you are

Re: Searchable behavior on two models

2010-03-08 Thread Foroct
All three models have the same $actAs array var $actsAs = array('Searchable'); Each model saves its data properly using if ($this-Model-save($this- data)) { Where it falls apart is after the model data save and prior to the search_index save. I have tracked the issue down to something in my

Re: Searchable behavior on two models

2010-03-08 Thread Foroct
I thought so after I wrote it out, but when I removed the hasOne association I still get the same result. For some reason when I create a post, the post gets added with no problem but the seachable fails and kicks an error. Query: INSERT INTO `search_index` (`model`, `association_key`, `data`,

Re: Searchable behavior on two models

2010-03-08 Thread Foroct
I've looked at the array I am passing when the post gets entered and its fine. I am saving correctly using $this-Post and the post data saves to the post table fine. My models look like this. User var $actsAs = array('Searchable' = array( 'fields' = array('username',

Re: Searchable behavior on two models

2010-03-06 Thread Foroct
Continuing to work on this I have found that when I comment out my var $hasMany = array( in my User model, then this searchable plugin works fine. I tried to comment out the individual keys for this array but that did not help. When I remove the hasMany array then I am able to successfully add

Re: Show username and logout link when user is logged

2010-03-06 Thread Foroct
Not sure if this is what you are looking for but I show the username and logout link by creating an if statment with isAuthed So ? if ($isAuthed): ? show user name and show log out link ? else: ? show log in link ? endif; ? hope that helps Check out the new CakePHP Questions site

Re: Searchable behavior on two models

2010-03-03 Thread Foroct
I am continuing to work on this as I want more than one model on my site searchable. It looks like the problem is occurring in the Searchable Behavior setup function. function setup($model, $settings = array()) { $settings = array_merge($this-_defaults, $settings);

Re: Why Doesn't Anyone Know how to drop in a new URL in a cake framework

2010-03-01 Thread Foroct
I'm a bit of a n00b but I would suggest you look at the cakephp blog tutorial as it might help you. Also a subject title that doesn't defame cake programmers might help your cause. Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others

Searchable behavior on two models

2010-03-01 Thread Foroct
I am using this behavior ( behaviour-for-cakephp/) on two different models (User and Post). Searchable is working fine when I add a new user and search for a user. I manually populated a few rows of Post data and my search for a post function works fine.

Re: behaviors conflicting

2010-02-08 Thread Foroct
I'm still having this same issue. Can I call two behaviors in the $actAs declaration? If so am I doing it correctly? And finally if I am is there a way to determine why the behaviors are clashing? Thanks! Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others with their

Re: friends and self HABTM

2010-02-06 Thread Foroct
Thanks John! While your example didn't exactly work it did help me figure out what to do. function addfriend($id = null) { if (!empty($this-data)) { // set user id $this-data['user_id'] = $this-Auth-user('id');

Re: friends and self HABTM

2010-02-05 Thread Foroct
Bump- Can anyone provide some insight on this? Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others with their CakePHP related questions. You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups CakePHP group. To post to this group, send email to

Re: friends and self HABTM

2010-02-05 Thread Foroct
John, Wouldn't that save my data to my users table and not my users_users table? The users_users table is where the friendships are kept. Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others with their CakePHP related questions. You received this message because you are

friends and self HABTM

2010-02-04 Thread Foroct
I am trying to build a simple social network type site where a user can friend another user. I realize this has been discussed before, a lot, but none of the discussions on here really point out my issue so I thought someone might be able to shine some light on where I am going astray. My user

Re: Best practices question

2010-01-08 Thread Foroct
));                 }         } On Jan 7, 9:20 pm, Foroct wrote: I have a users table and would like to view my users by username with a url like In order to do that I have set my view function in my users controller to function view($username

Best practices question

2010-01-07 Thread Foroct
I have a users table and would like to view my users by username with a url like In order to do that I have set my view function in my users controller to function view($username) { if (!$username) {

behaviors conflicting

2010-01-02 Thread Foroct
I am using two common behaviors in my cakePHP project, Sluggable ( and Searchable ( cakephp/). Both of these work fine by themselves but when I try to use them both in a model by calling

Re: Not showing timestamp field

2009-12-20 Thread Foroct
is a good read anyway) and refer to page 20. On Dec 17, 8:00 pm, Foroct wrote: I am working on my first cakePHP site and came across an issue I cant quite figure out.  I have a registration form that a user fills out to become a member.  I want to capture the time

Re: Help with Redirect

2009-12-18 Thread Foroct
I'm in the same boat as Dewayne. If you are on the edit page for that product and click submit doesnt the product id get passed into the controller? If so then the redirect specified $this-redirect(array('controller' = 'compatibles', 'action' = 'index', 'product_id' = $product_id)); should put

Not showing timestamp field

2009-12-17 Thread Foroct
I am working on my first cakePHP site and came across an issue I cant quite figure out. I have a registration form that a user fills out to become a member. I want to capture the time they fill out the form so I added a date_added field in my database. In the form the field would normally be